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Sharon, we have not been to the club in a long while. On Tuesday & Friday's it is open to the public. On Tuesday, they have all you can eat pasta. On Friday's they have all you can eat fish. Fish is not for me, Bill enjoys fish, but not me. So we both had the special pasta, I had the spaghetti & meet balls. I had more than enough, and could not eat seconds. I could not even finish my first portion.


Wow, what a huge difference in our areas. I know that they keep calling for 1 to 2" of snowfall. Just like you, yesterday it was snowing very hard in the late morning. But then it just stopped and we had no accumulation. We had the high winds. But we certainly had nothing like you experienced. I would not have enjoyed driving like you were doing either. Let's hope you will be able to go tomorrow night to the theater, and dinner. But at least if you cannot, it sounds like they may be open to work with you in that case.


I did not know the patrons for that restaurant had to reserve at $250. I would be super upset, if we had some crying kid in a place like that. It must have been a big deal to make the news. That owner, who is also the chef, will have to make an adjustment, if he wants to continue business, without having to be disturbed with some crying kids.


Now that is not right about the Dr's office. Like you said, if they know Bill, and you were the only one's sitting there, then what where they thinking about? It did not sound like yesterday, was your day at all. But as least you were able to get your water aerobics in OK.


We have a bunch of eating out coupons that we should be using at a few different restaurants in the area. We have talked about using them, but have not thus far. They are for a % off the total bill.




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Well, we made it to the dinner and show. Bill wa feeling ok and the roads didn't get too bad until we got about 20 miles from the place, then they got real icy. We had a great dinner and the show was, as always, great. Lots of songs and dances from the 60's. The singers were really good and had lots of energy. Coming home I had 3 or 4 cars behind me so as soon as I could I pulled over and let them go around me. Then I could drive as slow as I wanted to without having headlights coming in my rear window.


We probably won't go tonight, Bill was coughing a real lot this morning so I know he won't feel like going and dancing. Thats ok we've had a good week and I'm ready to stay home too. I hear tomorrow we might get 3 to 5 inches of snow again, not ready for that!


Great that you have coupons for % off meals, better get to using them before they expire. Did you ever get discounts from restaurant dot com? They have some pretty good ones and you can pick what area you want them to be for.


Do you have any plans for the weekend? You might not get as much snow as we will.

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Sharon, I did here that we could get 2 to 4" of snow. Anyway you put it, that is still a lot on top of what we already have. Yes, it was icy around here as well last night. It had been snowing most of the day. But during the day it was above freezing, and it did not accumulate. But at night it got icy. Still, it was good that you were able to get out last night, and the weather did not stop you. You have always had good experiences with going to their shows and dinner, as well.


Tonight at the club they have all you can eat fish, and tomorrow they will have a lobster diner with entertainment. Both are not for me, as I do not like fish in any way shape or form.


Today after work, they are having the employees Christmas Party. They always have it after the holidays. Today it is at a local bowling alley. Food and 2 free drinks. After that, then everyone has to pay for over the 2 allotment. Bowling is also included. Bill does not like to go to those events, and they want me there, as being the manager. Bill does not like all of the free loaders. So I do not think he will come over, but he might.


Depending on the weather tomorrow, will depend if we go out and use a coupon for dinner. I think that Bill might have gotten these on that site. Sunday I want to invite 2 of Bills friends over, but they are always so picky and I do not think that is going to happen. So that is also up in the air. They are the types, who would rather have you over at their place, rather than come over to our place. It kind of makes me feel like our place is not good enough for them.


I hope your Bill feels better over the weekend. So just relax and enjoy the rest, and staying indoors and watching it snow.




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Oh, I would like either the fish or the lobster, probably the lobster best. Why don't you like it? I don't like salmon, wish I did because its supposed to be healthy, but it tastes fishy and thats yucky.


How did your Christmas party go tonight, did Bill come for a while? How many people came to it?


Maybe those friends of Bill like to be in control and just don't feel they are if they come over and you and Bill are instead of them.


I was surprised when Bill came home he had called the dr and gotten a prescription for his cold. I had called him earlier in the day and told him to call the dr because its going to be the weekend and he wouldn't be able to get a hold of him. But I didn't think he would. Sometimes its good to get meds right away before it gets too bad.


I don't think I told you my sister is in ICU, Alexian Bros. Hospital. She had trouble breathing last Friday and her son called the paramedics. She had been driving and went into a snow bank and couldn't get out and when she got home, thats when she started having trouble. First they thought it was a stress reaction but they did some tests on her heart and ended up putting 5 stents in it. She thought she might come home tomorrow but isn't sure.


Well just saw the weather, you might get more snow than us tomorrow.

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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Wow, 5 stints. I have never heard that before, getting that many. Bill has 2, and he is doing very well. He was having difficultly breathing as well, before he had his put in, and it has been many years since he has had them. I hope she will be coming home soon, and will recover OK.


That is good, that Bill called the Dr to get a prescription. Hopefully he can get control of the cold and stop it before it gets worse. Cold are so hard to control this time of year, once they get a hold on you. They are also saying that more younger people are getting the H1N1 Flu. I know Bill got his senior shot, when they first came out.


Surprise, Bill actually came last night, and he seemed to have a good time. He usually does not enjoy to come to those, as a lot of our employees, he feels are a bunch of free loaders. However, they did something different, and it seemed to work well. The only gave out 2 drink tickets to everyone and if you wanted more then you had to buy them. This way it controlled the free drinking on the one's who abuse, that part of the party. Here is the largest part of the business. We have 50 employees and everyone showed up and most brought either, their spouses or significant other's.


I did not sign us up for bowling as my back is very easy to throw out, and I did not want to take any chances. Also I did not like how they were picking the teams, with having the jerk and his son and brother as captains, and they were pulling names out for the teams. So we would not have been on the same team.


So they had the food and 2 free drinks and then 2 games of bowling, and that turned out to be 3 games. So what ended happening, one girl on one of the teams hurt her hand. So they asked if anyone wanted to bowl, and Bill stood up and bowled the rest of the games. I have never seen Bill bowl before. We did not get home until after 11:30, and that is rare, that we are ever out that late.


The jerk was actually decent and like I had said, Bill had a rare good time, with everyone. As he usually does not want to have anything, to do with any of them.


I just do not like the fishy taste of fish and have never enjoyed eating it. I also do not like to eat vegetables. So all of the things that should be good for me, I do not eat. However, I have been making an effort to start eating vegetables more.


It was snowing lightly last night and it was so cold. We had to watch walking, as there were many slippery spots. I did see that the snow would be tracking south. So I was expecting to wake up today with a lot of snow. But thus far, it is just real cold and no snow. So maybe we will luck out today. Of course, I have not had a chance to watch any news today.


With Bill's friends, they are not married, yet they have been going out as long as we have been together, and much longer. They are both selfish individuals, and are not into commitment. She is a beauty queen and her house is one of these places you would see in a magazine. So she thinks that anything her's is the best, and does not like going anyplace, as things just do not add up to her standards. So I try once in a while to reach out and extend the invitation, but rarely does it ever happen. They may only come once a year for the fireworks at the club, but then they are not at our house, but over outside at the club.


Have and enjoy the weekend,




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Thats nice that Bill not only came to the party, but had a good time too. We stayed home last night the roads were not so good and like I mentioned Bill didn't want to go. It snowed lightly all day today and we got probably around 3 inces. It was enough between yesterday and today to have the driveway plowed. He just came, called around 10 and asked if he could come this late and we told him he could. So now pretty much ready to go to bed.


I'll have to see what the weather is tomorrow morning and then decide if I can get to church. It's about 16 miles from here so I want to make sure the roads are good. Not sure if we will go to the resort tomorrow., have to see how Bill feels.

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Sharon, I spoke too soon yesterday, when I sent you the last post. Shortly after I sent the post, it started snowing heavy until about 8 at night. We ended with about 5" of snow. Bill went out last night and cleared it away. Today is very windy, out of the south and it is blowing all around. It was very light.


Hopefully your Bill will start to feel better. I have no idea what we will do today. We went out early in the afternoon to use some of out coupons for dinner. However we just ordered and picked up and came home to eat. The weather was looking not good at all, so rather than wait, we decided to do what we did, and get back home before it got much worse.


Tomorrow is a federal holiday, except for us. We are lucky we get any holidays off, as it is now. Everyone will be watching the football games today. We may just stay inside and take things slow today and be in the warm inside environment, instead of venturing outside in the cold and wind.


Enjoy the rest of the day and stay warm,




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I did go to church, but like you said the blowing and drifting was getting pretty bad. When I got home we decided to go up to Bills house and get his newspaper and then go to lunch. After that we stopped and visited with our friends, she is the one that had her foot operated on. I had gotten a text message from her saying if we were around to stop in. We just stayed for about half hour and came home. The roads were getting worse by then, snow covered in places. Bill wanted to watch the 2 football games too.


I saw its supposed to snow again tomorrow, I have a dentist appmt on Tuesday so hope it doesn't snow then. Have a cavity so there will be some drilling involved, which I hate.


Bill will go to work too, its not a holiday for him by his own doing. Thats ok cause I've got my exercise class in the morning and laundry to do in the afternoon. He is making a pot roast in a slow cooker for dinner, bout the only thing he cooks for us. So we can have leftovers on Tues, I'll not have to cook for two days, thars good!


Good luck at work tomorrow, hope all goes well.

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Sharon, it is just a regular day at work for us today. Except for the banks and PO being closed, everything else here is running at normal operations. Yes, yesterday I thought the wind blowing so hard, it made it feel much colder. So we did have a lot of drifting of the snow around here as well. We stayed in and did not go out at all yesterday.


So how is your friend doing, who had the foot surgery for the second time? Yes, I did hear that too on the news last night. They said by this afternoon the snow will start falling on most of the viewing area. We could get an additional 1 to 2" of snowfall. Then more on Wednesday or Thursday.


On Thursday, we are going in the morning for me to get cleared for TSA Pre Check. Bill went last week to check it all out, and to see if he could do me as well. Since you have to get an electronic fingerprints, everyone has to go in person. So what this all means, once all is complete, you get a number or ID, and that goes on your ticket. Then you are able to go through security at a different place, where you do not have to remove your shoes or belts, but just go through the security. You are called a known traveler and the process is supposed to be much faster. It is good for 5 years and the cost is $85. So I am just taking the morning off to get this done.


So you have a dentist appointment tomorrow to get a cavity filled. Bill has to go downtown for his appointment to get checked and cleared form his surgery that he had the later part of last year. He had 2 attempts, first the day after the blizzard, and we could not get our cars out of the garage. Then the very next day after that, he said it took him over 2 hours to get 1/2 way downtown, so he turned around and came back. He had left before I left, for work and over 1 1/2 before his scheduled appointment.


Have a good day at exercise today and hopefully you will be back home before the next round of snow moves in. Then hopefully you will have no issues going to the dentists tomorrow.




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Where do you have to go to get that precheck done? Sounds like a good idea, would be much faster going through security if you had that.


Had a good ex class today, the water was pretty comfortable, not too cold or hot. There was only 6 of us there most everyone else has went south. So it actually kind of nice, we have lots of room.


I got my tooth fixed today, my mouth is still frozen. Didn't take too long, wasn't real deep thank goodness. It cost $120.00 though, and I don't have dental insurance. Usually its cheaper to go without insurance since I don't normally have many cavities.


It very cold today, the roads had just tire tracks you had to follow this morning, but by this afternoon they were pretty good. The plows have been out all day plowing and salting. Hope they don't run out of salt anytime soon!


Bill's crock pot, pot roast was real good, we are heating it up and having it again tonight.


My sister came home from the hospital the other day so thats good. She always was telling me when she called from the hospital how good the food was. When she was ready to come home she mentioned it to the dr and he said it tasted so good to her because she was on prednisone. Maybe thats why Bill has been eating better lately. He did gain a few pounds the last time he weighed at the drs office last week. He is still on that medicine too.


Well guess we'll see how much snow we get tomorrow again!

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Sharon, it started snowing around 5 on Monday afternoon, and it snow all night and did not stop here until Tuesday around 2 in the afternoon. So we got over 8" of snow and drifts that were much more. Bill got up early, and started clearing things away, as it was looking like I might not make it to work. He was able to clear the alley so I was able to get out. Many of the employees did not make it into work yesterday, as east of us really got clobbered with the snowfall. In some places, they got over 20". So it was totally crazy here yesterday. Hopefully today will not add up to be a lot more snow.


Go to, universalenroll.dhs.gov, and you can see the list of all of the places that offer the pre check. There is one in Milwaukee, and I would think that is not too far away from you. Bill went last Monday and he got his ID in the mail yesterday. So that was quick.


It was good that you do not have many people in the pool for your exercise now, and that you were able to get out, and not have the weather affect you not going. We have dental insurance, and I think they cover 50% of some things and more on other things. That insurance is so expensive, I think you are wise not to have it, and just pay as you go. Bill got it, so I do not know all the ins and outs about it.


Now we will be in the bitter cold for the next few days and maybe into the weekend. We certainly are making up for the mild winters, that we have had over the past 2 years. Stay warm and safe,




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Oh no, you got that lake effect snow then, we only got an inch or two, but this morning snowing again. This afternoon we have a wind chill warning, the snow we did get is blowing and drifting again onto the road. We will stay home tonight, going to be too cold and roads too bad to go back out and visit with friends. I was glad to get my exercise class in this morning, lots of people were there again, soon they should start dropping out but so far they haven't. Most everyone likes the workout but is glad when we are done, ha ha.


When I stopped at the grocery store today, I bought a mango, avocado, kiwi, pkg of 3 colors of peppers and some blueberries. They had organic spring mix salad and baby spinach also on sale. I plan to make a great salad either tonight or tomorrow night and will add all that stuff to it. The place I stopped was Aldi's they usually have some pretty good prices on fruits and vegetables.


Don't you wish our winter was over already, I'm getting really tired of this cold cold weather and snow and wind every couple of days!

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Sharon, yes we have been getting a lot of lake effect snow. Yesterday we got an additional 2" of snow. It has also been very windy. They had a wind chill advisory that expired today at noon. Then at 6 it will be back on. They also said this morning, that we will not be out of the deep freeze until spring. I'll bet you will not complain about the heat again. After all, what is the alternative?


We went to the club on Tuesday for the all you can eat pasta. Of course I can only eat one portion and even then, I only eat 1/2. I cannot even think just now, what we will have tonight. Salad sounds good and it is very easy to prepare.


I took the morning off today so now both of us are set up for TAS Pre Checked. Bill got his ID yesterday. I should have mine next week. So I hope this will be worth the effort, so we can zip through security at the airports now, without taking off shoes and belts. We shall see. Bill came up with all of this, as I would have never thought of doing it myself.


With the high winds and extreme cold temps, I think we will not be venturing out too far for awhile. So you are smart to be staying home as well. Just think of anyone who is out doors in these temps. Stay warm,




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I decided to stay in bed a little while longer instead of getting up and going to zumba this morning. It was still really windy and I kept hearing the plow going out on the road so it was probably drifting again. I think my body needed a rest anyway, I will go tomorrow to the fitness class, that is if there is a class. Whenever the schools are closed there is no class. Since its supposed to be around -25 below with the windy chill they might close the schools. Although if we keep having it they can't keep closing them, the kids will be going to school way into summer!


Bill went to work and should be home pretty soon, I haven't decided on dinner yet tonight. We still have some pot roast, but its the 3rd night and I think i have had it enough. The pasta you had sounds good, they always give you way too much, were you able to take it home? I know you dont' like leftovers but maybe Bill could eat it.

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Sharon, the way it works for take out leftovers, only on your first order or initial order, can you take it home. You cannot take orders home if you are ordering seconds or after you initial order. That would get out of control. Yes, Bill eats the leftovers the next day. I called Bill after work and he went with me to pick up beef sandwiches last night.


I agree, they cannot keep closing the schools because of the temps. Unless there is a problem with the school, like busted pipes or something of that nature. I think they might be able to give them some options, if they are only closed for a few days, like going to school on one of the holidays, instead of continuing into the summer.


I would not want to be outside or stranded in this weather. I was hearing on the news yesterday, that they had groups going around trying to get people on the streets into shelters. If they refused, then they were passing out blankets and things to help them out. Yes, this blowing and drifting can be bad on the roads. We certainly had that yesterday, as the winds were really blowing.


At night, I am walking around in blankets to keep warm. Once I get chilled, it takes me awhile to warm up. Even the car, it does not warm up after work, as I only have about 1 mile form my house to work. So after sitting outside all day, it does not really warm up. In the morning, no problem, we have a heated garage.


I am trying to decide if I will go to bunco tonight. I have to pick up a lady around her who is handicapped, and tonight we have to drive to Tinley Park, and that is about 45 minutes from here. The weather is supposed to be bad tonight around here.


Stay warm,




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That is the same way it works at Crandels, the broasted chicken place we go to. Its all you can eat but you can only take home leftovers from your first serving.


Did you see that terrible wreck on I94 yesterday, how awful! The roads are really bad here again today. Already had white outs this morning. The winds are so strong the roads are drifting. Another Friday night we are staying home. They are saying over the weekend we could get up to 6 inches of snow. Hope they are wrong.


No wonder your car doesn't heat up, living so close to work both good and bad. Maybe you could start the car a little while before you leave. If you have that automatic start no one can steal it. We do that when we are out at night and its cold.


Well stay warm and enjoy your weekend

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We got a couple of inches of snow Friday night through Saturday morning, not enough to really plow. But then on Sat night into Sunday morning we got about 4 inches more, so we had it plowed out around noon. We went up to Bill's to get some stuff for him to work on since he stayed home today and on the way back the roads were already drifting. The wind is so strong even today it looks like a snow blower blowing the snow onto the road. You would think the banks along the sides of the road would be tall enough that it would just blow over to the other side not onto the road.


No exercise class, schools are closed both Mon and Tues here. I have a dential appmnt tomorrow afternoon, wondering if I can make it or not. Its a different town and would mean driving out into the country between towns. If it stops blowing it would be ok, even if it is really cold.


Hopefully by Wednesday we will get a little relief and it will warm up a little.

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Sharon, yes we have gotten much snow and very cold. The accident on I 94 is not all that far away from us. I think many are driving way too fast. Bitter cold now and for the next few days.


Today is our anniversary. We are going out to eat tonight. I went back to WW on Saturday. My 2012 goal and the last time I was there. I could not take it anymore, so I went back. I am 14 pounds over my goal weight. I was not doing very well over the weekend. But I had to do something sooner, rather than later. As I have been feeling too fat. Oh well, the natures of being a woman and worrying about weight gains and looses. No looses for me, only gains.


Bill has a remote start for his car, but not for mine. I should get one, so I can warm up my car, so it will not be so cold.


Stay warm, and safe.




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I made it to my dental appmt, roads all have tracks to stay in and still very cold, but people are out and working. I just had a filling and was surprised it cost was $245. Most expensive filling ever.


Happy Anniversary! How many years, I know you are still pretty much a "newly wed". How was dinners?


Finally have exercises class tomorrow, they had water aroebics today but didn't go, figured it was too cold this morning.


Thats good you went back to WW, I think the weighing in has alot to do with keeping you honest. One of our friends from Wed night is the weighing in person at WW. I wouldn't want to go where my friend weighs you, and the one we used to have in our town is no longer here.

I have tried everything, even has the cruise as an incentive and still couldn't lose anything! I know you will have better luck.

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Sharon, our phone service has been out in our area all day on Wednesday. The cold is slowly lifting and warming up somewhat. It was our 7 year anniversary on Monday. The dinner was very good, but real cold. They only had 1/2 of the place open due to small numbers dinning out.


I had to do something with WW as I have just been feeling way to over weight. Fourteen pounds is a lot of weight to be carrying around for the past 2 years. I have to do something to manage this wieght. At least you, do a lot of exercising, and you are in no way over wheight as I am.


I was woke up with the alarm stating out service was back on. I will be back on tomorrow with more.




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You are wrong, even though I exercise I am about 20 pounds over what I should be. Nothing seems to work for me, I have no self control and eat all the wrong things. If I were to weigh in I might be better though. Good luck!


It has snowed this afternoon, came down in buckets for a while, covered the roads. Now with this 30 to 40 mph winds it is back to drifting and white outs again. Looks like it might be this way again tomorrow and Saturday also. Would really like to go to the dance place tomorrow night and to Lake Geneva to see the snow sculptures on Saturday, but all will be determined by the stupid weather again.


Wondered where you were, figured something was up, glad you are getting the electric back, good thing you have a generator!

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Sharon, we have AT&T for our phone line and Internet. When the phone line is out, so is our Internet, and we also have the same service at work as well. So when something happened to the phone lines being knocked in this area, everyone who had the same service was out. So it must have been something major to have knocked the service for such a long period of time. So the generator will only work when the electric is knocked out, not the phone service.


I did not want to imply that you do not have weight issues as well. However, you are much more of an inspiration to me, with all that you do as far as exercising. Me, I do not exercise any where as much as you. I do use the Total Gym, but nothing like a regular routine that you do regularly each week. Mine is here and there. Yes, I have very poor eating habits and also lack self control. I also feel, that stress plays a major part in the weight gain.


I saw your area on the news last night, as they were focusing on McHanry and the very high winds and all of the blowing snow and drifting white outs. We only got a dusting, but with the high winds, there was much drifting. But nothing even close to what you had in your area.


Now this afternoon, they are calling for more snow. But the bulk of the snowfall is forecast for tomorrow. At least the temps have recovered out of that deep freeze we were in. But I guess the cold is coming back for the weekend and next week. So I can see why the weather might hold up your plans for tonight and the weekend. I know you go every year to the ice sculpting, and it would be a shame to miss it. But you have to be more concerned about how the weather will be.


Stay warm and safe over the weekend,




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Yes, I was thinking with the generator your internet would work, didn't think about it being the electric that was off so long. We also have AT & T for telephone and internet, I think we are about the furthest you can be from the main spot it comes from and still have it so its not really as fast as I would like it to be, but at least it works.


Bill came home early again yesterday, you are right we got it again with the snow and the blowing. It seemed to stop snowing after about an hour but the wind kept up and made it really bad to see while driving.


So far we have not had any snow today and the wind is not bad, however they are saying we are supposed to get some both this afternoon and tonight. Two of the people that come dancing have birthdays, one on Feb 1st and one on Feb 5th so I'm thinking they will try and get there for a little while anyway.


Tomorrow is supposed to be me snow but over by noon or early afternoon so if the wind is blowing, they will probably have the roads in ok shape so we could still go. Otherwise we will have to go on Sunday before the big Super Bowl that Bill wants to see.


So when is your weigh in night for WW? Is it easier to watch what you are eating, knowing you have to weigh in? You know, between the two of us we have been trying to lose weight ever since we started "talking" ha ha! One of these days we just might get really, really serious and actually do it.


Well, here's hoping for a nice calm semi warm weekend!

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Sharon, it started snowing here Friday night and went into Saturday. Then it stopped for about an hour yesterday, and then it started back up again and snowed up until 8 last night. We ended with about 9" of snow.


I had a nail appointment yesterday morning and I go stuck in the alley leaving my garage. So after we shoveled and plowed the alley with the snow blower, I was able to get out. But we were doing a lot of clearing yesterday, in the morning and then in the evening after it stopped snowing. The temps were close to freezing, so it was not all that clod. But today is supposed to be much colder.


So did you ever make it to the ice sculpture over the weekend? I am going to church today and then this afternoon I am sure that Bill will be watching the Super Bowl stuff as well.


I was also going to go to weigh in yesterday morning when I got stuck. So I am planning to go this morning before I go to church. I just cannot eat what they want us to eat as a lot of those food groups are not things that I normally do. I supposed if I had some will power and better habits, I could improve things a lot with my weight. But easier said than done. I am going to attempt and make a real effort this time. But we shall see how long all of this lasts. Yes, we have been talking about all of this for a very long time.


Well have a good day today and let's hope the weather will not be as bad as they are saying for this week. We are running out of places to pile all of this snow.




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We were able to go to the dance place on Friday night, no snow and no wind! Then on It did snow overnight and we had the driveway plowed Saturday around noon. We were able to go to the chili cookoff and the snow sculptures. So it was all good! Sunday we went out to breakfast after church and then back home so Bill could watch the game. What a dud that turned out to be.


So what are some of the foods they want you to eat that you don't like? I heard they have a new program thats supposed to give you a quick start. That gal that is doing the other plan has now lost 28 pounds. She looks real good but still wants to lose some more, still has the midrift and tummy bulge. She tries not to eat carbs. Hopefully the weigh in will keep you eating right.

Tomorrow I have water aerobics in the morning and later in the day we are supposed to get more snow, but not as much as you are supposed to get. Good luck

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