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I took the camera back today. I was looking for the regular kind thst you put a couple of AAA batteries in and it works, but they have went the way of the older tvs that had the big backs on them. Seems all cameras are digital and come with a sisc that has the program on it. Guess I'll just take my Kodak Easy Share.


We had a little more snow today, only a dusting though but widy again.


My grandson called this evening and confirmed they would be picking us up at the NO airport. Will be so good to see him and his girlfriend.


My printer is saying it is offline, haven't changed anything, never said that before and I don't know what to do to get it online. Any ideas, I will need it to print boarding passes.


Still nothing packed, seems like all of a sudden we have so much other stuff to get done. Like today took I

Bill to get his glasses ordered, after I went to water aerobics. Then took him back to work and went to Best Buy to return the camera, then got my oil changed and tires rotated, then got my hair cut. Left home this morning at 8:30 got home at 4:45. Hipefully everything will go well and I can get something done at home.

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I took the camera back today. I was looking for the regular kind thst you put a couple of AAA batteries in and it works, but they have went the way of the older tvs that had the big backs on them. Seems all cameras are digital and come with a sisc that has the program on it. Guess I'll just take my Kodak Easy Share.


I just bought a Nikon COOLPIX L820 16 MP CMOS digital camera with 30x zoom lens and full HD 1080p video. It uses 4 AA batteries. It comes with a disc but also has a quick start booklet. I haven't downloaded the manual yet but have used the booklet. I've had the camera only a few days and it seems very easy to use. Call B&H Photo at 866-842-7153 or visit their website. Tell them what you want and ask for recommendations You can also find the camera at Walmart, K-mart, Amazon, and h.h. Gregg.


It's not a pocket camera due to the 30x zoom, but it is light weight.

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Sharon, you can try 2 things for your printer. Try turning it completely off and then turn it on again. Sometimes, doing a reboot might get it set up again. If not that, then it should have come with a disc when you bought it. If you can find that disc, then put that in and try reinstalling it once again.


It has been windy and cold here as well. It started snowing last night and it is supposed to snow more today as well.. Just east of us, they are calling for 4 to 12 inches of snow today. Yes, there is always much running around that needs to be done getting ready for a trip. You did have a busy day yesterday, being gone for so long.


That will be nice to see your family once again, and you will be able to spend some time with them before you depart on your cruise. So when are you leaving? Your cruise departs on Sunday, and I would think it will depart around 5pm, as that is when most cruises depart.


With all of the flights being canceled or delayed with all of the bad weather up east. I hope you do not run into any delays for your flight. I would think you will be departing from O'Hare. I cannot remember if you are staying at a hotel there where you will be able to leave your car, while you are gone.


We are going to our club on Thursday for Thanksgiving Dinner. Of course, the jerk is making us work on Friday. Nothing like having 2 days off at this place. We are lucky we are getting off on Thursday, and getting paid for it as well.


I hope you will be able to get packed and are able to get away, and most important, that you both will have a great time with beautiful weather as well. It will feel good to get away form this place and the cold weather for a few weeks.




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I was so frustrated last night I just let everything be the way it was, then after a few hours I went back to the computer, turned everything off and back on and like you said it was all good again, whew!


I was looking at my messages today on email and discovered the Avoya agent that I used that had been on vacation had sent me a message saying congratulations on your upgrade to a mini suite. I call her and told her we did not get an upgrade and she said she was sure we had to check the cabin number and sure enough we did. I already had all of the documents printed out and luggage tags too for the old one, what a mess it would have been if I hadn't checked and saw we had a different cabin number. Who knows where our luggage would have ended up either. So I have printed out new docs and new luggage tags, just one more thing to do the last minute.


I have pretty much packed except for shoes and jewelry, Bill has not packed anything, says I've got all tomorrow to do it.


We are staying at the Hilton tomorrow night and at the Royal Sonesta on Friday and Saturday nights then board the ship on Sunday.


Poor Tinker knows somethings going on and has been following me around, its so hard to leave her for that long.


We went to the little bar we go to on Wednesday nights tonight and had the complimentary turkey dinner. They had a regular roasted turkey and a deep fried turkey, both were good. The club should be good for you too tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving!


I'm taking my tablet so I should be able to keep in touch, I'm not buying the wifi package but I think my Verizon should be pretty good much of the time.

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Sharon, Happy Thanksgiving to both you and Bill. Today should be very busy for you today, with Thanksgiving and all of the last minute stuff you have to do. We have stayed at the Hilton as well. It is just across the street and we usually just walk across from underground. But they do have a shuttle as well.


Then Friday and Saturday in NO. I hope you have a good visit with your family while there. Sunday, boarding and congrats on getting the upgrade. I am sure that you are not too upset with printing the new docs, versus the old one's. Now you should really have a great cruise with the extra room and extra perks as well. You might even get a butler to boot.


It was good you were able to get out last night for one last visit with friends. I heard that last night was one of the busiest times of the year for kids out parting and drinking, and many hospital visits and accidents as well. Let's hope everyone was smart, and everyone was safe as well.


Just east of us, they got a lot of snow, and many accidents on the highways. They said our November has been the coldest in 13 years. Than today could be the coldest Thanksgiving in 24 years. I am glad we are not on the reads, and your trip to O'Hare should be OK, for you later on. Did they give you a deal on the parking as well? What did we do before computers? At least for now, everything is all good for your's.


Have a great cruise and enjoy the upgrade and all of the extra's that go along with it. Enjoy today and have a nice Thanksgiving as well. Bring back some warm weather.




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I thought I had made the hotel reservstion for Friday night the same place we stayed last time, but when we got there it was the Hyatt we had stayed at. The Hilton was across the street, its the one by the convention center not the one by the airport. We did get a deal, $119.00 plus tax and up to 2weeks free parking.

My grandson and girlfriend picked us up at the airport and brought us to the hotel,even though it was early they had our room ready. Then they drove us all around to the different areas. They are coming back tomorrow and maybe go to the WWII museum. Its cool here but not as bad as home. Suppose to be warmer tomorrow. There are many, many people here, I guess with the holiday and weekend has something to do with it. We have a coutyard room which is away from Bourbon St and so far very quiet. There was actually a couple of people swimming in the outdoor pool a little while ago. We got up at 5 this morning so are already in bed Enjoy your weekend looks like the weather should improve in the coming week up there.

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Sharon, so you showed up at the Hilton, at O'Hare, then you realized you were at the wrong hotel? That was a great deal for the Hyatt with the parking included. So now you are in NO and tomorrow you will board the ship and on your way to much warmer climates. Enjoy and have a great cruise. Especially with you upgrade to a suite now. You must be very excited.


The WW II museum sounds like that will be an exciting place to visit today. With the holiday and if the NO Saints are planing there on Sunday, I could see where it would be very crowded. How far are you from the cruise terminal? So will you be taking a taxi to the ship tomorrow? Well have a great day today in NO and I hope your boarding goes well tomorrow.


I think it is warming up here today into the 40's. We put our tree up on Thursday, and I have been doing decorating little by little since yesterday. I left work and close the place yesterday, around 2:30 and let everyone go home, as it was dead and I felt the employees deserved a break, as well as me.


Once again, have a great cruise and I am so excited for you with the upgrade to the Jr Suite.




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We did go to the WWII Museum and because Bill is a WWII veteran he got a royal wekcome and free admission. It us quite the place, we did not read everything but walked through only reading a few things and watching a few of the videos. We went by ourselves and met my grandson later at the hotel. We were kind of late leaving the museum and Bourbon St had already been closed off for the night. The taxi driver could not get through because of all the people and traffic so he finaly just shut the meater off. The crowds of people don't stop crossing the street for traffic.


Earlier in the day we saw all kinds of street performers and did a little shopping for souveniers. We got tee shirts and Bill got a pocket knife since they had confuscated his at the airport. He had put it in his carryon instead of his checked luggageyes we are going to get a taxi to the ship tomorrow, hope the street is open!


Good you got to go home early, bet everyone was glad to go home too.

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Sharon, just as a few of us were talking on Friday, the jerk came in and left me a bunch of notes and stuff on my desk. I know this because I went into work yesterday, to pick up some things and found it on my desk. He has no sense of anyone else or their personal lives.


So is Bourbon Street like that all of the time at night, where they close the street because of the crowds? Or is there something going on there that has brought out the crowds? How far is it from where you are staying to the ship terminal? How has the weather been in NO?


Well good for Bill, that he was honored at the WW II Museum. It sounds like an amazing place to visit. So what time does the ship depart from NO today? You must be very excited to be going into a suite for your upgrade. Enjoy and have a great cruise.




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Well finally am able to get service back on my tablet. I think they close Bourbon street every night or at least every weekend. There was the big colkwge football game going on the weekend we werw there.



The weather was pretty chilly both arriving and leaving No. Today is so very foggy can't see much of anything. The weather was great ince we got south a little further, around upper 80's and 90's. We had the Carnival Nagic follow us most of the way, always in the same ports at same time. The Magic is huge with lots of people.


Our upgrade consisted if a bathtub by the shower which only made it mire difficult to take a shower. The bathtub sides were very high.


We did too mucg walking when we got to NO over the two days so when we biarded the ship Bill's kbee swelled up and he could hardly walk. The first 2 days whuch were sea days, we spent in the cabin, only out to eat. Luckily he had brought a cane and with my help he managed to do a few things. We tied to rent a wheelchair on biard but the stupid "customer service" guy couldn't find the right form. I waited and waited while he hunted for a firm, then waited while he tried to fill it ot, then he had me fill out the bottom half, name, address, etc. Then said. . . Ooops sorrt wrong frm will have to starr over. At that point I told him to forget i, my husband could not stand there any longer and that was why we needed the wheelchair. So we made do with the cane. Then a day before the cruise was over we get a letter saying to please return the wheelchair before disembarking. Evidently the form wasn't good enough to get a wheelchaur but was good enough to charge us for it. You can imagine hiw mad I was confronting the customer service guy. I had him write on the letter we received we dud not get the wheelchair and there was no charge and sign it so if something comes up on the bill later we have that.


Si the cruise did not go as well as we had hoped, Bull does not look well and I will xall and get a dr appmnt fir him as soon as we get home.

Now hear we have snow to drive home through!

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Sharon, so when are you back home? Sorry to hear about Bill having problems with his knee. I hope you can get a Dr's appointment for him to get checked out. You are supposed to return from a vacation all rested, not the other way around. Once again, I hope all goes well for Bill. Perhaps he should just stay at home for a few days and rest and take it easy, before returning to work.


We stayed downtown on Friday at the Palmer House. We went to the annual World Of Chocolate, this year it was at Union Station, in the Great Hall. It was very cold here over the weekend. We ended with about 2" of snow from yesterday to today.


I guess most of the country is in a cold spell and most of the Midwest are covered in snow or freezing rain. It was good that you had some warm weather at some of your ports. I did hear that your area is getting most of the snow that has fallen with this winter mix we got.


Too bad you could not have been gone a bit longer and not have to return to this cold snap and snow. I hope Bill feels better and that you can get him into the Dr.




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Moto Guzzi, Greg, thanks for the information on the camera, sounds like just what I am intetested in! I will call that number.


Kathy, that chocolate thing always sounds soooo good! Did you eat a bunch of good things? The ship had their chocolate buffet on one of the nights, everything looked good but didn't really taste that great. We liked the chocolate covered strawberries the best.


Our flight was late leaving NO and I guess we were lucky we got to land. We waited almost two hours on the runway while the huge fleet of snowplows plowed the runways. When we finally got to the gate there was also a holdup, I was watching out the plane window and saw this one AA worker getting the luggage off the conveyor belt and throwing them in the snow in a big pile. No luggage cart was in site. He did that I think to find 2 pieces of luggage for a couple that had a conneting flight and were running short of time. When we got to the baggage pickup area all the luggage was coming around packed with snow and very wet. I thought that was a pretty poor system.


Then had a problem getting the hotel shuttle, so many people were waiting for it it would fill up inside and there was no more room for luggage. But finally got to the Hilton and got our car, which was covered in snow. We got home a little after 1am.


I got a dr appmnt for Bill tomorrow, got to find out whats going on with him. His knee was better today and he did stay home. I have a Christmas party at noon tomorrow, then his dr appmnt is at 3:30, then I have another Christmas party at 6 pm.

I hope it doesn't snow again tomorrow. We got our driveway plowed this morning but it is pretty windy.


Did you stay at the Palmer House so you would be closer to the World of Chocolate?


How is your Bill, all recovered?

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Sharon, it sounds like you came back Sunday night. The airport is always jammed on Sunday's. Then throw in snow, and I can imagine the mess you had to deal with. I thought you were at the Hyatt, not the Hilton. The Hilton is just across the street and they have the garage parking. Always good to be away, it is also good to get back home and to sleep in you own bed.


Our computer at home, the monitor had stopped working. So Bill is waiting for a new one to arrive. Or should say a refurbished one, as they never send you a brand new one for a replacement. It will come on Wednesday.


Well today, sounds like you have a complete day. With 2 Christmas parties and then taking Bill to the Dr. I hope they can do something for him. He should continue to stay at home for a few days longer to rest and get better. They are calling for more snow on Wednesday. We ended with 2" of snow here on Sunday, You must have gotten more snow than us.


We did stay at the Palmer House on Friday. It was at Union Station this year in the Great Hall. We walked there and took a cab back to the hotel. The place was packed and many different creations all over the place. Generally, it was not as nice as it was at the Hilton. The place was huge and drafty and it was a real problem getting into the place with the commuters and all of the walking around the station.


So generally speaking, are you glad you went on the cruise, and did you enjoy the cruise? How about your cabin and the upgrade? It is too bad that you had to come back to the snow and the extreme cold temps. This must be a real shock to your system.


Have a nice time at you parties today, and I hope you get good news for Bill at the Dr. My Bill is progress along and is almost all healed up completely.




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Yes we did stay at the Hilton but I did not park in the farafe. I had dropped Bill off at the door with our luggage so I parked in the side lot which was closer to the door. It was dark and late and I was by myself at that point. So the closer the better.


The roads here were very bad this morning with the drifting. Then later around 5 pm it stopped blowing so much. The first oarty was nice, had a cookie exchange and I now have a nice assortment. The second paety had about 30 women, each brought a dessert or appetiser, most brought desserts. We had an ornament exchange. We drew numbers and when it was your turn you got to pick a wrapped ornament. I go a pretty red ball made of wood that looks like a ball of flowers.


The dr ordered a lot if blood tests and gave Billl a chest xray. He will have the results some time tomorrow. He said the radiologist will read the xray but what he can tell there is a lot of copd damage. Also Bill's oxygen level was low. He still smokes and I think its finally killing him. For the past 12years, ever since I met him I have tried to get him to quit. I don't even know if he will quit now knowing this. Hopefully they don't see anything else. Guess we will have a better idea tomorrow.


I don't know if we will go on another cruise or not, the last two have not turned out so great. The only thing different between the 10th floor baconey cabin and the 11th floor jr suite was the bathtub with the shower. It had real tall sides and just made it more difficut to take a shower. I had to help Bill climb in and out. Seriously that was the only difference.


So did you get all the paperwork done the jerk left on your desk the other day?

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Sharon, so let me understand this. While you were gone, you parked the car at the Hyatt. Because you arrived so late on Sunday, you picked up the car and stayed at the Hilton across the street, and just parked the car in the open lot next to the Hilton. Then drove home the next day.


I am sorry to hear that after all of the scares you have had with Bill over the past few years with his health, that he continues to smoke. I hope you can get some good results today with the tests that were run yesterday.


It sounds like you had 2 great Christmas Parties yesterday, with some very interesting things to do and exchange. Those kinds of parties are always so much fun. I asked Bill if we had any plans for over the weekend, and he said he did not know. So yesterday, we had dinner at the club, as I had to go to a GS's play, and I did not have enough time to fix dinner. We found out at the club, that the members Christmas Party is this Sunday. Now that I have already made plans with my friend who just moved into her house.


It is still snowing here just now. It looks like 2" has fallen thus far. Very cold and windy here as well. I just can't seem to get warm with this very cold wind and the temps being so low. Bill's monitor is supposed to arrive today, as his stopped working on Sunday night. He had been using my lap top. He does not like using it though. I supposed we will have to start looking at getting a new computer. As ours was bought in August of 2009. He is dead set on not getting another Dell.


I did have things all piled up on my desk when I returned to work on that Monday. It all gets done when I can get to it. Now he is here all this week and they are having the annual family Christmas Party in a hotel in Indiana, where the entire family comes to the party, and the business pays for it all. So that is this weekend. Then he is moving the other business from St Louis to Nashville, and that all happens next week. He is doing all of this because of taxes.


Our cruise is planned for April 2015. So we have a very long time before our cruise. We have had so much in the past that has prevented us from getting away. It is kind of hard to get excited at this point for cruising. I know what you are talking about with the cruise tubs. They are so high because of the motion of the ship to keep the water inside of the tub. The tub is like one of those walk in tubs, except without the door to walk in. I agree, that they are so very high to just climb in. Our last cruise, they had a separate shower next to the tub. But the tub was still so high to climb in. I had to get a stool to help me climb in.


Have a good day today, and I hope they can give you some good results from Bill's tests.




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Okay let me start over about the hotel, I have not been explaining it very well. When I made the reservation I thought I was making at the hotel we had stayed at the last time, which was the Hyatt. So when we drove down to Rosemont I pulled up to the Hyatt front door. Then I looked at my reservation printout and saw that I had actually made the reservation at the Hilton. So we crossed the street and stayed at the Hilton where I parked in the side parking lot instead of the parking garage. When we got back we got the shuttle to the Hilton, got the car and drove home.


I supposed it does make a difference to a business about taxes, but it probably is pretty expensive to move it to another state also. And what about the employees are some of them moving also or is he hiring all new people. Do you do the bookwork for that business as well or does he have a whole staff of people there too. I would think someone would have to combine the information so he can see if he is making money and how much.


Haven't heard anything about the test results yet, probably will call him at work instead of here.


Are you going to change your plans with your friend so you can go to the Club Christmas party?


There are 4 of us that are going to lunch next week, on Monday. I just looked and I have a skin dr appmnt at 1:20pm Don't know if that will be enough time or not. Maybe if we go around 11 it would work, otherwise we will have to change the day.


Doing laundry today still trying to catch up, haven't ordered any Christmas presents for Bill's kids or gotten anything in the mail for my GC in Texas either.

Had quite a blizzard a little while ago but the sun is back out again now.

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Sharon, isn't it the case, when we go on vacation, we come home tired with so much to do. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Other than this morning, it is very sunny here as well. We got 2" of snow this morning. Everything is all cleared up and if the sidewalks were cleared of snow, they are down to bare pavement now.


I do a lot of stuff at the end of the year for both places. However he does have staff at that location as well. Some are going to be out of a job at the end of the year. Others will eventually move to TEN, but not until their kids are out of school. He is running a satellite operation until then. Here, there are the most amount of employees. He does not have nearly as many there.


I am a bit upset with Bill for not knowing when the club's Christmas Party was. We had talked about it, but we did not actually know the date until last night. I have already made plans. So now I do not know what I am going to do.


OK, I understand now about the hotels. Is there a Hilton across the street from the Hyatt now? I was only aware of the Hilton across the street from the airport terminals. You both must have been exhausted once you returned home, with the flight being late and all that you had to go through once your plane arrived.


I am the same, as far as not having much accomplished, as far as Christmas. With Thanksgiving being so late this year, I have gotten off to a slow start as well. With work, I have just not been in the spirit, the way I am usually.


I hope you will get the results from Bill's tests, and that they come back with good news. With parties and the weather, things sometimes just do not happen the way you would like them to happen.


Stay warm, as I heard that there is a wind chill advisory tonight starting at 6.




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Yes the Hyatt and the Hilton are pretty much across the street from each other in Rosemont.


We got the results from Bill's test about 7pm. Thought we weren't going to hear by that time. Everything pretty much checked out. His thyroid was a little low so the dr will give him a prescription. Also going to give him 5 days of predisone and we are supposed to go back in on Tuesday. He will walk Bill around the office and hallways with the oxygen monitor on. Some other big word I had never heard, having to do with his immune system, which is what the predisone is for. And the big one, no masses in his lungs, just the scaring from the copd. Which of course is bad enough.


We didn't go tonight to visit and dance, too cold.


I am just going to pick out some food items from some of the catalogs we got and have them delivered to Bill's kids. Everyone likes food!

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Sharon, I did the exact same thing as far as ordering for some family members. I did that last year as well. It is easy and simple, and like you said, everyone likes receiving food items.


I agree about the extreme cold. They came out last night with this wind chill advisory. I know anyone cannot be outside too long, without being at risk to exposure damage to your skin or any exposed parts. I know we would not have gone outside either last night with the cold. I have been leaving my car running, to continue to warm it up. When I have to stop home for a short time. If I would turn it off, it would have to work too hard to get back warm once again. At work, it sits outside all day. At home, we have our garage heated.


Well that is good news about Bill's test and the medication that will help him out. Now the key, is it too late for him to quit smoking, or is he not willing to do that? I would think that the Dr would recommend him to stop smoking. But all of the advice in the world is not going to matter, if Bill has made up his own mind that he is not willing to do it on his own.


I feel bad for my friend, who is looking forward to get out with me and do shopping on Sunday. I was mad at Bill, as he said he would go to the club himself. I do not like him doing things without me. However, I do not want to cancel out on my friend either. Sometimes, Bill says one thing and does another. He may not go at all, as he does not like to do things like that without me either.


So the Hilton, is it a full service Hilton or is it a Garden Hilton? We may have to look at that as well for an option. However, you bring up a good point with the shuttle busses. If there is a lot of people going to the same place, those busses can get very crowded. We all like to sit for a drive like that, and not have to stand or to be all crammed in the bus.


Stay warm today, as I think it is going to be like this for awhile.




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The Hilton is a full service big hotel, nice rooms too. Would stay there again.


So what have you decided about the Club Christmas, isn't it irritating when everything is on the same day or night. We have that coming up on Saturday also. Bill's grandson is having a graduation party from college up by Madison from 3 to 7 pm and a friend is having a birthday party here at 7 pm. Not sure what we will do yet. Alot depends on the weather. It is much nicer out today than the last couple of days, but wondering about the snow they say is coming. Right now looks like it might go south of us so if it does we can go to the dance place. Will have to watch the weather later and see what they are saying then.


You know maybe you should go to the Club Christmas Party, its only once a year, and then set up another time or day to go with your friend. I'm sure she would understand. Just a thought.


I don't think Bill will ever quit smoking, its is so maddening to me that he keeps on, I hate it and can't stand the smell of it and hate what its doing to his lungs. He has cut way back but still doesn't quit.


I got all may packages mailed to the Grandkids, I send them a little something and some money. I dont' know what they have or what they want so its best that way. I still haven't gotten around to ordering stuff for the rest of the bunch. Also haven't sent out any Christmas cards yet either. Going away in December isn't such a good idea, you get way behind too quick.


Okay, whatever you do this weekend, enjoy!

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Sharon, that was my thoughts exactly. So I have changed my plans with my friend, and now we are going shopping tomorrow. Then Bill and I can go to the club Christmas Party on Sunday. This year instead of the club providing the free food, the members are all brining a different dish to pass around. So you are right, it is only once a year, and I jumped to make plans with my friend, as we had talked about the club party. The date just came upon us quicker than we had thought.


From what they are saying now. The bulk of the snow is tracking south of I 80, and that puts it right in our area. We are just south of I 80. For you, it will have to be wait and see how it is in your area. I would not want to drive to Wisconsin in a snow storm, or if the snow was heavy. It is not too much on your part. I always worry about the other people who are driving crazy, and they are the one's who cause the accidents.


I was not aware of another full service Hilton, so close together. The one at the airport has many flight crews that stay there. The good thing about that, is the convenience of being just across the street. But now that I know about the one in Rosemont, we will have to check that one out in the future.


I feel the same way about getting away during December. There is just too much to do. I think the only way to get around all of that, is just to be gone over the entire holidays. Like the middle of December, until right after the New Year. But we have been doing the downtown thing, that started with Bill's parent's, and now it is only us and Bill's son and GS. We check into the Hilton Towers downtown on the 30th and check out on January 1. This year, like last year, I am shooting for not going into work on the 31st. It is just too crazy staying downtown on the 30th, and then to come home to go to work on the 31st, and then come right back downtown.


I did the same thing as far as sending out packages to family. Except, I ordered them on-line and sent food gifts. Our GD's are just too young now to be giving them money. Although I think that is the best when they are older. As it is just too hard to get things that they want. So best to just give money, and let them do whatever.


Let's hope the snow is not as bad as predicted for tomorrow. But, this is the third storm we have had this week since Sunday. I think this year, we will have much colder and much more snow than in past years. Are you using that same guy as last year, that has plowed your driveway? I think that he was handicapped in some way?




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Thats good you are going to the club party, sounds like fun. I heard earlier this week that they ran into a problem fixing up the pool at the resort and will have it closed at least another week. Its been closed since Dec 1st. So we will just go out to eat later and come home. Three of the gals from zumba and me are going to meet up in Lake Gwneva tomorrow for brunch. We were going to do lunch but I have a skin dr appmnt at 1:20 pm. They wanted to exchange little gifts so I found some pretty Christmas pins at Kohls on sale for half price. Still haven't got anything ordered for the rest of the family.


Bill has been taking his predizone, not sure if he feels better or worse. Its only for a couple more days anyway though. We decided against going to the grad party in Madison, but did get up to the birthday party for a couple of hours at the little bar we usually dance at on Wed. Thats where they had the party. Usually on Wed we 6 are just about the only ones there, but last night lots of people both for the party and otherwise. They had a djay starting at 9pm but we left before he srarted. Don't really like the bar scene.

We only got about an inch of snow Fri/Sat, so didn't have to have it plowed. Yes we have the same guy plowing this year. You are right he is paralized and has to have a nurse with him 24 hrs a day. Don't really know how he can plow but he does a really good job. His truck as been modified for him someway. He used to dance at the same place we go on Friday nights. He loved to dance, so sad for him now


Just been playing on the computer, should be ordering Chistmas gifts, Bill was watching the Bears and now the Packers.


Your New Years eve plans sound very nice, don't know what we will do, if anything.

Edited by timeormoney
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Sharon, this year at the club, the party was called Christmas Around The World. Everyone brought a dish to pass around all different form their own esthetic backgrounds. Thus where, around the world part comes in. So there was a lot of food, and it was a good time to be had by all. Many of the members head to Florida for the winter, and this is the last time many will see each other until spring. Of course the ones in Florida all get together in the particular area's that they are in.


This past snow, we did get a lot of snow. Something like 8" here. I heard over the next 2 days your area is supposed to get most of the snow, and us not much at all. It is so much colder than in past years and it looks like we are going to get a lot more snow than in previous years.


That is such a nice story about your plow driver. It is too bad that he is paralyzed. However, it is even better that he does not feel sorry for himself, and is out doing what he is doing. I think that is a credit to him and also for you, giving him the opportunity to do what he does.


It is good that you will be going today with your group to exchange Christmas presents. Also it is good that you stayed not too far away from home and did not drive to Wisconsin. We are going to Southwest Michigan next weekend, leaving Friday and returning on Sunday. This may be our last chance to be right on the lake before the winter weather takes a real hold.


Then the big finale of going downtown for the 2 days at the end of the year. This tradition started with Bill's parent's, and now transfers to us and Bill's son and GS. It is also hard to believe that Christmas in next week.


Enjoy today and have a good week.




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What did you take to the club for a dish to pass? Same thing up here alot of people will be leaving for Florida soon. I think you are right about the weather, colder and snowyer than past winters! Hope you have good weather to go to Michigan. We had quite a snow storm here this afternoon. Bill came home about 3:30 today, didn't know how long or how bad it was going to snow. We are supposed to get more tomorrow morning so don't know if I will be able to go to zumba tomorrow morning or not. Then have Bills dr appmnt at 2pm.


We had a nice brunch this morning, there was me and 3other gals. Two of the gals are leaving after Christmas for several months. Only me and Mary are staying. She is a beautician. After eating we did a little shopping in the stores in Lake Geneva and then drove on out to the new TJ Max. Then it was time for my skin dr appmnt. She found a couple of spots to zap and also a spot on the side of my face that she numbed and shaved off. It will be sent in to somewhere and I should get the results in about 2weeks. It was a very small spot so is probably not going to amount to much.


I finally got my gifts ordered so I guess I am all done for Christmas.


Still have a few Christmas cards to send. I don't send out very many, only to a few people.


Just saw on the weather we could get another 2in of snow and 30 mph winds, so that means drifting, ugh!


Do you already have your reservations for the hotel for New Years, I'm rhinking you probably do.


Stay warm,

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Sharon, we make our reservations for the 30th, until the first, a year in advance. We get the same suite, where we are all in there with a huge parlor, with individual rooms and bathrooms as well. I have already given them notice, that I will not be in on the 31st. It would be nuts to go down on the 30th and then come back to go to work the very next day, and come back down once again. Especially, how crowded and nuts it gets on the 31st down there, with everyone checking in and all of that hoopla.


I supposed that you will have to stay out of the water once again. But if the spa is going to be closed down, I guess that will take care of things for you. This is not a good time for the spa to be closed for maintenance.


We got close to an inch of snow yesterday afternoon. We wer supposed to get more snow this morning, but none thus far. I did not hear about those strong winds. But I did see more snow for Saturday night into Sunday. So hopefully we will not run into any of that while in Michigan or on our way back home.


I was doing the exact same things last night, with sending out cards. I am the same way with not sending out a lot like I used to, many years ago. Basically only the one's who send us cards and close family members. I only have a few more people to buy for and then I should be all set. I am trying hard not to go overboard.


People brought so much food, I hope it did not get thrown out. There was really so much, and many different varieties to choose from. I brought cookies and pasta salad that got warmed up. The place was packed and everyone had a good time. We came home around 4:30 as I was starting to fall asleep. I am not used to drinking so early, and when I do, I get sleepy. I had planned to go to Kohl's, but I fell asleep. I plan to go after work today and take advantage of the Tuesday discounts.


Stay warm today and be careful with the icy conditions.




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