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We did not go to the steam room yesterday, just wasn't feeling like it. And to boot this morning Bill got up sneezing and with a runnny nose. I seem to have gotten a little better but stalled and am just about the same.


The ha ha was about your Bill's "diet" and how much weight he has lost, seems to be so easy for him once he got started.


Nice you got to visit and go out to eat yesterday, guessing you don't see them too often?


Also nice that jerk is out of your hair for awhile and everyone can do their job without interference.


Wouldn't you think the waitress would automatically put the discount on and not make you have to ask! I bet you are right, if people don't look closely at their bill they might not notice they didn't get it.


It gets dark really early now, soon it will be dark in the morning also.

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Sharon, the funny thing is Bill is not on any diet. He lost most of the weight from the surgery and he has not started drinking alcohol yet either. The next big thing for him is swimming each day as well. He is going back into the hospital for one night as he has to have surgery for kidney stones.


I am sorry that you are still not feeling good. It seems like when you get sick around this time of year it hangs around for awhile. Yes ,we do not get a chance to see Bill's son and GS too often, maybe about 4 or 5 times a year. So it was a good afternoon seeing them. Bill's GS is so much bigger than my GK's. He turned 8 and I have a GS just 4 days from him and he weighs more and is so much taller.


Perhaps the jerk will get some of the back lash form this new storm that is coming to the east coast on Wednesday. Those poor folks out there with all of this weather. I guess we do not know how lucky we all are living where we are. Yes, with the time change things are different with the day light and also with the cold temps in the morning and as soon as the sun goes down.


Some of these waitresses are so young and they are running around waiting on other tables, I just do not think they put any thought into anything. If it happens again tonight for the third time, then that will certainly say what it is all about.


Well , I sure hope you will be feeling better real soon.





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One of my zumba instructors is plagued by kidney stones, she has had them blasted, which she says leave a bruise and she has passed them, very painful it sounds like. She says it is hereditary, her dad has them too. So good luck to Bill with his surgery.


This is the second week of "taking it easy" and I wish I could go back to the zumba classes. But I have this terrible cough whenever I do too much and I know that no one would want to be by me. Got word from the line dance gal that she is no longer having lessons, guess just not enough people were coming. So instead a young couple that has won several dance contests is going is give couples dance lessons. It is starting tonight and I would love to go but just not up to it yet. Last night Bill's nose was running and running so I gave him an Alka Seltzer Plus dissolved in water and it stopped and it wasn't running even this morning.


Bill got home later than usual yesterday he said it was because he guy who rents his house right next door had not been seen all weekend, so he called him and only got mumbling. He found the keys to the house and went over, but the chain was on..so he went to the shop and got bolt cutters and cut the chain. The guy was really unresponsive and Bill thought maybe he had had a stroke. He called 911 and got about 4 police cars and 2 ambulances. Quite a turnout! This guy has been fighting some kind of illness for quite awhile and has been up to the VA hospital in Madison often lately. We would like to know how he is doing but with the privacy laws now they won't give out any information to anyone but family. He does have 2 sons, don't know if they will think to let Bill know or not whats going on.

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Forgot to mention, when I went and voted this morning I saw my old neighbors from the other house. The mrs said how do you like your home? I told her we loved it, and she said, even with all the noise from the highway?? I told her we didn't hear any noise with the tree line being there. She said we have really nice neighbors now, and I told her, I thought they seemed nice when we met them at the closing, Gee, I can't stand those people, so glad we moved!!


Then I went to the desk and said and spelled my name for the "very mature" gal. She kept looking pages forward, pages backward, getting all befuddled, and finally a not so mature gal asked her what was the matter. She said, her name is not here, I have looked under all the K's. This was after she had asked me to spell it about 3 times more. I think its time to get some different people in there who can handle the job.

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Sharon, thank God for Bill going to check up on his renter. Never mind his kids as if Bill had not gotten over there he might have been dead. But I do understand about this law, I think it is called HIPPA or something like that. But hopefully those boys should have Bill as a contact and give him the courteousness of letting him know what is going on or have those kids put Bill as first contact and notification since he is kind of the first responder.


I sure hope you are back on your feet sooner rather than later, but I guess this all takes time. So are these new dance people going to take this all over now, and do they know you are sick and will not be there tonight, so they do not get discouraged and pull the plug?


Still another cold day here and overcast this afternoon and it is starting to rain. Bill has been plugged all his life with these stones and this last time was because of the surgery and not drinking enough and they found a bunch of them in there. I do not know if his parents were ever plagued like Bill has been or not.


Sharon, isn't that funny as we had the very same problem this morning, and Bill was getting a bit aggravated with the gal as she was clearly not with it at all. Had the line all backed up because of her not being able to handle anything. Of course since they had 2 electronic machines we opted for the paper as that can move more quickly, go figure. Bill did not read the instructions and circled all of the choices instead of connecting the arrows. I think he had a senior moment.


Once again, nothing wrong with taking it easy, but when you are not feeling good for so long it is not fun at all. Plus, that cough can turn into something much worse. Get better so you can get back to having fun.




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Sharon, I was reading on the inter net this morning on one of those slides that come up with the welcome page, the 10 most reliable methods to shorten a cold. It might still be on there for you to view. One of the solutions was chicken soup.


We got rain yesterday, but I don't think we got a lot of it. I guess it is starting to warm up now. Then next week it goes back into the 40's and below. So did the landscapers ever finish all of the clean up and the planting of the new trees? Do you have to water the new trees a lot for a few weeks as well? I'll bet it looks real nice and you are probably glad it is all finished.


Once again, I hope each day holds better feelings as far as you are feeling better. Have a good day.




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I had a bowl of Mrs Grass's Noodle soup for lunch and for dinner, have always heard its good for a cold.


We had rain most of the day yesterday too, not much just enough to keep going. Today is foggy and misting but warmer. I'm hoping to feel better by Sat I bought 2 bags of tulip bulbs at Menards and want to get them planted. The landscapers were all done last Wednesday, only took them two days, but they had a lot of equipment and there were 4 of them. They made a path out to the fence line and then all along the fence line and it must be 10 feet or more wide. Then they cut down all the weeds in that about 2 acre piece I had fenced in and made a nice entrance to it. You really can't see much of it from the house or road since the weeds and plants from the yard to the place they cut is still about waist high. We left it for the deer and other critters that are running around out here, gives them a little cover once they come out of the woods.

They did plant the trees and we are glad for the rain we are getting so mother nature can water them.


Glad the election is over now we don't have to listen to the tv ads and the robo calls!

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Sharon, isn't that the truth. I was totally sick of all of the negative ads and one after another. I like positive things not negative stuff all of the time. Let's not forget all of the billions of dollars that were spent on campaigning and the election and here we have folks who can't even pay their mortgages. Something is definitely wrong with this picture.


It started out overcast around here this morning. But now the sun is starting to shine. Later on the temps should start rising and the rest of the week should be nice as well. This would be a good time to do planting of those bulbs. I think the rule I usually use is before Thanksgiving the weather is fairly nice. Then after that, the bottom could drop out.


Speaking of Thanksgiving, we usually go to the club for dinner. However this year my # 1 daughter wants to have the dinner at her house. So that is where we will be going. How about you, what are your plans going to be? Well you can't go wrong with soup. Things just take time once they get a hold of you like what you have had.


Now I can see why it cost so much to do all of that stuff with all of the land they had to cover and all of the work they had to do. But now it is all finished and you can sit back and enjoy what was done. Let's hope the trees will take and grow and grow and do the job you intended them to do.




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Sharon, today is a new day and I hope this day finds you are feeling better than yesterday, and even better tomorrow. We should take advantage of the next few days until Sunday with the nice temps that they are predicting. As starting on Monday the temps are dropping drastically.


Tonight we have yoga and there are only 2 more classes before the end of this session. After the class is finished, we have decided to not do yoga again and sign up and try the Zumba class that is being offered. So I would imagine that by the first of December we will be doing the Zumba.


We are totally upset with how long this construction is going on for our street. Yesterday they came and took out all of our sod on the parkway. On Monday they came down the street and ripped out everyone's driveways.


Have a good day,




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Boy the construction guys must be trying to make their work last as long as possible! You have really had that tore up for a long time now. They fix something and then they tear it back up, what a waste.


I saw in the paper today that my church is having a zumbathon on Sunday, I have not been to church in two weeks, didn't want to spread this around and wasn't sure I could stop coughing long enough. It said it was for 1 1/2 hrs so I'm wondering who the leaders will be and if I know them. I know I won't be able to participate, got a long way to go to get back to normal. I'm going to take the rest of my prescription and then if not better call the dr again. I can't believe as bad as these pills taste they aren't doing wonders for me.


We are planning to go to Bill's son in laws house for Thanksgiving, he was married to Bills daughter that died about a year ago. We were amazed that he is having it and invited us, his daughter only invited us one time. So we will drive up to a suburb of Madison, hope the weather is good.

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Sharon, that sounds like you will be having a good Thanksgiving at Bill's SIL's house. Like you said, let's hope the weather cooperates for us all. I am so sorry to hear that this has such a hold on you still and that you are still not feeling very well. Perhaps it is time tomorrow to give the Dr a call and tell him what is going on and to give you something to put you back on the road once again.


I am sure there will be a lot of people who you will know at this Zumbathron at your church. With all that you have been doing with the classes that you attend, there will be people who you will know. Tonight yoga and only 2 more class to finish and then it is time for me to get in the groove for Zumba. I am looking forward to that.


I hope your evening is better and you feel better.




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Sharon, I thought that we had 2 classes left with the yoga. But last night was our last class. So with the holidays the new Zumba class will not start until January. Now I do not know how it is with your class. This yoga and the new Zumba class are in a side hall for a local church. So last night they had the heat turned off and it took awhile for things to warm up. By that time we were all finished. So we were kind of chilled for most of the session.


I heard that today is supposed to warm to the 60's. Yesterday it was kind of foggy all day long and I think it was hard to even get out of the 40's. We have been having problems with our printer at home. They sent us a refurbished printer on Tuesday and we still had problems. So after being on the phone it seemed like forever, they are now sending a brand new printer next week. We did have the extended warrantees to go with everything otherwise we would have not been able to do what we did by getting the printers. However the draw back was spending long hours on the phone. They do not make things easy.


Tomorrow one of the gal's from our bunco group has a birthday. So we are all going out shopping at a craft fair and then going for wine tasting and something to eat. Then my # 2 daughter is having a B-Day party for one of her boys at a fun zone place. So we will have to go to that on Sunday afternoon.


I suppose it will depend on how you are feeling, that will determine what you do over the weekend? Or maybe you have already decided to just stay inside and get better. I hope if you are not improved today that the Dr will be able to prescribe something stronger to help knock the virus out of your system.


How is that man doing who rents from Bill, and did they ever let him know anything about the man and his condition?


Have a good day




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Sounds like you have a very fun weekend planned! We don't have anything, not sure if I am up to going out tonight or not, I'll see if Bill wants to go, but am thinking will probably stay home. He did say he wanted to go to the steam room and hot tub so we'll do that on Sunday afternoon. Warmer here today, but didn't go out, wanted to go and trim the remaining 6 evergreens but just didn't get to it.


The guy is still in the hospital and cannot talk, guess it was a stroke. His son came over and filled Bill in, they think they might move him to the VA hospital in Madison, he doesn't have much money so he can go there since he is a veteran.


Just saw yesterday on the front page of the Delavan Gazette that the police guy Bill's GD has been dating for several years, is in quite a bit of trouble and will probably get kicked off the job. He showed up drunk at a "gentlemans club" make rude remarks to the dancers and some other guys wife. They started to get into it and he flashed his badge, someone else called the sheriff and they said he had open bottle of liquor, and beer in his car and could hardly stand up, but gave them some trouble trying to arrest him. Stupid GD is still standing by him, I never liked him from the beginning, very conceited and overbearing. I think it will not end up very good for her, seems like the type that could even get physical with her. She is such a pretty, smart girl, is a nurse in the emergency room at two different locations. Wish she would come to her sense.


Make a pot of stew yesterday, just going to heat that up for dinner. Bill has been coming home around 4 now that it is getting dark so much earlier, that way he can still see pretty good.

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Sharon, when a guy acts like that, you know he will not be nice to her at all. What is wrong with these women who put up with that kind of behavior and even more upsetting is they defend them as well. If she thinks the facts are not correct and someone is lying then figure out why everything is printed in the paper and he is in legal trouble. Departments do not need the negative publicity and would just as soon as get rid of someone rather than defend them or give their department a black mark.


Based on what you have said, and I know if it was me I would be putting that man into the VA and not leave him alone. Of course a lot will depend on how he responds to the treatment they are giving him now. That is too bad. But just think how much worse it would have been if Bill did not find him and do what he did.


Even though it was nice today. Once the sun goes down the temps really fall. So if you are not feeling good, it is best to stay home. As if you are not feeling up to snuff you might not enjoy yourself. I hope you will start feeling better and that you can enjoy some or most of the weekend. This has really taken you for and knocked you out of the loop.


Have a nice evening tonight and enjoy the stew. That is a simple dish to put together and enjoy. Rest and get better.




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We did stay home Friday night, I got up Sat morning with a sore throat and runny nose again, in addition to the sinus and ear pressure I still have. I am still on the antibiotics but only have one more pill to take tonight. I will not ever take this antibiotic again, I have never had a worse taste in my mouth, seems like its even in my saliva. Never gets better, absolutely always there tasting horrid. I did go to church this morning, tried not to breathe on anyone so hopefully no one else gets it from me. We are going to the steam room later, don't think I'll swim though, just shower and get dressed after the steam.


Haven't had anymore updates on the guy with the stroke, maybe if he gets well enough he could live with his son, but I don't think he can ever live alone again. Not sure either if his son would take him in. Don't really know their family dynamics.


How was your girls night out, did you buy anything at the craft fair or at the wine tasting?

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Sharon, we left my house at 9:30 and we got home around 5. I went with the gal who I was doing yoga with. Yes, I did buy some crafty stuff. It was all inside as it really rained in the afternoon. We had a nice lunch. Then once I got home we went to the club for dinner.


Today I went to a kids zone for the GS B-Day party. It was all kids and at least it was at a place where they could be occupied on their own without us having to find things to amuse them. Today all day it has been extremely windy here. Stuff is blowing all around and things are also getting blown away. It is also raining now and it is just going to be a miserable night all around.


I am sorry you are still not feeling not much better. Are you thinking that maybe you might have to go to get something else to get rid of this terrible cold and virus that you have? Perhaps you might get some relief from the steam tonight. As far as the wine tasting I just tasted and did not buy anything. The craft thing was small and I did get a scarf to wrap around. Kind of a nice color and sequence.


Well I hope they can find someplace where they can attend to that man better. I don't think he should ever be left alone again. It is not fun at all being down and not feeling good for so long. I hope someone can do some good for you soon.


Have a good evening,




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Sharon, what a drop in temps this morning and we had so much rain and wind yesterday as well. Only in Chicago where we go from 70 to 30 in a matter of hours.


Did you go to the steam room yesterday and how are you feeling today? It was a crazy day yesterday with all of those kids running around and all of the noise. The package deal was for 2 hours and once the time is finished they push you out of there and move the next group in.


My daughter lives on the edge all of the time. She called me first thing this morning as she locked her keys in her car once again and could I take her kids to school. I cannot count how many times she has done that or misplaced the keys. Her husband has the other set with him at work. She just doesn't have any back up plans ever and is living day to day without no plan ever.


I hope you day is good and that you get some relief for your cold real soon, so you can start feeling better.




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I have another dr appointment this afternoon. My throat has gotten much worse and now has white spots in my mouth and roof of my mouth. My throat is sore and everything I eat burns it, if I get past that I can hardly swallow anything. We did go to the resort last night. I only went in the steam room and then showered and got dressed. Bill went into the hot tub/ whirlpool thing and I played on my tablet. No one was there the whole time. I think I have a reaction to that stupid antibiotic, it was so terrible tasting!


We went this morning to the school uptown, they invited veterans for breakfast and a short program put on by the 2nd graders. They had scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon, watermelon and cantaloupe slices, pineapple chunks and juice and coffee. I could not hardly eat anything it hurt too bad, the watermelon was the best. They had quite a turn out, the place was packed. They had the vets stand as the kids sang about each branch of the service, it was very well done, hope we didn't contaminate anyone.


Bill started getting a cold last night and now has a full blown one. He is actually staying home today, I can't believe it! Hope we are both well enough to go to the Golden Acrobat show at the Whitewater college on Thursday night.

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Sharon, it sounds like you may have a staff infection. I know I have had them before and that is how it feels like when eating or drinking anything. Also when you swallow your ears are plugged up as well. Now Bill is sick as well. Good that he stayed home today. I hope the Dr can do something for you this afternoon as he should have never let it get this bad to begin with.


I don't remember you telling me about this Golden Acrobat show. I hope you can get feeling better so you can see this show. It sounds like a very good performance. What a huge change in temps today form yesterday. It got to 70 and now in the 30's and we got a lot of rain as well last night and most of the night.


That was so nice oGolden Acrobat show f the school to do that for the vet's. It was nice there was a good turnout as well. I guess Bill had thought about going to someplace around here as well, but did not feel right going to that without me going as well. Since I have to work that left me out and that jerk would never have done anything for anybody. He was not a vet or any member of his family except for his father. The jerk is only wrapped up in himself and his own very little world.


I hope you feel better very soon.




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This time a saw a dr, not my dr since she is on vacation, but at least he was a dr and not a nurse practioner. He said the Biaxin was killing all the good germs and I had an infection in my mouth and throat called Thrush. They also did a throat culture which should be back Wed or Thurs. He gave me a liquid oral medicine to swish and swallow for my mouth and throat and another liquid that Walgreens had to order and should be in this morning for my sinus infection that has still not gotten any better. I told him I couldn't swallow a pill before this and sure couldn't swallow one now unless I chopped it all up so that is why he prescribed a liquid for my sinus problem. I also have very weak and shakey legs another side effect from the antibiotic. I don't know how long it will stay in my system, I did take it for 10 days. While I was at the dr's I asked him about Bill, told him he was just starting to get a cold and had a very runny nose, what would he suggest to be the best thing to take. He said Musinex D, so when I picked up my prescription I got the generic for Bill. It is a behind the counter med that you have to show ID for and sign that you will not give it to anyone or make any other kind of med from it. The brand name is $27 while the generic was $7. He took one dose and within the hour his nose had stopped running. It really worked great. Still hoping to get to go to the Golden Dragon acrobat show on Thursday night at the college in Whitewater. I got tickets for it over a month ago.


Too bad you couldn't go with Bill to one of the Veteran's doings. Several restaurants on Sunday had free meals..Olive Garden, Chili's and Applebee's that I know of. Most of the schools around this area had some type of program on Monday for the veterans also. Its hard when you are working to get off for something like that though I know. When you retire you can go to everything you want to!


Very cold again today, but I don't think quite as bad as yesterday, we had some snow flurries last in the afternoon. Going to miss all my exercise classes again this week, not even going to try and go until next week.

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Sharon, doesn't that just fry you when you go to one person and then to an actual Dr who says you were given the wrong thing to begin with. It is probably because of that, why it got such a hold on you. It sounds like they gave Bill the right thing though. I would not be surprised at all if they came back telling you it is a staff infection.


I hope they can give you something like a Z-Pack that you take for 5 or 7 days to knock this out of your system. I can't remember you ever getting this sick before. I feel so bad for you being down like this and having so many side effects and just not yourself.


I hope you are well enough also to get to that performance on Thursday. It was very cold last night, but I guess it will warm up each day this week. Snow, I do not want to hear about that yet. You cannot expect the jerk to do anything for a Vet as he was never one himself and has only rode on his father's coat tales all of his life and is one miserable jerk himself.


Have a good day.

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Sharon, I hope with the liquid that they gave you, you were able to sleep better and that it does some good. When they confirm the results from your tests are they going to prescribe something better, like a Z-Pack to hopefully knock this virus out of your system?


Bill should find out today what time he has to be down at the hospital for his surgery on Thursday. So we will drive down together and then I will have to drive back in the afternoon by myself and then go back down on Friday probably early in the afternoon to pick him up. I guess the surgery will not take too long.


With this sharp change in the weather and then it getting warmer, I hear that more people are getting sick. You even see commercials on TV about taking the right medication for the right virus. I also hope you will be able to go to the performance tomorrow night as well.


Have a better day today.




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Well the saga is still continuing. Walgreens called and said that the drug mfg is no longer making the one that the dr prescribed for me, so they had to call him and get something else. They didn't call back until about 3pm, then said that he had prescribed something that my ins didn't cover and that it would cost $42. I said I didn't care about the cost at this point just wanted something to work. When I got there I asked the druggist about the oral mouth wash I am using, told him it is giving me very bad hear burn. He said to take a zanac or prilisec until I was done with it and that should help. He then asked me what the new prescription i was getting was for, I told him my stuffy head, nose and ears. He said that sudafed would work just as well as what was prescribed and was considerably cheaper. So I got the generic walgreen brand and didn't take the $42 one. Wish I could see my regular dr, but she is still on vacation and won't be back until next week.


Bill has not gotten over his cold but the Muscinex is helping with the runny nose. He got up yesterday morning and must have slept with his leg wrong as he can hardly walk his knee hurts so bad. Seems we just go from one thing to the next lately!!!


We are going to try and get to the performance tomorrow night though.

Not much else new, still cold but looks like a warm up in the 50's is coming for the next few days anyway. Good time to put out Christmas decorations if you do that kind of thing. We usually only put up stuff inside.

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Sharon, let's hope that Bill does not get so sick like you have been. It seems like you get one thing taken care of and then something else comes up. We have to be down at the hospital at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow. So that means we will have to leave real early so not to get tied up in the morning rush hour. I just thought of this. Why do they call it rush hour when it last far further than an hour? It should be called rush hours and hours.


He has now lost 45 pounds thus far. He stopped at the jewelers on the way home to get his ring sized down as it was literally falling off of his finger. Then he has to go back down on 12/4/ to have an upper scope with a biopsy to check to see how things are progressing along from his last major surgery. But that is only for a few hours and not over night. So Friday I will have to go back down to pick him up and I would think that would be early afternoon.


It feels good today with the sunshine and the temps warming up. I sure hope you will feel OK to go to enjoy the performance tomorrow. It is no fun if you are sick to watch something and enjoy it as well.


Enjoy the rest of the day,




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Boy!! Congrats to Bill for losing so much weight, I noticed that some of my rings are tight, guess it even shows up in your fingers. How about his shoes are they getting too big too? He will have to buy a whole new wardrobe, me....I have a wardrobe in several sizes. I went to Kohls today, I had to because I had a $10 off coupon and a 20% off coupon, didn't want to lose it. I got 6 tops for $40, saved $60. One of the tops is dark red and has big round sequins all over the front of it, it was originally $42, on sale for $30 and then with the 20% off $24, plus $10 off= $14.00. The other tops were all 70% off to begin with and then the 20% off additional. I had to go today because it was the last day the $10 was good. Now today I got in the mail another $10 coupon and some more % coupons to use. So I guess I will be making another trip next week to Kohls.


I feel better today, I think I am finally on the right track, my mouth and throat are better, not completely but better, and I'm not coughing as hard or as much as I was. I had to get Bill his cane, knee just keeps getting sorer. Strange went to bed just fine, woke up with it sore???


You are right about "rush hour" traffic, hope you don't get caught up in it going or coming back on Friday. I was wondering if he was going to have any follow up on that surgery he had, good to make sure.

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