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Sharon, so this fest was a part of the tour you were on? It sounded like it was a huge display as 3 miles is a lot of vendors. This is the perfect time of year for those things. I am glad you both had a good time. How is his eye doing? Like you said, all should be good for your cruise. I did not know that NCL was the only line who allows smoking. So all in all it sounds like you had a good trip. It was probably a long day though.


It was a good weekend. The rain came very late or early in the morning on Sunday and when we left there was no rain at all. We went to O'Hare yesterday to do that run/walk on a runway. It was not officially opened yet, as they would never shut down an active runway for an activity such as this. This was the brand new runway that they have constructed and it will officially open in a few weeks. So it was a rare opportunity to actually be on a soon to be active runway. United had a 777 on display as well.


All in all it was very disorganized as it took us well over an hour to get into the parking lot that we had paid extra to park close to the event. Even the free shuttles, people where leaving the busses and walking to the event as it was all backed up with cars waiting to get into the lots. They were at least 1 hour late in starting the events due to the huge crowds. Bill estimated about 25,000 participants. It was a real cluster getting to the parking. However the part of being on the runway was very cool.


I got fired twice on Friday, and even though he said he was only kidding, I said that I was not and almost walked out a couple of times, and if I would have done that, I would not have been back. In just about a week we will be leaving for Denver. So hopefully that trip will be nice, as I always worry about things. But Bill always takes care of everything and usually he has everything worked perfect.


So you had the busiest weekend and everything seemed to work very well. How does you bathroom look now? That is kind of strange that his daughter was worried about his kitchen floor. I figure that sometime in October we will have to turn on the heat. Things are starting to change rather quickly. Where did the summer go so quickly. These are nice days to be outside walking. I would think that Tinker loves it as well.




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I saw on tv the crowds, and the United plane, had no idea there were that many people though.


His eye is all better from the laser that was done last Wed, and we have to go back this Wed for him to check it. Then he has the physical from his regular dr and then the cataract surgery on Oct 14. They say 6 weeks and everything is good so it should work out just right for our cruise. I wish Bill could ever plan a trip, but I'm afraid that will never happen. You are lucky your DH does it so good. But then again he is home and has the time. My Bill wouldn't know where to even start. It takes quite a bit of time for me too to get everything coordinated with flights and hotels and such. What are you doing in Denver, visiting or just vacationing? Hopefully all the flooding is gone, don't know for sure if it was right in Denver or not.


Must have been quite a day to get "fired" two times, he better watch out what he tells you or you just may take him up on it, ha ha


After the exercise class one of the gals had 3 of us come over to her house for lunch. One of the gals is leaving for Florida tomorrow so she wanted to do it before she left. The gal that is leaving is a retired police officer from Chicago and her husband is too. He was head of a swat team for years. The gal that had the lunch for us is leaving in January for Florida and me and another gal, Mary are here for the winter.


Us 4 have been going to zumba and doing the beach thing all summer, they are also doing the exercise thing, its good have a few friends.


NCL might not be the only one that still allows smoking, but many do not. It seems like more and more of them are heading that way.


We got the cabinet and top into the bathroom yesterday, after Bill put the faucet and drain in it. He still has to connect the water lines, but that shouldn't take too long. The next thing will be the toilet and towel bars and the trim along the bottom of the walls. Still quite a bit to do.


I'm going to cut some grass before Bill gets home, have to be done with dinner so we can watch DWTS. I think that older guy might have to drop out, heard something about an injury. So if he does they might not eliminate anyone else this week.

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Sharon, there have been those few surprises with DWTS. What a great day to be outside today working or better yet, just enjoying the day. They were very disorganized with getting all of the participants into the area for the race/walk. I think they had far more than they had expected. However it was nice for me to actually be on the field and right up next to a plane rather than looking at it from inside a terminal.


With all of the years that Bill spent working for United, it is like second hand for him to take care of all of the travel arrangements. I just go along, even though I do complain a lot, he does do a good job. He has been retired since 2007 and he belongs to a retired airline group form United. So each year they have a convention someplace around the country, and this year it is Denver. We are going on tours each day besides the events in the evening. They are having a banquet on Saturday and we return home on Sunday. We leave 1 week form tomorrow.


You are right, that these places, even cruise ships are cutting out the smoking. So if Bill enjoys it then it is good that NCL still respects the smokers. How long it will last is only anyone's guess. I cannot imagine how it would be to leave for warmer climates now and return in the spring. It must be nice that you have friends that can do that. So they might as well get away and have fun. I know I would if we had a place such as they do. It is always good to have someone that you shear the same interests in to be around and having them in your classes. It sounds like everyone has a good time.


Whenever you start doing a redo project, it seems like there is always something else to be done. If you are not careful things can go on and on until you cannot do anymore. We probably would be dong more if we were not selling the place.


You could not even imagine how upset, that jerk made me feel on Friday. A person can only put up with so much and then enough is enough. I am getting close to packing it all away around here.




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The Denver trip sounds like alot of fun. Always nice to get away gor a few days.today in the water class there was only about half as many people as usual, so it was good. We had enough room for a change.


Sunday I was vaccuming up some window ledges in the basement, it started gathering up on the end of my crevice tool because of the spider webs. I cleaned it off and held it in my hand while I continued vaccuming. All of a sudden I had this hot burning sensation on my finger and threw down the stuff I was hokding. I didn't kniw that I was also hokding some kind of bug that stung me. We saved the bug just in case I got a really bad reaction. Monday my finger started swelling up. Last night I took a benadryl. Today I took the bug down to the health dept to try and see what kind of bug it was. I had to leave it and they said they would contact me with an answer or else they would send it to Springfield to an entomologist fot identification. It looks like some kind of beetle with wings to me, but it sure did hurt and now with the selling it itches like a bee or wasp sting.


One more warm day before the rain on Thursday and the cooler weekend.

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Sharon wow, what a thing to happen. You were smart to both keep it and also to take it for an analysis. It will be interesting to see what it is and what kind of things it can do to you. I know that Bill is super sensitive to things as well. A few weeks ago his eyes and all over his body he had swelling and inching as well. His was called contact dermatitis. Basically he was outside working in the yard and was touching the plants and did not wash his hands. I know that you wear gloves when you are outside. Also you cannot wash your hands enough. I hope you are doing better and let me know what is found out about the bug.


I am a bit nervous about the trip as I usually get. Especially when I do not know what to expect and what we will be doing that will be fun and exciting for me. This is his group and I do not want to be stuck in meetings or doing things that might not have any interest to me. But he usually does a good job and all of my complaining and worrying is for nothing.


I hope they can get your Bill back into good vision without any type of reaction before your cruise. I see that you were taking a cruise almost every year and now it has been a few years. So something to look forward to and to enjoy and have a great cruise.


Well just like you said, your class has thinned out and now your group can exercise without being all crammed together. Another nice day today. I think that your area will get more of the rain that is predicted later on in the week, from what I saw yesterday.


Enjoy the day,




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I took Bill to the eye dr this afternoon for a check up on that laser treatment they gave him last week. Everything was fine and we confirmed the cataract surgery for the 14th.


This morning I went to the exercise class and then to Kohls to look around until it was time to take Bill. I didn't want to drive all the way home and go back again to pick him up at his house, especially since they are putting another layer of asphalt on and you have to sit and wait for the flagger to let you go. At Kohls I tried on these really comfortable ankle length boots, but they didn't have them in the charcoal, only taupe and black. So the gal that worked there said order them on the kiosk and they will ship free to your home. So she helped me and they should be here in about a week. They felt really good on, the toe box was wide enough that your toes weren't all scrunched up together and they only had a small heel. Should be good to wear with black or gray slacks. Also they were normally $74 and one day only on sale for $39 but with a code you got 15% off. I didn't have a good code this time, only 15%. So they weren't too expensive.


I'm sure you will have a wonderful time on your trip, like I say just getting away and especially you getting away from the jerk, will be good. The other guys probably have their wives with also so maybe they have some things lined up that will be fun.


I just got home a few minutes ago, left early this morning and on the way home noticed that my oil needed changing so just went ahead and had that done before I came home too.


Tonight will go visit with the gals and maybe dance a dance or two.

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Sharon, I am glad, that Bill got a green light for the surgery in a few weeks. I will pray that all will go well for both of our Bill's. I know I have a few Kohl's coupons as well. I have never had a bad experience there and like you, they are so helpful and you want to keep coming back for all of the great deals you get. Like that person helping you to order them and to have them delivered to you house for free. It does not get much better than that.


I took a look at the tours and some of the activities that he has signed up for. Once again, I do not know why I worry so, as he usually does a great job planning things and most often I have never been disappointed. Besides, I have never been there, so just another experience that I can look forward to.


Yes, getting away form the jerk is always a good thing. He was so sarcastic yesterday, when I told him I would be gone next week after Monday. Most people would be happy, but him, always has something he thinks is smart.


Another nice day today. Have fun going out tonight dancing. Were you surprised with what happened on DWTS?




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I was not surprised on DWTS that he go let go, I thought it was silly of him to risk hurting himself more for some trophy. Now we will have to see who goes next.


It has been rainy off and on all day and cloudy, gloomy. I saw somewhere that they are predicting a winter storm sometime next week. I don't want to see that! I like our 70 degree days and hope they last all Oct.


Had a pretty good zumba class, but the gal who leads it is really not that into it any more it seems like. She always has an excuse as to why shes not at her best. This time it was because she took the Piloxing certification exam and used too many muscles and was sore. Come on, I do all kinds of things and the certification was on Monday so she should have been ok by now. Anyway I talk to a couple of the gals so its not too bad.


Last night looking at the mail I saw I had a $10 off coupon from Kohls for shoes. When I was at there yesterday I saw another pair I really liked, kind of a gold color almost like a sneaker, but a little fancier. They were $44 so I decided against getting another pair of shoes without a better discount coupon. So now I think I will go on the 6th which is when the coupon is valid and get those shoes also. I haven't bought shoes for a while although I surely don't need any, have too many already but these are nice.


Have a good day,

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Sharon, I got those same coupons a few days ago myself. Lucky you waited as now you can go back and get them at a better price. Also you never know what else you might need. Now is the time to start planning with new things for your cruise.


It was doing the same thing here as well today. But it did get real humid this afternoon. I heard that in the plane states that they got a winter storm yesterday after it had been in the 70's the day before. I sure hope, what you heard about a storm next week is not for our area.


We will have to see how the weather cooperates tonight to see if we will be able to walk or not. Can you think of any reason, why the Zumba instructor is not into the classes anymore? How was going out last night dancing?




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The zumba gal has been slacking off all summer and several of us thought it was just because we were outside in the sand. Last week she was pretty good, so you never know what kind of class you are going to get.


I want to lose about 20 pounds but realistically hope for 10 pounds before the cruise so I won't be buying anything for a while for the cruise.


We didn't have anymore rain later this afternoon so if you had the same as us you could get your walk in. Have you noticed that it is completely dark by 7pm?


There was only 4of us last night so only Bill and I did one dance. One gal was sick and one had a tooth pulled. So we just talked and visited. Next weel is one of the gals bday so the owner/bartender is making us free tacos.


One more day of exercise tomorrow then Sat can sleep a little later.

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Sharon, it sounds like the bar is a fun place to go, as you seem to celebrate many B-Days. Also the owner chips in and provides treats for the group as well. We did not go again last night as it was raining and severe storm warnings out. So I called and was able to get a nail appointment and that is what I did instead.


Yesterday was on and off rain thought the day. But it did warm up a lot in the afternoon and today it is supposed to be about the same. We did get rain over night, and today is just foggy and overcast this morning.


So it sounds like the instructor may have something else that is occupying her time. Unless she is totally independent, maybe the owners of the place can get another instructor. Or maybe someone should just go up and ask her, what's up?


I had a real bad day yesterday. Who knows what kind of a day I am going to have today, as the jerk will actually be in today. But on the up side, I only have to survive today and Monday, and then we will be gone. Bill has to go downtown this morning as he has a dermatology appointment. He has had a lot of skin issues the past month.


Have a good day today,




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We had rain overnight and then this morning thunder also. I didn't go to the exercise class, for some reason my right knee is kind of sore. I know we have been doing a lot of squats at the exercise and also zumba so that is probably whats wrong. Since it was dark and rainy and my knee hurt I just stayed in bed a little longer. It will probably do it good to rest for the next three days. We don't do all that much dancing tonight, seems like we are getting to where we talk and visit more than dance. But thats ok, everyone has some type of medical issue so now I do too.


Just turned the calendar over and saw it is my grand daughters anniversary tomorrow, guess the card I'm sending will be late. I hate it when that happens, I've had the card for over a week.


Too bad about your day yesterday, sure is stressful for you, glad you are getting away for a few days. Just go to your "happy place" when the jerk or anyone else starts in. I know easier said than done.


Hope today is better for you!

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Sharon, it was only foggy and overcast here this morning but no rain yet. It did warm up and the sunshine is out. So another nice day to enjoy, while it lasts. I would say with all of the squats that you have been doing, you have hit it right, with your knee being sore. Best to rest and give it a chance to recover and get better. Perhaps with going into the pool over the weekend will also help it along as well.


You certainly do not want to have any problem going on before you cruise. You want to enjoy your cruise and be able to travel and enjoy every minute you can enjoy. After waiting all of this time, to finally take a cruise. The last thing you need is to have any kind of health issues.


I know I feel the same way about being on time with sending things, when they are due. But then again, I see people today are not as good as we are, and more and more people fail to send anything now. Most often I will not get anything around the holidays unless I send something out.


When I saw Bill at lunch, he said that the Dr's office had called him this morning, just before he was leaving and said they were canceling the appointment, due to the Dr calling in sick.really I guess they can get sick as well, especially being around so many different patients all of the time.


That is very good advice about going to our special place. But like you said, it is easier said than done, especially when I have a jerk who cares nothing about anyone's feelings except his own. OK, his day will be coming.


We are going to Naperville, IL tomorrow to see Bill's GS play football. So we will be gone most of the day and we will get something to eat with them as well. We also have to start setting aside times over the weekends now to look at potential places to buy as well.




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Its a good thing the dr got ahold of Bill before he left, did they reschedule? I've had that happen too. Its frustrating since you are all ready to go.


How was the football game? Did they get it in before the rain. We went to an auction abd I bought several dolls. There weren't very many people there so things were going very cheap. I bought 3 very pretty dolls for $5.00. There was also a box of 4 with one of them I really wanted, so I had to pay twenty dollars for them. I already have a doll collection so its hard to pass up a good deal. I ended up with eleven really nice dolls from the auction.


Went to the pool today, nice and quiet after the kids bday party ended at 5pm. We got there about 4:45 so sat in the steam room until they left.

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Sharon, everything worked out very well for the GS's football game on Saturday morning. Once he was finished and then we went to a karate competition. As it seems like Bill's son has him in a lot of activities. While we were inside at the karate, it started raining, so perfect timing. It was an all day thing and we did not leave until late in the afternoon.


So when we were driving back home it was getting real dark and it started raining again. So we stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way home for dinner. We have not been there in a very long while. So that was a nice change. On Sunday early in the afternoon we went looking at houses and I got very aggravated as it is a long tiring process. I do not know how many places we looked at. Nothing inside where we would have had to make an appointment, we just looked on the outside to see if we liked anything first. There was nothing that I would want to leave this place for.


So the jerk text me last night, just when I was getting ready to go to sleep about canceling his flight for today. So I just canceled everything and he can have someone else figure out his return while we are in Denver. This is the kind of crap that I put up with. So all I have to do is survive today and a much needed break tomorrow and the rest of the week.


We went to an open house, appetizers and drinks on Friday for the foot Dr with his new office. So that is where we will be going tomorrow morning for Bill's scheduled appointment on our way to the airport. Our flight leaves around noon or 1 pm. I do not know if Bill had rescheduled his other appointment or not. He does not shear everything with me as I find things out down the road sometime. But it was good they did catch him anyway, as I know what you mean.


It was perfect timing for you at the resort yesterday. I know what you mean about those kids B-Day parties. We have been around some of those as well. I had no idea that you had such an extensive doll collection. It sounds like you did very well at the auction yesterday.


Much cooler today, enjoy the day.




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We had a very large class at exercise this morning, guess everyone is trying to get rid of the excess eating over the weekend. Then the 3 of us gals went to TJ Max, a new store opened in Lake Geneva. One of the gals had went on Sunday, which was opening day, and bought some stuff without trying it on. It didn't fit so she wanted to take it back. I found a pretty dress that I liked, tried it on and it looked pretty good so I bought it. I had a gift card that, and you are not going to believe this, we had gotten as a wedding gift, eleven years ago! It still had $12 on it and they accepted it. So I got a pretty good deal on the dress.


Going to cut a little grass this afternoon, its a little cool but sunny.


They are still working on the highway, wish they would get it done!


It's hard to find a house that you like as well as the one you have, when you have gotten it just how you want it. We are always in the "looking" mode but haven't found anything either. The one I would have liked to have Bill didn't call about soon enough and it got sold. We need to be in WI, not IL but I don't know if it will ever happen or not.


Hang on today, and just think about the fun you are going to have starting tomorrow!

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Sharon, always many looking to correct what bad habits we went through over the weekend. Also, I guess not as many you had thought, have left for warmer climates just yet. Isn't that the truth about finding something you really like and the good one's always go so fast.


It did turn out to be a real nice day today after it being so cool this morning. With the sun out bright it feels good. I think it will be in the 60's and 70's in Denver while we are there. So if that holds to be true, it will not be too bad there at all.


It is always good to try things on first before buying and bring it home. I would never just get something without trying it on first. Wow, I thought I was a procrastinator. Still having a gift certificate from 11 years ago. That has to be some kind of record. I am surprise it still had money on it as well. I would have totally forgotten about it, so you were lucky in that respect.


I will have to get everything all ready to take with tomorrow and then try to get to bed at a reasonable hour. As we will have to get up real early tomorrow to leave our house by 7 am.


I do not know how busy things will be while we are away. Also if I do not get a chance to check in while we are away. I will check back in next Sunday upon our return. Enjoy, and have a good week.




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So by now you have been in Denver for quite a while, let the fun begin!


I took Tinker in for her rabies shot this afternoon and the vet decided to remove a very large growth on the top side of her neck. It was some type of non invasive cancer and had two veins in it that bled a tremendous amount. She stitched the veins, then cauterized them and them stapled it all closed after cutting it off. Poor Tink was scared to death and shaking. It bled alot after we got home but looks like it has stopped now.


We were going to go to Janesville tonight for a presentation by Va Galder bus about some of their upcoming trips but decided we couldn't leave her alone that long. She is not supposed to use her doggie door because it would hit the staple so we have to watch when she wants to go out and let her out the door.


Well anyway, enjoy being away from work!

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Sharon, we had a very nice flight into Denver yesterday. The weather has been nice and warm as well. Today we are waiting to go on our first tour.


I am sorry to hear about Tinker. I hope she will be recoverred soon. It is good that you have stayed around to watch over her.


We ate at Tobey Keith's place last night. The bar is in a shape of a getuar.




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I"m anxious to hear about your tour, sounds like a good time what ever it is.

Good its warm, its good here also, right around 72, so just about perfect.

Bill had his physical today, he has lost another 10 pound since January. He is only at 144 with his shoes on and 5'6". He said he used to be 5'8" so he has shrunk also. Dr didn't say too much about it except that it was a significant weight loss. No tests or anything scheduled though. So he is cleared to have his cataract surgery on Monday.


It is our anniversary on Friday but the cruse is our gift, actually mine to him, but I'm looking forward to it also. He wanted to get me a corsage, but I have no place to wear one, and it doesn't seem like people wear them anymore.


Tinker is doing pretty good today, so thats a good thing.


Sounds like a neat place, Toby Keiths did you do a little country dancing? Or was it just a restaurant.


Have fun,

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Sharon, we are waiting to board a bus to take us to the Air Force Acadamy today. We will be gone all day. So I will have many things to tell you when I get a chance. We are 1 hour behind you.


It is good that your Bill is all cleared to have his surgery. My Bill got all cleared before we left, so hopefully they will go through the surgeries OK. I am also glad to hear that Tinker is doing OK as well.


They are talking rain today or this evening. The temps have been real nice here as well. With being 1 mile high in altitude we have to drink more water than we usually do.


Busy day today, I will get back later when I can. Enjoy you day,




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We are supposed to get that rain here Sat morning so try and hold it there because we want to go to Fall Diddley at the Boone Co fair grounds on Sat. We usually go every year, sometimes its nice, sometimes its rainy and sometimes its snowy.


Did the zumba today, the leaders sister is getting married tomorrow so her mom and aunt where there for the class. She did a really good job with the leading today because they were there.


I'm going to have to start making bigger dinners and try to get some weight onto Bill, he really can't afford to lose anymore. Tonight going to make steaks and baked potatoes and a salad, not a really fattening up dinner but some solid food.


I would have never thought of the air force academy as a tour, bet it will be interesting.

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Sharon, it was not a bad day yesterday as far as the weather. It started raining just when we were headed back form the tour, just as they said it would. I think the rain is going to be north of us today. It is sunny here now. They said that this area gets about 300 days of sunshine a year. However it has been snowing quite heavy in the mountains. We could even see it from where we were.


Today we are waiting for a Denver City tour in a little while. Yesterday it was a very long day with the tour. We left at 8 am and retruned about 5:45 pm. It took over 2 hours to get back with the traffic and the rain.


Besides the Air Force tour we went to the Olimpic training center and Colorado Springs area. We were very tired from all of the walking and touring yesterday.


I agree the Bill does not need to loose any more weight. Get him to put on more weight. I would think that on your cruise, he will put on some weight.


Have fun at the fair over the weekend.




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Today is our 11th anniversary on Oct 11th, so I guess that makes it our "golden" anniversary. Nothing different planned for tonight, the same dancing thing with our friends. We will probably go out to eat tomorrow night.


It is nice and sunny here today also, but they are talking about the rain coming in later tonight and some also in the morning.


Had the exercise class today, not near as many people as on Mondays.


I am hoping we can get some weight on Bill, and that its not something else. Have to call today and get find out when he goes into the hospital for the cataract surgery on Monday morning.


So have a great weekend, always nice to have a little break in the work week isn't it!

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Sharon, yes, it is nice to have a real break from the jerk and all that goes with that place. We are having a 50/50 drawing tonight and just a social gathering. Tomorrow is the banquet in the evening and then Sunday we will come home.


We may look to do a tour on our own or we may just rest tomorrow. I am kind of tired from all of the touring the past 3 days. We have been up early each day and returning late in the afternoon each day.


A big HAPPY ANNIVARSARY to you both today. Eleveen years, where has the time gone buy. So your gift to Bill will be your upcoming cruise? Something to look forward to.


Today was filled with touring of the Denver area and many attractions of the Denver area, art, and the city capitol.


Have fun today and this evening,




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