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Which parade is the float going to be in? Do you have to come up with the idea and make the float also? I know sometimes up here when we have our big parade they order one and it comes all decorated.


Our San Antonio trip was great, we took a taxi to the hotel. It was right on the river walk, all we had to do was go downstairs and there it was. Lots of walking, looking and having a good time. The Drury Plaza Hotel is in an old bank building, still looks like one somewhat inside the lobby, huge pillars and tall ceilings. They had a free breakfast every morning, biscuits, gravy, eggs, sausage, cereals, juice, coffee etc. Then at 5:30 they had the "smack down" which included 3 free alcoholic drinks of your choice, and different things on different nights to eat. One night we had tortilla chips, ground beef, refried beans, salsa, cheese and sour cream, hot dogs, baked potatoes and cheesey macaroni. They said a snack for some a meal for others. We did get that jacuzzi room but only used the shower. The bed and pillows were comfortable and we were on the 22nd floor so we had a beautiful view of the city at night. Only thing not so great about the room was the carpet, could have used a good cleaning. The Hampton Inn in Hurst, Tx was half way between the DFW airport and Ft Worth so a good location. It was a nice room, again, nice and clean with brkfst included. However no biscuits and gravy, which Bill really likes. They did have scrambled eggs, sausage, cereals, waffles, juice, coffee, etc. and cookies in the afternoon. We found a wonderful Mexican restaurant within walking distance, and went there 2 times for dinner. We went to the stockyards on Friday, looked into Billy Bobs and rode in a stage coach. The temps probably was around 100, very hot! Sat was the birthday party and my GGS was adorable, very happy baby. My other 15 yr old GD came in for the weekend from Houston. My oldest GD who lives in Hurst said the 15yr old was a drama queen, she was right, she never shut up and talked very fast! On Sunday we all met my GSon who is 18yrs old, I had never ever even seen him as my son and his mother got divorced fairly quickly after he was born and they were in TX. He is 6'2" and weighs 215, he plays first base on his HS team and lives and breathes baseball. He gave me a hug and we had a nice visit. His mother also came and I was a little leary but she was nice as could be too. I told him I wanted to keep in touch with him, didn't want to lose him again.


Got the grass cut yesterday and started on the laundry. Will have to use the weed eater today to do some trimming.



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Sharon, it sounds like you had a real good time. How was the Alamo? While in DFW, did you see the Cowboys Stadium? Wow, I cannot believe it was that hot, and it is not really summer yet. It was nice you had a good visit on Sunday with your family. I hope they stay in touch with you, as it can be easy to fall apart and hard to get things back close once again.


Yes, everything sure has grown quickly with the temps and rain and sometimes cool whether. Are your mowers working properly now? I have to talk this over with Bill later on this evening. This place I have been going with the PT. He said he can get Bill to loose the 10 lbs., in 6 weeks. But Bill wants to loose 20 lbs., now. This place is called Priority Fitness. They have one package called the 5 week start-up. It includes 10 personal training sessions, with one 30-minute session and one 55-minute session per week and 2 seven day meal plans. The cost is $425. So I supposed if they can guarantee that he will loose the 20 lbs., then it might be worth it. Otherwise I don't know how he is going to do it.


Not a bad day outside today. A little cooler but at least the sun is shining. Well I enjoyed hearing about your trip. Enjoy the day,




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Hi there, I got in to see an associate of the skin dr today. He did zap the spot that I was concerned about and also one on my forehead and one on my arm. He said it was pre-cancerous, so glad I got in before it got any further along.


Yesterday I was doing some weed eating along a fence we have, when I went to take my shower before bed I found a tick along my waist. We never used to have ticks here before, you always had to go into the woods or high weeds, I wasn't near either one of those. It's so icky to pull one off, yuk!!!


I bought some flowers today at Lowes and a 3 different tomato plants. One is a yellow, one a cherry and one a regular. I will probably buy more, but wanted to get started with the garden, the only thing in there now is the leaf lettuce which should be ready to eat soon, and the asparagus. I read where you could kinda roast the aparagus in a frying pan with a little olive oil and it would bring out the sweetness. Tried it last night and like it better than simmering it in water.


My girlfriend I was line dancing with keeps trying to get me to come back to the lessons. I guess what happened was the leader texted everyone and I had only given her my home phone no. so I didn't get it. But I'm still thinking I don't want to go back. Then another friend left a message today, while I was gone, that if we were going to the dance place on my birthday the 18th, they would come, but not going there either so guess they will have to get along without us.


Maybe just being stubborn, I don't know, what do you think?


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Sharon, now all I have to do is get to the skin Dr., as well. Well with ticks, you'll have to watch out for the dog as well. I was last night pulling weeks by hand. That is the one thing that doesn't need any help growing as they just get out of control.


Well if everyone has all of your contact information down this time, then I would give it 1 more try. Your friends are calling you back, just go and enjoy yourself. I think you felt much better when you were getting out and dancing. What are your plans for your BD? I think we are going to the club for Mother's Day Brunch.


It sure got real cool after the sun went down yesterday. It will probably do the same thing today. We have to make a decision with Bill. This place where I go with the PT. They are offering 20, 30 minute sessions 3x's per week for $580.00. If they can guarantee that they will get the 20 lbs., in that time period it might be worth it. I do not know how he is going to loose the weight otherwise. But that is expensive for just 20 sessions. Both of us have 2 memberships at a health club that we do not use and that was $360.00 for the year.


Well time to get out of here. Enjoy,




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Not much new around here, got 3 tomato plants planted yesterday. Still have a few flowers I bought to plant. Looks to be a nice day today, sunny and pretty nice temps.


Do you have plans for mothers day? I don't like this holiday and just try to ignore it. I did get a real nice card today from one of Bills daughters, that was very thoughtful of her.

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Sharon, we have 1 o'clock reservations at our club for tomorrow. Since none of my kids cannot plan anything for me. What a difference from where you are and here. It has been raining here all morning and it is overcast. We have gotten a lot of rain as well.


You'll love this one as you are usually the one who is getting great deals on stuff. We went to this wedding last Saturday. I needed a nice dress. So I went to Carson's and paid $60 for this dress. The very next day I saw the very same dress at Marshals for $25. So I bought that dress and took the first one back. That has never happened to me before.


Bill decided that it was too much money for the PT at the place where I go. So starting Monday he is going to the health club that both of us have and never have gone once yet. He feels he can do it himself. I guess we will have to see how that will work out.


Some of the grand kids have ball games over the weekend that I will go to otherwise nothing but getting this house all put back together. Enjoy the weekend and I wish you a Happy Mother's Day. Go out someplace and have a nice dinner with you and Bill.




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How was your brunch yesterday? We stayed home, I had bought some steaks but they ended up being very tough. I did some grass cutting and planted a few plants. Bill got the air conditioner ready and did some other things outside. It got pretty warm by the afternoon.


Today looks to be very nice also, I saw Menards has some geraniums for 88 cents so I might go get some, I usually put them in the front of the house.


We are going to Ft Atkinson's Fireside Theater on Thursday. I had gotten tickets a while ago and we were going to take Bills DD and hubby. But we have to leave too early for her to go. The gal who works for her had her knees replaced so she is having to do her customers as well as her own, (she owns a beauty shop). So Bill asked his sister and I asked mine. My sister will come up on Thursday afternoon and stay overnight as we won't get back until around 10:30 or so. They are serving a buffet, which I know we will eat too much, and then the show, we have front row seats. The show is a musical, Legally Blonde.


Have a nice day,

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Sharon, I would be interested to hear how the show goes. That sounds like a good play. The brunch was very nice yesterday. We had a table looking onto the lake and it was a very nice day yesterday. We then drove into the city to visit at our respective cemeteries. Where his Dad is, there was a lot of folks planting flowers. My Mother is just across the street from there and there must have been 100 cars lined up waiting to get in and they even had a guard directing traffic. So we were not able to get into there. So we just came home and I worked outside for a bit. My kids did call me but not one of them came by at all as they were doing their own thing. That is why we plan our own thing as I cannot depend on them to do anything.


How far of a drive will it be to go to the show? One week form today we are going downtown to the Chicago Theater to see the Beach Boys Concert. We are staying at the Hilton. Our only worry is that we do not get tied up with any of that NATO stuff going on. Monday will be the finial day. We are 7 rows back center.


We got a lot of rain on Saturday, but the rest of the weekend was very nice. It looks like we are getting into the summer weather now. We have to work on getting our hot tub in order this week and we also have a screen house that we go out and sit in. That involves putting the canvas roof on.


Have a good day,




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Sharon, another beautiful day today. I think it is predicted rain for tonight. I went to the PT last night and he did more exercises with me and started doing weights. He said I have to eat better and will try to find some meal plans for me to get started on as well


What is going on at your end? Already they have been arresting people protesting in downtown Chicago. I sure hope it is all over by the time we are there next Monday.




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Wow 7th row seats for the beach boys, that should really be great! Good you had a nice day (in spite of your kids) I know, when its fathers day even though Bill has a lot of kids they don't come over, they call and send cards though.


You will have to let me know how the eating plans work out. I have come to the conclusion that the only way I can lose weight is to just not eat. I have breakfast and then just get busy, drink water and have a small dinner.


Its about an hours drive to Ft Atkinson, maybe a little less, there is usually no traffic at all so it goes pretty good.


Those stupid nato protesters I don't even know what they are protesting!


Decided to go dancing tonight, we'll see how it goes.

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Sharon, how was the dancing last night? The PT guy said that eating oatmeal in the morning is the best. As he said it puts filler in your stomach and that way you will not do binge eating later on.


I agree that all of this protesting is crazy with the NATO stuff. I feel like I am back in the 60's. Everyday more are getting arrested and the thing hasn't even started yet. I hope we will not run into any of it when we go there on Monday. Did you hear about all of the employees staying at the Shed over the weekend taking care of all of the sea creatures? They are closing for 3 days and they need people there to care for them properly. If they do not have places to shower or get cleaned properly. It might get a bit ripe.


It cooled off today but nice and sunny. We got some rain last night but not a lot. Bill was going to start going to the health center today, but he hurt his back and he is in pain. I went to the skin doctor this morning and she gave me something to help clear my skin.


Let me know how the show goes tomorrow. Doesn't sound like too far to go. Enjoy and have a great time,




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Shoot just lost a long post to you, clicked on something wrong and poof it was gone!


Lets see, I was telling you about dancing last night. When I first walked in I only was talking to my friend who goes, she is also a Fri night dancing friend. Then when we had a break the instructor gal came over and said she thought she had everyone covered because she had texted everyone, but my phone no is my home land line and you can't text to it. She said now she knows so she will call and leave a message if I'm not home. So all is good and I did have a good time. Saw that the blonde opera gal got to stay on DWTS and the dark haired gal got let go, I would have done it the other way around.


Too bad about your Bill's sore back, I can certainly relate to him. Funny how he moved all that heavy stuff a few weeks ago with no trouble when you had your floors done and now just when he wants to start exercising he hurts his back. Some things just don't make sense.


I had to go over to Rockford today, back in Nov I had bought a $40 certificate for Edible Arrangements for $10. I came across it on Tuesday and saw that it had expired on Monday. I called them and they said they would still honor it so I ordered it and had to pick it up today. It is very pretty, it has pineapple scalloped flowers with cantalope centers and grapes on skewers, along with strawberries and honeydo. While I was over there went to the mall, but didn't really see anything I had to have, but did by a pair of light weight jeans.


Got a busy day tomorrow, going to Zumba then have to plant a few plants I bought if I have time before showering. Not sure what time my sister will come, I told her I wouldn't be home to after noon so that will give me a little time as I should actually be home by 11am. Looking forward to taking both of our sisters to the Fireside, they have not been and I think they will really enjoy the buffet and the show.


I didn't hear about the shed, but have heard that they are shutting down a lot of places and some store fronts are covering their windows with plywood to prevent breakage. Hope like you say, they are out of the way for your concert.

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Sharon, I thought the same thing about Bill moving all of that stuff a few weeks ago. But like he said to me, he used a dolly to do all of the heavy work for him. We had our first game of bocce last night and of course Bill did not play, he is also the captain of the team. Getting off to a good start as we won, 16-8.


It is good that you were able to still get the arrangements. Lucky you saw that you needed to pick it up. Bill bought a groupon yesterday for a 3 hours dinner sightseeing excursion at Navy Pier.


Well have a great time at the play and it sounds like you will be very busy. I am also glad that you got everything all straighten out with the dancing. It seems with all of the new technology today, when someone assumes that everyone has something, someone will get left out.


What a beautiful day today. I have had the very same thing happen with me with loosing everything you are getting ready to send. I really hate when that happens.




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Sharon, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TODAY:). I hope you had a nice time yesterday at the play. Enjoy today and do whatever makes you happy,




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Dianne, thanks for the calorie free birthday cake, I love it! Thanks Kathy for the birthday wishes also.


We had a great time last night, wonderful drinks, salads, buffet and dessert, then went into the show. I only had to nudge Bill once to keep him awake, even sitting in the front row! I gave him a breath mint and that seem to wake him up so he could enjoy the rest of the show. There were some really funny spots everyone just had to laugh at. Both his sister and mine were very talkative going up and coming home from the theater. They both really enjoyed it and we enjoyed them coming also.


Today my sister and I went over to Loves Park to the Penny's Outlet. Just before we got there Bill's daughter called me to say Happy Birthday. I get so few calls I had a hard time figuring out even how to answer it, when I finally did, we talked for a minute or so and I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw red and blue lights right behind me. I quickly pulled over. He told me you cannot talk on the phone while driving in IL..at all. I told him who I was talking to and why she had called and that my sister was visiting and I was soooo sorrrry. He took my license and was gone for the longest time, then he came back and said, tell your daughter she could have cause you a $120 ticket, but I'm giving you a warning instead. Whew, what a relief, I never, ever talk on the phone while driving and the one time I did, I get caught.


Tonight going dancing, plan to take the fruit arrangement with as 4 other couples are coming. One asked is she could bring a birthday cake for me, and I couldn't tell her no, so hope the mgmnt doesn't get all in a snit, with us bringing stuff to eat. Hoping for a good time, I told Bill not to come home, tired, with a headache, sore knee or dizzy, all the excuses he sometimes uses. So I think it will be good!


Beautiful day today, couldn't have ordered any better for my bday.

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Sharon, I am glad that you had a great B-Day. Wow, you were really lucky not getting a ticket. Just think, you never talk on the phone while driving and where do you think he was that he saw you were talking. I see so many people talking and being distracted and you get pinched. I was not aware that you cannot talk on the cell phone in Illinois. I thought it was only in the City Of Chicago. I am glad I found that out.


How was dancing last night and your celebration as well? It was a very nice day yesterday, and today is supposed to get hot as well. We had a guy come to paint our house the cinder blocks on the foundation and the porch yesterday. The problem is that we have all of these cotton wood trees around here. Cotton is flying all over the place. So our porch is covered with cotton and I am hopping that when the paint dries the cotton falls off.


Next big project that is coming. On Monday they are starting construction on our main street in front of our house. They are putting in a new road, sewers, and curbs. Then the street will be only one way traffic Southbound only during the construction. So I am figuring that we will have to keep the windows closed as not to bring all of the dust and dirt into our house. Go figure, we just put the whole house fan in.


Well enjoy the nice weather and have a great weekend. It was nice of Dianne to come over to wish you a happy birthday and she always has such nice graphics as well.




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I did see the police by the side of the road, but like you I didn't know it was illegal. To make it worse it was in a construction zone! Just glad I only got a warning.


How funny, you just get the fan in and they start construction. Bet that will take them sometime to finish up that project. I don't know about that cotton stuff from the trees, hope its not stuck too deep in the paint.


We had a good night Friday, everyone came, I did take the fruit arrangement, only had 3 little pieces left. One of the other gals brought a cake. Sat night went out for dinner to Crandalls, they have great broasted chicken. Today went to Fair Diddley on the square in Woodstock, then up to the resort which turned out great, we were the only ones there. I swam some laps instead of just floating on my noodle. We stopped for dinner at Perkins before getting home at 9:30pm.


So back to normal tomorrow

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Sharon, I am glad that you had a good weekend filled with fun activities. It sure was hot yesterday and nice and cool today. After watching all of the protesting yesterday downtown. I am a bit nervous, hoping that we will not run into anything that will delay us getting to the hotel and then walking to the theater.


It was good that when you made it to the resort that you had the place to yourself. I am not going to bring my suit to the hotel as this is just a fast trip and I really do not think we will have time to go to the pool or hot tub.


We will just have to take the construction one day at a time to see how it all fairs out. I hope to get our hot tub in working order sometime this week.


Enjoy this beautiful day.




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I saw on the news last night that the protesters were still in Chicago, did they bother you getting to the concert, I had been hoping they would go home since the NATO thing was done.


It was very nice outside yesterday and I got some digging done, got more to do today, so many weeds in the flower beds, I have to dig them out before I can plant the annuals. I finally got my fountain that I ordered at the Flower Show. We picked up a pot to put it on, but when we got it home its too small, I will have to take it back and get a little bit bigger one for it to look right.


Has your Bill lost any weight yet, and for that matter how have you been doing with yours. I would imagine with the exercise and trainer you have been able to lose some. I still seem to stay the same no matter what I do, which would be ok but its 20 pounds too much!


Got the line dancing tonight, we have them turn on DWTS so we can see who wins, I think it might be the blonde opera singer since she was the only one that got 30's for all dances last night.

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Sharon, we had no problem at all getting to the hotel. When we were leaving our house I had heard the President was already at the airport. When we walked to the concert we could see some protesters a block away form us. But we had no problem at all. There was a lot of police around and in front of the theater. The concert lasted 2 1/2 hours with a 20 minute intermission. It was a great concert. We had a nice stay at the hotel as well.


Bill has not lost any weight yet as he has not even started doing anything yet. He hurt his back last week. As for me I have only lost a couple of pound, nothing significant. I even put a couple of pounds back on. So like you I would say I am maintaining. I hope with this PT that I can do something good.


It is good that you will be doing the dancing tonight and that they will have DWTS on to watch as well. It was a nice day yesterday and today as well. Only a few more days and we will be leaving for Saugatuck, MI for the holiday weekend. We have never stayed downtown during the week before. And with the NATO stuff it was really dead. There was no problem getting home as everything was open.



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Glad to hear everything went well last night. At the hotel you stay at, do they have a plan where you earn free nights after so many stays? If so you should qualify or don't you stay at the same one everytime.


I have been out digging all afternoon again, tomorrow will probably cut the grass. My friend just called and said she was not going dancing, she has an itchy rash and was headed to the dr. She has taken benedryl and is sleepy.


We will stay home over the weekend, quite a few things right around here to go to.

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Sharon, I can remember I was working in the yard last year and it was very hot and I was rubbing my eyes and I got a rash called contact dermatitis. I usually wash my hands all of the time and I am sure I got this because I did not wash them. I must have picked something up from the weeds.


Yes the hotels we stay at are all apart of the Hilton chain and we do qualify for free stays. When downtown we stay at the same hotel and in the same room. I am sure glad the NATO stuff is over with. I would like to hear how much they spent on all of the security. Or should I say how much us taxpayers paid.


So with your friend not going tonight, will you still go? This will be the first time we stayed 3 days at the place we stay at in Michigan. With the official start of summer I would think there is a lot of things to do.




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yes I went dancing, I know several of the other gals so its still fun. We did alot of dancing, went from 7 to 9;30. I was already tired when I went because of digging outside all day, so now I am really neat. We have ticks in the grass really bad, I have found two on me and two on Tinker. I put flea and tick stuff on her so I don't know why they get on her. I have been spraying my shoes and socks and lower pant legs with OFF. We never had ticks in the grass before and I don't like it at all!


Got a dental appmnt tommorow, only a cleaning so not bad.

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Sharon, I am glad you had a good time dancing last night. What did you think about the winners of DWTS last night? You might have to take the tick thing to another level. Just you spraying may not do the job. You might have to call in an exterminator to get rid or them permanently. If they are all in the grass, it will be hard to get rid of them totally. It sure is a puzzle on how they got there in the first place. You do not want to get them inside of your house.


Another nice day today. We have our 2nd bocce tonight. We are playing the first game that starts at 5:45. Bill said he was going to fill the hot tub for me today. So I guess I will have to wait and see. We plan to leave on Friday and return on Monday. I will have to see if I can get out of work early and Bill get nervous driving if we leave too late. I am sure the roads are going to be packed this weekend.


Enjoy the day,




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