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Did it work, do you feel better, sounds like maybe Bill had it too. We had a good time Sat night, the gal in the band had a beautiful voice so we really enjoyed her songs.


We went to the apple orchard yesterday and got some Fuji apples. They had all different ones cut in pieces so you could try them and we like these the best. Then couldn't resist and had a piece of warm apple pie and ice cream. They had a bluegrass band on a haywagon singing songs. It was fun to watch some of the littlest kids come along and once they heard the music start bouncing up and down.


At that hospital open house they were giving cholesterol tests, I hadn't had breakfast or lunch yet so did it. I was hoping it would be a good number but turned out to be 230, even with the medicine I take. I don't know what the components were since you only got the total, but probably not good either. The dr had said to increase my med by an additional 1/2 pill, but I was relulctant to do it. I have started doing it now.


Cold day but sunny so thats good, Sharon

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Sharon, I am still not 100% yet and Bill has not caught what I have. I guess his resistance is better than mine. I have been laying off the other board as Jan kind of came down hard on Amy. However Jan has since apologized to her and hopefully now the board will get back to a normal one once again.


This is the best time of year for apples. It all sounded like you had a good desert.




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Yes, I saw that, thought it was a little too much also, but guess she realized what she had wrote was not what you would tell a friend.


Just had a call from my sister and she reminded me that on Thursday is the big jewelry show down by Ohare again. I have my one and only Zumba class on Thursday, and we are going down there for the reunion on Friday, but decided, what the heck. So I will drive down there two days in a row, I'll just miss the zumba class one time, but other people do too.


Looks like I won't make my goal of those 3 pounds for the reunion, and I was sooooo close, but as they say it is what it is. I'm trying to be real careful with my food choices this week, but think its too late for the reunion. I'll just have to pick another goal and keep trying.


Who do you think will get kicked off DWTS tonight? I wish it would be Chas as he seems to be the worst, but several of the others aren't very good either. Sometimes its seems they keep the worst ones on long enough they eventually get to be pretty good, ha ha.


My SIL and her daughter are leaving today for 4 days in Barcelona, then a transatlantic cruise on the NCL really big ship (can't think of the name)

back to FL, then several days in Sarasota. I think they plan on being gone about 3 weeks. It will be good for SIL because lives alone and doesn't do much of anything, and her only daughter lives in CO. This should brighten her days for a while.


Good thing Bill didn't catch what you have, hope you are on the mend, have a good day, Sharon

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Sharon, it sounds like your SIL has a nice vacation ahead of her. Three week is a very nice vacation. There have been a lot of surprises on DWTS, so who knows. But like you said they surprise all of us by leaving the worst one on.


Wow, you have a very busy week with 2 drives to O'Hare. You did so good last year at the show. Make sure you don't go through those red light camera's. Also have a great reunion. Even though you missed your goal somewhat, have a real nice time over the weekend.


A nice sunny day today. I guess we might get some rain later on. Will you be going back to the resort at all this winter?




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Well as expected, the one(s) that should have been voted off weren't. That Carson was not much of a dancer but he sure had the personality, which several them do no seem to possess.


I think I will drive to my sisters house and let her drive the rest of the way to the show. That way I won't get myself in trouble! I had bought a ring and ear rings at the show by Ohare last time we went and never had the charge come through on my bank statement. I finally wrote it off and added it back in to my balance in August and son of a gun, there it was this time on the Sept statement. I think it should have been too old to process by now.


I was really good all week with food choices and amounts and today, yup another pound added. How did that happen, so I made some of the choc chip cookies that all you have to do is bake, figured if it wasn't going to come off anyway I might as well eat what I want to!


Our membership at the resort is good until sometime in Dec, but we haven't been there for soooo long. Just seems like there isn't time or something. Bill has been wanting to go there for dinner and stay for the band, but seems like every weekend there is something we have to do.


Cold blustery day today, brrrr Sharon

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Sharon, the jerk really had me going yesterday and I was not able to get on at all yesterday. Well you were doing so good with the weight loss and now you have gone in a different direction, what's up? Yes, yesterday was a miserable day as far as the weather goes. Today is not much better.


I have been going to bed kind of early the past few nights as I have been just worn out. I am almost back to normal as far as my health. Too bad you cannot find the time to use the resort. Have fun at the show today and have a great reunion over the weekend.




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Kathy had a good time at the show today. I made my sister drive after I got to her house. I didn't buy near the stuff I did the other times so felt pretty good about that. I did see early on a really nice purse that was $35. I said if I didn't buy a whole lot of anything else I would go back when we were done and get it. So I went back just before we left and they were sold out of them! I should have bought it when I saw it, but figured I just wasn't meant to have it, ha ha.


We also drove past the Marriott so I would know how to get there tomorrow. Looks like about 68 alumni will be there, some with spouses and friends and some not. I think I will know a few of them.


Glad you are beginning to feel like yourself again, got to get all better to go on your weekend trip. Its supposed to warm up a little again, sure was cold, windy and wet today.


I'll probably not talk to you again until Monday and we can tell each other how the weekend went. Sharon

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Sharon, I have been so very busy at work and the Jerk comes back today. So I hope he is in a good mood so I will be able to leave early today. Bill wants to get off early to avoid traffic. It takes us about 2 hours to get there.


Well you are making 2 trips to O'Hare, yesterday and today. At least you did not have to drive both times. Well a lesson learned. When you see something, get it or later on may be too late. It sounds like you had a good time though. It is starting out with nice sunshine. So hopefully the rest of the weekend will go as well.


Enjoy the reunion and your overnight stay. I will talk to you again either on Sunday or Monday. Have a nice weekend.




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Hope you get to leave before the Friday traffic starts, I got caught in that yesterday coming home, sitting through 3 stoplights before getting to go was very time consuming.


I have been getting together all the necessities for dressing up, almost forgot to add shoes! Got Bills suit, shirt and tie ready for him, so when he gets home from work we will be pretty good to go. We plan on leaving around 2 and it will take a couple of hours to drive down there.


Looks like a nice day for you to be out and about in MI, enjoy and relax, I'm wondering what my night will be like???????


How about all the CC girls that are in Charleston to meet Marianne, sounds like they will have so much fun getting together, hope they take lots of pictures, ooops just remembered to get my camera for tonight.


Talk to you Monday, Sharon

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We got home around 6pm Sat night. The reunion was ok, knew about 10 of the people there, food was good and plentiful and the room was alright too, but nothing special. We had very little dancing because everyone was taking pictures of everyone and they were all standing on the dance floor, but there wasn't very good music to dance to anyway. Had a nice tour of all the familiar places we all used to go to, not so unfamiliar to me since my mom still had lived there until only a few year ago. I don't know if I will ever have the need to go to another one. We sat at a table of the old brownie and girl scout troop of which I was a part. I guess the other girls had seen each other at other reunions so they were what we used to call a "click". I of course was not part of their click, so it was a reminder of how some people can be.


We went to breakfast this morning and then trimmed some of the trees that had branches in the way of me mowing. Turned out to be a pretty nice day.


Hope you had a good time in MI, Sharon

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Sharon, I can remember how clicks were. For me the group that I play bunco with is all of my friends that I went to HS with. So it would be different with me as I see the group all of the time. At least you were able to get away and do something over the weekend.


We did not leave until after 3 on Friday. We made good time and it took 2 hours to get there. It was a very nice weekend as far as the weather. We did get a lot of rain late last night. It looks like another nice day today.


I can't wait to hear about the get together with the group that met in SC. Enjoy the day.




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Sharon, I did not go to weigh-in last night as I just did not feel good with my food choices over the weekend. Next week will be the time for me.


It is going to be a very nice day today before the rain sets in so get out and enjoy this one last day of great weather. The jerk boss has been keeping me running so a quick post before my day gets all crazy.




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We have had rain most of the day today, thought it was supposed to be so nice! I went to a funeral today, a really nice guy from my old church. I didn't know him personally but still it is so hard to go to funerals, you keep reliving how it was when it was your family. So I didn't stay for the meal afterwards, I went and got some gas and then to the grocery store. We are going to a retirement planning meeting with my guy from Edward Jones tonight. Don't know what they can tell us, I think we pretty much have everything lines up already.


I was back down again with my weigh, I just can't figure out what is going on, I eat really good and I gain, then I don't and I lose??? Oh well seem to keep staying at the weight that I lost the 7 pounds at, but would really be nice to lose about 10 more. Good luck with your eating this week, you will probably be down again, its those little vacations we take that add up. Sharon

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I agree Sharon, that today was not the day they said it would be. It has only been raining here for the past hour. How about is it Tina who is going for a 6 week cruise around the world. How great is that?


I know what you are saying about those retirement meetings. I feel the same way but do go sometimes, because you might pick up something new. After you loose a family member, going to a funeral does bring up memories of what you went through yourself. Oh, we got another $1080 reduction in our cruise fare yesterday. I can't believe how much we have gotten cut off out final bill, something like $3500 total thus far.


Good for you loosing another pound. Who cares how you do it just as long as you keep doing it.


Enjoy tonight.




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Say thats great, what a reduction. Maybe it is a good idea to book early. We always book kinda late to get the best price, but you have really lucked out. Won't it be nice to go to Hawaii in March! You will be so ready for some sunshine and warmth. Yes, lucky Tina, I would really love to do that to, but I wonder what the price was. So many nice ports they are going to also!


I had a dentist appmnt today, and no cavities, so I'm good for another 6 months. The retirement planning meeting was alright, mostly about diversifing at this stage of the game so your money will last. They had a guy from Franklin Templeton come and talk about different funds too and how you should invest in overseas in addition to the US. They had so much food, meatballs, shrimp, and sandwiches of roast beef, ham, turkey and cheese. Also little trisket crackers with cream cheese and salmon on top. It only lasted an hour so we were home in plenty of time to see DWTS. At last they let Chaz go, it sure was about time. Now I wonder who will go next?


Have a good evening, looks like CO is getting dumped on with snow, glad its not us! Sharon

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Sharon, now that is something I would like to learn more about, investing in overseas accounts. Last year I checked about the World Ship, if indeed that is the one she is traveling on. However there are other lines that do that as well I thing that maybe NCL might be one of them. But anyway it was about $13,000 pp. So who knows what kind of accommodations they have.


A nice sunny day today. Bill just found out last night that he has a surgery on his RT foot in the morning. They have to remove part of the nail on the foot as it is curving in and causing pain. So we will be staying at a hotel once again in Oakbrook tonight. If they still have that special all you can eat prime rib for $12.00. That is what we will have.


Since I am at my max out of pocket for my health insurance I am going for a complete physical on Monday downtown at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. So I will take the morning off of work. Then in December I am going for a Colonoscopy, as I have never had one. So I figured I should get this done now as January all of the deductibles and out of pocket expenses start all over once again.


What are your plans for the weekend?




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Its a good idea to get everything in now since it will be covered. I have had a colonoscopy, you won't even know you had it. Mine was several years ago and they say it should be every five years. I think I have a couple of years left before doing again. The worst part is getting ready for it, uggh.


Do you get a free room once you have stayed at the hotel so many times? I know a lot of the chains do that. I told Bill the other day when we go on that trip in Dec to Nashville we might have to go up the night before to stay in case of snow. The bus starts out in Janesville, WI. I see CO had a lot of snow and it looked so pretty, but they can have it!


Had Zumba today, first time in 2 weeks, and I could really feel it. Four of us are going up to the Grand Geneva Resort on Sat to take the aqua zumba and then the regular zumba with Chris as she is teaching those 2. She gave us the all day pass to come up so we figured it would be fun to go together. She said today she will be teaching the zumba class on Thanksgiving also. That will be at the site in Williams Bay, which is closer than Lake Geneva to me. I tell you that gal never quits.


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Sharon, we could get a free room and we talked about it last night. However sine this is kind of thrown together and it is only for tonight we are going to save all of our points to use for something nice when we go to Hawaii in March.


So do you have that option to go to Nashville a day early in December? Yes, better them than we for all of that snow. I did see that last night on the news. Wow, you are going to WI on Saturday. That sounds like you will have a real nice workout. So does that mean that you will not go out on Friday night?




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We wouldn't be leaving for Nashville a day early, we would just be at the right place to get on the bus, just in case it snows, as it leave pretty early in the morning. The roads are pretty wide open between here and there and when it blows and snows it makes driving pretty yucky. But if it doesn't snow we'll just leave early from home. We always like to go down to a hotel close to Ohare a day early too when we are going on a trip so we don't have to worry about weather or traffic.


I think last year Bill was sick so we couldn't come to the Chocolate thing. Maybe we can make it this year.


We will probably go out tonight, we didn't go last weekend since we went to that stupid reunion. There are two Halloween parties this Sat, one at the place we usually go dancing and one up at the resort. Haven't decided yet which one to go to. A couple of our dancing friends have said they would to to the regular place if we are coming but don't know yet. I like to see the costumes that people come up with, although we won't wear one.



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Sharon, you are driving to O'Hara for this bus trip? I thought usually the buses you take leaves from your area. There will be a costume party at our club on Saturday. I'll have to see how Bill is doing as he had his foot operated on today. Had part of his nail removed from his big toe.


Well have a great time and a workout in WI tomorrow. I have or am going to one of the girls house tonight for bunco. Next month we pick a place and we all go out to eat someplace, no I mean in December we do that for our Christmas celebration.


So we both had prime rib last night as they have this special on Thursday for $12 all you can eat. We got caught up in a rain storm going there yesterday evening. Monday downtown to the doctor for a complete check-up.


Enjoy this evening whereever you go.




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No we are going out of Janesville, I just meant that when we fly anywhere we stay down by Ohare the night before. Hopefully it doesn't snow and we won't have to worry about driving.


Yes we are going to the dance place and they are having a Halloween costume party, but we will not be wearing costumes. It is always fun to see what people come up with, some are really good.


We had a terrific time up at the Grand Geneva. First did the aqua aroebics, then changed and did the Zumba then hit the hot tub and then the steam room before the showers. I went with one of the gals to lunch so just got home around 2:30. The zumba room has mirrors on 2 sides so that is different, we never had mirror at the old place. The Grand Geneva, is very nice, has all the amenities you could ever want sitting on the counters for anyone to use. Also had big jars of water, some with cucumber slices, some with orange slices and some with lemon slices. Also cappucino, coffee and fruit. One of the gals joined for the year.


Hope Bills toe gets to feeling better, have a good time tonight if you go to the club.

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Sharon, I am glad you had a great time today in WI. What a big difference from what you have been used to in the past. Perhaps you girls will go back again down the road. I got in from bunco last night at 12:30 and we all dressed up.


Now today I pulled a mussel in my back so I am not doing very well. Bill has a bandage on his foot and is doing OK. But with this back problem I have, I don't know if I will be feeling up to going out tonight. It was a nice day today. So enjoy the rest of the weekend.




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You two need a day or two of rest I think. Hope your back is feeling a little bit better today, sometimes those muscle pulls take a while to feel better though. Did you end up going out on Sat night?


We went to the dance place, but again the music was so terribly loud and it was really crowed so no dancing. But it was kind of fun to see all the costumes that people wore.


Sunday I justed planted a few tulips bulbs, before it started raining. Then we went out for some Broasted chicken, I was really good.


Today thinking about taking a bedspread back that I got a week or so ago. I put it on the bed and it is so big it lays all over the floor. It said it is for a queen size bed, but I'm sure it's mismarked. With it laying like that on the floor we would probably trip over it.


Should be an even nicer day tomorrow, but today is not too bad


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Sharon, we did not go out on Saturday because of my back. I just got to work now as I went to see the internist this morning. He gave me something to relax the back. Yes, it is a nice day today. We have a meeting at our club tonight. Depending on how I feel later on, will depend on if I go to weigh-in tonight.


I guess with a Halloween Party and everyone dressed up the music would be loud. I do not like it when it is so loud that you can't hear anyone talking. So we just stayed in all weekend resting and taking it easy.




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