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Just when we were going to leave last night, the sky got very dark and windy and it started pouring. So we decided to stay home and make sure nothing happened at the house. No big deal, we'll just go again next week.


I had a good zumba class but there was a new gal who stood between me and this other gal that I always stand next too. She was very loud and took too big an area for her steps. She almost ran into me and the gal on the other side of her, then she ran into the floor fan and broke it. Reminded me of that gal a couple of years ago at the other place that did that. Hope she doesn't come back, but she seemed to be having a great time so I bet she does.


I called Bill and asked him to ask his gd if she wanted to go swimming with me this afternoon. Since she has been out of school she has been over at his house coloring and talking to him a lot. She needs something to do so I thought it would be fun. However she had just left and didn't come back for him to ask her, so I guess I'll go outside and plant the flowers like I was going to do anyway.


Tomorrow I'm going to get my hair cut short. It is below my ears now and I've just been cutting it myself. Thought I'd get it short for the summer so it would be easier to take care of after swimming and zumba.


Beautiful day today, we didn't have much else go on after the one storm passed through last night, as usual a lot of hype from the weatherman. I think it all applied to areas south of us.


Hope your jerk comes in early so you can leave on time!

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Sharon, the jerk comes back tomorrow. So we will just have to wait and see what happens. The storms were every bit severe like they were calling for. Areas just east of us got hit very hard. An area in town is without power. Our immediate area lucked out as our power only flickered a few times.


As we thought, the games were all called yesterday before any of them even started. Bill had something to do with it all, as he could see that things might get bad. We left the club just before 6:30 just as it was getting ready to hit. We just got home when everything came down with high winds. We kept having burst of wind and rain throughout the evening.


Today is a perfect day and a great day to be outside working. I wish I could do the very same thing as you. I remember that lady that was giving you a problem a few years ago, trying to take everything over in your class. This one sounds very uncoordinated and out of sorts. Someone should say something to her especially when she broke a fan. She also sounds like she is totally unaware of anyone or anything else around her. You might just have to get set up with the other lady all before this new gal does.


Good to get your hair cut short for the summer. I have a nail appointment just after work today and then we will go walking after that. Too bad your Bill did not talk to his GD, so you could have taken her to the pool with you today. Perhaps another time will work out.


Enjoy the beautiful day today working outside. It should be real good sleeping weather tonight.




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I had forgotten that I left the bedroom window open so when we went to go to bed it was almost cold. I'm surprised the furnace didn't kick on! But it was very good sleeping.


I did get some of the flowers planted, what takes so long is getting the spot ready to plant them. I have more to do but decided not to get all hot and sweaty before I go today. My appointment is at 1pm and I'm not exactly sure how to get there so will leave a little early. I had used a different brand of hair color the last time and it has almost washed out to really light blonde, sort of the color of Marilyn Monroe. I usually like to have a dark blonde color so I don't look so washed out. Now I don't know what kind of highlights she will put in, maybe dark ones.


Too bad about your game being washed out, but it did look like the worst of the storm was heading your way. What county are you in? We are in McHenry Co. They always say the counties when they are telling the weather so it will help to know.


Hope you get to go swimming tomorrow with Bill, its fun! At our resort they haven't advertised it at all, but there are many, many vintage and muscle cars. Everything from Model A's to 1950's. They have taken over the parking lot so it makes it difficult to find a spot to park. They are mostly older people, got their lawn chairs setting out and visiting with each other while people look at their cars. They have been there since last Sunday but don't know how much longer they will be there.


Have a great weekend!

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Sharon, when we go on Monday night for 1/2 price burgers. They also have those old cars on display in the parking lot every Monday. Just like you said, there are a bunch of older fellows sitting in lawn chairs showing and talking. Mostly talking and just sitting around.


So today are you going to a brand new place to get your hair colored and cut? Summer time is a perfect time to do that with all of the outdoor stuff and it should make you much more comfortable. We had the windows open here as well with this beautiful weather we have been having. We just turn off out heat around this time. Either we have it off or on either heart or air. I love the fresh air.


I will just have to wait and see how things go over the weekend. If Bill is going to the fitness center over the weekend and what I have going on. I think it would be nice and relaxing if too many people are not there. Last week I had a lot of things to do with my Aunt coming to spend Sunday over night with us. We are talking about going to visit her, as she lives in Oshkosh, sometime in August. They have that annual show of all kind of air plains the last week in July and that is not the time to be around there as all of the prices are jacked up.


We found a nice walking trail in a park close by, last night to do our walking. I took my fit/bit that you recommended to me, and we walked 2 miles last night. So this will be the place we will be go to every week and see if we can build up the distance. I have a 5K walk in Michigan next month that we will be going to.


Have fun tonight and the rest of the weekend, and I wish your Bill a happy Father's Day on Sunday.




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Sharon, the jerk had just gotten into the office yesterday when I last posted. So I could not finish. We are officially in Cook County. However as I might have said to you in the past. We are just across from Munster, IN. So whenever we are watching the weather we look for reports in Lake County IN. We are more in this region than in the Cook County region. As Cook extends in such a large area. We are more in the NW Indiana region, even though we are officially in Illinois.


Today is overcast and rain on and off throughout the day. My daughter cornered me into baby sitting her kids once again. So my energy and the first part of today have been consumed with taking care of them. They wear me out. So with doing that all morning and with me going to church tomorrow, I will not be able to go with Bill once again to the pool. I had a good intension's, but see how quickly things change. During the summer the fitness center closes at 2 on the weekends.


There will be a lot of people buzzing around tonight watching the hockey game tonight. Have a good weekend.




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Just sitting here watching the news and heard the Blackhawks lost, oh well they have more to play in the series yet.


We are in the NW corner of Mc Henry Co, due east of Rockford. So now we will both be better able to track the weather each other are getting.


Are you doing anything special for Fathers Day, after you get done with everything else? We will probably go swimming or out to eat or both. Two of Bills daughters gave him cards already, the 3rd we might see at the pool tomorrow.


I really like my hair. She colored it a honey blonde and put in a little darker highlights.


Then she cut it, similar to a picture I took in. It was a picture of Kim Novak and she had really shirt curly hair. My hair is curly in the back so I don't have to do anything to it. The side feather back.


Your walking place sounds nice, always good to go with someone. Luckily I still have Tinker to go with me. One night last week Bill went too, usually he is too tired.


Did some more digging, weeding and planting today, very hot and humid outside. I'm slowly getting control of the weeds!


Happy Fathers Day to your Bill too.

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Sharon, let's hope both of our Bill's enjoy today. We were waiting for storms to hit us last night. I went to bed and nothing at that time. I woke up this morning and I could see it had rained, but I do not know how much. Watching the news, they said the storms were headed in a north/east direction. So did you get anything?


We are going later on this afternoon to that chop house I have talked about that gives you the % off your bill of your age on your BD. We were talking on how our club has a special dinner for mother's day yet they do not do anything on fathers day. Seems kind of unfair.


I agree it was kind of humid yesterday as I was just exhausted when I got home form watching the kids. Bill turned the air on last night as it was getting too humid inside. Today much of the same. You must feel real good with your hair cut short and colored like a movie star. Mine is natural curly as well.


Have a good day today with going out to eat and swimming later on. Too bad our fitness center does not stay open longer on the weekends. Two is closing too early for me.




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We put our air on fir a little while tonight before it cooled off outside. I spent about 5 hrd cutting the grass. So mad way out in the middle of the field, just before I was done, I hit what looks like a steel post bottom sticking up just enough fir the mower blads to hit it. Now it is hitting the frame and making a loud noise. Hopefully it is just the blades and not the main shaft. Bill daid he would look at it tommorow when it is cooler.


We did not get much rain either the other day or tonight, so far.


Yes that is not fair to have a dinner fir moms and not dads!

We stopped at Chilis after swimming and got one of their new flatbread pizzas. I had printed a coupon and we got it for free. It was very good, would get it again.


At&T changed my email program and I don't like it. Will take some time to learn how to use it.

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Sharon, wow, 5 hours and to have that happen. Where did this pipe come from if you have been cutting in the past and have never hit it? Let's hope that it is only the blades and nothing more.


Yes, not much rain the other night or last night either. Today is much cooler with the front that moved in during the night. We had a nice dinner on Sunday and the place was packed yesterday with the Hawks getting ready to play.


It is our turn for our bocce team to host the games on Wednesday. As every team has to take turns in keeping track of all of the games played. This way no persons get stuck doing it every week.


Why did AT & T change your program on you? The jerk invited us to a party at his house on Saturday as he is having a surprise BD party for his son. We declined as the club is having fireworks on Saturday and I will be having some friends coming to the event. I have to put up with him during the week. I do not need to be around him on the weekend and on my own time.


Have a good day,




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I don't know why I never hit the post sticking up before, I have cut there at least 4 times now. It is in the part I had the landscaping company cut down for a path through the field. Bill and I walked out there last night, he took a maul and ht it into the ground quite a ways. I wanted to call the mower people and have them fix it but Bill wants to take a look at it tonight and see if he can fix it.

It is so hard to get the mower deck off and back on!


AT and T must have thought they needed to upgrade their email program, but now everytime I go into it a radios station comes on and there is no where to turn it off so I just have to turn my sound off. Also it locks up every few words I type and have to wait for it to come back on. I might have to call them, I don't want to have to deal with this mess of a program.

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Sharon, I hear what you are saying about having trouble taking off the stuff from the mower. However, if Bill thinks he can fix it himself, you might as well let him try. Those lawn mower people are always so expensive for them to do anything for you. If Bill can get the blade off, he might be able to pick up one much cheaper from what the repair place will charge you.


What a difference it temps today. Once that front moved through, things really have cooled off a lot form where it was.


AT&T did something and I would be upset if things were all different each time you get on. All of these companies want you to put them as first showing them for your home page. A lot of advertising and all of the junk that come with it. Hopefully you can get it all taken care of. I bet, that Tinker loves this cooler weather.


I now see more and more places doing these car nights throughout the summer. They seem to be drawing more and more people. I see a lot of older guys with lawn chairs sitting around talking and the same one's every week. I think some of them just like to hang out and get away form their wife's.




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I hit that metal with the riding mower and it has 3 blades on it. He didn't do it tinight because he went to the eye dr this afternoon and his eyes were dialated so he couldn't see to good.


Tinker started having trouble with her back legs splaying out when she gets off the rug onto the sleek tile. I stopped at the vet and got her some meds for inflamation. If it helps the vet said we can add glocisamime and fish oil. Going to give it a week to see if she is more comfotable walking.


Missed my dentist appmt on Monday, it was at 11am and I kept thinking about it but some how got it confused with leaving for the appmnt at 11am. So they rescheduled me for tomorow at 3pm. Then going to the pork chop dinner, we are taking Bills sister with. Also have water aerobics in the morning. Going to be a busy day!


It really cooled iff here too, I like it!

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I typed the last post on my tablet so that is why there are so many mistakes, the letter buttons are small and I hit the wrong ones sometimes.


Had a good water aerobics class inside today, will be outside tomorrow. It should be nice out so it will be ok to be outside.


Like I mentioned, have a dentist appmnt this afternoon, just for a 6 month cleaning.


There is a zumbathon on the beach Friday from 6:30 to 8pm, but Bill's daughter said she was coming and wants to go out to dinner with us on Friday night. I have texted her a couple of times trying to find out what time but even though she answers she never gives a time. I would like to go to the zumbathon but if she comes early I wouldn't be able to. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what time she shows up. She came from Ohio, but is now visiting in Wisconsin.


Beautiful day today, not too hot and not too cold!

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Sharon, you did have a busy day yesterday. This cooler weather has been nice. The place we ate on Sunday and have gone there before had a free food night on Tuesday. Every Tuesday during the summer they are having a old car night and to kick it off they were offering free food and drinks from 4 until dark. First when Bill told me about it, I thought he had got it all wrong. But indeed they did have it so another night of not cooking and eating out. Many older folks, some even on oxygen and in wheel chairs. Some real vintage car thou.


Too bad about Tinker. Hopefully the med's will help her out and give her some comfort. I know that my Bill had one of those eye tests a few weeks ago and he had the same problem with his eyes afterwards and he said he should have brought sunglasses as he had a hard time seeing as well. So you Bill will look at the mower another day.


I know if you don't get a reminder call for an appointment, I could see how easy it would be to forget about an appointment with all of the things on our minds these days. It is really going to be heating up now. We will have to start watering again so things do not get burned up. You have busy activities coming up. Hopefully Bill's daughter will give you definite times so you can plan better. Zumba on the beach sounds like that could be some fun.


Enjoy the day today.




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Thats really great the restaurant is giving free food! You will have to go again everytime they have it.


We got the mower fixed, it wasn't the blades it was the deck itseld that got bent in and thats why the blade was hitting it. Bill took the deck off and straightened it and then I helped him put it back on. Its a terribly hard job to get it attaced with the belts again.


Bills daughter is supposed to call me tomorrow morning and tell me her plans but I'm sure I won't be able to go to the zumbathon, its around dinner time also.


Bill came home early we had an appmt with a financial advisor, not sure we will take his advice when we gets some info together but we will see.


Had a really great water aerobic class outside at Geneva National pool today. Its a gated community, rather upscale, lot of rich people live there.


My computer has a virus so I gave to take it somewhere pretty soon. I am using my tablet mostly now.


Pancake breakfast at the Big Foot airport this weekend. Probably go on Sunday. Its a grass strip airport, small planes only.



Our pork chop dinner on Wed was very good, they had a tremendous turnout.


See the recurring eating theme? Ha ha have a good Friday

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Sharon, as far as the free food goes, it was a 1 time thing to kick off the summer old car shows every Tuesday night. Next week there will not be the crowds of people showing up for the food as it will not be free. On Monday night the 1/2 price burger place has the old cars as well, and we see many of the same guys there as well. Some of these guys just love sitting and talking about their old cars or whatever they are talking about. When free is attached to something, everyone comes.


The heat is hear to stay for a few days. It should be real hot over the weekend. I heard on the news before I left this morning, that storms are brewing in Wisconsin and headed our way. Having you class at night is not good timing for everything else. It would also be nice if Bill's daughter gets back to you soon, so you can plan all of your stuff around it.


I remember that pancake breakfast at the air strip that you go to every year. An old grass strip sounds like it is a lot of fun and you see things that you would not normally see. On Saturday we will have a big day at our club with the party and fireworks at dusk. It really attacks a lot of folks form all over.


Bill had problems with his computer a few weeks ago. Once we relied on something and it does not work properly, it really messes up our normal routines. Good that you were able to help Bill fix the mower deck and that it was not anything major. That repair place would have really socked it to you for them to come out and fix it.


Enjoy the day and the rest of the weekend.




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We finally got together with Bills daughter for dinner on Friday night. Another daughter also came with her daughter. The daughter from Ohio is in a funny situation. Her husband has had a girlfried for around 8years. She has not filed for divorce but does not do anything with him. When her sister died a couple of years ago she helped her brother-in-law with everything. Then slowly they became more, now they see each other as often as they can and travel to places together. He came with Friday night. He lives in WI and she in OH. She says they feel

funny about it but are both really happy.

She asked how we felt about it and I said, its not that easy to find spmeone you love so go for it. Bill says its strange to see him with a different daughter, but has no problem with it. We all went dancing at the resort after dinner and has a really fun time. They are alot of fun to be with. They are both in their 50's so not young kids.


Went to see my sister today and took her an Edible Arramgement for her birthday which will be on the 30th. Was almost shocked at how old and wrinkled she looked. She has lost weight and even heighth. She is going to have ger other anyurism operated on July 1st. But she has a terrible cough so I don't think they will be able to sedate her. She just coughed and coughed! Sounds like bronchitus.


Well your party at the club sounds like fun, I like fireworks! Is it an early 4th of July.

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Sharon, they get a huge discount for having the fireworks early versus on the 4th. Last night was one of the best, with great weather with no rain at all during the day or night. Today much of the same with rain forecast for sometime after midnight. I had a bunch of friends and with visiting with other members, everyone had a great time. The fireworks ended around 9:30 and everyone banded and went home or into the bar to finish watching the hockey game.


Now I have to admit, that I am a little lost with your story. It does sound like a very crazy situation with Bill's daughter from Ohio. I do not understand, her husband has a girlfriend and has had her for some 8 years. There is no way that I would ever let Bill get away with that, nor would I ever be in any kind of a relationship such as what you have described. After all what is the point of being married if you have something like that?


That being said, at least you had a good time visiting with all of the family and being together. I have not heard anything in a long while about your sister. Let's hope she can get better and improve. I agree that they will not do anything until she gets rid of that cough.


Enjoy this beautiful day and the rest of the weekend. The moon last might was something to see with all of the fireworks shooting all around it. How was the fly in breakfast today?




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Yes, can see why you are confused, its hard to imagine. Husband of daughter from OH' left her because he had this girlfriend, (her best friend). She kept hoping he would come back to her, cause she still loved him, yuck! Then he lost his job a couple of years ago and came back to live in the basement, which is where he is now, and still has the girlfriend. As I mentioned, they do not do anything together at all. Now she has this "relationship" with her prior brother-in-law. What a mess, but like I said they are really happy, so I guess why not.


That sounds like a really fun night you had, and thank goodness the weather cooperated.


We were going to go to the brkfst at the air strip, but I got mad at Bill and wouldn't go. Sorry cause I really wanted to go, but couldn't back down. The rest of the day wasn't much better because of it. Glad the weekend is over!


I have been on my computer with help from first Norton and then with AT & T, trying to get my computer straightened out. Norton rain a heavy duty scan after getting access and said nothing was there, like a virus or anything. Then I did the same with AT & T and they spend a long long time trying first to even get into my computer. Then she readjusted stuff and fixed other stuff and now it seems to be better. Kind of nice when you can grant them access and they can go in and fix it for you without you having to disconnect everything and take it in somewhere.


Finally the rain has stopped and the sun is out, but too wet to cut grass, looks like we might have rain and heat/humidity for the whole week.

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Sharon, as you can imagine, I was and am still somewhat confused about Bill's daughter's situation. The guy is living in the basement as well? This could be a soap on TV. I do remember a story of a spouse or a lady who was with a law enforcement officer that was doing some bad things and taking way too much advantage of things. You are going to have to help me out on the rest of the details on that. But once again, there is no way that I would ever tolerate any kind of behavior like you have described.


I can also completely understand about you getting upset with Bill and ruining the entire day and the breakfast. I have a temper as well, and when I get upset, it does spoil plans and takes me a long time to just bounce back, so to say.


Bill has had much of the same issues as you are going through with your computer. He over the weekend had these people take over his computer as well. But he said they have not completely fixed the problem as well. They are always looking for more money to completely fix the problem, but they never do. So he may take it to the place that I use for my company in town, where they will completely build him a new tower for $300. So he is thinking about doing that. Before I brought that up, he was thinking about getting a totally new computer. He would have spent a lot more money.


Almost the same here all morning with rain and now, just like where you are, we have bright sun. The moon sure look very nice over the weekend especially with the fireworks shooting up and around the moon, made for some very nice pictures.


Enjoy the rest of the day,




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I would never put up with that either. Bill and her sisters told her to divorce him, but like I said she was still in love with him and wanted him back. I think she may make some changes soon. You are right it is like a soap opera!


Quite a crowd in Chicago now that the Hawks have won. Glad I am home and not in the crowd.


Have to decide if I'm going swimming outside or to zumba, which also is going to be outside on the beach tomorrow. They are going to try the beach zumba for about 3 weels and then evaluate if everyone likes it or not.


That sounds like a good price for a new built tower, they can put what he uses the most in it. I think between Norton and AT &T they got mine fixed. But will know for sure when I use it a little more.

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Sharon, if she is in love with this BIL and her former is living in her basement. Then for sure, she needs to get him out. As now he is just using her and it is totally nuts.


I got home kind of late from work and Bill said let's go because he said the place will be packed with the game coming on. We got there and placed our order got our drinks and we could see the storm coming. All of the people outside came inside and all of the guys with the old cars left and then it hit.


Very high winds and all of the outside umbrellas flew away. Then they lost power. We sat there for 15 minutes and then Bill said lets go. As we were driving away and turned the corner, we saw the fire department as the wind knocked down the high polls all in a row, thus why they all lost their power. With that kind of damage it will take a few days before all of the power is restored. We went home and I cooked dinner and it did not rain anymore.


When I saw all of those crowd's I was glad also that I was not a part of that. I guess Friday will be the parade downtown and that will be crowded as well. I am glad our Chicago team won.


I think it would be nice to workout on the beach. But the key here will be what the weather will be like. If the weather is not good, then people will not want to be out or even on the beach. I guess we could get more rain over the next few days. How was your area with the storms?




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Too bad you didn't get your order before the electric went out! We didn't have any rain until much later. I had gotten the front and back yards cut and came in took a shower and we went up to the Chinese buffet. We saw a line of dark angry clouds go over but didn't do anything. The temperature went down into the 60's and it was very breezy. Then all night long we kept hearing the thunder and rain. This morning I didn't go to the water aerobics because it was still raining, I went instead to zumba and we had it inside. When I came out the rain had stopped and it was about 68 degrees so I bet they did have the aerobics outside. I will go tomorrow when it is inside and see what the weather is on Thursday to see which class I will take. Today there was only 3 of us at zumba, don't know where everyone else was.


Did you have to use your generator or wasn't your area affected by the electricity being out?

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Sharon, I do know that we had lost power, as I had to reset some of the clocks. I know this when we loose power and for us it is only 10 seconds, but enough to cause some of the clocks to blink. When we got home we had power without the generator. So I have no idea if it ever went on. One of the benefits of having this system, it kicks on all by itself when the power is lost after 10 seconds.


Our order was in and probably not fully cooked and we would have gotten it in about 5 minutes if the power had not went out. So with the power being out, no orders could be completed and it was getting dark. So there was no real point in staying. So I came home and made up something.


I agree it was cooler this morning, but in the afternoon it did get real humid. Yes, it will be interesting to see if they went to the beach. All day even though we have not gotten any rain, it has been looking like we would get some, but thus far have not. I think the storms have been up your way today, as I hear reports of counties north of us.


I think it would be nice working out on the beach, but so much depends on the weather, and you know how that goes. It would be almost like you were in Hawaii, like you see on TV with them working out on the beach.




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Storms and thunder all night long again, hard to sleep with all that noise! Then this morning more rain and really hard rain for quite a while. Ditches are full and some corn is being drowned out also. Hope we are done with this for a while!


I went to the water aerobics class, they did not have class yesterday. The instructor said from now on if its raining just come over to the indoor pool at the resort and we will have class there. Next week her and her husband are going to a conference so we will have class on Monday only, which will be good, I can do my zumba on Tues and Thurs.


Tomorrow I have an appmnt for a physical, I guess SS covers one a year so the dr wanted me to come in for one. Funny, got a letter from her a couple of weeks ago saying if I had any complaints or health issues to make another appmnt because this will be for a physical only. Guess they want another office visit charge.


My computer is not fixed, last night I could not get into my email from my tablet. And it still stops while I'm typing for a few seconds and then catches up, ugh!


Got a 30% off coupon for Kohl's so I bought a small toaster oven. The other night I wanted to heat up some garlic bread and had to turn the oven on for a bit, it did heat up the kitchen, so now I will use the toaster oven instead.

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