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Sharon, what I recommend for your Bill is to put an ice pack on it for 20 min and 20 off and then again for 20. That should help a lot to take the inflammation down that he has. Pain means there is swelling and the ice helps to take that down.


You can never go wrong with Kohl's, I just love that store and all of the coupons and discounts that they have and offer all of the time. I am glad that you have finally started to get better. I hope you will still be able to go to the performance tomorrow.


They say that swelling in the fingers are from sodium. His fingers have gone down but not his shoe size. His friend says that he can put away his fat man's pants. Bill has smaller sizes in his drawers form the smaller sizes he has been at. As the pants have been put away for a long time. So good that he does not have to buy any pants for now.




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Bill woke me up about 4am in terrible pain from his knee. I got him an Oxycodone pain pill that he had been prescribed a few months ago for his neck and he was able to get back to bed and get a few hours of sleep. When he woke up it was still very bad so I gave him one of my 550 mg naproxine pills that I had for my hip and leg problem, it is for inflammation. It really worked good, took away a lot of the pain and he could walk with a walker. He can take the pain pills every 4 hrs but the inflammation one only 2 times a day. He has improved enough for us to go tonight, he will take another pill just before we leave around 6 and that should carry him through. I wanted him to put ice on it but he didn't want to. It is very swollen up. We have a dr appmnt for him tomorrow at 11:30. He has to go through the family dr to get an appmnt with the sports med knee guy.


So you are spending a night alone tonight, its not much fun, like we said before all of a sudden you notice all the sounds you never do when someone else is there with you.

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Hope Bills hospital stay went well and you are on your way to pick him up! We went to the Dr today for my Bill's knee. He did not send him to the sports med dr, he just said that he should take Alleve and continue with the Bayer aspirin and pain pill if necessary. He was somewhat alarmed that he had taken my naproxen because of its strength which is 550mg while the normal Alleve is something like 200mg. So he gave him some Prilesec and said to take that to counteract the effects of the aspirin and Naproxene. He said that strong could cause bleeding ulcers or gastric distress. I know you are not supposed to give someone else the meds prescribed for you, but we had to do something. He also wants to have Bill do the one test again, in about 4 weeks, which came back a little high the first time for chance of blood clotting and see if the aspirin and brought it back to normal or not.


We did get to see the Golden Dragon acrobats and they were fantastic, beautiful costumes and I never saw people so limber as they were. The gals would be standing straight up and just bend all the way back and put their head between their ankles, unbelievable! The guys too had such strength to do the things they did and all in very slow motion, which made it even harder.


Again, hope everything went well for Bill,

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I'm wondering whats going on with you both, not like you not to post for several days. Hope its just that you are busy and everything is ok.


Bill's DD and hubby went to the Grand Geneva Prime Rib buffet last night, we had given them a coupon for buy one get one free. They buffet is ordinarily $28 each so it was a good deal. It is a beautiful place and they had their Christmas lights lighting ceremony last night too.


We are going to the resort tonight, get in some steam room and Bills some hot tub.


This afternoon I am going to try and get a couple more evergreens trimmed, I have 3 to go. Its supposed to be pretty nice all week so hopefully I can get them all done.

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Now I am starting to worry about you, wondering whats going on?


We went to the resort last night, were the only ones there so it was very nice and quiet. We are both feeling better, my cold or whatever it was and Bills knee. I am going to go back to zumba tomorrow, maybe take it a little easy though.


Cloudy all day here today, would be nice to have a little sun. I did get the rest of the evergreens trimmed yesterday, so now I can forget about that job.


Hope everything is alright,

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Sharon, I am so sorry for being gone and out of touch for so long. I will give you a brief up to date and tell you later on. Bill is in the hospital and is supposed to be discharged this evening. He had many complications from the surgery. First they put a cat in him and there were many problems with that.


They thought he had an infection, they thought he may have had a heart attack or stroke. He ran a fever, could not relieve his bladder. He had gas build up and could not release it. Things are supposedly doing OK now and like I said I should be able to pick him up and bring him home this evening.


I have been a nervous wreck driving back and forth from downtown. Working and they have had me doing interviews this week and last week as they are hiring 2 positions. So needless to say I have been running on empty. Getting tied up in traffic and staying late and not getting much sleep. It has been real rough being all along all of this time.


OK, he did not have a heart attack or stroke. Basically he does not do well after surgery and anesthesia. He takes much longer to recover. He was not emptying his bladder the way they wanted him to. So they kept putting in and taking these cat's in and out. That was causing him much discomfort. He did have a fever for a short period of time.


So a one night stay turned out to be 6. Getting caught up in major traffic, like the Michigan Ave tree lighting on Saturday and then last night with the big tree lighting in Daily Plaza. So I am besides myself with all of the pressure and driving back and forth. The work pressure and with being all alone and dealing with all of these issues and getting the news that I have told you about and not knowing what exactly to expect down the road.


So if all of the remainder of these test come out OK, then he will be discharged and I will bring him home tonight. So once again so sorry for being out of touch for so long. I will bring you more up to date later on. I hope your Bill is doing better and I will get back to you more than likely tomorrow.


Thank you for showing concern that you did.




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So glad to hear from you, I was afraid something was going on, hopefully now he is on the road to recovery and you can relax some too. Yes they have had a lot going on in Chicago and I would suppose the traffic would be terrible.


Like I said we are both better and plan on going to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.


Once again, glad things are getting better for both of you.

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Sharon, Bill is home now as we got back home around 9. He is very run down and glad to be back home and out of the hospital. He should recover much faster being back in his own surrounding now. Of course, I am very happy and I should start feeling better as well having him back home where he belongs. Last night was the first real nights rest I had in a week. As I was not sleeping well at all while he was gone.


Today I wish you and Bill a very warm and peaceful Thanksgiving. Where are you going again for Thanksgiving dinner? With all that has gone on, I just cannot remember. My # 1 daughter is having the dinner this year at her house. Since Bill just got home he is not going to the dinner. He is too weak and tired and is concerned with him being in the hospital so long that he could pick up something from one of the kids and get sick himself. He does not need to get sick or transfer anything to other's that he may have hanging around from his long stay in the hospital.


So he is staying home relaxing and resting while I do my duty and cook some things and join the other's. This will also give me an excuse to not stay too long as I will want to get back home to Bill. Today is supposed to be warm but the colder temps are lingering out there for next week. So let us enjoy this day and see how many calories we can avoid or put on.


I am glad that you and Bill are doing much better. Especially you, as you were down so very long. I am glad that you were able to go to the performance last week and it sounded like a well put on performance.


So once again, have a great day today and let's give thanks for what we all have.




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So glad Bill got home, and you are right, I'm sure he will recover much better at home, its certainly no fun being in the hospital!


We went up to Bill's son in law's house, the husband of Bill's daughter that died about a year or so ago. He had all the girl's, Bill's daughters helping but he made the 2 turkeys and cut them all up. He set out china and silverware and glasses of water and everyone helped themselves and found a place to sit. It was all very casual but worked out very well. If I would have had it I would have worried about seating and all kinds of things, he just let it all happen and it worked great. There was much wine, bloody marys and Captain Morgan, along with sparking grape juice and lemonade, so lots to drink which ever way you wanted, alcohol or virgin. He did send home a container of turkey and some dressing for a sandwich later. Bill's granddaughter was able to come in from New York, she works in the fashion industry designing clothes and works for Selena Gomez, the girlfriend of Justin Bieber. Of course she never shows her face around there, just has the investment and her name on the clothes that are designed. I always enjoy when she comes she is so sweet and I just love visiting with her. We set up my tablet and her phone so we can play Words With Friends.


We got Bill's car detailed yesterday, I had a Groupon certificate for a Silver Pkg, which included washing, hand waxing and complete inside cleaning. It really needed it and they did a terrific job, it just shines now! Not sure if he is going to work tomorrow or not. He was all upset the other day, found out one of the tenants painted the wood floors in their apartment dark green, they have never been painted before ever, and should not have been. He will have to have them all refinished! Another reason to put them up for sale!!


Hope you have a restful evening, I am very thankful that we have become friends, without ever even meeting and can "talk" about our lives like this!

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Sharon, it sounds like you had a perfect dinner out yesterday. I left around 1:30 to go to my daughter's house. My job was to cool the ham so I spent all morning doing that. I got back home around 5 and Bill stayed in bed the entire time resting. Yes, he should recover better and faster at home.


There is no option for me today, as I have to go into work. The jerk has a hard time even paying everyone for a full day off yesterday without working. I brought back some leftovers for Bill, but he is not eating a lot of anything just now.


Yes, it has been a long time for us being friends over on this site. I am glad we have had this time as well. Perhaps someday we can get it together and meet someplace.


Enjoy the day today, I know I am working, nothing much about that.




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Bill went to work, thought he would, just can't stay away! I am planning to go to Kohls, I have $10 card that has to be used before 1pm, then going over to the resort to renew our membership. Hope they are there today, you never know when the spa will be open or closed.


Its very cold today and windy. When I went out for the newspaper I even saw a few snow flurries. Hope it warms back up again a little before we really get hit with winter.


Sorry you have to work, but I bet you will be busy, do you have Black Friday deals going on?


I think my sister and I are going to the Schaumburg jewelry show the end of the month, I would like to go with someone who can really walk so we could get through the whole thing, but she would be upset if I did that. So I guess we will go and walk slowly so she doesn't get to tired.


Some day I'll have to come down on the train and meet you one of these day that you are not working, it would be nice!

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Sharon, getting back to what you had said earlier. I would be lived if someone painted the floors in one of my places as well. I can see painting walls but never a floor. When they get out for sure they will not get there deposit back. As the deposit may not even cover the cost to have the floors sanded and refinished. People do not care about other person's property.


We are not really that busy here today and I plan to leave around 4. Yes, there are black Friday deals around here and I may stop at a few places on my way home. But I am not into the getting up early or going late just to secure a deal.


I cannot believe after yesterday being so warm to this stuff that we have today. What a huge change in the temps. The wind alone goes right through you. I recall that you go a few times a year to the jewelry show. You always get such good deals. All of the holiday sales have been going on for awhile. Let's hope the weather cooperates for you when you do drive to the show.


Enjoy the day,




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I did go to Kohls to spend my $10 and ended up buying around $50 worth of things. They had such good deals that I could have bought 3 x's as much as I did. The only bad thing was waiting to check out, it took 35 minutes, the line was more than half way around the store of people waiting. I never go on Black Friday but I was glad I went, had fun talking to all the people around me in line.


Also got our memberships for the spa resort again, got it for 6 months so that will take us through May. I saw they also have water aerobics on Tues & Thursday and Sat mornings. Too bad I already go to zumba on Tue & Thurs, I might just have to miss and try out the water aerobics one of these days.


Glad you could get out a little early, hope Bill feels better quick!

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Sharon, Kohl's has such great deals all of the time. You just can't beat them for the deals. I might have told you some time ago about the theater tickets Bill had bought for Shipsawana. So even though I think we should not go. He wants to get out of here and go to the performance. So we are leaving now as there is an hour time difference and the show is 1.


It is cold outside and it should only take us an hour and a half to get there. We will be back tomorrow morning. So enjoy the day and we will catch up tomorrow.




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I don't blame him for wanting to get out and about, bet it will be good for him, not much walking or exercise involved so I wouldn't think it would hurt him. Hope you both Enjoy it!


I was just looking at Brads Deals, a list I get everyday now and they had the Bowflex Tread Climber on sale with free shipping so I ordered it. I did not take the $249 package to assemble it so hopefully we can figure it out when it comes. I have been wanting one for a while now and with winter coming on and I won't be able to walk outside so I hope to put it to good use.


Brr, cold again today, but had a little sun, we went to the dance place last night , did not dance only visited with the one other couple, Bills knee is still on the mend. The other couple that go weren't there because he had his knee replaced last Monday. First things did not go good with him either as he was sick to his stomach from the anesthesia and then he couldn't urinate, but I guess they got everything straightened out because he came home on Thanksgiving. He said there was more pain than he thought there would be. He will be having physical therapy for quite a while.


Not sure what we are doing tonight, maybe just grab a pizza and stay home!

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Sharon, congrats on getting the tread climber as I know you have been wanting one for a long time. Getting a good deal made the difference in finally purchasing one now. We left first thing yesterday and arrived there 1 hour before the show. So we were able to check in and then drive to the theater. It was a 31/2 hour performance with an intermission.


It was a very good performance and well put together. Afterwards we went to an Amish style place for dinner close to the hotel and then came back to the hotel for the rest of the evening. The drive was a little over an 1 1/2 hours drive. I could tell that during the performance he was a bit uncomfortable sitting for so long. He was only out of the hospital 3 days so I thought it might be too much, but he wanted to go.


We got home early this morning and yes, it has been real cold for the past few nights. I went shopping and then have been getting Xmas stuff organized in the basement. So anything that I don't use, I am getting rid of. I just have way too much stuff piled up in boxes and if it serves something then I will keep it, if not it will be gone.


Now this man friend of yours, it sounds like the very same thing happened to him that happened to Bill. Main conclusion, Bill does not handle the anesthesia well from the surgery. He needed to be up and walking some as the only way things are going to start flowing properly is being up and about.


I hope Bill's knee starts to improve soon, and that you both had a good weekend. I figure the theater healed about 150 persons and it was very close to being filled. This show only runs about another week and then the holiday shows start. I don't think we will be going back anytime this year. But I could see picking out some show for next season and going again. It was a very nice laid out theater. Of course 90% of the show goers are seniors with only a few younger one's there.


Stay warm and enjoy the rest of the evening.




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Sharon, I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Bill got upset this morning around 6:45 the jerk was texting me as he was flying to STL from MCI. He spent the weekend at his daughter's house. This is the first time he has ever done that. Bill feels that he is crossing the line and it cannot continue.


As I was reading your post yesterday. That friend of yours who also was in the hospital had almost the very same thing as Bill. For Bill he got a gas build up in his bowel and it pressed down on his bladder and that resulted in him not being able to empty it the was they wanted him to. Things are coming around now but he is still in much discomfort.


How long do you think it will take for you to receive the tread climber? I am sure your Bill will be able to put it together for you. As I am sure it comes all in pieces.


Much construction in front of our house this morning. They put black dirt down on the parkway and perhaps getting ready to put our PO Boxes back in as well.


Have a good day today,




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Glad you had a good time at the theater, bet Bill enjoyed getting out a little bit even if he was uncomfortable. Our friend that had the knee replaced is going to the Urologist tomorrow, not sure what kind of problem he is still having, didn't want to ask a personal question. He said it was a whole lot more pain than he thought it was going to be to have the surgery. His sig other, is a retired nurse so he is in good hands.


Not sure how long before I get the treadclimber, hopefully soon while my enthusiasm is high!


I think your jerk boss is crossing the line to, what an early time to text you! He needs to wait until you are at work and being paid, you are not his personal assistant even though he thinks you are.


Do you think they are ever going to get done with the constuction in front of your house???

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Sharon, Bill only wants the PO Box put back so we can go back to normal. Now, we have to go directly to Post Office to pick up our mail. This project has taken way too long.


I agree about the jerk. But now I am afraid that if Bill and him ever bump into one another, that Bill will go off on him. This is the kind of person I am dealing with. His small world just center on him and only him. Remember I once told you about the little man syndrome that he suffers from?


Well Cyber Monday. I wonder how successful it want for them today? I would think that for sure you will get the tread climber before the holiday. I know I need something to kick me in the butt.


I am just not ready for this sudden turn in the temps being so cold all of a sudden. For Bill it means his body just needs a few extra days to recover once being put under. Otherwise, he should be fine for the future. He only has to go under for a very short time next Tuesday when he has that upper scope to see if everything is doing OK with the esophagus area. He has never had any side effects from that in the past.




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Sharon, at least the sun is shining bright today. The temps are supposed to warm up during the day this week. We have been going to a local place like your Chillis for dinner on Monday's. They have 1/2 price burgers and that is what we go for. The place usually is very crowed, so that is a good sign. Also another reason, that I do not have to figure what to have for dinner.


I guess yesterday that they did do very well with the cribber Monday sales. What are your planes for this week. As you may remember each year we go downtown to the World Of Chocolate. So Bill got tickets for us once again and we will take the train downtown on Thursday. I will for sure leave work early on Thursday for chocolate anytime.


It is a short walk from the train to the hotel and the same for the return. The only draw back at that hour of the night the train takes over an hour for us to get back to the train station where we live. So well still get home around 10.




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Funny you talking about the world of chocolate, I just ordered on line 2 boxes of Fannie May candy, it was 20% off and free shipping. Anytime you can get free shipping it is worth it, they add so much on otherwise.


I had to go to the post office for a while last year too when the snow plow knocked down our mailbox, it sure has a hassle. They never did come and fix it even though we filed a police complaint. We put it up pretty good ourselves though.


Yes that little man syndrome is a very real thing, I've known some short men and it seems they have to make up for their size somehow.


Had a nice zumba class today, going tomorrow afternoon also but will miss the Thursday class as that is when my sister and I will go to the jewelry show.


Hoping they are right about the warm up on the weekend, we will put out our driveway stakes so they plow guy, who ever that is going to be knows where to plow.

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Sharon, I hope you have a good day at the jewelry show on Thursday and that the drive will be good as well. Yes, we have to take advantage of anything whenever they offer it and I am sure there will be more deals out there yet to come.


It is good to hear you back to where you were before getting so sick. Getting back to the Zumba. I cannot wait until January when I can start the Zumba and perhaps I will have some success and start my body headed in the right direction once again. God only knows I need something to get me to loose weight and to start feeling better about myself once again.


With all of the New Year resolution that goes on each and every year. I would like to start with a new and one that I can really keep, not just making one and then not keeping it resolved. First of all I will hope for good health. If your health is not good, it does not matter how much money you may have or not. Health is something you cannot buy or put a value on it.


Good health and happiness and piece of mind, then everything else seems to fall right in place along the same path. Perhaps the jerk will turn over a new leaf and become a better person himself. He is back on the annual thing where he has broken up with his girlfriend once again. But the closer it gets to Xmas it seems she always worms her way back to him so she can get some good stuff from him and the saga starts all over again. He for being such a smart man, is really so stupid when it comes to her. What a fool.


I have to get off of him and move on to something more positive. Enjoy the rest of the day and have a better tomorrow.




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Sharon, I was starting to get worried last week, about Bill being in the hospital for so long. As I was concerned that he would pick up something else. It would appear that he will be OK. Another nice day with lots of sunshine.


What time do you plan to leave to go to the jewelry show tomorrow? We plan to be at the train station around 4 tomorrow to catch the train downtown. In the morning and in the afternoon they have express trains for us going down and returning. But since we will be past, that schedule on the return. There will be no express trains and that is why the return takes much longer. It still beats driving and parking.


The jerk returns form STL tomorrow late in the afternoon. Back in the office on Friday. He will have been gone almost 3 weeks. I can hardly wait for his return.




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I plan to leave around 7:30, that would get me to her house between 9 and 9:30. She has to take her son to work and won't be back until 9 am anyway. The weather looks good so the only thing to worry about will be the traffic.


We like to take the express train also, there is one coming back around 4 or so and everyone else likes it too so it get pretty crowded. Going in we always get the best seats because it is where the train starts. We don't go into Chicago very often but when we do we always take the train.


I don't think its just men that get stupid over their "love" life, look at Bill's GD, shes still sticking with the jerk. His thing, not quite a trial, can't think of what the are calling it is in the first part of Dec. Can't see how he can plead not guilty, hope they do fire his a....... Then we'll see if she sticks with him, bet she does!


Bill's DD is having Elvis again on Dec 2nd and we have been invited to his Great GD christening on Dec 9 so that will take care of the first 2 weekends in Dec for us!


Got a good deal through the local newspaper. They have an internet special everyday and yesterday it was a bicycle. It started out being a $380 bike for $135. I have been wanting a new bike so I thought about it but didn't do anything. Later in the day I checked it again and it had went down another $15. The price now was $110. So I called and asked a few questions about it and they said there was only one left, so I took it. They are even going to deliver it to me. I figure if I don't like it I could even sell it for more than I paid for it.


Lucky you with your jerk boss coming home! Hope you can have a good day anyway. PS eat some chocolate for me.

Edited by timeormoney
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