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What does your boss take to the show, and what do you have to do when you go. Is it for just sporting goods people or open to the general public?


I think if it were me I would be looking for a different doctor. THe whole point of finding cancer early is to get it treated, and this doctor doesn't seem to be in any hurry. What does Bill think about it?


I know what you mean about service people, not much service anymore. Hope he gets it to work correctly.


I still need to get another computer, mine is way too slow. I have put so much on my credit card this month I think I will wait another month. They say they can transfer everything over to the new one but it might take a couple of days so I'll let you know when thats going to happen. I also have my tablet so that I can keep in touch.


Gonna be a hot weekend, might have to crank up the A/C again.

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Sharon, we turned the A/C on yesterday. It is very hot and the grass needs water, perhaps tonight. This Dr. is the head of the department and is the best in his field. Bill is upset but feels the extra time will allow him to loose more weight properly. The more weight he looses the better off Bill will be and the better for the surgery.


His other business is in team sporting goods. All of the people who go are mainly vendors from all over the country. So most of the goods are already there in the warehouse. I need to go because of us getting a new computer system that is long over due. The headquarters for the place is there. Life would be much easier if he will only breakdown and get with the times. Our current system is very outdated. So I need to only go for 1 day, but would stay over night. He will pay for the accommodations and rent a car of course. Basically anyone can come to the exhibits as it is not closed to the public. It is like an expo where the vendors have booths displaying their stuff.


Yes, the software for the computers now a days is designed to only last a few years before you have to get it updated.


Enjoy the weekend and stay cool.




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Well, I'll just pray for the best for Bill, and hope eveything goes just great once he finally gets the surgery.


We went to the Geneva Ridge resort yesterday afternoon, they changed the name from Interlaken to Geneva Ridge after doing all the updates. We got our membership updated to 11/22/12. Then we had dinner there, I had the deep fried fish, I usually get broiled but deep fried sounded good. Bill got a BLT club and he had more to eat then I did, of course mine was all you could eat, but I could only eat the 2 pieces that it came with. Bill brought half of his home and we will share it for lunch.


Going dancing tonight, an old band with new members is playing, so hopefully they will be good and NOT too loud.


We were at Walmart earlier today and I saw they have the computer tower I want for $498. Its the HP Pavillion with 8GB and 1TB. They only had one so I'm thinking of going back up and buying it. I would have to take it and my old one up to some place to have the info transferred though because I don't know how to do that.


We got a .2 of rain today, but any little bit helps. First thought it was going to be hot and it was only in the 70's so changed from shorts to long pants, then the rain stopped and it got warmer so I put on capris. Geesh!

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Sharon, I was wondering how much rain you got. It was around 10:30 last night when the skies opened up and it came down in buckets. We got about and inch total as it rained most of the night. Well it sounds like you had good eats at the resort. How was the band and dancing last night?


We are very seriously thinking about not renewing our membership at our club. It is up for renewal at the end of the month and we are having a hard time justifying the $2600.00 just to walk in the door for the year without getting anything for it. It is just too expensive. We probably spend in excess of $6000.00 every year. It is a nice place to eat and we do have fun with bocce. Our team and a lot of people will be blown away with the news once we announce it.


Well that sounds like a great deal for a HP for that price. If that includes all of the programing and software then it is a good deal. It was just mostly hot and humid here yesterday. It is very hot out there today as well.


With Bill having heart problem issues and the weight he has. The surgeon figures he is at high risk. Since he was cleared by the cardiologist that is OK. But loosing as much weight as possible will lower the risk and the heart Dr., said that this is a very serious surgery.


Happy Father's Day to your Bill. Enjoy the day and have some fun.




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Yes, any surgery is risky, you never know for sure how it will turn out. Hope his turns out to be one of the best.


I don't blame you for not getting the membership at the club for that price. You can still go and eat and visit with friends all you want without being a member, can't you? I've never been a member of a country club so not sure. We extended our spa membership, it was $175 for 3 months then we got the month extra, that rate is for a couple. We saw Bills daughter there yesterday and she asked us to come over for a cookout so we stopped after we were done swimming. Bill's other two daughters both called him in the morning so he heard from all three. His sons never call or send a card. My sons always used to get us cards and come over for mothers day and fathers day.


I got my 20 laps in again this morning, when I got there several little kids were in the pool, but by the time I showered up and got out there they were leaving. So it was only me again, I really like that, nice and quiet!


I did get the computer, and i will try to set it up either today or tomorrow, I had to buy the MicroSoft Office program for it as the jerk I took it to before wouldn't give me the key that I paid for TWICE!.


When are you going to St Louis?

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Sharon, the people who are in charge of putting you under are always concerned that you will not wake back up. I haven't gotten the all clear from the boss. So when he gives me the green light, I will let you know.


Well what we decided that this will be our last year as we are signed for a couple of leagues. Our other team members would be upset if we left them high and dry. We will not sign up for any future leagues and will have a plan to not renew for the next year. If you are not a member you cannot go there. Only as a guest of another member. They limit the number of times a guest can come as 12 times. But too pay that kind of money just to walk in the door is nuts.


That is a shame that his boys do not honor their father only the girls. Something is defiantly wrong with that picture. You are paying a good price for the both of you for using the spa. I think we are paying something like $325.00 for the entire year for the 2 of us at our health club. Now all I have to do is start using it myself.


I hope all goes well for hooking up you new computer. What a jerk not to give you the keys that you paid for. I would have been jumping on his desk if he would have pulled that with me.


Very windy and hot here today. Stay cool,




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Sharon, it sure was hot and windy here today. Much of the same for tomorrow. How is getting your computer back on line going?


We are rethinking this club thing. We figure that given the same circumstances any one of our team members would drop out and not think of us or anyone else. So the jury is still out on what we will do.


Stay cool,




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I have not had time to work on setting up the new computer, I have written down things like favorites and e-mail addresses, I'm not sure whats going to be on the new one so didn't want to lose those things.


Yes hard to decide what to do with the club, it is a lot of money. Guess you just have to decide how much you enjoy going there and what you would do if you didn't.


I went to the Lose 10 pounds in 10 days thing at the spa last night. It was very poorly organized. The gal who was in charge said she was a Dr. and had larengitis, she could barely talk. The other guy was trying to run a presentation on a screen and it wouldn't work. There was about 10 or 12 people there, but about half worked for the company. Then they said ok, lets get everyone weighed and measured. I said wait a minute, what is the product, how much does it cost, how do you use it! It was a powder meal replacement and a pill for energy and it cost $130. I told them I didn't think I could replace my meals with it, and I didn't eat like that...only non processed food. I usually have an ice cream bar for lunch and they were saying you should have broiled chicken, spinach etc. So it was a waste of time for me.


Yesterday I went to a different Zumba class and really liked it, it was smoother and more stretching, then I went and did my laps again at the pool. I did not go today because we are going to a pork chop dinner at the fair grounds and then to line dancing with the old friends like last week. We were going to take Bills sister, but when he called today to tell her what time we would pick her up, she said she has been to the emergency room a couple of times because of the heat and didn't think she wanted to go, she is 88.


After today it should cool off a little, we are still hoping for rain, its very dry. Are they done working on your street yet?

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Sharon, they are not going to be finished with the street project until November. Someone also said that they are a month and a half behind schedule. We decided that we are not going to renew the membership. We cannot justify paying $2600.00 for the year just to walk in the door. There are a number of places to eat at around here. At least at these places you pay for what you get. Just like at the club except not the high ticket to be a member.


You have to be real careful with those weight loss supplements as they are very expensive and the people who make them are making lost of money. Also if not taken properly, there have been people who have died. You kind of have to wonder when 1/2 of the people there are the one's that work for the company. It also sounds like they were ready to just get everyone started.


So are you going to stick with the new Zumba place? Well I hope that all runs smoothly when you do decide to get everything running with your new computer. Stay cool,




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Sharon, we lost our first game in bocce last night. We are still in first place, now tied with one other team. We also told our team that we will not be renewing our membership mainly because of Bill's health. Once he has the surgery sometime next month he will be out of action for sometime. We are surely not going to spend that kind of money and not use it.


I have yoga tonight and last week was the first time I actually enjoyed it because I had a front row and I was able to hear the instructor.


It is raining here and much cooler. That is a good thing. Except the rain is not going to be enough to do any good for the grass. How was the dinner and dancing?




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The pork chops were great, they gave us each 2 really big ones, a large baked potato, applesauce and coleslaw. Dixie cup ice cream was the dessert. Everyone it seems brought along a baggie or box to take the 2nd pork chop home, just as we did. Last year we wrapped them up in napkins to take home so we got smart this year! Then we stopped at Bill's house to put them in the fridge while we went dancing. While we were there Bill's granddaughter came over and will wonders never cease she started talking to me. Its been 8 years and she never said a word to me before and last night talked like we had always been doing it. She even wanted me to take her to her swimming lessons this morning, but I had zumba so I couldn't. I asked her if she would like to go swimming with me sometime and she said yes she would. Both Bill and I were shocked at the turnaround!


We did not have any rain this morning, even though they were saying we could get some last night and this morning. It pretty hot and sunny here again. I went to Zumba and then went swimming so I am pretty much shot for the rest of the day. I signed up for yoga also, it will be after the Zumba class on Thursdays. I am not limber at all so we'll see how that goes.


I did put the hose in the chipmunk holes and flooded them, so we will see if it does any good. Actually Bills son in law gave me his bb gun so I could shot them. We are not in the city limits so it is not against the law, just don't know if I am that good a shot, lol.


When does your membership expire, I bet everyone was upset that you were not renewing, sounds like you have been going for some time. You can always join again if you feel like it after Bill is recovered.

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Wow Sharon, that is really great about the granddaughter talking to you. Especially if she will go swimming with you. You must have just about fell on the floor. Pork chops are great and it sounds like it was run very good. Smart to have something to take home with you.


The membership is good until June 30th. July 1st starts the new year. We have been equity members since 2005. We have made many friends and it will be hard. Bottom line, we cannot pay that kind of money and not use it. Even if we were using it, paying $2600.00 just to walk in the door is insanity. They should look to change with the times or eventually they will go under.


You did not see any of those critters exiting another hole? Having a BB gun you may surprise yourself and find that you are a very good shot. Bill has said he wants to take me to the gun range to teach me how to shoot. But that has not happened yet.


So nothing last night except rest for you. What are your planning for the weekend? Saturday they are having their annual Red, White, and Blue fireworks celebration at the club. So our last one to attend. I think it is going to be cooler now for the next week. It was not humid here yesterday, cooler with some light showers.




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Well, I had to take the computer back, it had been opened and the power cord was missing. I got a different one with the same options and am using it now. I have to figure out how to change the size of the print, it is way to little.


Bills daughter from Ohio came in today, don't know why, she is supposed to be leaving on Sunday and Bill said she was so tired she had to go to her sisters house and go to sleep for a while, Seems like a wasted trip to me. We are going dancing tonight and tomorrow night also, so don't know what is will do.


Sat morning is the fly in breakfast at the Big Food air strip. We go every year, they give you lots of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and a beverage. I was surprised when I weighed this morning I am down 3 pounds, must be the extra zumba class and the swimming, because I haven't changed the way I'm eating.


Maybe you can still keep in touch with your friends from the club, maybe they will even evaluate what they are paying and follow your lead!


I didn't see any chipmunks come out of the other holes and when I went back out after dinner to check on them they had redug them out again!

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Sharon, you may have to flood them out a few times before they get tired and move someplace else. How was dancing last night. I do remember the fly in breakfast that you attend every year. That sounds like a lot of fun.


I am not going to STL as the boss does not want to flip the bill for getting a new computer system. So what would the point in me going if he is not going to do anything.


It should be a nice weekend. Enjoy the dancing once again tonight.




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Well this new computer sure is different, it has different icons to all the places I used to go, will take time to get used to it, but it is very fast and I like that.


The breakfast was good and it was great weather, made me think of Diane from the meno ladies. Lots of small private air planes stopped in and buzzed the field.


Looks kind of like rain this afternoon, we are hoping to get a good all night slow rain to sink in and do some good.


It was just us and one other couple last night dancing, the whole upper floor of the bar was filled with karoke singers. Surprisingly most were pretty good too. Tonight is a good band called Stateline, just hope they aren't too loud, but will take ear plugs anyway, just in case.


Hope your weekend is going good,

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Sharon, I had mentioned about the fireworks at the club yesterday. Besides that they had a mega raffle as a fund raiser for the club. Well we were the big winners bringing in $6000.00. So Bill said that he thinks someone is telling us something. Bottom line is we decided that we will stay for another year. After all we have their money now, not ours. You were right we found that 10 other people we know are not renewing the membership.


That fly in breakfast sounds really nice. It did look like rain yesterday and we got nothing. But the evening turning out really great. It must have been great dancing with not a lot of people around.


Have a nice relaxing day today,




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Congratulations! Thats a lot of money to win, and you are right, might as well stay for another year. As far as Bill not feeling like going after his surgery, you might be surprised and he'll feel pretty good.


Very hot yesterday, we went to the pool around 3:30 and there were quite a few kids in the indoor pool, but within 15 minutes they all left and we had it to ourselves again. Worked out great.


I'm not going swimming today, with it being cooler I'm afraid most people will not go to the outdoor and it may be croweded inside. I bought some cyprus mulch and will try and get that put out around some of my flowers to help hold in the moisture. Our lawn is all yellow except for the green weeds. Boy Minnesota and Florida are sure getting the rain, while us and the western states are all burning.


Bill's daughter never came back to see him before she left at 4 am on Sunday. Last trip here she flew in and while here bought a large trunk. I guess she thought if she drove here this time she could take it home in her car, but sadly it was too big and it wouldn't fit.


Have a nice day,

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Sharon, it was hot and humid yesterday. For a time our air did not work. So I turned the switch off and on again and it started working. Bill does not go to the pool on the weekends now as there are too many kids and they close early. So he is going Monday through Friday.


Later on in the evening it looked like rain, but we never got any. We are only cutting the grass every other week now as it is not growing much at all. But like you said the weeds have not been affected.


One of our spa jets are not working. We found that the tub is still under warrantee so they are coming today to repair it. I am kind of run down today as I think the heat yesterday knocked me down with exhaustion.


As far as the outdoor pool. Is there a certain temp that they will not open the outdoor pool if it fall below that temp?




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We had 98degrees yesterday, really hot. Today is great but just saw the weather and on Thursday its supposed to be 100 and 90's the next few days after that. You better make sure your ac will work.


The resort keeps the outside pool open every day until Labor day, they do heat it so if you don't mind the air temps getting down to it and back up you can use it. There is a walkway and then stairs to get to the pool. Bill doesn't do stairs so he never goes down to it anymore and I've had enough skin issues so I stay inside

too. If its a nice evening I wouldn't mind swimming out side though.


Going to zumba tone tomorrow morning, thats with the weights, then go to the pool after that.

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Sharon, wow 98 degrees yesterday. I cannot believe the variance. I think it was around 90 here. But yes, I did hear about the real hot stuff coming. There is not much rain forecasted for the week either.


My friend wants to continue the yoga, but I do not. Next month I start a 6 week photo class at the club. But let me know how you like this new Zumba class. It is nice being outside if the weather is OK. But I prefer the indoors as well. With all of this skin cancer, why take a chance. I cannot even believe they still have tanning beds. Are people nuts with all that they have said about those being harmful.


Our motto massage is out in the hot tub. The guy came today to fix it and did not have the part. It is on order, so he will have to come back sometime.


Have fun at Zumba tomorrow and stay cool.




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Sharon, it has been cool enough at night to turn the whole house fan as it has been cooler. Today it is not that bed yet. However I do not how it will be tomorrow. With the money we won over the weekend we can prepay all of the money for the club for the next year. If we spend $100 each month then we will not have to pay anything else. Once again, it is not our money, rather other peoples money,


We have bocce tonight at 5:45. We will not sign up for any more leagues for next year until we see how this will go. There is no way we will pay all of that money up front just to walk in the door and get nothing in return. I think if they do not change with the times more and more will leave.


How was your Zumba tone this morning? I would be interested to hear all about it. Stay cool,




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Busy day yesterday, never had time to get on here. I went swimming and then had to buy some birthday cards, an anniversary card and mail a present to my sister, whose birthday is 6/30. I also went back to Kohls with my 30% off coupon and bought a couple of things. Last night after dinner we went to the line dancing, but several weren't there so we spent more time talking than dancing. I had let the one gal keep my disc of music from my Tuesday night class last week, and she madel copies for everyone and gave it back to me. We stayed until 10pm and then came home and went to bed.


Today I had Zumba again and following the class was a yoga class. I signed up for it last week. It is a series of 5 classes, but next week there will not be a class because of 4th of July. Then I went swimming for only about 1/2 hr because there was a family in the pool with 2 young boys and then another couple of young boys came in. I couldn't do laps so I just floated for a while and then left. I stopped at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and made a nice salad from their extensive salad bar, brought it home and ate it for lunch. Now I am doing some laundry and by the time its done Bill will be home. Seems the days just fly by!


Wish we would get some rain, its starting to get serious not only with the lawns but also the corn crops.


When are you going on the dinner cruise on Lake Michigan? How did you do in your bocce game, did you win?

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Sharon, I had a day yesterday like you had the day before. Throw in the heat and high humidity. Everyone is in STL, as I said, since he is not going to flip to get a new system, why should I bother to go. OK, we are starting to play like we did last year. We are taking a slid now as we lost once again. We no longer are in first place. Rather we are in second place. Since next week is the holiday we all have a break. We start the second 1/2 of the season the following week and I will be all along as Bill will be in LAS.


I don't know about what happened at your end yesterday. In the evening we got hit real bad with storms and much rain and even hail. It rained very heavy at first and then lighter rain for about an hour and a half. It was not enough to do anything for the grass. We feel that the county is going to replace the parkway grass when they get finished as they have totally wrecked the lawn.


So you have been busy with swimming and Zumba and yoga and not much dancing. What are your plans for tonight and the weekend? The temps are going to be a bit cooler for the next week. I have an Aunt who is coming in to stay with us Saturday, Sunday and will go back home to Oshkosh on Monday.


Stay cool,




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Sharon, I forgot to answer you about the boat cruise or dinner cruise. They only allow so many group on. They need at least 48 hours notice to check for availability. We figure a Sunday would be a good time as not as much traffic as during the week. We will check around the middle or end of July.




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Sharon, are you getting any storms today? We are getting smacked just now. Nothing yesterday, but Friday night we got over an inch of rain. The day before that we got about an inch and hail.


My Aunt arrived yesterday afternoon and will depart tomorrow. We are going to my #2 daughter's house later on for a gathering for my Aunt so everyone can visit with her.


Stay cool,




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