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Sorry to hear about all the stress at work, isn't it a fact that stress causes weight gain, maybe thats what is happening to you, although .4 is not much of a gain. Try not to let it get to you, if thats possible.


We are looking forward to the wedding reception more so than the wedding. The other 2 couples that we dance with are going to be seated at our table so it should be a good time. Also there is going to be a DJ and of course the grooms mother, our friend is going to request lots of dance music. I just got back, I picked up Bill and we went up to a mens store in a neighboring town. We picked out a sports coat for him as nothing he had really went with the gray pants I just bought him. I wanted to get something in a gray to match, but they didn't have anything in his size so we ended up with a navy blazer. It fits him just fine without any alterations so we got it. It will go with both the gray and the navy pants, I'll have to decide which ones he will wear.


Saw a lot of people out mowing the grass, I should probably get out there and get some of the back cut also, it grows faster out there for some reason than in the front.

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Sharon, if you count what I have gained over the past 3 weeks it adds up. But you are right about stress and weight gain. Something has got to change. Well it sounds like Bill is all set to go to the wedding. Enjoy and have a great time. Strange how one part of the grass grows faster than the other. Perhaps the ground is better fertilized.




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Today we have a lot of people mowing as it looks like rain so I think that is way they are out. I guess you are at Zumba this morning. Enjoy and have a good class. We have bocce tonight if it does not get rained out.




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Another rainy night and another bocce night, hope you are able to get it in before another cloud burst.


We had another 2 inches this morning, boy did it ever come down. It was raining when I left for Zumba this morning and I couldn't even see the road. There were lots of places that were flooded over on the road too, very scary. Good thing I have a heavy car and could get through them without hydro planing too much.


How about there, did you get alot of rain again?


I did mow last night for about an hour and a half and got a lot of it done. The stuff thats left was not real long so its ok.

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Sharon, we did get the game in last night and it did not rain here at all until very late at night and it is still raining today. So another loss for us and we now only have just 1 month left on the season.


Our grass was cut yesterday as well. But they did not cut last week due to the intense heat. You have the wedding to attend this weekend and then next weekend we are going to Saugtuck, MI. Stay cool,




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That was good you got your game in whether or not you lost, still fun. We started having thunder and lightening around 10 pm and it went on for quite a while. We got another 1/2 in of rain, then it was raining again today. So the grass is greening up and will be back to normal soon.


What are you doing in MI, wasn't that where you went and stayed on the boat? Or are you going to a different town. I can't remember exactly where that boat was.


I bought an Ipod, a little bitty thing that is only about 2 inch square. I have been trying to load music on it from itunes. I want to be able to listen to it when I walk. Wish I was smarter about these things!

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Sharon, don't feel too bad as I have the same problem trying to do different things. We go to MI at lest 2 times a year. Yes, we stay on this 105 foot house boat where they have 4 suites. It is called sea suites and you can look it up on line and see the pictures of the boat. So they treat us nice and there is a lot of nice restaurants in the area as well as wineries. So next weekend we will leave on Friday afternoon and return on Sunday. It takes us about 1 1/2 hours to get there.


We also had much electrical activity around here with the storm. Got more rain yesterday and more today as well. With all of the rain we have broken the all time record for most rainfall in July. So you have the wedding tomorrow and are you going out tonight?




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That sounds like a lot of fun on the boat, it will be better weather this time too. Does your Bill drink wine, mine doesn't. He always only has his one 7 & 7 and nurses it all night long. At the wedding they are having an open bar with beer and wine only, you can buy mixed drinks though. We are going to the dance place tonight and our friends whos son is getting married is coming with the son, and his best service buddy and wife, no mention of the "bride" coming. Sunday there is a rodeo in town that we plan on going to, but it will be really hot as it is out in the open field with no shade. Will definetly have to wear sun screen or long sleeves and a hat.


Well had a surprise this morning when I stepped on the scale, down 2 pounds!!! I was so busy yesterday going through some clothes and trying them on...to find stuff to give to Good Will that I only had some yogert and granola mixed together for lunch, then for dinner a small beef filet, an ear of corn and a small salad. Guess portion control does work. So I have renewed hope and have been good today also. I am listing my foods on My Fitness Pal so I can tell how my calories are adding up. Hope my self control holds out for a while, sure would like to lose some more.


We had lightening again last night but don't think we got any more rain out of it. Thats ok though, we have had enough for a while.

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Sharon, have you found out why your friend does not like the bride. That does not sound good if the soon MIL to be does not like her soon to be DIL. Bill used to drink wine but cannot drink wine anymore due to his acid reflux. He has had to eliminate all acid coming into his system now. He drinks vodka on the rocks now.


Well it sounds like you have a full weekend ahead. Dancing tonight, more I am sure tomorrow and the rodeo on Sunday. Sounds fun. It never got really hot today with the cloud coverage. Well a big congrats on loosing 2 lbs., way to go. Portion control does work and with you charting all of your food on My Fitness page will help track what you are eating.


Well have a great weekend.




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A very happy August 1. Sharon, how was the wedding and rodeo yesterday? More hot weather on the way. Weigh-in tonight and then we leave for MI on Friday. Anything planned for you this week?


Stay cool.




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We had a great time at the reception, except it was free wine, champagne and beer. Most of the gals were drinking the champagne and then the wine. I didn't care for the food, so ended up drinking a litttttleee bit too much wine. Boy, I got up Sunday morning and still was dizzy! Made a cup of tea, I couldn't stomach the coffee and ate a piece of toast. Felt some better so we did go to the rodeo. It was not real crowded so we sat on the top bench with the breeze to our back and it wasn't too hot. Felt much better today, but Zumba was a real workout. Boy I haven't had that much to drink in years and won't to it again for another century! Our whole table was our dancing friends and we had the best time, laughing and talking. And no, I don't know why the grooms parents are so much against the bride. There were 250 guests and at least half of them were from her side and they all seemed to think it was great they were getting married. We told our friend she better just deal with it or she would lose her son too. She said she told him whenever he wants to come home they'll pay for the divorce, how terrible is that to tell your son.


Good luck with you weigh-in tonight, bet this is the time you'll lose. Isn't it nice to have the trip to look forward to, it'll make the week much easier to get through and I know you will have a good time.


Nothing special for us lined up this week, next week there is a county fair we have tickets for.

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Sharon, I lost 1.4 lbs last night at weigh-in. After 3 weeks of gaining I finally lost. I have never lost that much at one time. Well it sounds like you had a very good time at the wedding. I think we all can say that there have been times when we indulged just a wee bit too much. The important thing is that you were with friends and had a great time. The rodeo sounded great as well. Very strange about how that women feels about her DIL. Not a good way to be starting out at all.


Yes, I can't wait to get away this weekend. I hope the jerk lets me leave early as Bill wants to get on the road early.


Stay cool, and nice pictures




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Good for you with the weight loss! How did you do it, eat the right things or less of everything? Yes if you could leave early on Friday you could beat a lot of the traffic, hope he lets you.


Yesterday I was printing out pictures and the doorbell rang. It was the local police and they had a car stopped in our front yard. Seems the guy had been driving drunk and they were following him. He drove into our yard, took down 2 fence posts, and barely made the circle drive without hittiing my car in the garage! His car had 2 broken back side windows, a cracked windshield and one front tire was gone. They took him to the hospital, he had no drivers lic, no insurance and it wasn't his car he was driving. You just never know whats going to happen next!


I have maintained the 2 pounds loss, will work on getting more off this week. Boy its really hot today!

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Sharon, good job for maintaining. I think for me portion control is the ticket and we have been eating out less. I also think the more you eat out the greater of gaining more. Bill is going up in a WW II Douglas C-47 paratroop transport plane that was built in 1941. It is going to be at our airport for a couple of weeks. So Friday before we leave he is going to do that. I am not too crazy in going up high unless I absolutely have too. So I am staying on the ground.


Wow, what a crazy story. So are you going to have to pay for all of the damage that this guy did. Since you were inside, you did not hear anything? Being drank in the afternoon, but at least the cops caught him.




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I didn't hear a thing, and I was in the back of the house. Must have been going on for a while since the one squad car had already taken him to the hosptial before the other policeman even rang the doorbell! Doesn't seem like there will be any money from anyone to fix anything, since there was no insurance, and who knows if the guy even had a job. I do have the accident report no. but will not turn it into our insurance. It shoudn't cost too much to fix, the problem is finding someone to do it.


Was your Bill a pilot? If so thats probably why he would really like to ride in that plane. You surely don't get a chance to do that everyday, how did he even find out about the opportunity?


You are right about eating out, even though we take home some of it I think it always has more fat and calories in it than what you would make at home.

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Sharon, isn't that the way it always is. Someone else screws up and you end paying for it. When Bill worked for United he retired as a cargo manager. During the Viet Nam War he was a pilot.in the Navy. We are supposed to get some storms tonight.


I just came back form getting a massage. I feel great. I think I will do that more often.




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My Bill was also in the Navy, on several supply ships. I have only had one massage and that was on an island while we were on a cruise. It was a couples massage at a resort, I'm going to have to look back and see where it was because it was a great resort with a beautiful pool and and beach. Wouldn't be bad to just go back there and stay for a vacation some day.


We had lots of rain last night around 6pm. Got dark as night and blew and rained, then after about 1/2 hr it was all over and the sun came out. I had done some grass cutting earlier, but need to finish it today. After all this rain the grass has started to really grow even though it doesn't look very good with brown patches still all over. Maybe this last rain will take care of those.

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Sharon, prior to yesterday, the only other time I have had a massage was on a cruise. They just started doing those at the salon I go to. So I thought I would give it a try. I saw on the news yesterday that the north got hit kind of hard. We did get rain but nothing like you got.


It would be nice to get away and go back to that resort for a vacation. Have you heard anything about the guy who was arrested at your house?




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Beautiful day today, less humidity and what a difference that makes. Haven't heard anything about the guy or seen anything in the paper. Sometimes at the end of the month they list all the police calls for the entire month. Maybe something will be there. We have about decided to not put the fence back up for now. We really don't need it, and its more decorative than anything. I cut the rest of the grass yesterday, it has been growing like crazy, there are so many clumps of grass it looks like someone should come in and bale it! After it dries up a bit I'll probably have to rake up some of it, I hate to rake but if I don't the grass underneath will die and there are already spots from the drought that haven't came back. I made an appointment for a mammogram tomorrow afternoon, just a yearly thing that I have been putting off, decided to today to just get it done. I missed Zumba yesterday, we went to a "seminar" put on by the bank. It was on Power of Attorneys for health care, end of life decisions and financial things. IL came out with new forms that are supposed to help keep "agents" from using your money for their own purposes even though they have the power of attorney.


Only one more day after today for you and you are on a mini vacation, sounds nice.

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Sharon, it has been real nice weather wise after the intense heat. Bill was a little upset yesterday as we have 8 members on our bocce team and he could not get 2 people to show up. There has to be a minimum of 2 to play and he was the only one there, so we had to fore fit. I went out to dinner with my friends who I play bunco with.


Well perhaps you will see something on the guy who was arrested. Yes, I hope I can get out of work early tomorrow so we do not run into traffic. Hopefully it will be a nice weekend there. It sounds like this bank has a lot of things that are fun and useful to do. Bill went through all of those things with his father last year with POA for health care and financial matters. There are so many things that can go wrong so a good thing to have all bases covered.




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Thats too bad about the bocce, guess eveyone has things to do or they don't want to be out in the hot air. I didn't make dinner yesterday either, I had just came in from mowing so we went down to Subway and got one of those pulled pork sandwiches they have been advertising. It was really good, but really big. I should have cut it in half but I didn't, and today 1 of those pounds is back. Where did you go to eat with your friends last night?

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Sharon, we went to a local restaurant in Dyer, IN. Funny thing, as I had a pork dinner myself. Too bad about gaining 1 pound. You have to cut those foot longs in 1/2 at Subway and take the other 1/2 home. What are you doing over the weekend? Dancing tomorrow night catching up with the weeks happening and hearing how the bride and groom are doing?




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Oh no, we didn't buy foot longs, we had a coupon for buy one 6 in and get one free. The 6 in one was big enough to cut in half, but it was good! Yes we'll be dancing tomorrow night and Sat night there is a neighbors night down the road from the dance place with a band, and also a "thing" going on in Genoa City, WI. They have a parade, food and a band. Guess we will have to pick one or the other, it would be too much to go to both I think. I don't think we will hear too much about the bride and groom, since they are just the kids of our friends, that is unless the mom keeps harping on how much she dislikes her. Hopefully they stay away from her and live their own life without the interference, we have all said she is the mother in law from hell!


Have a great weekend, that is after you get away tomorrow.

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Sharon, it sounds like you have another fun filled weekend planed. You are going to a party at a neighbors house that is having a band, wow pretty nice. Enjoy and have a real nice weekend. All I have to do is get out early today and get on the road before the traffic gets too bad. I think the weather is going to be good.


Let's hope that you do not have any more incidents of people driving up on you property or anything close to it.




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