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Sharon, we both went downtown to the Dr this morning. I have been checking my blood pressure for the past month. Now the Dr has prescribed long term medication to control the BP. I have been down with an infection for 2 weeks now. So he also prescribed a Z-Pack. As Bill gets the high does flu shot that you see them advertising on TV. So he got his and with all of the talking he has been doing with me, I broke down and got 1 as well.


So we took the train, and it was raining all day long here once again. Well I hope that Bill's son can help to suggest doing something else. Like perhaps getting him into the Mayo Clinic.


I am glad that you both had a good evening out for dinner. Other than the weather, it will be nice getting out tonight and enjoying the company with your friends. Your grass will be really growing long with all of the damp weather we have had.


Too bad about Tinker. Hopefully with the med's she will soon start responding to the medication.


Enjoy and have a good evening out with the gal's tonight.




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Probably a good thing you got the BP medicine. I take Hazaar generic and it works pretty good for me. Tried several others before we found the one that worked the best.


Sorry to hear you have not been feeling good. Have you been going to work anyway, bet you have. No wonder things are going around with the way the weather has been lately. All cold and rainy. That medicine should help you feel better. I hate to take antibiotics can't stand the way they taste or the taste they leave in your mouth. But they are necessary sometimes.


Tinker's antibiotic has given her the runs. Talked with a friend last night who is a pharmacist and she said they antibiotic she is on can do that. She suggested giving her yogurt. I tried last night and she didn't want it, so I fed her some in a spoon. That way she ate the whole thing. All I had was yoplait cherry but at least I got it in her. Now we will see if it works or not. She will be on the pills for at least 10 days then I have to take another urine sample back in and see.


Another rainy day where is that sun they keep talking about!

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Sharon, the De got a good laugh on me yesterday. As he gave me the shot in my arm and I never felt it at all. I asked him when are you going to give the shot to me, he said, I already did. I said, wow I never felt it and I was worried I was going to pass out, that is when he laughed. The Z-Pack is starting to kick in and I have been going to work each and everyday. Even though last week 1 day when he upset me, I told him I was going to quit.


We are seeing more stuff on the TV about shingles and what it will do to you. So Bill has finally talked me into getting that as well. So I will have to do that sometime this week.


Yes, very damp and cloudy here today as well. A very little rain, but nothing like what it has been. I'll bet your grass is really growing. But I am sure you cannot cut it just yet as it is too wet.


Poor Tinker. Hopefully what your friend has told you will work for her. But all is normal when taking that stuff for that amount of time.


How was your evening out last night with your friends? Stay warm and dry,




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I have had shingles but luckily it was on the fairly numb side so was able to get through it fairly good. I asked the dr if I was now immune but unfortuneatly I am not and can get it again on the other side. I did have, for over a year some residule interrminted pain. I probably should get that shot too. This was the first time I ever had some pain not only getting the shot but soreness afterward too getting the flu shot.


Last night we had the tacos and all the toppings so it was good. Also one of

The gals had seen a drink made out of vodka, apple juice and butterscotch schnapps. So we had the owner, Tom make us some. They were garnished with a slice of apple, they tasted like taffy apples.


Tinker is still about the same. Today I got her some vanilla yogurt, she licked up a little of it so hopefully won't have sloppy poop again.


So your boss is still at it, too bad guess he just can't change his ignorant ways!


We had a guy come and pick up one of the riding mowers to change the blades and the oil. Also had him take t b e snowblower and get it ready. But I told Bill, you can't use it and I don't

Want to so we may ask the guy what he thinks we could sell it for and just sell it. This guy only charges $15 to pick them up and worked for a company fixing small engines for 25 years so he should know his business.


The sun actually came out this afternoon!

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Sharon, I have completely forgot to tell you that I have bunco tonight. Of course it is not at my house, as we all take turns and it is only hosted at each of our houses once per year. As you know now, from playing it yourself, what a fun time and game it is.


So since I have bunco tonight, I agreed with Bill that he will go with me tomorrow to get the shingles shot. He has already gotten it, so now it is long over due for me. I was OK after my flu shot, and I did not even feel the Dr giving it to me. Now Bill his arm was sore that night, and he had said that yesterday he was really not feeling good. All reactions from his shot.


I am glad that you both had a good evening out. That really sounds like a real nice drink. Bill has gotten us on a drink called the Moscow Mule. I am sure you have heard of it.


I am sorry to hear that Tinker is still not responding to your trick to help her out. Hopefully soon things will turn around for her. As far as my jerk boss, some people and situations just do not change.


So how many ridding lawn mowers do you have? I thought you only had 2. The 1 you just bought and the old 1. After last winter, who knows what this winter will bring. It is smart not for either of you to be thinking about going outside and really hurting yourselves clearing snow away. Leave that for someone else to take care of, and you just concentrate on being safe and warm.


For the first time this week, the sun is out bright and temps may hit 60 today. It never got out of the 50's yesterday.




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Sadly it is just me that goes on Wed night with the girls. Bill does not go anymore. One of the other gals that goes has a husband that is fighting cancer. He sounds worse iff than Bill but at least he is getting some treatment. Although she said if the chemo keeps making him sick they might have to quit.


Bill's son came over Sat morning and we told him that this lung disease is progressing to the point that Bill gets out of breath even with the oxygen when he walks. He said he will try and get an appmnt fir him at U of WI hospital for an evaluation and see if there would be any chance if a one lung transplant. Bill has nothing else wrong with him, excellent blood pressure, no replaced parts like knees or hips so if they disregared his age he would quaify. So we will see what happens.


Tinker has been sleeping through the night which means that I can too. Before I was getting up 3 or 4 times a night. It makes a difference getting a few hours in a row sleep.


I have not had the shingles shot let me know how you feel afterwards. Is your cold better?


Yes bet it was fun playing bunco, do you play once a month? How many are there that play.


Was sunny but clouded up now

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Sharon, that is a real major surgery if they decide to replace his 1 lung. I have heard of people living with 1 lung, but I have never heard of anyone having a lung replaced. I hope that his son can get him in and they can make a determination soon.


I have been seeing these commercials all over the TV about how 1 in 3 people will get shingles. We know of people around here that have gotten the shingles and it is not good at all. Besides they say if you have had the chicken pocks then you have the virus already inside of you.


I did not get any kind of reaction from either of the shots. Unlike the flu shot where you have to get it every year. The shingle is only a 1 time shot. It takes 6 weeks for it to fully work and get into your system. The shot is almost like a shot that a diabetic would give to themselves. We went to CVS and the parasites gave me the shot.


Today the sun is out bright and it feels good as I think it will warm up into the 60's today. It does get cold now at night, but as long as we can keep these temps around for a while longer it would be nice.


We went out on Saturday afternoon to get the shot and then we had a late afternoon lunch/dinner. Yesterday we did not do anything and just stayed around here most of the day. The Z-Pack really has helped me and I am much better now. I should not have waited as long as I did, but that it what I usually do. There was no reaction whatsoever form the other 2 shots.




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I think its kind of human nature to wait instead of going to the dr. I think we are hoping it will get better without us having to go to the dr. Anyway glad its working.


Yes even trying to get a lung replacement is like a last ditch effort. But without something this disease just keeps on progressing. His son said it might be difficult to get him off a ventalater and that would be a major drawback because if he couldn't be weaned off someone would have to make the decision to let him go. So this is all very scary either way. We did not hear from him today, I imagine it will take some time to even set up something like the evaluation.


Went to the dentist today for a cleaning, $129.00, buu had no cavaties so that was good.


Our exercise class was so full today I don't think we could have gotten one more woman in the room. Don't know where all the new ones came from today.


A little cooler tomorrow then the warm up starts again. Great weather for Oct!

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Sharon, I also have a dentist appointment on Thursday to have my teeth cleaned. I go regularly to have that done and never have any cavities as well. I pay about the same price as you.


Well the older we get the more risk when going under. They are always worried that we may not come back around. Difficult decision. Would going to the Mayo be a better option than the place in WI?


Yes, it will feel good for the temps to be warming up this week. It is too bad that this cannot last a bit longer. After the winter we had last year, I am not certainly ready for another one.


I thought around now most of your group with the exercise goes to FL? Well hopefully I am all set now with all of my shots and I will not get sick.




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Seems like the new women that came to exercise were younger. Mostly the older ones are the ones that go south. Will be interesting to see if they come back tomorrow. Usually it seems people drop out along the way but so far not this group. This session lasts until the end of November and starts up again in January.


Our water aerobics class is a little smaller which is nice, there is more room for everyone.


Made some cupcakes from scratch today. They didn't taste right so looked a t the recipe again and discovered I forgot to a dd the one teaspoon of salt. Surprised it made such a big difference. I have been making these cupcakes for years and years not sure why I missed the salt this time.


we are looking at that one house we liked again tomorrow. It would mean downsizing quite a bit. Love he location, so much closer to Bill's house and all my ex classes, shopping and church. But not near the house we have now. Saw they are having an open house this Sunday, guess the owners, who have already moved out, are anxious to sell and get the money out of it.


Going to be cold tonight, but little warmer tomorrow.

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Sharon, we ate at the club last night. We are eating there on Tuesday's rather than Wednesday's as they have a bean bag league and the place is very crowded. Much less crowded on Tuesday's. Yes, agreed leaving out 1 ingredient will change the way something tastes.


So are you thinking you will make an offer now on this house. With the owners having an open house now on Sunday, you never know what and how many will come out and make an offer that they will accept. A lot of times with open houses on a Sunday. People are out driving and just come in to be nosey.


I pulled a muscle in my back and I have been in a great deal of pain. I am going to go to the minuet clinic at CVS and see if the nurse practitioner can give me something to help me out.


Enjoy and have a good day.




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We looked at the house again this morning, really like it but have a little it of hesitation as we have not looked at any other houses and we might like one better if we did. I know thats kind of silly and the RE woman said if we want to make an offer we should do it before the open house and get our offer in first. We are looking at one more house that Bill's son told us about. We are meeting the RE lady there on Friday afternoon. Its smaller than the one we are now looking at and much smaller than the one we have now. Not bad to down size but it must have some good points for us to do it.


Nothing else much new, Bill's daughter was down but we didn't know she was coming so she left before we got back to his house. He slept in and I picked him up about 10:30 then we went to look at that house had some lunch and he went for a routine blood test. Hopefully he can get off some of the predisone as his ankles are still swelling even with the compression socks. They say its a side of affect of the meds.


Only have a couple of hours before I have to go and pick Bill back up, so hope you get some relief from the back pain. When your back hurts I know you pretty much hurt all over!

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Sharon, I did not go to the CVS clinic. I called Bill to tell him what I was planning to do, and he said they would not treat me there for that, as they would not be able to X-Ray me there. So he suggested me to call the Dr, and I did and he gave me a RX for pain. I just picked it up and I am taking the medication now to hopefully relieve the pain.


So I assume you will go to look at this other house on Friday and then make your decision before the other place has their open house. It might not be a bad idea to down size. It will be much easier to take care of, and if you are no longer in need for a large house, then a down size might be the right fit.


Is there any word from Bill's son to determine what the next step for as treatment for Bill?




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Had a good water aerobic class this morning, the leader is having us do different things and they are definetly hard to do. For instance, we go into the deeper watwr where we can't touch and get into a position like you are sitting in a char. You must scull pretty good so you can keep that position. Then you move your knees back and forth like winshield wipers all the time staying in that seated position.


I don't think we will like the other house as good as the first one but it will be interesting to see it anyway.


Have noy heard from Bill's son about what he has found out. I'm wondering if its because he couldn't get anyone to do or try anything.


Good you got some meds for your back, are they working? How did you hurt your back, do something different or just move wrong.


Had a little rain this afternoon and evening but supposed to be between 60 and 65 tomorrow, will be nice.

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Sharon, the med's are helping me out to relieve the discomfort. I may have told you this before, when I was a teen I broke my back in a snow mobile accident. Ever since I have to be real careful in how I twist and turn. So I may have twisted or strained it somehow.


Well I guess you will make the best decision for you after you view this house today. Hopefully everything will work to you advantage. Moving during the winter is not the best time.


I don't think I told you, we are leaving for Oshkosh today. I took off as I can never leave when I want to at that place. So hopefully we will leave late morning and I think it will be a great weekend. My aunt lives there and the same aunt who comes to stay with us during the year.


So we leave today and return on Sunday. Enjoy and I hope you have a great weekend. For your Bill I hope his son can do some good for him.




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You are really lucky you weren't paralized in that accident. Yes I can see a wrong move could cause problems. Do you really have to be careful lifting thins also?


Bill's son called on Sunday, he has been talking to a couple of Drs at U W Madison and is going to try to firm up an appmnt and call us back tonight. He said it would be for an evaluation and see if anything else can be done. He said always good to get a second opinion.


I did not like the other house at all, its much older and smaller and would require alot of work,something we don't want to do at this stage of our lives. I wanted to put in an offer on the first house but he didn't. So today after the open hose on Sunday and finding out an offer had been made he said today, well we could put an offer in. I told him its too late now.


How was your weekend, have a nice visit with your aunt? On Saturday I trimmed some tree branches that I had been having to duck under while cutting the grass and then I once ag as in cut the grass. It was a nice day but I was pooped by evening.


We went to my churches last big "doings" fot the 100th anniversary. It was held at Lake Lawn resort. We had a nice meal and then they had a guy for entertainment that was a juggler, comedien. He was very good and funny. I took Bill in the wheelchair and it worked out good. There were over 300 people there, quite a crowd. So many I had never even seen before even though they are members also. Must go to a different service than me.


Too bad we aren't just going into spring so ee could look forward to more days like today!

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Sharon, it got up to 80 here yesterday and very windy. Today temps in the 60's and still windy.


I hope that Bill's son can get him in for a consultation and that something positive comes from it.


I have been taking pain pills and it is getting better. It was hard driving as I cannot sit too long. However there was a lot of construction, and it was good that I took off Friday and got a jump on any rush hour traffic. We took I 94 the way into WI. Then cut over to 43. Driving time was 3 1/2 hours and roughly 200 miles. On the way back we stopped at the Brat Stop in Kenosha for lunch and to break up the trip some. It is the first Kenosha exit coming from IL.


We had a nice visit with my Aunt. She was just released as she had been real sick and was hospitalized. So her total ordeal was 2 months. So she drove to the hotel on Friday and joined us for dinner. Then on Saturday her and I sat along Lake Winabaygo talking and taking pictures.


We came back to the hotel and we went into the hot tub and then went out for dinner once again and then we chatted back at her place before leaving to go back to our hotel. We checked out on Sunday and was on the road back home leaving at 11. Stopping off for lunch and getting back home at 3:30. It was a nice weekend all around.


I was afraid that would happen with having the open house over the weekend. Is there any way of checking to see what the status on the acceptance or rejection on the contract. You can still contact you agent and even though there is a contract you can always put your's in as long as they have not accepted the first one yet. Usually a first offer is rejected.


I remember you were telling me that your church was celebrating 100 years when our church celebrated its 100 year anniversary 2 years ago.




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Well his son came through, we have an appmnt on Monday up at the UW hospital. It is a very large teaching hospital, in fact I went up there when I was getting chemo years ago. His son had it all arranged except for some insurance info and soc sec number. I called him back when I got the date and he told me they were scheduling people 3 months out. So we were really glad we were getting in so quick, guess its professional courtesy.


Found out that the RE agent recommended to us by one of Bill's daughters comes with an uterior motive. The daughter wants part of the commision if the RE agent finds us a house. Boy I don't think that girl does anything if there isn't something in it for her. This is a different daughter than the one who was staying at his house. Bill has 3 daughters.


I went to pick up Bill this afternoon and his youngest granddaughter who is 10 was sitting at the kitchen counter talking to him. I said hi and told her I liked the sparkley top she had on. Of course she didn't say a word to me. So I was talking to Bill and she got up and left. I am so sick of her doing that to me, Bill says she talks a lot to him. The only time she talks to me is when she wants something. I had bought her a pretty sweatshirt today but I am going to take it back.

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear that Bill's daughter is so greedy with wanting part of the commission. So I guess it is not going to happen this time around. You will have to find your own RE. Also that very spoiled GD sounds very rude.


I am glad that Bill's son was able to get him in so quickly. How far of a drive is it for you and how early do you have to leave to get there on time? I hope nothing but good will come from it.


It is overcast here today with temps in the 50's here today. So Monday at 1 pm, I am having the Colonoscopy. So I have to start all of the prepping on Saturday. This is not going to be a good weekend for me at all. I am not looking forward to it at all.




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Its only a couple of hours away so not too bad. Will be anxious to hear if they can help him in any way.


I decided to give the sweatshirt to the zumba gals daughter instead of taking it back to the store. She is the same age and size but with a very big difference, she is nice!


I have yet to make my appmnt for the colon test, you are a little ahead of me. Don't know why I have waited but now will wait until after we go to Madison just in case we have to make more appmnts for anything.


Had the exercise class this morning, not near as many gals today. It is very very windy and cold, only in the 40's. Its dark and cloudy and the lake looks very ominous today.


We have a coupon for Perkins restaurant that is buy one entre get and second one free. Only Wednesdays in October, so this is the last Wed we better go if we want to use it. Then later going to meet the girls. A couple of them wanted to dress up for Halloween, I might wear a t-shirt that has a pumpkin on it, its from several years ago. Like brand new but really how many times can you wear something like that, ha ha.


I don't envy you doing the prep this weekend, what did they give you to take? I know there are several different things now that you can use. Most involve drinking lots and lots. good luck!

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Sharon, I don't know what it is yet. I went today during lunch and waited in line for 20 minutes only to have them tell me they did not have it. So Bill said he would go to another drug store and pick it up for me. So besides having the Colonoscopy, I am also having the Upper Endoscope as well. So since it is scheduled so late in the day, and it will take about 4 hours. We will plan to stay down there and have dinner to avoid the rush hour traffic.


Yes, it is about the same here as well. Just a cold dreary day. Have fun tonight going out and meeting your friends. I would have done the very same thing as you. Why give the GD something when she is just spoiled and does not seem to like you anyway. If some are dressing up, then it sounds like there will be lost of celebrating tonight.


I guess we did pick a very good weekend to get away. That might have been the last good weekend as far as the weather goes and very nice to be along the lake up there. It was just perfect.




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You will probably be really hungry by the time everything is done, so good you can just go out to eat and not have to cook something.


Well I did not go last night, one gal called and said her ankle and knees were swollen up, one had an insurance guy coming and one had her hubby in intensive care. That left one other one and she called and said she was already there and in costume, was I coming. I thought about it for a minute and then decided that I would just stay home too. I told her she could go home early if I didn't come, but she was disappointed that no one would see her costume. I told her to take a picture and put it on FB.


Had the swimming class today, there was a lot of women there today, and two extra that were from Chicago staying one more night. They agreed that it was quite a tough class not just a little float around fluff kind of thing.


Bill stayed in bed and slept a little later. I took him to work once I got back and now will go get him again. Thats 3 round trips today for me, lots of driving!


We have to change the clocks back this weekend and then it will be dark most of the time it seems. Not looking forward to winter this year at all!

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Sharon, wow things certainly did not go too well for anyone last night for the dance place. Only 1 had shown up all ready in custom. I hope she had fun anyway.


Yes, we will get an extra hour of sleep Saturday night. But like you have said, it will be getting dark much earlier now. Agreed, this is a very depressing time of the year.


Still I would think that being in a pool this time of year is good. Once it gets real cold outside, it will not feel good going from the water to the outside cold.


I have all of my prep stuff for this weekend. It all starts on Saturday night and will continue until Monday morning. It will be a long day. We have to be there at noon for a 1 procedure. All in all both procedures will take 4 hours. So since it will be at the height of rush hour traffic. We will just stay down and eat and wait for the traffic to lighten up.




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So I imagine you are well on your way to getting preped for the procedure tomorrow, hope all goes well and you get good results too.


This has been a very bad weekend for us, Bill had a terrible night Thursday. He kept coughing up phlegm and it would almost choke him. So Friday morning I called the pulmonary dr and told his nurse by way of a voice message about what was going on. I said he either needed to see him or get a prescription. She called back and said dr would call in a prescription. So Friday afternoon Bill had an appmnt with his family dr who was retiring and that was his last day. He was supposed to go in and say goodby and meet the new dr who was taking over. Well we walked in and by the time we got to the examination room Bill was having a hard time breathing, just like he does every single night now. The one gal taking "vitals" put the oxygen meter on his finger and it started beeping like crazy. His level was down to 72. She ran and got the nurse, she came in and looked at the meter and ran out and got the dr. He came in took a look and said call the paramedics he has to go to the hospital right now. So they took him to the local hospital and got some more oxygen in him and did some blood work and tests and by that time the pulmonary dr had came in to see him. He was surprised he was there but I told him I had tried to get help earlier that day when I had called his office. Anyway, the hospital was full so they again called the paramedics and took him to a much larger hospital in Janesville. So he has been there since Friday and I have been driving up there to see him. At this point they are saying they can't do anything more for him, the Pulmonary Fibrosis has progressed so they are doing "comfort" things. Like breathing treatments and antibiotics, they did determine that he had something going on to cause all the phlegm, hence the antibiotics. They said he could take those by mouth though when they release him. But tomorrow we have that appmnt in Madison with the Pulmonary guy his son found so we are trying to coordinate a non emergency transport up there tomorrow. I have to be up there by 8am to see the on staff dr and see what we are going to do for sure.


I am having a very hard time dealing with this, all I can do to keep from crying. I have lived through this way too many times.

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