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Sharon, we decided last night that we are going away for tonight, just to do something different. We are driving to Middlebury, IN and coming home tomorrow. This is right in the middle of Amish Country for Indiana. They have many shops and different places to eat authentic Amish Food. I think it is about a 2 hour drive form our house, just past South Bend, IN.


How was your test yesterday and when do you think you will get all of the results of the tests back? Once you got back home did you feel like going out or where you wore out form a day of tests? Much colder this morning, but at least the sun is shinning. We are leaving in a few hours and I think that part on Indiana is an hour ahead. Where we are at Indiana is the same as us. So I get confused on the time changes around here.


Have a good weekend and stay warm.




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Had the mammo yesterday and the gal showed me last years digital picture and this years and they looked the same so looks like everything is still good


We did go last night and all of our original friends were there, didn't dance much but had fun talking to everyone. We don't all get together as much as we used to.


Your trip sounds like fun, nice to just decide to go and then do it! We always have to consider our Tinker dog, so can't be gone even overnight without someone coming and giving her her medicine morning and night.


Not sure what we will do tonight, might go to the resort to see the costumes, the dance place is also having a costume party, but know the music will be too loud there.


Beautiful sunny day today, but we had a frost last night and everything in the shade was still frosty this morning around 10am. Seems to have warmed up a bit but not much yet.


The DH of my granddaughter who lives in Tx, works for the electric company and got word that he will be leaving Monday morning for the east coast to help out with the results of the Frankenstorm they expect will hit.


Have fun and enjoy the food and shopping!

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Sharon, we had a quick get away and it was about 1 1/2 hour drive for us to get there. We left early this morning to get back as there is not much that goes on Sunday there as the Amish are all in church. As soon as we got there we checked into the hotel and then went to Shipshawana, where most of the Amish things are for shopping. I bought a few things for the holidays and enjoyed walking around and looking at the various shops.


We had an Amish dinner early or late afternoon and since I had leftovers we were able to eat a light snack in the evening back at the hotel. Once we got up in that area there was not a cloud in the sky with lots of sunshine. The same for coming back, once we got close to the Chicago area there was dark thick clouds and very overcast. What a drastic change for only 95 miles south of us. When we got to leave this morning our car was covered with ice, and this is the first time we have experienced ice. Even though it was cool yesterday, with the sun shining it did not feel that bad. We took a carriage ride after we finished eating, for about 15 minutes around the town. The driver was a nice Amish fellow.


If we did not go away, we would have gone to the club for the Halloween Party. So we have done that before and I am glad we were able to get away and do something different. We had thought about going to the theater there for a play, but I was kind of tired out from shopping and it was nice to get back to the hotel and go into the pool and whirlpool instead. We picked up the schedule for the upcoming plays and thought that we may come back to see a play.


I am glad that your mamo turning out OK. Now all you have to do is wait for the results from Bill's test. Did they let you know when you would get those results? After leaving the sunshine and returning to this dark overcast stuff, I am kind of depressed for the drastic change. Anyway, I hope you day goes well and that you may get a chance to go to the resort later on to go into the whirlpool.




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No results yet, was hoping they would at least give us the results from the blood test and ultra sound, but guess they are waiting for the ECHO test results and then give them all to us. This not knowing if he is in imminent danger of another stroke or not is really hard to live with. We have been pretty much going about our days as though nothing is different and so far so good. We did go to the pool yesterday, and only one other couple was there so it was good. Sat night we stopped up at the resort to see the costumes people were wearing, only stayed for about 1/2 hr and came home.


Sat morning I started getting a bad head cold, I think the stress of this past week got my immune defenses down. So I'm going to call the salsa dance lesson guy and tell him we aren't coming again. We haven't been for almost a month now with one thing or another coming up. I would just as soon quit going as we don't seem to be learning anything new, just the same dance step over and over for an hour.


Your trip sounds really nice, I have wanted to go to Shipshawana but never gotten there yet. I have heard the shopping is very good and the food is too. Glad the day cooperated with great sunshine and temps. We have frost here most mornings now too. Hope all goes well and jerk boss doesn't rock the boat today for you!


I am wondering if the hurricane is really going to be as bad as they are making it out to be, guess time will tell. If it isn't, people aren't going to believe them next time!

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Sharon, is the salsa Dancing on Monday's? It seems like we are always hurrying to get tests done only to just wait and wait. I hope you will get some results very soon. I guess if they do not give severe warnings like they are doing people will not take this storm serious. They are saying it could turn out to be one of those perfect storms like the one in 1991 that we have heard so much about over the years. Where two massive fronts merge to form one of these perfect storms.


So how are you feeling now? I know if we get sick around this time of year, it seems like it lingers around for a while. I guess we should get used to having the cold temps around now for awhile. It was nice getting away and it was only about 95 miles or an 1 1/2 drive, and that was not bad at all. If we do go back up there it will be to see a play at their theater as we have never seem one there before. The hotel room was cheep and there was only about 25% occupancy at the hotel.


I guess during the summer on Tuesday's and Wednesday's is the real busy times as they have one of the largest flea markets in the Midwest. We have been to the flea market before in the past. The jerk left today for STL as he is getting ready for one of his shows next week in NC. But Bill was saying last night if the storm does a lot of damage in that area there will not be any kind of show. He has these trade shows two times a year for dealers to come and buy or exchange the good that are marketed by his company.


Have a good day,




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The Dr called last night and said all the tests came back just fine! No need for meds of any kind. One test he wants repeated in 3 months, was just a little off so he wants to keep track of it, but nothing to worry about at this time. And another word about the smoking issue before he hung up, as something he could do to help himself. We were so happy to hear that, but are left with wondering if everything is great, why did he even get the blood clot in his eye!


My cold is still bad, head is all stuffed up, eyes watering nose sore from blowing and feels like it might be headed into my throat or chest now. Think its going to be around for awhile, ugh!


Don't know if I mentioned, awhile back Bill had bought 24 small little evergreen trees, only about 3ft tall. Well he wanted to plant them along the north fence line, but the weeds are about waist high and the tree branches along the fence are there with the loose ones the jerk who farms the field next to us dumped there. So I hired a landscaping company to come in and mow about a 10 ft path along the fence line and cut down the branches and remove the other branches. They came today and it is so cold and windy don't know how they are working out there. Also I want them to cut the weeds that grew up, which are now taller than I am, in the area I had fenced in and make a path that I can get in there with my mower so I can keep it cut down next summer. He is charging me $2000, but I called 3 companies and he was the only one that came out to even give me an estimate, so I just went with him. Don't think its too bad for all the tree trimming and removal and mowing. Bill said if its not too much more have him go ahead and plant the trees too, so we'll see what he says.


I guess it depends on what part of NC your boss's show is in, some parts of the state are probably fine others not so much.

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Sharon, you should get this prescription for a nose spray called flownaise. We have been using it for a few years now and when you feel sniffles or running nose you spray this as it has kept us from getting any major colds. What you have is not good for you and it drains all of your energy. I hope you can get some relief soon.


I am glad that you got the good news for Bill. Now if you can only get him to stop smoking. I would think that with all that has happened, he would get the warning signs. I know it is easier said than done. Well today is a day to stay inside and away form the shoreline. Very high winds, everything blowing all over. At least we do not have it as bad as those in the East.


I made a mistake, his show is in SC in the Charleston area. So maybe they will be OK there. He leaves on Monday and returns on Friday, so with luck I will not see him this week or next. However he called me yesterday and bent my ear for a long time about the upcoming election. I finally told him that I have no time to listen to all of this garbage and him rambling on and on.


Wow that is a lot of money to be spending, so you must have a lot to get done. They should just throw all of the debris back onto the jerks side as it was him who put it on your side. Once you get the new trees planted, if he continues to throw things back onto your side he will damage the trees. I guess if it were me, I would have them plant the trees now as you are running out of time to have them root. Plus you are going to have to water them a lot for a few weeks as well. Let's hope the weather cooperates for you for a while longer.


Don't get blown away today.




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Sharon, I am sorry to hear about the news for you. I know that last year over the summer I went through the very same thing and I was scared as I have a history of breast cancer in my family. So after going through everything again and as you they did see something, all turned out OK. The only thing they told me was to make sure to repeat the test in 2 years. So I will pray that all will come back negative for you. Do you have to go today to have the test once again or do you have to make another appointment today to schedule for the next opening?


Isn't that always the case, just when you think that all is OK, you get news like this.




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Still have my cold, feeling really crummy too! I am ready for this to go away, its the 5th day already.


The landscaper guys are doing a real good job, trimmed many trees and cut a very wide path, big enough for a truck to drive on all around the fence line. Today they are cleaning up the area I had fenced in along the back. I see they have a chipper with today. They have hauled off 2 very large loads of branches already yesterday. Bill talked to them this morning and they are going to plant all the little trees we have.


Tired of dealing with and thinking about medical problems, want things to go back to "ordinary".


Hope your day goes well, thanks for the prayers,

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Sharon, it sounds like the guys are doing the job that you hired them to do. Planting the trees as well should finish the job. Now all you have to watch for that the guy on the other side does not do anything to mess up what you spent a lot of money to get cleaned up. Some people are just so inconsiderate of other's and their property.


I'll bet the guys had their hands full with the weather and high winds that we had. Nothing like what the people got out East. Also some areas out there got a lot of snow. That is one area that I do not even want to think of just now. It will really be something if they finish up the street in front of our house this year. Still working and driving trucks all over the place. They said they would be finished by Thanksgiving, but I just do not see how they are going to do that.


So you have to go for more tests tomorrow, good luck and I pray for the best outcome. Bill was supposed to go for some urology procedure on Friday, but they called this morning and said they are going to put him on antibiotics as it appears he has some kind of infection that needs to be taken care of first.


I hope you will find something to help your cold. You probably do not feel like exercising or dancing either. I am glad that we are not affected by the storm with all of the people spending days at airports trying to get from one place to another. That is not something I would want to think of being stranded like those people are.


The jerk is involved with making all of his arraignments for next week so hopefully I will not hear from him too much the rest of the week. I hope you have a good day and that you will feel better.




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Good news! After 3 more squishing views of mammograms and an ultrasound, it was decided that I had a fluid filled cyst. I was given the all clear for another year.

Whew, I was really worried about it since they sent me to the different place, but they had a radiologist right there to read everything and then he even came in to do an additional ultrasound and turned the screen so I could see what they had been looking at.


So I guess both Bill and I got a new lease on life for a while! I still have a terrible cold, it has now moved into my throat and chest and I have a "barking" sounding cough that really hurts. I think I will call the dr tomorrow and see if she will prescribe something over the phone. Everything I'm taking isn't doing anything.

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Sharon, I am glad that your mamo test are all OK. However, you should be very concerned about your cold as it could turn into a phenomena. Everything that you are saying does not sound good and they may have to prescribe a Z-Pack or something like that to knock this out.


I am glad to hear that both you and Bill are doing OK , if only you can get a hold on the cold issue for you to feel like you self once again.




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Sharon, how are you feeling today? Do you have any plans for tonight or over the weekend? There is nothing planned for us tonight and I have Bill's son coming on Sunday to go out for dinner as Bill's GS turns 8.


Enjoy the weekend and I hope you will be feeling better.




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I called the dr this morning and got an appmnt at 11:45, she said I had both sinusities and bronchitis. She gave me a prescription for an antibiotic. The pills are so big that I couldn't possible swallow them, so I bought a pill crusher. Eich! do they ever taste terrible. I hope they kick in quick so I can feel better. This cough really hurts in my chest. Also told me to take Robitussin DM for the cough.


We have no plans for this weekend other than for me to get better. Bill's calling his dr today today, he has been having headaches and the other day had a pain in his head, only for a second, but still we are wondering if it is associated with the eye problem. He had called on Wed but the dr wasn't in, hopefully he will get to talk to him today.


Bill's DD had "Elvis" again today at her assisted living home. We didn't go because I am so sick, but I don't think I want to go again so soon anyway. He's great to listen to, but we have seem him many times already.


My granddaughters hubby was sent to Maryland to help with getting the elec back on and now they are sending him to New Jersey. Lots of work, but also he will be making some big $$$'s. They sure have a mess out there!


Hope your day is going good, have a nice visit with Bill's son and GS on Sunday.

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Sharon, It sounds like you both are having health issues. I hope you both can soon get some relief soon. Hopefully after a few days you should be back to feeling much better with the drugs. Also I hope Bill can get some answers as well.


I heard today that the East could get hit with a Nor Easter next week. Those people sure got hit where it really hurts and at a bad time of the year with the weather changing. It sounds like your GD's husband will be very busy helping those poor folks out there. But good money while it lasts


I remember the Elvis guy. That is so good that he does that for those people in the assisted living. I hope you feel better soon and that you have a nice weekend.




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So far have taken 3 of the pills and it has stopped my non-stop runny nose so that is an improvement, the dr warned of a bad taste in my mouth from the pills and boy was she right. She said suck on a hard candy, so I have been eating cough drops, it does help. Bill also got an answer from the dr, he thinks that time will help his sore neck he got from the ultrasound and that the headaches are related to the eye strain. If they continue he will do some tests but for right now he says to wait.


I saw about the storm headed toward the east coast next week, boy thats all they need is some rain!


Not doing anything this weekend, Bill has said maybe the steam room would help me so maybe do that Sunday night.


Enjoy your weekend!

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Sharon, I am glad you are starting to feel better. If that is the only side effect, having a bad taste, I would think that is a fair trade off to feeling better. I am glad, that Bill will feel better as well. The steam room sounds like a good idea.


I am just shopping and getting things straighten up around here. We went to the club for dinner last night. Bill had all you can eat fish and I had parmesan. We decided to book once again in Middelbury for a show at the Blue Gate Theater in Shipshanwa. The play is called Half-Stitched, adapted from the novel by Wanda Brunstetter. We booked for November 24 and the show starts at 1pm. So we can drive up and either go directly to the show or check in first and then go to the show and dinner afterwards and then to the pool and whirlpool for a finish. Depending on what time we actually get there. I figured go now before the weather changes and gets really bad.


We will just go for over night and return the next day like we did before last week. Today it has been kind of cold and not much sunshine. At least we have power and those lines for gas was crazy. I can remember back in the 70's when we had lines for gas. But nothing like what those people are going through.


Have a nice weekend and continue to recover and head to the road of feeling better.




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We spent a very lazy day yesterday, just sitting and reading and watching tv. Today much of the same, also trying to reset the temps on the furnace, stupid thing is so hard to get set, you have to set a time and temp for everyday of the week.


The theater sounds like fun. I had gotten tickets last month for the Dragon Acrobats at the Whitewater auditorium. I think it is for the 15th of this month. I hope I will be back to 100% by then. I don't think I will go to any of the zumba classes this week, just kind of run down. The meds will last another 7 days and by then I should be pretty good.


Good that Bill can once again eat, fish is probably good for his diet also, ha ha. How are you doing at WW?


We have had sun all day, our sun room is almost too hot!

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Sharon, we have nice sun here today as well. I guess this week may hold some very warms temps for us. I guess the ha,ha is for me, since I do not like fish at all. WW I have not been back since. I just have to get motivated once again. The jerk has thrown me all off. I should not see him for 2 weeks as he is gone for the trade show this week and next week he is going to FLA to stay with his mother.


We are waiting for Bill's son and GS to arrive in a few hours, and then we are going out to eat. Someplace where they have games for the GS to keep him from not being bored. So it sounds like you are still under the weather so to speak. But staying in is a good idea and taking it easy this week should help as well.


Bill went around changing all of the clocks in the morning yesterday and just messed me all up. It felt good to have the extra hour. That furnace sounds complicated to program. I know we have timers that Bill programs twice a year for the same reason as they are complicated to get everything programmed like yours.


We have been having problems with our printer and Bill has spent hours with the tech's trying to get it running. They get it running for a day and then back to not printing the next. So now they have decided that they are just going to send a new printer this week and then he has to send the old one back. We were only 1 month form the warrantee expiring.


Enjoy the day today and I hope you continue to improve with feeling better. Are you going to the steam room later on?




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Sharon, how are you feeling today? Where you able to go to the steam room yesterday? Hopefully with staying home and not doing any exercising this week will help you go get back your energy.


The jerk leaves this morning for SC all week and then he will go directly from there to Orlando for another week to stay with his mother.


We had a nice time yesterday going out to eat with Bill's son and GS. The last few Monday's we have been going to a place like Chili's about 5 minutes away form us as they have 1/2 price burgers. The only thing, every time we get our bill they have not taken off the discount and we have to tell the server about and then she takes it off. I wonder if they do that thinking most people will miss it.


Have a good day.




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