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No not our, mine & Bill's house, just Bill's house that he goes to everyday and uses as his office. Although since we are married it is my house also, technically. He didn't sell his house when we bought this one because he has the 12 unit apartment and 2 other houses there that he rents out along with about 80 acres that he rents to a farmer, and his one son has 3 large pole buildings he stores boats at during the winter when he closes the marina. So he really can't sell it, I only sold mine when we bought this one.

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Sharon, so what you are saying is the daughter bought and changed things over there to suite her? Once again, I would be upset. But if Bill feels it is OK, then a real problem.


Looks like another nice day here today. Tomorrow too, with rain moving in the evening. So get out enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Yes, I was upset with Bill as much as his daughter. I told him I just won't ever go over to his house anymore and she can have it. She recently got a different job and after 3 weeks of training will only be working 3 days a week so will be free to come down for the entire weekend. Can't wait to see what else she will decided to change. He had told her she could help him get some of his file cabinets cleaned out and she has plunged right in to get it done. I think because she has lived in another state for the last 20 years he is kind of glad to have her around again. I like her too but she needs to get her own place and work on it and not on his.


Oh, well, just another thing to aggravate me that I can't do anything about.


We had a real downpour a little while ago so no grass cutting today even though now the sun is out. I am going to go and pay the RE taxes this afternoon, they are due on the 4th of June, so will be a couple of days early. You never know what can come up and make it impossible to get there to pay them on time so better to get it done.

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Sharon, the way I see it here, is she is totally bypassing you and only dealing with her father. She should at least consider you as well and not leave you in the dark on this. It is the correct and right way to handle all of this.


All morning long here it sure looked like it was going to rain. But thus far nothing. The sun is shining bright and it does not look like rain just now. Then tomorrow sunny and then the next threat of rain is forecast for Wednesday. Perhaps we will get rained out for bocce.


We both have eye Dr's appointments tomorrow downtown. So we are taking the early train as the appointments are 9 and 9:30. So I should be back at work late morning.


You won't believe this. On Friday the jerk fired his brother. So today he called up and asked if his brother had come in, and I said yes, So he went ballistic. It is going to be interesting to see how this all plays out. Then you wonder why I have stress at this place. So we both have our own separate forms of stress.


Relax and enjoy the rest of the day,




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Oh boy, looks like there will be some fireworks at your place! Guess the brother didn't take the firing seriously.


Hopefully the rain doesn't rain out your game, bet since it has just started up again everyone is anxious to play. We have 2 more weeks of forever fit, then maybe I can get something done around here.


If it doesn't rain anymore I maybe can get some more grass cut tomorrow, and plant a few more flowers. On Saturday I used a shovel to dig up the garden, really hard work. Bill couldn't use the rototiller and I don't know how to get it started so it was all manual labor. I only planted 2 tomatoes and 2 pepper plants. I'll just go to a farmer market and buy stuff instead of planting it.


Hope we can both survive the stress

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Sharon, it is crazy and 1 brother actually owns the business as he bought everyone else out. However he has 11 other brother and sisters, and if they ever found out what he had done, they would be giving him a lot of grief over it. So the drama continues.


We never got any rain at all yesterday. Next chance is tomorrow. Today looks to be a real nice day today. I have to get out over the weekend and get a hold on all of the weeds popping up all over the place. We got our hot tub up and running now for the summer.


I lost .2 on Monday, at weigh-in. I can't seem to get away from the . - or + something. I am still not comfortable and feel fat and not skinny or really loosing anything. I am not happy with how my cloths fit either.


It will be good for you to have the summer off from the forever fit. You are going to start walking, and I have to get it started as well. It is very easy to keep putting things off.


Enjoy the nice day today,




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Getting a late start again today, had water aerobics then had to go to Lake Geneva to Target to look at the registry list for a baby shower present. Then a stop at Walmart and finally home but its almost 3pm now. I've got to get some of the taller grass cut before we get ticks in it, and I have weeds to spray and flowers to plant. Yikes, when will I ever get caught up.


I didn't tell you when we were at the bridal shower on Sunday we were talking about most of us were going to the baby shower next Sunday and then I said and the following Sunday is Father's Day, we should have you all over to the house. And they all jumped on that and said, yes we'll all bring a dish to pass. So now I've also got to clean the house up which isn't easy to even vaccum with all the plastic runners and rugs I've got all over for Tinker. I should have kept my mouth shut.


Wow that is a big family, Bill had 10 kids and that has him beat! So only one brother owns it all now, right. Do the others get a share of the money or are they out of it all together. Did the fired brother continue to come into work everyday? Sounds like a real mess, but something that you can't control so just sit back and watch what happens.

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Sharon, the jerk has the controlling interest in the business. Everyone else has shares and are all shareholders. Yes, the other brother has continued to come to work. Yes, I am just waiting for everything to just explode around here. We shall see.


So is this all of Bill's daughters or just friends who you have invited over to your place for Father's Day? Well you certainly have your work cut out for you, with all of the outside work and now getting the house all ready for your guests.


I am exhausted just now. With getting up so early to catch a train downtown and back to work. I have to get another prescription, as it has been over 2 years since I last had a checkup. I also have to go back down in July for a Glaucoma test. It will be a 8 am appointment and we will have to catch a 7 am train down.


So the both of us will be beat today. You with all of your running around this morning and then cutting the grass. Me with getting up so early and then back to the bump and grind here.




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It is just his kids and maybe some of the grandchildren, Bill said we would just order food instead of me having to make something. So shouldn't be too bad, just will have to find out how many are really coming.


I got lucky at Target, printed out her list and found something around $25, then found a little seat that plays music, that was not on her list but very nice, had been $49.99 and now was $11.99. So I got that also, will look like we are really big spenders, ha ha. After the shower, since it is being held at the resort we are all going to go swimming, the men are all invited also. So should be a nice day.


Guess there was only 2 at zumba yesterday, but she went ahead and had the class. One of the gals said the instructor forgot her shoes so she did it in flip flops, so you can imagine how much she was "into" it. I think I will go to the water aerobics tomorrow instead of zumba.


I got the grass cut yesterday, finished up around 8pm after dinner. Good thing too because it has been raining all morning. I have flowers to plant but thought I can still plant flowers if it is wet out, not raining, but I can't cut the grass if it is wet out. So looks like it might be done now and I can go out in a little while and see about getting some of the pots filled anyway.


Did you get your game in, did you win?

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Sharon, it did the same thing around here. It rained all morning and a little in the afternoon. It cooled off a lot and no rain at all later on in the afternoon and evening. We did get all of the games in and we lost once again. We actually got smoked as well, 16-7. Oh well.


Next week we will not be playing. As we have a party on the north side to attend. So we will have to make sure our team knows so they will have other's around to fill in, and hopefully bring in a win for us.


Having the shower at the resort sounds like a good move and even inviting the men as well so they can go to do whatever themselves. But will there be a lot of kids around as well?


We will most likely go out someplace to eat on Father's Day. Hopefully it will not be too bad at your end for that day. Ordering the food is a smart way to go, so you do not have to deal with making everything.


I should say that you did really well at Target, of course, it seems like you usually do find good deals no matter where you go. But you saved a lot of money, and like you said, you will look good for spending a lot, when you really did not.


Bill and I are going out walking tonight and then we will do our usual beef sandwiches. Everyone has been walking on egg shells around here when the jerk is around. Life is back to normal now that he is gone for the rest of the week.




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That will be nice for you both to go for a walk. We drove up town to Subway and got a sub for dinner. They are pretty good once in a while. I did not go to zumba or water aerobics this morning. I didn't sleep good so just turned off the alarm and stayed in bed another hour. I worked on digging weeds and got some flowers planted so was tired and didn't feel like making dinner. Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to sit down and have someone make all my meals and not even feel guilty for nit helping them. Did you ever feel that way?


The same entertainer is at the resort the next two Friday nights. That makes a problem since we usually go to the dance place with friends on Friday night. I know Bill's daughter will want to go to see him so not sure whst we will end up doing.


Well since your boss is gone enjoy the break!

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Sharon, not much of a break. The jerk came back last night at around 9:30 I got a call from him as he was at the business and had set off the alarm once again and the police were on their way. We will get charged this time as he has set it off before and this was the third time and they only give you 2 passes. Also I had to stop his brother from going there, as I would not want the 2 of them to bump into each other.


Yes, I feel like that all of the time about cooking. Well it seems like you have a situation. You will want to go to the dance place and Bill will probably want to go to join his daughter.


Another nice day today. I have my aunt coming to stay with us once again on Saturday and leaving on Monday. She is from Oshkosh and she comes in every year to attend a nurses convention.


Rest and get stronger and don't let anything get you down,




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Well, finally got around to looking at the computer, been running since morning it seems. I was supposed to pick up the dr's prescription form for the airline, but when I went there they hadn't left it for me. Guess I'll have to go up to the Lake Geneva office, they are only in town on Thursday and believe it or not I thought today was Thursday. So I guess some of it is my fault, I should have went yesterday. I did have a message from the nurse that they are going to be setting Bill up with the pulmonary rehab class, will let us know next week when it will be.


Did the forever fit ex class and then to the one grocery store that carries the bread we like, then to the post office, bank and Walmart. Think I got it all covered.


Not sure about tonight, tomorrow we have the big Milk Days parade so we will take a lawn chair and go up and watch it for about 2 hrs. Nothing planned for evening, but Sunday is the baby shower so that will be the weekend.


Only 3 more ex classes left, then will just do water aerobics 2X's a week for a while.


How did your walk go with hubby? Nice he can do that with you. Will be good to see your aunt again, got plans for things to do yet?

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Sharon, I will mostly leave everything up to her and see how she feels and what she feels like doing. I have a wedding shower to attend on Sunday. It is for a daughter of one of my bunco friends.


This parade sounds like a parade we have here every year the first Saturday of May. Our's is called the Good Neighbor Parade.


We go every year around this time and sometimes a few other times when the weather is decent. We walk around this war memorial not too far away from our house. Bill bought a couple of memorial bricks for his father. His Dad was in WW II and also the Korean War. He also decided to get one for himself as a Vietnam Vet. He was also Desert Storm Vet. It is kind of funny how both his Dad and Bill were in 2 wars. He said when he passes I can go to remember him. He also said he can enjoy it now and look at it while he is still walking around.


We have one at White Sox Park, another 1 in front of the Court House in Crown Point IN, where the movie John Dillinger was filmed. Finally we have 1 at the entrance to this pizza place we go to sometimes. So we do have a few bricks around. All of these funds paid for the brick went to a charitable cause.


Yes, you were very busy today doing all sorts of running around. It will be good for Bill to start the pulmonary rehab. Have you had any luck finding a portable oxygen yet? Also it will be good once your fit class is over and then just do pool workouts.


Well hopefully you will get everything work out for where you will be going tonight. Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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We ended up going to the dance place, Bill's daughter did not come down so that was good. She is coming for the baby shower tomorrow.


The parade was about 2 hrs long, nice to sit and watch all the different entries go past. This year they did not have the lawn chair guys that are always good and funny. They did have several Chicago tumblers and Rockford bands. The weather was beautiful but it started raing just about dark. We went out for dinner to a local nice place. We had a $55 gift certificate so ordered the prime rib. I swear each one of ours looked like a roast. We of course brought a lot home. We had baked french onion soup before the main course and that almost filled us up it was so big and had so much cheese on it, very tasty.


Too bad California Chrome didn't win at Belmont, came in 4th.


I think I am going to buy a brick from our church, they are having them for their 100th anniversary. Do you have one in any of those places with your name on it?

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Sharon, all of those places that I had mentioned, all have our names on it. The 2 memorial bricks for Bill's Dad, have from us, below his information. Most give or allow you so many lines. There are also 2 sizes. We have chosen the larger size. That size has cost us $100 each, and the money went to charity. The White Sox brick, they sent us the exact duplicate of the one that is outside the ball park.


That owner was certainly upset with his horse loosing. But he did bring up a good point. He said that only horses who race in the first leg of the triple crown should be allowed to enter the next 2 legs. His point was that his horse raced 3 legs of races in 5 weeks and this horse who ended winning, only raced in the last leg of the triple crown, so that horse was much fresher.


Well all worked out good for you both going to the dance place on Friday night. Then your parade on Saturday. The rain was very slow in moving into our area and we did not get any until after 10 pm. The next chance is Tuesday and Wednesday. Perhaps the bocce will get rained out Wednesday. We will not be playing as we are going to a gathering of all former coaches from this place where Bill had trained marathoners for the Chicago and Honolulu Marathons. This is way on the north side.


How was your baby shower today? I had a wedding shower to attend to this afternoon. It was for a daughter of one of my bunco friends. So I went with my friend who rode with me and my aunt went to visit a friend of here, not too far away from where we were. So she followed us, as she is from Oshkosh. She will drive back home on Monday.


Nice and cool today.




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Our bricks are only $35, I wasn't sure from your previous post if both your names were on the bricks or just Bills. I got it now though.


After the exercise class 3of us went for a walk that was a little over 3 miles. It was through a program from the University of WI and Walworth county. It had a poker theme and every time you walked around the big pond/lake you got a card from volunteers, then you got tickets for pairs, 3of a kind and etc. You put your tickets in for drawings of things, I didn't win anything. But it was fun.


Cut grass after dinner for 2hours tried to get it in before the rain tomorrow.


The shower was very small only about a dozen of us, lots of food and desserts. A waste of money to have it at the resort!


How was the shower you went to?

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Sharon, the shower I went to had about 40. I agree that kids nowadays expect way too much and many of the items they were asking for were very expensive. This was at a hotel.


The bricks you are talking about was probable the regular size bricks. As early on, those sizes were $35 as well. Everything is going up though. I have to say, that Bill does include me in the things he does. If he was to omit me, I would feel there is something wrong with this picture here.


Your walking group sounds like a lot of fun. If you are going to do something like that, might as well have fun in doing so. It was bright and sunny here yesterday. It is raining here now, and into tomorrow. I know that parts of the country have been getting hit hard with hail and high winds and damaging rain. Hopefully we will not get that type of weather around here.


I am liking the cooler weather at night for sleeping. We should enjoy this while it last, as I am sure the real hot intense stuff is not all that far off. Have a good day today,




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We got a few sprinkles, but it isn't doing anything now. I am going out and try to dig up a place to put in a few more petunias if it holds off a little longer.


I thought maybe your Bill had gotten the bricks before you were married since you are still relatively newlyweds, ha ha. Your are right, he better include you!


You are also right about the expensive things they request on their gift list at the stores. I was surprised at how much some things were, but you know I lucked out and I think the little vibrating seat I got for $11 was the hit of the shower and it wasn't even on the list.


Still working on getting things together for the trip, United now said that they wouldn't accept the prescription from the dr on the oxygen companies form, have to get their form completed. So I took that up to the drs office today and will pick it up on Thursday when he has office hrs in town. The one good thing that the customer care person at United did for me though was change our seats. I had booked through Priceline, hotel and flights and I wasn't able to pick the seats that I wanted. I had thought I would just change them when we got to the airport if I didn't like them. Found out Priceline didn't even have us sitting close to each other, completely different rows. So I don't think I will use Priceline again for flights ever.


Good water aerobics class this morning, pretty crowded but I got up close to the front wall and then only had to worry about someone behind me.


I think I am off the hook for fathers day. One of Bill's daughters had a bad bike accident yesterday. From the picture looks like she went over the handlebars and landed on the side of her face. Thank goodness she had a helmet on. She rides all the time so I don't know the heck happened. Anyway she won't be coming and his one son is coming down for a niece's graduation party on Saturday but has to leave early Sunday morning, so he won't be able to come, another daughter never said if she was coming or not. So I am just going to wait and maybe have them over around the 4th or something.


I like the cooler weather too, better to work outside and sleep.

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Sharon, if I remember correctly, we are not all that far behind you both? We just celebrated our 9 years of being together. We have been actually married for 7 years. So we were together for 2 years before we actually made it official. Everyone should always keep the spark and newness alive. We should never take each other for granted, or ever loose respect for one another, ever.


It has been raining here since around noon. It started out light and has increased to a bit more. But I guess the heaviest is later on this evening and tomorrow during the day. We will just have to wait and see how tomorrow brings. Even though we are not playing tomorrow, I will be interested to see if the games go off, and second, it we won or lost. We have a gathering of Bill's coach's who used to work for this one place they all trained participants to compete in running marathon's and 1/2 marathon's.


Wow, it seems like you are getting the runaround. But it is good that you are keeping up on this, and not waiting until the last minute. Hopefully all will be taken care of to their satisfaction so you can travel without any problems. After all, many do not realize, the containers and being under pressure, is a hazardous material, and has to be handled properly.


That is good that United was able to help you out and put you in good seats. I agree, that the other site, wants to lure you in with low fares, but do not help you out in putting you in the best seats or to let you know any hidden fees. You should both be together and at least if not in the first rows near a bulkhead, then in an exit row with lot's of room.


I am sorry to hear about the daughter's mishap, but it is good that you are off the hook. Better for you both to go out alone and enjoy the day yourselves. Without you making a fuss and doing all of the work all alone.


I cannot remember 1 year ago. But thus far, it is nice to be giving the air conditioning a rest by having these cooler temps at night. Plus having the rain helps from not having to water everything as well.




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We will have been married 12 years in Sept. So we are a little ahead of you, nit much though. What you say is important about the respect and not taking each other for granted. I'm afraid sometimes I'm too impatient, especially with Bill's hearing loss and I have to repeat things 3 times. He needs a hearing aid but won't get one. I should just make an appointment for him and have him get one.


Well it started raining here about 7 pm, I got some weeding done but not as much as I wanted. Don't know when it will be dry enough to cut grass again.


Tomorrow I have a skin dr appointment in the afternoon, then we have the get together with the girls in the evening. Thursday evening we are going to Bill's granddaughters graduation, not sure if it going to be inside or outside. Then its Friday and we are going to the resort to see that entertainer again, Saturday there is the graduation part. So many things going on!

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Sharon, wow I should say that you are really booked up for this week and weekend. Yes, I agree totally with you about relationships. Since I am deaf in 1 ear, we do not have the same situation as you. However I do get mad at times for the very same reason as you.


It really started coming down here around 5:30. I had plans to cook on the grill, but the down pour took car of that idea. So I had to cook on the stove instead. It rained most of the night. Just now it has stopped, but it sure looks like it is getting to rain once again.


Once I get out of work, we have to drive way up north to this coaches gathering and pot lock dinner tonight. I am sure will run into a lot of traffic going there. We are bringing the meats and a bottle of wine.


Good luck today at the skin Dr.




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Whew, had a busy day yesterday, did the water aerobics then came home and cut grass until 4pm when Bill got home. Ran in washed up and changed clothes and went up to his daughters to ride with the to the graduation. We had thought that afterwards we would do a little grocery shopping and have dinner. His daughter said they were going to Olive Garden in Janesville, we said we were going to the local mexican restaurant. They liked that idea better so they changed their mind and said they would go there too. The graduation was for 250 kids and they gave away something like 150 scholar ships, one at a time. It took forever! It was not easy sitting on a hard backless bleacher seat either and it was inside so very hot. It started at 6:30 and went until 9:30 pm. Bill's daughter called the restaurant and told them what time we would be there so they stayed open until we got in and then closed the restaurant for anyone else. We ate and got home around 11:30 pm.


Since we didn't get to go grocery shopping last night I picked Bill up after I had the last exercise class and we went to the store. Then I dropped him back off at his house, most of what he bought was for lunches for him to eat there. When I drove in I saw a guy out in front of his house putting in big, tall posts. I asked Bill whats that guy doing out front? He hadn't even seen him so when we drove out the driveway I asked the guy what he was doing. He said he was putting up a sign, a big one. Bill said oh yes he remembered his other daughter with the assisted living homes asked if she could have a sign advertising them put up. When we came back and saw the size of the sign, it is huge! I told Bill he might have to have a permit to put something like that up, also people might think his apartments at the farm are the assisted living homes with a sign that big. Looks like his daughters are trying to outdo each other.


Tonight we will probably go to the resort to listen to that one guy we like to hear.


How come you are deaf in one ear? Bill really needs a hearing aid, has much trouble hearing when people talk, and sometimes just agrees with them not knowing what they are saying.


I'm going back outside and cut some more grass, hopefully I can get it done and not have to worry about it again for a week.


I finally got the paperwork from the dr about the oxygen concentrator so now have to again call the airline and then should be all set to go.

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Sharon, when I was a teenager. I was riding on the back of a snowmobile. The person driving, hit a hill and I went flying off the back. I broke my back and had severe damage to my ear. So after 3 major surgeries, there was nothing else they could do at the time. So I have no hearing in my right ear. The expression, if I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself when I was younger.


How was the resort, last night? We went to a beer and wine tasting at our club last night. It was a 2 hour event from 5-7. A 2 hour open bar and all you could eat and drink for $30 pp.


Wow, that was an awful long time to be sitting on bleacher seats. I do not think I would have been able to sit for that long. It sounds like poor planning to keep people tied up at a event for so long.


It is good that you have all of the paperwork for the airline flight now. So hopefully all will work good to carry and for Bill to use it while away.


It should be a good weekend, enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Ha ha I've heard that expression, so true isn't it! That was quite an accident guess you are lucky if the only thing they couldn't fix was your hearing in one ear.


That was a pretty good price for the thing you went to, find any good wine you really liked?


We enjoyed the entertainer again Friday night. Only thing was I did not have anyone to dance the fast songs with. Bill and I did a couple of the slow ones. He will be there again next Saturday night. Bill's daughter and one son in law may come again too.


We went to the graduation party this afternoon. She had lots of food, pulled pork was one of the things. I'm going to try and make that, I really like it.


When I went to the skin dr she took a biopsy of a place on the side of my chin. At least that is what she said she was going to do. Actually she cut a big piece out and then cauterized it. So now I have a deep, what looks like a poc mark. Its really ugly but I can't eat if I put a bandaid on it, it is too close to my lip.


Got a certified, restricted letter delivered today from the oxygen company. Restricted means only Bill could sign for it and had to show identification. They said they had not gotten the breathing test numbers fron the pulmonary dr and we would have 10 days to get the information or we would have to pay $187 a month. So monday we will have to work on that. Crazy!

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