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Sharon, I am glad you all had a good time celebrating your friend's B-Day last night. It sounds like your group is very close and enjoy each other and do a lot of things for each other. Yes, when I was responding yesterday the rain was just getting started and like you, we really got it most of the night. I have never heard of that kind of cake, but it does sound delicious.


They are working on the other side of the street opposite from us and there is all kinds of mud everywhere from all of the rain. Then factor the broken water main a few days ago, you can imagine all of the water everywhere.


I haven't heard yet if the jerk was delayed yesterday in STL with the storms. I heard on the news that the STL area really got it bad with high winds and much damage. So I have not heard from him yet and I never know when he will show up or call me. I can only hope that his travels were not pleasant at all, it would serve him just right.


Have a good Zumba class this morning. I am looking forward to my yoga this evening as I am finally starting to feel good about it, and I am enjoying it as well. It has been relaxing me as I really need the relaxation after what jerk has been putting me through. Plus it is a time for me and my friend to talk and shear stories afterwards. As Thursday's is our night to get Pop's Beef. The only draw back is Bill has to wait until about 8:45, but he says he does not mind.


Have a good day,




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We had a lot of people at the zumba class this morning, still wondering why no one showed up for the Tues one. Maybe it was because she was doing the Scentao zumba, it was a lot harder and some of the people didn't like it, but she said she was only going to do it 3 times so it would have been back to regular zumba this week. Enjoy your yoga class, for some reason I just didn't like it, I couldn't do a lot of the poses and I sure am not limber enough to sit like the other ones do with their legs crossed. Can you do that?


What is Pops Beef? Like an italian beef or something? I am making a big pot of chili today. We can eat it for a couple of nights so I won't have to fix anything tomorrow night. A gal from zumba was making meatloaf last night, it sounded really good too, maybe I'll make that next week.


One of the gals last night works with Weight Watchers writing down weights as people come in. She said she had lost 3 1/2 pounds, of course she is already a little skinny thing. I can't seem to lose a pound if my life depended on it! In fact just being gone the 2 days I put on another pound. I am ready to throw in the towel and say it just is what it is and quite trying, although I don't seem to be trying to hard anyway. Just can't get my head on straight to take control.


Rain, cold and dark here all day so far today. Looks like we are headed into winter today. Hope the jerk had a bumpy ride if he made it back!

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Sharon, the jerk is back but I did not ask him about his trip. He called a little while ago and said he would not be in today, yea. Yes, you and I are in the exact same boat. As I cannot loose any weight either and I will gain a pound or two while away. As I have said before I am glad for Bill but now it is starting to drive me crazy, first the GK's are telling me he looks younger than I even though he is older. Now the weight loss he has had. He now has lost 45 pounds and he plans to keep on going. He is at 225 now.


It has seemed so easy for him and yet I can't beg, borrow, or steal any pounds away. I cannot figure out what is wrong and I think I have thrown the towel in a long time ago. Yet I bought the fitbit and still nothing except the crazy messages it says to me, like good job and I do not see any results.


I may have asked you this a while back and I cannot remember what it is, but what is Scentao zumba ? So what are you going to do now that the Tuesday class has been canceled? I cannot do the putting one leg on top of the other like some of the people do in yoga. I can just fold my legs like most kids or adults might do when sitting on the ground.


Yes, we still cannot do some of the moves and we fall down laughing, but we realize what we can and cannot do and that is part of the fun going with someone who is a good friend. I am getting into the relaxing part with the soft mood and dimmed light and bring peace into ourselves. A major problem I have is called "restless leg syndrome." I often wake up in the middle of the night with my legs aching and twitching. Then I cannot fall back asleep and I am up for about 2 hours every night.


Yes, cooler and gloomy today but I guess the temps will be going beck into the 60's and even 70's. Pop's Beef is just a local place in Indiana where we go to on Thursday. It is just an Italian Beef place that we found and they have punch cards where every 10 sandwiches you buy you get 1 free. Here by us in Indiana, the time zone is the same as us. You were further up in the state where they are in the Eastern Time Zone.




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I think it was only the one day that zumba was cancelled because only 2 people showed up, must have just been a fluke, I'm sure the other people will be back next Tuesday. I cannot sit like you, I cannot fold my legs like that, I have to sit with them to the side or straight out, just not flexible enough. You are right its fun to go with a friend. The Scentao zumba for our class has been using a chair. One of the exercises is to sit on the front edge of the chair and lower yourself down in front of it using your arms only then back up and down again several times. Another move is to have one hand on the back of the chair the other on the seat and do push ups. Also standing by the side of the chair do leg lifts. So it is a lot more exercise to specific areas than the regular zumba that covers alot of muscles with dancing moves.


I have the restless legs too, but mine seem to bother me when I am sitting in the car or watching tv, not so much when I go to bed, thank goodness.


Yes, I seem to have found every pound Bill has lost also, he does not have a belly anymore at all. I told him to not lose anymore, he might need some "reserves" if he gets sick at all. You see that quite a bit, a skinny little man and a big fat woman!


It was really cold, windy and rainy yesterday, still rainy and gloomy today but not as cold or windy. I have the zumbathon tonight, Bill was going to go and watch, but I told him he would probably get tired of sitting there for 2 hrs and he would also be cold. I don't know if I will get home in time to go to dancing tonight or not. I wouldn't care to miss but we'll see if he wants to go or not.


Maybe your luck will hold and the jerk will not be in today either!

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Sharon, so did I misunderstand about the Tuesday class. They only canceled last Tuesday and it will run the rest of the Tuesday's? See what happens when you are not around, everything just falls apart. Now do not get me wrong about yoga, as I cannot sit like that very long, only 5 or 10 minutes max. I am also not that limber where I do some of those stretching moves. I can only do so much and that is it. My body and limbs will only stretch so far and then I am afraid something will break or snap.


As far as that other kind of Zumba, that sounds like a real workout. I give you a lot of credit as I do not think I would be able to do all of that type of exercising. Although Bill has been telling me how important it is after a certain age to maintain mussel. As you loose so much each year if you do not. So he had some credit built up at a place around here called Play It Again Sports where you can take used sports equipment and exchange or trade it in for something else. So he got some arm weights and got me a couple of lighter weights to do arm lifts.


Unlike you, I do not have any problems when I am driving with my legs. Mainly at night and then it keeps me awake for a few hours where I cannot fall back asleep. Once in a great while if I am sitting for any length of time, I may start having some twitches. But that is another thing, that I cannot sit for any length of time as I get restless and have to get up and move around. I need to relax more as I think this job is the major problem.


Surprise, the jerk was already in when I got here this morning. He got here at 8 and had some big important meetings.It would have been real nice if he didn't come in at all. Would have been just perfect to end the week. Let's hope he does not do anything to upset the apple cart and set me off. Yes, it would be perfect if he just stayed away and let me be and all will run much better without him around.


It sounds like you have a full ticket this afternoon and evening. Doing the Zumbathron and then dancing later on, good luck. Yesterday was miserable and today it seems warmer, it is still gloomey and misting thus far. I guess tomorrow it is supposed to be close to 60 and Sunday in the 70's.


Well enjoy all of the exercising later on. You and me both would love nothing more to have those pounds fly off. Bill has this friend who asked him what he did with his fat man's pants. He just put them in his drawer. Fortunately he has smaller sizes he is going to from before when he was a bit lighter than he was. I wish I had that problem.




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Sharon, I forgot after I sent you the last post, that last night this local school as a fund raiser hosts a chicken dinner night. So for $20 for 2 of us we get a chicken dinner and a side and a salad. This is a annual fund raiser and they go to all of the local business and I always buy tickets for us.


Later on this afternoon at our club, they are hosting their annual fish fry. All of the fish caught during the year is kept and the club fisherman cook all of them. This event is open to the public and it is all you can eat for $20 pp. Since I am not a fish eater, they also cook turkeys and that is what I eat. I never used to eat vegetables but I have been getting better and now I am breaking myself in gradually by eating some a little at a time. But I don't think I will ever break into eating fish, that is something I will not do.


I just heard that our town has voted yes, to allow the gambling machines in certain establishments in the area. The club being one of those places. I have never heard of you and Bill going to the boats. We do not go to any of the boats, and when we are in LAS we really do not do any gambling. I try a few 1 arm bandits, but that is the extent of it for me. Once all of this stuff gets sorted out with the town and the state, they will put some machines into the club, and the club gets a % as well as the town and the state. Just another form of gaining revenue.


Finally a much nicer day today. It should start to warm up later on and turn into a fairly nice day.




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One of our local taverns has gotten the rights for the gambling machines also, I think they will be poker or slot machines but not sure. Like you said another way to get revenue. We have been to the boat in Elgin and stopped in at "The Rivers" casino in Des Plaines when we went to my hs reunion. We only play the slot machines when we do go, its kind of fun for a little while, especially if you win enough to keep playing.


Had fun at the zumbathon last night, they had a 50/50 raffle that I entered along with a few other prizes. I met one of the gals from the weekday class there so we stood next to each other. I left at about 7:30 so I could get home in time to go dancing and left my ticket entry with the other gal. After getting cleaned up and just ready to go to the dance place, she called and said I had won the 50/50 raffle which was $100. I was surprised as I usually don't win anything.


Nice day today, we are going to go for the "autumn drive" bunch of places along some rural roads that have items and food to buy.


I like fish, mostly cod or tilapia, along with shrimp, scallops and lobster. I have tried to like Salmon but its just too fishy tasting and I don't like that at all! If you don't eat vegetables what do you eat to fill up your plate?

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Sharon, it sounds like you had a very full day yesterday, and to top it off you won the 50/50, congratulations. We have gone to casinos around here in Indiana and in Michigan and only to just check them out. The part I did not like and the same in LAS is the smoking. In LAS you always have to walk through the smoking to get to anyplace. The same thing in those casinos around here.


I could not take it anymore, so this morning I returned to WW. Most of the stress I am under is from work and I have to do something before I loose it. So I want to get back into the routine once again as nothing seems to be working for me.


I am introducing some vegetables into my diet then I usually eat potatoes for filler and bread. I'll be the first to say that I have the worst diet and most likely the main reason for no real weight loss. So all of the fish that you enjoy is what Bill likes as well, it is just not for me.


The autumn drive sounds like a good thing to do today. Is this a one time event or do they have it every weekend during the fall? We talked about driving one of these weekends into Indiana to the Amish part past South Bend for either the day or an overnight trip. Sunday's the Amish are in church so most of their places are closed.


Things are not going too well at work, and I really don't want to get into it just now. He was such a jerk yesterday and I really do not know how much longer I can or am willing to put up with his crap. I have been working there way too long to be treated the way I am and frankly, I just don't think I deserve to be treated the way I have been.


Have a wonderful weekend.




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I read an article in our newspaper today that says bullying is in the workplace as well as in schools. I believe I was bullied into quitting my job at the bank by my boss. I just couldn't take it anymore and that was exactly what he wanted. So I don't know what to tell you, sometimes there is just nothing you can do about it but to quit. I was tired of going home and crying everyday then wondering what he would do to me the next day.


The Autumn Drive is only for 3days, Fri, Sat, Sunday. I bought 2huge mums, only cost $5 each. When Bill went to pick one of them up he had something happen to his eye. We are thinging its some form of macular degeneration. He has an appt tomorrow with the eye dr. One of our dance friends has the wet kind and got a shot in his eye once a month for three months. Can't imagine getting a shot in your eye but it is the treatment needed.


I don't think they let people smoke in the Ill casinos anymore, it does make it nicer.i bet they still do in other states though, especially LV.


Good luck tomorrow at work.

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Sharon, I am glad that you enjoyed the autumn drive, where there a nice assortment of good eats along the way? I am sorry to hear about Bill, perhaps when he bent over with the blood going to the eye may have been what started to happen. I hope today the Dr will be able to do something for him. I will say a prayer for him that all will go OK. Yesterday held to be a nice sunny day with the temps climbing into the 70's.


With all of the crap the jerk has been putting on me, I totally forgot about going out with my friends yesterday, until the one called me about 10. We went to a play/musical in Munster, IN around here as it started at 2:30 and ran until 5. The play was called 42nd street. Then afterwards we went to eat at an Italian place in St. John, IN and I got home around 8. We decided that we would not play bunco this month and do this instead. So it was a good day out with them. I cleaned the basement with Bill until I left at 2. We have been getting rid of things gradually and it is finally starting to look like a real usable basement once again. For years it was a storage place for things form my mother and Bill's Dad. It is very hard going through all of the memories. So he continued working on it the rest of the afternoon.


We have not been to any casino's in IL and yes, they do not let them smoke in IL. However in Indiana and Michigan they do smoke as well in LAS. I cannot handle the smoke anymore as I start having problems breathing. Besides your cloths stink afterwards. Have you had any progress with Bill giving it up yet?


You are absolutely right about bulling in the work place. The problem is I only have about 4 more years I want to work and at this stage of the game, I do not want to start searching for another job especially with the jobs situation the way it is today. I only live about 5 minutes from work, and it is convenient. But since I am so close to my breaking point, I feel something has got to change before I snap. I have got to figure something out to get to him, but the time is never right. Good news I will not see him now for over a week as he leaves today and will not come back until Friday.


It is supposed to rain today as it is overcast now. But the temps are supposed to be on the rise this week. Oh, I just found out yesterday from the friend I go to yoga with. She said that on Tuesday night they are starting Zumba. So I do not want to do both, rather wait until the yoga finishes up and then do the Zumba. I would much rather do the Zumba than the yoga anyway. I cannot really relax as you are supposed to do in the session. So as long as we have been talking about how there is no class around here, we are finally getting one close to my home.


Have a good day.



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We got bad news about Bills eye today. First we went to the optometrist and he did all sorts of test, then called the Opthamologist in Elkhorn, where Bill had his cataract surgery in 2009. He got us in right away and did more tests. Finally he came back in and said that there was nothing that could be done. He has lost vision looking straight out but can see looking down or sideways. Evidently a blood clot from his carotid artery lot lodged in the eye and blocked the blood flow. It is too small to do any surgery on and nothing will dissolve it. He also told Bill to make an appmt right away with his family dr and get an ultrasound set up as soon as possible. Also we were to stop and get aspirin for him to take right away and then every day. He said if this blood clot came from there, there could be more and if they went to his brain he would have a stroke and if it went to his heart he could have a heart attack. Very scary situation! He has an appmnt with the family dr tomorrow at 11am and we will see when they set up the ultrasound. One main thing the eye dr told him was that smoking was a contributing factor and he should quit. I don't know, he hasn't been able to even with his emphysema and coughing so I don't know if he will with the threat of blood clots or not. I hope so!

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Sharon, I am so very sorry to here that news about Bill. What will it take for him to stop smoking? I guess you will have to wait and see what his Dr says to him today after the ultrasound. Did the eye Dr put any restrictions on him like no driving? That will really hurt him if he cannot drive. I will say more prayers and hope for the best for a good outcome. I know my Bill has been taking 81 mg aspirin for a few years now.


Keep me posted on how the test went today and I will pray for a better outcome.




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We saw the family dr today, he ordered a bunch of blood tests and an ultra sound of the carotid artery, and an ECHO of the heart. He set up all the tests right away so we went to the hospital and had all of them done except the ECHO. That is scheduled for Friday. When I told the dr what the eye dr had told us about the stroke or heart attack, he said, yes sometimes they want to scare you. He had 8 vials of blood drawn, dr said he wanted to see if he could find out what caused the blood clot to start with. Then he would be able to tell us a little more about what the prognosis is. I asked if there were any restrictions like bending over or lifting and he said there weren't any. When Bill had the ultrasound on his neck he said they pushed against it so hard it really hurt. I would be afraid that if there was any loose clots in there pushing on his neck that hard would not be a good thing. Anyway the family dr also said that nothing could be done about the loss of vision, and asked Bill if he still smoked. Of course Bill said, I've cut way back. I asked him ....if your are blind, whose going to light your cigarettes? Makes me so mad that he would be willing to lose his site for a cigarette! Talk about an addiction!!


How was your work today, guess if jerk wasn't in it was a good day huh? We had such thick fog all morning, but it finally dissipated and really warmed up. I was kind of hoping for the fog to stay and then I wouldn't go to line dance lessons tonight, but it looks like it will be clear, so I guess I will go. We watched DWTS until the stupid debates came on, then switched back and forth between the debates and the football game. We are thinking since they only had half the dancers dance and the other half dance tonight that they won't be able to eliminate any tonight and maybe do 2 eliminations next week. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Thanks for the prayers, you just never know each day what is going to hit you!

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Sharon, isn't that the truth about our lives. One day we can be on top of everything, going along without a care, and before you know it, everything can be taken from you in a blink. You had better knock some sense into him and get him to reality with the smoking. It sounds like he would have a lot to loose if anything happened to his sight. Certainly loosing your sight would not be something to be taking lightly.


I did not hear form the jerk yesterday or today. I don't know how lucky I have been to escape that. But then there is always tomorrow and of course he can still call just before I am getting ready to leave here, as that is a famous thing he does. He told me last week that he is spending all of a million dollars putting in this big fancy pool in his yard, because he has the money to do this and because he wants to do it. Now isn't that just great.


So are you going to the line dancing all by yourself tonight? With all of the things you have had to deal with these past few days, you must be exhausted. It has been overcast all day here today and we did get a lot of rain throughout the day. Yes, warm and I guess it will be either 80 or close to it for the next 2 days and then only 40's for the weekend. It was a little foggy, but nothing like you had up your way.


I will continue to say prayers for Bill, first that he gets some good thoughts about giving up smoking and second that the test on Friday will shed some more light on what course of action they will prescribe for him down the road.


Have fun dancing with all of your stars tonight.




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I went to line dancing but left an hour early. There was a guy that had too much to drink and decided to join us. It was his birthday and his family was there and they thought it was hilarious that he was trying to dance. They were even taking pictures. But I don't like drunks and he was in the way.


I got Bill's ECHO test for his heart set up for Friday morning and my mammogram set up for Friday afternoon. Ive been meaning to set up mine since August so figured I better get it done.


What town does the jerk live in? A million dollar pool should be qiute something! It had better be inside or he won't get much use out of it.


Do you have box elder bugs by you? We have thousands of them especially on the south side of the house. They come in the doggie door, I think they are lookong to keep warm.

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Sharon, the jerk lives in Valparaiso, IN right on a lake and golf course and I heard that he is putting an enclosure around it. He spends so much money on himself and gives these huge sums of money to his kids and then he holds back on paying us our fair wages and salary. He reduces us to beg for things and that is just the way he likes it.


This sounds like a good idea getting your test done on Friday as well. It is going to be a very long day for you both. So Bill did not go to the dancing last night? Whenever you are out and there is a drunk, there will always be those who think that kind of behavior is funny and acceptable. It was good that you left early as not to further aggravate yourself with his drunken actions.


Now I have not heard of those kinds of bugs around here nor can I remember ever seeing them. This time of year we have problems with yellow jackets and flies. With the temps climbing as high as it will be the next few days, they will be around.


Enjoy the beautiful weather and once again I will pray that all goes well for you both on Friday.




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Beautiful day today, weatherwise, I think I will try and get some grass cut, hope its not too wet with all the rain we've had lately.


One of the gals at zumba is leaving for their Gulf Shores home in Alabama and will not be coming anymore until sometime next year. Lucky them to miss the cold and snow we will undoubtedly have soon.


Your jerk boss is so stupid, who does he think is responsible for having the store make money? Without all his employees he would not have the home and money that he now enjoys. Probably will never "get it" though, just go through life thinking he is entitled to it.


Hope your day goes well,

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Sharon, the Gulf Shores area is very nice as we used to go there regularly. The one draw back to that area is the hurricanes, otherwise it is a great place to spend winter.


Actually the jerk got everything he enjoys today from his father, as it was his father who founded the business and also started the company in STL as well. He is and always has been riding on his father's coat tails. He told me last week that he is retiring in 3 years and thinks I am leaving as well. I told him I wanted to work for 4 to 5 more years. First he said I was leaving to and then when I told him my plans he then said I could stay as long as I want, but I do not trust him at all.


It is too nice to be cooped up inside today, so get out and enjoy. It is supposed to be the same tomorrow and then much colder over the weekend.






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Sharon, how was your day yesterday and where you able to get outside and enjoy it some? Today holds to be equally as good before the bottom drops out with cooler temps for the weekend. If you were outside working yesterday, then today is your's to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather.


We have been busy working on the basement cleaning it up and organize it to a functional place in our house rather than a storage place and everything spread out all over the place. It has been hard as there is a lot of memories for the both of us. Stuff from Bill's father and stuff from my mother. One thing that I have been doing is moving things from one box to another and then moving it to another location as I am not ready to deal with some of the memories just now.


I hope all goes well for both you and Bill on Friday with your tests. I am continuing to pray for the best results.




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I can relate to the "memories", I have stuff from my mom and both of my boys and a whole big plastic tub of pictures, sometimes you just can't deal with it. Good idea to set it aside, some day maybe you can get back to it. We have stuff all over also, lots that should be sold at a garage sale, but I really hate to have one, or given to GoodWill. Seems we can really clutter up our lives, doesn't it!


Zumba class this morning, now am going to try and get the grass finished, figure it will be the last time for this year. I got over half done yesterday so only have about an hour or so left, hope the rain holds off, is really cloudy and windy.


We are going to the resort tonight so Bill can use the hot tub and steam room, he thinks it will help his neck, its still sore from the ultrasound.

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Sharon, you are absolutely right about memories. All we have is the one's from our past and the one's that we are currently making each and everyday. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even thought we have boxes piled against the walls, for the first time in I cannot remember the center of our basement is all cleared. It actually make everything much bigger. Our garbage pickup is tomorrow and they will have much to dispose of tomorrow.


Nothing like having a hot tub to go to and relax and get all of the stress and aches and pains away. You both need to relax as you have a very full day planed for tomorrow. How was the Zumba this morning? I have yoga tonight and when this session class is all finished we will sign up for Zumba on Tuesday evening. I know I will enjoy the Zumba much better than the yoga. Even though I have never done it. With all that you have said about it I think I will enjoy it.


I hope you were able to get the grass finished so you can relax and enjoy the rest of the day. Even though it is very windy, it is at least warm. Tomorrow another story, so enjoy and have fun tonight.




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Had a good zumba class but it was so very hot and humid! We did go to the resort and Bills daughter and hubby came in a little later. She said she had macular degeneration too, the dry kind thst Bill also has. There is no treatment, but it seems to progress slow. We have not heard any results from the blood tests or ultra sound hope yhey don't wait for the ECHO results to tell us anything.


We found a coupon for Grand Geneva resort's prime rib buffet, buy one get one free. We got a second coupon for Bills daughter and hubby so they could join us.


I got the grass all cut and good thing because it has been raining and turned cold and still windy.


I hope you do like zumba, I think it is alot of fun.

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Sharon, I will be saying extra prayers today in hopes that all of your tests have favorable results. Good luck How far away do you have to drive to get to the resort? It was good that you had the family to join you art the resort last night and getting the coupons was even a better deal as well.


We had very heavy rain falling last night and it started around 6 and lasted most of the night. As you said it was very windy and it made it challenging driving to and from the yoga last night. So we are about 1/2 way through this yoga session and then I imagine it would be toward the end of November when we can start going to the Zumba on Tuesday night. I am sure I will enjoy that much better than the yoga.


Good all of the grass is cut now for this year. I think around here now all they are doing is gathering leaves for the next few weeks until all of the leaves are picked up. With the high winds we had yesterday the leaves were blowing all over the place.


I hope all goes well for you both today, much prayers,




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The resort is about 18 miles from us so doesn't quite take 1/2 hr to get there. We don't usually go on a Thurs night and were happy that it was pretty quiet. We didn't know that his daughter was coming and they didn't know that we would be there either, so was a nice surprise.


Bill had the last test done and I have my mammo this afternoon.


I have a guy coming over pretty quick now, he just called and said he was coming out. I had called and asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to mow the fence line so we could plant all the trees that Bill bought. They are like blue spruce pines and only about 3 feet tall. His son has some kind of a drill for planting them but we need to get the weeds cut down so we can get to the fence. I only cut half of our 5 acres and this would be in that area which is the north side of the property. We will probably never live long enough to see them grown, but what the heck decided to plant them anyway.


How is WW coming along, are you following the plan? Good luck to you!

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Sharon, I thought you were staying there the entire time to finish all of the tests. But I guess it is good that Bill got his over with so you could bring him home and then go back for you test. How long will it be for the results on both of you?


Now this planting you are going to be doing. Is this the same side where you have had problems with that one guy throwing stuff over to your property? How about that mail box that the state knocked down last year, did they ever fix it or did you have to fix it yourself? So are you planning to plant the trees this year or next spring. The reason I ask, as we are getting close to where you might not have enough time for the trees to take root before the ground freezes.


I only went to the WW last Saturday, as I could not stand it anymore with the feeling of being fat and not doing anything about it. I have not been back since and I have to come up with a plan to have a regular pattern, as I am now going to a new place form the one I was at before. This new place has more flexible hours and has a better environment.


I hope your test goes well this afternoon and that you do not get home too late.




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