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I'm not a germ snob...but quit filling up your water bottles right from the dispenser

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is there a way to fill it withOUT it touching the actual "hose" on the dispenser? Perhaps they need to make the thing higher so you put the bottle/glass/container on a platform and the water flows down into said container.

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I just got off the Gem on 5/15. I started feeling poorly around 4am that morning. It turns out that I contracted conjunctivitis and bacterial pneumonia on the ship. I am sick as a dog right now and DH is having to take extra time off work - after his one week vacation time - to care for me and DS. Who knows if it was passengers or crew...one nurse mentioned it might have been fecal material in the hot tub which I could have aspirated or got into my eye! All I know is that I have never been this ill in my life :(

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Wow....I am the origianlly poster here and am amazed at the responses....one of the other posters said it best...be polite...I am not making any crazy germ claims here...I use public restrooms...I eat off the buffet...BUT...and I do mean BUT....I am talking about knowingly putting something that has touched your mouth ( rim of water bottle) around and touching the small littel spicket thing that the water comes out of in the public areas....just rude....I commend all of you who use a cup....or even one of those refillable cups - as the rim doesn't touch where my water will come out of....


I watch myth busters - know the show they are talking about, I have seen those reports on places we eat....I was just trying to point out one littel area we can all help with or change our ways...


This post - as all I guess - went off in many different tangents...but just lets not put our water bottle rims on the water dispenser ok? One little way to prevent illness...

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Wow....I am the origianlly poster here and am amazed at the responses....one of the other posters said it best...be polite...I am not making any crazy germ claims here...I use public restrooms...I eat off the buffet...BUT...and I do mean BUT....I am talking about knowingly putting something that has touched your mouth ( rim of water bottle) around and touching the small littel spicket thing that the water comes out of in the public areas....just rude....I commend all of you who use a cup....or even one of those refillable cups - as the rim doesn't touch where my water will come out of....


I watch myth busters - know the show they are talking about, I have seen those reports on places we eat....I was just trying to point out one littel area we can all help with or change our ways...


This post - as all I guess - went off in many different tangents...but just lets not put our water bottle rims on the water dispenser ok? One little way to prevent illness...


Agreed and well said.

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I am talking about knowingly putting something that has touched your mouth ( rim of water bottle) around and touching the small littel spicket thing that the water comes out of in the public areas....just rude....I commend all of you who use a cup....or even one of those refillable cups - as the rim doesn't touch where my water will come out of....


Bingo! I agree we should commend, not condemn, those who use refillable bottles. This seems like the smartest/safest way to refill a bottle outside of pouring it with a cup. Some had commented that it wasn't any better, but I can think of no way it would pass germs.

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I am in no way a germ phobic person, but I was really grossed out by the number of people filling up their water bottles right from the dispenser. The rim of the bottle would touch the dispenser - this is the same rim that touches yoru mouth! This is gross and spreads germs. Please stop doign this and if NCl is reading this - have a person watch this closer....I only saw one of many people asked to not do that....and when I asked someone not to do it - they were really rude....


So be polite - that is all it takes...use a cup ...fill up your water bottle - don't make me get some of your germs each time I have a glass of water.


Thank you - I am now stepping down from my soapbox.....


Completely agree. Thank you for posting this. Yuck. They post signs about not filling up your ice buckets.

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Exactly! Obviously some of these folks have never seen those hidden camera shows about what some restaurant workers do before they bring your plate out to you! Life is way too short to worry about every little thing like this.


Good Post!

Good hygene is important, and people should be considerate, but good point, life is too short for stuff like this.

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It was cruising that opened my eyes to the men and Ive been told the woman as well that don't wash after using the washrooms and pi$$ all over the toilets etc and I've seem some of it. What I don't do is use public washrooms and will avoid at all cost. These are the same people that you see being inconsiderate at the buffet by handling food inappropriately.

They are the same ones that come into the buffet area in their bathing suits, they are the same ones that can't wait to get their food back to their table so they start shoveling it in on the way. Or think its polite to eat it at the buffet while they shop for more.


These are the same people that use the jacuzzi' as bathtub because they can't fit into their shower area.


These are the same people that have discussed here on CC about using the public washrooms on board because they can't fit into their cabin toilet area without spreading butter on the side walls in order to just slide on and off.


If I have to use a public john on board you best believe I use paper towel to open door, I use my elbow to hit the paper dispenser and I also have with me at all times a strong travel size hand sanitizer.


Now ask me why I'm so obsessed with sanitation, I'll tell you why because I laid in a hospital bed for ten days and almost died before they found out that I had a parasite that more is rarely tested for which is found in feces matter or undercooked bad beef.


And you talk about the little water bottle as a moot point If it was one bottle we would have next to no risk but you just have to sit near the beverage dispensers to see just how many between breakfast and lunch, people that are loading up for their day at the beach and the people going on excursions and it's now adding up pretty fast.


And yes you can't control it all unless you live in a bubble but as long as I can do my part by taking care of myself and family by educating the kids then I'm ok. But I will call anybody out for being just down right rude and inconsiderate with any of the buffet and washroom issues.


The crusie ships have the hand sanitizers everywhere and yes there filled with handsanitizer not bubble gum.


FYI...those spigots also contain mold if not cleaned properly. Your post sounds more like you have a problem with obesity than cleanliness. Just my observation.

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Ok here's the scoop. If you are all worried about such trivial things than you have issues I think. Seriously? So you dont use the public toilets on a ship? How do you go? Do you use a napkin to open and close the bathroom doors? Do you spray all the seats (dinner, theater, pool side) with Lysol before you sit on them? Did you hire a maid to re clean your room incase a germ lingered there? Do you inquire of the kitchen how hot the water temp is on the dishes to insure the mouth residue on the silverware is properly removed? I'm assuming then that you also never leave your homes, live in a bubble and your house is encased in plastic.


Considering you are traveling to a foreign country who's health standards may or may not be up to American standards, a water bottle on a machine is the least of your problems. I agree sticking your hand into food rather than tongs is nasty, but I would consider that more nasty than a simple water bottle. With all the things i've already mentioned thrown in the mix, that little water bottle is a moot point. Or and until someone pays for my soda card, or the lines come up with a better way,I will do what it takes to get the most of my cruise.


So I guess it's okay for me to just swing on by your table while you're eating and spit in your food, then watch you eat it. Because there is literally no difference. It's the same germs in my spit as what ends up being transmitted from water bottles. No less gross or disgusting.


Now imagine 10 people doing this? How about 20 or 30 or more? Still interested in eating your dinner? Oh, and don't complain about noro or other illnesses spreading like wild fire either, or blame the cruise lines when it happens.


So seriously, if you have a problem with this, then you should have exactly the same problem with people filling their water bottles at the drink dispenser.

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Yes some people truly have issues but I would say that most here just prefer to be clean people. They are not trying to avoid every germ on this universe. We know germs are on everything we touch. I am a nurse, I touch people on a daily basis and am not bothered in the least by my career. I do however use standard precautions and wash my hands before and after contact and dont touch bodily fluids without gloves.


Having a large amount of people in a confined space it makes since to use precautions to not spread illnesses like a stomach bug or the flu (which are easily spread through saliva) whether it is from contaminating the water fountain or licking your hands and touching tongs or others food.

I personally don’t have a problem with others refilling plastic bottles but maybe just be more aware to not make contact with your bottle and the water spout... Problem solved.


I'm not so sure if the "offenders" have poor edicate or are just not aware. I would expect these issues with children.... not so much adults.


Agreed 100%

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tea leaves? what?




And how does any water at the bottom of the bottle come in contact with the water dispenser?


I'm not sure you're visualizing what I'm talking about, it's a wide mouth metal bottle with a large screw off cap and a straw fits under the lid so you are drinking the water from the bottom, no having to tip the bottle back or squeeze to get the water. It's like an adult sippy cup.


All moot anyway since what I typically do is put the water from the melted ice in the bucket in my cabin along with the ice. Or I use a cup to easily fill it since it's got a wide mouth, no need for a funnel.


It cost me $4.99 on sale and far easier, healthier and eco friendly then reusing those old plastic bottles you actually buy water in.



Frankly, I rarely go near the buffet areas period. I'd be more concerned about where the hands had previously been that touched the dispenser lever itself then where the mouth of the bottle had been.


We were on a sailing after a norovirus outbreak, you were not allowed to serve yourself at the drink fountains or buffet. They had someone stationed at each fountain to dispense drinks for you and only the servers behind the buffet handled the serving utensils. No condiments, not even salt & pepper shakers were left on tables, they came around and put those things on your food for you and gave out little packets of salt & pepper. That's about the only way you could be a little more sure of not spreading germs. Even then I would question the sanitation habits of the servers. Sometimes you just have to have a little faith and wash your hands lots or you never leave your house.


Water at the bottom of that bottle can come in contact with the dispenser if splashed out when filling it. Though that seems more sanitary than reusing a water bottle. I'm sure chances of catching something is less but still not sanitary. Same as people getting refills on their soda. Whatever liquid is in the bottle has already been in contact with your mouth and your germs are already left in the bottle.

I'm not a germophobe and believe the more germs you are subjected to the better your immune system is and i believe that is the reason im healthy. I dont go and hide from germs but in such close quarters as on any cruise ship I dont think water bottles should be filled from the dispenser, JMO.

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Ok here's the scoop. If you are all worried about such trivial things than you have issues I think. Seriously? So you dont use the public toilets on a ship? How do you go? Do you use a napkin to open and close the bathroom doors? Do you spray all the seats (dinner, theater, pool side) with Lysol before you sit on them? Did you hire a maid to re clean your room incase a germ lingered there? Do you inquire of the kitchen how hot the water temp is on the dishes to insure the mouth residue on the silverware is properly removed? I'm assuming then that you also never leave your homes, live in a bubble and your house is encased in plastic.


Considering you are traveling to a foreign country who's health standards may or may not be up to American standards, a water bottle on a machine is the least of your problems. I agree sticking your hand into food rather than tongs is nasty, but I would consider that more nasty than a simple water bottle. With all the things i've already mentioned thrown in the mix, that little water bottle is a moot point. Or and until someone pays for my soda card, or the lines come up with a better way,I will do what it takes to get the most of my cruise.


I dont get the soda card thing? After spending so much money to cruise, people smuggle in alcohol and bring their own water on board. To me a soda card is a minimal expense considering what you are paying for the actual vacation., JMO

Hopefully one day doing what it takes to get the most out of your cruise doesnt come back to bite you in the butt :rolleyes:

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is there a way to fill it withOUT it touching the actual "hose" on the dispenser? Perhaps they need to make the thing higher so you put the bottle/glass/container on a platform and the water flows down into said container.


The ice and water dispensers on the Star have electronic sensors that activate the valves and you don't have to touch anything to fill your container.

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I am in no way a germ phobic person, but I was really grossed out by the number of people filling up their water bottles right from the dispenser. The rim of the bottle would touch the dispenser - this is the same rim that touches yoru mouth! This is gross and spreads germs. Please stop doign this and if NCl is reading this - have a person watch this closer....I only saw one of many people asked to not do that....and when I asked someone not to do it - they were really rude....


So be polite - that is all it takes...use a cup ...fill up your water bottle - don't make me get some of your germs each time I have a glass of water.


Thank you - I am now stepping down from my soapbox.....


Thanks, Mr. Mandel.

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I just got off the Gem on 5/15. I started feeling poorly around 4am that morning. It turns out that I contracted conjunctivitis and bacterial pneumonia on the ship. I am sick as a dog right now and DH is having to take extra time off work - after his one week vacation time - to care for me and DS. Who knows if it was passengers or crew...one nurse mentioned it might have been fecal material in the hot tub which I could have aspirated or got into my eye! All I know is that I have never been this ill in my life :(

So sorry you are sick! Are you feeling any better today?

I really hate the idea that you got sick from your cruise.:(

Feel better real soon!

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So sorry you are sick! Are you feeling any better today?

I really hate the idea that you got sick from your cruise.:(

Feel better real soon!


The poster didn't say they got sick from their cruise. They said that they we sick on their cruise. The quote was "one nurse mentioned it might have been fecal material in the hot tub". It might have come from other things as well, there are many ways this can be contracted.

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The poster didn't say they got sick from their cruise. They said that they we sick on their cruise. The quote was "one nurse mentioned it might have been fecal material in the hot tub". It might have come from other things as well, there are many ways this can be contracted.

No, actually I read her wonderful and very detailed review and she was definitely not sick on her cruise.

A couple of days after returning from a RCL cruise last February, my husband got a nasty flu bug. Can I definitely say he got it while on the cruise? No. But commonsense says he did.

I still wish op a speedy recovery, no matter where or how she got sick.

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No, actually I read her wonderful and very detailed review and she was definitely not sick on her cruise.

A couple of days after returning from a RCL cruise last February, my husband got a nasty flu bug. Can I definitely say he got it while on the cruise? No. But commonsense says he did.

I still wish op a speedy recovery, no matter where or how she got sick.


I just wrote from what they said here. I wouldn't doubt picked up something on the cruise, if it came on that quickly. I was just correcting (from the post here) that they got it from the cruise. There is a difference. Who knows what someone might have picked up on shore and brought back. Or that they themselves picked up on shore if they got off the ship. As I said there is many ways to get it.

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Since this thread seems to be about icky things that people do, let me share the latest definition of Coffee: The person on whom one coughs.

Reminds me of an old Candid Camera stunt, where a guy walks behind the 'victim', sprays a little squirt of water onto the 'victim's neck while making a loud sneezing sound. Brilliant.

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I had a microbiology teacher turn me against buffets. Her examples were proven in the labs. Being a nurse, it's amazing how sick you can get from just touching things. Ask somebody who got C-Diff from just touching a blanket or curtain visiting a patient. I'm as careful as I can be.


I went all the way to Ireland and wouldn't kiss the Blarney Stone! LOL:D

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Isn't refilling a used cup/glass/whatever the same as reusing a plate at the buffet?


If your glass has a straw, doesn't some "backwash" go back into your glass?


Just asking... :confused:


Yes. There is also contamination if you don't use a straw. When tested, reusable water bottles that are not as regularly and thoroughly cleaned as you would any glass or cup, reveal extremely high levels of bacteria.

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I am in no way a germ phobic person, but I was really grossed out by the number of people filling up their water bottles right from the dispenser. The rim of the bottle would touch the dispenser - this is the same rim that touches yoru mouth! This is gross and spreads germs. Please stop doign this and if NCl is reading this - have a person watch this closer....I only saw one of many people asked to not do that....and when I asked someone not to do it - they were really rude....


So be polite - that is all it takes...use a cup ...fill up your water bottle - don't make me get some of your germs each time I have a glass of water.


Thank you - I am now stepping down from my soapbox.....


Your concern about this is well founded, and I for one, would like to express appreciation for your efforts to draw much needed attention to this issue.


I would suggest that those persons who have responded to your post by 'poo pooing' this as something trivial have little experience with serious illness, and are ignorant of the dangers. People forget so quickly about the outbreaks that have often affected large numbers of passengers, and required specialized decontamination protocols.


For some of us, it doesn't even have to get to that level in order to put our lives at risk. We have to be vigilant and constantly protecting ourselves from the unclean habits of others. In my own case, I have a serious illness for which I receive two different chemo therapies. The disease itself, as well as these medications, compromise my immune system, making me vulnerable to bacteria, fungi and viruses.


I am very careful at home and in public. I am constantly washing my hands. I always use a sleeve to open all public doors, not just washroom doors. I use a paper towel to turn off the taps in a public washroom (if I have to use one) and to open the door. I take care to never touch my face with my hands unless I have just washed them, whether at home or in public. I quickly move away when I find myself in a public place where someone is sneezing or coughing. When we bring our groceries home, we take the time to wash all bottles and cans before putting them away. On a cruise ship, we never eat dinner on embarkation day in a dining room where a muster drill wash held because the tables are set for dinner before the muster drill. Have you ever noticed how many people play with the cutlery and dishes on the tables to entertain themselves during muster drill?


I bet by now you are thinking that I am crazy and overly cautious, right? You would not be thinking that if you had been in the Emergency Department six months ago when my husband rushed me in with a fever of 104.7 which came on in a matter of a few hours. I was in a state of septic shock as a result of some bacteria I had come in contact with. It took them seven hours to stabalize me enough to be moved to the Intensive Care Unit where I stayed for several days before being moved to a medical unit where I stayed for quite some time.


People would not treat things like disobeying posted signs to 'not fill water bottles' at the dispenser so lightly if they had to endure, while conscious, having a surgeon make an incision in their shoulder and push a central line under their collar bone and thread it directly into their heart, or having the doctor tell you that if they have children, that they should be called in. A few days later, that doctor told me that they did not think I would make it through the night. Why? Because of a bacteria believed to have been contracted in a public place. For healthy people, those germs are no big deal, but for some of us they are.


For people who refill their water bottle at the dispenser despite being directed by the cruise line not to... I say, how selfish and thoughtless of you. I would bet that you don't even bring dish detergent from home to properly clean that refillable water bottle during the cruise. I would also say to those same people... be assured that on virtually every cruise there is someone like me, perhaps several people like me, whose health and life can be seriously impacted by the lack of cleanliness and compliance to posted food and beverage protocols of some passengers.


I know that my illness is likely to eventually claim my life and that may be inevitable, however, it boggles my mind that so many people are so uneducated about the dangers associated with such behaviors, and so freely express little interest in the concerns others express on this issue.

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Since this thread seems to be about icky things that people do, let me share the latest definition of Coffee: The person on whom one coughs.

Reminds me of an old Candid Camera stunt, where a guy walks behind the 'victim', sprays a little squirt of water onto the 'victim's neck while making a loud sneezing sound. Brilliant.



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