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Sharon, it feels real good to have Bill back home once again. I think he brought the heat back with him as well. I slept very good last night and I am sure Bill did as well. He was sleeping on a single cot in a dorm room and he said it was not at all comfortable.


It may be a few days before we start making plans to do anything as he is very tired. He sees the doctor on the 27th. So on that date we should find out the surgery date.


Have a good week and a good day today.




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We went to the pool around 2:30 and there was a ton of kids there, even in the jacizzi. So we left and went to dinner. Afterwards we went back to the pool, it was around 5:30. Still was very crowded so we just came home.


Today was 98, way to hot and dry. They said on the news tonight el nino zhould bring a change by the end of fall. So it looks like this is the kind of summer we can expect until then.


Glad you got Bill bome and you both had a good nights sleep.


I've got zumba tomorrow and will try the pool again.

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Sharon, why is the pool so crowded? Aren't they going into the outside pool instead? I would think that kids would want to go outside first before going into the inside pool.


Well I will not complain about the heat. I remember a few years ago when we had so much snow we did not know what to do with it all. Give me a choice between cold and snow and hot and dry, I'll take the later anytime.


Enjoy Zumba today, stay cool.




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The resort just has so many people staying there and locals who come just to swim that both pool are packed. I went this morning at 10:30 right after zumba and it wasn't too bad, just 3 kids and 2 older women. I didn't try to do laps, I just floated around for a while. Then I went to the local grocery store, they have a wonderful salad bar where you make your own. I made one for me and for Bill and took it over to him. We had lunch together for a change.


I have line dancing lessons tonight, I'm sure they will have the a/c on though so it shouldn't be too awful hot.

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Sharon, it was a hot one today. Glad you were able to use the pool and it was not that crowded. I also like it when you can go to a place and make your own salad as well.


If you are going to line dancing tonight, I would think that the a/c would be on full blast. We were talking yesterday, that people always seem to have problems with their a/c when the temps are at the extreme like we have now.


Tonight from 7-9 I have my next photo class at the club. I did not know anything about shutter speed or any of that stuff. So she gave us an assignment where we had to take pictures using these different speeds. Also during the session we go outside for a bit to take pictures and show the different methods of doing this.



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Sharon, I found out that we are now in a 3 way tie for second place for bocce. The first place team has lost only 1 and the other 2 teams have lost 2 as well as us. So we really can't afford to loose as everything is so tight. I guess there is a possibility that it may rain tonight as well.


How was the dancing last night? Our game is at 8, so the last game and most people do not like playing that late. So when I get home from work we will go to eat and then just wait around for the game to start.


Enjoy the day.




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Sharon, how was your area yesterday with the storms? It hit here around 10 and we did get a lot of rain for a period. It was coming down so hard and fast, that a lot of it may have just run off.


We are now back in a 2 way tie for first place. As we won and the first place team lost. The other 2 teams lost as well that we were tied with. So there is no room for error. Everyone is right on our heels.


I think we have more rain on the way today.




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We got 1/2 inch or rain yesterday around 4:30pm then it started again around 6 and rained off and on through the night. We got another 2 inches from that, so altogether we got a little over 2 1/2 inches. We sure needed it, I;m wondering if its enough to jump start the lawn into being green again or not.


Tuesday night there was a small group for line dancing and last night the regulars were there. There is another family group that has started coming on Wed night and they start playing the juke box. Last night the owner told them they had to let us play our music so we could dance. That was around 9pm so we only danced for an hour. The lightening on the way hone was terrific, almost like watching fireworks.


Good for you with the bocce, how many more games to you play? Hope you can hold on and maybe even get the 1st place finish this year.


Boy I don't know anything about speeds on a camera either, I just leave it to my little Kodak to do the best it can, ha ha.


I did zumba and then yoga this morning, skipped the swimming as I had to go to a couple of different stores and wanted to get home. The instructor was going to show me some moves or exercises for my hip, but when the class was over another gal kept talking and talking to her so I finally left, maybe next week she can show me.

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Sharon, we have 6 more games to play. It is a big surprise to us all. We started getting creamed 8 to zip and then had a run to end with the W. So you got a lot more rain than us. As it did not start until 10 and we ended with about 1 1/4 all total. But there was sure a lot of electrical activity most of the night.


We sure did need the rain, but I wonder how much really soaked into the soil. If it came down fast and hard, then a lot would have just rolled off. Too bad that lady had to take all of the time with the instructor so you could not talk to her. Maybe next week you can get there a bit early and talk to her before things get started.


You sure had a workout today. How is your hip feeling now?




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We were doing a pose in yoga where you get as close to the wall with your rear end as you can and put your legs up the wall. Then you cross one leg over the other on the thigh above the knee. My right leg would not do it, the instuctor asked if I had had a hip replacement! Even this one really huge lady could do it, belly and all! I did call the dr, but all I need is to go in for a blood test to check the level of thyroid meds, so I won't even see her. I'm thinking I should just go to an orthopedic dr and skip the charge for an office visit where she will just tell me to go to someone else.


Bill went to the dentist the other day and found out that 3 of his teeth that have had root canals are no longer good. They are his chewing teeth, I told him if they pull them he should get those teeth that they attach to your jaw bone. My sister has a bridge she puts in and she lisps when she talks. My nephew who is 50 got a set of false teeth and cannot get used to them, says they don't fit together right so doesn't wear them at all.



Tonight we are giving the waitress at the dance place a surprise going away party, just bringing some snacks and cards. She is planning a party also on Aug 4th that we didn't know about before we got this one set up.


Yesterday was a beautiful weather day, I really enjoyed the cooler temps, but looks like we are headed back up to the 90's again.

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Sharon, if I was you I would forget the other Dr. and go to see the specialist instead. It kind of makes you mad when you see the one lady doing it and you cannot. Bill went to the dentists yesterday but all he had done was cleaning. Very important to have good teeth. There is a lot of people who do not take care of their teeth.


So where is this waitress going? I think it is a very nice gesture to have a surprise party for her tonight. I am sure she will be surprised and it is very nice of you to do that for her.


The weather has been very nice. But like you said it will be short lived as the heat is returning very soon. I have to go someplace and take some pictures of scenery over the weekend. That is our assignment for taking different pictures. We talked about it last night and we really haven't decided anyplace yet. Perhaps downtown. Otherwise we thought we may drive to Michigan. I'll let you know when we decide.


Enjoy the day today and have a fun filled weekend.




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The waitress is going to Wyoming. She already has a job at a school all lined up. Since she didn't know we were giving her a party she had set up a going away party for herself. Its going to be Aug 4. It will start at the dance place and then go down the road a little bit to the fire station, as they are having Neighbor's Night and a band called Clutch Cargo. There will be all kinds of food so it will be a nice way to end the night. (Food again!)


We went up to Janesville last night to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner, I ordered the chicken and dumplings and got more chicken than dumplings, I like it the other way around better. Bill got a hot beef sandwich and the beef was in thick slabs so not exactly what he was thinking it was going to be either.


Today, I went to church, then made some blueberry muffins for breakfast. They were having a Taste of Delavan up town but Bill started watching golf so I went outside and mowed the weeds down. Now have just came in, showered and got dressed again, 3rd outfit so far today. I'm not sure if we will try the pool or just go grab a bite to eat.


What and where did you decided to take pictures of? Do you have to get them developed before class too?


Not too bad a temperature outside today, but the heat is coming back soon.

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Sharon, they are sure doing it big for the waitress. They are ending at a fire station? So the fire station is having an open house. Everything sounds like fun. With the heat returning yesterday, I can see why you had to change 3 times. I was outside yesterday planting the rest of my flowers and pulling weeds.


We did not go anyplace after all. We did not feel like going anyplace outside with the heat. So the picture assignment was to get 3 scapes all rolled into one picture. So what that means for instance, the layout of the ski, the layout of a lake and the layout of a beach or land. So what I ended doing was walking around the lake across the street and found a location where I could get all 3 wrapped into one. Since all of my stuff is all digital, there is no developing involved. Only for me to print and copy for viewing.


Bill finds out the surgery date on Friday. Thus far, he has lost 15 pounds. Today is a good day to stay indoors, as there is a warning for people with repertory problems. It sure would be nice to get some rain. All day yesterday they were talking about rain and we got none.


Stay cool and enjoy the day.




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Sounds like you found the perfect spot to take pictures! I always print my own pictures too, but only know the basics.


Wow, your Bill has done really well losing the weight, is it still just the swimming or have you both been watching what you eat also? I'm still where I was, I just saw a plaque at Cracker Barrel restaurant that said, Everywhere you go, there you are. Just about sums up my weight loss attempts.


Just doing some laundry today and also found a web site that has free games, I have to watch out or I"ll spend my whole day playing them.


Keep cool, tomorrow is supposed to be better.

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Sharon, he has always watched what he eats. Thus far he is loosing the weight by swimming in the pool. It did not seem to be as hot as they said it would get, but what do I know. Anything like rain or less heat is welcome.


I look forward to going to the class on Tuesday evening now. I am sure she will figure out something else for us to do after this class is over to keep things moving along for her to occupy her time teaching.


Isn't it funny how we cannot get the grass to stay green but the weeds that we do nothing to are growing green and thriving.




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Sharon, how did your area fair with the storms? We got hit about 5 this morning. We are OK, but there are places around here that have lost all of their power. Our's just flickered, but the generator never kicked on. I don't know how much rain we got, but it looks like we got over and inch of rain, with more expected later on.


I am sure if you did get the amount of rain that we did, they might close the outdoor pool. Thus everyone would come into the indoor pool. I need to take my car to have my tires checked sometime today as one of them looks low.


Have a good day.




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Sharon, just before noon our entire area lost power. So I decided to close the office as no computers or air and lights. Fortunately we have power as our back-up generator has kicked on and running the entire house.


I found out that we got a total of 1.75 inches of rain this morning. My daughter came over and brought all of her perishables and put them into my extra fridge.


I hope your area is OK, and that you did not loose power or have any trees topple over.


Be safe,




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The storm hit us about 5am also, but we only got 1/2 in of rain and no damage or power outages. The grass is actually starting to get green in spots.


I have not been swimming the laps that I was doing, seems that its always too crowded or I"m just coming from zumba and too tired. Tuesday we had zumba in the high school because they are having an Art in the Park in Williams Bay on Sat. It was a nice big room but no a/c and no fans, there was almost a puddle where each of us were standing, it was so very hot! We are supposed to have zumba there again on Thursday followed by yoga. Bet its just as hot, unless they can round up some fans.


I went today and got the blood test for my Thyroid, seems that I'm sleeping a little better and not so crabby, but also have gained 2 pounds.


I was trying to upload some pictures to Facebook and found that there had been an update to my Kodak EasyShare program and had to work for over an hour to try and figure out how to do it. I wish they would leave things alone so once you figure them out, you know it.


How did your pictures turn out, did the teacher like them? What new homework did she give you to do?


We got a brochure from the travel club from the bank the other day. They always have one big trip and several day trips. Seems the big trip next year is to Cuba! I thought we weren't allowed to go to Cuba. We of course will not be going, as its almost $5,000 per person and only lasts a week. It does include everything though, even airfare.

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Sharon, the power has been out at the club since yesterday, and it is not expected to be restored until 9pm tomorrow. So the photo class was canceled along with bocce tonight. She will extend the class into August now because of this.


So next week there will only be 1 first place team as the 2 first place teams are playing each other. We are one of the teams. The club does not have any back up systems and I heard that they lost over $3000.00 in lost food. Yesterday we lost power for about 3 hours. Today we lost power for about an hour. Of course with our generator once the power is out the generator kicks on.


Wow, I don't know how you were able to do the Zumba with no air or fans. With all of the people who are in the indoor pool I would not like that either. Much heat and more storms on the way the next few days. We had limbs and branches down around here as the winds were about 65 mph. Good to hear you did not loose power.


I hope for the best for you with the blood test results and hopefully they can do some good for you to get out of pain. I am the same with you, I did not know we were allowed to go to Cuba, but $5000.00 pp is very steep.


Stay cool




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Sharon, I heard that the north got more rain than us in the south. Around 4 am we got a lot of lightning but hardly any rain. We are expecting more rain today.


I am going downtown with Bill tomorrow so I can find out what exactly everything is. Let's hope we can get this done and move forward.


Have a good day,




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Good Luck tomorrow, hope they get everything set up quickly so that he can get it over with and get better! Good you are going with also, as sometimes its hard to remember everything that is said at the time.


We also only got lightening last night, but just now got a brief but heavy shower, funny though now the sun is back out already. Must have just been one little cloud with rain. So glad we haven't lost any electric with these storms. We are on the same line as the traffic lights down the road so even if it does go out they fix it right away. We don't have a generator either, good thing you do.


We had zumba in the HS again this morning, just as hot as it was on Tuesday. Then we had yoga about 15 min later. The leader was trying to show me some stretches for my hip, but I couldn't do them without it hurting, so she thought too I should go get it checked out. After that I went swimming and there was no one there but me, so very nice and quiet and relaxing! Several people came but they all went outside.


I bought tickets for the rodeo coming to town on Saturday, its in the evening so hopefully it won't be too awful hot.

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Sharon, good for you, as I remember that you go to the rodeo every year. Didn't you get lost going there last year or ran into a lot of traffic? Remember when we bought those groupon for the dinner cruise on Lake Michigan? Well they only let so many of those on any given cruise. So we booked for this Sunday and they go out rain or shine. They board a 1/2 hour before they sail. Runs from 6 to 8:30. So I think we got it for 1/2 off the regular price pp. I think we will take the train down so we do not have to worry about parking and driving home. So dinner and they also have a DJ, should be fun.


It was a nice day today compared to what it was. I felt like I was in the dark over all of this stuff. So that is why I am going so I can get the whole story now. Nice you had the pool to yourself. I hope you can get your hip checked out so you get pain free.




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Yes I saw that Groupon too, it should be a very nice evening out for you. I also saw the segway tours again, but a friend said she thought there was an age limit for it. Four of us gals are taking the train down to Chiago on Monday morning. We are going to look at the Art museum, millinium park and go for lunch.


I was talking to one of the gals at zumba today, she said both her and her husband are retired Chicago police. She worked narcotics at Ohare and he led a swat team for 30 years. You would never know it to look at her now. They also have a home in Florida for the winter, lucky them!

Not sure if we are going to the rodeo tomorrow night or Sat night. There is a good free concert outside on Sat night we are thinking about going to.


Hope you get a lot of information and a surgery date tomorrow.

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Sharon, we will take the train downtown on Sunday. Board at 5:30 and the cruise ends at 8:30. Well you enjoy the downtown on Monday. Also enjoy the rodeo over the weekend. I would imagine this friend of yours saw a lot of things working for the police department.


We are leaving at 11 today to go to the appointment. Cooler today and we did not get any rain at all last night. I heard that some areas got rain but us, nothing. I also saw Des Plains got hit hard with storms yesterday.


You would think that at least they would have fans during the exercise at that place where you have been going. Have a good day.




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We got a little more rain overnight, not sure how much didn't check the rain gauge, but Bill said he got up during the night the driveway was all wet.

Also, seems a little cooler so far today.


Are you taking the rest of the day off or do you have to go to work after the dr appointment? I will be interested in hearing what the dr has to say today, hope its good news.

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