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Sharon, I would think depending on how much snow you got would keep you from not going to WI., for the Zumba stuff. Instead perhaps the dancing would be not as far of a drive for you. We only got a dusting thus far. I thought we were getting more but no so. The snow plow drivers are not liking this at all.


I think this site does not let you put web address as they should be. The web address I put in did not come out the same. So when I noticed that, I put it in a different way for Navy Pier.


So where you were sitting up in front for church so the priest would see Bill sleeping? Yes, it was nasty last night with the rain. I guess it was bad timing with you and tinker getting so wet.


Anyway be careful today when driving. Have fun dancing.




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We had the guy come to plow us out this morning, really heavy wet snow this time, not sure how many inches but maybe around 4 or 5.


I went up to get my oil changed and saw because of the wind the roads are covered with snow on the west side. Decided not to go to zumba. I was going to go for an hour 6 to 7 then come home and change and leave around 8 for dancing. But now have decided not to go. It would have been nice to see the old zumba instructor. In fact they were having 26 different instructors, oh well, there will be other times. We might not even go to dancing either, depends on how the roads are when Bill gets home. It seems to be flurring outside a little now too.


I am making a big pot of pea soup for dinner, we have some ham slices that I want to use up and it goes really good in the soup. Most people either love it or hate it and we love it, good fiber in it also.


In church we were sitting about 1/4 to 1/2 way back, but Bill was sitting in the first seat of the pew and the pastor walks down the aisle as he delivers his sermon. I don't think he saw him, at least I hope not!

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Sharon, I kind of figured that you would not go because of the snow. Like you said, there will be other times. Did you go to dancing? I was expecting a large amount of snow. But to my surprise when I got up there was only a dusting on the lawn and the sidewalk and driveway were clear. The plow guys around here are upset with not being able to plow. It seemed that most of what fell was in the form of rain. So your area got it and just east of us got it, but us none to speak of.


I went shopping with my #1 daughter and her daughter. This is the one I went downtown with a few weeks ago. So that was it for yesterday. Today I think I will try to relax. It is supposed to be very windy here today. I can see white caps on the water on the lake across the street.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend.




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We didn't do anything Friday night, stayed home, but Sat afternoon some friends called and said they just got tickets for a show up in Ft. Atkinson at a place called Central Coast, did we want to come and join them. So I called and got tickets also and we had a table for four. There was dinner, that wasn't very good, but the show was funny. Many little "scenes" consisting of 4 people doing the acting. It was called I Love you you're perfect now change. They would bring out a chair or come out in an outfit do the scene and then go back behind the curtain. It was a different than a regular show but good.


Tonight is the Night of Love dinner, we are picking up Bill's DD and hubby at 4 pm. This dinner should be really good, since it is done by all culinary people and students.


We had to have the plow guy come, we probably got around 4 inches of heavy, heavy, wet snow. We shoveled the deck and it was really hard to lift.


Very windy here as well, not so terribly cold though. On the way to church the wind was blowing the snow onto the road again. But coming home it seems like it was melting.


We just got back from the resort, the renovation was supposed to be completed, but of course it is not. Now the date is March 2nd, so we will see if they meet that one or not.


Hope you get rested up for work tomorrow, how is Bill feeling?

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Sharon, where is this place Ft. Atkinson, I have never heard of it? That was nice that you were able to get out and see the show. Bill is doing OK, and is waiting for the Dr's office to call and schedule the test. It was very windy yesterday but as the day moved on it did get mild as far as the weather.


So you went out once again to dinner last night. How was it. What did you think about the awards? Like I said, you got the snow and to my surprise we got nothing to speak of, only a dusting. Perhaps with the warm temps the snow will be gone in your area. It is too bad that the resort is not complete yet. Hopefully in another week you can start using it once again.


The jerk left yesterday for FL., to take care of his Mom. All of the kids are taking turns staying with her for 1 week at a time. As last month the husband died, so now she is all alone. So good for me not to have him around for the next week. Then I got a call from one of my office staff and she is not going to be in this week as her son broke his leg skiing over the weekend. So I will have my hands full this week.




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Sorry, I didn't make it on here yesterday, got the walk in and then had to go pick up a 1098-C for the corvette we donated last fall. They had sent me one and I always put all tax related info in a big envelope for the year, but it wasn't there. After looking everywhere possible I called them last week and requested another one. I hadn't received it as of yesterday and Bill was wanting to get the taxes to the accountant so I called and told them I would pick it up. So now the taxes will be on their way today!


Also I had the HD receiver put in Jan 25, the guy said he would have a box sent for me to return the receiver or their would be a $55 charge. I waited a couple of weeks and called Direct Tv, they said no order was put in for the box, but they would put one in. I waited another 2 weeks, nothing. I called again was told no order was put in, but they would enter one now. I called again last week, they said a box had been delivered FED X, we didn't get the box, so they would send another one. I got the box on Sat and will mail it back today. Also today I noticed a box in front of my car in the garage, yup it was delivered 2/12 from Direct TV. Why would Fed X put the box in the garage????


Ok so those things have been an ordeal, but now over!


The Night of Love dinner at Geneva National, was not very tasty, the hors'doevres the hour before dinner were good, as was the first course, minus the calamari, yuk. But the main course was flat iron steak (flank steak) served cold, not supposed to be, and just browned on the top, otherwise raw. The only really good course was the dessert, named The day before the last day of Pompeii. Also there was only one wine I liked it was served with the dessert. Saw my dermotologist there also, she came over and talked with us for a bit. If the culinary students were learning from the chefs from all the big restaurants around they should have been told things must be served hot, no matter how many people they are serving. The people sitting with us were in food service at the college in Whitewater, they said the plates should have been warmed and the covered when they brought them out to preserve the heat.


Ft. Atkinson is north about an hour from us, it is also where the Fireside Restaurant is, that is the place to get a really good meal along with the show.


Too bad about your staffer, if I was in the area, I'd be happy to come in and help you! I think I still have a few skills left in me, ha ha.

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Sharon, I really got hit hard yesterday. A total of 6 people called off. Two of them don't even start until noon. So since we had no one to work the night shift as the place closes at 8 we had to close the shop at 5:30 when I left. I found out that most of these people were parting with the Oscars. How stupid is that?


It was too bad that the meal was not prepared properly. You would think that with an event like that they would have done a better job. I heard that north of you is going to get hit pretty hard with snow tonight into tomorrow. Nothing but rain for this area.


How dumb is that with all of the trouble you went through getting that receiver. I also can't believe that Fed X was so care free with the first delivery. We thought about going with direct TV but stayed with Com Cast. We dropped off our taxes last week. However the tax man's mother is dyeing so it may be awhile. Also there are supposed to be very high winds tomorrow as well.




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My gosh, 6 people, there sure isn't a good work ethic among employees anymore!


I saw the snow was staying up north of us, thank goodness cause it sounds like it could be a big one, we have rain right now, thinking if I want to go to line dancing or not.


Bill took our tax stuff today and mailed it. When I went out to get the mail I had another K-1 form that said on the envelope "Important tax information" and it had to be sent with our taxes. So now we will have to mail it separate and see if they can get it together, they are such dumb people, I would like to change but Bill has been using them for a long time since the first time he used them they saved him some money from a previous tax year. UGGHHH!

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Sharon, you are right about work ethics now a days. I'll even give you one better. They were all crying about getting a raise. Finally the jerk broke down and gave it to them. So not one of them said thank you. So he had me print up thank you, notes and put them in all of the pay checks. Perhaps a lesion learned, next time no raise.


It is very windy here today, but very mild. Up north there are places that could get a foot of snow. How amazing is that?


We are so caught up in this paper mill, and everyone is supposed to be going electronic, yet it also creates more paperwork. All of that stuff was supposed to be out by the end of January.


Well happy Leap Year.




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Happy Leap day to you too! I heard there were some really bad storms down in Missouri around the Branson area some theaters were damaged, hope your boss wasn't around that area.


I went line dancing last night and an old girlfriend was there, she knew alot of the real old line dances so we added them in and danced from 7 to 9:30. I was so tired I had to quit, my legs and hips had had it! It was lots of fun though so I'm glad I went.


Warm and sunny here earlier, now its clouding up and Tinker had been in here a couple of times so I guess she ready for her walk before the rain hits.

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Sharon, the jerk has 9 brother's and sister's combined. He is in FL taking his turn to care for his Mom. They are all taking turns watching her for a week. Since his Dad passed, she is all alone now, and they are trying from anything happening to her.


It sounds like you had a good workout and lots of fun dancing last night. I'll bet your muscles are paying for it now. It was a nice and sunny day here as well. Very windy and I think we have rain coming in tonight. I did hear about the bad tornados and all of the damaged caused.




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Oh yes, I remember now that you said he was in Florida, he's lucky he has so many brothers and sisters to share the load with his mother.


I had the ATT guy here this afternoon, they had came about a month ago to fix the static on the line and even though it was better it still wasn't good. He said his specialty was DSL and computers and I needed to have some work done on the jacks. I had previously had buffers on all the phone lines so he did something to buffer it before it comes into the house. Also rewired some things and now the computer is much faster and the static is gone. However he said I should get a new computer as now it cannot keep up with the speed, before it was always bufferimg because it did not get the info fast enough, now it is still somewhat bufferimg because it cannot handle the infor coming in so fast!


I've been thinking about getting another one anyway so I guess this will speed up my decision.


It had turned cold and really windy by the time I got out for the walk and since then we have had sleet and rain and snow. Right now its not doing anything but windy.

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Sharon, did he burry the cable that they said they could not the last time they were out? Well my #2 daughter who just joined WW is now going to a personal trainer for weight loss. So we get a deal if more than one person comes. So for the next 6 weeks we are going to this lady for help. She came and picked me up for a 8:30 appointment last night. The session lasts for 45 minutes, so we shall see what this does. She is way over weight since her last child. I would say she is about 80 lbs over weight.


Last night we only got rain and the temps did drop from what they were in the day. But it was very windy. At least we did not get that bad stuff the rest of the Midwest got. So did you get caught in any of the rain when you went out? You have your dance tonight don't you?




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Yesterday had a good zumba class, better than usual. Also our old zumba instr came in, it was good to see her again. She is doing some zumba classes in Jamaica at a resort, leaving this weekend and taking her daughter with and in exchange for teaching she gets the stay at the hotel/resort free. Not a bad deal. Then I went up to Best Buy and looked at computers. They don't have many in as they are getting new ones shortly. But they did have a nice HP with 8GB ram and turbo something or other. I think I like that one, but will check out a couple of other places first. Also I bought a "piece of equipment" that you plug in your DVD, your Wii and Dish recorder, then plug into the tv and its much easier to switch between things. Now all I have to do is figure out how to do that!


Also they must have buried the tel cable yesterday when I was gone. On Wed. When I had the ATT guy out, he changed my computer screen and everything was so big it wouldn't fit. I worked half the morning today trying to figure out how to change it back. He said it wasn't at it's optimost, I liked it the way it was. Sure wish I knew more about computers. I think I have it fixed back now, but the print still seems a little big. I went into Control panel, display and settings and found some adjustments, but only adj on the fonts was normal, large and x-large.


Its raining here this afternoon, supposed to change to snow and get about 4 in again. If it does that we won't be going dancing again, same thing happened last Friday. This Sat & Sun there is a big home show in Rockford that I think we will go to.


That sounds great with a personal trainer, and it should help your daughter if go along too. I have lost almost 5 pounds this week, but I was way up after those two dinners last week and they weren't even that good! I'm sure going to try and not gain it all back this weekend!

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Sharon, it has been raining here as well, but that is all we are supposed to get is rain. Your area and further north is supposed to get the snow. So yesterday did you have the dancing as well or was that on Wednesday. What a great deal to teach class and get a free stay. Maybe she will stay there and become the resident instructor.


You should go to Dell.com and try that. That is where I bought mine at, as you can build and pick your computer and soft ware and everything yourself. When they ship it to you they will also take back your old one and ship it back to them for free. They will come to pick it up at your house. Anyway just one more option.


I hate Friday's as I do not like eating fish, and will not eat fish. Although many places offer that as specials. Good job on loosing the 5 pounds. Yes, I sure hope that this place will help us. It is called priority fitness personal training center. Hydro massage combines heat and water pressure to provide a soothing and relaxing massage while you remain fully clothed. They last for 15 minutes. We saw these in one of the hotels while we were in LAS.




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Sharon, we went out to dinner on Saturday, and we had to leave early as Bill got real sick. It was from the medical problem I told you about. So today he said he would call the nurse and find out what is going on with the test he is supposed to have.


How was you weekend and what do you do? It is nice and sunny here today and I think I heard that it is supposed to get into the 60's tomorrow.




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We did get about 5 inches of snow on Friday. Bill came home early as the roads were really starting to get bad around 3pm. We stayed home on Friday night and didn't get plowed out until around noon on Saturday. There was nothing good going on anywhere so we stayed home on Sat as well. This week on Wed I get the prep work done for the 2 crowns, they called this morning to remind me of the appmnt and that I should pay the $850 which is half.


Sunday we went to the Rockford home show, nothing too interesting, a lot of roofing, gutters, windows and siding people along with landscapers. Don't really need any of that stuff, landscaping would be nice but not something really necessary.


I've done pretty good this weekend weight wise since we stayed home most of the time. I did eat a few snacks at the home show but only gained back about 4 tenths. I've seen those things you are talking about at the Cherryvale Mall in Rockford. I bet they feel pretty good. Do you have to do any other exercises or anything too?


Sorry about Bill not feeling well, sounds like he might need to start some kind of treatment even if his Dr is gone or not, some of those things the sooner you get on it, the better. I had been having heart burn for quite a number of days/nights and decided I eat too much at one time. So I have tried to cut back and not get so full, and also not to eat anything before I go to bed. It seems to have helped and probably a good thing to do anyway.


Wasn't that terrible weather down south, those poor people who lost everthing and so many that even lost their life. i certainly would rather put up with the snow than have that happen.

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Sharon, when we get there we go right to the massage bed and then after that we sit with the instructor and she goes over how to correctly cook and eating habits.


All we got Friday was a lot of rain. Then it got very windy and that was probably the back lash from those storms. So it was much safer for you to stay home where it was safe. At least you got out on Sunday, even if the show was not that interesting.


Did you hear last week someplace in Mexico where some bad guys got onto a bus load of tourists and robbed them all? It is best just to stay away from Mexico with all of the problem going on.




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Yes, I read about that robbery, they were on an organized Carnival tour, a walk through some jungle. What with Carnival owning Costa, they sure have had some bad press lately. Yes, glad you didn't do that "landing" in Mexico thing for the cruise you have since canceled.


Any word from the nurse on the next testing for your Bill? Is he feeling better today? I will be sure to include him in my prayers tonight.


I got my walk in, I think it was the only time today that the sun was covered up by clouds, before and after bright sun! Can't wait for that warm weather to get here.


Did you get any good tips on cooking that you didn't already know?

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Sharon, he said the nurse called him yesterday and told him that the test is set for next Wednesday the 14th at 1 pm. He has to leave it in for 24 hours and then go back down the next day to have it removed. Thank you for any prayers.


A very nice day today, but very windy around here. Should be a nice day for a walk. I have some paperwork that she has given me. The most important thing that we all know is portion control and avoiding sodium. But that is hard to do. Just about everything has sodium.


Do you ever hear from that lady that you used to go out with where she was not popular with men for the way she treated them?


I was not happy with him yesterday as he trapped a cat in our yard. Then he drives them far away and lets them loose. He is doing this because of the fish and the fish are way too expensive for a cat to get them. The only reason the cats are coming in the yard is for the fish. No problem now as they are all on the bottom.




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No, don't hear from her anymore, not since the beginning of last July when she made me mad. We had set up a day to go to the pool and when I called and asked her what time to meet she said she had asked some gal from work to come over. So we hung up then she callled back and said well, I don't want to make you mad, I'll call her up and try to cancel. I said I thought we had this all planned but never mind cancelling her I don't want to go anymore, and with that we have never talked again. I think she was jealous that I was selling my house as it was the same week. It's alright I didn't like the things she did anyway.


Today I saw on my cell phone one of the gals from zumba had called and said they were going up to the spa at the Grand Geneva, was I coming. Unfortuneatly the call came in yesterday, I didn't hear it ring as it was in my purse, so I didn't get to go. Very disappointed, would have very much liked to go.


Got news that Bills DD from Ohio is coming in for his birthday the 29th thru 4/1. Don't know again where she plans on staying, probably with her sister but don't know for sure.


I would like to go to Tx the end of April, my DGGS will be one year old on May 2nd, it would be nice to be there. I would like to spend a two or three days there and then drive to San Antonio to see the river walk and alamo then fly home from there. Have to look into it see whats available and cost.


Good Bill got some news from the nurse about whats going on, does he have trouble eating? Don't blame you for being upset with him, trapping cats, but I bet it can find its way home.

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Sharon, too bad you did not see the message, as it would have been good to go to the spa. What about the resort, do you think they have the work finished so you can go there?


That sounds like a good plan to go to TX. I would not wait too long to get tickets as with the fuel prices soaring up, it won't be too long when they will be putting surcharges on the price of the tickets.


He said that he takes them so far away that they'll never find their way back. I guess we'll have to see. He does not cause them any harm, just traps them and releases them someplace else.


Sometimes he does have trouble eating. I do not know how it will be when he has the tube in there. They will give his a device that will record the amount of acid that is going into his system and a data sheet as well. That will be good for Bill's DD to come to visit.




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I'm going to call the resort and find out if they are done with the renovations and maybe go there after zumba tomorrow morning. My old zumba instructor posted pictures of Jamaica, looks like one of the gals that was in the class that got to be friends with her went along too. Looks like they are having a blast!


After my dentist appmnt I'm heading over to the new Kohls store that opened in the next town, don't really need anything but will see whats new. I weighed this morning and am down 6 pounds, finally down into the 140's. Last time I lost 7 pounds I was almost down to the 130's, but gained what I had lost and added another 5 pounds. I just keep thinging about going to TX and how I want to look and that has helped. Hopefully I can keep it up, its all a mind set.


I hope the tube in his throat is not as bad as it sounds, can't imagine having that put in and then going home, but it must be a standard test that they do, so must not be too bad.


Quite windy today, told Bill this morning that I bet there are a lot of branches down at the other house. It had great big trees along the back part of the driveway and some in the front of the house. We used to always have to go and use a chain saw to cut up all that blew down. Glad we don't have to do that anymore. We only have one tree close to the house here, the rest are along the fence line.

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Sharon, congrats on loosing the pounds. Keep it up as you are on a roll now, Great job! Wow, you old instructor really deserves for things to have turned around the way they have for her. She deserves it all.


Yes, I think it is much more windy today than yesterday. Lucky there are no leaves on the trees otherwise there would be a lot more branches down. Do you ever drive by the old house just to take a look?


I have to go down with him next week as they put him under. I know when he went down a few weeks ago, they could not get the tube down. I can tell you that I would not want to have one down my throat at all. They insert it through the nose and down the throat.


Good luck at the demist today. I saw last night that Carson's is having or giving coupons for used cloths that you bring in. They do that every year.




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