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I was down there at Punta Gorda quite a few years ago with my sister. Its very nice. We had a good time looking around and ended up having a drink on the pier.


So the "cast" is all ready for the big production! How many shows will they be doing and do you know what exactly Bill will be doing? I think its just great that he is doing that.


Did you see any car that you would like to have at the show? Saw some on TV but those are usually the far out ones or real expensive ones.


I went to dinner tonight with my pet sitter and her hubby. It was a real nice Italian place. Her and I had shrimp and scallops over linguine and he had salmon. They split some kind of chocolate brownie and I had a piece of key lime pie. It was funny I got a text around noon from her saying they would pick me up about 4:15 and one just before that from her also, dated 1/12, saying Sunday it is. I don't know where that one had been for 5 days and then to show up right before the one at noon today???


Got to church this morning, there was a welcome program this afternoon I missed for the new pastor. There will be two of them, co-pastoring. The one we have had, the one that came so many times to see Bill and give him communion has a very sick wife and it has been hard on him to keep up with everything he needs to do. This should help him be able to take a breather once in awhile. He is so good though, hope the new one can live up to the challenge.


Tell Bill to "break a leg" ha ha



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Sharon, I always am doubting Bill on almost everything. So I told him I would go with him today, but I figured I would be board stiff. It was great to see the actual making of the play, versus the actual performance. I only saw act I, but it was moving and fun to watch. Especially when Bill went on.


So I got to say I was very surprised with the rehearsal. It is called My Home, My Heart, My Ireland. At one point I was even crying. So I do not know if you ever goggled this? But this is set in a small Irish Town in Western Ireland. So you have these family and friends all Irish and then you have a group of Americans who come on a vacation to Ireland.


So the scene starts at the local Irish Pub owned by this Irish man who lost his wife some years ago. About a 1/4 way into the first act the Americans arrive and Bill plays this character called Big Jake, his wife, and older son. So I met Bill's stage wife and she was very nice. So Bill's charter is a very rich cattle man who owns 1 of the biggest ranches in Dallas.


So there is not only acting, but singing and dancing. So the 1 scene where the man who owns the pub sang a song about his departed wife, and I was brought to tears. So now I have pictures and I can tell my friends and family what it actually about. I am glad I went and perhaps I will go back sometime when they are doing act II. So ha, ha, I plan on taking a ad in their program and saying that very same thing.


So we went actually to the boat and RV show yesterday. The auto show is next month. But those boats and RV's are way out of our price range. You'll never guess who I saw there yesterday, Mouch from Chicago Fire. I watch that every week. I don't know if you watch that or not?


So it was good that you were able to go out today with the pet sitter couple and have a nice dinner or late lunch.


Too bad about your pastor's wife, and it is good that they have brought in help for him.


This was an unusual weekend for us being so very busy that we were. But all in all it was a nice weekend.



Stay warm,




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That sounds like a very interesting show he is in, I bet he was glad you went also to support him. It must be pretty good acting for you to really get into it. When is opening night and how long will it go on.


I don't watch Chicago fire, but its always fun to see a celebrity!


So very cold outside today, sunny but just too cold. This morning I went and got the blood test the dr ordered today at the hospital. This afternoon the nurse called and the blood was at an ok level. I also completed the 3 day stool test and mailed it in to the dr. Luckily I already had the colonoscopy so this test was just a precaution.


I plan on finally going back to zumba tomorrow. I haven't done any type of exercise for about 7 months so don't know how sore I'll feel afterwards.


Hope we don't get the snow they are now predicting for Tuesday night.

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Sharon, there are 3 performances, February 19, 20, 21. So I may go back and watch the second act someday. As it is interesting watching the rehearsals. Gives me an idea how everything was set up behind the scenes.


Yes, it is very cold outside. I guess after tomorrow it will start warming up above freezing. I think we are set to get more snow than you. They said tracking south. We are expecting about 2.5".


Good that you were able to get out for the blood work. Hopefully everything will come back A-OK.


Good for you going back to Zumba. I am sure you will feel muscle pain for a few days until you get those mussels worked once again. For me this Friday I have bunco at one of the gals house.


Stay warm,




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How did Bill find out about the play? I know he has done some interesting things that he found on the computer. Yes I think you should go and see the whole play, sounds like it would be very good.


I did got to zumba today and yes I am sore. If I sit down for a bit and get up I can feel it in my legs especially. Will try and go Tues and Thurs, one good thing is I remembered most of the routines, and there was only a couple of new ones that weren't that hard to pick up. There was only 3 of us and the instructor. Afterwards one of the gals said let go to breakfast so we all went. I told the waitress separate checks but she said no, put it on one, I said but its hard to separate it all up, she said no, I'm paying today. So that was nice of her.


Even though it was only 8 degrees today, it didn't feel too bad with no wind and the sun. Sorry but I'm glad you are getting the snow instead of us. There is still probably 4 to 5 inches of snow on the ground here and the one snow bank from plowing when we had that ice storm is still almost as tall as I am.


Guess you got enough people to play bunco, such a fun game.



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Sharon, when Bill coached this group going to the Honolulu Marathon. This 1 guy is a member of this theater guild and he is always sending Bill the info on upcoming plays and auditions. So he went and auditioned back in November and here we are. So he has rehearsals 3 days a week, Sunday afternoon, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. So for the 3 performances next month thus far there are about 60 people friends and family who will be coming over those 3 days. One couple are driving from Michigan as the owners of that boat we stay on over the summer.


Well that was nice of the lady to buy the breakfast. After a few weeks you should be all limbered up and back to where you was before. I would think that it was nice just having 4 for a change. So the routine was not very crowded, and gave you plenty of room to exercise.


We only ended up with just a little over an inch of snow last night. Just about all of our previous snowfall was almost all gone from the previous snows, except where the snow was piled up from plowing and snow blowing. But most of the grass was all cleared away. But it does feel good to have it warming up now.


I do not know if you have been paying attention to the news. But starting tonight and for a few days, and if the skies are clear we are supposed to be able to see 5 planets with our eyes in the night ski. I guess the last time this happened it was 2 decades ago and it may be a few more before it happens again. So that means we may not be around for the next 1.




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That's a lot of friend and relatives, does it make Bill nervous, it would me! But he is probably very well rehearsed and ready for his debut.


We did have about an inch or so of snow last night, enough that the plows were going again. I did not have the driveway plowed, not enough for that.


Going to see the girls tonight, talk and do a little dancing.


I did hear somewhere about the planets, wonder if you will be able to see them without a telescope. I'm not sure which direction to look for them.


Not much else new here, staying in most of the day.



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Sharon I am always asking Bill about anything he does about being nervous, and I always keep getting the same response, no. But you are right, as like you, I would be real nervous as well. This theater they are having the performance it holds 400 seating capacity.


It is warming up each day, but it is still cold outside. Our pond is almost totally froze over. I think that 1 of our heaters is not working.


So how was going out last night and did you have a chance to do some line dancing. There are parts where Bill is doing the Texas 2 step in the play.


So I got a call last night telling me that our bunco club was canceled for this Friday. The lady that is hosting it is going to be short 2 members and she does not want to find replacements. So she just canceled it. The next 1 will be sometime in February.


Stay warm,




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Gee, I must have forgotten to post last night for some reason. I went to zumba in the morning and then in the afternoon went to a movie by myself. I saw The Revenant, it was a good movie with beautiful scenes, it was filmed in the Canadian Rockies. The lead actor sure had to work the whole movie though, so many hardships he overcame.


Too bad about the bunco game being cancelled, sometimes it just doesn't fit into peoples schedules though.


That is a good sized theater for Bill's "performance". He will have to take you out dancing and put to use that two step he learned. It is a lot of fun and you would like it I think. A couple of our friends have birthdays the beginning of Feb and they will probably celebrate them at the dance place. I think I will try and go. I need to get out a little, been having too much time and getting too many ailments due to stress.


So glad we are not getting that snow headed for the east coast. My granddaughter's husband works for the electric company in Texas and they sent him and a crew to North Carolina this morning. Then I saw on the news that Com Ed had also sent crews out east. Wondering if they are right about the amount of snow or again guilty of hyping it up.


Looks to be a nice weekend, enjoy


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Sharon, I think they are right this time with all of the snow falling out there. Like you said, better them than us. Just imagine if we got that amount of snow here. I do not even want to think what it would be for us.


It is good that you are getting out to see movies. There has been a lot of stir about the Oscar's and the nomination process.


Oh well it was good for me especially today not being so tired when after a night of bunco. So I woke up rested today.


I got to tell you that I was pleasantly surprised watching the rehearsal and I can't wait to watch the second act next. Or maybe I will just go and watch both act together. In a few week I will go on a Sunday and watch the Irish Dancers that they will have performing. Tonight we are going to a party at someone's house for the cast and crew.




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Seems like this play has opened up a wbole new social group for you both. Always nice to make new friends.


yes I saw they are right this time about the amount of snow. My granddaughter said N. Carolina cancelled the request for more elec help so her husband spent the night and the crews headed back home.


when I woke up this morning my nose was real cold. I discovered the furnace had quit some time during the night. I called Bill's son that has the heating & AC repair business. Told him I didn't know how busy he was or even if he wanted to come but to let me know so I could call some one else if he couldn't come. I waited till 3pm and then called him again, wanted to know if I should calll someone else, it was getting pretty cold. He answered this time and said good I had called back, he didn't get the first message, He said it had been a bad day, they had had a "family" meeting and everyone now hates everyone else, in regards to the trust. I said you mean they don't all hate me now? Anyway he had already had a drink and didn't want to drive but he would be over first thing in the morning. So I've had the fireplace and a space heater on. I will sleep in the front room tonight, its pretty comfortable in here now.


Yes I never thought about there only being white nominees for the awards. Wonder how the show will go with several boycotting it. I like to warch just to see what the people are wearing.

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Sharon, it was nice meeting new people, and everyone wanted to know who the part Bill was playing as we never met a lot of the people. There were only 7 cast members out of 17 who attended. We enjoyed ourselves and got home close to 11.


You know I do not get into all of this race stuff. I try to steer clear of all of this and that. I feel there is way too much of that crap going around.


So is it today that Bill's son is coming to fix your heat? Does he like you, and I think it is interesting that they are all fighting now. There is no doubt that Bill would not have approved of all of this hatred that is going on.


I do not even want to think of what it would be like having all of that snow. I feel it is better them than us.




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I had the fireplace and a heater on all night and slept in the front room in my recliner, it was nice and warm. Bill's son did come this morning a little after 8 am. Just before he came I got to thinking it was funny that the thermostat did not register the temperature so when he came I mentioned it to him. Before he went downstairs to the furnace he checked the thermostat and asked me if I had changed the batteries. I said I didn't know it had batteries. He popped the cover off and sure enough there were two AA batteries. I gave him some new ones, he put them in and the furnace kicked right on. That was the only problem! Then he sat down and we talked for about an hour. He said the duo from hell, as I call them, wanted everyone to chip in and buy the farm, have shares. I told him if they were proposing that they would have to contact me and the 4 sons of his late sister who get her share. He says it wouldn't work because he would be the one doing all the work and they would all want their share of the money. Which is probably true. Now they are getting a second appraisal as everyone thinks the older son in charge told the first appraiser to raise it as high as possible. It is really a mess. He said I should not have resigned as trustee it would have went much better with me in it to keep everyone happy. Now I am sorry I did, probably should not have listened to my lawyer but at that point I didn't even know what I was doing but protecting my rights and property from being put into the trust.


Nice you had a good time, surprised more of the cast didn't go to the party too.


So happy I have heat in the house again, will sleep good tonight, didn't get much sleep in the recliner.

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Sharon, wow I did not know that the thermostats had batteries in them either. I 'd had better check ours. I'll bet you felt kind of funny not having heat and only finding out the problem was only batteries. Well that sounds like a real mess with all of them fighting. I am sure you are glad that you are not in the middle of all of that crap.


There was a lot of members of the guild there but only 7 actual cast members. There were a few producers there as well. The first time this play was cast was 20 years ago. So there was 2 original members of the original cast there. So it was interesting talking to them and what it was like the first time it was cast.


The jerk called from Florida and today he is going for jury duty. So I hope he gets picked for something big so he is doing his jury duty for a long time. But the real reason he called me was to go over some of the past books. He originally wanted me to do that on Saturday evening and we settled on yesterday afternoon.


Temps should be close to 40 today and I guess rain is forecast for tonight.




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I bet that was interesting talking to the original actors. Did they have pointers for the ones now or think it was good this time too. Do you think you would like to be in a show? What about Bill, does he have the acting bug and would like to do more?


I think thats terrible making you work on Sunday. He should arrange his schedule Monday through Friday and let you enjoy your weekends. Yes lets hope he gets on a year long case!


It is raining here but supposed to change to snow, hope it doesn't get slippery. I want to go to zumba tomorrow morning.


I got a new phone I ordered from HSN, it came with 1200 minutes and a year of service. If I add minutes I get triple minutes. I spent most of last night trying to get it set up. I think it is smarter than I am. It is 5.5 inches and I now realize it is too big to put in my pocket. Don't know if I am going to like it but stuck with it for at least a year. Maybe I will get used to it.

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Sharon, that seems to be the trend now with phones, bigger. Perhaps with time you will get used to it.


Well now for that party. They all said it was a good cast, and was just having fun stories. Absolutely not for me. Bill however, it will depend on what kind of play it will be, if he will get involved again. I guess time will tell.


Now for us it started raining around 5 and it never turned to ice or snow. As a matter of fact, most of the snow is all gone now around here, except in some areas where the plows pushed it into a big pile.


Now for the jerk, the first time he was called it was for a weapon violation and he said he does not like guns. So they let him go. But then he was called later on for another case and he is going back today. So I agree, I hope he has to stay on this case for a very long time. If he does maybe he will move out of Florida and back to here. But I do not think that will ever happen.




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It did change to snow last night but the roads were ok anyway. I went to zumba and there is a couple of new gals that have been coming the last 2 weeks. Ones is around 40 ish and the other is younger, maybe her daughter looks to be in her 20's. I don't know their names but they seem nice enough and must have been doing zumba before because they picked up the routines pretty fast. At the end of the class the older one asked me, do you mind if I ask how old you are? I took a minute and thought, I don't even know your name, why should I tell you how old I am! So I said yes I do mind. She said well I didn't mean anything, I just thought you do everything so good I was just wondering. Then Mandy the instructor said, oh she's around 40 or so, ha ha. I said yeah, I'll take 40 or even 50 but thats all.


Then I went down to the Sec of State office to get the title changed on Bill's car and get a new license plate. The title had been in both of our names so I had to take the death certificate. The gal waited on me was older and very nice. She got it all done but the printer wouldn't work so I had to wait quite a little while for the paperwork. She said why don't you go sit down until it prints and I'll bring it over to you when it's done. After about 20 minutes it printed out and she brought it over. Then she said, you have been so patient, why don't you go home and eat a doughnut, and while you're at it better take a nap, you look tireder than hell! So I guess today was just not my day. Oh by the way it cost $196 to change the title and get an Illinois license plate. It had been titled in Wisconsin and had WI plates.


Hope the jerk gets a murder case, that would tie him up for quite some time! But he would still probably call you, unless they got sequestered for the trial duration, ha ha


Today we had snow showers all day then around 4pm it started to stick to the ground again. Tired of winter, bring on spring!

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Sharon, I agree with you that the jerk will be tied up for a very long time. I never heard back from him at all yesterday, so I have no idea. I just got in a short time ago as I had to see this Dr about possible RA or something else.


Now for us we did not get any sticking snow around here. It was snowing very lightly but nothing ever stuck anyplace.


Boy that was real busy body of that lady asking you that especially when you were never introduced and I think she came out with that question totally wrong.


That was kind of steep for doing that change and getting new plates. Now I am told that due to cut backs the state will not be sending renewal notices for licence plates. I would think that a lot of people who do not pay attention will be getting tickets for expired plates.


So thank you for telling me that story about you loosing your heat. I told Bill and he had to call up his friend who used to be in the heating and AC business. He told Bill how to take off the cover and there was 2 AA batteries. Now the batteries all have expiration dates. Even though the batteries did not expire for 2 more years. He replaced them and the new one's are good for 10 years. I would have felt real stupid if I had to pay for a service call just to change the batteries. So neither of us knew about the batteries and by having dead batteries would shout off the heat.




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Glad my experience with the thermostat helped you, it is a little thing but can cause big problems. Bill's son has a heating and refrigeration business so that's why he knew after of course I pointed out to him that the temperature was not registering on the thermostat.


I asked the gal at the Sec of State office yesterday how you renew your sticker when you don't get a form. Just look at your sticker and make a note to yourself as to when it needs to be renewed.

To get the sticker you need to bring in your old registration or plate number and your Government issued ID card. Stop at the auditor station and ask an employee to print you up a renewal notice. If you prefer to renew by mail, leave 30 days mail time for your sticker, make a copy of your old registration, use your own envelope and mail to: Secretary of State, License Renewal, 3710 Winchester Rd, Springfield, IL 62707-9700. My car is due in March so I'll have to go back then, prefer that to mailing.


Going to meet the girls tonight, there will be two less, one is sick and the other ones mother is sick. Still enough for a nice visit though.

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Sharon, thank you again as both of us did not know that about the thermostat. Bill had to call and ask his friend. Also lucky that you pointed it out to him. Otherwise he would have been downstairs and trying to figure out what is wrong. At least it was a simple fix and you had a nice time talking and visiting.


In the past we would always mailed them in, but we were getting renewal notices in the mail. So like you we most likely will go in person. I know last year I was able to renew my divers license at the auto show. So since we have already bought our show tickets and got the senior discount, perhaps we will be able to renew at the auto show in a few weeks. Mine is up in April and Bill's is in March also. I really do not like going to a Sectary Of State office. So we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. If not then thank you for getting mer that info. If we can not do it at the show then I have that. Bill will be able to, but we shall see about me.


So a few weeks ago we went to the RV & Boat show. I think I told you. We ate at the Hyatt bar restaurant that connects to the place. So I had heard over this past weekend a guy was shot dead there, as a fight broke out and the gun came out and shot him. I certainly would not like to be around when something like that happens.


Have fun tonight talking and doing some dancing. It should be clear and just cold. January has flown by, as February is in a few days. We are in leap year. We will have to think of some kind of leap year celebration.




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That is very scary, you never know now a days when someone is going to just start shooting at everyone for no reason! Even when I go to the show or the mall I think about it.


That would be great if you could renew your stickers at the auto show, would save you a trip and probably a long wait at the Sec of States office.


Last night going to meet the girls the roads were really bad. The wind was so strong every open spot the snow was blowing onto the road. I would be driving along 55 mph at then there would be several inches of snow on the road with only tire tracks through it. I was worried about going home but strangely the roads were much better at 10pm then they had been at 7pm. So that was good.


Today had zumba, then went to Aldi's, they had milk, bananas, cucumbers and avocado's on sale. All were cheaper than the regular grocery stores or Walmart.


My nephew called a little bit ago, he wants to come over tomorrow morning and take another look at my truck. He is thinking of buying it, I didn't even know he was interested in it. It is in the pole barn and the gate to the back yard is frozen in the snow so I don't think we will be able to even get it open to drive it out. I would like to get as much as I can for it and I know he doesn't have all that much money, so kind of predicament. At least he said if there was anything I want him to do while he is here to let him know. I do want him to put the new license plates on the car so that will be a good thing to get done.


My sister said when she called today there was a tornado around Miami, the night before, nothing where she is staying so that was good. It's a strange time to be having tornado's in Florida.


Guess the two friends that are having a birthday are waiting until next Friday and having them together. The one said they will come and pick me up so I can ride with them. That's kind of nice cause it will be late when we come home and I'd rather be with someone.


Yes February is right around the corner!

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Sharon, not like you I do not think of those things until they happen, and then I think how lucky we are. I always say that nothing happens good after midnight. But there is way too much violence going on in our world.


So get this, the jerk was at the jury duty for 2 days and it was for a possession charge, so who do they pick for the jury foreman, yes the jerk.


We did not get the snow like you did. So that was good that the roads were much better on your way home. Also good that you will be picked up next week for the birthday celebration. So with Bill going to rehearsals now during the week he is gone during the night. So he has to travel out and brave the conditions. I really do not like being home alone.


So today your nephew is coming over to hopefully look at the truck. So if you come to terms with him maybe he can free the gate. Then do some things around the house for you as well. Or maybe come back and do some things later.


Yes I did hear about that tornado in Florida. I agree I have never heard of that before at this time of year.


It would be nice if we could get our plates renewed while at the show this year. I was thrilled last year when I renewed my drivers licence.


I agree that Aldi's is a good place for cheaper brands. I do not use them much around here as the area is not all that safe.


I went with Bill a few weeks ago to watch Act I and now I am going with him on Sunday to first watch the Irish Dancers. I guess they will have about 20 kids performing. Then after that I will see them doing Act II. I enjoy meeting the cast members and watching behind the scenes of them setting this play up. Plus it is a hoot watching Bill.




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I agree not much good happens after midnight!


I'm glad that information about the thermostat was helpful to you.


I bet that really fed the ego of the jerk being the foreman.


It takes some getting used to being alone at night, I'm not there yet either. It's lonesome with no one to talk to. Lucily for you Bill will be back home more after the play is over.


My nephew put the new plates on the car today, also took apart two of my porch lights and put new bulbs in them. He tightened up the screws on the deck gate and aired up a low tire on the truck. We tried to start the truck but the battery wasn't charged up enough to start. He is coming back next week to try to start it again, I'll put the charger on it probably Friday. He said to make a list of other things I need done but I don't think I have too many things right now.


The weather man has started tracking that snow storm that is supposed to hit us on Tuesday, hope it tracks a littke more north! I don't think you will get any of it, maybe rain.


Sunday sounds like it will be a fun day for you, enjoy!

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Sharon, right now on Tuesday the temps are calling for mid 40's as well as tomorrow. Depending on how that temp goes will determine weather it will stay all rain or change to ice/snow. Either way it will be very wet.


Yes, I am sure that it was a huge ego booster for the jerk. All of the family is at the mother's house dividing up who want what and taking it out of there so they can put the place up for sale. There a 11 kids in the family, so it could turn into a real mess.


Today shortly I am going to a cub scout pinewood derby for my 3 GK's all boys. Tomorrow we will go and watch these 20 kids who will be the Irish Dancers and then they will do Act II. So then I will have watched both Acts. Perhaps I will go back once they will do both Acts together.


Well that is good that your nephew is doing things around your place. Perhaps next week he will be able to start it up and you can come to terms with him. I would think you would be much better dealing with a family member, versus having strangers come to your place.




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I started another 1,000 piece puzzle so that took up most of my day. Tomorrow will go to church so that will get me out of the house for a while.


It will be interesting to see what kind of weather we get this coming week tgey have been talking about it so much.


I remember both of my boys making pine wood derby cars and racing them.


Hope your bosses relatives do a better job dividing stuff up then Bill's kids are doing


My sister said again she wished I would come down before she comes home. I would like to, the flighs are cheap enough but I don't want to stay with her kids and a week at a hotel would be pretty expensive. Then too she has no transportation and I wouldn't either.


Enjoy the dancers and act II tomorrow

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