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Sharon, it sounds like one thing then another with traveling with the oxygen and all of the red tape. I would certainly make sure you get them all of the info, so you do not have to pay. Let's hope this will be it.


Yes, I did buy 2 bottles of white wine that I liked. The guy said it is not even out to any stores just yet. All in all it was perfect. Two hours, plenty to eat and drink for that price. They said they were going to do it once again in the fall.


Happy Father's Day to your Bill. We are going to our usual restaurant that offers the % off your meal for you age on your B-Day. We go there a lot and it is only a few towns away from our's. So what are you doing today?


I have learned to live without not having hearing in that ear. But you are right about not having anything else. But I really do have to watch on how I lift things, or turn in a certain direction, otherwise I willl throw my back out. It is very sensitive.


Remember last year Bill was doing all of that crazy stuff from things he bought on Group-On? Well he is at it once again. Yesterday early evening like 5:30 we have a local airport just down the street from us. So he had bought an Amazon deal a few months ago for a powered hang glider flight. It was a 60 minute flight where the pilot does all of the flying and Bill rides behind the pilot. He enjoyed it and said he is doing it once again when we go to Saugatuck for Labor Day weekend.


This guy flew from Grand Rapids, and returned last night. I guess he can make it in 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. He was flying out of airports around there and here as well. So there is a small airfield there he will fly along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Of course everyone is impressed when he tells people he ran the Boston Marathon. As for things like this, before they get to know you. They want to make sure you are not going to freak out during the experience.


Now he wants to go to Rochelle, IL sometime in the next few months to do a 18,00 foot sky dive. Lat year he did a 14,000 in Michigan City. He had bought this last year, in the fall and it would have been too cold to go up to that height.


You usually go to the resort on Sunday's? It is good that you are able to go there on Friday's with good entertainment as well. Enjoy the day,




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Oh boy, he really likes his adrenilin pumping things doesn't he! I wouldn't do those things if they paid me.


We had another full day. I went to church and then we went out for what was going to be breakfast but since it was 1pm we had lunch instead. Then we went swimming and saw Bill's daughter and son-in-law there. Then we came home to let Tinker out and sat on the deck and watched the clouds go by. Around 7pm we went to Crandalls restaurant. They are known for their broasted chicken. Got home in time to watch the Mentalist, a rerun of course.


Bill's one daughter who has the assisted living homes had asked Bill if she could have a sign put up on the corner of his property. He said sure that would be alright. Then when I went to pick him up the other day a guy was out there by the corner putting up this huge billboard sized sign. Bill went out and told him to stop just before he was ready to pour the cement in the holes for thw posts. He called his daughter and told her he thought it was going to be a small sign not a huge one. Now tonight she left a message on my cell phone that she thinks our house would be the perfect place for this billboard sign. She said that if someone called and put someone in one if her assisted homes and they stayed for 30 days we would get $500. I told Bill you tell her no way! And don't let her know it is me that is absolutely against it. He didn't want it by his house and I sure don't want it here. It is the size you see along the highway, so she should rent one of those. Gee always something with his daughters lately.

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Sharon, yes I remember you telling me about the sign. I could see why you would not to have it put up either. Those signs are way too big for a residence property. But now you will be viewed as the bad guy with all of this.


We did the same as you. We got to the restaurant around 1. This is the place that we go to on Sunday for their brunch. But since this was Father's day, they did not have the brunch and instead had a special menu. It was not all that crowded. Then we drove to visit everyone at the commentaries.


It was extremely windy yesterday. At one point, it looked like it was really going to storm. But it just came down for a very short time and just blew away. Bill starts PT today for or from his back surgery. The script says 4-6 weeks, either 2 or 3X's per week. They had already called early this morning to cancel his 9 am appointment. So now he rescheduled it to 11 am. It is kind of funny, that if you do not give them 24 hours notice, they want to charge you. But when they call you at the last minute, it is a different story.




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Did the Get Moving walk this morning, met an exchange student from India. Her name was Bianca and she was going back home tomorrow. A 19 hr flight with several plane changes. She was not very happy with her host mother but liked her host dad. Also very anxious to see her family again, she wants to be lawyer.


Yesterday I did a yoga on the beach with a couple of friends, really didn't care much for it. I can't do most of the things, just not limber enough and even though I have been lifting weights since last fall my arms hurt doing and holding the downward dog pose. We went for an hour walk along the shore path of Lake Geneva afterwards. Then early last evening our church had an hour walk beginning at 6:30. They had about 30 people so divided us up by saying whoever wanted to walk a little faster go with a younger gal and whoever wanted to walk a little slower go with the older gal. I started with the "younger' group but could see before we got out of the parking lot that it was too fast. So I waited for the second group, but that gal moved just as fast. There were quite a few older than I was but no one said anything about having her slow down. I was so tired didn't know if I could keep up and keep going, but I did. We did 4 miles in that hour. My legs and feet really could feel it.


Going out to get at some more weeds and plant the rest of my petunias. We had quite a rain last night, with thunder and lightening also. So the ground should be soft for pulling them.


Tomorrow I am not doing anything in the way of exercise, even going to sleep or at least stay in bed a little longer than normal. 2 of the gals are going to a different zumba class but I am skipping it.


I know what you mean about appointments, you are supposed to be there and on time but they can keep you waiting in the waiting room forever, or like you say, just cancel it all together! Hope he gets in and it helps him.

Bill was going to do the pulmonary therapy, but wants to wait until we get back, he's afraid it might make him worse at first and doesn't want to lose any more ground before we leave. When he came home last night his oxygen level was only 78. I told him he might have to take that one portable tank with and use it in the afternoon to keep up his oxygen levels. As soon as we see how this portable one we are taking with on the plane works, we will buy one and then he can take it back and forth to work everyday.


OK, got to get outside, am procrastinating!

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Sharon, I did hear how bad the storms were in WI. This time you got it all and we got nothing. Even today they have been talking about rain all day, and thus far we have gotten nothing. Perhaps tomorrow, as there is rain in the forecast for most of this week, but that does not mean we will get anything.


Wow, you have certainly been getting a real workout with the walking. I am surprised that the slower group was walking so fast. Are you going to continue with this group or try something else? I know I keep saying this, and have yet to act on walking with my friend yet. We will have to get it into gear, or the summer will be over.


So Bill started PT yesterday afternoon and it was crazy, as they had him fill out a form stating on how he felt and how he was doing. Once he did that, the PT person said based on his answers, that Medicare would not approve him to continue PT. As he had responded he was in no pain and could do almost anything he wanted.


However the Dr had told him the PT would tell him what he could do and not do. So he had to change his answers in order to continue and put down different answers. So now he will go 2 days a week for 4 weeks.


Last night he went to bed real early and today he was very sore as well. Something is wrong with this picture, when you go to PT without pain and discomfort and leave the PT with pain and a lot of discomfort. They tried to make him more flexible, and he has never been all that flexible where he can do all of those flexes like you say you cannot do with yoga. You are what you are, and people who try to make you what you are not, can result in a problem.


That is a real low number for his oxygen level. I think that in the hospital they wanted Bill to be at least 90 and if it dropped below that number an alarm would go off. I hope he can get it higher and not have anything that will prevent you from traveling. You have had to jump thought a lot of hoops getting ready for this trip.




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See that is what Bill is afraid of, going to the therapy and being worse off. If we weren't going away it wouldn't make that much difference. Hope your Bill does make progress once the soreness goes awwy.


I got some weeds pulled, they really grew, almost waist high. They are the kind that makes almost a netting underground. I was soaking wet with my long sleeve shirt, hat and gloves on. Then took a wonderful shower to not only cool off but to check for ticks.


We are having some major lightening and thunder right now, and by looking at the weather report can see it will last for a while.


Made a 13x9 pan of walnut brownies and we both had two with powdered sugar on them, so good warm.


Looking forward to no exercise tomorrow haven't had a day like that for a long time.

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Sharon, I hope you are enjoying a day of rest today from your normal routine. It should feel good to rest from the normal exercise routine.


Bill is going back today to PT. This will be his second time this week. Only 2 days per week. But he is upset and is going to tell them. Tell me what is wrong with this picture. I come in here with no pain and leave and still have pain, going from zero to a level 3 or 4. They are trying to make him looser or stretch. But he had said. His body is what it is. You can't make a person what they are not. So it will be interesting on what they say today.


I agree, that it is good for your Bill to avoid anything that might make things more difficult. When exactly are you leaving? Is your Bill good for the trip and the travel now?


You inspired me yesterday. I was reading you are going out to plant your flowers and pull weeds. I have had these 2 flats just sitting on the ground for some 2 weeks now. Bill has been watering them every day. So when I got home from work yesterday, and after dinner, I went out to plant the rest of the flowers.


Once again, I thought we would have gotten rain sometime either last night or this morning. Thus far we have gotten nothing. Bill's skin is very sensitive. On Saturday he was out trimming bushes and pulling weeds. Of course with a short sleeve shirt. On Monday he has gotten contact dermatitis once again. Last year he really had a bad bout of it. So far it is not as bad as it was last year, but on both of his arms.


He was able to get the prescription filled from last year. So that seems to be helping him. Like you he said from now on, when working outside, he will have to wear long sleeves. When I came home last night, he was soaking wet with sweat with a long sleeve shirt on and the temps got to 91 here. But if that is what will protect him as well as washing hands, then that will have to be.


I hope you have a good day today, rest and relax.




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Yesterday we did stay in bed for about a half an hour longer than usual. After Bill left I started doing laundry, then got a phone call about the biopsy the skin dr did last week. I could not believe they said it was basal cell cancer. I was so sure it was going to be alright, it was kind of a shock. The Mohs surgery guy called me a little later and I tried to schedule the surgery. They are all booked up until Aug 2nd. I really hate to wait that long with this big hole that probably won't heal. It is right below my lip on the right side. Then I thought I have gotten two reminders to have a diagnostic mamogram due in May so I thought I better make an appmnt for that too in case that is something too.


So by that time I had a sandwich for lunch, went up and got my oil changed and stopped at Great Clips and got my hair cut. She really cut it short but I like it. It was getting so fly awayish with the humidity and now can't get that way anymore. By the time I got home Bill was home so we ate dinner and went to visit with the girls. Bill had brought home dinner he made. Kielbasa, sauercraut and potatoes. It was very good, had it again tonight. Guess thats why I didn't get around to posting yesterday.


Got to let the dog out

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Wow she got ou just in time, it is very sark and judt started raining.


Wasn't through but didn't want to lose what I had posted.


Iwhat did the PT people say when Bill told them that? Bet alot of people feel that way. The pulmonary gal called for Bill again to see if he had changed his mind about waiting till we get back, he hasn't.


I was again wet with sweat yesterday and today but got the side of the garage weded and flowers planted, just petunias but they are bright red so look pretty. I have two more places to weed, both pretty large. They will have to wait I need to cut grass as soon as it drys up enough. Seems like every night about this time it rains lately. Got some thunder and lightening going on now too. Did you get your flowers planted too, mine had been sitting there for a couple if weeks too and I had been watering them.


Don't have anything to go to tomorrow so can sleep in again, yay!

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear about the skin cancer. That is something we all have to be mindful of and do whatever we can to stay on top of things. I also have to schedule a mamo. It is too bad that you have to wait so long. But I guess the good Dr's are book up in advance. I agree that with the part that they cut out. Will take a long time to heal with the hole being where it is and being so large.


We had nothing as far as rain yesterday, until after 8. Then it rained most of the night. Today it is cloudy and overcast but no rain has fallen yet.


So you have been very busy with all that you have been doing. What are your plans for the weekend? I have another shower to attend on Sunday. Then tomorrow the club has its annual fireworks display.They always have it early, as they get a huge discount this way.


At first they were justifing what they were doing at PT. But he stood his ground and clearly stated that when you come in without pain and leave and have pain for a few days, then something is very wrong. So they took things much easier and hopefully that will continue.


Yes, all of the flowers are planted now. They only sat in the flats for some 2 weeks.


Enjoy and have a good weekend.




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We went to the dance place last night, our friends danced several but we only danced one slow one, Bill cannot do it anymore, just gets out of air.


I woke up this morning around 5am and remembered that I had told one of the walk girls that I would do the walk with the Get Moving group this morning at 9am. So I was just going to lay in bed and watch tv until closer to time to get up but fell back asleep until 8am. Then I had to hurry to get dressed and up there by 9am. But I made it. It was still kind of foggy and very humid and again we all walked very fast. We had it done by 10 so I came home and changed clothes and picked up Bill and we went to the Fly In breakfast at a local airport. They had pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, milk, oj and coffee. But they only had a few airplanes come in since it still hadn't cleared up much.


Now Bill is hooked up to the oxygen and sleeping on the couch and I got the rest of the flowers planted and then got on here.


Are you going to see the fireworks? I always like to watch them. Our town doesn't do anything for the 4th since its big thing is the first weekend of June. So we have to go to a different town, but they all have them. It is kind of nice to go up to Lake Lawn resort and sit by the waters edge and watch them shoot them off across the lake on a barge.


Good for Bill, maybe they will really give him some help now that they aren't pushing him so much. Slow and easy is always better!


I was just looking what I wrote the other night, you probably guessed that I was on my tablet and hit a lot of wrong letters. Guess you could figure out what I was saying though.


We are going up to the resort again tonight, to see the entertainer we like, thinking maybe Bill's daughter will come but not sure, haven't heard anything.

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Sharon, I never criticize typo's, as we all make them one time or another. Yes, I have heard about the dense fog warnings. We had it here last night and it did clear up this morning. But our area really got clobbered yesterday. First around 2 it rained very hard for about 1/2 hour.


Then it really got dark and it hit very hard once again around 6:30 for about an hour. Bill said at first we would go over and put our chairs close to the lake for the fireworks, then come back home, as he figured it was going to rain again and he did not want to be over there.


We went over there around 4 to do that, and I should have listened to him. As I had talked him into staying, as my friends were on their way to watch with us. They have a picnic house out close to the lake. Bill kept pointing to the northwest ski and showing the weather front moving to our direction. He suggested we get all of our stuff under cover.


They had tents set up and started moving and taking them down before it hit. They left 1 big tent up and once it did hit it blew that tent down. They had already moved the bar and food stuff inside the house. So all was over in an hour. But there was flooding and cold and damp. We saw the fire marshal as they are required to be around the fireworks people. So they all decided to cancel the show and we all left and came home. They said perhaps sometime in August. But this was a very bad storm with lots of thunder and lightening. Everyone was under cover inside the picnic house.


I remember you go to the fly in breakfast each year. We are going to Oshkosh to visit my Aunt once again in August. We stay at a hotel right next to the EAA Airport. They have the air show towards the end of July and that is way too crowded and very expensive during that time, so we go afterwards.


So is this walking group getting any better, or are they still walking too fast for you? I would think that you got a lot of rain as well yesterday? Originally they were calling for more rain today. But it looks clear now. Tomorrow is the next bout of rain.


Our bocce was called as a rainout on Wednesday. They had played to sets of games and had 2 more sets to go, when they called them due to the rain and lightening.


That place we used to go to on Monday's for 1/2 price burgers, had closed last year. A new place bought them out and opened up a few days ago, so we went there on Friday and it is a real nice place. Perhaps we will go out this afternoon as well.


Enjoy the day,




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That is too bad about the fireworks and having to take down and move everything, it sounded like they really had it nice before the rain hit. We got 3 inches of rain yesterday nothing today. We went to the pool around 3 it was nice and quiet. Last night was a surprise at the resort. Bill's daughter did meet us there but including the 3 of us there were only about 8 people all night, that is until about 11:00pm. Thwn some people came in that had been in one of the weddings. They just got started dancing when the entertainer guy said his time was up, good night. He plays from 9 to midnight. I don' t know where all the people were, the oarking lots was completely full and was when we left, so most everyone was staying overnight.


Got a conflict with the church group walking plan and the Get Moving walk. One is at 4 and the church is at 6:30pm. Decided to do the one with rhe girls at 4.


Going to be a fast week with all I have to do befire we leave. Decided to block Tinker up in the dining/kitchen area. Its the only place with no carpet. I will cover the floor with rubber backed rugs so she can stand up.


Did I tell you about finding a tick on my side a couple if weeks agi? Well it has gotten to be a very big red itchy spot. I kept hoping it would get better but seems to be getting worse. I am going to call the dr tomorrow but don't know if I can get in to see ger. Would like to get something for it before we leave.


Sounds like so far with the weather forecast that you just might be able to get your bocce game in on Wed.

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Sharon, yes after today it seems to be clearing up as far as the weather goes. It has been raining this morning. Now it has stopped but it sure looks like we still will get some more. As far as the fireworks, many are saying they do not want to sit outside in August with humidity and heat. So I have no idea what they will do.


I hope you can get something for your tick area. If you cannot get in to see the Dr, perhaps they can call in a script for you to clear it up. Bill got contact dermatitis on both of his arms from working outside last week. It is all red but the cream he has ben using seems to be holding it so it does not spread.


It is too bad the entertainer just stopped playing. But it was kind of dead, and he does have his time, otherwise he would never be able to get out of there. All in all, it sounds like you had a nice full weekend. What day exactly are you leaving?


I did see that your area really got a lot of rainfall. Places in Minnesota have gotten more than double their normal amount of rain. Your grass must be really growing.




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Probably be a lot of mosquitoes in August too besides the heat if they have the fireworks then. Although will be the same way for the 4th of July.


I got up this morning and looked at my tick bite, it had a big ring around the really red part. Typical of Lyme disease. Called the dr and got an appmt for 11, didn't even bother with the blood test, just started me on antibiotics right away. He said it should take care of it. Hope he is right.


We did the walk this afternoon, not a good place to walk. It was through some thick muddy woods. As soon as we entered the woods the mosquitoes attacked everone. Luckily it was a short walk and when the leader asked if we wanted to do it again, everyone said no.


Got an appmnt on Wed in Rockford to pick up the poc, personal oxygen concentrator, hope it all works out ok.


Funny you go along just fine and then get hit with the Lyme disease, skin cancer and have to redo a mamogram.


We will leave on Thursday, stay at the Hilton and fly out on Friday. Got to talk with the pet sitter yet and let her know Tinker will not be in her normal bed area, and give her the house key. She will come 3 times a day to make sure things are ok. I know she has it marked down to come already, but need to bring her up to date on new pills and Tinkers trouble walking.


How is work going? Haven't heard you say anything much about it lately, hope that means its going ok.


Does Bill's arms itch, my bite itches like crazy!

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Sharon, yes his arms had been itching, and he was doing good not to itch the areas. With the cream he had reordered for the infected areas, seems to be getting better now. However the areas are all red, and I am sure that will take some time to clear up.


We never got any more rain yesterday. I saw that your area did get the rain and south of us. However, today I woke up to rain as it is still raining now. Supposed to clear up this afternoon.


Well get this. The jerk called me up on Wednesday. He was in Montana and had to go out and buy all new cloths as they were freezing. It was like 40 degrees there and they had nothing but shorts and short sleeves. I got a good laugh from that. He is here this week as he had me cancel his flight to FLA.


Yes, I agree that this year is going to be bad for mosquitos with the winter and all of this dampness. Not a good place for you to be walking with the dampness and getting all eaten up. I was so upset last night, I went for a 3 mile walk. I once again went up .4 at weigh-in last night. The problem is we go out to eat too much. You are really going to have to be care full of those ticks. Tinker as well.


It will be good to stay just across the street from the airport. I hope all goes well for you and that Bill does good with the portable oxygen while you are away. Enjoy and have a great trip.




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Boy you would have thought he would have known that it might be a little cooler there than here, serves him right having to buy more clothes. Although once we went to Dallas for my granddaughters college graduation in June and we bought warmer sweatshirts it was so cold. So I guess it can happen.


I have some cream from the skin dr called Clobetasol Propionate that works wonders on rashes. It is by prescription only though. The skin dr's nurse called this morning and they are moving up my mohls surgery to July 11th. I was so happy!

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Sharon, that is good news, so now you will not have to wait so long. Yes, Bill has a prescription as well for his skin condition. This time, since he was not scratching the area, it did not blister.


We ended with more rain this afternoon. Hopefully it will be all finished now for a few days.


As far as the jerk goes. He is supposed to be so smart, yet he is always doing things so incredibly stupid.


Hopefully you will be able to get out of town on Friday and return without any problems and that you have a good time away and come back relaxed.




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Had a phone call and had to end my post earlier.

Wanted to tell you we are staying at the other Hilton, a few miles away from the airport across from the convention center, kind of. We stayed there last time and they have the park and fly so we can leave the car.


Talked to the pet sitter and brought her up to date with Tinkers meds and problems. She will come 3 times a day to feed her, give her pills and take her outside.


We had rain again last night but nice day all day. Pet sitter said they have not been able to cut their hay yet because it doesn't stop raining long enough to get it cut, raked and baled without getting wet. Usually the first cutting is about the first week in June.


ok, done now, ha ha

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Sharon, I was watching the evening news last night, and they were showing a cell that had cropped up and was moving from the north to the southeast. I thought for sure we were going to get rain, but it never happened and we ended the evening with no rain. I do not think we will get anything for a few days now. Yes, I could see where some areas have gotten so much rain, that things would be too wet for cutting.


Yes, I remember now that you have stayed there before. Whenever someone says the Hilton, I automatically think of the airport just across the street, and I know that they do not offer any discounts for parking there. A lot of the flight crews stay there.


Tinker will be in good hands with your sitter. It is good that you have someone reliable that you can count on to do what needs to be done while you are away. So tomorrow night you will stay at that Hilton, and then fly out on Friday. Then you will return on Sunday?


I hope all goes well with the oxygen and that you have a great time away.




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No, its not the Hilton, its the Hyatt, my mistake. Good thing I checked so I go to the right place.


Getting the oxygen was quite an ordeal, they gave me the address and said it was in Rockford, we drove and drove and couldn't find it, the GPS was trying to get us to go on I90/39, but I knew that wasn't right. Finally I pulled over and called them. The place was in Machesny Park, not Rockford at all. They said a lot of people get lost trying to find them because of that. So got it, got back home around 2, Bill went to work of course, I went to the post office got the car filled back up with gas, and now am headed outside to cut grass.

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Sharon, I know that Bill is always driving different than what the GPS wants you to go. It is always saying recalculating.


We won last night at bocce. It looked like it was going to storm all night, but it didn't.


OK, I did not think there was a Hilton other than the airport, otherwise we would have done the very same thing. It is good that you have a good deal all worked out for your time away.


So you are leaving this evening for the airport and returning on Sunday? Enjoy and have a great time away and hopefully all will be A-OK on your return.




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Coming home tomorrow, finally! Had lots of problems with Tinker, almost didn't even leave. But pet sitter came several extra times the first 2 days to take care of her. Had to miss a few planned things here, Bill not feeling the best, short of breath. Si like U say will be glad to come home.


Also, there is a Hilton right across the street from the Hyatt, we stayed there last trip. The Hyatt is connected to the convention center, but both are on Bryn Mawr St.

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Sharon, I am sorry to her that you had problems with Tinker before you left. It seems like whenever we all make plans, something is always going wrong at the last minute.


So you actually stayed at the Hyatt not the Hilton. They have those mirror windows that are very misleading. You cannot see out of the windows in the daytime and at night you can see out fine, but everyone else can see in as well. Where in the daytime the opposite happens. People cannot see in.


At least you were not on that United flight yesterday, where I had heard that when leaving Chicago they had to make an emergency landing at Kansas City, as a chute had deployed inside the plane during flight.


I hope all goes well for you both today on your return to Chicago. It is nice to be away, but even nicer to be back home sleeping in your own bed. This will be a short week for me as Friday we will be closed with a long holiday weekend.




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