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Sharon, we went from 14 place this year to finish 4 place out of 16 teams, and we have never been lower than 12 place the entire time we have been playing. It is kind of a shame since we were in first place or finishing in a tie for second place that we lost in the second round. At least the team had fun playing and that is a good thing.


A real nice day here today. I heard that this kind of weather will stick around for a bit. Well with Zumba at 4 and then going out later on tonight, you should be ready to sleep well tonight. How has your hip been doing?


Since the jerk is in meeting in STL all today, as that is his main thing, the business in STL. I will not get a chance to talk to him until tomorrow. Then a few of them are going to the Rider Cup on Friday and perhaps over the weekend as well. He really likes playing big shot to some of or most of the people he does business or should I say, him giving people the business, as he is full of it most of the time.


Still construction on our street. They put the curbs in yesterday, and the new street on our side is going in on Monday. Then around the middle of October, they will put all of the traffic on the new part and all is supposed to be complete by Thanksgiving.


Have a good day.




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Sharon, the banquet last night went well. It was the first time that most of the members had seen Bill for over 2 months. Once again even though Bill is older than myself a few people said that he looked younger. It must be from all of the running he did in his life. Of course the real reason is loosing all of the weight. So here I am with my husband looking younger than I and loosing weight, when I am gaining. What is wrong with this picture?


So he was able to eat almost anything that was served on the buffet table with cutting into small pieces. It is official that we ended in 4th place. So we went from 14th place to 4 moving up 10 places out of 16 teams. Always next year for improvement.


So a nice evening out with me not cooking, and that is a good thing. Also a few drinks were a part of the package and since Bill is not drinking just yet, his drink tickets went to me and another member.




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Bill must have felt pretty good getting the compliments, good for him! I kinda feel the same way you do about the weight, Bill has lost his belly and looks pretty good, he is older than I am also, but I think I still look younger than him. He did not go last night, he did not feel good, so I went by myself. Today he was feeling better, of course in time to go to work. I went to zumba this morning and had a good workout. The leader, Mandy asked if I wanted to go to the Grand Geneva on Wed, there is a class called piloxing, a mixture of pilates, dancing and boxing. She said as long as I was with her it would be free, so I just might try it out. A couple of the gals at zumba are already planning to leave for the south, one Venice Fl and one Gulf Shores, Alabama. Then they come back for a bit at Christmas and leave again until spring. I think it would be nice at least to go for the month of January, it always seems so long cold and dark all the time. But we will stay here like always.


I think I will need to cut the grass a couple more times, the weather looks pretty warm the next week or so. Got my oil changed yesterday, they said I would need new tires before winter and my front brakes needed work..soon, not right away but soon and something about the back rotors too. Looks like I'll be putting some money into the car in the next month or so.


Guess we are not getting on the bus for the Cranberry festival, I called the bus company today and they still had not received any cancellations and its tomorrow, so we'll just scratch that off for this year.


Glad you had a nice time at the banquet, its always nice not to have to cook!

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Sharon, that will be good going to WI, for the grand class. Especially when the price is right. How lucky those gal's are to be leaving from this area for winter so early. I guess this weather will be sticking around for a while longer and this is real nice.


So you went out last night by yourself, but you also had a very full day as well. I'll bet you slept good last night. Bill said he will start going back to the pool to do laps tomorrow. He will have to start all over once again, building up to where he was before the surgery. He has been out of it for over 2 months now, and he feels that no way can he just get back to where he was.


Have you found any good people to rent Bill's property yet? It is good that you are doing the checking into these people's backgrounds as they will most often misrepresent themselves. Then you would have a nightmare.


I am sure with all of that work you will need to have done on your car it will run into the hundreds. Car mechanics have a way of running up the bill with this and that. During my lunch today I went and had my tires rotated. Where we bought our tires, they do free rotation if you bought the tires from them.


Have fun out tonight dancing and enjoy this beautiful weather.




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Sharon, have you heard about these Internet terrorists who are hacking into big banks and messing up their systems? Another nice day here today. We woke up to more construction vehicles making all kinds of noise at sunup this morning.


How was dancing last night? What are your plans for the weekend. I will probable continue to get this outside ready for winter. I may keep the water in the hot tub for another week before draining it.




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Bill got up this morning at 4:45 to go take one of his renters to his colonoscopy. This guy is around 70 and has no one to help him but Bill. He lives at the apartments by the farm which is where Bill uses as his office still, and comes over every day for lunch with Bill. He is on a very limited income and not quite 100% mentally. So he came home about 4pm and is taking a nap to see if he will feel like going tonight.


He did get one guy that looks pretty good for a renter so he is coming tomorrow to pay the deposit and get the keys. Hopefully it will work out and Bill can quit stressing out so much about it.


I had my last pt today, and I think I am ready to quit it anyway. The gal that worked on me gave me a whole page of exercises I can do to keep working on it and keep it freed up a little more. Then Bill had brought home a $10 card from Kohls so I stopped at the one by the pt and found 2 dresses that I liked. I don't know when I will wear them, but if I ever get a dress up occasion I'll be ready. They were both reduced already and then you could take another 25% off so the price was right. I saved something like $127.00, it said on my register receipt.


I have quit going to the pool after zumba and doing laps, it just seemed like it took so long to get dressed again. I know thats a poor excuse ha ha.


I did not hear about the bank issues, maybe on the news tonight.


Beautiful day today, I just finished cutting the grass and it was starting to get a little cooler again, looks like tomorrow should be nice and warm but not too hot.

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Sharon, I heard last night that the museums are giving free admission today. If I would have heard about it sooner I may have gone down to one or a couple of them. It still seems like it is going to be a very nice day outside today.


It probably feels good to be finished with PT. Hopefully you will be without pain from here out. I am going to get my car washed and then I am coming back here to get things organized around here. Tomorrow Bill is going downtown for CPR certification. Next Saturday we are going downtown to stay for 2 nights for the marathon. This our annual thing that we do every year. I think the weather is going to be good, but one never knows.


You Bill is so good to be doing that for that man. I hope this new guy will be the one who will not cause any problems. You can never go wrong with the deals at Kohls. Have a good weekend.




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I'm afraid my computer has gotten a bug again, it locks up on some of the screens, not sure why. I also see that I have Norton and McAffee security programs so maybe that is the reason. I bought the Norton but not sure where the McAffee came from.


Its a beautiful day, went to church, came home made breakfast and thought we were going to the apple orchard, but Bill started watching the golf game and now I'm thinking its too late and am not happy!


It is nice not to have to go to the pt anymore, it was 18 miles down there and seemed I always ended up doing some shopping so it always took at least 1/2 the day. They have a bigger Walmart and a new Kohls down there, thats why.


I didn't hear about the free museum, but wouldn't have went anyway. I do like to go to the museum of natural history though the best.

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Sharon, nothing wrong with shopping. Any excuse to do that works for me. Yes, a beautiful day today. This week the temps will be dropping to more of seasonal weather. One week form today the weather will be perfect for the marathon for the runners. For the spectators, a bit cool. But if dressed warm it will be fine.


Getting something that will shut down your computer is always out there, especially with all of the people trying to do things to screw up our world today. I hope you can do something that will work for you.


Have a good evening,




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Sharon, today is supposed to be fairly nice and then it is supposed to drop and get cooler especially at night. I heard yesterday that on Sunday we could have our first freeze during the night. So we will have to dress for this. I also heard that Lake Shore Drive is going under construction right around where we are staying. We plan to check in Saturday afternoon so hopefully we will not get tied up in any traffic going down.


I hope you can get your computer working properly. I know you cannot rely on that one guy who was ripping you off with fixing things. I don't know what I can tell you, but there must be someone who can help you. Perhaps some of the thingsyou already have is still, under warrantee. I know there is a guy who works on our computers at the sports shop who helps me and does not always charge me for things. When computers do not work properly it can be very frustrating for us as users as I know I get crazy with some of the things.


We decided yesterday with the temps dropping at night we are going to drain the hot tub real soon and get it ready for winter storage before it really get too cold to work outside. How I will hate to put that down after the summer we have had.




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We already had a frost about 2 weeks ago when it got really cold one night. All the pepper plants turned black thats how I know for sure. Yes I saw too that today through Thursday and then Friday the temps really drop down to the 50's for a high. Might get a little rain too they said.


We did finally go to the apple orchard yesterday, it was still packed even when we got there. We got a piece of apple pie and ice cream and walked through the barn and picked up a couple of things. Didn't get apples though, too big a quantity in a bag, I know we would let them ruin before we ate all of them.


Going this afternoon with the gal that is my pet sitter, she called and wanted to know if I would ride along with her in her carriage. She wants to go to trails in Richmond at Glazier Ridge and needs someone to help her with the horses. Since I had horses for years she thought I might like to go. So we are going around 2pm and should be back for the 6pm salsa lesson.

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Sharon, with you being far north from us I can see why you have already had a frost. I remember when it did get cold and we turned our heat on for a bit to take the chill out of the house and then turned it off again. It never frosted here, but that time is closing fast. Once we get this cold moving in it looks like the heat will be on the rest of the winter.


When I came home from lunch today, Bill was draining the hot tub. This is a very sad day for me. I did enjoy going into it in the evening after I came home from work. But the reality if it gets too cool at night I will not use it. It feels good when you are in it but once you get out, is when I cannot stand the cold.


Fall stuff this time of year is nice to browse around. We went to an outside craft fair on Saturday. Just something to do and I bought a few nice things that should be useful around the house. Wow, that sounds exciting helping your sitter moving her carriage around with horses. That should bring back some fond memories for you.


How is your computer doing? Enjoy the afternoon.




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Too bad about the hot tub, but I think its supposed to get cold starting on Friday again, but who knows for sure!


We had our Salsa lesson last night and learned a few new moves to add some style and grace to it, also some turns. I made a mistake and told him we were going on a trip so wouldn't be there next week, but its actually the following week, the 15th. I will have to call him and tell him before he makes other plans.


I had a nice time yesterday with the carriage ride. She has a huge horse trailer and the horse and carriage both fit in it. Her trailer also has a wrench in it so that she can pull the carriage back up into it without having to do it manually. Her horse is a Halflinger, which is a large breed like the Budwiser horses but with almost the coloring of a palomino. I couldn't help her with the harness since I knew nothing about it but was able to help with the horse somewhat. Another couple came with their horse and carriage also so it was nice having company. It was a beautiful day temperature wise and Glacier Ridge covers many acres and had great marked trails. I was glad she thought of me to go with.


Today our zumba class was cancelled, due to the illness of the instructor. She is plagued by kidney stones so I'm thinking thats what happened again. Before, the Thursday gal Mandy, would sub for her but now Mandy got a job for Tuesday mornings at another place so she is not able to do that.


Hope your day goes well, I'm doing laundry and will go to line dance lessons tonight. Oh yes, my computer is working ok, I have found ways around the problems but not gotten them fixed.

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Sharon, you had a full day yesterday with the horse and carriage and then going to salsa. Hopefully you will have a good group tonight for line dancing. Where are you going on the 15th? I heard that the weather is good until Thursday then it starts to drop. With the news of construction at Oak Street and Michigan I hope we do not get tied up in traffic on Saturday going downtown.


Perhaps that gal will call upon you again to help her with the horse or carriage. Well after today I will just have to use hot tubs at hotels we stay at when we are away. Unless I start going to the health club with Bill. Really not the same thing though. But he did not want to be outside doing, that work when it is cold outside. I guess I cannot blame him at all. They are putting down the asphalt on our side of the street today. It has a kind of a sickening smell to it. I am glad I am not home all day today to take in those fumes.


The jerk is not going to STL this week and is staying here. He has been really nuts, as his business in STL is not going very well and he cannot deal with pressure too well. Instead he takes all of his anger out on those who are around him. I almost told him where to go yesterday.


Enjoy this beautiful day,




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I hate the smell of asphalt too, I don't know how those guys can work in it all day, money I guess is the reason. Asphalt and cigars just turn my stomach!.


Too bad he's is not going to STL, it would give you a little time not to have to worry about him. Has he told the other employees yet about the pensions?


There are 700 Portuguese Water dogs at the resort this week. They came last Saturday and are there until Friday. They have been having shows and time trials on the beach in Fontana. Thats also the kind of dog Obama has. They never allow dogs in the resort but must have had a good reason to change their minds this time and allow them. I like dogs but don't want to stay in a hotel that allows them. We had stopped up there on Sat night to get a drink and after we found out they were still going to be there, we did not go Sun night to swim. They of course did not let them in the pool, but thought with all those people there it still might be crowded.


We are going on the bank bus trip, overnight only, to Indiana to the covered bridge festival, red line (if that means anything to you, doesn't to us). It will be a quick trip but at least its somewhere to go. I told Bill if he wanted to stay and work, I would go by myself, he acts so silly about even going away for a couple of days. I wouldn't want to go by myself but I would do it to prove a point. He said oh no, he would be able to get away.

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Sharon, that would be the day I would tell Bill I was going someplace all by myself. I would go with friends or family but I would never go all by myself. Red Line means nothing to me either. The only covered bridge close to us is the one in Crown Point, IN. Crown Point is where they filmed the movie Dillinger. The old jail in town is the actual jail that he escaped from back in 1934. That is where I had that light the night walk last week around the lake.


Wow, 700 dogs. I have never heard of that kind of number before. You can bet the reason they are having all of those dogs there is money. I would not go near there either with that kind of numbers. So you are going on the 15th and just staying overnight for one night. Will you have your sitter watch Tinker for you?


It was a nice day here today. I little windy, but I will take that versus the cold. If I could ship the jerk off someplace other than here I would gladly do it. I am getting closer and closer to telling him off the way he has been pushing me lately. If he continues, I can assure you that the time is drawing close. I have a breaking point just like anyone else and I can only take so much of his crap.




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I wouldn't really go by myself, its just that he always acts like even one day away from work is a problem. There are several "old" ladies that go by themselves on the bus trip because they don't have a DH and its with a group so they feel safe, but I really want Bill to go.


Isn't it too bad that one person at work has to make eveyones life miserable, happens at a lot of work places though. Wonder what would happen if you told him off, would he realize he is wrong or fire you???


I didn't go to the piloxing class this morning, was tired so went back to sleep after turning off the alarm clock. We don't have line dance class on Tuesday night for the next 2 weeks, so maybe I'll go next week. I'd just like to see what its all about, but don't want to add another exercised class commitment to my schedule.


We had some rain this morning but it has stopped now and not too cold yet, guess that will be here soon though. The 13th and 14th is the Fall Diddley craft show at the Boone Co. fair grounds. A huge fair with all juried entries, so there are some nice things. I don't usually buy much but like to look at all the ideas they have. Some times we go and its hot but I bet this time we will go and it will be cold.


Hang in there....

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Sharon, it has been overcast all day here, and no rain yet. I guess it will come later this afternoon. I am getting close to telling the jerk off and walking out the door. If it does come to that, they would be calling me back the very next day. I would not go back unless there were some changes on how he treats me and a raise as well. However, I would make it clear, no matter how much money he pays me, it is not a right to mistreat me. There would be a zero tolerance form, that point on.


I understand about you not really going by yourself. But I think Bill would enjoy seeing where Dillinger escaped from the Crown Point, IN jail if they went there to that area. The jail is not too far away from the covered bridge.


Going to the craft fair sounds like a nice afternoon. I would think that Sunday would be less crowded than Saturday. What is piloxing class. If you did tell me about it I do not remember. Nothing wrong with getting some extra sleep. It means your body needs it.




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Sharon, the jerk leaves for Boise today and will not return until Friday. So hopefully I will not have to deal with him for the rest of this week. They were talking about rain all day, but we never got any before I went to bed last night. I know you said that you got a little yesterday morning. When I work up this morning it had rained during the night.


Well today should be the last nice day for awhile. So get out and enjoy this day. Just 2 more days and then we go downtown on Saturday afternoon. We want to get down there early afternoon to enjoy some of the day. Sunday Bill will be driving an official vehicle all day on the course and I will assist inside of the tent for the group. I am sure they will have heaters inside to stay warm. Bill will be inside of a van so he should be OK. We come home Monday morning.




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Sharon, what a beautiful day it was today. Too bad we cannot box this up and save it for a few more months. What are your plans for the weekend? I hope you were able to enjoy this day.


I keep forgetting to ask you how Bill's dental issues have been doing?




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Bills mouth is doing fine, he needs to call now and make an appmnt for cleaning and checking the rest of the teeth. They wanted him to wait two weeks and its been that now.


I went with 2 gals from zumba to the apple orchard. We looked through the big barn with all the goodies and apples and then had lunch down in the basement of the barn. We had pulled pork bbq and WI cheese soup. I brought Bill 1/2 of mine for dinner, I couldn't eat it all it was so big.


Had a little sprinkles this afternoon but not much, could still be outside in it. Tomorrow the bottom should drop out.


Piloxing is a combination of pilates, boxing and dancing. I have never seen it but there are getting to be quite a few classes around here offered. I think I have enough with Zumba 3 times a week and the dancing. Glad to stay home tonight and watch Person of Interest, that guy is so handsome.


This Sat there is a ballroom dance in Twin Lakes at the Rumpoles Wonder Bar. We have been there a couple of other times. It is a beautiful wood floor and huge. They will have a live band and its a 50's style costume if you want to wear something but not required. They will teach a swing dance for the one lesson they give. Last time it was really croweded they had to set up more tables and chairs for everyone, so we plan on getting there early. Friday night will probably be the regular dance place. Last week that was really crowded also, there were 3 birthday parties going on.


Glad jerk is gone for the rest of the week, your plans to stay in Chicago and the marathon sound like fun too.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, I forgot to tell you that my friend who lost her husband last year, asked me once again to do yoga with her. I did it before with her a few months ago and last night I started once again. I did not really want to do it, but she talked me into it.


Piloxing sounds very intense, and I can tell you that I would never be able to do that. I am having a time doing the yoga as I have to sit in the front row as I cannot hear her if I don't. I am deaf in one ear. So will Bill go and get that done or will he put it off? I think that a lot of men put stuff like that off and some are even afraid to see the dentist.


It sounded like you had a fun day yesterday at the barn. It did not start raining here until 6 pm, and it rained good most of the night. On Sunday it looks like cold weather and now I see rain. I will be inside a heated tent and Bill will be inside a van driving it as an official vehicle on the course. They said they want to pick us up at our hotel on Sunday at 4 in the morning. ug!


It sounds like you have a full ticket for this weekend. Ball room dancing sounds like fun, if you can get there early and get set up with a good spot. Hopefully the dance place you go to tonight will not have the music turned up too loud. It looks like it is time to crack out the winter gear for Sunday and the next few days with the temps that are forecast. Where we complaining about the heat just a short time ago?




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I do remember you doing yoga a while back, I tried it also but just wasn't flexible enough, although that's why the instructor said I needed it. I never liked the child's pose, I can't breathe all folded up like that, and the way I understand it, it's supposed to be a restful pose. I did sign up for a pilates class that follows the Tuesday zumba class, its supposed to start next Tuesday.


In addition to making a dentist appmnt, Bill got a notice it is time for his colonoscopy again. It has been 5 years already. The renter guy he took for his test last week had a large popup and they removed it during the test. Yesterday he got the results, it was cancer but they "think" they got it all. He has to repeat the test in 6 months.


We did not get anymore rain yesterday or last night, I think it all went south by you! It is really cold but very sunny today.


Good luck getting up and ready to go by 4am, thats an ungodly time of the morning to have to go somewhere, ha ha. Hope you have enough free time to enjoy your hotel stay.

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Sharon, send us some of the sunshine. As it is cool and very overcast this morning. We plan to get to the hotel around 2 tomorrow. So Saturday should be a good day to relax and look around. Sunday will be just resting once we return to the hotel and that will be around 5:30 Sunday late in the afternoon.


We laugh at yoga as we cannot do all of the moves the instructor is doing. We usually fall down trying to do them. But at least we are having fun.


So is Bill going to call the dentists and will he do the colonoscopy? As long as he stays on top of things all should be OK. Yes, we will be having a challenge getting up so early on Sunday.




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Sharon, the cold has settled in and it really got cold last night. We had rain off and on all day yesterday and even into the evening. I went out last night with my friend who lost her husband last year. We had a nice evening out to eat and talking. Bill was not home as he was downtown working the marathon expo so all of the staff could go to the pasta party.


We would like to get out of here early afternoon and be down at the hotel by 2. There is a lot of things going on down there over this weekend. Besides the marathon on Sunday. At Solder's Field later on this evening there is a huge football college game with ND and Miami. I am sure your Bill will be watching it later on. Oh no, I guess not as you will be going out to ball room dancing tonight. Enjoy and have a real good time.


How was the dancing at the regular place last night? It is getting dark early now. Just think what it will be like next month when we turn the clocks ahead 1 hour.


I don't know if I will get a chance to check back in over the weekend. So if you do not hear from me, I will get back sometime on Monday when we return. Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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