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I did wake him up after I posted that last post and he wanted to go so we did and we had a good time.


Yesterday we were home during the day, I took down some barbed wire that was across the back and cut down some wild grape vines. Then we went out to dinner.


Today after church we ate at Perkins, they have great breakfasts. Then I raked the sides of the driveway to get up all the rocks that had been pushed there from the plow. Last summer they redid the road out front and lines the sides with rocks. When the plow came in he pushed them all over into the grass.


you had a late night but like you say its good to be able to sleep in a little longer on the weekend. Nice also to have some girlfriends that you know really well and have fun with.


We will try to go to the pool later and see how it works.


There have been lots of motorcycles out today, looks like they just couldn't wait to get out there. Also saw the Shamrock shuffle run today, I guess your Bill didn't do that one, did he? They said there were like 40,000 people in it. Its so nice hate to be inside, but tomorrow is supposed to be good too. I need to cut down the flowers from last year never got around to doing it since it got cold so quick and stayed that way.

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Sharon, many of those he will be going to Boston with, did the Shamrock Scuffle yesterday. He did not do it because he did 20 miles on Saturday, the last long run for training before the actual marathon in 3 weeks. I did see how many there were down there for that. We are going down to Soldier Field on Saturday for a run. I may go to the lakefront path and do some walking while he is running.


How was the resort yesterday? I heard that temps will be in the 60's today with rain tonight. I agree, that there has been a lot of dirt and stones and debris left over from all of the snow being pushed around. In some lots where the snow was pushed, there are still piles. Dirty piles, but they are still around.


Yesterday, my one friend that I have walked with in the past, came and picked me up, and we drove and met the other gals for an afternoon out talking, eating and looking around, without buying anything. Just browsing.


It was good that you were able to get out and celebrate Bill's B-Day with all of your friends on Friday. His official B-Day is tomorrow. Are you doing anything special?


It is that time now to be outside getting everything cleaned up from our long winter. I am sure there is much more to be done yet. Perhaps sometime this week I may find some time to go outside and see what needs to be done around here as well.


Yes, another sign of spring, with all of the motorcycles roaring by. Have a good day,




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Twenty miles, wow, I don't think I could even walk 20 miles! Good for him, he has really gotten healthy hasn't he!


The people were still at the resort, we were looking at license plates, some from Ontario, Canada, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Georgia, just from all over it seems. It was the gamer people, called Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe they will be leaving today, so our water aerobic class will be ok on Tuesday morning.


We had a new session start with the Forever Fit class and it is very aerobic and difficult. There are supposed to be 14 routines and we got through 7 of them, because since they are new they show us how to do each one before they start the music and we actually do them. Each time they will add a few more and pretty soon we will be doing all 14 of them....in the hour allotted.


For Bill's birthday we are going to pick up his sister that is 90 year old and take her out to dinner with us. Haven't quite decided yet where we will go. There is a nice place up at Lake Geneva called Popeye's, we might go there. Bill got a $20 off coupon from them in the mail so might use that.


It is warm enough (almost) outside but the wind is ferocious! I've got a couple of rugs hanging on the clothes line and hoping they stay on there.


Looks like we are supposed to get rain, tonight, Wed and Friday. Just when everything was starting to dry out. But I did see some yellow crocus blooming in the yard today. Looked so pretty, I don't know why I didn't see the coming up so it was a nice surprise.

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Sharon, with this surge in temps, we will be seeing more and more signs of spring coming with things blooming out. To think, just last week we had snow on our grass out in front of our house. But very windy today and I guess tomorrow as well. Things are blowing all over the place around here.


Wow, that was a huge group that took over your resort for that period. This new class that is starting up sounds to be reall gearing up to be intense for a good hours long workout. You will be really feeling the effects once you are done at the hours end. Yes, Bill has really done well with his weight loss and his training. Only 3 weeks until the Boston Marathon.


That sounds nice to pick up Bill's sister and take her with you to get something to eat. You might as well take advantage of any discounts while they are offering them.


I did see we could get a little rain today or tonight. But I guess the real rain will come in on Wednesday and Thursday, like you said. Now we will be going from frozen ground last week to a muddy ground, if we do get a lot of rain. Well April showers. What a crazy winter we had, one we will not soon forget.




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Finally the wind has stopped blowing! It is actually very nice outside right now, things are supposed to change later, but now its nice.


We had a good dinner last night. The food was terrific and a great price. It was only $7.99 each and include a nice large piece of broiled cod topped with paprika, diced tomatoes and chopped green onions. Sliced cinnamon flavored carrots, buttered sugar snap peas and 2 boiled red potatoes. Not only was it tasty it was very pretty.


Today had the FF exercise class again and we went through a few more routines. One of them is a 7 minutes routine done to 2 different songs. The idea is to keep moving while holding 2 or 3 pound weights. This should really help people get back into shape.


How long are you planning on staying in Boston? We were only there one time when the cruise ship we were on ended there. We did a bus tour of the parks and buildings on the way to the airport but really didn't spend much time there. Looks like a nice place to spend a few days though.


One more birthday party for Bill tonight at the End Zone, will be a surprise what the owner makes us all for dinner. I bought another cake to take along.


Bill is back on the prednisone three times a day. He had been on that dosage but when we went to the pulmonary dr in March, he said go down to one a day. We went back to the regular dr on Friday and he did a blood test, called a sediment rate test. It came back way high, just like it was in December the first time he had it. It had gotten down quite a bit in February but now like I said way high again. Sed rate test tells you that there is inflammation somewhere but not where. So hopefully going back up to the 3x's will get it back down again and he will feel better.


Well enjoy the sun before the rain comes!

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Sharon, it was kind of damp and cold here all day today. It is raining lightly now and still very cold. I guess we have rain in the forecast for the next few days.


It was good that you were able to get out and enjoy Bill's B-Day and have a good dinner as well. Tonight should be good as well. Hopefully the owner will fix something good for him tonight.


It sounds like this class has good workouts for everyone to do each week. Hopefully you will be feeling some good results from the intense workouts. I have gained .8 at the weigh-in on Monday. One week I loose some, and the next week I gain some.


We leave for Boston on the 18th and return the day after the marathon on the 22nd. We are going to a Red Sox game on Friday night. Bill was able to get tickets and not pay all that much for the tickets. We have been to a game there before when we have been there for the marathon.


I know that steroid is very good and works well, if they can target and get to the problem. Hopefully this time it will do him some good, so he can start to feeling better real soon. I will say a prayer that he fees better soon as well.


How has Tinker been doing? Also, I have not heard you talk about your sister in awhile, how is she doing?




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We had a nice time last night, the owner made a cold cut tray and we all had sandwiches and a piece of cake that we brought. The owners birthday is next week so we'll see what he makes for that night.


Well, funny you should ask about my sister, she just called me yesterday from the hospital. She was having trouble breathing again and called the paramedics who took her to the hospital. She said her oxygen was good but still couldn't seem to get enough air. They said, once she got to the hospital, that she had fluid in her lungs. I asked if it was pneumonia, but she said no something that started with "fast", I took that as meaning the fluid came in fast, but she didn't know for sure. I am going to call her in a little bit and see how she is doing today.


Yes that FF exercise class is really strenuous, so today instead of going to zumba I went to the water aerobics class. Figured it would feel better to move in the water than on dry land for my sore muscles. The class was smaller today so we had a good time and lots of space to move.


The only ball game I have been to was the Cubs and was surprised at how small the baseball field looked. I thought it looked much bigger on tv, also if you were looking the wrong way when the ball was hit you missed seeing it, unlike on tv where they gave you a rerun of it. We had seats too close to the field too and was always afraid of a foul ball coming and hitting me.


They brought the oxygen machine, 4 backup cylinders and 2 carry along cylinders late yesterday afternoon for Bill. He thinks he is going to try it for a little while. They have it now so that they don't have to come back for 6 months. I didn't know they had a machine that made oxygen, and that you could also use to fill up the carry alongs. So we will see how it goes.


Very windy here today again, thought that was supposed to be a March thing, wind. We have not had rain but its very cloudy and cold too.


As long as you keep losing most of the time, it doesn't hurt to gain back a little, maybe its just that you ate something with a little more salt or drank a little more water or even wore different clothes. I'm sure next week you will do good.

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Sharon, all of that you have said about loosing and gaining weight makes perfect sense, when you really think about it. I had even stopped drinking for that week. So when I found I had gained, I told Bill I was having wine again. At least I feel better after a glass of wine.


Well, that place where you all go sounds like a great place. The owner really takes care of all of your group. Next week for his own B-Day sould be very good as well.


We have gotten so much rain from early this morning, and on and off all day here. Windy and cold and damp as well. I guess warming up for tomorrow though.


Boston, has a nice old style ball park. You can see the park right from our hotel. We walk there and everything is good. I agree that by being there in person, you do not see things as you would on TV. There are so many distractions at the game live, and the replays on TV is so much better.


Yes, the water would feel so much better and much better for your body as well. Non bearing weight, so not as hard on your body, when submerged into the water.


Yes, Bill's father had the same machine. A very big machine that you would plug in to make and create the oxygen. Then a very large cylinder tank in the basement from where you would have it as a back up for the other tanks. Hopefully, it will do your Bill a lot of good.


We are leaving early on Saturday morning to go downtown, where Bill is doing a run from Soldier Field. We are parking right there and he has prepaid for the parking already. He likes to take the train, so he did this for me, as I do not like taking the train.




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I didn't even know you could prepay for a parking spot by Soldier Field, but then I don't know much about Chicago, don't go there very often. Nice you don't have to take the train if you don't like to. Is this his last run before you go? I hope he does good, but then he probably will, didn't he used to teach others how to do the marathons? Does he ever run with some other people or just by himself. Hopefully the weather will be nice, so far it looks pretty good for Saturday.


Neither one of us slept very good last night. We were going over our taxes that we finally got back, and they want us to mail them all in instead of filing them electronically. It made me mad because they even had to include a form for us to sign to "opt-out" of the electronic filing even though it is faster, safer and better. We did want them filed electronically and now its too late to do it. So Bill was upset that I was upset and insisted on him calling them today to find out why they didn't do it. Thats why he couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep because Tinker kept walking back and forth all night between my side of the bed and the closet that she usually sleeps in. Then she got stuck with her front feet between the closet door and couldn't get up and she got upset and started pooping. So I got up, got her outside, cleaned up the mess, got her back in and cleaned her up since she had been laying in it and finally got back to bed. That was around 3am this morning. So we should both be tired tonight.


Sometimes a glass of wine helps your digestion (and your mood) so go ahead and enjoy.


Bet you were lucky to get a hotel room so close to the baseball field, nice you can just walk too and not have to worry about parking there. What is the name of the hotel? Did you get something lined up for you to do while he is running the marathon.


Cold and windy but not much rain, didn't get any yesterday either. Seems we are right between the snow and the rain, but may get some of both later on today.


Talked to my sister she said she thought they said it was something like "fast edema". Then she mentioned the surgeon had been in to see her, I said for what! She said might now be something wrong with her kidney. I told her to make sure she knew what was going on before they did something to her. I'm sure her son will monitor what they are doing also, since she doesn't seem to be all that interested in finding out anything.

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Sharon, between yesterday and today we have gotten over 2.5" of rain fall. Very cold and windy as well. We did not know about the prepaid parking either. We found it on the web site as they had that as an option for the parking. Hopefully it will be nicer tomorrow. Yes, this is the last event run he will do before the marathon.


He does run during the week a few days. He is not doing the long distances now, only shorter runs about every other day. Yes, he had been coaching runners for the marathon. We even took a group to Honolulu some years ago for the Honolulu Marathon, that was in mid December that year.


This group that he is going to Boston with, has been trying to get him to run with them on the weekends. But it is a long drive for him and he has preferred to just stay around here, so he does not have to get up real early and drive a long distance. It would be so much better if he had other's he cold train with, but he has been doing it all alone thus far.


The hotel we are staying at in Boston, is the Hilton. We are even lucky that we have a hotel with all of the people going there for this marathon, and especially what happened last year with the bombings. This year has been very popular with everyone wanting to get into this year's marathon. We are right in the heart of everything, and only a short walk from the finish line, and all of the action.


Bill has me as an official volunteer, and assisting at the finish line. I will not be doing it the entire time, only the last part of the marathon. So I will not have to get up real early. I will go for breakfast and look around the local shops while he is doing the marathon. By me being at the finish line, I can wait for him and track on how he is doing.


We did not have a night like you did. But we got our taxes completed and back to us yesterday as well. We did not have any choice, as they were filed electronically, as that is the only way they allow it to be completed now. But we have ended paying a lot, thus is why I did not sleep well either. Still it was not as bad of a night as you had.


I hope your sister will be ding OK, and hopefully, like you have said, her son will take care of things for her. I heard next week the temps could get into the 70's. But just now with this wind and dampness, the cold goes right through me.


Enjoy and have a good weekend,




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We didn't do too bad Friday night. Bill did't dance at all but I did several line dances and we left about 11pm.


Saturday night we went to the show and saw Noah. I don't know wy so many religions are against it, its not a documentary, only supposed to be entertainment. So it doesn't follow the account in the bible its just based on the it.


This afternoon went swimming, met Bill's daughter and son in law there. Not anyone else there so it was really nice.


Hope we have a few more days like the one we had today. Tonight watching the country music awards, wow what a big place they are at, mgm grand must be thousands of people there. My gd has tickets for the George Strait concert when it finishes up in Dalllas in June.


That will be nice you are at the finish line when Bill crosses it. Will he continue to run after this marathon?

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Sharon, originally he was planning to run more. But he has said his body cannot take this kind of training any more. So this will be his last marathon ever. He is having back surgery on May 5, to repair 2 discs.


We also have tickets to see the Wizard Of Oz Downtown on May 2. I just saw them advertise it yesterday on TV. It is only going to be in town for a few weeks. We are staying at a hotel that connects right to the theater.


Yes, 2 weeks from today we will be in Boston and he will be doing the marathon. We have tickets to see the Boston Red Sox play on Friday night. We leave in the morning on Friday, and return on Tuesday. We are driving to O'Hare and parking inside a garage, then they take us to the airport in a shuttle bus. It only cost us around $7 or $8 a day for inside parking.


It has been real cold at night. Yesterday it was nice with the sun shining. Today and tomorrow rain. Then later on in the week it is supposed to be really warming up. It was good that you had the resort back to yourselves once again.


So the dance place was good as well. I have heard a lot about Noah, and all of the people upset about it as well. Like you said, it is only a movie. But that is what people do nowadays. That was good that you were able to get out and see it though.


Yes, I was watching the show last night as well. That MGM Grand is a big place. I remember going into the place while we were in LAS. They picked a perfect place to have it.




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I am surprised that he can run that marathon with bad disc's. But good for him, hope he has a good time and can remember he did it for a life time! Not many people are able to do that.


Nice day today, I think the temp around 50 is just great for doing stuff outside, not too cold or too hot. We are going to have to get a new lawn mower this year. I think we will get a zero turn riding mower, it should make mowing go faster and even maybe more fun.


The dr's office called on Friday and said my paperwork for the reimbursement of the trip was ready. However, I forgot all about it while I was up there and came home. So I guess I'll have to go tomorrow and pick it up. Will be nice to get the money back.


One of the gals that went to Florida for the winter came to the FF exercise class today. She said they stayed at a condo on the panhandle top of Florida and it was cold most of the time. Her husband had knee trouble and couldn't walk much and so she didn't either. So while we were all thinking they were having a much better winter than us, they were sorry almost they were down there. She said next time they would have to go further south into Florida or go to some other state. They used to have a condo in Alabama but sold it because of the high association fees, said taxes were really low but the assoc fees were terrible.


Ok, have a great rest of the day!

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Sharon, I am also surprised that he can run as well. He did miss a few months with very bad back pain. They have given him drugs and he has bounced back.


It never made it out of the 40's here today. Overcast all day long. But no rain. It just looked like it was going to rain all day long.


Wow, we all think that just because someone is in Florida, that they have warm temps. But they did not have anything near what we had here, with the snow and extreme cold. She would have had a lot more to complain about if she would have had what we had, all winter long.


It is good that you will be able to pick up the paperwork to get your money back. You have to have the insurance to protect yourself. But they do make you fill out a lot of paperwork to get that money back.


I know over the past few years, you had your place picking up the lawnmower to fix it, and that cost you a lot of money to do so. By getting a mower like you have described, it will be much easier for you, and you will save a lot of money in the process. You will be like a professional now, when cutting the lawn.




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You always get such good hotels when you go places! The one that connects to the theater will really be convienent when you go see the Wizard of Oz. What theater is it at? The bank has a trip to see Les Miserables but I don't want to see that one. I'll keep an eye out for the commercial of Oz on tv. That one should be a fun one to see.


Seems you have been having more rain then we have. We don't need it, the grass is starting to get green and the pile of clay and dirt is starting to dry up.


I hope the pinging they hear does turn out to be that missing airplane. Really wonder what happened to that.

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Sharon, the name of the theater is the Cadillac Theater. I think the performance is only here for a 2 weeks engagement. Yes, we willl be able to leave our coats in the room as the hotel literally connects to the theater, where you do not have to go outside at all. I remember you were telling me that you did not want to see that show, because it would be too depressing.


Yes, it is raining here today once again. I think it is going into the 50's again. Then later on in the week, I heard it could go into eh 70's.


OK, last night at weigh-in, I lost 1.6 once again. So it goes to show, whenever I am doing something major, like on Saturday, where I walked 3 miles, while Bill was running. That is what helped me out in loosing. I still have a long way to go yet.


Enjoy and have a good day today,




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Hey, good for you on the loss, when you are able to get out and walk again you will probably lose more. We had a new routine at water aerobics and it was quite challenging. So now both exercise programs I do are really a workout. Even though I don't lose weight I do lose inches, so thats good.


I did see the ad for Wizard of Oz looks like a good show, very colorful too. Great arrangement for the night too with the hotel.


We didn't have any rain today, got kind of cloudy for a while bot then the sun came out again. I bought some pansys and planted them in a pot on the front porch.


I got the insurance papers back from the dr, so I can finally get them in the mail tomorrow.

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Sharon, I agree, once this weather breaks, I will be able to start a regular routine, and hopefully really get things in gear. Your water aerobics is a great class, and the best thing about it, non bearing weight on your body.


Yes, a lot of paperwork to fill out for getting money back, but well worth it once you do. You certainly got to have the insurance, and I do not know why anyone would even consider not having it.


I know our grass has not started to grow yet. We have put down the step 1 already. But with the cool temps, the grass has not responded. I know only a few weeks ago we had piles of snow on it. I am sure once the temps really take off, so will the grass.


Enjoy and have a great day today,




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When you say step 1, is that lawn fertilizer? I put some out last year, just

on the front, and it seemed to do a pretty good job.


I went shopping with Mary, a gal from exercise, we went up to the mall in Janesville. The Penny's store is closing and they had some good deals and some not so good deals. We both had coupons and were disappointed when they said they didn't accept them. Had to use them a a Penny's that was not closing. We walked a lot and my legs are tired. She is the one that lost 30+ pounds and now wears a size 8 in pants. Still very busty though, so 14 on top. I won't be doing muchdancing tonight.


Beautiful day today, better enjoy rhis week just heard the weatherman mention snow next week.

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Sharon, Bill bought this 4 step process for the lawn care for the season. Yes, step1, is the first part of the process. Our grass has not come alive just yet. We had our pond turned on last week. They were telling us, that some ponds are still frozen over yet. Hard to believe that, but I guess there are still places where that could happen.


Wow, that was not right what they did to you both with those coupons. I would have thought they would have let you use them for the store that was closing.


Yes, I did hear about the temps going warmer. We have rain forecast for today. Then I heard 70's for over the weekend. Snow, don't say that. I did hear it could get cold next week, but I never heard about snow.


If that friend of your lost all that weight, she must feel very good about herself. I could see where you would be tired with all of that walking. It would have been good if you could have gone into the pool for a bit. So no dancing last night. But at least you were able to get out.


I think this is going to be one of these years, where we wake up one day, and we will go from heat to air condition.


Have a good day today,




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A beautiful day again today! I hadn't an eye dr appointment this afternoon, keep getting that infection back and now the eye drops that I got from the dr aren't working very good. He gave me some different drops to put in my eye and had me get some sterile eye wash. Hopefully that takes care of it, it is so annoying, feels like I have something in my eye and gives me a headache.


I did do a little dancing last night even though I was tired. The dinner the owner made was not very good, bagels with about 4 different lunch meats on each one. I don't like alot of luunch meats so didn't eat much. Not one of his better dinners.


That 4 step lawn plan should make your grass look really nice, green and thick. We still have the pile of clay and dirt by our well. It'ts still wet in places so can't get it spread out yet. I have some daffodils with big buds on them, might open up tomorrow or the next day. Love the spring flowers, will be a little while before the tulips bloom.


Glad its Friday tomorrow!

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Yes, TGIF and the sun is shining bright and I guess in the 60's once again. Our grass has not started growing just yet, and it has not even turned very green just yet either. We still have some thatch in the lawn. Bill has been working on it for the past 2 weeks and maybe 1 more attempt to get it all cleared out. Winter has left many signs of how bad it really was here.


It is good that you were able to do some dancing last night. Even though the owner did not do very well with his dinner, he does do some other things right and offers you all a good treat at various times. It sounds like you all have a real good time.


One week form today, we will be at the airport, O'Hare, leaving for Boston. Returning the following Tuesday. We will drive ourselves and park the car in a garage not too far away form the terminal.


Enjoy you day today,




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Another pretty day! Got a few things done outside. Our grass is getting greener each day, but probably like yours has some places that don't look real good. I don't know if it will come back or we will have to put some seed out.


Going to the dance place tonight, one of the guy's birthday so we will have "treats" again. Angie, our pet sitter, stopped in today and said they might go tomorrow night because there is a country band. I told her we don't go Saturdays because the bands play too loud and the Rockford people all come.


Yes you can count down the days till you leave, should be quite an experience. Bill's daughter is in Wasinton DC, sent picture of her by the cherry blossom trees in full bloom. Very pretty! Should be coming back early next week.


Tomorrow should be a great day, enjoy!

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Sharon, yes another nice day today in the mid 70's and I heard a lot of rain for tomorrow. I hope you were wrong about snow next week. I could do without hearing about that for a very long time.


I hope you had a good time last night. I agree, I would not want to be there for loud music and noisy people from Rockford or anyplace.


I have heard many great things about the Cherry Blossom's in Washington. She will have some very nice pictures upon her return.


Yes, we have to start to get all organized over this weekend for us leaving next Friday. This is a bit more than just a short weekend get-a-way. Of course the very popular Boston Marathon on April 21. We have been watching many things on what happened last year, and I would think more to come yet. I am really looking forward for the experience and hope that all goes well.


Our lawn has more brown than green. Maybe this warmer weather will change that. One guy told him to put down grass seed in between putting down the 4 step process.


Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Saw a story on 60 minutes tonight about a hometown Boston gal who is going to run the marathon. She has Nike for a sponsor so training has been her job lately. She runs the marathon course so much that she knows where every little blemish is in the street. Guess last year she came in 4th and is hoping to beat that gal that won last year. Doesn't hardly seem fair does it.


We just had rain on Saturday morning but about a mile towards town there was, it looked like, about 4 inches of hail. Very strange weather! Today had rain most of the afternoon, we decided not to go to the pool. Bill watched the masters golf thing.


Well you have a short work week, just was thinking Easter Sunday is next Sunday. I didn't realize the marathon was on Monday, was thinking weekend. Yes I hope all goes well too!

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