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Sharon, we just got back from picking up his packet in Crystal Lake at the Running Depot. We then drive to the high school, and found the parking area to be very large. But now we are figuring that they will be closing part of the lot because the race starts and finishes on this First Street, by the football field.


With it being forecast for being so cold and a sharp wind out of the north, I though about a place to meet in front of the school by the flagpole. But I would not want to be sitting outside with the weather they are forecasting. I will most likely go inside in the school and wait in there. I found an area that I will be able to walk a 5K, 3 miles.


This school; is very large, and a very large area to be meeting. Unless we have a specific place to actually meet. I know my Bill does not like doing things unless things come together. Bill also is saying that this course is very hard and it may take a bit longer. So with the temps and the large area, this might not be the best time for us to meet. Weather is going to play a big part in everything.


There will be some 1200 participants, then spectators, and volunteers. All in all there will be many people all over the place. There is nothing really around there. As I thought perhaps a place to eat and meet at would be better. I could not see anything close by and something that would be open in the morning. Also better to meet closer when he will be finished.


So what are your thoughts on this?




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You are right, the weather is terrible, the wind is so freezing cold I don't know how anyone can run directly into it without freezing their face!


I will not be coming today, like you said it will be difficult to find each other with all the people and besides Bill got up yesterday with a cold and didn't feel good all day and is still sleeping this morning.


So just enjoy your 3 mile walk and I hope Bill does good in his 1/2 marathon and doesn't get too cold. We will have to arrange a time for us to meet sometime when it is more convenient and better weather.


I am going to go to church instead, hope I don't get blown away!

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Sharon, we went out to a St Pt's Party on Saturday night from my church. We did dinner and came home early so we could rest for Sunday. Sunday we left very early, at 5:30. We got there at 7. We went inside of the school and stayed warm until the start. Bill's Dr and his wife were doing it, as well as one of the people and his wife who are doing Boston as well.


The wind was right out of the NE, and blowing very strong. I bought a sweatshirt there, from a race past, as it was still too cold with what I was wearing. I went out on my own after the main group had left. I only did a little over 2 miles, as it was just too cold and windy for me. I was think, on how Bill was doing it for 13 miles. I was using this fit tracker that I bought from WW, that tracks the distance and steps. Tonight I will do weigh-in.


I went back inside and waited for him, and watching all of the other's coming in all cold and freezing. I was starting to get worried, as he was not back when he was figuring he would be. He was just doing the miles and not pushing himself any more than he had to. He then finished, came inside, changed his cloths, and we drove to his Aunts house in Palatine, who just lost her husband, I may have told you, when he fell off of his roof cleaning the gutters.


We stayed there for about 3 hours, and then stopped on the way home and had dinner. We were actually gone for some 12 1/2 hours. It was very cold and Bill went to bed very early as he was just exhausted. Now I guess it will warm up some this week. Yesterday, was definitely not the day for us to meet. The weather and the place was not a good time to meet. There will be another time and place that will be far better than yesterday. It was a very long drive for us, 1 1/2 hours to get there.


I hope you and Bill are feeling better. Stay warm,




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I was reading about the Cary marathon in the paper this morning, all they kept saying was about how cold it was for everyone. They might have to move it back a week or two, but that might interfere with the Boston one, so I guess we just have to hope that next year it will be warmer than it was this year.


I went to exercise class this morning and then took Bill to get his drivers lic renewed. He first had an eye dr appmnt so that he could have the dr fill out the vision form so he wouldn't have to take the test at the DMV. Then we went over to the DMV and in 15 min he had everything done and we were on our way. In WI, where he gets his lic from, it is good for 8 years! I told him I am going to have to move up there too so I can get one for 8 years instead of the lousy 4 we get here in IL.


On the way to his work/house we stopped and I bought a head of cabbage and a piece of corned beef and a pound of carrots. I am going to make that tomorrow. We had stopped at Pannera and had a bowl of soup and 1/2 sandwich and don't think we will need to have a big supper tonight.


We will probably watch the first episode of Dancing With the Stars, am anxious to see if they fix the makeup of Meryl, the gal who won the gold medal for ice dancing with Charlie.


Supposed to be warmer tomorrow, but then colder again!

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Sharon, it was very cold yesterday, but they did a great job putting the event on and all they had to do to get it accomplished. This is their big event for that area each year. The weather is normally not as extreme as it was yesterday. This has just been an extreme winter all around.


Why does Bill have an WI licence? Why is it that you can not go on his address that he is using, so you can do the same? It would be great to have a license that does not expire for 8 years. It was good that you were able to get his vision taken care of, and then go and get the license renewed without it taking too long.


I had Bill stop on the way home yesterday, so I could pick up corned beef and cabbage. It is very easy to fix, and I have had it in the crock pot cooking all afternoon. So once I get home form WW we can eat.


I thought I heard a 50 degree day somewhere in the forecast for this week. Spring is coming, it is just taking a little longer. It is going to take some time for all of this snow to clear away. With the temps being so cold. I know it really took me a long while to warm up last night. Once you get chilled, that is what happens.




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Bill has not sold his home in WI because he has a 9 unit apartment and 2 rental houses there also. He has about 80 acres that he rents out to a guy that farms it too, and one of his sons has several pole barns that he uses to store boats for people from his marina. So Bill has never changed his residence. I file Il tax, he files Wi and we file federal together. We have talked about moving into his house but not sure what his kids would do if something happens to him. I think they would want to sell everything for the money and I would not have a place to live. We are always keeping an eye out for a house to move to that would be convient for him to drive back to his house everyday since he uses it for his office. Long story isn't it!


How was your corned beef? I'm looking forward to ours tomorrow night.


what did you think of DWTS? There are several that you can already tell will not make it for very long. But several that aren't too bad, I thought.

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Sharon, when they announced the new season for DWTS, I was going to ask you the very same thing. I agree that you will think who will be going, and who will be staying. However they have had some surprises in the past , just when we thought we had it all figured out.


Now my Bill was doing the same thing with his license. He had, a MI license for many years, as his parents had a place there. Then when his father got real sick and then died. About a year before that, when the sister came back into the picture, after being estranged for some 6 years, that is when things started to happen. She wrote to the Michigan DMV and told them that he did not officially live there anymore.


That was all about the money and it was that, that ended killing the father from all of the stress. It is always about the money, and people will do things that you and I would never even think of. I would be concerned also. I know for us, we have to do something, like getting out of Cook County. The taxes are killing us here, and taxes upon taxes, is what this County is all about. We buy everything in IN as for the lower taxes. Most everyone does the very same thing around here. But when you think about 8 years versus 4 years, that would make a huge difference.


Yes, all was very good last night. Now we will have corned beef and cabbage around to eat for a few days. I lost 1.6 pounds last night at weigh-in. As you can see, every time there is a major event that I do, I have lost some serious weight. So I came home very happy last night. I still have so long to go yet.


What is that old saying, you can pick your friends, but you cannot pick your family. Bill has to do something this year about his mother. It is his mother, and this sister has taken her away from everyone and put her in a nursing home that no one knows where she is, and this sister wants it that way. I can tell that this is upsetting Bill a lot.


Bill's father had changed his will 2 years before he died, and yet those 2 came in afterwards and were able to get their hands on a few of his death benefits. It would have cost us too much to fight it, and Bill's Dad would not have wanted that. Just goes to show, what money does to some people. It is all about the money for some out there, as their entire life is nothing else about money.




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Had the swimming class and it was very good this morning, then came home and put on the corned beef, it smells wonderful but doesn't look too tender yet.


When we got up this morning I went in the bathroom and Bill went in the kitchen, don't know why, I'm usually the one that goes in and gets the coffee started, but anyway. I hear a loud bang and then hear him call my name. I ran in there and both Bill and the dog were laying on the floor. Tinker had all 4 legs spread out and she must have been laying there for quite some time as she had peed a lot and was laying in it. Bill had bent over to pick her up and slipped in the pee and fell down. I got him up and then got a towel to put around Tinker's middle to lift her up and outside. Then I had to wipe up the puddle of pee and mop the floor. Bill did not get hurt but was sopping wet with the pee.


It was quite a 3 ring circus here this morning. Tinker is such a quiet dog, she never barks or whines so we don't know how long she had been laying there. She is having a great deal of trouble walking today or even getting up. I have had to help her several times. I hope she gets better and this is not going to be permanent.

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Sharon, did you ever hear about that target mat I was telling you about? Where the dog only goes on that mat and it absorbs it all without any odor. Poor Tinker. Thank God, Bill was not hurt. I bet today he will feel some pain form the fall.


Yes, the corned beef does smell great. But it does take a long time to get real tender. Very nice temps yesterday. Let's hope this warm trend continues.


I'll bet the water feels good just now. I wish I was not so tired, when I get home from work, so I could feel good about going to the health club. Bill has bought these 2 for 1 memberships for the past few years and I have never gone. At least he has not paid extra for it.


Well I hope this issue with Tinker is only temporary, like you said.




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I have heard about those pads but Tinker doesn't need them. She still goes outside when she has to pee, only has a problem when she sleeps too long and wets her bed. She peed on the floor because she had fell down and couldn't get up for hours. All day yesterday and last night during the night I had to help her get up. She would get a drink of water and then I'd let her outside. Probably did that 5 times. I was really tired this morning and it was terribly foggy this morning so I did not go to exercise class. I did go out to lunch with 2 of the gals from dancing. We went up to Lake Geneva to Egg Harbor.


I think Bill is going to stay home tonight, his cold is not getting much better. Luckily he is not sore from falling down, he said he had went down in almost slow motion.


Is your Bill sore from the 1/2 marathon, I would think so even if he is a runner, going 13 miles. Do you know how many miles he usually runs every day?


I saw 3 robins this morning and lots of starlings, guess they have came back north!

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Sharon, when I left yesterday it was foggy here as well. Well, it is good that you are taking good care of Tinker, and that Bill was not hurting at all from the fall. Colds now seem to linger on. I would rather it just stay one temp, instead of warming and getting cold once again.


I was surprised that Bill was not showing any signs of the 1/2 on Sunday. He was walking fine, maybe a little slower. But when we went out to eat on our way home, he was walking around fine.


I have no idea how much he runs during the week. I know he does not run everyday. He runs every other day and swims the same. He did tell me last night that in the next 2 weeks on the Saturdays. This Saturday he will run 16 miles and the following Saturday, or the 29th he will do his last long run of 20 miles.


It rained most of the day yesterday. Today and Friday are supposed to be very nice. Then I guess next week we are headed for the cold once again. However, it has been snowing heavy here for the last hour. Where is this stuff coming from?


We went to the club last night for dinner. Tonight I will pick up beef sandwiches on my way home form work. I hope both you and Bill will start to feel better.




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Wow, I can't even imagine running that distance! I would like to start walking again pretty soon, but I don't think Tinker will be able to do it with me anymore. Maybe I'll have to take her just around the house here, we have the 5 acres, and I have some paths through several areas so that will probably be all she can manage anymore.


I also have a bike that would be good to start riding again, after doing all the squats in the exercise class it shouldn't be too hard to ride the bike.


We only had a little rain overnight but none yesterday, and no snow today either, so it must have all went down your way. Today is the first day of spring and it kind of feels like it here. The sun is shining and there is very little wind.


I took my car in and they called a little while ago saying they knew what was wrong with it and they had the parts so they could fix it yet today. It supposed to cost around $350. But if that takes care of everything that seems to be going wrong with it, I'll be happy. I was getting worried that it might leave me stranded somewhere. It had a light that came on that said power to engine reduced and it wouldn't go over 35, then another light came on that said service traction control, then both of those went off and the little engine light came on, then it went off also.


I feel pretty good, my cold is almost gone, but Bill's has went down into his chest. He said if it is not better by Monday he will call the dr. Tomorrow night we are supposed to get together with some of his kids for dinner to celebrate his birthday, even though it isn't until April 1st. First they said Saturday night which would have been good so we could go to the dance place on Friday night, then someone couldn't make it on Sat, so they changed it to Friday night.


Your beef sandwiches sound good for dinner, I am heating up the corned beef and cabbage one more time and then it should be gone.

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Sharon, all of our corned B & C, was gone yesterday. There is a chain of places out this way called Pop's Beef. So that is what I pick up for Thursday's. The sun came out bright here as well today and all of the snow quickly melted away. I guess tomorrow it is supposed to go into the 60's and then back into the 30's for next week.


Yes, happy first day of Spring today. It does feel good to have some decent weather finally, if only for a few days. Also, it feels good to have it staying lighter longer. It was always depressing coming home from work in the dark.


I cannot imagine that distance for him running either. I do not know how he even did the 13.1 miles this past Sunday. But he reminded my last night, that in one month he has to put it all together to do 26.2. The 13 was only 1/2 of that distance. So hopefully he will be able to do that. Also keep in mind, that he has lost some 80 pounds in the past year & 1/2.


I am glad that you are feeling better. Keep an eye on Bill that his does not get too much worse. Going deep into his chest is not good. Then he will start coughing, and that will be keeping you up as well. Spring colds seem to linger on much longer.


Five acres on your property, and if you have paths, that sounds like a safe place for you to walk. Keeping Tinker close to home is a good idea. I agree, $350 is not too bad if they can fix the problem. Keeping the car in good working order so you will not get stranded someplace is most important.


Well at least you have come up with Friday as a good night for Bill's family to get together with you for dinner. I am trying to do the same here, and am coming up with blanks. We have a lot of B-D's in March, and every year we get everyone together. Except, everyone is giving me excuses, and now things are getting pushed into April.


I cannot wait to start walking with my friend once again. I am getting all charged up with the weight I have lost doing the 5K walks in the past few weeks. I am going to have to find a place in Boston where I will be able to walk. We are close to the river, so perhaps they have a river walk.


Enjoy the beautiful weather,




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I did get my car fixed on Friday, it was something called a throtle. It seemed to take care of everything it was doing wrong. And they were right it cost $335. Well worth it so that now I can depend on my car again and not worry about it getting me stuck somewhere and not running.


We had 18 at the party on Friday night. all of his kids came with there spouses or sig. others and 4 grandchildren. So it was a nice party for him. We did not get done in time to go dancing, but then again I didn't really think we would.


Cold again today and now I hear we might have snow tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going on the bus trip but we don't leave until 4pm. So I will be able to go to the exercise class and get some things done here before we go. Bill is feeling a little bit better, seems his head is not so stuffy as it was and he is not coughing so he probably won't go to the dr unless it gets worse again.


Your Bill sure was consistent in losing weight, seems when men put there mind to it they can do it pretty easy, while we women have a much more difficult time of it. All I want to lose is 20 pounds and you would think that would be easy. So how much have you lost now since you started WW? I know you have mentioned a pound here and there at different times.


We are going to the pool today but we are waiting until 5pm when if they do have a pool party it will be over. Hopefully it will be quiet, peaceful and relaxing!


Tinker had another episode this morning around 5:30. We both heard her yelp in the kitchen and we got out of bed and ran in and found her spread eagle again in the floor. I don't think she was there very long this time because when I lifted her up she could walk and she can get up by herself on the rug. I don't know why she goes in the kitchen at that time and why she doesn't walk on the 4 rugs we have scattered around for her. She is having a difficult time of it lately but does not appear to be in any pain except when that happens.


I have a few tulips poking there leaves up by the house, they had better not get to high up or they will freeze!

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Sharon, good that you have your car all taken care of, so one less thing to be worrying about. So the bus trip is today or late this afternoon. So you will be seeing a good performance and getting back late tonight. At least you do not have to worry about any driving. Let my know on your thoughts afterwards on the performance.


We got snow yesterday morning and in the afternoon. Once the sun came out, it all melted away. I heard that tonight we could be getting more snow. Wow, that was a good gathering of all of his family. It sounds like everyone had a real good visit. Our's will be pushed back now into April. Hopefully we will be able to get together than. As in previous years, something has always come up where we could not get everyone together, and it just did not happen.


Yes, in the past year, I hate it when a grandchild has said to me, grandma, grandpa looks younger than you now. Even though he is older than I. I agree, it seems so easy for some men to loose the weight, and here we are struggling to loose it and to keep it off. I have lost a total of 4 pounds now. Barring on what will happened tonight at weigh-in. One week loose, and the next week gain.


I have, as I am sure you do as well, coupons for Kohl's Goodwill Sale. I have always done so good in the past and even better with the sales they put on. It was very cold last night, it just goes to show, we are not finished with winter just yet. Wow, you are starting to get blooms already. Another sign, that spring is close at hand.




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Even though it is cold it is still a beautiful day with the sunshine! Had a good exercise class, Bill did not go in to work today, he said they all thought he would be gone today, didn't know that we would be leaving so late in the afternoon, so he might as well stay home. His cold had been better over the weekend but this morning got up and his nose is running like crazy. Just can't see to get over it. I really don't want the dr to give him an antibiotic if it is just a cold, because then when he really needs an antibiotic it won't work as good. And besides that doesn't cure a cold unless its bacterial. I might have him call and get an appointment for tomorrow or the next day.


I'll let you know how the food and the show is tomorrow, looking forward to it, sounds like it should be good.

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Sharon, enjoy and have a great time today with the dinner and show. It is always so much better when everything is included, and all you have to do is sit back and let someone else do the driving, and getting you form point A to B safely.


Yes, even though it is cold, at least with the sunshine, it feels good today. I even heard that we have maybe 2 days this week with temps in the 50's. Another good reason to have someone else driving later on. The snow is supposed to be moving through our area tonight.


You are absolutely right about antibiotics. Too many people use them and when you really need them, they are not effective due to resistance in your system. You just need something to dry up his sinuses. I hope he feels better and it was good that he just stayed home today. Less running around and better to just relax for tonight.


Have a good time and I will be eager to hear how it all was.




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We had a dusting of snow when we got up this morning and its very cold, sunny but blustery and cold!


The trip was good yesterday, only took 1/2 hr to get to the Machine Shed restaurant. Only thing bad was it was served family style. There were quite a few tables and our table had maybe 12 people. The waiter first brought a small bowl of coleslaw and a small bowl of cottage cheese. It was empty before it got even half way around, so he brought another bowl of each, and a basket of about 6 or 7 rolls. That was all we had for about 15 minutes. We were beginning to think that was the meal, when he then brought out, again a small bowl, of mashed potatoes. We did not get any of the first bowl, and one of the guys at the end of the table asked if there was going to be gravy and the waiter said yes but didn't bring it for quite a while. Then they brought, finally, a big platter of roast beef and then a plate of sliced ham. I think there was enough of each for everyone to get some the first plate around. The really bad thing that got me was the guy sitting across from us kept coughing and covering his mouth with his hand and then using that hand on the spoons to dip the food. Almost gagged me! No dessert either, thought they might bring out a nice cherry cobbler or something, but no, nothing. Then we left for the Coronado Theater in Rockford. It is a beautiful old theater, with all kinds of "gingerbread" on the walls and ceiling. Very ornate and beautiful and HUGE. The show was good, you would have to like country music, which we do and evidently several thousand more people since the place was packed. The setting for the show was the Sun Records building where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis all got their start in music and records. We had seats in the balcony but the sound was really good and we could see good too. And it was very nice when we left that the bus was right out front waiting for us. We got home around 10:30pm.


Had a good water aerobics class this morning but there won't be a class on Thursday ( I go to zumba anyway) because some group has booked the entire resort for 4 days, Wed to Sun. So the gal that teaches the class said she might come to the zumba class and try it out.


Keep your fingers crossed for warmer weather!

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Sharon, I would go to talk to the bank who organizes the bus trips, and tell them on how dissatisfied you were with the way the meal was presented. Unless you complain, they will not know, and make it better. I have a very clear picture of how the performance went from your vivid description. I love that kind of stuff. You also got home at a reasonable time.


We woke up this morning to about 1/2" on the ground. It all cleared away, once the sun came out. Very windy and bone cold today. Yes, I did hear by Sunday we could be in the mid 60's. Things are changing, slow but surly.


Last night at weigh-in I had lost another .8. I still have a long way to go, but I will take a little here and a little there, just as long as it keeps going in the right direction. My cloths are starting to fit better, and I had just got to the point, where I could not take it any more.


Wow, that must be a very big important group to book the entire resort for 4 days. Just think on how much they would have had to pay to do something such as that. At least you have the Zumba, and that seems to be going well. If your water aerobics instructor comes to your class, that would be good. Who is covering her missed days?


Well one week from today, we will be in April. Hopefully the weather will bring flowers. The snow will turn to rain, and help wash a lot of the dirt and grime from over the winter away.


How are you and Bill feeling? Hopefully you both are feeling better. That would have really upset me to see someone spreading germs like that guy sitting across from you at dinner.




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I am all over my cold, but Bill still does not feel better, he has a dr appmnt for Friday again, don't know what else they can do for him, always says he doesn't feel good but can't say why or where or how he doesn't feel good, just in general.


The water aerobic gals also teaches at the forever fit class on Mondays but since there is no class at either place on Thursday she is going to try the zumba.


Have to go and get my sticker for both the car and the truck this afternoon, the one is due by April 1st and the other one by April 30th so might as well get them at the same time and save a trip.


Still waiting for some warm weather so I can get out and do something outside. Have been wanting to take down some barbed wire out in the back so as soon as its nice enough I will work on that.


You are consistently going down with the weight and thats a good thing, sometimes it helps to be accountable to weighing in. Even a little helps with the way clothes feel on, especially I find around the waist.


Bill's birthday is April 1st, we will have to go to dinner or something, we had that bday party early with his kids and will have a little bit of something with our dancing friends on Friday.

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Sharon, hopefully your Bill will start to feel better soon. I agree with you and the antibiotics. You cannot give them to him for a cold. When he will really need them, they will not be as effective.


I'll bet Bill has gotten a lot of jokes played on him over the years with having a BDay on April Fools. I know around here we have a place that gives you the % of your age off of your bill. My Bill will be celebrating his retirement on April 1. This year will be 7 years for him.


Yes, it did get very cold over night and it is cold today. But at least the sunshine feels good and it is not all that windy. Tomorrow, I guess we could get rain and even thunderstorms. It will be good to wash some of the dirt and grime from the winter away.


Well once again, it must have been a big important group to have booked the entire resort for a period of 4 days, so you cannot use it during that period. It is good that your instructor will go and use your Zumba class over that period. Maybe she will enjoy it enough, that she will join and will continue to workout with you.


Maybe you will remember a few years ago, when I first got involved with WW. I was doing so good for a long period of time. Then I just quit and stopped going. That was almost for a period of 2 years. I got to the point, where my cloths were not fitting well, and I had been gaining so much weight. Then factor in, my husband loosing so much weight, and the GK's saying, Grandma, Grandpa is looking so much younger than you. That was it. That really cut to the bone.


So now with the good weather hopefully coming soon. I will be able to get outside once again on a regular basis and go walking with my friend each and every week. When you will be working cutting barbed wire, you will have to be careful that you do not cut yourself.




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Yes, people always think he's joking that its his birthday, but his friends know its true.


Went to the dr and he told Bill, no matter what I do for you there is still an elephant in the room, your smoking. You need to try and quit no matter how difficult and to use the oxygen. He also said that when people get on oxygen they can add 7 years to their life on average, but considering his age, he said he couldn't make that promise. So the dr called the home healthcare company and by the time we got home they had already called about delivering oxygen. I didn't have his policy no. for his supplement so I will have to call them back on Monday and get stuff arranged. He also had another blood test done and we will here about that also on Monday. One more thing he was going to check on why we hadn't heard about the pulmonary therapy yet.


I picked up a birthday cake, plates, forks and napkins and balloons on the way home to take to the dance place tonight. We will have a little party with the 6 of us and anyone else that come too.


The aerobic instructor didn't make it to zumba on Thursday, she said she was at the pool practicing the new routines that will start on Tuesday. It would have bee a good class for her because the regular zumba gal had a substitute come and none of us knew the routines. Oh well, there will be another if she really wants to come.


Have a nice weekend, for once it seems that it will be nice out, although very cloudy and damp here today.

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Sharon, yes it has been cloudy and damp the past few days. It really drops down at night. Well that is good that the Dr finally got things moving so Bill can get the oxygen. But he will have to use it regularly if he is going to benefit from it. Bill's father only used it for a few weeks and then he did not want it any more. So we had them come to pick it up. The tubes were making his nose area irritated and the lines were a trip hazard as well. Hopefully things have improved. But, the Dr is right. Unless Bill wants to stop smoking, no one will be able to help him, except himself.


Well it sounds like you have a very fun evening at the dance place for tonight. Finally you will be celebrating Bill's B-Day with everyone. So it should be a fun time tonight. The weather is supposed to be good as well.


Tonight I have my monthly bunco with the gals. So it will be a late night for me. Then on Sunday afternoon we are all going out for lunch, the same group of ladies. I heard that Sunday, the temps could get into the 60's.


So Sunday, will you be able to use the resort once again after 5, so you will not run into any kids parties? Enjoy tonight and have a great weekend,




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Well I don't know now about the going to the dance place and having a party. Bill came home so tired that he had to go lay down in bed. He has been sleeping since 4:30 and its almost 7pm now. We would have to go by 8pm to get a table for everyone. Guess I'll see if he wakes up or not.


I hope all the people have left by Sunday afternoon, guess we'll have to see how that goes too. Sometimes when we go and its too crowded we just turn around and leave.


You have a fun weekend coming up, I don't know how to play bunco but one of the gals at exercise said it is not hard to learn. Also having lunch will be good too. Have fun.

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Sharon, I hope your Bill woke up and was feeling well enough so you could go out and celebrate his B Day with everyone?


Bunco is not a hard game to learn. We all went to high school together and have been friends for many of years, and have been getting together for many years as well. I got home this morning at 1 am. At least I could sleep in this morning. Very cold outside, when I got home.


Just cleaning the house today and getting caught up on things I cannot attend to during the week. After church tomorrow, we will meet at a restaurant not too far away from here for an afternoon out with us gals.


Enjoy and have a very nice weekend. Hopefully you will be able to get to the resort on Sunday, and have the place all to yourselves.




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