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Sharon, yes, like you always do when going shopping. You seem to find great deals. So at Macey's, I found a great deal on a winter coat, originally marked at $110 and I got it for $19. It looks great and you cannot beat the price. We could walk under ground from the train to the store. Then after we finished there, we took a cab to The Water Tower Place.


Right away before 9 am we were getting freezing rain yesterday morning. It was really coming down and it made the roads and the streets very slippery. We never got the high wind or the snow like you did. Today we only have about 1/2" of snow. Most of it is slush and sloppy wet stuff.


It is hard for me not being able to go home. However today, I am going to make it a point of getting there for lunch. Bathroom is completely torn out. They put down the wood under floor yesterday. Today they are supposed to put the tub in and I do not know what anything else they are doing.


By Friday they should be all finished with the tub and the toilet installed and ready to use. Bill will not be able to take a shower, so he said he will go to the health club to shower during that time. He is putting something different on the shower walls now, and it will take 2 weeks for the stuff to come in.


I am glad Bill's son came in for a visit with you all and that you had a nice time out eating. It sounds like you have been really getting good workouts with the water aerobics and the Zunba. It was lucky that you were able to get home yesterday before the real bad stuff hit and that you were able to get Bill home as well. Did the plow guy get there?




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Yes the plow guy came and got the snow all cleared out. We had a drift in front of the garage and front door that was over 2 feet. He plowed the one in front of the garage but I shoveled the one by the front door. Very heavy and packed tight, hard to lift. They were calling it heart attack snow on the news. I can see why. Now it is actually starting to melt a little. We do have some flurries in the air but I don't think they will amount to much.


That was a great deal you got on your coat! I don't know anything about the underground shopping like you mentioned. I did see that the flower show is coming to Navy Pier again, I might try and get there again this year, I love to look at all the flowers.


When we were at Menards we were looking at all the bathroom fixtures, tubs and showers. I would like to replace my soaking tub with one that has jets but it has 2 tile steps to get into it and to take all that out would be too much work and money. We had all new tile put in when we bought the house.

We need to measure again and see what is going to fit and then get the stuff and get it done! Bill says when hes done with the taxes, but I told him then there will be something else you need to get done. He did get a bookkeeper so maybe that will help free up some of his time.


So is Bill there during the day while they are working on the bathroom? What is he having put on the shower walls?

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Sharon, I did hear the very same thing about it being called heart attack snow. So I have said that to Bill a few times about being carefull with shoveling or doing anything there. Yes, Bill is there during the day. But he has to make a few visits to the hotel to use the facilities, as we only have the 1 bathroom, and the toilet and tub are out.


Bill has bought everything at Menards for the bathroom. He had originally bought a tub surround there. But the surround will not go completely from the top of the tub to the top of the wall. So now he went and saw this stuff called cultured marble and that is made to order. So it will go from the top to the tub to the top of the tub area walls.


There is a walkway underground from Millennium Park to State Street. It is really not underground shopping. As far as Macey's go, it is the regular store that you enter on the street level and go to the various floors. They have the basement or sub street level area where you can access the walkway to the immediate downtown area.


It is good, that Bill has someone to do the bookkeeping work for him to free up some of his time. If we do get the basement finished, then we will put in another bathroom, as having just 1 bathroom in any house, does not work these days anywhere. Did or how did things work out from when that tenant had been discovered by Bill and taken to the emergency room?




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Sharon, wait until you hear this one. I have a guy that I have not seen in 1 year who works on our copy machine at work. When I saw him yesterday, I was very surprised, as he had lost 70 pounds. So I asked him what his secret was. He told me he was on the Peggy Diet.


His wife name is Peggy and she is cooking from this smart eating recipe book. He said she now serves the food on saucer plates. At first when she started this, I said this was not enough, so I went and got a regular plate and put the food onto it, and she threw it all away. They eat 6 times a day, eating small portions.


His wife went from a size 12 to a size 0. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to go down form a size 12. It was one of those you had to see him and hear his story to believe it.


We only got a dusting of snow last night and today it is still overcast and very windy.This is our last night at the hotel. So 1 more night of pool and hot tub.




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I've heard that you should eat on smaller plates so that you don't take as much food. Sure seems like his "Peggy" diet is working for both of them. I would however get tired of eating something and fixing something for someone else six times a day. We had a good workout, the class is getting very large because the Curves that the instructor taught at has closed so they are all coming to this class now. The gal that goes to the water aerobic class told me today she doesn't like what the chlorine is doing to her hair, so I'm thinking she in not going to be going very much longer. She is nice but kind of undependable and she talks a mile a minute.


It has melted a little here today but we have huge piles of snow that will not be gone for quite a while. Last night it flurried all night but didn't get much more measurable snow.


Bills renter is home but when he comes over to talk to Bill, he said he cannot understand him. I'm not sure whether he is still having therapy or not, Guess they told him to talk as much as he can so it gets better, but so far not much better.

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Sharon, I know what you mean about fixing that many meals for another person. This was one very good things this week, that I did not have to cook at all. Besides going to the pool and the hot tub, eating out was a plus. So the tub is working and the toilet in. Bill will take shower at the health club for the next 2 weeks or so waiting for that stuff he ordered a few days ago. Still, I cannot imagine going from a size 12 to a size 0.


I woke up to snow falling this morning. When I left about 1/2" had fallen with more coming down all morning. This is lake effect snow and they said we are getting more than what they were calling for.


You are probaby not going to like all of the extra people joining the class now. If it gets too crowded then you will probably not like it as much. But of course the instructor want full classes. Probably good if the other lady drops out, that way you will not have to wait on her. If she does not like it for whatever reason, then you will be going all alone. Unless you can find someone else to drive with.


I was going to another cooking demo on Saturday afternoon, but my friends that I play bunco with originally said they wanted to go. But now they have not said anything further, so I am not going to go at all now.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend,




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For the water aerobics we each drive so I don't have to worry about if she is going or not. The other ladies there are very friendly so I don't really care if she quits going. Yes the instructor for zumba was happy to have so many people, but I think she gets paid the same amount no matter how many are there.


There is a Taste Of Home cooking show up here also, I am not going but saw it advertised. We are going to the Rockford Home Show on Saturday, its usually pretty good because it is pretty big and they have lots of things to look at.


We got our travel documents for the Memphis trip and will have to throw some things in the suitcase pretty soon. Its only 4 days and 3 nights so we will probably only use one suitcase and a couple of carryons for on the bus. I thought when I booked it that by March it would be pretty nice out but we are still going to have tons of snow on the ground.


Sounds like your bathroom is coming along nicely, is the wall material the last thing you need to complete it? Bet you can't wait to try out that new tub!


No plans for tonight guess we'll just watch some tv.

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Sharon, yes, the shower surround will be the last thing to complete the bathroom. I am anxious to try out the tub tonight. I hate Fridays now as I do not like eating fish and there is a lot of places that have fish for Friday's. So most likely I will pick up something for tonight. As I am really not ready to cook just yet.


I remember that you go to that home show every year. So it sounds lie it will be a good weekend going to those places. Hopefully the weather will corporate so the driving will not be too bad. When exactly are you leaving for your Memphis bus trip? That sounds like a quick but nice time to get away trip.


I heard that March could bring a 70's day for temp generally speaking. I am not saying that they are talking about 70's in the near forecast. They just said that in general, March could bring temps like that. So I hope we will see those days that are jut ahead.


I sure would like to get away someplace for a trip/vacation. With work the way it has been going, I really need to get away someplace, before I go nuts.




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Boy wouldn't a 70 degree day feel good! They are talking about some really heavy snow again tonight. Just heard though that Chicago and south of that could be worse than us for a change.


The home show was interesting, almost bought a water sculpture but decided it was too much money. Went swimming on Sunday afternoon. So it was a good weekend. We didn't have fish on Friday but would have liked too. We like fish.


We will be leaving Thursday morning, our pet sitter will come twice a day and Bill's son will stop in a few times to make sure everything is running right. Hope its warmer there, although I think it is going to be a little warmer here too.


There were a few flurries tonight as I was coming home from zumba about 7pm


How was your new bathtub?

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Sharon, a major snow storm hitting our area, however it is coming in slower than they originally had predicted. They were calling for 13" in our area before it is all over with. But now I think it will be less maybe 6 to 8 ". You are probably saying that you have gotten a lot of snow thus far, so it is about time that we finally got some.


We went out last night for our 1/2 price burgers. The bathroom is coming along and everything should be finished Friday, except for the tub surround that will come in at the end of next week. So it was good that you had a good weekend and were able to get to the health spa as well. The new tub and the jets have been working great. Except they had the temp turned down on the control as they have a setting for kids so they wont get burned with too high temps. So I had them take that off so I can have the hot water when I want it, as I like the water hot.


We went out for a dinner with a group of people we dine with from a club in our area every year on Saturday. So kind of a big deal where everyone dress up and have a nice dinner out. Enjoy and have a great time and trip. By Thursday our temps will be warming up to melt away any snow that fell. So you will be back on Sunday?


I am sure that your plow guy will have to come a few times with the heavy amounts that we will be getting. Heart attack snow. Be safe and stay warm.




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It started snowing some time before dawn and we just went out and shoveled the front sidewalk and the deck. There is probably 4 inches or more already and its coming down pretty heavy still. Our plow guy called and we decided since Bill brought work home and I'm not going to the water aerobics that he could just come tomorrow morning instead of doing it 2 times. The schools are closed around here and the roads are pretty bad even though the state plows have been going back and forth. Every time you see one there is a line of traffic behind them.


That dinner sounds real nice bet you had a good time and a good meal.


If you don't start our with hot water in the tub it gets too cold too fast so good you had them take that off.


I'm guessing you went into work today?


Our pet sitter called on Sunday, they were in N. Carolina and expected to be back today, hope she can make it. But she doesn't have to be here for Tinker until Thursday night so I'm not worried. Even if she couldn't get back here she has an associate that works with her that would come, but I'm sure it won't come to that.


The wind has also picked up now so should make the roads even more of a mess!

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Sharon, it has been snowing heavy since 9, but our temp has been staying around 34, so most of the snow is melting when it hits the ground. So now, all of the roads and sidewalks are just wet with no snow build up.


Most of these people with this group that we had dinner with are in their own little click. There was a DJ playing tunes. So we just went for the dinner and a few drinks and then we left just after dinner, as we do not have much in common with most of these folks.


Since you are not leaving until Thursday you should be OK with the sitter. Are you leaving first thing Thursday and returning on Sunday? I am only about 4 blocks form work or about 1/2 mile, so not bad at all. Our area is not bad as the roads are all clear as well. The jerk would never close except for real bad conditions. But since he is not here I am in control when I could send everyone home, if it starts getting worse later on.


Have a good rest of the day watching it snow as long as you do not have to go out in it.




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Still snowing here, but flakes are smaller, sometimes almost looks like rain, but has gathered up pretty deep. Looks like people are driving a little faster on the road also. Some people reporting 6 or 7 inches, I'm not sure because in some places its over 2 feet and others not even close to that. The wind is really blowing the snow around.


Trying to get some things put away so the house doesn't look to littered up when the pet sitter comes. Went through a lot of newspapers and other papers and threw alot away. We still haven't worked on getting things packed yet, but the laundry is all done so all the clothes are clean. Shouldn't take long for the few things we will need.

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Sharon, we got around 10" of snow yesterday and into last night. Bill went out early this morning to clear it away with the snow blower. How did you fair out? I would think that your plow guy will be coming to plow you out today, as it is way too heavy to be shoveling. I left work early yesterday and got stuck pulling into the garage. Bill had to come out to pull the car into the garage.


You will be glad to be getting out of town tomorrow for your trip. Hopefully all of the roads will be cleared for the bus to journey to Memphis. Enjoy and have a great trip.




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So you finally got some snow! No wonder you got stuck, luckily Bill was able to get it unstuck. We got about 9 inches and our plow guy came this morning and got it all cleared out. We have such huge piles that when we shovel the sidewalk you have to throw it up really high or it just slides back down. Now I hear we are supposed to get rain on Sat & Sun, with all the snow there will be water everywhere.


My pet sitter emailed me that they got back so all is good there. Now I have to run up town and get a few things we discovered we needed to take with.


I'm taking my tablet so I will be able to keep in touch.

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Sharon, that is good, so you will have something to do on the bus ride. Yes, I called Bill from the alley and he came right out and pulled the car right into the garage. I was afraid that I may hit the side of the garage as my front end was sliding around. Since it was coming down so heavy, he just waited until this morning to clear it all away.


We had the same with the wind blowing the snow into drifts, as it was pilled up on the sides around here as well. I think our entire area was evenly matched with the snowfall. Every year we go through the same thing, where lots of snow starts to melt and no where to go. Also lakes and rivers are blocked with ice formations and thus flooding.


Are you leaving early tomorrow and returning on Sunday? Enjoy and I hope you have a great trip.




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Sharon, wow, you will have to leave your house real early to get to Janesville by 6 am. Hopefully the roads will be good and you will not run into too much rush hour traffic. How many times will the bus stop going to Memphis?


Have a great time and enjoy the trip.




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We got up at 3:30am, got gone a little before 5. Roads were good and hardley any traffic. We stopped for a morning break, lunch and an afternoon break. We had dinner at the Blues City Cafe. We had preordered ribs, others had either catfish or chicken tenders. Got to our hotel about 8 pm, staying at the Hampton Inn.


Saw some daffodils bluming and there is not a trace of snow anywhere, ha ha. However its not very warm either, hopefully will be warmer tomorrow. Going to the Peabody Hotel to see the march of the ducks and lunch tomorrow.

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Sharon, we love to watch the march of ducks. It is really something to see. Well you really got off to a very early start. You got to the hotel in a reasonable time, however you both must have been very tired and I am sure you slept well last night.


Hopefully the temps will get better for your time there. It is warming up here but over the weekend a lot of rain is forecast. That means there will be flooding in someplace's.


Enjoy the ducks today and have a great time away.




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Well I was wrong, the ducks are tomorrow. Today was Graceland and the whole complex that included the Lisa Marie customized airplane with 24carat gold wash basins. Also a collection of cars motorcycles and other things once owned by Elvis. Then we had a step on guide that not only showed us the city highlights but sang and played the guitar too. The bus drove past St Judes hospital and the motel where Martin Luther King was shot among other places. Then we went into the Sun Record studio where Elvis cut his first record that was a gift to his mother. Dinner was on our own, we found a TGIF Fridays a couple of blocks away. To finish the evening we walked up and down Beale St, which is only a block away from the hotel.


So the ducks, Gibson guitar factory and dinner riverboat cruise tomorrow night. Ready for bed now.

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Sharon, it sounds like your days are filled with lots of fun and interesting things to do. Are you taking lots of pictures? So today is the duck parade. That is really something to watch them go in the elevator. I have never been to the Gibson guitar factory, so that should be real interesting.


Yesterday was lots of sunshine and temps into the 40's. Today much of the same thing, except a shower later on. So one more full day today and back home on Sunday. You will have to come home to rest and relax, after all of the running around sightseeing.


Enjoy the rest of your trip and have a safe trip back home.




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We had the Duck Master give us a tour of the hotel and take us to the roof to see where the ducks live. We all received a coupon for a free duck cookie from their bakery. We found a spot on the mezzanine to watch the ducks come out of the elevator and run to the fountain.


The Gibson guitar factory tour was very informative. All guitars are handmade and cost antwhere from $2,000 to $3500 each. They can make about 50 a day.


Very warm here today somewhere in the 70s and sunny. Have the afternoon free and the river boat cruise and dinner tonight.


Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight.

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Sharon, yes, we loose an hour tonight. Those ducks are amazing. Very fun to watch. I'd like to have stock in that Gibson company. It is good that you were able to get into some nice warm temps for a few days. You will not want to come back tomorrow. Tinker will be glad to see you though.


We went to the club tonight for dinner, as it was Bill's B-Day today and this week we will be able to get some good deals on meals. At the club he got 50% off and at this chop house we usually go to, you get the % off the years you have been on this earth.


So enjoy your bus trip back to reality tomorrow and have a safe trip.




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Happy birthday to your Bill! My Bills birthday is April 1st so its coming up soon. Thats a good deal for the % off your meal, guess there are some benefits to getting older.


The cruise tonight was somewhat of a disappointment. It was a paddlewheel but was very bare bones plain. Nothing like the one we took in Nashville. There was a 3 piece band that played music and we along with others danced but the meal was mediocre. Would not recommend it, the boat was called the Island Queen.


Got our luggage ready to set out in the morning and the alarm clock set ahead, so going to bed now.

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