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Sharon, hopefully he was not on our plane going to Boston or returning from Boston. That hospital he was at is only 1 mile from our home. When he was in Indiana. He is out of the hospital now. But that is how close he was to our house. Almost any public place puts us all to being exposed to catching something from someone. Certainly a plane, or airport. Trains, or any public area going to and from. Hotels and hotel rooms, now I am thinking about that as well.


Those ladies say they are not contagious, but you hear that all of the time. I would error that they are contagious and would be very careful not to pick up anything from them. I did not know they stopped the classes for the summer. As you are always doing something.


Now having your church starting a walking group will be good. It is not too late and only an hour. I am going to start getting together with my friend soon to start our walking as well. We have been talking about it, and now it is time to start to make it all come together.


Bill said tonight he will go with me to the club to help me out with the last minute sign ups tonight. Next week the league starts up until the fall. We went from team 4 to team 8 now. I think before we were 4 we were 8. This will be the first time he has been out of the house since he came home form the surgery.




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I bet he is ready to get out a little bit, must also be starting to feel a little better too.


The one gal missed another exercise class today, she had text d one of the other gals and said she is still sick, I knew it when I saw her yesterday she was still sick, and contagious!


I finally got tired of checking flights everyday and went ahead and booked one with a hotel through Priceline. They had the best price, for the combination air and hotel, flights all seemed to be the same no matter where I checked. We usually go American, but this time United had the best times and price. Only thing about booking with Priceline is you don't get to pick your own seat. But maybe if we don't like them we can change them at the gate. We are going to Dallas for my GGS 1st birthday, the end of June. I have never seen him, and have only seen his 3 year old brother one time when we went down for his 1st birthday. So excited to see both of them. Now I have to try and find that portable oxygenator for Bill to take with to use at night at the hotel. I have seen several that might fit the bill, rather expensive but better than dragging along a metal one that will only last a few hours.


So I have spent most of the afternoon working on that, now to get busy doing something!

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Sharon, you will have to be careful that you do not get sick or pick anything up from the sick ladies.


Yes, he is feeling better and walking better. He walked over to the club and I met him there afterwards. He goes downtown on 5/20 to have the stitches removed and to find out what the next steps. He figures he starts PT on 6/16.


It is good that you were able to book flights and hotel now, rather than wait. With summer right on our heals, the prices will be going up I am sure. Did I ever tell you that Bill is retired from United?


We leave on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend for Sagutuck, MI. So your's will not be that far behind us, and you can start to look forward to your trip now. Hopefully you can find a good travel oxygen for Bill to use while traveling and away.




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Yes I did know he was retired from United, makes it nice and less expensive for you when you want to fly somewhere. The flights I got for us were $852.00, but we didn't want to leave at the crack of dawn and the time we wanted were more money. So we are leaving around 10am and coming back a round 2pm. I still have to call the pet sitter and get a room for the night before the flight around Ohare.


Is Mi where you stay on the boat? Always nice to get away, hope it doesn't bother Bill's back riding in the car that long. Still another couple weeks though for him to heal.


Going to take a cake for my birthday to the dance place tomorrow night, already reserved a bigger table because a few others might be coming, that used to come. But then today I saw on facebook that the dj's father died yesterday so chances are he won't be there to play music. Hopefully they can get someone to cover for him.


Saturday my church is having a pig roast, I got tickets for it last Sunday. Then we are going to the resort, Bill's daughter is coming again too. They are having the same guy we liked so well a couple of weeks ago. He is also going to be there the following Saturday. Another one of Bill's daughters and hubby said they might come too, so it should be fun.


one more exercise to get through for the week, then will have to probably cut some grass, if it stops raining long enough.

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Sharon, everything has kind of snuck up on us. We leave 1 week from today, and yes, that is the same place we have been staying at for some years now. What we do, and he has not really been in the car since coming home from the hospital. Every 30 minutes we stop for a bit for him to get up and walk around. Those are part of his restrictions, no sitting for more than 30 minutes.


We certainly have had the rain. It is raining here just now and I guess most of the day we will be with rain. Cold and damp as well.


We do not always fly on his benefits. For Boston, we flew there on his passes and paid reduced fare on the return as most likely we would not make the flight we wanted with everyone returning. So we have to go for the best options when flying on his passes. So it was good that you have your flights secured and good not to be leaving so early. Most likely you will be looking for a place to stay that has parking while you are away?


So it sounds like your weekend is filled with things to do and it looks like family will be all around you as well. The resort is really pulling together a good plan for the summer over the weekend with the eating and entertainment as well. All things that have been enjoyable for you.


Well, have fun tonight and celebrating your B-Day as well. You should have a good crowd to help you celebrate tonight. Enjoy and have a great time.




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The dance place did get a substitute dj on Friday night, but he wasn't very good. He set up a whole line of flashing bright lights so that you couldn't even look at the stage where he was playing and doing karaoke. One of the owners finally saw it and made him shine them straight up instead of out at everyone. Then he turned up the base so loud that you could feel it and it drowned out all the rest of the music. So I went and told him about that, and he changed it some, not much. Then he played all kinds of rock music and all the younger 20 somethings got out and jumped around all over instead of doing any kind of dance. So we all left early, around 11 pm. Way too loud, wrong music, and he turned the lights facing out again at us.


The next day we had an extra ticket for the pig roast so we took Bill's sister,with for that. It was good and lots of food.


We went to the resort around 8:30 and Bill's daughter and two son in laws came. She had brought a small bday cake for me, so that was nice. We all danced and listened to the entertainer and had a good time.


Sunday we went to Fair Diddley in Woodstock to look at all the vendor things, then came back and Bill checked his oxygen after walking around that much. It was only 78 so he sat down and rested for a while, checked it again and it was up to 92. We got our swim suits and went to the resort to get in the water to soothe our tired legs from all the walking. We left, went to dinner and came home.


So it was a busy weekend, only one more party, this Wednesday with the girls. I am really tired of having to celebrate my birthday, I would just as soon do normal things and not have all this hub bub.


So now I am taking a break from cutting grass. I did not get to the back part for 2 weeks and now it was so long I had to go really slow so the mower could keep cutting. I have to go back out and do some more of the paths but I was cold and had to come in and warm up. I have on a tshirt, flannel shirt and sweatshirt, hat and gloves but it was still cold. It started to sprinkle on me at first but I kept mowing and then it seemed to blow over.


Yes I still have to get the pet sitter, and a hotel room for the night before our trip. And I still have to get the portable oxygenator too. We saw he really can't walk around that much that long without some oxygen supplement, it makes his heart beat too fast.


So guess I'll go back out now and start cutting again.

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Sharon, it is good that you have been celebrating your B-Day. But yes, I can agree, that enough is enough with the parties. So are you still going to try to find another mower, that will make your job of cutting much easier?


This DJ sounded like a real jerk. If the owner had told him once and then you had said something. Then you should have just gone back to the owner and said something more. No DJ should control a place like that and turn away regular customers.


At least the weather is turning warmer now. We have turned off the heat once again, with it being so cold last week. Bill goes to the Dr tomorrow and hopefully gets his snitches taken out. Yes, I can see where your Bill needs some kind of portable oxygen to be with him while out and about. By not having it, will only tire him out very quickly.


We leave on Friday afternoon and return on Monday morning, early afternoon. What are your plans for this upcoming weekend? I remember you always going to the Fair every year. So you really had a good and complete weekend.


Hopefully when you go out with the gals this week, they will be better and no chance of passing anything over to you.




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Yes, I'm still looking to get another mower, just haven't had time to go and look at them, also thinking they should be on sale pretty soon too.


We don't have any plans for this weekend, the fairs haven't started yet, I think they have a Young at Heart Festival in Belvidere but we probably won't go to that. I have some flowers and tomato plants I want to get planted, if I don't get it done by the weekend will try to do it then.


Heard last Friday night that the guy I dated for a while before Bill had a heart attack and died. Saw on facebook that his funeral was today. Really strange he was only in his late 60's I think. He was a chef and he used to make me some really good dinners. Nice guy, but not as nice as Bill.


Sounds like you will have good weather for your mini vacation this weekend, at least that's what they are saying now.


Did you watch DWTS last night? As usual the wrong person was let go, it should have been Candice, the young guy was so much better than her.

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Sharon, no I did not watch DWTS on Monday. But I can see surprises, as that is what they like to do. Once we think we have everything all figured out, they throw a punch at us all.


Hopefully you will be able to find a new mower soon, so to make your job much easier and save a lot of time as well.


Wow, that is so weird that you saw a old flame of yours had passed away. I think you made the best choice in Bill.


Yes, I heard that we will have temps 25 degrees warmer this year from last Memorial. So hopefully we will be able to get there not too late on Friday and have a good weekend of relaxing and enjoying the various places to shop and to entertaining ourselves.


We got damaging hail and a lot of rain last night. It was really coming down for awhile.




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We saw that the worst of the weather was headed down your way, we got a little rain, some lightning and thunder but that was about all. Hot and pretty humid today but very sunny.


I need to go put out some weed killer or cut some more grass, but when I went out to get the mail I picked up a few pieces of garbage in the ditch and when I got back up to the house I had a tick on the front of my leg. I haven't seen any of them yet, but looks like now they are going to start. I hate that!


Only 3 more weeks of forever fit exercise, I will be glad when its over really, its a hard routine and I don't get back home until around 11 so don't have much time to get other things done I need to do. I will just go to the swimming when this one is done, and that will be only 2 x's a week.


I went to pick up the hose yesterday to water some flowers and a snake went slithering away, of course I screamed big and loud. He went under the evergreens by the house. Now I'm wondering if that's where he lives and if I am going to see him again.


I've been cutting a lot of asparagus, the past week or two, it has been growing several inches a day. I get around 6 or 7 stalks a day.


How did Bill's stitches turn out? That should make it more comfortable for the ride this weekend.

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Sharon, yesterday was not a good day for me. Bill did get his stitches and also staples. He had 7 of each. I dropped him off at the train station, and I thought he would come back to the same one. Instead he went to another station that I have never been there before and then he thought he would take a bus from there to home. But the bus was not running where he used to get it.


So I had to goggle the station and then go to pick him up. With work and all of the stress from everything, yesterday was just not a good day at all. But we did talk today and he said he would be OK to drive there on Friday. We will just have to stop for a break every hour so he can get up and walk around for a bit.


Wow, I remember you had the tick problem last year. Then to top that off, finding a snake. Yes, we did get hit really hard with damaging hail. Bill said he was going outside today and check everything over to see if our roof or anything else sustained any damage from the hail. So I have not heard anything yet. But we had all kinds of warnings and alerts last night.


Now on Monday I went to WW and once again, I did not gain or loose anything. So for the summer for you, It will be good to take a break from the forever fit, and use the pool 2 days a week for the summer. That should feel good during our very hot temps.


Funny how the weeds are just busting out all over the place, and nothing seems to stop them. You definitely have to stay on top of them or they will just run wild. It is good that you do have such a thriving garden that you can pick from.


Stay cool and enjoy the rest of the day. Bocce starts tonight, running until the fall.




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Boy that does sound like a mess, trying to find the right place to pick him up! Would have been so much easier if he had went back to the same train station. Luckily you finally found him and got him back home. He probably is really ready to get out of the house and enjoy a little time with you in MI by now. Bill said all he wants to do is relax, so guess I'll just work outside some more.


I had a really bad day last Saturday, things just kept going wrong. I didn't even want to go to the pig roast but we had invited Bill's sister to go so we were stuck and had to go. I told her when we picked her up I wasn't in a very good mood, had had a bad day. Well, yesterday I got a very sarcastic note from her, I couldn't believe it. I called her up and she was not very nice then either so I told Bill that's the last time we take her anywhere. We always pick her up, pay for everything and take her home and then she acts like that!


I still have some grass to cut today, but I have to go and get some gasoline before I can start. Its a nice day out and very sunny, got the sun screen out yesterday and used it while I was cutting the grass then.


I don't have anything in my garden yet but the asparagus that comes back every year.


You have been holding pretty steady with your weight, I have been too but not at the weight I want. Can't understand how I can eat enough to keep it on while doing so much exercise and work outside. I had a $10 coupon from Kohls and used it to buy a white pair of Gloria Vanderbuilt bermuda's. I had to get a size 14 for them to be comfortable. I really would like to get back into the 12's.

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Sharon, I have no idea why he changed. He told me why. He had just missed the train that would have brought him back to where I had dropped him off. He was going to have to wait an hour, and saw this other train that left in 15 minutes. So his intension was to take the train and then hop on a bus to home. Except, he said the bus was not running. So all in all it worked out.


But I had no idea that you had such a bad day last Saturday. Then to top it all off to have Bill's sister treat you the way she did. I would do the very same thing, and just not bother with her again. You be nice to her, and she treats you that way.


Today is nice and much cooler. I would think a much nicer day to be working outside. Hopefully the ground will dry out enough to cut the grass. That is what I meant the asparagus. I did not know that it just grows back every year. But at least you have it to cut and eat. We eat that about once a week.


Well good for you both to just stay home and Bill can rest and you can get all of the outside work caught up on. This is supposed to be much nicer that a typical Memorial Day weekend. Something like 25 degrees warmer from what it had been last year.


Hopefully I can get out early tomorrow and we would like to be on the road by 1 pm. Being this the first official start of the summer travel. I would expect the roads to be packed this weekend.




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I'd better not tell Bill that. He was already saying to me last night, how he wants to get on the road as early as possible, as he figures the roads are going to be packed the later we wait. I would like to leave here at the latest 1:30 today.


It looks like another nice day today. I hope you both have a nice relaxing weekend. Maybe not for you but for Bill. You will probably be busy working outside.






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Hope you got away when you wanted to. Just watching the news and the tollways are packed. We are going to the dance place later, the regular dj is going to be there. Hprobably be pretty crowded there to. Hope to see some of the meteor shower after midnight the news people keep talking about.


Enjoy your weekend!

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Sharon, we were on the road and on our way at 2:30. There was construction but we seemed to keep moving. We stopped and got something to eat once we arrived before checking in. It was a very nice weekend. We arrived home here yesterday around noon. Also avoiding any real backups with terrific. It did not rain here until yesterday evening. Bill said he got up to see the meteor's and he said he could or did not see anything.


How was your weekend? You will be leaving in a week or so for your little get away.


I guess rain forecast for later on today. Otherwise back to the bump and grind for a short week.




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I got up a couple if times to let Tinker out and never saw a meteor. Heard the next day it was a bust, guess they didn't appear.


Sat went back to the resort to see the same entertainer, Sun went to Bills daughters for a cookout, Mon went to the pool late afternoon after the crowds were gone. Only one other older woman there so nice and restful. Then went to Chilis before going home. Now it feels like Monday again! Raining here now and some thunder.

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Sharon, I think your area got the rain much before us yesterday. It did not start raining here until 7:30. Now I am hearing it is supposed to rain some more today. Although, it is sunny and it does not look like rain just now.


So it sounds like you had a good holiday weekend here. They said the temps this year for Memorial Day was something like 25 degrees warmer than last year. At first we thought we might run into rain on the way back home. We were home by noon, and it did not rain here until very late. With all of this rain, your grass will be growing very fast. Any luck on finding a new one yet?


After a long weekend and filled with things to do. I returned to work yesterday, and I was totally exhausted. Just so much to do and not enough energy to do so. It was also good for you to be at the resort and not be around all of the crowds. You lucked out there.


Yes, I agree that with all of the hype they were doing about a ski show. It turned out to be a real bust. It got everyone up to be star or ski gazing and nothing.




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No luck finding another mower, we checked on the John Deere ones but the one they wanted to sell us was $4700.00 and thats just too much to spend on a mower. Looked like it would hold up for quite a while it was very heavy and had some good features but again didn't want to spend that much.


We had rain last night and then got the cool breeze so the house cooled off nicely to go to sleep.


I have been checking on the oxygen concentrators and think maybe the best bet is to rent one first and see if it works good. There are two kinds a pulse and a continuous. He is using the continuous right, so called the dr to see if the pulse would work. They are a lot lighter, around 4 pounds to carry around while the other kind are at least 10 pounds. You would have to pull it around on a cart and that would be a problem.


The forever fit exercise class is over on June 13th so that will be good, I'm ready to be done with it for a while. The water aerobic class will continue through the summer, but its only Tues & Thurs. Now the other gals are wanting to join the walking program, and I think that might be ok, some walks are during the day and some at early evening. Haven't started yet, I think in a couple of weeks they will start.


I need to get out and cut the grass but was waiting for the dr office to call me back. I had a couple more questions the nurse was going to ask the dr and call me back. Not sure when that will be, might have to let it go to the answering machine and get out there and start cutting.


Its nice to go away but its always hard to recover when you are back. I'm almost sorry I booked this trip to Texas, will be quite a problem both with Bill and Tinker.

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Sharon, hopefully all will work out fine for you both to be away and enjoy yourselves. If the Dr can prescribe the correct portable oxygen for Bill. Then everything should work well. I agree, pulling around a canister will not be the best for him and much heavier. Hopefully the pulse will work fine for him.


I can see where you will be looking forward to have a break for the summer and only do the swimming 2X per week. Then getting into a walking group will also be good for the summer. I am going to have to get moving with my fiend and we should get started also in the next week or so with our weekly walking program once again.


I thought I had heard we were going to get rain sometime today. It has been bright and sunny here all day. I do not see any rain at all. We did get over 1 1/2" of rain here last night.


I agree that is a lot of money to spend on one of those mowers. I cannot see them selling one too much cheaper than that just now. Perhaps in the fall they may start marking them down, and that would be the time to get one for next season. Too bad the other one did not work for you.


Bocce tonight for us, week 2 already. Enjoy the rest of the day,




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How did your game go last night? Is Bill still watching on the sidelines or is he able to play?


I heard back from the regular dr's nurse, she had me call the pulmonary dr's nurse. I did that and left a message, heard back from her today. Dr says Bill has to have the continuous oxygen concentrator, so that means the 10 pound one. Guess we will just have to deal with it. They also say you have to contact the airline and tell them you are bringing it on board. I don't think he will even have to use it on the plane, but we will have to bring it on with us so no one takes it. It will be a rental from the same company that we have for at home. Its a 7 day minimum and will cost $70. Had to jump through so many hoops already to get this thing lined up, still not sure if they will deliver it to us or if we will have to go pick it up and take it back.


So again, nothing much done outside, still have mowing to do and flowers to plant. Hopefully its nice out tomorrow too so I can do some then.

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Sharon, I do not understand why you have to rent this? When Bill's father was on this same thing as your Bill. Medicare had paid for it all and all was provided to him with no additional costs. This is really turning into a major thing now. It really should not be that way at all.


OK, we won on Wednesday. We only had 4 there, so Bill decided he would play so we would have a complete team. Otherwise we would have kept going back and forth to make it complete. He said he was fine. He also seems to be progressing along very well now. Something like 3 weeks out of surgery and 3 more weeks to go before he starts PT. Then 6 weeks of PT.


The weather has been real nice the past few days. It should be great for you to be working outside. Although it does really cool off once the sun goes down. That is good to also cool the house down and have some nice breezes blowing inside of the house. Although on Wednesday it was cold being outside with the wind and the temp drop.




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I know it is a real problem trying to get everything together. Now the nurse called and said she is faxing it in to the company for me. But I will have to find out what kind it is and then call United and tell them. Hopefully it is on the list of accepted concentrators or I don't know what we will do.


Didn't mention to you, something kind of irritated me over the weekend. Bill has told his one daughter that when she comes down from Madison and stays the weekend, if she doesn't want to stay with her sister in town she can stay at this house. Well so far she has bought new sheets, blanket and curtains for the bedroom, new curtains for the bathroom, new curtains for the porch and over the weekend when we thought she had went back home, got her two brothers to help her throw out his front room furniture and bought some other used ones and put them in. I don't live there but this last thing with the furniture really irritates me. I don't know why she is doing all of this and I really don't like it. What do you think, is it me or would you be aggravated also? Bill thought it was just great to make it even worse!


Ok, well got to go cut grass again, have a nice weekend. Oh by the way she is there again today probably here for the weekend, can't wait to see what she does next.

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Sharon, so let me understand this. Was she buying all of this stuff for you house or was it for her own house? If she was buying for your house, without asking you, I know I would be upset as well. Everyone has their own separate tastes, and what 1 thinks is good for them, might not be good for you.


I also thought in the past, when she was invited over. You spent time cleaning, and then at the last minute, she went to her sister's house?


I think you should be fine with United and the oxygen. They should all be approved for all types of travel. But I can see where all of this adds extra stress for you to deal with. I don't understand why Medicare will not cover the portable oxygen though.


Today has been a very nice day to be working outside. With this kind of weather. It must seem like you can't keep up with all of the growth. I know the weeds have no problem growing everywhere at all.




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