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My computer has been really slow today, sometimes just stops for a while, I think it is the telephone connection as I am very far away from where it starts in town.


I am really impressed with your Bill, he has really lost some amazing weight, and didn't you say he wasn't even on a diet? I still cannot lose, even when I was sick and couldn't taste anything I still didn't lose. I am back to Zumba three days a week, but the Wed gal told us she is not going to continue giving lessons, she will stop just before Christmas. I don't know if they will get anyone else to take her place or not.


We are going to a meeting and dinner tonight, my stock guy is having kind of an appreciation thing. I don't think we will get out in time to go dancing though. Nothing planned for tomorrow night yet.


Been kind of a gray cloudy day all day, I haven't gotten much accomplished, just a load or two of laundry, so I guess I better get the vaccum out and get that much done anyway. Enjoy your bunco and dinner!


Still haven't gotten the bowflex put together, hopefully tomorrow afternoon!

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Sharon, it has been cold and damp hear all day as well and very overcast. I heard them talking about rain/snow for next week so I do not know if that will stay like that or change. Yes, Bill did not do any dieting just swimming and of course being in the hospital twice.


I was reading yesterday that hormones cause a fat barrier to prevent any kind of weight loss. That makes sense and perhaps that is the why we are having such a hard time in the weight loss department.


It sounds like a nice evening out with dinner tonight. Why is the lady stopping the Zumba class? I am sure that if she does work for a company and if the class is popular they will find someone else to teach the class. Whatever happened to that rude person who used to drive you crazy with the way she was carrying on during the class?


Enjoy the weekend,




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The class is sponsored through the park district, and the do have other zumba leaders, but they might already all have their time slots. I'm sure she will make an announcement before she leaves.


Dinner last night was good, filets and chicken. I made the mistake of saying I'd like mine a little more done and got a burnt up one, Bills was very good so he game me a piece of his. I should have kept my mouth shut! The speaker was from American Funds and only talked for about 10 minutes. I think he was only there so our stock guy could deduct the cost of the dinners to business expenses.


Today going to work on the bowflex!

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Sharon, did you get the bowflex put together yesterday? It was overcast and it rained lightly most of the day. My daughter asked me to baby sit the kids for 3 hours yesterday morning. When I got home I continued to put up decorations around the house.


Then we went to the club early for dinner around 5 before it really got crowded. Bill got the steak and I got pasta. Of course way too much so Bill has lunch sometime this week. I got home around 12:30 so not fun getting up early to watch the kids.


Have a good day today. Perhaps you will go to the resort later and enjoy the pool and hot tub. Have a good day and enjoy,




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We left early this morning, around 8am for the baptism just this side of Madison. When we started out it was raining, by Janesville it was sleeting and past that it was snowing. Very hard to drive as the roads were all covered and not much traffic on them yet. When we came out of the church around 11 we had over 3in of snow on the car to brush off. We didn't stay for lunch, just wanted to head back home. Luckily the weather reversed itself coming home, snow, sleet and rain again. So not so bad coming home as we thought it would be.


I had a voice mail call, when we came out of church, from my nephew that my sister was in the icu, she had chest pains last night and they took her to the hospital. Her blood pressure was sky high. I thought about going down to see her but he said they had her sedated and wanted her to keep still, so we decided not to go tonight. Tomorrow they will do tests to see whats going on, again everything happens on the weekend and its hard to get results.


Our friend was finally able to come home on Saturday, with two bags still attached to him that evidently will stay in for about a month. But he is on the road to recovery.


We got the bowflex put together yesterday, and it was quite a job. It is so heavy and big we both had to really strain. I was worried about Bill doing so much, since he had the stroke in his eye before. But he followed the directions to the letter and I helped hold and lift things and we got it done. Now I have to make a commitment to use it everyday and hopefully lose lots of weight (ha ha ha ha).


We didn't get home until 2pm so it seemed like we had been driving all day, decided to stay home and Bill could watch the football games and snooze on the couch.

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Sharon, I am so very sorry to hear about your sister in the ICU. I will say prayers that she will be doing better today. I know what you mean driving all day and with the bad weather going there as well. Glad you made it back home OK.


So are you glad you put the Bowflex together yourselves or do you wish you would have paid to have it put together? I looked on-line and you did get a really good deal on that model. So are you happy with it thus far, and now you have to get in a routine for it to do good for you. I see that they have print out time tables for 6 weeks and beyond. I have not made up my mind yet on what I am going to do to order one or not. Let me know how you like it or not? Are you still going to sell the new bike?


For us just rain all day and into the night yesterday. I went shopping yesterday afternoon to Kohl's and J. C. Penny's. Both places were very crowded. Then I went to the meat market and bought steaks for us on the grill yesterday once I got back home.


I am glad your friend is back out of the hospital and hopefully recovering at home and doing better. I will continue to pray for your sister in hopes that she will be better as well. It is good that you have someone to keep you informed on her condition.




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She is still in ICU, she said she is having pains in her shoulder blades. She thought they might be talking about an aneurysm but not sure. Her son from Florida flew up and was there when I called this afternoon. Sounds like she doesn't know much yet about anything.


Yes glad we didn't pay to have it put together but its is very heavy and it was hard to lift it around to get it together. Younger stronger people wouldn't have too much of a problem as we did.


Yes I am thinking I will sell the bike and get something I can be a little more comfortable on. I like a back fender too and this one doesn't have that. Probably wait until spring though to do either.


Do you have all your shopping done now? I ordered somethings for 3 people, and have about 6 more to find stuff for online. I like to find things that have free shipping.

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Sharon, I will continue to say prayers for your sister and her recovery. It is good that her son came to be with her as well. I know for a while they do guess on some things. When Bill was in at first, they thought he either had a heart attack or a stroke and he did not have either.


So the machine is heavy enough that you will have to have it in one location. It does not sound like it is one that can be moved around very easy due to the weight. So the $250 savings was worth putting it together yourself, even though it weighed a lot.


I would think that if you are defiantly going to sell the bike, you might sell it faster around this time with people looking for deals on buying a new bike for the holidays. Even though people know they are not going to ride the bike now, they still are looking to buy them now due to sales and just the whole idea of gift giving now. I just putts around and got a few things, but not finished yet. I also look for things on-line and look for free shipping as well. I heard that today is going to be the busiest day ever for Fed-Ex.


Very cold and raw outside today. I heard by Wednesday it will be in the 50's. I go to get fitted for brand new orthotic's tomorrow morning . I have never had them before and Bill has had them for years. Bill goes every month and he talked me into getting fitted for a pair. He feels that they will improve some of the pains that I am having in my legs.


Have a good day and stay warm,




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Sharon, how is your sister doing? I had to get up early this morning to go to get fitted at Bill's doctor for orthotics. I have been getting pains in my legs and feet and Bill felt that I should have these for my shoes. So I figured it can't hurt so why not give them a try. He has had tem for many years.


It is a nice sunny day today but it is still cold out there.


Have a good day and I hope your sister is doing better.




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Hope they inserts work for you, I see that machine at Walmart for Dr Scholls thats supposed to tell you what insert you need in your shoes. I'm sure not nearly as good as going and getting some the right way.


I did zumba and then went to a gals house for coffee. She is back from Gulf Shores, Alabama until Christmas and then won't be back until spring. Her house was so neat and clean I told her it looked like a model home. Then I came home and saw every flat surface around here has something stacked or piled on it. Don't know why we have so much clutter! I'm going to have to really work on getting everything a place and put away.


Then I went shopping again, got a couple of things for GK's since I had a 30% coupon again from Kohl's. Also got a pair of jeans that are nice and long and fit without cutting me in half. Seems like all my other ones are too short and too tight. Must have shrunk in the wash, yeah right!


Very cold today and that wind was blowing pretty good too.


Yes the bowflex can be moved it has wheels on the front of it but you have to pick up the back and its pretty darn heavy. I don't think we will be moving it much. I didn't get on it today since we had zumba but hopefully will get some time on it tomorrow before my afternoon zumba class. Today we did a lot of squats and arms and I can feel the muscles in both of them being tired.


My sister got moved into a room today, she still doesn't know much of whats going on. She says she thinks they said she has an aneurysm in both legs and one by her heart but they are not life threatening. I don't know I thought yo had to have surgery if you had that, but what do I know?? She thinks she will be there a few more days. Her sons have been there, the one from FL stays there with her most of the day, so maybe they will get it figured out whats going on.

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Sharon, yes I agree that when you have clots like that I thought they took that stuff very seriously. So I hope they can get this all figured out before they let her go home.


I will not get the inserts for about a month and he said about those things in the drug store. They are not all that accurate for the specific person. It is kind of a gimmick and they are making a ton of money on them.


Yes, indeed it was bone chilling today, especially with that wind. I guess it is supposed to start warming up over the next few days.


Well I hope you have enough energy to start trying out your new Bowflex. With your Zumba you are really getting a workout. It must be nice to come back from Gulf Shores for a short period of time and then return for such or should I say for the rest of the winter.


I am like you with things pilled all over the place. I do have to give Bill credit as he has been working very hard cleaning up the basement. He has also helped clean out the back bedroom as well and has been throwing out lots of stuff. It is amazing how much stuff we can pile up over the years.


I hope your sister gets some positive answers soon and that she is back on the road to feeling better and home very soon.




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I got a new insurance quote for the house and my car and truck from AFLAC. Bill was just going to go ahead and pay the bill from the previous carrier Hartford. Turns out we saved $200 on each one. His agent said he could beat that, but when he gave Bill the quote, a week too late, it was still much higher than the one I got.


It will be a busy day today, I have an appmnt with the skin dr again this afternoon, just a check up, then zumba at 4 and visiting and dancing tonight.


I have to get the rest of the presents packaged up and in the mail too. Then I got a notice from the bank uptown where I have just parked some money for the interest that since I haven't had any transactions I must do something or they will turn it over to the state! Jeepers, I thought with them adding the interest every month it was a transaction.


Nice and sunny today, going to pick one area of the house and get it clean and try to work my way through slowly but surely getting everything put away.

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Sharon, that is what you have to do. Just do one place or one room at a time. Bill started the process and then when I have the time I continue the process. But you have to set and make a goal and stick with it.


Bill did the same thing with our insurance as they really jacked up my auto insurance. So by having all our auto insurance on one company as well as our house we saved around $350 or more. I was with State Farm and Bill is with Allstate.


Good luck with the skin Dr this afternoon and the Zumba later on. Then tonight, I guess you will be very busy today. It is nice getting out in the evening with your husband and having some nice conversations with others that shear your same interests.


What was the total time it took you and Bill to put the Bowflex together? I am still looking and trying to decide. Have fun tonight,




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Sharon, how did your skin Dr appoint go yesterday? More Zumba today as your Thursday class soon is going to get dropped. Hopefully they can find someone else to take over the class.


Much more sun today with temps rising. It seems a bit windy out there this morning. Any word on how your sister is doing?


Have a good day,




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The skin dr found 3 more places to zap, and I had one spot that she called a Maturity spot, that she also did. I won't be able to swim for a couple of weeks, but maybe just do the steam room so Bill can still do that and the hot tub.


It took us about 4 hrs, most of the holes all lined up good for the screws, one screw was no good and one washer was missing, but he had some that worked anyway.


Our Tuesday and Thursday zumba classes are keeping going, its the Wed afternoon class that will be ending after next week, unless they find someone else to do it. The other alternative is to go on Monday afternoon instead of Wed. Different gal is teaching, so would have to see how good she was. Today it was so hot I was sweating like crazy even after the cool down.


Talked to my sis again yesterday, she said they might send her home today, with just BP meds. Seems funny she never found out what happened or had any other treatment. I told her to tell the drs she wanted some information before they sent her home, like will it happen again, or even what happened this time!


Our friend who had the knee replacement the week before Thanksgiving is not doing good at all. His knee is doing fine but his kidneys aren't. He has a catheter in and a tube in one kidney and now they want to put a tube in the other kidney. He would have three bags to wear, they are trying to save the kidneys at this point. Even difficult to sleep with all the tubes in him. He is home, but his significant other gal is a retired nurse so she can help him with everything. She called me yesterday and said they are both almost at the end of their rope, waiting for things to start to get better instead of still declining.


I am so glad both Bill and I are pretty healthy! Suppose to be 46 today, wonder if that will happen?

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Sharon, with the skin you definitely have to stay on top of things now. I hope they can give your sister something positive to take home instead of not knowing why she has been in there so she does not end back there again. It is too bad about your friend you had the knee replacement. Bill had the exact problem and they were going to send him home with the cat in him. Then they decided that would not be a good idea and they took it out.


Bill went in on a Thursday and by Monday Bill had just about enough with 5 times the cat going in and out. So he got upset and told them he was tired of the thing going in and out. He said either leave it in or take it out. Finally they had decided that it was not a good idea to leave it in and send him home. So they took it out and by Wednesday evening he went home. After a certain point you have to step in and take control or they will just experiment on with various things and use you as a tool as well.


I was thinking it might take that long to put it together. Have you started to use it yet? If so how well do you like it? Yes, it did warm up today but very high winds here. But at least the sun is shining.


All the money in the world will not do you any good if you do not have your happiness and most of all your health. So we all should be happy that we do have our health.


Have a good day,




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Sharon, I woke up to frost this morning. Today looks like it might be a nice day. At least it is not so very windy like it has been. So what are your plans for this weekend? I know for us on Sunday there is a member Xmas Party at our club in the afternoon. So factor in the Bears/Packers and it should be very crowded over there. But right now that is our plan for Sunday.


Did your sister get home form the hospital yesterday and did they tell her anything? When you said that you would not be able to submerge in the water for a few weeks yet you could go into the steam room. If everything is on your face, couldn't you still sit in the hot tub without submerging yourself all the way in?


I know Bill cannot go into the water in the pool until January as some of his restriction from the hospital. I have to stay calm today as the jerk comes in today. Well, have a good day today and an even better weekend,




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Were you able to stay calm today when the jerk came in? Sorry he has to act that way, some day hopefully he will get whats coming to him!


My sister did not come home, but they did tell her she has an aneurysm in each leg and 2 in her chest. They still plan on sending her home, letting her recover with just BP meds and then at a later date????? either put in a stent or do surgery to correct them. Isn't that ridiculous, you would think they would correct them right away. If any one of them bursts she would not live to get to the hospital.


Have been watching the CT school news, such a terrible thing, poor parents I know just how they feel. The president says we have to put something in place to stop this kind of tragedy, but how can you when its carried out by some deranged person with a score to settle, you never know when its going to happen or even where. Seems no where is safe anymore.


I have one spot on my thigh that the skin dr zapped, thats why I can't go in the pool. I could keep my head out and maybe even my one arm out, but not my leg. I don't know if we will even go, Bill really wants to see the Bears Packer game at noon.


It was a very nice day today, almost seemed like spring was on its way. I had so much to do and so much running that I didn't even get done until 4:30. My stock guy called with a good deal with Caterpillar stock, you could buy enough to make 100 shares at no commission. I already had 80 shares so I went ahead and bought the other twenty, and a tx free municipal bond for water & sewer in Corpus Christi, Tx with a 3 1/2 % interest rate. So I took a check up to him for that. Then I got a couple of money orders to send to two of my grand children at the bank, went to the post office to mail some cards and presents, paid the insurance premium on the house, went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and on the way home, my car said the oil was low. So I stopped at the dealership and had my oil changed and my tires rotated.


Tonight we are going to the dance place, ran into one of the gals at Walgreens and she said they would come if we were going. She is having trouble with her foot, that band that runs along your heel, so she said she would rather just visit than dance, but her hubby always wants to dance to every song.


No other plans for the weekend, have to see what comes up.

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Sharon, I agree that blood clots are noting to be taken lightly. I cannot believe that they are sending her home and just keeping an eye on them. If they do travel they could kill her before anybody could do anything. Hopefully they can figure something out that will help more than what they are doing now.


I hired 2 new people that are going to start on Monday. They are 2 part time positions and the entire process was the craziest thing they have ever done. It was a real mess for me. Well, like you said, he will get his someday. I just hope he does not drive me crazy in the process.


They said it was supposed to get into the 50's today. I work up with rain and I think it will have to change drastically to make it up to 50 the way it is now.


I thought your skin issues were on your face only. Now I understand why you cannot submerge in the water for a while yet. Bill cannot go into submerged water until the end of this month, from his time in the hospital.


I was watching some of that shooting as well. Too bad that innocent children have to suffer because of crazy people out there. They said on the news that you will see more of these killings maybe not right now, but they will be happening again sometime with the way things are.


How was dancing and meeting with your friends last night? I feel it will get very crowded at the club tomorrow as when they are giving something away like free food all of the members come out like a bunch of cockroach's. Then factor in the Bears/Packers and most definitely there will be a crowd.


Enjoy the weekend, I may have to go into work for a bit this morning just to finish something and then I am just going to continue to get things organized around here.




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My sister called yesterday afternoon and said they were putting her back into ICU, they cannot get her blood pressure down and keep it down. The aneurysms that she has, are like a weak spot in a tire, they are a bulge in the vein. By keeping her BP down it takes the pressure off these spots and they won't burst. In addition to BP meds they are thinking about having to go in and fix these "bulges" so that they don't burst. If any one of them bursts she could die before anything could be done. So while she feels good it is a serious matter. A son was glad they are keeping her in there where she can be monitored.


It is a very wet and windy day there today also. Sure is different than yesterday.


There were 2 big bday parties going on at the dance place last night so it was pretty crowded. There is this one older guy who sings I Ain't Got Nobody on the karaoke every week, he is so very good, seems like singing is very easy for him. Also one other mature guy that sings really nice, almost like he has been a pro singer at one time. The rest of the singers not very good. We only danced 2 couples dances but the gal who taught line dance lessons a while ago was there and me and her danced quite a few.


Glad you finally got the hiring done, now someone can teach them what they need to know to get productive.


You are right about the free food, and the game, will be lots of people there I'm sure. Enjoy!

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Sharon, I am glad that they are keeping your sister in the hospital and I hope they take care of everything like fixing those weak spots before they might burst. They need to get the BP regulated and then fix the clots before they might burst. Hopefully her son's can assist them as well and direct them to do the right thing for their mother.


Yes, what a change from yesterday. When I heard it would get to 50 today, I thought it might be a carbon copy of yesterday. But not so. With the wind and the rain it is not a good day thus far. But it is good for our new sod on the parkway in front of our house.


It seems like every place you go to where people get up and sing in front of everyone. You will always have those who are very good and then those who are very bad, yet they think that they are good. At least you had a nice evening out and did some dancing and talking to friends.


The 2 new positions are both part time and are receptionist. Both are local and now the key it to train them properly and fit them into the mix. So enjoy the rest of the day and relax and enjoy tomorrow. For us, just getting to the club early so we can have a place to sit so we do not have to stand, and just mix and mingle. Once all of the free stuff is finished, like the food, then everybody clears out.




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Merry Christmas you two :) Sharon I hope your sister can come home soon and is fine,


Kathy, I hope all is well with you and work as I remember the boss can be a bit of a "jerk"


I was just thinking of you two I love how you keep the thread going.



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It is so good to hear from you Dianne. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. Yes, you hit the nail right on the head with the jerk boss I have. Sharon has said time and time that his day is coming for the way he treats people.


I heard form Sharon that you gals had a great get together cruise earlier this year. That musts have been a blast to cruise with the gals and your husbands as well. How did the husbands get along with each other while you gals were doing your own thing?


Thank you so much for thinking of us, and it is amazing that we have been the only 2 who have kept this thread alive for so long. Dianne, how is your Mon ding? Once again say hi to everyone and the best for the holidays for you,




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Sharon, how is your sister doing today? Any word on what they are going to do with her clots?


We went to the club for a few hours yesterday and then came home as Bill is still not feeling 100% yet and came home and laid down for a few hours. How was your weekend?


It is overcast here today and I guess it is supposed to be in the 40's. Have a good day today,




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I went to lunch today with 3 other gals from zumba, one of them was the gal that stayed at the zumbathon a while back that we went to and got the money for me that I won since I left early. I wouldn't have gotten it if she didn't collect it for me, so I told her I would take her out for lunch, the other gals came too and we had a good time. Went to Egg Harbor and then walked around Lake Geneva stores for a while. Lots of expensive little specialty shops.


When I came home there was a message on my recorder, first from my sister who was crying and then from her son about 1 hr later both saying that she was going in for surgery. One of the aneurysms had started to leak and it had to be taken care of right away. She went in for the surgery at 3:30 and it was supposed to take about 4 hrs. I felt bad that I was out enjoying myself and she was so upset and going to have surgery. I should be hearing from her son any time now, as its almost 8pm and he promised to call me as soon as she was out.


Yesterday Bill watched the game, yup the Bears lost to the Packers, either way he would have been happy since he likes both, but I think he really likes the Packers best. Then we went to the resort, I just did the steam room and showered up and waited playing with my tablet while he did the hot tub. Then we went to Chilis and had a bowl of the loaded baked potato soup before we came home.


Tomorrow after zumba I am supposed to go out to lunch with 3 other gals, but guess it will depend on what happens with my sister if I go or not.


Your Bill had quite an medical ordeal and it takes a while to bounce back, hope he's feeling 100% soon.


I got all my Christmas ordering done and all my packages mailed, still need to send out a few Christmas cards, must get to that in the next day or so or they won't get them.

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