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Sharon, with all of your concerns about getting that makeup and if it did not turn out right you would have been stuck. So what was meant to be was. What a great week we will have. I think it will be a bit to warm for the participants for the marathon on Sunday. But at least I will be fine in the tent. Bill will find out this evening what he will be doing. As they will have a conference call letting them know their assignments.


Well you lost 1 pound, good for you. What do you have 2 or 3 weeks before the reunion? I have been very busy this week at work as the jerk has been going crazy and making me the same way with all of his yelling.




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I saw on Sat it might get up to 80, that would be a little warmer than you would think this time of year. Did you see that Blago's home is for sale? Don't know where shes going, but hes going to be gone for a long time it sounds like.


I lost one more pound as of this morning, so now only 3 to go to the 130's. Usually at this point I gain it back again so will try real hard not to do that this time. Yes the reunion is on the 21st of this month. It actually goes from the 20 to the 22 but we will only be going for the one night of socializing, eating at the buffet (of course) and dancing.


Our anniversary is the 11th of this month, haven't any plans yet, but have quite a few certificates for $'s off dinners at restaurants.


Keep cool with the weather and your stress (stupid boss!)


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Sharon, I did see that yesterday and the hefty price tag they want. We are the only state where our X Governor's make our licence plates. lol I'll take this weather for as long as it lasts. Wow, you are really doing great loosing another pound. The way you are going, you will have no problem at all getting down to your goal. So you have another 2 weeks to go. They are really having a big reunion having it for more than just 1 day.


OK, I'll keep my good wishes until next week for your anniversary.




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Another beautiful day. I hope you are out enjoying the day. I have much congestion and I am trying to shake this as I can hardly breath and not sleeping very well at night. :eek:




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Its such a wonderful day today, too bad you are not feeling well. Have you tried the Nyquill to help you sleep at night, it seems to clear up your head pretty good, at least for a while so you can get some rest.


We had a great zumba fusion class today, its zumba and zumba using weights, so she calls it fusion. We had quite a lot of ladies show up and they had never used the weights before so they got a good workout, as did we having not done it since last week. Afterwards 3 of us went for a walk in a preserve across the street from the place we were. The trail went right to Lake Geneva in Williams Bay. We are trying to get our schedules arranged so that all of us can go to Grand Geneva some Sat this month for an aqua zumba class with Chris.


Hope you feel better so you can enjoy your weekend,

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Sharon, I came home yesterday at 3:30 and went right to bed. I did pick up some nyquill. It sounds like you had a very good class. It also sounds like she is doing much better in the new location. Yes, really great weather.


I may leave early again today as I am kind of run down. Enjoy the day,




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Hope you feel better soon, you have that marathon this weekend and the hotel stay. We have been hearing quite a bit about it on the news, looks to be quite the event.


I've been very busy today, got gas for the mower but didn't have time to cut the grass. Started cleaning and vacuuming and before I knew it, it was past 3pm. I have some color on my hair now and have another 5 min before I need to rinse it out. It wasn't all that bad except right around my face. I though about doing that touchup one but decided to do it all now and touch it up before the reunion if necessary.


I replanted a couple of mums that needed more sunlight also, boy I was really sweating, it turned out to be 82 this afternoon.


Looks like we'll go dancing tonight, Bill said he was looking forward to it, which is a change, lately he is always so tired or stressed out.

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Sharon, we will be leaving in a little over an hour to stay downtown. It should be warm for the event. All we can do is hope that everything goes without a glitch. All in all Sunday will be a very long day.


I am still not up to feeling where I should be. All I can do is take the med's and hope I get some relief. I hope you had fun dancing last night. Enjoy this weather and the rest of the weekend. I'll check back on Monday.




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We were watching the marathon this morning, while still laying in bed. We saw Moses come in first and was really looking beat, and lost everything in his stomach. Then we saw the Russian gal come in, smiling, talking, quite a difference, she still looked great! Before turning it off we saw the guy who was so close and just couldn't go the distance, he grabbed onto another guy not in the race for support, but looked like he was collapsing. Just heard that 1 guy died, wonder if it was him, and something like 54 were taken to the hospital or treated by the medics there. Gotta give those people credit who even tried to do it!


Hope you are feeling better now that it will be time to go back to work, ha ha.


We did go dancing Friday night, also went to the Historic Auto Museum on Sat with some friends, spent about 3 1/2 hrs there then went for dinner. Today we went to the Fall Diddley at the fair grounds. There were over 300 vendors so lots to see. We had a cup of the baked potato soup from the Machine Shed restaurant. Now we are tired, and Bill is looking forward to the Packers game on tv tonight.

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Sharon, we both are very tired today and I had to go to work today. I did not start at the regular time as we stayed downtown and took our time. Crazy drivers coming home though. When you have some 45,000 participants there is bound to be issues and people seeking medical attention. All in all the day turned out to be a very nice day. It was nice after finishing to just walk across the street to the hotel.


It sounds like you had a nice weekend as well. I did bring the Nyquill with me as I needed it over the weekend. I still have congestion and not feeling 100% yet.




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Kathy I can't even imagine the traffic nightmare with that many people around, but I bet it brought in a lot of money to the city, which is a good thing.


These colds just seem to hang on don't they. Mine lasted almost 2 weeks, but Bill got over his a little faster with the medicine he got from the dr. He still has a terrible cough, most of it from smoking. I told him if it were me I would not think it was worth it to put up with that cough for a cigarette. I try not to nag too much as until he is ready to quit it won't do much good anyway. But I'd really like to have him around as long as possible in good health.


This is our 9th annivesary, no plans yet. We go out to eat quite often and I imagine that is what we will do this time also. Maybe next year for our 10th we'll do something bigger. Did you see Tina on the other board is going on a 45 day cruise, now thats really something.


Are you going to WW tonight? I went backwards again this weekend. I was so close only 3 pounds to go to the 130's but went the other way and gained 2. So back at it again today, just have to keep trying.

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Sharon, I was focused this morning on wishing you a happy anniversary that I forgot to tell you that yesterday at weigh-in I lost another .6 pounds. So I am back within my limits once again. I am sorry that you gained, but you still have a couple of weeks to get it off once again. I am confident you will do it.


Wow, 45 days what a great experience that will be. Well enjoy tonight wherever you end up going.




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Sharon, I have confidence that you will do it. You are not supposed to be cutting grass on you anniversary either. So you said that you are going out to eat tonight to celebrate the anniversary?


One more nice day today and then it will start to turn. I am starting to feel somewhat better and the jerk boss calls me just about everyday right when I am getting ready to leave. Well enjoy this day and have loads of fun tonight.




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We are going to a travel show in Janesville tonight, they show off their next year brochure for all their trips, bus or otherwise. They will have some desserts and coffee or punch. It's at 5:30 and will only last probably an hour so we will have dinner afterwards.


I bought that bedspread at Pennys on Monday and now have gotten a $10 coupon in the mail. I called them and they said I didn't have to bring the bedspread in, just the receipt and I would get the $10 back, ha ha it will probably cost me that much in gas to go back to the store!


The yard looks really nice, the grass is the thickest and greenist its been for a long time. The mums are outdoing themselves with color also. Its such a pretty time of the year, but like you said it will change soon.


Too bad about jerk boss, doesn't he know you have a life outside of work!

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Sharon, don't you go to that show every year? I seem remembering you went last year. Well you should have many choices to eat at there. Enjoy and have a great evening out. You do go to some nice places.


The jerk boss is only into his own little self.




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Hi Kathy, yes its a miserable rainy day today, I have wasted just about the whole day on the computer looking up different things.


We had a great meal at the Olive Garden, ate way too much, but what else is new? Having it for left overs again tonight.


Have a good evening, Sharon

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Sharon, I am glad that you had a good evening out for your anniversary. The jerk boss finally called me back yesterday and apologized for yelling at me. He gives me a headache when he does that. He is not yelling at me, but yelling to me about everything that is going wrong, and it is his doing for things being that way.


Well today with a lot of sunshine. Better than yesterday.




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Well at least you got that much out of the jerk boss huh? He should appreciate what you do for him instead of having a sh*t fit when things don't go how he thinks they should.


Yes, sunny but much cooler and windy, but guess its supposed to get windier later. We have so many things we want to do tomorrow, first off there is a family fall fest uptown at the farmers market, nothing real big but we'll probably check it out. Then there is the Inspiration Ministeries auction of boats and cars, we donated our '84 Corvette so want to see how much it goes for, thats around noon, and last the new hospital addition north of Williams Bay is having an open house and has free flu shots, blood pressure, bone tests and "give aways". Then in the evening there is a good country band playing and some friends that haven't been dancing for a while called and want us to come.


How bout you, after your big weekend last week and your cold, do you have anything lined up yet for the this weekend? Sharon

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Sharon, did you book any travel for next year at that place you went to, like bus trips? We do not have anything planned for this weekend. Next weekend from Friday to Sunday we are going back to Saugatuck,MI for the last time this year. In November we are leaving for Las Vegas on 11/24 and coming back on 11/27.


It sounds like you have a lot going on tomorrow. Are you going dancing tonight or saving yourselves for tomorrow? We got $1500.00 knocked off of our cruise total and this was the second price drop for us. The last one was for $300.00. Enjoy,




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That is really great you got those deductions on your cruise, I remember last year when I saw the price go down on ours and called about it, all they would do after much "discussion" was to give us a $50 on board credit. Did they just call and give it to you or did you have to ask?


The prices in LV are always the best around that time of year, that should be fun. Are you going back to the boat lodging in MI again. We didn't book anything, but I have been getting so pretty good cruise prices on e-mail. Still just looking though, we have our Nashville trip in Dec thats all.


We went to the mall last night before dancing and Bill got a new black suit. He had gotten a navy blue sport coat for that wedding we went to in July, but I wanted him to have a black suit. They were on sale so he got the jacket and pants for less than we bought the sport coat, at a regular mens store.


Looks like a sunny day, hope you are feeling all better, Sharon

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Sharon, I am still not feeling totally better yet. So I decided that I will just stay inside and try to put this behind me so I am not sick for next weekend. We need to leave early so not to get tired up in traffic. Yes, that is the only place we stay at on the boat when we go there.


They will never tell you of price drops as you have to keep checking and see. All we had to do since we have not made final payment was to just call them up and they knocked off the price drop. We have had this cruise book for over a year as last year we had to cancel because of the FIL's health issues. We are not sailing until March and it is on Celebrity Century. This is one of the oldest ships they have. So I hope it is not too worn out.


You always seem to find such good deals when shopping. Today should be a full day for you today with all of the activities planned. Enjoy and have a nice day and a good weekend.




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Yes I thats whey we didn't get the deduction on the cruise, we had already made the final payment. I remember last year when you had to cancel, but this next cruise I'm sure will be really nice, after all aren't most of them no matter what, its just good to get away and experience new things. Where are you staying in Las Vegas when you go?


We got everything done we wanted to so the only thing left is the dancing tonight. We have 2 more couples coming that we have known for years and that should make it even more fun.


The tour of the new hospital was nice, they have really good views from the rooms with a couch that makes a bed if family needs to stay with the patient. In the ICU rooms they have a track on the ceiling where they can use assisted lift straps so that the nurse can get someone out of bed and all the way into the bathroom without having to lift them up theirself. They have many more new and inventive things throughout the new addition, it was good to see it. We have a Mercy Hosptial in town but its small and not nearly up to date as this one. I think if we ever need to go to the hospital this is the one that would be close and nice. Only problem would be to have a dr that uses this hosptial. We have always went to the Centegra hospital in Woodstock before.


Well rest up so you can get through the week and onto the next mini-vacation!

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Sharon, we are staying at the Embassy Suites Convention Center in Vegas. Well stayed in al weekend trying to get better. We finally turned the heat on yesterday. Also drained the hot tub over the weekend as well.


How was you weekend? This hospital sounds like Northwestern Memorial Hospital downtown that we go to. A nice sunny day here today. Temps cooling off a bit.




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