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I, we have no plans for Easter. I was hoping my sister's son would invite us. I do not want to go, but she could and then I could maybe go to the show after church with my friend I went to the show with on Christmas. That sounds like a good time to go for Easter dinner and a bonus of getting % off!


I found out some interesting things at the tax accountants from the daughter from hell, I'll just call her "J" from now on. She said the old lawyer told them the $600,000 life insurance policy, held in a trust that his wife was the executor of, and that Bill had paid over $20,000+ a year had expired and was no longer valid. I think the "kids" are going to sue that lawyer and his wife since she had a fiduciary responsibility to notify someone if there was any danger of that happening and she did not. That money was meant to pay all taxes and bills that remained.


Also found out that because another house Bill was selling on land contract with a balloon payment due 3/30/16, and was not in the Trust, I might be the recipient not the "kids" who are and have been collecting the monthly payments since Sept. Would be nice if true.


Hopefully the taxes for all of us will be done in a couple of weeks and I can start focusing on other things.


My sister had been driving down to where she used to live, over an hour and a half away to go to the library. I told her even though we are not in town she can go and use the local library without being a member but she continues to drive all the way down there and back. However when she found out that she would have to drive 25 minutes to the radiation cancer center she said, gee she didn't know if she could do that every day. I told her, well decide what's important to you, do it or dying! It's your body and its your choice to do it or not. If she does it she will end up staying here longer than I wanted, but I can't make her move in the middle of it. I looked up Triple negative breast cancer like she had and it sounds like it might not be too good an outcome, especially not following up with the radiation sooner.


It is cold and rainy and windy here, it feels like winter again.

Will go and see the girls with my sister tonight.


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Sharon, that is the craziest thing I have ever heard. Your sister is spending 3 hours driving round trip just to go to a library, when she can be going to the 1 right in your town. Then she is complaining about driving 25 minutes for treatment. Something is defiantly wrong with that picture.


I would have to say that those kids have a real good case with that original lawyer. Everything you have said is true, and I am sure if both you and Bill would have known how they were operating something would have been done much sooner. Also it also sounds like there are many things yet to be worked out.


It started raining last night after I was home. Woke up this morning to rain and it looks like it will be raining most of the day. Bill had to wear the full length raincoat this morning and most likely he will be wearing it this afternoon. Temp right now is 50 and that is the high for today. This afternoon it will be in the 40's and into the 30's for tonight. Your area could be getting snow or you already have it. For us just rain. So this afternoon is the last day as all of the kids are on Spring Break for the next 10 days. So Bill will be off as well. But today is not a very good last day with all of the rain.


Well now everything has changed. My #1 daughter has invited us to have Easter dinner with them. Bill does not like going over there due to the kids all running around. But we are going anyway this Sunday. This is 1 reason why we go out to eat during holidays . I would not be holding your breath about your sister's son inviting you over. As I am sure his wife has had about enough with you sister living there as long as she did.




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I'm sure you are right, the son is not going to invite her over. Hopefully your daughters kids will be better behaved and you and Bill can enjoy the Easter dinner she makes. I know what he means though, with kids running all over its not a very enjoyable experience.


I know, isn't that crazy about her not wanting to drive to get medical treatments! I will go with her the first one so she gets set up, but after that she will have to drive or see if they have a shuttle that would pick her up.


It was 33 degrees last night and today we had heavy rain and wind most of the day until it turned to SNOW! The ground is covered once again. I am not paying to have the driveway plowed though, it can just melt off however long it takes.


I signed up with a bus tour company to go to lunch two different times. They have a lunch a month and I picked out two of them. One is going to be the first part of April and the other on my birthday. I only signed me up because they were $89 and $93. At least you don't have to have a partner to go on these trips, so no single supplement.


Yes, there are many things to be worked out yet with the Trust and Bill's assests. I think this is going to go on for a very, very long time. One more thing I found out the other day was the "son" moved to Colorado over the weekend. He finally found a job out there. I'm wondering how he can take care of the Trust issues that come up from out there.



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Sharon, did you ever find out what the moving truck was doing at Bill other house? As far as the son who moved to Colorado, I am sure they will work everything out.


For us it was pouring rain in the morning and part of the afternoon. In the evening we never got any snow at all just rain. Today it is 40 and bright sunshine.


Our tax man called yesterday and out taxes are complete and e-filed. You are right about Bill's estate, as it will be years before everything is all settled. Especially with them suing that other attorney and his wife.


I sure hope all of those kids are behaved. Otherwise Bill will never go again. I know around here through our bank they have bus trips like you have signed up for and extended trips that you and Bill have gone on. I can never do those afternoon trips as I am working.


Happy Good Friday.




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That moving van was for the son that moved to Colorado. I was worried the daughter was moving into Bill's house but that wasn't the case thank goodness.


The snow is almost all melted, just in the shadows of the trees now. It's very sunny and actually kind of nice out.


Doesn't that silly work get in the way of what you want to do sometimes!!


Hoping my taxes get done pretty soon too, but he said probably a couple of weeks. I had to get a few things that he asked for, but that is done and faxed to him.


It's been a long and boring day again today. After cleaning up the house this morning there just didn't seem to be anything to do. I should go outside and cut some of the smaller branches that hit me in the face when I mow but just couldn't get up the energy to do it. Blah day!


Tomorrow again my sister is supposed to get her grandson and one son to help her move the rest of her stuff out of the other son's house but they have been saying they are going to help her for 3 weeks now and it hasn't happened yet. They always come up with an excuse not too.



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Sharon, I'll bet that was expensive renting a moving truck and driving it cross country. So is someone else living there now or is it vacant?


Yesterday the temps never got out of the 40's. I saw that your area got the snow the other day. All we got was a lot of rain and no snow whatsoever. Today the temps will go into close to 60 and Sunday about the same and rain.


As far as work goes I am lucky that I get any holidays off the jerk doesn't care about religious holidays. He only cares for his little self. Working yesterday certainly was not bah, but at least the day went by quick.


They most likely do not want to deal with moving your sister's stuff. So if they do move it then it will all be in your place. I am sure you do not need all of that stuff piled in your place either.


It does not make any sense to me why your sister would put off getting treatment. Like you had said her cancer if serious and should not have been put on the back shelf. I hope all goes well with her treatment and it sounds like a long process.




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They still use Bill's house as an office and the daughter spends the nights there sometimes on weekends. She wanted to move in but the other "kids" said that wasn't fair to them.


My sister was sent to Florida for over 2 months by her one son up here pretty quick after she had the surgery. But she has been back since February and jut never perused looking into the radiation. I hope its not too late.


Last night she went to bed about 15 minutes before I was ready. She came back out to the front room and said, I couldn't breathe but I couldn't come out here or yell to you. I'm better now but check on me so I'm still breathing before you go to bed. You might have to call 911. I told her, no, you get yourself together I am not doing that again.


She has gotten her cough back and is doing inhaler treatments. If this continues I am going to tell her to call one of her sons in Florida to come and get her and drive her down there. I do not want her starting the radiation and then ending up in the hospital up here for me to take care of her. I just am not ready to go through something like that again so soon.


She did meet her grandson and son, at least I think she did, she left here this morning to do that. She has a storage unit that she rents so hopefully that stuff she gets this time will go into there also. I don't have room for anything more of anyone's!


It is nice out today, no rain and lots of sun. I am going to the store just to get out by myself for a while and look around.



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Sharon, last night sounded like a very crazy night for you. Your sister came very close to calling 911? So is the plan now for 1 of her son's in Florida to come down and get her with a moving truck to take all of her stuff there, or will 1 of them just drive here and rent a truck to take everything back? I would think that this is going to have to happen real soon and she is supposed to start the treatment soon. I would think that you do not want to start the treatment here and finish it there. Best to have it all done at the same place. Question are 1 of her son's going to do that?


I had my nails done this morning and I just got back from shopping. Soon we will go to the tax man to sign the documents. Even though the forms have been sent by e-docs. Then we will get something to eat around there.


Lucky for you that they are in charge as that daughter would always run rough shot over you.




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How did the dinner go, were the kids ok or did they bother Bill? We went to church and then to breakfast at Perkins restaurant. Then later this afternoon we went to the show and saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding #2. It was a funny and good movie. But on the way to the car it was a little distance and some stairs were involved. My sister could hardly get back to the car, was so out of breath at first she didn't think she could make it and it was raining lightly so I told her you have to make it! Once to the car she sat down on the seat but couldn't get her legs or head in for quite a while. She is just too bad to really do anything with or take her anywhere. The plan has been that at the end of April she goes to Florida, but that was before the plan for the radiation treatments came up. I would like her to go before they start because I think she will just get worse and someone will end up taking care of her and driving her everyday and I don't want it to be me. I know that sounds terrible but I just can't do it. She has two sons, and grandchildren in Florida and I think they should step up and do it. Now I just have to tell her at the right time. She has been coughing and coughing again for the last couple of days and sounds terrible. She said she is calling the dr again tomorrow. It just goes on and on!


I got another K-1 tax form in the mail Saturday. I made copies and got them in the mail right away, I think the companies that give K-1's should have a deadline a little earlier than the end of March. Makes it too hard to get the taxes done on time.



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Sharon, since the temps around here were in the mid 60's everyone was outside at my daughter's house. Bill was in the basement watching TV. So everyone left him alone. But he did say he will never go back there as the SIL invited friends of his and they were all drinking outside. Then my daughter said that her in-laws were not going to be there and they all were. So not really Bill's cup of tea. They all are kind of crude.


I can see where your sister is not able to handle walking at all when with you and she is becoming more of a burden on you. You have to get her to Florida and let her own kids care for her. You do not need this added burden just now. That would be the worst thing that could happen to you just now. You need to get this process moving now before she gets much worse. You know that she will be starting her treatment soon, so you have to get moving right now to make it happen to get her to Florida. Maybe best to just have her get a one way ticket and get her there and then have her son's come and move all of her stuff there. I really don't think she could handle a cross country drive.


For us around here it started raining around 5 and got heavier as the evening wore on. So it rained all evening and now it is just in the 40's and overcast. But no rain predicted for today. So we got home just before it started raining.




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That's too bad it turned out like that at your daughter's house. I was hoping all would go smooth so he would go back again with you sometimes. I wouldn't like it either though if I thought someone wasn't going to be there and they were. I remember that old friend I had would invite someone to go with us and not tell me and I'd end up sitting in the back seat of the car.


Yes my sister was coughing and coughing last night. She did two breathing treatments before bed. Today she called the dr and got an appointment today so she has been gone now for a while. I told her she should probably get a chest x-ray. This is the second time she has had the cough. She came with it in early March and now again she has it. I told her this morning before she left that I was afraid to take her anywhere because I never knew when she was going to get so bad off she couldn't walk. She said yes, that was true, she never knows either. I will see what the dr says, hopefully he doesn't just give her some more antibiotics and leave it at that. This Thursday is her consultation appointment with the radiologist. I don't want to hurt her feelings but this is just too much right now.


Sorry to keep laying this all on you, grrrrr!


I called a tree company to come out this afternoon and give me an estimate on taking down the tree with the Emerald Ash disease. I will call another one or two also to see which one is the cheapest. I went outside a minute ago and there was such a strong skunk odor I came back in.



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Sharon, we get those smells in out back yard sometimes. We figure that the skunk gets close to the fish and they scare the skunk and he sprays in the water or around it.


Never give it a second thought about your sister. You have a lot on your plate and you do not need to be caring for her when she has her son's in Florida. She does not make any kind of plans on her own, and if she starts those treatments here you will never get rid of her. I know that sounds bad, but she really needs to be in Florida now where she is at least wanted. Her son around here does not want her as his wife is fed up with her. She could have an infection or an upper repertory condition.


Tree companies are all over the charts. So it is best to get a few estimates to decide the one that seems the best and who can do the job without causing any damage to your property. With spring we need to spray around the perimeter of our house to kill ants coming in from the frozen winter and waking up.


My daughter's in-laws are crude and I am always keeping my fingers crossed as her husband does not always treat her the best. He never helps her out in any way, and I fear that the good kids will become bad kids rubbing off all the bad habits from their father. Of course I do not recommend divorce with young kids. But I figure once those kids are on their own she will be gone as well.




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I went with the tree company that came out because they are a big local company and I got him down to $300. That includes grinding the stump and taking all the wood. They are coming tomorrow. Today I cut some branches, charged up my mower and connected the wheelbarrel to it so I could hauled them to the back. I got all the way back there and got stuck in the mud. I worked for several hours trying to get it free. I fell backwards in the mud because my feet got stuck. Finally I gave up and called some friends that live on the other side of town. I told them my problem and said, bring your boots. They brought their truck and chains, I had been trying to wedge it out with a long board and the mud had gotten about 12 inches deep. He backed the truck up to the right place and she was going to attach the chain to the mower. She lost her balance too because her feet got stuck and fell backwards into the mud just like I had done. We did get it out finally though. What a day, I am exhausted.


My sister got some different meds to use in her nebulizer and some prednisone. I asked if they were going to xrays because her lungs sound so bad, she says they sound like that becsuse she has COPD. She hadn''t told me that before. I also told her there might be a closer radiation place in Florida but she says she doeesn't have any money and won't until the 20th of April when she gets her SS check. I'm hoping she has enough money for gas to drive everyday to get her treatments. I'm not giving her any because she owes me money from several years ago and never mentions it or paid it back. And I'm not going to drive everyday. I told her I would go the first time.


Thats too bad about your daughter, if he doesn't treat her right I wouldn't blame her for leaving him. I'm sure its hard for you to see that too.

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Sharon, wow that sounds like a real mud hole. I'll bet you wish you never went back there. I would think that you had to hose it down so the mud will not dry and it will make it much harder to clean up. I know that Bill put down the first step in the 4 step process on our grass on Sunday. The rain we got that night helped to wash it all into the soil. So our grass has gone from winter brown to spring green. I would think in a couple of weeks we will start to cut it. Although we have a service to do ours.


I do not like to hear all of that about your sister. I would think that once she starts her treatments it will be real hard to get rid of her. Waiting until the end of April and to continue her treatments will be very hard to get her to Florida and it also sounds like she just lives day to day with no real plans for what is ahead. Most likely why her son's wife just bought a 1 way ticket hoping she would never come back.


So today they are taking down the tree and cleaning up everything. So what was the original price that they gave you?


Yesterday me and the jerk were really going back and fourth and I had the worst headache. I did not need that at all and certainly at any time. I should just learn to just hang up on him until he gets the message.




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I washed my muddy clothes today but didn't get to the mower because I have not turned the water on outside or connected the hose. So you are probably right, it will be harder to get all the mud off now.


They came and did the tree, all done in about an hour. Then they raked up all the sawdust and blew the little bits away off the driveway. They will come back after "Julie" comes and marks if there are any underground wires, to grind the stump down. He first had quoted me $400 and I said, oh I don't know that's a lot of money, would you do it for $300? He thought for a moment and then said, would you pay cash? I said yes, so that is how much I paid. I think that was a pretty good deal if was a fairly large tall tree.


Now today my sister was eating cheetos, and that's fine but then we were both out of the kitchen doing different things and I went back in and stepped on a cheeto that was on the floor and there was another one where she had sat, also on the floor. I told her about it and made her clean it up. This is the kind of thing she does all the time and never seems to notice, it drives me crazy!


I was talking to her again about going to Florida and asked if she was having one of her sons come up and drive the car back or what. She of course has not asked them or made any plans. But I am going to hold her to the end of April no matter what. She has to go then like we agreed.


I hadn't heard you having trouble with your boss for quite a while, thought things were running pretty smooth. Sorry to hear he is still up to his old ways. I agree you should just hang up on him, maybe he would get the message, but probably not.


Going to see the girls tonight, do a little talking and a little dancing.


I told those friends that helped me get the mower out I would come and buy them a drink at the dance place Friday night and they offered to pick us up and take us there. So that will be nice



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Sharon, we haven't put our hose out either, and we still have the winter guards over our faucets as well. I would think that Bill will be doing something very soon. Well hopefully when you turn your hose on and spray the mower the dirt will fall off.


With your sister being such a slob and not ever picking up after herself, I can see how that will drive you crazy. But also her failing to make any kind of plans and with her starting her treatments. I think it will be hard for her to be out of your place by the end of April. April is here on Friday.


I would say you did very good to get that tree all taken care of for that price. I am sure Julie will come out quick and hopefully the tree people will come right back to grind out the stump. Have you paid them the entire amount yet?


Enjoy the dance place and mingling with your friends. Also a very good deal for your friends to come and pick you up on Friday and to buy them some drinks for helping you out. God knows how you would have gotten that out of the mud otherwise.


It is nice having the jerk away, but he does call almost everyday, and especially when Monday comes around he does get really crazy. But I should just learn to hang up on him when he starts that crap.




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More rain today, seems like there has been alot of rain lately. Everything is getting waterlogged and the sump pump runs quite a bit.


I went with my sister to talk with the radiologist, he is saying 16 treatments won't be enough it should be 4 to 6 weeks, that puts us into May. But before anything can start she has to get a mammogram to make sure there is no cancer starting again. He said she should have had the radiation a couple of weeks after the surgery. I had her drive so she would know how to get there. She needed gas, her car was almost on empty and wouldn't have been enough to get us home. She put in only $5.00! So that tells me she doesn't have much money left and still needs to drive an hour and a half to get the mamo done at the same place as before so they can compare. When we got home I told her to get on the phone and set up the mammogram as soon as possible so she could get it all started. I went uptown and when I got back she told me she had also called her son in Florida and asked him if he could come and get her and drive her back to Florida when she is done with these treatments. The plan seems to be, yes, to stay here then go down there and leave her stuff in storage up here until she can find an apartment. The hospital also has a free shuttle so that should help her not having to pay for gas. I just can't understand how she can go through her money so fast when she knows it has to last until the next check. As soon as she gets her check she is rich. I have not made her pay for anything here, in fact I told her ...save your money for the security deposit on an apartment. But evidently she hasn't done that. I should have made her pay something and then when she was ready to leave given it back to her for the security deposit.


I talked with one of my friends today and she said she had cut here grass on Monday, she lives in town and has a small lot so it's not a big job but she likes to be the first one to get it done. My is getting pretty long in the back but it's too wet now and I really don't want to start doing it this early.


Is your boss planning on staying in Florida for a while longer or will you have the pleasure of his company too soon!

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Sharon, the jerk comes back on June at the first part. So something not to be looking forward to.


I do not like to hear that news about your sister. You do not need to be taking care of her. Once she starts those treatments she will be sick. Now the date is May and another month past April. She should have called them much earlier and done all of the treatment down there. You certainly do not need to be caring for her and I would think you will once she becomes sick.


It really rained here yesterday. It has been misting all morning and now it has started to rain much heavier. You know what they say, April showers, bring May flowers.


Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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I know, I don't like it but at this point I am stuck. She doesn't want to go to Florida now and have to start all over lining up the treatments. Yes she should have looked into and started them sooner, but didn't. Nothing I can do now.


We had snow off and on all day. Sometimes you couldn't even see the road it was snowing so bad. The wind was bad too.


Good you have a little time before the jerk comes back!


How are the rehersals going with Bill?


We did go to the dance place Friday night. My friends picked us up. A gal that had taught us line dance lessons was there too so we did quite a few dances. It was Bill's birthday and I kept thinking how much he would have enjoyed dancing too. When they brought us home around 11:00 pm there were two deer in the front yard. I knew they had been coming up from the woods because they have been eating my tulips and emptying the bird feeders every night.


Looks like a pretty cool week ahead.


S haron

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Sharon, I went shopping with that lady friend that I go out with every other week on Saturday. So I know what you are saying about the snow, as it was doing the very same thing around here. Even yesterday it was snowing heavy in the afternoon and very cold outside. I guess we could get rain tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday.


Things have been real crazy around here even with the jerk gone. He always calls at the last minute and sometimes I just tell them not to be answering the phone after a certain time as I know that is him.


It is like night and day with this play. This director is much more organized than the last one. She has a schedule and they most often stick with it. I was going to watch them run act 1 on Sunday but the director called at the last minute and said they were canceling the day due to key people missing. The 1 was sick and the other was out of town.




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Good to hear from you, I know sometimes things get crazy.


That is nice you took that gal shopping, I'm sure she appreciates the company too.


When is the play going to be put on, sounds like it must be coming along if you were going to go see act 1. Kind of nice its organized better too.


I got the tree taken down on Wednesday and they came back during the snow storm on Saturday and ground the stump down. It looks funny to not have the tree right out the front window. But it will be nice this fall with no leaves in the gutter or yard.


One of the snow bird gals came back from Alabama and was at zumba this morning. It was good to see her again. The other one comes back on April 14th.


Nice and sunny today but pretty cold, was only 39 degrees when I was coming home from zumba.



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Sharon, yes the sun is shining bright and cold here as well. I'll bet that gal wishes she stayed in Alabama a bit longer. Is she in the Golf Shores area or someplace else? That is the area that we like to go to. We have even thought about buying a place in the Phoenix complexe's that are right on the beach. If she is in that area then she should know exactly where it is. Bill got changed this Monday to a different corner for the month of April as the lady who was there had some surgery and is recovering now.


The play dates are April 29, 30, and May 1. The last play the script was 50 pages. This one the script is 99 pages. So a lot of lines for them to get down. Except Bill, he has a real small part in this one, not like the last one where he had many lines and a much bigger part.


Well that was good that the tree people followed through and finished the job. Now if you need anything else, you now have reliable people to call and, I am sure that now you are a customer he will for sure be giving you a discount.




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Yes they are in the Gulf Shores area and in a condo right on the beach. I'll have to ask her about if she knows anything about the Phoenix complex.


That is quite a difference in pages for the play, luckily for Bill he has the small part, or did he really want a bigger part? Maybe the next play he will get more lines. Now he has to get used to new kids on the different corner, but I bet they are pretty good about listening to him.


Having taco's for dinner tonight with the girls, its the owners birthday. We are all bringing stuff to go with. I'm taking a veggie tray and one of the other girls is taking a carrot cake. Not sure what the other 3 will be bringing.


Our zumba teacher is looking for a "real" job. She had been, in addition to the zumba class, working part time at Maurices clothes store. She must be in her 30's and has an eleven year old daughter so I can see where she would need more money and benefits. Us gals in the class are hoping she gets a replacement for zumba if she gets a regular job. That other class we had been taking stopped last year and now we just have the Tues and Thurs zumba class. Must keep moving or soon won't be able to.



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Sharon, it is not just 1 complex, they have about 10, and right on the beach. How was dancing with the girls last night? We lost power here around 2 pm. I sent everyone home at 4:30 as it was getting dark and with no power what can we really do. So we went to the club for dinner.


Bill goes for rehearsal tonight as he has not been there for an entire week. Bill went for this small part for this play as he figured he would not have a chance for any bigger part on this play. He just wanted to keep his foot in the door.


I just got into work about an hour ago. I had an appointment downtown to see if I really have RA or not. She gave me a bone density test. So I will get the results in a day or so. It was sleeting down there, and once back home it was doing the same around here. I guess about the same for the rest of the afternoon.


I can see why a young lady would be looking for a full time job. Hopefully she will find a good replacement for her. Very important to keep moving.




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