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Oh wow!! That is terrific, 11 pounds and it hasn't been that long really. Has he also watched what he eats? Guess I'm going to start going swimming more often. I'm always concerned that my hair color will fade away too fast with the chlorine, but hey for 11 pounds I'd take my chances. Good for him, I'm really glad it worked for him! Did you lose any more working with the nutritionist and exercise guy? I know I just eat wrong, like today, I had chocolate chip cookies and milk for lunch. I just want to grab something quick and things like that are handy.


We had a good dance class last night, but more and more people are coming and of course they don't know any dances so we spend a lot of time going back over the easy ones we have already learned. Around 8:30 to 9pm she more or less does the harder ones with the few of us that have been coming all along.


I have worked outside all afternoon and am really beat, its hot out there! I got all the flowers planted, hope the chipmunks and birds don't eat them up again, I'm getting tired of replanting! I haven't seen the snake we've had out on the cement blocks for a couple of days, hope he is gone.

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Sharon, you can always wear a swim cap to protect your hair. We went a few days ago to the drug store to pick up ear plugs for him. He said that he has had problems getting ear infections in the past. So to play it safe we bought some. He is going every other day to the pool as he said the work out is so strenuous he does not want to injure himself. Also to have a rest day. He does eat very good anyway.


For all of the money I spent for the PT, I did not really loose anything at all to speak of. I will go to yoga until the end of this month and then that is it for that. Last night we won our bocce once again. So we are really on a roll. We also ate there. I had a chicken sandwich and Bill had a beef sandwich.


It is too bad that all of the new gals are holding up the dancing by going over all of the moves you already know. They should just step in and go with the stuff that is current. It has been very nice outside. I think it will start warming up now. I would freak out if I was pulling weeds or planting flowers and that snake popped up. Now that the lady is back to work, I can return to my normal routine, if there is such a thing.


On Saturday I am going out to lunch with the girls I play bunco with for the afternoon. Perhaps we will do some shopping as well. Yes, he certainly has done very well with loosing weight in a very short time. He has a few more weeks to go before he sees the Dr., so if this keeps up he will be fine with the weight loss.




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Ran out of time yesterday to post, I went to Zumba in the morning then straight to the pool at the resort. I did 15 laps of the crawl and 2 of the back stroke. Then I came home got the 4 gas cans filled them and my car up (WI gas just over the border where we always get out gas is $3.559) it cost $50. Then I came home threw in a load of clothes and cut grass till 5:30, came in made dinner, cleaned up and went back out and finished the mowing at 7:30pm! This morning am down about 1 stupid pound! Today I have to go pay the first half of our RE taxes, eveyone is outraged that they keep going up and the house values keep going down.


Maybe your team will get a trophy for bocce this year, if you keep winning, sounds like lots of fun getting together, the lunch on Sat also. I had saw in the paper a picture of a gal I worked about 5 years with when we first moved up here. Her and her husband were celebrating their 50th anniversary, so I sent her a card. She called yesterday and we talked for over an hour, it was just like old times, so easy to talk with her. We said we would have to get together for lunch some time. She has emphazema (sp) and is on oxygn so doesn't do much outside, too bad as we could do alot of the things I used to do with my old girlfriend that I don't talk to anymore! Speaking of which, I keep hoping I dont' run into her at the resort, she usually gets a 3 month pass for the summer and I have no desire to talk to her anymore.


OK, better run lots to do again today, going to be a hot one!

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Sharon, we do the exact same thing here with our gas. We buy in Indiana, and we are paying the same price as you are in WI. Indiana is just across the street from us. Funny thing as Bill is doing the same exercises in the pool that you did. Except he says he does 10 laps.


You were really busy yesterday. Our grass on the parkway is really parched. Since they are driving trucks over it and will be doing construction. We decided that we are not going to do anything to it. Perhaps if they do ruin it we can have them put new sod down when they are all finished.


Too bad about your old work friend. It would be nice to get together with her. Bill saw a friend of his last week on the TV that he used to work with as well. So he looked him up and called him as well. The guy is still working there. He said they may get together as well. When we were flying back from San Diego, he also saw another guy that he used to work with. So it was good that he had someone to talk to for awhile.


It is starting to get hot and no rain in the forecast either. Enjoy the day as well as the weekend.




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Sharon, so both of us do not freak out over Bill's weight loss. He told me in actuality he feels that he has lost 5 pounds. The last time he was weighed by the Dr., who is doing the surgery he weighed at 266 with his cloths on. When he started weighting himself at the health club he weighed at 255, with his cloths off. So when you factor in the weight of cloths and a jacket. Knock off about 6 pounds and thus he really has lost 5 pounds.


So he has to loose 5 more pounds to be good with the Dr. But he wants to loose another 15 pounds. This sounds more reasonable to me with what he has actually lost. They always weigh him with cloths on at the Dr's office. He said if he knew that they were going to do that, then he would have put 10 pounds of weight in his pockets. Than all he would have had to do was remove the weights. So the 1 pound that you have lost probably is in proportion with how he has been loosing.


He started going every other day. Now he is going everyday.




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I got the taxes paid and I went up to the resort, I was afraid with it being so late, 12:30,that there would be lots of people already there, but I was happy to see I was the only one in the pool. There were several people outside in the outdoor pool but I stayed inside and did laps again. Seem like it was a little bit easier to regulate my breathing this time, but its going to take away to get really comfortable with it again.


Just going to do another load of laudry and vaccum, then if I have time plant a couple more plants that I bought yesterday. They are a few red petunias and one Big Boy tomato plant.


I also stopped at the vet to get Tinkers pills and some frontline flea and tick drops. The receptionist was telling me that she had ticks really bad too this spring, seems everyone did, and now the chipmunks are carrying fleas! We have chipmunks running all over the place! Sure hope no fleas jump on Tinker! I am allergic to them and get big welts, when I was a kid we had them in the house and I was soooo miserable, sure don't want to ever repeat that.

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Sharon, if you can loose 1 pound each time you go, then 1 pound at a time will be good. Did you ever get the tick problem taken care of? I hear what you are saying about the reaction to the fleas. What I am concerned about. They have been saying if you had the chicken pocks when you were younger. Then you already have the shingles in you just waiting to be active. Yet when I went to the drug store where they have a sign out in front stating that they are giving the shots. They told me that Medicare does not cover the shot, and the cost is $214.00. Now isn't that crazy.


With no rain we are going to have to keep up with the watering. Especially with the hot temps that we will have. What re your plans for the weekend?




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Yup, just what the vet said, the ticks are all gone, I don't know where they went but glad they are not a problem anymore. She said they would come back in the fall, so if they do, I'll spray the yard with some stuff I bought. I also sprayed the chipmunk holes with something that is supposed to irritate their noses and breathing. It says they just move on because they don't like it where they are anymore. We'll see if it works!


Yes it would be good to lose a pound every time but I doubt if that happens. Probably has something to do with how much or what I eat, like tonight, we will go out for fish. But I did just have a salad, but a very big salad for lunch.


I spent so much time vaccuming everything that I ran out of time to plant anything, guess it will have to wait for tomorrow. It sure did get hot!


I think we are going to the dance place tonight, and maybe tomorrow go to the resort for dinner and dancing. They have remodeled their outside area around the pool and next week are having hor's doevrs and drinks for people and a special buy a 3 month pass and get a month free. I think our passes should just about be up, but they were going to give us another month free for when they had the pool and locker rooms closed during Jan. We had always bought a year pass, but when it started going downhill we only bought a 3 or 6 month pass. Now its going great and everything is looking very nice and clean.


Stay cool this weekend,

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Oh, by the way, I've had shingles, didn't know what in the world was wrong with me, till a nurse friend asked if the spots were on only one side and I said yes. I was kind of lucky in that they were on the side I had the mastectomy and a large area there has no feeling. I still often get a lingering pain or ache, but its livable. Bill's sister had it last year and it was really painful for her for a long time. I think I would get the shot even if I had to pay for it if it would avoid getting shingles.

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Sharon, we had to turn the air on today and will probably have it on all weekend long until it cools off next week. Enjoy the dancing tonight and the resort over the weekend. I have to start going myself to the club as we have not gotten our money's worth up until now. But that is our own fault for just not going.


Of course eating is a big part of controlling weight. But with good choices and exercise, it can be done. Of course easier said than done. The nice thing about a pool, it feels great when the weather is steamy.


Let's hope those darn ticks stay away for good, as well as those chipmunks as well.




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We went up to the farmers market this morning and got 3 little cherry pies that this gal makes herself. They are supposed to be for one person but we cut it in half, warm it in the mircowave and add a scoop of ice cream for a treat before bed. They are delicious! I know bad for weight loss though.


I got the tomato plant and petunias planted today even though it is very hot outside, there is a nice breeze. We have not put the air on yet, just opened all the windows to get a nice breeze throughout the house.


Haven't decided what to do tonight, we were going to the resort but there is a good band from Nashville playing at the dance place tonight. Bill is watching the last of the golf and I am hitting the shower, then I guess we will decide so I know what to put on.


NOw that you are not going to the other guy for exercise you should take advantage of the health club. Its always hard to get motivated to go but it feels so good once you are there!


How was your shopping with the gals, get any good buys?

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Sharon, we did not go shopping just to a restaurant and then to another place for ice cream. So just an afternoon and info the evening of gabbing and eating. Cherry pie, that is my favorite.


Yes I have to get motivated to go to the health club. The only time I can go in on the weekend. I just have to find the time to go. So did you go to the dance place last night to hear the band? I hope the music was not too loud.


I turned the air on Friday and we have had it on since. It is just too hot outside not to have it on and I cannot stand the heat. That is why I got out of the kitchen. ha,ha.


Enjoy today,




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There were actually 2 bands last night. The first was the opening act, which they never have at the little dance place/bar. They were terribly loud even with ear plugs in. They kept saying "we have time for one more" and we kept hoping they would quit. Then the opening act guy came on and he was pretty good, but kept drinking beer and then went and got shots. The music seemed to keep getting louder also. Finally the owner of the dance place told them to turn it down, well it seemed that it actually got louder. The whole place had been packed but some started to leave because of the loudness. We finally left to and by then the guy really looked drunk, don't think it could have went anywhere but downhill from there.


Today got up and went to early service at church, now just reading the paper and taking it easy. We didn't turn on the air, last night cooled off somewhat and today there is a great breeze again. We will go to the resort later on this afternoon and then do dinner.


Sounds like you had a nice time with lunch and talking to your friends yesterday, always a nice thing to do.

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Sharon, that is the first time the owner has told the band to turn it down. What was wrong with the owner to let that guy drink so much when he was playing?


It has been just too humid for us to turn the air off. I went out and bought steaks for dinner last night. I cooked them on the grill. It will be crazy this week as my office assistant is gone on vacation. They are calling for rain this afternoon. We really need it as our grass is getting burned up.


I have been having problems with my router for the home computer. I can be doing something and everything will just shut down.


We never made it to the health club over the weekend. They have limited hours on the weekend. They close at 2 and they have open swim form noon until 2. So there is a lot of kids.




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Didn't you get a new router not too long ago? Or was that something else. How long is your assistant going to be gone, too bad any time will probably seem like too long.


We went to the resort yesterday and stopped at the spa first. When we got our 6 month passes 12/22/11 we only had about a month before they closed down everything in the pool area for remodeling. They said they would extend everyones membership one month to cover that time we couldn't use it. So we had the gal in the spa add the month, then she said we had to go up to the front desk to get our swipe cards updated. Well, first we went swimming and there was only Bill's daughter and hubby there so we had a nice quiet time and I got to swim some more laps. We went up to the lounge because they were having $1 meatball sliders. They were a big meatball covered with a thick slice of cheese and a red sauce on a pastry dinner roll. They were delicious but we only ate one because we were going to CHilis for soup. We stopped by the front desk and discovered that instead of making our membership go until 7/22, the gal in the spa (which was now closed) used the current date 6/10 and made the passes good until 7/10, thereby making us lose 12 days. So I left her a message and she called this morning and said yes she had made a mistake and would make new cards up for us. So I went and picked them up and while I was there stayed and swam laps again, only one gal and her 2 kids was there and they finally went to the outside pool so I had it all to myself. Then I had to go up to the cemetary, we had a placque made to attach to a large headstone (already there for Bill's wife and kids) for Bill's daughter who died last July. This has been an on going saga trying to get it put up. They said they had to wait until it was warm outside so when they attached it the stone wouldn't break. Well they finally got it up over the weekend but they glued it on and had a pole holding it. So I took some pictures and Bill will go show it to the funeral director tomorrow. Its supposed to be bolted or screwed on, not just glued.


Also the spray for the chipmunk, gophers doesn't work, they are still using the holes.

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Sharon, yes, I just got the new one from AT& T last week and the thing keeps shutting down. So either there is a problem from the poll or it is a defective one. I think they will have to come out and check it out.


Wow that sounds like a great deal for the $1 meatballs. We used to take a hose and stick in the holes and flush the critters out and they would go away and not come back to those holes.


It is pouring rain here now. I don't think we are supposed to get much. Very humid here as well. My assistant will be gone 1 week. The jerk is being his usual self a jerk. He was real mean to that girl who was in the hospital last week who I covered by putting in all of that extra time.


I know what you mean about that stuff. We are still dealing with issues from the FIL's estate and now Bill has to go to court once again all because of the 2 AH's who caused all of trouble, just for the money.




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I'll have to try that with the holes, just hate dragging the hose all over, but if it would work, I'll try it.


Lucky you getting the rain, they are saying we will not get any, and we really could use some. Guess it passes us by this time, but it is supposed to be a little cooler tomorrow.


Don't know why some bosses have to be such jerks, don't they know people are there to make a living and are just trying to do their job, geesh! I bet it makes it even worse that he is the owner, no one to go to tell on him!

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Sharon, the rain we got was not nearly enough, we need much more. Yes, this place where I work is in turmoil. He doesn't have a clue. When you do try that with the hose. Watch as you are filling up one hole they always have a second or a back door to go out of. So that is what will happen. They will be leaving out of another hole.


I will be taking a photo class every Tuesday at our club starting in July. The cost is $99 and club members get a 10% discount. Got to run, very busy today. Have a great day,




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Great weather today, wouldn't mind if the whole summer had this temperature, and light breezes.


Photo class should get you some great pointers on taking really nice pictures. I always like to have pictures with someone in them, except when I take pictures of my flowers. I have a great picture of my lupines, several big stalks of pink flowers, it was beautiful.


Got line dancing tonight so didn't go swimming. I also got in the mail some more good coupons for Kohl's and Bergner's. I almost stopped going to bergners because their coupons are not good on anything thats got a good price on it. Will try and get some shopping in either tomorrow or Thursday. Not that I need anything!

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Sharon, are you having any more trouble with the guy in the field next to you? How about that fence that got knocked down and the mailbox. Did that ever get resolved?


Yes, it would be nice if the weather stayed like this all summer. What do you think the chances of that happening. Well dancing tonight sounds good. Hopefully the new arrivals will not slow the rest of you who have been doing it awhile.


Bill's Cardiovascular Dr., gave him the green light for the upcoming surgery. So he is going to forward that information to the surgeon.


Well the photo class is really gathering much interest. So I hope some good will come out of it. I figure it certainly can't hurt me.


Bill is going to LAS from July 8 until the 15th. He is going for a week long USATF Coaching Level 2 certification. It will not be a good week having him away and me here all alone.


I would think that possibly they may schedule the surgery sometime the end of July.




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Nope the state never fixed the mailbox, and the guy has planted around the new fence, and not bothered any other fencing again.


Thats great that Bill got the go ahead, I would think they would want to do the surgery as soon as possible so it doesn't go into another "stage".

Why don't you go with to LAS, let your boss grumble a little, ha ha.


I went swimming again today and then shopping, Penny's outlet had mens shorty cotton pjs on sale so I got Bill a couple pair for fathers day. I also got a jewelry cabinet, it was on sale, and also a bench/trunk like thing to put at the end of the bed, it too was on sale, down from $149 to $34 and it was just what I had been looking for.


I also saw that on the 19th the resort is having a meeting that said "take off 10 pounds in 10 days" so I think I will go to that instead of the line dancing and see what its all about.

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Sharon, are you going to stay on the state or let it go? Well how about this, we won again last night beating the first place team. They were not happy and were kind of sore losers.


I would love to go to LAS but he will be in session from 7:30 until 9:30 everyday. What would I do all day? You are always getting or finding good deals all of the time. Well that sounds like a great promise, losing 10 pounds in 10 days. I can see why you don't want to pass that up. I also would be interested to hear what they have to say about that.


As far as his surgery goes. The Dr., is not going to do it until he looses 10 pounds. So when he sees him next week then they will discuss the date. Since Bill is going to LAS the first part of July the earliest would be the middle or the end of the month depending on the Dr's schedule.


Looking to be another nice day today.




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We went last night to a place called The End Zone, some gals we line danced with years ago asked us to come when we saw them up at the Model A days. There are only 4 of them. They wanted to know what new dances I have learned, and I wanted to review some of the very old ones we used to do. We had a really good time and stayed until 10 pm. We will probably go back next week. This morning I went to zumba and then swimming. I had a 5 dollar coupon and a 20% coupon for Kohls so I had to go find something to buy. I got a pair of white capries and a top to go with them.


Tomorrow we are going to the open house at the resort and then not sure what we are doing, it only lasts from 4-6pm.


Congrats on the win, your team is on a roll! Is every one getting caught up on their work by you? Hope you have the weekend off, its going to be hot.

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Sharon, things are getting back to normal, if there is such a thing. The boss is having his show in STL and I have to plan to attend once again this year if he gives me the go ahead. I will not go for the entire thing only a portion.


I had a really good class at yoga last night. I was able to sit in the front row so I could hear what the instructor was saying. Bill got a call from the Dr., this morning before I left for work. The Dr., is going out of town for his appointment next week and the next appointment is not until 7/27. Unbelievable.


The AT&T guy was at the house twice trying to fix the problem. He fixed the problem with the computer and took out our phone line. So he will have to come back today to restore our phone line. In the old days the men would check things out before they left. But this guy just does stuff and leaves without checking.


Well it sounds like you guy's had a nice time out last night. Today an open house at the resort should also be good. Perhaps they will have specials like they did last week that you cannot pass up.


Stay cool and enjoy,




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