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Sharon, I had thought about hanging up on him. So he said just put us on speaker phone, but that was a bad idea as we were talking about sensitive information that no one else could hear.


I have a picture of what you are saying about someone else joining in and having too much to drink and screwing everyone else doing the dance. Always someone else pushing into a group that does not belong in the group.


Yes, I did hear that about the temps dropping off the charts. I do not think they are wrong, as we have dodged a bullet thus far with not having the bitter cold. If that does happen we will certainly have to turn on the heaters in our pond as thus far the water has not froze over. But with this kind of cold it certainly will.


So I need to go to WW as they have changed everything with Oprah taking over the majority shares of the company. So I can see what their new system is now.


What are you saying about your sister and everything not being so good?




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One of the gals that comes on Wed night records the weight at WW and said there was a new system. You should go and find out if it makes a difference or not to do what they are saying now.


The lakes are just beginning to freeze, and already some guys are out trying to fish, stupid! Not really thick enough to trust going out on it.


I forgot I had my fitbit in my shirt pocket and washed it. It is not waterproof so now it doesn't work. I had ordered another one several years ago when I had thought I lost the original one so tried to sync it with my computer. It just wouldn't work so I called customer service. They said the new one did not work so they sent me a 25% of coupon to use on a new one at their website. I got a Fitbit Charge for $112.46 with the coupon and free shipping. I have not moved much these last months so maybe when I get it it will inspire me.


No everything is ok with my sister, its me. Even though I don't have cramps my stomach just doesn't feel right. Like I said will wait a few more days and see what happens before calling the doctor.


Your boss having you put him speaker probably wasn't a good idea, do you think anyone else heard what you two were talking about?

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Sharon, no he wanted me to put him on the speaker phone and I said no as other's would have heard the conversation. He can do that at his home as no one else is there. However if he ever uses language that is not acceptable to me, I will hang up on him in a heartbeat. Perhaps a few times of me doing that, he will get the message.


I would not wait any more days, as you have not been feeling good for a few days now. Why wait as it might get worse, or certainly not get better. I would think you would want to feel better now versus waiting.


I know I have lost my fit bit at times and then eventually found it. So you are getting a new 1 for that price versus paying $140, for a new 1. At least they gave you a good deal. Over the New Years get away Bill's son had a fit bit watch kind.


So I see them advertising the new system on TV. But I have to wait, as I have gained weight over the holidays, and if I went now I would be over my goal. So I need to get it back to where my goal weight should be.




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Hello again. I am thinking of going back to WW too. I think I will love the new program It is lower carb. Your proteins have lower point value. Fruits are now 0 points unless they are in a blender. My meeting are now 14 dollars for seniors per week. Non seniors 15. Cheaper if you go monthly or pick a 3 month at a time plan. :)

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Hello again. I am thinking of going back to WW too. I think I will love the new program It is lower carb. Your proteins have lower point value. Fruits are now 0 points unless they are in a blender. My meeting are now 14 dollars for seniors per week. Non seniors 15. Cheaper if you go monthly or pick a 3 month at a time plan. :)


Karen, it should be interesting with this new program and system. I have to get my weight under control again after slipping away during the holidays.




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Good luck Karen, I'm sure it will work if you follow the plan, that's the secret. Hey if Oprah can do it so can you!


I know I should call for a dr's appmnt but I don't want to go through a bunch of tests, so will wait till next week and see how I feel.


My sister said her daughter-in-law in Florida had the day off today so they went and looked at low income apartments. None of them will be available until

April but that would work for her if she decides to rent one. Sounds pretty good, swimming pool, tennis courts, aerobic activities. Might think about it myself if she moves.


I bought 2 more tickets for the PowerBall lottery tomorrow night, seems someone will have to win eventually! Wish when it gets that high they would dry several numbers, no one needs to win that much money.


It has been raining lightly most of the day and some of the snow has melted, now its getting very foggy. They are predicting 1 to 5 inches of snow starting sometime tomorrow, guess they moved it up a day. Good thing too because I have a dermatologist appmnt on Monday afternoon. By then the roads should be pretty good again unless it gets windy.


I don't blame you for hanging up on the jerk if he starts talking offensively to you. Nothing says you have to stand for that!


Enjoy you weekend,

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Sharon, that sounds like a good plan for your sister, and April is not that far off. A place like that is just what she would need, and they have just about everything she would need, and to stay healthy.


Yes, we need to get out and buy those power ball tickets. Since we are right on the boarder we buy them in 2 states.


It rained last night here and it was very foggy as well. Today it is raining and it looks like it will rain all day. Temps now are in the upper 30's but they will be falling this afternoon. So once they drop enough then it will turn into ice/snow again. I did see where we could get 2-5" of snowfall.




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Just saw a warning the highways are turning to ice, will be alot of accidents if people aren't careful. Glad I'm home! I went around 2pm and let my pet sitters dog out, they went to their daughters house and were going to be gone all day. It's a nice friendly dog so I don't mind at all.


Not much else going on today, think tomorrow I might not go to church, if its icey now, will still be icy in the morning. There will not be a sermon anyway, the choir is performing a cantata for both services.


Stay safe out there



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Sharon, we went out to Menards and to buy lottery tickets around 3. It was raining then. But shortly afterwards it started snowing hard, and by the time we got home there was about an inch. Then in the evening it was all rain again. So being that they were calling for single digits today Bill went out around 10:30 and cleared the thin coating away so it would not be a sheet of ice today. So you were smart to just stay inside yesterday and not to go out this morning. Around here the highways were all clear as they were out last night plowing and salting.


Today I am just staying inside now as well. I will just be doing a little house cleaning and getting things organized in the basement.


That is good that you can still do favors for your former pet sitter. That way if you need someone to keep an eye on your house if you go away, you will have her as well.


Stay warm,




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We got about 3 inches of snow again. I went out and shoveled the sidewalk to the front door and got the newspaper. While outside my plow guy came. He said I didn't have to pay him since there wasn't that much but he thought that I would have a big drift in front of the garage door like usual, but this time I didn't. I paid him anyway since he had to drive all the way over here and the time spent plowing.


I did not go outside the rest of the day, but kept hearing the state plow going about every half an hour or so all day. It was pretty windy and there are some wide open areas that the snow blows off the fields covering the road. Hopefully the wind will stop, I have that skin dr appmnt tomorrow afternoon. The dr just wanted to check a spot she had zapped the last time I was in there 3 months ago.


My sister said it was around 70 today, her and one of her sons and his family went to Venice to a whole foods market and they had a flea market right there also. Sounds like a fun day for her. She said it was hard to imagine it being so cold here since it is so nice there.


Got a text from my friend who went to Hawaii first before going to Florida for the winter. I'm thinking it must really be nice in Hawaii also!


You must have had to turn the heater on in your pond by now, this is pretty cold for the fish.


Guess we will have to buy lottery tickets again this week, someone just has to win soon, how many combinations are there for 5 numbers!

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, Bill said that he was going to buy the tickets today versus waiting until Wednesday. You are right about getting a winner soon.


Bill also will turn on the heaters for the pond this morning. The heaters do not heat the water it just creates a hole so they can get oxygen. They get oxygen from holes in the ice. They adapt to the changing temps and do just fine.


Yes, this is the coldest weather of the season thus far. You can bet that Hawaii is much more desirable that any where else, especially here.


So for us we got about an 1" 1/2 of snow/ice, and Bill went out about 10:30 to clear it away so it would not be like a rock the next day. There was no 1 else who did that, and the very next day all surfaces were all iced solid.



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Good thing he went out and did that, sure saved you some icy sidewalks.


It started with some flurries around 1pm today, just light ones. I went up to the bank and post office and while waiting in the drs office noticed it was snowing pretty good. The dr decided I have psoriasis and asked if I had been under any stress lately. I just replied, yes, yes I have. I guess that can bring it on. She prescribed some topical medicine but Walgreens has to order it and I can't get it until tomorrow. Luckily I got home before too much snow has fallen, but it is coming down pretty good again. I have heard, 1 in, 1 to 3 in and even 3 to 5 inches.


When I got home I looked out to the back fence line and saw that deer with the antlers wandering around back there. Looks like he is not coming up here so that is good. When he comes up here I worry about him going onto the road and getting hit.


I will buy the lottery tickets tomorrow when I go back up to Walgreens.

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Sharon, it did not start snowing around here until 4 pm. It was also coming down at a very fast clip. It stopped around here around midnight. Bill went out then to clear it away as he had heard today it would be very cold and windy.


So The Dr prescribed a topical medication for you to spread around the area. It was good that you were there before the roads got to covered with the snow. Today should be a better day to go out and pick up the medication.


Bill bought the tickets yesterday as well, while he was out. We use the 2 states since we are right on the boarder. By tomorrow it will be really crazy with the pot that size. Someone has to win it eventually.




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It is very chilly down here even had to put the heat on for the first time. I do not even know what I would do with all that money. I would take a month long cruise. lol Karen


With that kind of money I would take a round the world cruise.




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Hey we could all go together, wouldn't that be fun! I've "talked" to you both for a very long time but never met in person. I got my 2 numbers today too, seems funny we can walk right in and get them, no lines or anything like they are showing on tv.


I got my prescription but actually the area I'm supposed to put this oil on feels pretty good today, don't want to mess it up and get it started again.


My guy called to see if I wanted the driveway plowed but it hadn't drifted and it was only a couple of inches so I said no. I saw it is supposed to warm back up to around 38 later in the week.


I was reading a dr column in the newspaper today that sounded like my symptoms from last week with the stomach pains. This article said it could be an anurism. It can leak but it can also burst, and that can be fatal. So now I'm thinking I should go and get some tests done. But the roads are not the best between here and her office, especially with the blowing snow.


Got my new Fitbit Charge today, even was able to get it set up on my computer. Now I can start tracking my steps again, but with the cold weather, not going outside or doing many steps in the house. I should use my Bowflex in the basement. Been thinking about doing that lately.


Stay warm, Sharon

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Sharon, I am glad you read that article. When it comes to yourself, you should be taking the best care of yourself. If something is not right and it is lasting for awhile, then go and get it checked out. Of course in these extreme conditions, you have to be very mindful while driving around. There have been many accidents due to these extreme conditions.


It is really coming down here just now. The forecast was calling for an 1" of snow. But they have been wrong about the amounts around here lately. It is bitter cold and I guess we will just have to wait and see.


So you got your new fitbit. It looks like just walking around the house until these temps go above freezing. The grid looks like a roller coaster this week with above normal and below normal temps.


I have to laugh as well about being able to walk inside a store and purchase a ticket without waiting. When we see those lines of people waiting in line to buy a ticket. I do not think you would see me standing in line for over 2 hours just to buy a ticket.




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No snow here yet at 1pm, maybe we won't get it this time. There were a lot of accidents here too because of that light fluffy snow blowing back on to the roads, made them very slick. People don't use good judgement sometimes about speed either.


Isn't is strange how much money can be generated when the hope of winning some arises?


Thinking about seeing the girls tonight, but its bitter cold and still blowing here so not sure if they will all come or not. I'm a little worried about the road still too.


I did use the prescription oil last night on my head, then had to wash my hair this morning to get it out. Suppose to do that 5 to 7 days and see if it helps. So far today feels pretty good.


Supposed to warm up tomorrow, lets keep our fingers crossed.


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Sharon, it started snowing around here around 10 am. Luckily we got only a dusting, and it should be all cleared away with the temps possibly reaching 40 today. But it has been real cold at night.


The jerk will be staying down in Florida. But his brother will be hosting the after Christmas party for all of the staff tomorrow night. The jerk is kind of a bully to his brother and I am sure the brother enjoys himself when the jerk is away. Last year was the first time that they had it at a local bowling alley. Bill commented on it as being a well placed party. So they are doing it once again at that same place. Bill usually does not go as the places that they have had them in the past, he did not like the venues.


So what I have heard today. It looks like 3 people will be splitting the grand prize. The 3 areas are Florida, Tennessee, California. All 3 states do not have a state tax on the winnings. It sure was crazy with all of those people standing in line buying the tickets.


So did you go out last night, and if so how were the roads?


Good that your prescription is doing good for you. Hopefully it will continue to give you positive results.




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So Bill will be going with you tomorrow night, that's good. I have never heard of an after Christmas party. But you didn't have a before Christmas party did you? Hope you both have a good time. I think I am supposed to be going out to dinner either Saturday or Sunday with my pet sitter and her husband. She had text me earlier in the week to see which would work better for me, I told her I got nothing so either one will be fine. But haven't heard back from her.


I did go last night and the main highway was good. I made the mistake of taking a back road part of the way and it was all ice so it took longer to get there. On the way home I took the highway again.


I had a light on in my car that was saying I had a low front tire. I took it in today and had them check it, they said they have had a number of cars come in with the same light on. It's because of the cold weather it causes the air to contract or something. Funny by the time I got to the dealer today the light had went off. I had them do an oil change since it was almost due anyway.


This morning I was thinking the roads are pretty good and its suppose to be ok for a few days so I will call and make a dr appmnt for next week. When I called the gal said they had an opening at 4pm today. So I took it and went in and told her about my stomach cramps. She game me a kit to check for blood in the stool and a prescription to see if my blood levels were good. She said if all came back ok then we will not pursue it any further.


I had one number for the lottery but that didn't do me any good. Glad there were several people who won and several people that got a million.


TV in the front room says no signal so I tried to reboot didn't work, called customer service, they were no help either said to try same thing I had already tried. So they are coming out but not until Monday. I told her I pay way too much for this not to work for that long so she gave me a credit for the days it's not working. So I will have to watch tv in the bedroom since that one is still working This is the second time it's happened, last time I wanted to see the Rose parade. Luckily that time rebooting worked but not this time.



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Sharon, they do not do normal Christmas Parties. They are always after the holidays. Plus their mother passed away during the holidays. Bill seems to have a good time for this. As he has never gone to any of the other's. But they were not at this bowling alley but at a dive bar.


Yes, we only got 2 numbers, and that does not amount to anything. I heard that a couple stepped forward to claim their prize. I am sure it will take awhile to have it build up to something once again.


So it was good that you were able to get in so quickly to see the Dr. Hopefully no news will be good news.


It has been raining all morning and still is. Most of the snow is all gone. But then I hear starting tonight the temps will be starting to drop and by Sunday the temps will be the coldest of the season.


Now for us Bill has all of the air taken out of our tires and he fills the tires with nitrogen. That does not leak out like air and it stay in the tire. Once they are all finished they put a green cap on so they know what to properly put in.


It was good that you were able to get out with the gal's, and good that you will be going out to eat with you pet sitter over the weekend as well.


Stay dry,




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Where does he get the nitrogen, seems I've heard of that before from someone. My thought was how come only one tire was affected instead of all of them. Oh well, all seems to be good for now.


Now that I am thinking about it, maybe its not this weekend we will go out and eat. She only text what was better for me Sat or Sun and I assumed it was for this coming weekend. But now that I haven't heard anymore, I'm wondering.


Everything looks pretty wet but haven't noticed it raining. Must be pretty light if it is, we still have lots of snow.


Kinda wasted the day today, just fooling around on the computer.


Used to look forward to Friday nights because we went dancing now they are like every other night of the week.

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Sharon, Bill gets the nitrogen at the tire store he goes to. Since we bought our tires from there we get free tire rotation. So any tire place will be able to fill up your tires with the nitrogen. That is strange that only 1 tire was low. But that is the way it is with air in tires. Different one's will loose the air and not evenly.


I do remember you going out dancing on Friday nights. But don't you on Wednesday's have dancing at the place you go to?


It rained here all morning and now it has stopped. But I heard tonight the temps will be dropping some and we could get rain/snow/ice mix. By Sunday we are supposed to have the coldest temps of the season thus far.


Well if they were thinking about going out on Saturday, I would have thought she would have let you know by now. So maybe Sunday will be the day they are thinking about. Too bad it will be so cold on Sunday. Bill had to turn on the heaters in the pond when it was real cold this week. We have them turned off for a couple of day. But he will have to turn them on once again tomorrow night.


It is nice to waist away some days, nothing wrong with that. I wish I could waist away some days like any day.




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Yes we do some line dancing on Wednesday nights. Much different than couples dancing with Bill.


Still no call about dinner so around 7 pm fixed myself something to eat. Looked again at that text she sent me on Monday. It did say, which is best for you this weekend Sat or Sun. So it is supposed to be this weekend, maybe something came up and she forgot.I don't mind letting their dog out so its not even necessary they take me out. I did tell her that too.


Got a postcard from a friend in Hawaii today. Also saw a picture of my sister with her son in Punta Gorda, Fl this afternoon. She said they went to a farmers market. It was around 80 degrees. She looked good.


Going to be cold tomorrow but going to church anyway. I didn't go last week with the roads not being good.


Stay warm, Sharon

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Sharon, yes this is the coldest temps of the season thus far. We had to turn on the heaters in the pond once again.


I am glad to hear that your sister is doing well in Florida. Where her and her son where taking a picture is exactly where the jerk has his house.


So yesterday afternoon we decided to take the train down to McCormick Place to attend this years boat and RV show. So afterwards the Hyatt connects there and we went and had dinner before returning home on the train. Lucky it was not that cold as now.


So now I am leaving to go with Bill for his rehearsal. Afterwards they all are going to a place in Bowlingbrook, an Irish pub to take pictures of the cast. So we will not be home until 8 or 9 tonight. So that is the reason he asked me to go with him.


Yes, indeed stay warm. It would be nice for us all to be in Hawaii.




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