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Sharon, it is warming up but very high winds here today out of the SW. So what are you going to do about this guy throwing junk on your property? Breaking you fence as well. You bring up a very good point about your computer. You can't trust anyone to go into your computer and steel your stuff. I have one of those for my laptop as well. They can store a lot of info.


So tonight you will more than likely go to your usual place for dancing. But what about tomorrow. Will you go to WI again. It seems that you have a real good time when you do go.


Yes, I start PT next Tuesday so with all of the things they will be doing, I hope I can get some relief. Have a good weekend.




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Hope you get some relief too Kathy, its not good to be in pain all the time. Is at least the prescription doing something for you.


We are not going to the regular place to dance tonight we are going to go to that Zumba thing and then to the resort for the music. Tonight at the Zumba they are supposed to have drums and lights so it should be interesting. The instructor is a "master" so we'll see what she shows us to do. Bill will be watching again, but at least it will be warm for him this time.


Not sure what to do about the farmer guy, but I am going to call a fence person and have them fence off across the back where he took down the trees, he is not going to profit from that!


Hope you have a nice weekend, we have nothing scheduled for Sunday so will probably watch football, at least Bill will.


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Sharon, I did not get the prescription yesterday until late so today is the first day I am taking it and too early to tell. Well tonight sounds like you are having a good thing to do. Are you going back tomorrow as well? I would not let that farmer get away with anything. As it seems he thinks he is.


Tomorrow at our

club they are having ladies night out. So I have two tables with my friends and daughters and nice's. This a an annual event and we usually have a good time.


Enjoy the weekend,




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Had a good time last night, quite a workout, only about 30 people were there, I'm sure they were hoping for more. Bill waited in the coffe shop area kind of behind a glass window, where he could see the gym, but he was still cold. Then we went to Interlaken and had fish dinner. There were not many people at there either, only 3 tables full. Then we went into the bar area to hear the band. They were laughing about how few people were in there also and said, you can't leave because we will see you.


Tonight going to dinner with some friends and then we will all go over to the dance place.


Your night out sounds like what they are hypeing up here as the deer widows night out. Guess deer season starts today, there will be deer running everywhere! Poor things I feel bad they shoot them. Now with the corn down they don't have as many places to hide.


Hope your prescription kicks in and you have a fun painfree evening with "the girls".


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Sharon, the prescription is starting to kick in. Last night was a fun evening out. Especially with the chocolate martini's. Well you had a nice workout on Friday and last night sounded like a good evening out with your friends. Yes, I did hear about those deer widows where all of the women get together when all of their men are out hunting.


Today just relaxing and starting to get ready for our LAS get-away on Thursday. Enjoy the day.




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So glad your prescription is starting to kick in! I was sitting in church this morning and had an ache in my back around the shoulder blade. I took an aspirin when I got in the car and it was gone by the time I got home. Don't know what that was about, but I guess with all the exercising I've been doing I shouldn't be surprised.


That should be fun in Las Vegas, good luck if you play the slots. Do you have any shows lined up to see? If we weren't going to this bus trip in Dec, we would probably go to Las Vegas also. The prices are really very good between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Got to watch out for that "resort tax" that so many of them add on...per day. Just another way to make money I guess.


Chocolate Martini's sound good, I had a strawberry daquari and it was pretty darn strong. Luckily we ate dinner afterwards and by the time we were done I could no longer feel the effects of it. We had a 2 hour dinner with our friends and then had a good time dancing afterwards.


One of Bill's daughters called up yesterday and asked if we wanted to come to dinner on Thursday. He told her he would ask me, I told him we had to go now because otherwise she would think it was me that didn't want to come. We had kinda planned to go out and take Bills sister. But she just got back from that 3 week vac with her daughter so I told Bill not to feel too bad about not taking her out to eat on Thanksgiving.


Bills is watching the Packers and I think later the Bears are playing, he loves it!


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Sharon, I have never played the slots as when we cruise we have not played any slots so I will be looking forward to do that. Now how far does Bill's daughter live from you? My Bill has a good friend who is picking us up and dropping us back when we are leaving . This friend is also letting Bill use his SUV as well. He is setting up Thanksgiving Dinner for us on Thursday as well.


I am glad you were able to get out of back pain yesterday. We may be coming back on Monday as the flights are getting filled up on Sunday. Monday the flights are wide open. I am glad you had a nice weekend, everything sounded very good.


Well that would have been nice for you to come to Vegas, but your bus trip sounds exciting. Yes, those taxes sure do add up. They are taxing us to death. Have a good day.




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That sounds like a very nice friend! I'm guessing that he is picking you up and dropping you off in Las Vegas and not just taking you to the airport here. I had just realized today that you are flying out on Thanksgiving. The flights should have room on them as most people will have already gotten to where they are going. Anyway its not too bad having to spend another day in LV if the flights are full. Hope its sunny and warm for you.


Bills DD only lives about a half hour from us so its not a long trip at all. I had gotten an Eldible Arrangements coupon from Groupon so I think I will see if I can pick something up on Wednesday and take that for something to take to their house. She has migrane headaches very frequently so I can't take a bottle of wine as that would set one off. But the fruit should be just the thing.


Sunny today, always make you feel better when it's sunny!


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Sharon, this friend lives in LAS, so he will pick us up and drop us off at the LAS airport as well as letting us use his SUV. Actually Bill had to buy a 1 way ticket on SWA for Thursday as the flights were all booked up for pass travel. Thanksgiving day is busy in the morning. Now the return flight just lit up red so most likely we will return on Monday as the flights are wide open. Sunday is a very busy day as well.


So we got a good rate at the Embassy Suites and just to change things up a bit we will stay at LAS Hilton on Sunday and that is next door to where we are currently staying. For standby there are 3 color ratings, Green, yellow, and red. So just like a stop light I do not need to explain what they stand for, correct.


Well that will be good for you both on Thursday and you will not have to drive too far. So it will be kind of crazy for us as we will be leaving from Midway and returning to O'Hare. Probably limo both ways not much choice otherwise. Yes, the sun is always a welcome sight.




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So does that mean you two are flying on different airlines? You will have to let me know which of the hotels you like the best when you get back. Sounds like a lot of fun, are you getting excited yet? Yes probably by Monday eveyone is back where they came from, ha ha.


I had to drive up and mail my Thanksgiving cards I bought for the grandkids, had them a few days and just saw them laying there this morning! I think they should still get them in time, some going to Texas, Lousiana, Colorado and New York. I didn't mail some to everyone, just a few that I keep in touch with more often.


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Sharon, Bill had to buy tickets on SWA for going down because the flights got all booked up for pass travel. They got that way for the return on Sunday but Monday offers wide open status. So that is why we changed to Monday for return now. SWA flies out of Midway and United flies out of O'Hara, thus the reason for us using 2 airports.


The rain has started here and looks like an all day type of rain. Stay dry.




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Its not raining here yet, I think it might stay south of us, but it is very cloudy. I did get the edible arrangements ordered and will pick it up tomorrow afternoon. I think it will be something nice to take for Thanksgiving.


Were you able to lose the 3 pounds that you had "found"? Sometimes you see these people that have lost 100 pounds or so and just wonder how in the world they did it! It seems so hard just to lose even 5 or 10.



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Sharon, we have one of those edible arrangement places in town as well. Something nice to get for this time of year. No, I did not go last night as I do not want to take any chances. I have a month before I absolutely have to weigh-in again, so I am playing it safe.


Yes, a lot of rain here today. So that is what we can expect for the next 2 days. Thursday is supposed to be a nice day to travel. We did book a limo to take us and bring us home. That was about the only thing to do.




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I picked up the edible arrangement today, and it is very nice. I had gotten a $40 coupon from Groupon for $20 and the arrangement cost $47 so for $27 I got a very nice hostess gift to take to Bills daughter for Thanksgiving.


Have a great time in Las Vegas, good luck on the slots, hope you win big!


We did get rain yesterday too, I thought it would go south of us, but no it rained all afternoon. I got a quote from the survey people so we would know where to put the fence and they want $475 just to mark the two corners and the middle. I think thats kind of high, so I think I will contact another one and see what they say. The fencing guy is supposed to give me a quote too and the other fencing guy is supposed to come out on Friday. Don't know if we will get it done this year or in the spring, it will depend on the weather.


Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon

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Sharon, you can get some real good deals on Groupon and you did good. Have a real nice Thanksgiving over at Bill's daughter house. We are getting picked up here at 6 and our flight leaves at 8:20, so we should be OK.


It was a real nice day today and I heard that Friday it is supposed to be in the 60's. I know in LAS it can get cool there. I was really running and very busy all day today. It will be good to get away from that place for a few days. The jerk has the place open on Friday.




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You should be coming home sometime today, how was it, and what all did you do? We had a nice Thanksgiving at Bills DD's house, but we didn't get any turkey to bring home for sandwiches. I will have to make one sometime soon.


Sat was a very rainy day and yesterday cold, hope you had nicer weather!


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Sharon, we got home late last night at 10:00. Lucky we did get home yesterday as it is really windy today. The weather was very nice with the temps in the 70's everyday. Bill's friend picked us up on Thursday and we went to his house where he fixed us a very nice turkey dinner. Then later on that evening we went to the Luxor and saw the Production Menopause, it was a stitch. Friday we went on this Mob Tour and that was a bust. Nothing like they played it up to be at all. A total rip off.


So with visiting friends and doing things on our own we did not see any more shows. I only spent and lost $25.00 so not really a big deal. This friend of Bill's let us use his own car, so that was a major plus as it saved us on transportation costs and from walking.


So now we are back just 1 week and then off to PSP(Palm Springs, CA) for 1 week. I am dragging today from the travel and the time difference and just from going and going. Don't get blown away today.




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Glad you had a good time, how were the hotels you stayed at? What is a Mob tour, never heard of it before. Wow, you have another nice trip to look forward to, CA should have nice weather also. I just saw they said Chicago could have some snow what with the rain and wind, and boy is it ever windy today. It is gray and cloudy here but no rain ....yet. How funny that Nashville is getting 5 in of snow and we are not, really glad we are not. We did call the snowplow guy to make sure he is still plowint this year and he is so that is taken care of. I got one estimate on the fencing and it is a joke, the guy didn't impress me at all, came in a van with lic plate from Iowa, said it was cheaper to insure it that way, had bib overalls on that were torn and then gave me a horrendously high estimate. NO way will I go with him!


Its been kinda boring so far this week, just been more or less doing stuff on the computer. I just ordered Fannie May choc covererd cherries for all of Bill's daughters and family for Christmas, we always send them something and he gives them money. It is 20% off and free shippping with using a code 17801, in case you are interested.


Do you go back to work tomorrow or did you go today?


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Sharon, the jerk was having a fit that I took off yesterday, so yes, I am at work today. But it is my vacation time what little I get and I will take my vacation and that is that. Thank you for the code for the chocolate I will look it up and see.


The first hotel was in a good location just outside the strip, but there was a tram right in front of the hotel. Then we had the use of the auto as well. The second hotel was very big and a very nice room. We only stayed there our last night. They did not offer breakfast. The first hotel offered breakfast and cocktails in the evening for nothing.


We went out yesterday for a buffet with Bill's friend before heading to the airport. We always get at least 3 estimates before deciding on anything. I know those fence companies can be a real rip off. Having Iowa plates for insurance. That is as much as saying we have a Hawaii plate for insurance.


These winds are really blowing. I am in shock after being in the 70's for the last 5 days. I can't wait to go to CA and hopefully the weather is decent there.




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Sharon, I forgot to mention about the Mob Tour. It was something that Bill booked online before we left. It was something that was supposed to be a history of the mob in LAS and the start of the area in the early days. But rather it was mostly driving around in parking lots and watching movies. It was really bad, bad.




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Just thinking, you should tell your boss that if you are so indispensable that you deserve a raise! Ha ha,


Well it is a completely different day today, sunny and bright, makes you feel better even if it is only in the 30's so far.


I have Zumba tomorrow and then on Friday that jewelry show is in Schaumburg so I will go with my sister again. I don't need anything but need to get out of the house and do something. I already have her Christmas present, a red sweater with sequin embelishments down the front, on sale at Sears last week, so I think I will wrap it up and take it. Even though its early I'll save the postage to mail it.


I would love to see some 70's weather right about now,


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Sharon, I am keeping my figures crosses that I get a raise next month or at least a bonus. Yesterday we had 52 mph winds here. But yes it does feel better with the sun out. I did not realize that you where going to another jewelry show again. You have always done so well going there. Are you driving or is your sister?


Tomorrow night we are going to WOC at the Hilton downtown. This is my favorite event of the year. Watch ABC tomorrow night and maybe you will see me on TV. lol How has this Zumba class that you have been doing coming along?




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