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I wonder if people are getting nervous as the opening date approaces and that is why they are getting snippy. I would not like that either. Hope things calm down so it continues to be an enjoyable experience for all.


Did you have enough time to see everything you wanted to at the auto show? I saw the Hundai luxury car, think it was called the Genusis on tv. I would like to have that one, they also showed some way, way out of my price range. Seems the crossovers are getting more popular too, wonder when the price will come down. They showed one that could go 200 miles on one charge.


Have had the Grammys on, what a bunch of crap! Don't know how anyone can like those songs, mostly a bunch of yelling.


Had the laser treatment on my scalp today, only felt a little warm so was ok. Will have then twice a week for a while. I was glad the roads were ok. I had called my plow guy and told him not to come, not enough snow. Then I went out to shovel the sidewalk and it was so light that I ended up shovelling the whole driveway. It's a circle driveway so took a while but on the plus side I got my 10,000 steps in on my fitbit.



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Sharon, that was good for you and the fitbit. Bill went out yesterday morning and cleared it all away with our blower. He said he was out there 1 hour. I am sure you will be seeing results with going 2 days a week for the treatments.


Bill has been staying there for 6 and 7 hours thus far. Now starting tonight he will be there at 7 and he figures he will be home close to midnight. Bill talked to a man who if friends with that lady, and he said the closer to the performance she will be getting much worse. Bill is on the edge with her and if she says anything else to him he is going to give it right back to her.


We saw everything that I wanted to except the foreign stuff. We saw 1 car a regular looking car that was listed at $101,000. I just wasn't feeling all that good with being at that kid's birthday party that afternoon. I agree I will be waiting for the prices to come down on those electric cars as well. 200 mpg would be real nice.


Temps should be warming up each and everyday this week.




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Hello everyone!

I'm a Holistic Wellness Coach and representative for Bodybyvi. Would love to assist you in achieving your weight loss goals! I'm currently down 60lbs in less than 90 days and feel fabulous! Contact me if you'd like to join me in getting fit and healthy!


God Bless!



Jewel, I would be interested in hearing more about your program.




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Some people cannot handle pressure and those people are a pain in the rear to others! Hopefully she lays off of Bill. Only a few more days till showtime!


My microwave runs fine but it has a bar you push to open it and that bar does not work right anymore. Sometimes I have to push it several times to open it and most times now I have to really slam the door to get it to kick in and run. I think its only a matter of time before it wont work anymore. So yesterday I was reading reviews on microwaves. Today I ordered a Panasonic on line from Target. The price was $159.00, and Best Buy, Home Depot and Walmart were all higher priced. It has free shipping and should be here on the 23rd.


My granddaughter sells Thrive products, pills, shakes and patches. She says it makes you have more energy, sleep good, helps joint mobility and just improves your life in general. I have not bought into it yet but am getting closer to thinking I might. When I talked to my sister tonight she said both her boys in Florida take it. I didn't know that.


We had snow flurries all day and they finslly added up and covered the driveway. Heard the plow going again tonight . Roads should be ok if it warms up like they say.

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Sharon, how interesting. I went to Target yesterday and bought a microwave for work, as the old 1 had stopped working. How interesting is that , we both had microwave issues.


Last night we picked up about 1/2" of snow. Really nothing to bother with, as I am sure the sun is melting it all away today. Although Bill had said driving was a little dicey last night. Bill got home close to 11:30. So thus far last night was the shortest time he has spent there. Bill said he is just going to avoid that rude lady all together.


Yes, I never got a chance to call that lady as I cannot be calling anyone while at work, and once I get home I am worn out. But what you said makes perfect sense. Interesting that both of your sisters sons are taking that.




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What kind of microwave did you end up buying? Yes that's quite a coincidence that we both bought one!


I had a friend call me the other day and ask if I wanted to go to a local play, The Odd Couple on Sunday. I really don't have anything else to do and thought it might be fun now that I kind of know all the work behind the scenes from what you tell me Bill is going through.


I had my second treatment yesterday and last night had hard time getting to sleep, my head was itching. They raised the strength of the "rays" up a little and that made the difference. Hope that doesn't last another night. I have a few days now for it to go away before another treatment on Monday.


Guess the warm up starts today and for the next several, should get rid of the snow from the other day, and maybe the ice still piled up from quite a while ago.


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Sharon, Bill got home last night around 11:30 once again. So tonight is the last official rehearsal. So I would think he will get home tonight around the same time or maybe even later. They start live on Friday.


I picked up a Panasonic Microwave. Now let's see how long this will last before they break this one.


Well if your affected area continues to bother you I would call and talk to the nurse and ask her if there is either something to put on the area or maybe something that will help you to sleep better.


Yes, there is so much work for them to be getting ready to perform to a live audience and so much work that goes into the behind the scenes. So that sounds like a good play to be going to on Sunday with your friends. After this matinee on Sunday they all have to stay afterwards and tear down the set and put everything away.


Today I did hear that temps will be warming up and tomorrow I heard that it could get close to 60. I agree that most of this snow/ice should be almost all gone shortly.




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I bought a Panasonic too. That is what I had before. This one has a sensor setting to monitor the moisture in food so it cooks just the right amount. I was surprised to get home from zumba this morning and see it sitting on my front door step. I just ordered it two days ago and they said it would be delivered on the 23rd. Don't know how they got it here so fast, it was free shipping.

My old one was bigger than this one and heavier. I had to lift it off the stand and put this one up there. Now I am wondering how to get rid of the old one. This one is 1.6 cub ft and the old one must have been a full size 2.2.


So far today my head feels a little better, its almost like I get a slight sunburn. So hoping to sleep good tonight.


The gal at zumba said they are having a bunco game again in May so that will be good. Always fun to do.


It sure doesn't feel any warmer today the wind is actually howling out there, and that makes it feel pretty cold.


I saw that gas had went up to $1.59 at most stations this morning, then I came across one that had not changed. So even though I was only down about a little more than a quarter I filled up at $1.49. Going to need it anyway sooner or later, so might as well save a dime.


Tell Bill good luck tomorrow, I know after all this preparation he will do great!



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Sharon, once again that is really something. We both bought the same microwave and at the same time. You cannot beat free shipping and such fast delivery. Look to your local village, as ours has a few places that accepts old electronics, or appliances.


I agree about the weather today. With the high winds it does feel much colder. Tomorrow is suppressed to be close to 60, but very high winds once again. So I guess we will just have to wait and see how that affects the temps for tomorrow. But today did not feel very warm with that wind howling.


By us in Indiana I paid $123 last week and now today I see it at $161. I have no idea why it jumped up so high in just a few days. It seem like they are always finding ways to be sticking it to us all.


It is good that you head is feeling much better, and hopefully it will continue to improve each and everyday. Also good to hear that your area will be having another group bunco. It seems like you enjoy playing the game. Always better with a nice group.


If I was Bill I would be getting very nervous. But he just keeps everything in stride and just goes along like nothing different is going on in his life. I cannot wait to see the actual live performance with out stopping and running it all the way through. My sister screwed me today. They had me order 2 tickets for them and now today she canceled. But good news, it looks like 2 more are looking for tickets friends of my daughter. So it looks like I am off the hook.




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I found a place that would not only take the old microwave but pay me also. It is a recycling center I took some cans to a while back. I picked up a list of things they would take and microwaves were on it. They paid me 75cents. Now if they would only takeTV's!


When I left to take the microwave my car said my left tire had only 19 pound in it instead of the 31 the others had. So I drove right to the dealer and had them look at it. It had some kind of strange nail in it, so got it fixed for $26.00


Glad you found someone else to take the tickets, doesn't that make you mad when someone cancels at the last minute that asked you to get them tickets. I'm excited for you to see the play, you will have to tell me all about it and how everything went.


The wind has been really bad today, I saw several semi's blew over on the toll way and blocked up traffic for miles. I thought they used to have a rule banning semi's and trailers when it was so windy.


It seems strange to look outside and not see snow anymore, this last warm up and wind had taken care of most all of it. Still have that big pile of ice but that should go to this week. Makes you think spring is just around the corner.



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Sharon, that is good that you found a place to take the microwave. Wow, $.75 what a bargain. Now if you can find a place that takes TV's. I know we have some in our basement, and Bill has found a place to take them to. But he has not had the time to do so just yet.


I agree that the wind was vary high yesterday, I heard about all of the damage downtown. I was worried about a projectile coming at me.


That is good that you have the sensors to let you know that your tire was going flat. I know for mine we have nitrogen and that is not supposed to deflate like just air. But most of my tire pressure is down and we need to get it to the tire place and get it back up to the normal.


So it was a very late night for the both of us. I had a friend drive me and then afterwards the performance we went to a party with the cast and crew of the play. The house was just behind the theater and we walked there.


Now it was a real surprise as we did not know that the group that Bill has been involved with in the marathon training all came to see the performance last night. These are former coaches and friends and former participants.


Everyone was totally shocked to see Bill on stage and the comets were what a great voice and that Coach Bill was in a musical. He did really good and yes, his voice really traveled throughout the theater. There was no one who had a problem hearing Bill talk.


Resting and cleaning today. It should not be as late tonight, as after the play we will come back home and rest up for the finial performance tomorrow afternoon. I am sure the younger cast members will be going out tonight after the play. The old folks need to rest.




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I'm so glad the play went well, always good when you can hear the people talking too. Sounds like Bill made quite an imoression on his friends.


It was a little windy this morning but it died down after noon. So I went for about an hour walk. Needed to get out of the house for a while.


Tomorrow will go to church and then to the play so that will be good. I talked with my sister

today but she has gotten a cold since she came bsck so I don't want to get together with her, afraid I might catch it.


Have fun again tonight,


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The play this afternoon was very good. It was the Odd Couple and both the guys that played the lead parts fit them. It was a small old theater and they had a good crowd. They played this week and next week also. Aterwards we went to a place called the pizza ranch. Not only pizza but a buffet with broasted chicken, potatoes, salad bar and desserts. Really ate too much but was hungry since I had only had a sweet roll for breakfast and some popcorn at the play.


Weatherman had said above normal all week, now I heard could be snow on Wednesday. With all their equipment you would think they could do a better job predicting!


Bill's daughter's assisted living home had the roofing shingles and paper blow completely off. It looks like the roof itself is ok and they residents can stay. But that was some wind!


Back to Monday tomorrow!



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Sharon, great performances all 3 days. Yesterday was a matinee performance and it started at 2 pm. We had the most people attending yesterday with 12. Bill really nailed the last performance as well as the other 2. But yesterday was the best with a very high energy level and with the audience as well. Afterwards they all had to pitch in and help break down the set. As the guild only rents the theater for 1 week and they have to put everything away and clean up everything.


So it took about an 1 1/2 hours to tear everything down. Then a Champagne toast and then dinner. So we got home a little after 9 and I took my bath and went straight to bed. Bill was exhausted as well as it has been a very long week for him. All the younger folk went to a cast members house and continued the party. Everyone who went was so impressed with his talent and performance and such a commanding voice.


We had the couple who owns the boat that we stay on every year for the holiday weekends. They drove down this morning. Also a group of members from the country club came today. I think that over the 3 day performances we had about 30 who attended all total.


I agree that you should be staying clear of your sister. She should have stayed longer as well. It was good that you were able to get out for a nice walk as well. How was the play that you attended yesterday?


Back to the bump and grind




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I think you missed a post, I did two of them. The one right sbove yours tells you how the play was that I went to. It ran for two weeks, Fri, Sat and Sun. Too bad after all that rehearsing that Bill's play only went one weekend. So maybe he has the acting bug now and will look into finding another part time to play. It did look like all the actors were having a good time in the play I saw.


My sister went to the doctor today to get some cold medicine and codiene cough syrup. She said he told her she was pretty congested. Hope it kicks in quick and she gets over it.


I was sitting at the dr's office waiting to go in for my scalp treatment when I saw Bill's sister come in. I pulled out my phone and acted busy with it. She sat down one chair away from me. Finally I said hi to her and she said I didn't even notice you with your head down. Luckily just then they called my name to go in so I didn't have to talk to her anymore.



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Sharon, I did miss 1 of your posts. But it has just been real crazy around here and I have been going to PT early in the morning for my hand. I have some nights where I do not sleep very well and other's when I do.


So starting last night we have been getting these severe weather warning. It has started now and they are saying that we could end up with between 6-10" of heavy wet snow. I think your area will be getting much less. The winds are blowing very strong now as well.


Now that we are getting back to a normal life style. We went to the club last night for dinner. I would think that any activity they are having there tonight may well be canceled due this extreme weather conditions.


I am glad that you had a good time at your play. I agree that most plays are a 2 weekend deal. The 1 that Bill had was only 1 weekend, and it is a lot of work for that 1 weekend. They may consider another play, this very same 1 next year around this time. The board will just have to decide. Bill is going this Sunday for an audition for the next upcoming play called "The Graduate".


Well time to get back to the bump and grind. It is just totally nasty outside. It looks like we are in for a very long day today.




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Sorry, missed posting last night. I thought he might get the acting bug. After watching the play I went to, it actually looks like of fun. And I never thought I would say that.


We were lucky and didn't get any snow at all. The highway department was so sure we were going to get it they were out salting the roads in the morning. We did get tremendous wind though. My garbage can blew almost into the ditch, luckily I got it before it went all the way in, and the guy across the roads cans were rolling down the road.


I had the water guy come to change the filters in my RO system and we were looking out the front window. He said my tree, the only one in the yard and right outside the front window was infected with the Emerald Ash Boerer. I had seen the bark splitting but thought it was because the tree was getting bigger around. After he said that I could see all the holes in the bark. Now I will have to get someone to take it down because it won't be able to be saved. It's ok because it was too close to the house anyway and all the leaves would go into the gutter.


I went today to get my license stickers for the truck and car, $202.00! I just got the sticker for the other car last month so now I should be done with stickers for another year. I also got my car washed as it was covered with salt.


I didn't know you were still having trouble with your hand. Is the PT helping? I have a friend that that has RA and she has been on steroids for a while. But she doesn't think they are helping. She is retired now but had worked at Lutheran General Hospital imputing all the coding.


Did you join the club again or do you just go over to have dinner once in while?



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Sharon, I do not know officially about what they will do for the upcoming year for the dues. But it has been said that they will lower the dues. So we'll just have to wait and see.


We thought same thing, that people would just come and participate in what their talent would be. Bill is going this Sunday to try out for their next upcoming performance of the "Graduate".


For us we ended with between 8-10" of snow.Iit actually snowed for us between 10 to 16 hours of snow. Now it is suppose to be warming up over the next few day to melt some of this away.


Yes, there will be a lot of people getting pulled over for driving around with expired plates due to the state not sending out notices now.


Yes, I have been having better control with my hand and it seems to have helped with the PT, I hope that it will continue and we get it together.




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With the warmer weekend you should get rid of your snow but now I heard another system is headed this way on Wednesday. Hope it misses again but don't know if we can be lucky two times in a row.


I had a grief counselor call this morning from Journeycare, the hospice that we had for Bill. He has called several times before but I was never here and he always just left a message. I am still having a great deal of trouble adjusting so to speak. As soon as anyone asks me how I am I start crying. It just doesn't seem to get much better but I don't tell anyone that. But I did tell him how I felt. So I agreed to go in and meet him next Friday. He says it will help to talk but I really don't see how anything can help.


Good luck to Bill, I think with the way you said it went with this play he should be able to ace the tryouts and get another part.


Hopefully the club will lower the dues so you can rejoin and go back to enjoying it again. It sounds like it is so nice and close and convenient for you.


My sister is saying the situation with the son she is staying with up here is rather tense. The wife told her they were having problems so it is probably because she is there. When she told him that the apartments she had checked into in Florida weren't going to be available until April, he said I can't wait that long! Was thinking of asking her to come here for the month of March but the Florida apartment thing is not a for sure thing that she can get it. She said her one son in Florida said she can come back down there and stay with him and his wife. I'll wait a little while longer and see what else she tells me is going on before I tell her she can come here. I'm not much good company really, but at least she would feel ok about being here.


I have an appointment a the historical society tomorrow for an antique appraisal. I wanted to take an old clock I have but they said they aren't doing clocks this time. But they are doing dolls so I am taking two dolls in. One is a topsy turvey doll. One way sitting up is a white girl then you turn it over and its a black girl, each one has the appropriate dress on. The other doll I actually won as a little girl in a coloring contest. Its a little doll with a gold crown and scepter and a blue velvet cape and a white beaded dress. Will be interesting to see if they are worth anything or just to me.


Have a nice Saturday,


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I am sorry you are going through all this. I feel sorry for your sister. There is a nice apartment complex near my house in Florida that has sliding fees. 3 Blocks from the water. Let me know if you want me to pick up some info from the office. The dolls sound great. Maybe you could look them up on E Bay. Just to see what others are getting for them. That is what my son Javan does. I am still trying to take a cruise without paying a single supplement. Good luck to me. LOL Karen

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Sharon, with the amount of snow we have here it will be awhile before it is all gone. The temps were supposed to be at 50 today but it seems much colder than that. I heard maybe 60 tomorrow. Just south of us they got 15" of snow. We got about 8-10".


I knew that your sisters living arrangements would be coming up once again. I could see that the wife wanted her gone and that is why she bought her a ticket to FL. Your sister came back too quickly and by her son telling her that April is too long, says a lot about those living arraignments.


Right now the theater guild is considering bringing back this play for next year for 1 last performance. They would be trying to get everyone back to do it 1 last time next year. We shall see tomorrow what happens to Bill with the next performance. He would not find out right away, as they have auditions tomorrow and Monday. So the earliest would be on Tuesday.


That is an interesting story about your dolls. It will be nice if they tell you today that they are actually worth something or not. Good luck.


It is also good that the organization that took care of Bill are following through with you and your own health. It is going to take sometime, but there is nothing wrong with talking and letting it all out. Talking will be the best medicine and there will be nothing wrong with showing your emotions and letting it all come out.


Since this is the absolute that last year for the club as it has been sold and it is supposed to close on 12/31 of this year. So we were told that they would lower the dues to $500. So we shall just have to wait and see. That means that this would be the last year for bocce. A friend of ours passed away on Thursday, as he was shoveling snow and had a heart attack and died right on the spot.




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I heard they were calling this last snow you got heart attack snow because it was so heavy and wet. That's just a shame, he almost made it all the way to spring!


I had my dolls appraised, the topsy turvey doll they said was very scarce since she is made of cloth in the 1940's. Most have been ripped apart or stuffing sticking out of them but mine is in pretty good condition. They could tell how old it was by the material in the dress. They even took a picture of it with me and the appraiser. They said the price would be around $150.00 The other doll they said was a Queen Victoria Vogue doll. They said it must have been a special edition doll as it is very unique. They said if I entered it into a contest it would win 1st place. The beading on the dress and pearls on the crown are all in tact. They said the price on her would be between $600 and $700. They also said these are the kind of dolls you pass down to the next generation, so I should write a note about how I got them and who I want to have them so they don't end up in a GoodWill store or land dump because no one knew they were special. I was surprised but I also knew they were kind of special since I kind of collect dolls. Not that I know anything about them, just that I like them.


What is going to happen to the club, is someone else going to run it or change it into something else? It will be nice for you to have another year of bocce, it seems like its a fun game for everyone.


I wonder about them being able to get all the same people to put on the play next year. People move about so much anymore you just never know if they will be available. It would be nice though, they wouldn't need so much rehearsing once they got back into it.


I went for a short walk this afternoon, it was pretty nice but it was still windy.



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Sharon, yes you are right about that snow being a heart attack snow. It is too bad since they just moved into that house right on the lake that he did not have a snow blower. His wife had told him he should not be doing that.


Wow you certainly have a nice collection of rare dolls and they have a real value on them. So if you do have someone in mind who would take care of them, then it would be a good idea to pass them along. A good idea to write down the history behind them so they would be of value to whom ever you pass them along to.


It felt much colder yesterday than it actually was. Today temps should be in the upper 50's and wind later on and even rain possible. Then a plunge in temps next week and more rain or snow.


It would be nice if they could get everyone back together for 1 last performance. But you are right about how people nowadays move around and who knows where everyone will end up once again. Bill went today to audition for the next performance"The Graduate".


I heard the other day that Kohl's is closing 18 stores, so who knows where those stores will be. I guess that they are having financial issues and these stores are on the chopping block.


The club has been sold and it is supposed to close on 12/31. The new owner is going to have some kind of manufacturing there and the 25% that is in Cook County they may donate it back to the County to get it off their tax bill.




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Sounds like we are in for another round of snow and this time it will hit up this way. After today I was looking forward to spring. Guess that will not be for a while.


And the news is...... my sister called this morning and asked if she could come and move in with me till she figured out what she is going to do. She says it's just not tolerable living with them anymore. So what could I say but ok. That will change the way I do things and take away my privacy but hopefully it will only be for about a month. But there is no guarantee she will get that rent assisted apartment in Florida. I know up here and in Wisconsin there is a 2 year wait at least to get assistance. I don't even know if I'm going to be here for 2 more years! Well I will try to make the best of it, that is all I can do.


Did Bill practice some lines for the new play before he went for tryouts? I bet he gets a part now that he has experience.


That is strange to go from a country club to a manufacturing place. Seems someone would like to run it as a club as its set up already.


I heard Kohls are closing some stores, I don't think they will close the one I go to, its about the only place around to buy clothes except for Walmart. That is why at church you see the women wearing clothes from Kohls and maybe something that you have bought yourself. No here else to shop without driving a long distance.


I got some new walking shoes, acutally they are made for real tennis players but they have a memory foam liner and seemed to be rounder in the toe than other shoes. I walked in them today about 3 miles and my feet still hurt. I bought a full size larger than I normally wear too. I don't know why I can't find a pair of shoes that don't hurt when i walk a long distance.


Well lets see what this coming week brings,



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Sharon, I did hear that your area is supposed to be getting the major part of this next system. We could get anywhere from 1-2", and I think it will be wet stuff again. With the higher temps and a lot of rain last night most of the snow around here is all gone. We are going to that wake tonight for that man who dropped dead clearing the snow this past Wednesday.


Golf courses and country clubs are a loosing market nowadays. With 75% of the club in IN., that is the part that is valuable for people. The 25% that is in Cook County is the part that is a huge liability. With the high rate of taxes.


With Bill just ending this last play just over a week, I do not think that he had any time to go over any lines for this next one. We shall see over the next few days if he gets the part or not. The last play they had 17 different actors. This 1 is much smaller.


Well you know that was coming with your sister moving in with you. That is too bad that her son treated her the way they did. I think it is wishful thinking, that she will find one of those places so soon. But all you can do is just wait and see. How soon is she moving in with you?


With this announcement just coming for the closing of the 18 Kohl's stores. We will just have to wait and see what stores they will be closing.


Happy Leap Year today to you.




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