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Sharon, I would not take sides on this one, but you are 100% right on this one. It seems to me, that she is doing everything she can to upset you and get her way. She should have the courtesy to include you, but it would appear that she does not care about you and is doing whatever she can to go over you and upset you.


I also agree with you about not trying to upset Bill. But something has to give. You are husband and wife and no one should be coming between you. Somehow some way you must find a way to talk to Bill and explain your feeling and hopefully he will understand your side. This is very delicate and you have to present yourself in that way, and hopefully he will understand. Good luck.


We are going to a civil war enactment this weekend. I do not know if it will be today or tomorrow. It is close to Bill's son. He lives in Naperville, and the enactment is in Aurora, the next town. Of course the huge Air & Water Show downtown this weekend.






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How was the Civil war enactment? We saw one uptown a couple of years ago, pretty neat with all the tents and uniforms and horses.


Saw on TV some of the air show, those planes are really something!


I did talk to Bill, told him if he was more concerned about his daughters feelings than mine than he should ask her to come and move in with him (which she would jump at the chance) and I'll leave him to her. I was not going to compete with her, she is his daughter and if thats what he wants than I'll step aside. He did not want that and was surprised I would actually do that. But I've just had enough of it and couldn't seem to get through to him what she is doing. He said even his son had went upstairs and saw everything and said, Is she moving in? So he is going to talk to her, I told him I don't care if her and her daughter stay over the weekend but to stop filling up his house with furniture. Found out she had again brought her "boyfriend" with this past weekend. Don't know what they do, never call us or say anything. So we will see what happens the next time he sees her.


Was a terrible weekend, glad its over!

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Sharon, first I am sorry you did not have a good weekend. Too much stress, and you do not need more. Men do just not get a lot of things that really bother us. It is very clear that his daughter is only looking for herself and a free ride. It sounds like she does not care about you, or your feelings. Stress causes much and none are any good. I am sure if you do bump into her, she will not be respectful of you or even attempt to be nice to you either. Plus I feel she is adding stress to her own father.


I do not know about your end but all weekend they were calling for rain. We never got any rain at all. I guess they are calling for rain tonight, but who knows. It looked like rain in Aurora, but it never did.


This place was in the Fox Valley Area, and in the far North West end of Aurora. It was a very long drive. This was the first time I was ever at one. This was low key and much smaller than some. There were no horses, but like you said, they had guns, cannons, riffles with muskets and of course tents and everyone involved dress in period pieces. They had to be very uncomfortable dressed all in wool. The battle was very interesting.


Weigh-in tonight, and I even heard that we may get a day this week, where it might get into the 90's for the first time this year.


Many people were very upset on Sunday, that they waited until 2 or 2:30 to cancel the show. They have had so many accidents over the years at those shows, safety should be first always.




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That sounds like a fun time at the civil war camp, yes I remember the one we saw they were wearing wool uniforms too, itchy I would think!


I do know his daughter and I like her, but she just keeps on till someone tells her to stop. She has had about 5 different jobs since she moved back and each time she takes a notebook and lists all the things they should change to run more efficient. She always wants to change or organize things. She laughed that her brother in law told her to stay out of his workshop. She is no young kid either even though she acts like it and doesn't look her age of 58. She is very athletic, Slim and has long blonde (natural) hair.


Hopefully Bill can rein her in!


Going to water aerobics tomorrow so have to get up at 6:30 again. I did the walk with the church group tonight, very muggy and again some walked way too fast. Guess we only have one left because school will be starting soon.

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Sharon, it sounds like she is the type of person who keeps doing things until someone says something to put a stop to her madness. Some companies like people changing things around. Other's have a way of doing things and do not like things changing. Probably, why she is changing jobs so much. So are you saying you do get along with her or not?


So you were up early this morning for the water aerobics and did or will you do the walking as well?


They were talking about rain early this morning. I can't tell if we got any or not. How about you, did you get any rain just yet?




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We got the rain last night around 3am, lots of thunder, lightening and rain. Didn't check how much but it was really hitting the windows hard.


I did the walk with the church group last night, a couple of the leaders walked so fast no one else could keep up with them.


We got up early so I could drop Bill off to work before going to the water aerobics. I didn't sleep last night, Tinker kept walking around the bed over and over, I can hear her toe nails on the plastic runners. I took her out before bed around 10:30 then again I got up and took her out at 12:30 and I heard her walking out of the bedroom at 4 am so I got up and she had peed in the hall. Most of it was on the plastic and pee pads but she had went so much that it had ran off and onto the carpet. So I was cleaning it up thinking I should just stay up, but I didn't I went back to bed but still didn't sleep. I am very tired now.


Yes, I do like Bill's daughter but she just doesn't know when to quit and will continue filling up his house until he says something. He keeps saying its just for a couple of weeks but if that was the case she wouldn't be bringing in all the furniture. I think her daughter is supposed to leave for somewhere the middle of September but she is not going anywhere. She needs to find her own place, she has been staying at her brother in law "boyfriends" for many months now. At first she was looking for her own place but has quit looking now since taking over Bill's house.


Okay enough about that, Bill has been using the oxygen now at night and while getting dressed in the morning. It helps quite a bit as he doesn't get out of breath just dressing. He is going to start using also walking around. I reminded him the dr said that is what he is supposed to be doing and if he doesn't use it he is hurting his heart.


It has gotten very hot and again very humid, I really like it better right around 76!

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Sharon, yes, it is going to be in the 90's for the first time this year later on in the week. We did not get any rain early this morning. But around an hour and 1/2 ago we got about 1/2 " in a very short time. Now, like you said, it is humid as the sun has come out and the clouds are gone. But I guess more is expected later on this evening.


We have 2 rain out dates for bocce. With only 4 games left total. We have room in the schedule for 1 more rain out and then the banquet is towards the end of September.


I can certainly see that Bill's daughter is trying to take over in her own way. Just let her keep bringing her stuff in and she will not be going anywhere. Why would she be looking for her own place, when she is making it very convenient for herself and free loading off her father.


So you are still taking Bill to work and picking him up. It is also good that he is using the oxygen like he is supposed to be doing. Hopefully with the med's and the oxygen, he will not be getting too tired out and will gain some of his strength back.


It sounds like the ladies who are leading the pack by walking too fast is trying to turn the walk into a competition. Too bad you cannot take a nap. I'll bet you sleep much better tonight.




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Yes I slept like a log last night, feel so much better today. I just decided not to get up 3 or 4 times a night with Tinker, and then have her pee anyway. Last night I got lucky and she peed on the plastic and it did not go onto the carpet at all. I didn't even wake up to let her out, so I think it was around 4 when she did that. I got her a bigger, wider bowl for water, she was having a hard time drinking out of the smaller one since her back leg would give out and she couldn't stand long enough to get a good drink. Only thing now is she drinks and drinks and then has to pee.


I won another free boat ride, but since I had already earned my boat ride I could not get it because they are non transferable. Our 5 1/2 mile walk on Lake Geneva is this Friday, we start at 8:30 am and walk from Williams Bay to Lake Geneva. They think it will take around 3 hrs and the boat that will bring us back takes off at 1pm. So that should allow us time to eat lunch before boarding the boat. They have 40 people signed up to go, but she said if there is a heat advisory people can just drive to Lake Geneva and take the boat ride without doing the walk. So we'll see how hot it is. I'm thinking starting that early and if we are lucky having a breeze off the lake it shouldn't be too bad.


Sounds like you are running out of time to get all your games in, luckily you are not in 1st place so you don't have to worry too much about losing your "status".


Another one of Bill's daughters just texted me that she has 2 extra tickets for an ice cream social boat ride this Friday. I don't know if Bill can handle it or not but it would be really nice if he can. I'll ask him when I pick him up this afternoon. Yes, I am still taking him and picking him up. He is pretty good in the morning but by afternoon pretty tired.

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Sharon, I think that Friday will hold temps into 90's for our first 90 this year. But like you said, starting early and hopefully you will have a breeze from the lake. Wow, 5 1/2 miles is a long walk. Hopefully there will not be those competitive one's who will be walking too fast. I can do 3 miles in about 50 minutes. So 3 hours should allow you plenty of time.


I don't know, these storms keep cropping up. There is a possibility that we could get rain tonight. There are storms in Iowa just now, moving in this direction. They did not even play last week, as we got a late downpour and the wood surface around the courts was too slippery. So to keep everything safe, they just called the games.


Well if Bill decided to go on the second boat ride, you will be doing a lot of boating this Friday. So hopefully he will feel like going and you both can enjoy the boat ride and eat ice cream as well.


I am glad you were able to get a good night's rest last night. Enjoy and have a good rest of today.




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We couldn't take her up on the offer of the ice cream boat ride. It left the pier at 2pm, and my boat ride left the same pier at 1pm. No way could we get back in time. Bill was not upset, he didn' really want to do it anyway.


We had rain most of the day, hope it doesn't rain tomorrow morning. It never got out of the 70's until around 6pm when the sun came out for a while.


One of Bill's granddaughters moved in with her boyfriend and sent out invitations for a house warming party this Sunday. She included in the invite that she is registered at Kohls. Seem like a ploy just to get gifts to me. But we will play along. I did not get her the things she picked out, I got a gift card and figure she can go buy whatever she wants.


also one of bill's sons is coming to town and wants everyone to go out to dinner on Sat night. So looks like we have a full schedule for a change.


Stay cool one more day to the weekend.

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Sharon, first when I started reading this, I thought you were saying that his GD moved into his place where his daughter is trying to take over. You are right, I have never heard of this before for a housewarming party for moving in with someone. A change of the time I guess. Actually kind of being very forward on her part.


But yes, agreed you will have a very busy weekend. Enjoy and have a great time. I did not know the boat trips were so close together. So were you able to get the walk in before it rained on you? How long did it take you to walk the distance? For us we got the rain early in the morning. Then it stopped for the later part of the morning and it rained again later on in the afternoon. It did not rain last night, and I guess we have more rain on the way for today.


So are you going to the dance place tonight, or are you staying home and resting up for the weekend?




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You are more right than you know when you said you thought his granddaughter moved in to his house. We found out when we went to the "house warming" party (for a different granddaugher) that his daughters daughter has been living in his house for the last several weeks. His daughter was going back home and I said aren't you picking up your daughter? She said oh no she stays down here, I said where does she stay? She said at dads house. Now I have been taking him to work for quite a few weeks and we never knew she was upstairs. She was very secretive about it. Bill did not know either. He said today he was working on some invoices and she came downstairs almost scared him since he thought he was alone. Evidently she is working at his other daughters assisted living home but dont know what her hours are. So it just gets better and better!


I did get the walk in on Friday, but it was a long walk. I was wrong about tge distance, it was 6 1/2 miles. I was with 3 other gals and we are about the same age. We were all having trouble with our feet hurting. Seems your feet keep getting bigger and your shoes smaller thelonger you walk. My toes are still sore! We saw on our boat ticket that it was for a full 2 hour ride around the lake, not just back to Williams Bay. So we asked the gal in charge if we could stay on, she said sure that would be fine but our cars were parked in Williams Bay. So

one of the girls called her husband and asked him to pick us up and drive us back to the Bay, so that worked out good and it was a nice long rest after the walk.


We had a terrific storm come through this afternoon. I was just getting home from visiting my sister and a cousin that was visiting from Las Vegas with her husband. My cousin looked to be in her 50's but is actually 76. Her husband is 53! My sister asked me when I was driving her home if I thought our cousin looked younger than her, my sister is 2 years younger than

her. My sister has lost a lot of weight from having several medical things this past year and has lots of wrinkles in her face. So I said I thought our cousin did look younger because if that. She said she thought so too.


The dinner on Friday night went pretty good, there were 16 of us so it took quite a while to get everyone served. His son is a dr so I asked him about Bill's lung issues. We said he would look if he could find any new meds or advances coming up. He is coming back down the weekend after Labor Day.


We did not go to the dance place, I think that might be something we have to give up.


Seems like I have not had a spare minute lately. I cut grass for 4 hrs after we got back from the party on Sunday, had to get it in between the rain.

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Sharon, this almost sounds like a soap opera. Now it makes sense why his daughter was bringing all of that stuff over, it was for her own daughter. This is really crazy that she was sneaking around and hiding while Bill was there. So what are you going to do now?


Yes, we got some real severe storms that rolled in here yesterday afternoon around 2. A lot of rain and some very heavy thunder as well. With all of this rain, I could see that you have been busy with cutting the grass growing so much.


So that was a lot of walking that you did. At least you did not get caught in any rain. It stormed here heavy in the afternoon. So this boat was going to take you back to where your car's were parked, and then go around the lake for 2 hours. So you were able to stay onboard and then get driven back to where your car's were parked. So that was a good rest after such a long walk.


So let me see if I totally understand this. His GD had a party for her moving in with her boyfriend, and she is staying upstairs in Bill's house, and no one except his daughter knew anything about this? I am having a hard time keeping up with all of this.


Everything has slipped up on us here. This coming weekend is Labor Day weekend. Kind of early this time around. So that means we are leaving on Friday and returning on Monday. So the key here is getting out of work at a reasonable time.




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I can see why you would get lost, Bill has 4 daughters and 4 granddaughters. The one gd moved in with her boyfriend in his house and is supposed to get married next June. The other gd moved into Bill's upstairs, 2 different gd's. Does that help? Confusing I know, just plain irritating to me.


We had more rain this morning, we had to get out of the pool because it was lightning, and they said there was some law about being in the pool during that time. Luckily our water aerobic class had just ended and we were just kind of floating around at that point.


I checked the rain gauge when I got home and we got 1 1/2 inches, yesterday it was 1/2 inch, we really don't need anymore rain. The mosquitoes are getting bad. The Walworth County fair opens tomorrow and runs through Labor day, hopefully the weather turns nicer so people can enjoy it.


Wasn't that great about the little league team, they did a terrific job no wonder their parents are so proud of them.

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Sharon, our company was the one's who made the jersey's for the team. We have had new's camera's at our store all morning. Very busy and crazy here today. The coach is a very nice man and comes to our shop often. He and some team members have been here all morning long. Yes, it has been a very good story season for those kid's. So if you see it later on in the news, this is where I work.


Yes, now things are clearer for me to understand. But what are you going to do now, with this latest incident? It sounds to me, that she is taking advantage of you both.


So it sounds like your sister is doing much better than she was doing last year. Your cousin is in her 70's and looks like she is in her 50's, that's great. A big variance in the ages of her and her husband. But I guess if they are both happy, then that is the main thing.


It was really coming down here as well a few hours ago. We have really gotten a lot of rain the past few days. Your grass will really be taking off.


If the pool is inside, I do not know why anyone should have to get out of a pool. I would think everyone would be protected. If you are taking a bath or a shower, wouldn't that be the very same thing. I have never heard of anyone getting shocked or electrocuted from a lightening strike outside, while being inside. Outside yes, but inside, I would think everyone is protected. But if there is a law, then there is no argument on the subject.


So we are going to our usual place in Saugatuck this weekend.




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I will keep a look out to see if they put your place on tv. I bet it has been busy there, sounds like people are really buying them up fast, you might have to do another run. I heard one guy say he had spent $500 buying some.


The pool has big windows all along one side and partially over the top. I guess lightening could strike through the windows since it can go through houses but not likely. I think I heard water draws lightening don't know if thars true or not.


My toes are finally starting to feel ok again after the walk. I wonder if I had shoes specifically for walking if it would have made a difference. Didn't you say you had bought shoes for walking? Do your feet ever get sore from walking a long time ?


I just saw your store on tv!! There was a gal with long black hair folding a large pile of yellow shirts.


It will be nice for you to get away again for a while this weekend. Bill was thinking he might try the hot tub this wekend but it will be way too crowded. Then they said this morning that the pool and hot tub will be closed Sept 2 through Sept 16 for annual maintenance.


Well I don't think I can do anything about the gdaughter. She is supposed to be only staying here until the middle of Sept then going to Costra Rica where her brother is living. So I guess I

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Whew thought I lost that post but it stopped in mid sentence.

As I was saying, I will just wait and see if she really leaves. That doen't mean his daughter will stop coming down though.


Supposed to feel a little better weaterwise tomorrow, hope they are right, I don't like this hot and humidity.

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Sharon, They did more than $10,000 in sales yesterday. Today should be kind of dead with the parade going on most of the day downtown at Millennium Park. I had to go out a buy sub sandwiches for all of the people that were hanging around yesterday. They were mainly there while it was raining. Once it cleared up in the afternoon, they all left.


So you still could use the resort this weekend. As September is not until next week. Unless you think the place will be totally crowded. I am just hoping that I can get out early so we can hit the road not too late. Bill does not like traffic and like getting a jump on things.


Well if she will be leaving in a few weeks, then I guess it will not be too bad to put up with her for that short period of time. The key is, will she actually be leaving or is she just talking? But then if she does leave, then, like you said, you have the mother to contend with.


Yes, I used to get the sore toes and feet as well. I went to a place called Fleet Feet and they looked at how I walk and sized me up 1/2 size to cover the swelling. Especially with this heat, and doing any type of long distance walking, any of us will experience swelling of the feet. Sizing up 1/2 size covers that.


I guess anything is possible. But I also look at showers and taking a bath. If there is a law, then there is nothing that can be said. I have never heard of anyone get shocked while inside anyplace. But I could be wrong. I also heard that you cannot get sunburned from the sun through glass unless there is an opening.


So we have tonight, and only 2 more games for bocce after today, and the season is complete. Then 1 week buy and then the banquet. The 1 week is for a possible rainout. So if we do not have anymore rainout's, then we will have that 1 week buy.




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Good idea, I will try shoes on 1/2 size bigger. I have some from Curves, didn't go to curves just bought the shoes from Avon, that are about 1/2 size too big but they are shaped different. The narrow part goes to far towards the wider toe part. Probably just how they are made and regular walking shoes would be better.


I was working outside around the well this afternoon. Remember last winter we had it dug up and a part replaced. Then in June we had them come back and fill it in since it was too wet to do it before. Well they just left an awful mess, big piles of dirt and rock. Now it was all covered with tall weeds since there was so much loose dirt and rocks I couldn't mow over it. So I pull out some of the weeds and used the weed eater on some and a shovel on some of the roots. It looks a little better now but I know the weeds will grow back. The dirt is still so soft that when you step on it you leave a footprint. He said it would all settle down nice and even, ha ha ha. I had to come in and take a shower I was sweating right down to my underwear!


How many people did you have there yesterday? I saw them interviewing the coach and the gal folding up the pile of yellow shirts. Looks like a big store with just about everything you could want for any kind of sports.


Hope you get to get out a little early so you can beat most of the traffic, probably a lot of people are thinking the way you are though and will try to leave early also. Looks like it will be nice weather.


When I dropped Bill of this morning his littlest granddaughter, 10 years old, was outside on her swing. We waved to her and she just looked at us. I told him next time she comes in his house and asks for a soda or anything he should ignore her and when she asks why, ask her how she likes it.


OK, going to the fair tonight to meet the girls instead of the regular place, right now going to go pick up Bill from work.

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Sharon, I cannot say how many there were yesterday. As I am in another building where our offices are. In the retail store it was packed most of the day.


I was home for lunch and then went over to the club looking for Bill and I was wet also from being outside for that short period of time. So I know what you mean when you say you were wet, as it is very humid today. Bill goes over to the club early on Wednesday to get the bocce courts ready for play tonight.


I agree with you about his GD. Of course it most likely comes from the mother. But some kids have that tendency to ignore other's except when they are looking for something, then their entire personality changes.


As far as the walking shoes goes, when the temps are cooler, then all you have to do is put thicker socks on to make them more comfortable. But this all came from the salesperson as far as any advice that I have passed along to you.


Yes, I do hope I can get out by 2, as that is what I will be shooting for. We pay with everything cash now, as they offer discounts when paying with cash, as business get charged a fee from the credit card companies. Have a good time at the fair tonight.




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I didn't realize you had another building for your office, how do you keep track of what goes on over there?


Did you win your bocce game last night? I went to the fair with the girls, but there was 6 of us so seemed some body had to either go to the bathroom or get something to eat. We ended up standing around alot eaiting.


Bill and I are going to go to the fair tomorrow night (fingers crossed it goes ok) and see Trace Adkins. Hope it doesn't raIn either.


Today Bill was a little upset, his gd pushed his food to the back in the fridge and put her stuff in the front. Also while we were gone uptown she left to go to work and left all the windows open and it looked like rain. He had me go upstairs and close them.


So tomorrow you get to go on your mini vac, have a great time!

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Sharon, hopefully I can get out of here early today, as Bill gets nervous when we do not hit the roads on time. Hopefully the jerk will not mess up my plans.


Yes we did win bocce and we have won the past 2 weeks. Now with only 2 more games, we shall see. We have not been doing anything spectacular all season. Now down the stretch we are playing. We are also beating teams with much better records than us.


So we have our offices in one building and the retail store in the other building. The salesmen and people who run the store, are in that part of the building. Also, the jerk's bother is in that part of the store. So he is in charge of that part, unless they call me over there for something, and that seems to happen all of the time.


We got rain last night, so we turned off the fan and closed the windows and now we have the AC turned on until we leave later on.


I hope you can go tonight, as I have heard of that group before. So first, I hope the rain can hold off and second, that Bill will feel like going.


It sounds like to me, that GD does not care about anyone but herself. She is just using everyone. I would teach her a lesson and change the locks, and you would see how fast she responds to you.


Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Good for you, at least you are closing out the bocce on a winning note. Hoppefully you did get to leave work early today. We went to the fair, we took the wheel chair and the small oxygen concentrator. I pushed him in the chair, but he didn't use the oxygen. After theTrace Adkins concert we were looking arounnd at different things when it started to rain. We were very far from our car, I saw a guy we both knew that had been doing some work at the fair and asked him if he could get ahold of security and have them bring a golf cart to pick us up and take us to our car. He was able to get somone and they drove us all the way to the car. By then though we were already soaked as the rain had really came down. We were glad to get home and get out of the wet clothes and into our pj's.

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Sharon, we got back home at noon today. It is raining here now and we ran into the rain in Indiana. We were lucky that it did not rain all weekend there. We did run into rain driving there on Friday. I did not get out early on Friday. We still were able to get there in 2 hours. However we were much later arriving there as I did not get out of work early.


So you got soaked on Friday at the fair. At least you were able to get driven to your car. If not, you would have been much wetter than you were.


Yes, we have won the last 2 bocce games. But we still have 2 more games left to play. So things are not over just yet.


I hope you both had a good weekend. Enjoy the rest of today,




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We went back to the fair Sat night and saw the country group Little Big Town. They did alot of 4 part harmony and were very good and best of all no rain. On Sunday we went up to Fort Atkinson to the Fireside Theater had dinner and saw Smokey Joes Cafe musical production.


So Monday we didn't do much but went out to dinner. Also forgot to tell you I bought a Cub Cadet riding mower at the fair. They are delivering it tomorrow. I have left the grass till I get the mower so will be busy cutting grass Wed and Thurs that is if it doesn't rain anymore.


I got an invitation to my first husbands aunt & uncles 60th wedding anniversary in Missouri towards rhe end of Sept. Would like to make a quick trip down and go to it but not sure we can yet.


Good luck with your game tomorrow night, hope it doesn't rain.

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