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Sharon, wow sorry to hear about your plumbing problem. But at least you do have piece of mind now, and you were still able to make the dance place.

Temps in the 90's once again here today and no rain in the forecast. It will be much cooler in LAS if you can believe that.

Congrats on loosing 2.2 at weigh-in yesterday. That has to make you feel real good. Maybe you are going to have to put that Fanny Mae away for another time.

Well I can tell you with 100% certainty that I will not be using that diet. I do not do fish or veggies. Perhaps I should but I just do not.

So in a few hours the limo will be picking us up and we are on our way. Bill changed our flights once again so now we are connecting through SFO. As all of the direct flights are all booked up. I may not be able to post anymore until I get back. We will just have to wait and see. We will have a very busy schedule while being there. The highlite of this trip will be seeing Celine on Wednesday.


Be safe and stay cool.




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Thinking you will be back soon, hope you had a wonderful time sure sounded like lots of stuff packed in to see and do. Also how was Celine, I know you really wanted to see her.


I have been doing a few things this week. Went to tour a new business in town, a Craft Brewery. There were large trays of veggies and cheeses to go along with the free drink, tour and tastings. Then yesterday went on a bus trip up to a town called Mayville to a restaurant called the Audubon Inn. Had a nice lunch and then went on a tour of a Clydesdale horse farm. Got back just in time to meet the girls. And of course there was food there also. Going to be in trouble tomorrow at weigh in!


Not seen the carpenter/painter Bill for a week, but we have been texting and today talking on the phone for a couple of hours. He's a great talker seems we do not run out of things to discuss.



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Sharon, we landed yesterday morning at 11:30 but it took a very long to get our bags. We got picked up at Midway and were home by 1pm. Got unpacked and then I did the laundry and opened up the house to air it out. Did some cleaning. I had a total of 526 emails to clear up. We went out to get something to eat and then came home and crashed as we both were extremely tired.


So we left the hotel at 4 to catch a 6am flight back to home. The flight was for the most part smooth. Going we got picked up at 9:30 for a noon flight to SFO. We landed at SFO and had 1 hour to connect to our flight back to LAS. So we landed in LAS at 5:30 so it was still light out. Got picked up by a friend of ours and was taken to another hotel, not the convention hotel. We checked in and went for dinner and to bed early.

Sunday our friend picked us up after breakfast and we checked out of that hotel, and he took us up into the mountains. The temp on the ground was 78 degrees and once we got up to the mountain with an elevation of 8300 feet above sea level it was 40 degrees.

We spent the afternoon touring and was dropped off at the convention hotel. We checked in and went to the room to get unpacked and then went down for registration for the convention. We then went to a very nice dinner and then up to the room to relax for a bit before going to bed.


Monday our very first tour at 10 am. We went to tour a mob museum and neon museum. The neon was old neon signs from the 40's to the present. Tuesday we went to an old mining town and toured an old gold and silver mine. We had to leave for that tour at 8:30. Then Bill had a board meeting at noon, so our friend came and picked me up and we went to lunch and to see some sights on the strip while Bill was at the meeting.


Wednesday we took a tour at 9 and toured the Wayne Newton Mansion. That was a very incredible tour. Then we went to the concert in the evening and that was fantastic. She has a great voice and she really boosted the songs out very well. She told us on loosing her husband 1 year ago. She has twin boys and a very well worth singer and performer.

Thursday they announced that Bill was taking over as VP for conventions and then the banquet in the evening. After the banquet we went up to the room to relax for a bit, before going yo bed so we could catch our flight in the morning. So a nice week in LAS and now back home to reality, and sleeping in our own bed once again. Always nice to get away, but even better go get back home.

The hotel did not have a good connection to get on to the Internet and we were so busy that is why I did not post until now.



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Thank you for the update, sounds like you had a really fun packed trip! I would have liked the mountains and mine and also Celine. So now next year does Bill have to plan the whole itinerary?


At WW last Friday I had them look up my starting weight since I think I threw away my book from January. They had in there the weight from the last time several years ago I had joined. So from that weight to now I am down 15 pounds. About 10 of it this time around. So no wonder I can fit into some of my older, older clothes. Guess its a good thing they didn't get shipped to GoodWill.


Looks to another good week of weather coming up, hope it continues but we could use a little rain. Of course the weather people are saying if it does rain its coming Wed!


Glad you had a good time and are back, rest up for your work Monday!


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Sharon, yes it was a complete vacation and always glad to get away, but even better to get back home again.

Well congrats on loosing so much over this past year. What a good way to find out. I on the other hand went later on this morning and I have gained .8. Certainly to be expected with all of the eating out and drinking as well. Oh well, like you said back to the bump and grind next week.

So Bill was elevated up to the VP Of Conventions. So the convention is already set for 2018 at the airport Marriott. We will drive because it will only be about 4 1/2 hour drive for us and we will have the ability to use our own car to get us around if we so choose.

So the local chapter will be in charge of setting the tours as it is their city and they will know best on what to choose. He on the other hand will look to approve all of the tours. He will have to go back there in January to meet with the local chapter. Then the entire board will go back in March to have a board meeting and to finalize the convention. I will go as well.

We left the temps were in the 90's. Now it feels good to be in the 70's. But I agree we sure do need rain. I guess it did not rain while we were away? Well we know all too well what is on the horizon.



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Well I would have gained too if I went to LV, as they say at WW, ask yourself "is it worth it" and sometimes the answer is yes!


I had a quiet day, went to church this am then went to the show this afternoon. Saw American Made with Tom Cruise. It was based on a true story, was pretty good. I had went enough that today was free along with a large popcorn. I never get a large popcorn so only was able to eat about half of it. Wish I could have gotten 2 small, one today and one another time, but not possible.


I was thinking all day yesterday it was Sunday, so now it really is Sunday. I have a skin dr appmnt tomorrow after zumba. I don't think I have any spots but usually she finds some to zap.


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Sharon, good luck today with the skin Dr appointment. You still have to keep up with that to assure that nothing comes back.

I worked in the yard on Saturday. Sunday I went to a GK's game and then just came home and rested. Back to the bump and grind today.

I supposed you have heard by now what happened in LAS. Many killed and even more injured. Just a crazy world that we are living in.

Well that was good that you were able to get out to a show yesterday. I did hear about that show.

So today the temps are supposed to climb into the 80's today. Friday we leave for Oshkosh for the weekend.



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I heard about LV and thought how lucky you were to be back home. It sure was a terrible thing, so many!


The skin dr did find a couple of sports and zapped them. She also wants me to have a Blue Light treatment. She has wanted me to have it for the last couple of years so finally today I agreed. It is supposed to get rid of all those little things that keep showing up on my face so I won't need to have the zapping. Also it supposed to take care of some of the lines so that will be a good thing. I am a little leary of it though, I think it will hurt and I have to stay completely out of the sun for two days. Sounds a little scary, that's why I have been putting it off. The appmnt is for Nov 8th so I have a while yet, told her I would still have to cut the grass a couple more times this year.


Are you going to Oshkosh for the air show or to see your aunt or both?



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Sharon, the air show is at the end of July. We stay completely clear of that area during that time. So we are going there to visit my aunt. I hope only to work 1/2 day on Friday. The jerk left for STL this morning and will be gone all week. Then next week he is going someplace else. So that is a very good thing.


Well that treatment sounds like just what you need to clear everything up. Certainly by November you should be ready. Staying out of the sun for a couple of days will not be too bad. Perhaps just work on another puzzle.


We heard nothing of that country festival while in LAS. It would have started the day we were leaving and it finished yesterday. We went right by that hotel. Just a shame so many people were killed and injured.


Warmed up to 80 today around here. Another day in the 80's tomorrow and then Wednesday much needed rain for a few days.




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Had a busy day today, worked at the food pantry from 1 to 5pm then came home ate some dinner and went to bible study. Didn't get home until a little after 9 pm. I am tired, stand up all day on the cement floor at the food pantry so my back and legs feel it now. Will feel good to get in bed.


I called a company to get an estimate on washing windows. When I had the side of the house and the fascia power washed it got streaks all down the windows. I don't want to get on a ladder to do them. Hoping it's not too much money but sure would be worth it!


Got zumba tomorrow, then in the afternoon got the water company coming to change the filters in my RO system. Next up is someone to do my driveway, its asphalt and needs some cracks filled and more black put on it.


Heard tomorrow there will be brats and chips when I meet the girls, so not very good for the diet but will probably eat one anyway.


Nice you make time to go and visit your aunt, I'm sure she appreciates it!


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Sharon, Bill wants to leave early afternoon. So hopefully I can get out of work early.

It sounds good that you will be able to get out tonight and have some good food and conversation with your friends tonight.

I know that every year you have to have the filters changed for your water. So hopefully they will come out and do the job that needs to be done. Today and for the next few days there is rain in the forecast. I thought we would have woke up to a lot of rain this morning. But thus far we have not gotten much at all.

I know if I would have done the very same thing as you did, my back would be hurting me as well. I need to get into the hot tub after work today. I think Bill is getting ready to drain it for the winter.



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It would have felt good to get into a hot tub last night! But I took a half of generic excedrin and that did the trick, felt pretty good after about an hour.


Beautiful day today, got my water filters changed and got an estimate on having my windows cleaned (from a different guy).


Talked with my sister, she is having that biopsy tomorrow on her ribs, she of course is apprehensive about it since she doesn't know what to expect. She said she will call me when she gets home. Her one son took off work and is going with her.


My friend down the road is going to Texas tomorrow morning for her brothers funeral so I will go over and let her dog out. She has someone else come and stay to take care of her horses.


They keep saying we should get rain tomorrow but it sure looks pretty clear today. We really need the rain. I will have to cut grass after it rains but going to wait until then.



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Sharon, I had better take advantage of the hot tup as Bill will be draining it for the winter shortly I am sure.

Yes, it seems like another nice day as far as the weather goes. We really did not get any rain to do anything yesterday. They are calling for rain tonight. We do need the rain. Good that you got your water filters changed.

Once again I will keep your sister in my prayers that all goes well for her when she has that work done on her.


Well I am sure you will be down the road taking care of your friends dog while she is away. I am sure driving to Texas, she will be gone for awhile.


You might have to do the grass cutting soon, as once it starts to rain it may rain for a few days. Then it will really get a hold on everything.



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Talked with my sister after the biopsy, she said it wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be. They numbed her up pretty good and took it out of her hip instead of her rib. Guess there was a spot there too and it was easier to get it from the hip. So she won't hear anything about the results until next week.


My friend that went to Texas flew, the viewing and funeral are Thursday and Friday and they are flying back about 12:30 at night on Friday. They had tickets already because they were going to surprise him for his birthday Oct 21 st I think it was. So she had to pay big time to get the tickets switched for today.


Zumba class today, then nothing else much, have WW tomorrow not sure how that is going to turn out. Up a little this morning.


This silly weather, now they have moved the rain to tomorrow night and Saturday. I bet pretty soon they say it has dissipated and we won't get any rain at all.


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Sharon, it is raining here just now. Started very early this morning. It looks like more tomorrow as well.

I will continue to say prayers for your sister that all comes back positive for her. It is good that she got all of the testing done.

Good luck on WW today. I hope you will be down. I know I am going to wait another week as I am sure if I went I would be up due to the fact with all of the eating out I did last week.

So your friend will not be gone as long as expected. I am sure she should not have paid all of those extra fees if it was for a death. You should have her check into that.

I know if I do not take something to help me sleep I will be up and down all night as well. When I take something I sleep all night long without any interruptions.



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Yes I told her about the bereavement fares but they really aren't much good since they are based on the full fare anyway. She did call and ask if there was anything else but there wasn't so she had to pay the extra fees. I went and let their dog out about 8 tonight, they will be back about 12:30 tonight.


It is raining now but it is still pretty warm. It kinda misted all day long so finally it is coming down a little more. Still just a sprinkle not really raining.


What do you take for sleep, I was taking an allergy pill but was getting so dry in the morning got off of them. I usually sleep pretty good, every once in awhile seems like I'm awake most of the night but that doesn't happen too often.


I was down .2 today at WW. Funny I went to the mall since it was so gloomy out and stopped at the Fannie May kiosk (as usual). The regular guy was working that I talked to last month. He had told me he had joined WW so today I asked him how it was going and he said he had lost 30 pounds!! He had said last month that he weighed 300 pounds so he had a lot to lose. His face seemed thinner which I always think is strange that peoples faces change so much when they lose weight.


Thanks for the prayers for my sister,


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Sharon, I take Talinolol PM and it does the trick so I can sleep all night.


I was gone all day long today taking the GK's places and then taking that lady friend of mine shopping. It started raining real hard in the afternoon and went in to the night. Now it has stopped and it looks like tomorrow will be nice.

That is too bad that the airline took advantage of your friends the way they did. That is not right to do that to people.

Congrats of loosing .2. Take it little by little. Always better to loose rather than gain even if it is only a little bit. Wow that guy loosing 30 pounds. But being at 300 pounds he must have been a really big guy. I agree that when people are loosing weight, you notice it in their faces first.

The Chicago Marathon is stepping off tomorrow morning. Weather wise it looks to be a very nice day.





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Had rain today also, don't know if its enough to green up the grass or not. I was surprised how windy it was.


I was thinking you were going to see your aunt this weekend, but then I saw the marathon was going to be on and thought Bill might be working in some capacity for it.


Kind of a wasted day today, didn't really do anything. Oh yes I did get one thing done. I am invited to a Halloween party so came up with the idea of being Flo from the progressive insurance commercial. I was able to find the apron, the Flo pin, the I love ins pin and the headband on line for $10.99. So only have to find a brown wig. I can wear white pants and a white t-shirt.


My friends were coming back from Tx late last night, their flight was back to Milwaukee where they started from. Well seems the whole Milwaukee airport was closed so they were diverted to Ohare. She called me about 11:30pm and said they didn't know what they were going to do but would I go and get their dog and bring her home with me for the night. I wasn't in bed yet but had on my jammies so got somewhat dressed and went and got her. This morning she called and said they had rented a car to get home and would pick up the dog if I was up. I was so they came and got her. Don't know if they got any kind of compensation for that or not, will have to ask her.


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Sharon, Bill was down at McCormick Place yesterday morning passing out the runners packets with their bid numbers in it. It seems like a good day today compared the way it has been the past few days.

I am wondering why the MKE airport was closed? So they got diverted to O'Hare instead. I would be thinking they should have gotten some compensation, or at least a bus to get them to MKE where they could have gotten their car and luggage.

Well that sounds like a real good outfit for the Halloween Party you will be going to. Where is the party at?

Funny things as well. Bill got confused as well about going to Oshkosh. He thought we were going on Friday and then realized that we were not going until this coming Friday. So not only you but him as well.

Enjoy this beautiful day today.



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The Halloween party is at one of my zumba friends house. She has great parties, last spring she had a Black & White party, everyone had to wear one or the other or both colors.


Well if Bill thought it was this week I'm in good company, so you will be going next Friday, still supposed to be good weather.


The grass has greened up pretty good, still have some brown spots. Didn't get near enough rain like they said.


I went to the show this afternoon and saw A Mountain Between Us. It was a really good movie. I highly recommend it.


Going to the apple orchard tomorrow with my Friday night dancing girlfriends. Lots of things to see in the big barn and we'll have lunch too. Hoping because its Columbus Day that there won't be too many kids.


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Sharon, all of the kids will be off from school tomorrow. So it might be loaded with kids. Bill is off tomorrow because of the holiday.

I guess the next chance for rain is on Tuesday. I know over the past couple of days we did get a lot of rain.

Well that sounds like it will be a great party. You friend sounds like she puts on very good party's. Enjoy


Even though everyone will be off of work tomorrow due to the Columbus Day holiday. I of course will not. The jerk would never do that. But the good news is he and his girlfriend will be flying to Denver on Wednesday and returning on Friday. I plan on leaving early on Friday.




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There were tons of people and lots and lots of kids at the orchard. A gal I used to work with at the travel agency came up and said hi to me, I didn't even recognize her, she had to tell me her name and where I knew her from. She had changed her hair to blonde and it had been dark brown before. I hadn't seen her since she came to our wedding reception 15 years ago. Don't know how she could recognize me with my now white hair. Anyway my friends and I ate the samples all throughout the barn and then had lunch and a piece of apple pie and ice cream. I only ate half my lunch and the pie. It didn't taste good enough to waste the calories. I know we are having dinner Wednesday night so have to pace myself.


We really haven't had much rain and could use more. I saw there is more coming but it looks like it might just be headed south of us again.


If your timing is right you won't have to see your boss at all for a while!


I am going to have to change the blue light treatment, my grandson called last night and told me he was getting married and wanted me to come. He has been going with this girl for maybe 5 to 7 years and last week her younger sister got married so I think that is what brought this on now. She is older than him and has a grown and married daughter but seems to be good for him. I told him to talk it over with her and if she wanted I would give them my wedding rings. I know they cost a lot more than what they could afford but what am I going to do with them ever. But I told him too if she wanted to get her own I wouldn't feel bad or upset it is only an offer. The wedding is in Tennessee, where her mom & dad have a cabin, on the 19 of November. I got right on the computer and booked flights the 18th and back on the 21st. On the 22nd the flights all went sky high because of Thanksgiving. They wanted me to stay over but I don't want to pay that much for a hotel room, they did say I could stay with them but I don't like to do that, I want my own space at night.


Long post tonight, so much to tell you!


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Sharon, so you have waited a long time to get that treatment done, another few weeks will not make a big deal. I am sure if you call them to change it to another date they will be totally understanding.

I figured with the holiday that place would be very crowded. Plus the weather was decent as well. That is really something that the lady did recognize you and you were able to do some catching up. Always have to pace yourself for the Wednesday night crowd. You know all too well they will have something good to eat.

We did get a lot of rain over the weekend. They are calling for rain sometime today. But thus far it is just overcast and looking like rain but none so far.

Yes, the jerk leaves tomorrow for DEN and returns on Friday. So if I leave early afternoon we should be able to make it up there and to avoid a lot of traffic.

Well that will be good for you to get away and attend the weeding. I would not want to stay with anyone either. I enjoy my own space. Also good to get back to avoid the much higher fares.




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Went to the food pantry today but they had so many volunteers I "volunteered" to come home. I planned to go to the Van Galder bus travel show in Janesville but when I called to make a reservation they said they were over capacity and couldn't not let anymore people come. I asked about the Rockford show and she said that was sold out as well. So I guess I'll just have to use the travel guide they sent me to see where I want to go.


On Thursday is the Chicago pedway tour, that should be interesting.


Today it has been raining off and on, windy and cold too. What a change from yesterday!


Going to bible study but thinking I should just stay home and stay warm. I will be home by 9pm so its not so bad. Noticed its also getting dark earlier and earlier. Just wait till we change the clock the end of the month!


Leave as early as you can to avoid the traffic and start your mini vacation.


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Sharon, it is actually in November when we change the clocks. It is depressing just now with it getting dark so early. Agreed it will be real dark in a few weeks after the change.


Wow that must really be popular to have both places all booked up for the tour buses. So tell me about this Chicago pedway tour. Is that when they put you on pedways and tour with a guide around the city? Sounds very interesting.


It was an extremely bad night last night. With much rain and wind just like you said. It is raining just now as well. But I do not think it will be all day long, only in the morning.


Agreed we do have to leave as early as possible on Friday. I did see rain around here on Saturday. So hopefully it will be nice there over the weekend.


So I did not fully understand about what you were going to do last night. Did you stay home due to the bad weather or did you end up going out?

Had a message on my phone this morning from my aunt at 1:30 this morning. She fell and could not get up. There were 4 paramedics standing over her. They took her to the ER and she has 4 cracked ribs. But she is still looking forward to seeing us this weekend.



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