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Sharon, as you well know that when anyplace is cluttered it will not appraise very well. By moving all of his stuff out of here, it will look neat and not at all cluttered. Bill has been planning to epoxy the basement floor. But has put it off as there was too much stuff to be moving around. He will be able to do that now.


Bill got rid of a lot of his father's stuff that we had stored here. But I still have a lot of my mother's stuff here that I have not been able to part with. Once you have lost a loved one, it is difficult to part with the memories.


So do I understand this correctly. Bill's son has hired a person to do the rental houses and your's as well for $50 each time he plows? So does that mean that you are no longer using that guy who is disabled who used to plow your place?


For the next 12 months you will be able to get Bill's medication for $25 per month? I do not think you will get a better deal than that. What are you going to do about getting regular insurance for him for the rest of the year and beyond?


We never got any real snow that has stuck. We have just had the extreme cold. Now I guess starting tomorrow we will be heading into the 40's and 50's on Sunday with lost of rain forecast. Then next week it gets real cold once again.


Stay warm,




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We will continue using the disabled guy to plow our driveway, but the apmnts and farm are across the border in WI. So that is too far apart to have the same person do all of them.


I know it is hard to let things go that have belonged to our loved ones. I read somewhere that you could take a picture and keep that instead of the item. I have a huge trophy that my youngest son won for winning a pool tournement, as of now I have no plans to get rid of it. So I guess we just hang on to the things we can't bare to let go. Maybe see omeday we will feel different.


Bill has medicare and a good supplement and as of Jan 1st will have the prescription coverage too. So he is well covered at this point. We did get the medication this morning, they overnighted it and sent it by UPS. Bill's Dr called this afternoon since he had received a fax telling him the meds had been approved. He is a very nice, caring Dr and was very happy for us also. He did say though he wanted to remind us it would not cure the disease but hopefully would slow it up and give him some more time. Evidently the mfg company wants to monitor the success or possible failure of the drug so will keep in contact.


Bill's son in law came back today and mounted a tv on the wall in the basement that we had

bought almost a year ago. He also put some weather stripping on our front screen door. Before he started we had lunch, I had made a big pot of beef stew and had a bought a large loaf of garlic bread. Then for dessert we had turttle cheese cake, that I bought from Market

day. It was very good.Bill's daughter came with him again too.


Looks like we will be getting some freezing rain later tonight, even worse than snow!

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Sharon, we went to a holiday party last night at Bill's friend's foot Dr. We came home before the freezing rain started. They had the warning posted for last night starting at 11. We woke up this morning to rain. Much milder temps for today and tomorrow and then I guess it will get cold once again for next week.


I know that plow guy has been very reliable for you the past few years. So it is good that you have him again for this season. Also I am glad to hear that the med's finally arrived and that hopefully they will do good for him to slow down the progression of the disease.


Well that sounds great with all of the comfort food that you were preparing. That is what I call it and it is so easy to mix up and it is perfect for the type of weather we are having just now. Tomorrow even though they are saying the temps will be at 50, there is supposed to be high winds and a lot of rain as well.


I have my #1 daughter and GD coming over shortly and Bill will help putting my son's bed in the truck and we will take it over to the house and do some cleaning. So that is what I am doing later on today.


Enjoy and have a great rest of the weekend.




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We had a very icy driveway last night. I let Tinker out around 2am and she could not stand up. I had to get my slippers and coat on and go get her. This morning it was gone and just some light sprinkles but very foggy.


We didn't do much today but did get up to the farm to pick up the mail so Bill could sort it.


I put out a few Christmas decorations, thought I had better do it while it wasn't so terribly cold.


Nice you went to a holiday party, this is when they all seem to start or at least next week.

Hope it doesn't get icy sgain tonight would like to get to church tomorrow.


Even though its work, enjoy the time you get to spend with your kids tomorrow!

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Sharon, it is not today but yesterday my #1 daughter and GD came over and Bill helped load my son's bed into her P/U Truck and we took it over to his house. He was there to help us unload it. Then we cleaned the house. Next Saturday he will rent a truck and we will load the rest of his stuff into it.


We were home well early enough to avoid any freezing rain on Friday night. We woke up on Saturday to only wet and no ice. I did not know you were getting up so early in the morning to let Tinker out.


We went to take a gift to Bill's friend yesterday as it was his B-Day after I came home from my son's house. Then we got something to eat in that area of Orland Park.


Bill brought the tree in from the garage. He had bought one after the holidays last year at a discount. It is a LED tree. So perhaps sometime toward the end of this week we will put it up. I should put up the outside stuff today with the mild temps, rather than wait until later on this week when the bottom drops out once again.


Have you noticed any difference with the new med's for Bill, or is it too early just now?


Enjoy and have a good day today.




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I don't have to get up with Tinker during the night as much as I used to. But I think she was a little constipated and kept walking back and forth around the bed. It kept me awake so I finally let her out. Many nights she sleeps all the way through the night.


We had rain most of the day, just a light mist and sprinkle. Supposed to get snow tomorroe afternoon. Bill's daughter, the beautician, came over this afternoon and gave him a haircut. He looks alot better, it was getting pretty long. I was going to ask her to do mine too but she said she was going swimming afterwards so I didn't want to hold her up.


Got several pictures sent to my phone Friday night from Kauai. Bill's grandson got married and some of the "kids" went. It looked beautiful, it was on the beach and you could see the ocean in the background. I asked one of Bill's sons to bring me back some chocolate covered macadamia nuts.


Bill is supposed to wait to take the new meds until he talks to the respitory therapist the company is sending out. We are supposed to hear from them within 72 hours to set up an appmnt.

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Sharon, how far away do you live from that place that all of those horses were killed by a fire a few days ago?


Yesterday we had rain all day steady. Today we woke up to rain banging on the windows. Then it turned to snow. But it really never amounted to anything. Now very windy and just down right cold. The temp is just at 32 here.


I thought you said that you did not like the way Bill's daughter fixed your hair the last time she did it? Maybe best to stay with the person who usually does your hair the way you like it.


Weigh-in tonight. I have been loosing one week and gaining the next. But I am still within range of keeping up with my goal.


I guess it is a good idea to wait for someone to come over to show Bill how he is supposed to take this new med. Hopefully they will call you soon to get them scheduled to come over.


Stay warm,




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When I c a me out if ex class this morning it was 41 degrees and raining. By the time I got home it was 31 degrees and snowing heavily. It was also blowingg so we had to cancel Bill's dr appmnt, roads just too bad to get there.


The respitory therapist called this afternoon and is coming over Wed to help Bill get started with the new drug. But I think he will sctually wait until Friday to start taking it because one of the major side affects is diahrea and he doesnt want to have that on Thanksgiving. Along with the new drug was some meds for that too.


I was only going to have his daughter give me a little trim, but I am going to have my friend Mary cut it gomorrow, she is a beautician also.


Our driveway guy called to see if we wanted him to plow but we told him to wait its blowing too much and will just close up again. I hate this weather!


Just watching the mobs protesting in Chicago and Ferguson. In Mo they have burned a grocery dtore and a Walgreens. Those people had nothing to o do with the verdict.


Hope some of this snow, about 4 in or so, hard to tell because of the wind, hope it melts but probably wont.


Good for you for still keeping with your WW. I have been trying yo stay within a pound or two of where I was and so far so good.

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Sharon, when watching the news I thought your area was getting a lot of snow, but I did not think you got as much as you did. We had snow but it never amounted to anything even close to what you got. I could not believe the sharp contrast in the temps and the sharp range. It was good you did not go to the Dr as it would have been very risky.


That is also good that they are coming tomorrow to go over taking this new med. If one of the side effects are what you are saying, then you should ask about that. It is important that due to that condition you do not want him to get dehydrated.


Yes, we were watching all the stuff last night as well. Even here in downtown, way too many people marching that should have not been there at all. It seems like some people are just looking for excused to protest.


So did you ever hear anything a few days ago about all of those horses that were killed due to that fire. Something like 40 were killed.




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The headlines in our paper where about the fire. They have almost decided it was fron the hay. If you don't dry hay completely the bales can start smoking and burst into flames, so maybe that is what happened. Such a shame to lose that many horses. It is not very close to us but might be in the same county.


I had my friend Mary cut my hair today. She kept cutting and cutting, I told her don't give me a crew cut but gosh she almost did! Its way way to short and I have several Christmas parties coming up. I won't be able to do much but comb it, not enough left to do any curls. Guess I won't have her do it again.


Most of the roads were pretty good today but then you come up on a stretch that was completely with snow and ice. I didn't go to swimming this morning not sure if I will go toexercise class tomorrow either.

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Sharon, are you not feeling too well? I know there is a lot of people getting sick.


I know you used to have your own house. So I figured you would know something. I did not know that about hay, but what you said make good sense. Still very bad to loose that many horses from something like that.


So the person is coming today to help Bill out in showing him how to take this new med. Hopefully it will do him some good.


We are going to the club tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner. Then I will go to my #1 daughter's house for some desert.


I guess it will warm up for the weekend. I did see your area got a lot of snow. Places in WI got over a foot.


Stay warm,




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I feel good but Tuesday the roads were too bad to go to swimming and today I didn't want to not be home if the ther a pist came early.


She came about noon and talked to us quite a bit about the meds and other things Bill could try that might make his breathing better. For instance she said he could be using a nebulisor which would make the breathing results last longer than an inhaler.


I made a pumpkin pie to take tomorrow and will pick up the lemon merangue pie I ordered from Perkins Restaurant. Since two of Bills daughters are doing the most work I bought each of them a poinsetta. She be a fun day tomorrow.


I went to meet the girls tonight and we all had the complimentary turkey dinner buffet. Usually on a Wed night we are pretty much there alone but tonight the place was packed. Guess thats what happens when there is free food. I took a package of cookies from the bakery. The little butter cookies with different sprinkles. They did have pumpkin pie on the buffet too.



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Sharon, a very Happy Thanksgiving to both you and Bill today. In a little while we will go to the club for the dinner. Than later on I am doing the same as you and taking a couple of pies to my # 1 daughter's house. I am just going for desert, and Bill is staying behind.


So how did everything go yesterday with the lady explaining how to take the new med? When is he going to start taking it?


I am glad you had a good evening out last night at the pub. The owner is not stupid and by providing free food he will get better bar sales.


It is warming up over the next few days. Even though they are saying that this is the coldest Thanksgiving in over 20 years.


Have a good day today and don't eat too much turkey.




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We had a good day with Bill's family and lots to eat. The roads are clear and even though its cold not bad at all. We got home around 5pm, ready to just sit and watch tv for the rest of the night.


Bill will start taking the new meds tomorrow so hopefully he won't get any bad side affects.


Nice you could spend some time with your daughter, are your other kids going to be there too?


Looking forward to the warmer temps supposed to come, hope it melts the ice that is all over up here.

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Sharon, my other daughter was up towards your way as she was with her husbands family there. So it was only my daughter, and my son spent it with his friends at the 1/2 house he has been living at for the past few years. Tomorrow is the day he will actually move all of his stuff into his new place.


So we went to the club at 1:30 for dinner and I left around 3:30 to head to my daughter's house. Bill stayed at the bar for awhile and walking home from the club as it is only 1/2 mile from their front door to our's. When I got home he had put up the tree. So sometime over the weekend I will decorate.


He had bought a 7' LED tree around February last year. He had bought it from Balsam Hill. So when it was delivered he had just put it in storage. So this was the first time it had been opened and displayed. Being LED it should last a long time and it came with a 5 year warrantee as well.


Yes, it should be warming up over the next few days. Enjoy and have a good rest of today.




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I bet the tree is really pretty. Bill's daughter had her tree up, the place we went for Thanksgiving. They had just bought it and it was prelit with a thinner shape but tall so it didn't take up alot of room but was very nice. I have not gotten ours up yet, maybe tomorrow. It is not pre lit and seems I never get the lights even. I might just put up the table top fiber optic one I have had for years. Will see how I feel about it tomorrow.


Nice day today, didn't think the ice on the driveway would melt but it did. I went down to the end of the driveway by the road and cleared the ice off down there too.

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Sharon, that just goes to show that you have had a lot worse weather than we have. We had some light rain this morning. But it could get to close to 60 here today and then tonight they are saying down to freezing. Yesterday it was in the 50's as well.


I am a bit beat up from the moving yesterday. I got back home after 5. Bill just helped load the truck as they brought everything to the truck and he packed it on the truck. That part only took 1 1/2 hours to complete. I had over 15,000 steps on my fit bit yesterday.


Bill put the tree up on Thanksgiving, but I have not had the energy to decorate it, and I am very tired today. So I do not know if I am going to have any energy today either.


So hopefully with the warm temps just now, maybe all of your ice and snow will disappear. Enjoy and have a good day today.




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I brought up the big fake tree from the basement yesterday and thank goodness I had left the lights on the last time we used it. That is my least favorite thing to do, put lights on the tree. So all I had to do was put up the ornaments, tree skirt and nativity set underneath it. I also decorated the fireplace mantle and got out some Santa statues. Figured I'd go ahead and do it up right this year.


No wonder you are tired, moving is hard work plus you work every day too! Rest up before you tackle the tree, there are still several weeks to Christmas you have time. Wow thats alot of steps you did!


Did I tell you I turned in the loss of my diamond from my wedding ring to the insurance company? Its been about a week now and I got a check in the mail from them the same week I faxed the Jewelry store appraisal to them. Now I will get the diamond replaced or trade my old rings in for a new set. I hot a yellow gold set when Bill and I got married because I had a white gold set my first marriage and was looking for somethiig different but I really like the white gold better.


Bill has been on the new medication now since Friday and so far so good, no bad side affects but no good ones yet either. Really too soon to tell yet, just glad he is not sick or something.

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Sharon, Bill put the tree up on Thanksgiving and I have not had the energy to do any decorating just yet. Perhaps sometime this week. It has been real cold the past few days.


Yes, I do remember you told me you had lost your diamond in your ring. You do not have any idea what happed or where you might have lost it? But that is good that the insurance will take care of it. They moved very quickly in getting you a replacement.


I am glad to hear that Bill is responding to the new medication. But like yo said it is too soon to have or to expect any results. We will be staying downtown on Sunday as I have a early appointment to have this large polyp removed.




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Boy it seems to have come pretty fast to get that last one done. I meantime have not even made an appmnt and I know how important it is to get it done. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and turn out good.


I went to water aerobics this morning and have been so tired I fell asleep in my recliner for about an hour tonight. Don't have anything sheduled for tomorrow so we can sleep a little later again tomorrow morning.


Had to get my headlight replaced so went to the local Chevy garage. They charged me $58.50 I thought that was an awfully high price.

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Sharon, almost any type of repair is going to be costly when you have someone else doing it. Especially when going to a car dealer as they are charging regular hourly posted shop rates. But yes that was very expensive just to change a light.


I know I am the worst in putting things off. I have put this off for some 2 years. Now if I would have done everything when I was told to do so, perhaps this procedure would not have been as bad as they have been. So very important to keep current with appointment and scheduled appointments.


It has been extremely cold the past few nights we even got a dusting of snow last night. But it is supposed to be warming up over the next few days.


I know what you mean about being tired. Perhaps it is the weather or from just doing way too much. I should slow down and give my body a chance to get rested and charged up once again. As I have been very tired as well.


Stay warm,




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We also had a dusting of snow last night, but it had all melted off this morning. So glad, don't want to deal with snow again for a while.


Slept in a little later this morning so feeling pretty good today. Really was wiped out for some reason.


I know it is so easy to put things off, and then like you say something turns up and you wish you had taken care of it sooner. But hope yours goes well and you don't have to do anything else for another 5 years!


Going to see the girls tonight for a while, then tomorrow have the advent dinner, but Bill will have the football game tomorrow night to watch so that will be good. I hate to leave him alone too much at night. It has been very different the last month, we have been together most of the time except when I go to exercise or something. Used to he would go to work and be gone all day, now I take him and stay and help then we come back home again. It takes a little getting used to having someone with you all the time. I guess thats how people feel that their husband or wife retires, ha ha.


Got another "save the date" card this one is from one of Bill's grandsons. Him and his girlfriend are getting married in June, and its not too far away, Madison, WI.


Was kind of a pleasant day today, would like about another month of them!

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Sharon, over the next few days I guess it is supposed to be warming up some. We went out to eat at he club last night. Tonight it is up for grabs.


How was your evening out last night with the girls? If you are going out tonight at least Bill will have the football game to watch and keep himself occupied.


I guess over the next few days it will be warming up over the weekend.


Enjoy and have a great day,




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Had a good time last night, we danced a few and talked, I left about 9pm. Tonight the dinner starts at 6:30, the gal I'm sitting with says she is going to wear black slacks and a top, so I will find something like that to wear too.


Had the water aerobics this morning, very crowded, several people back from Florida for Thanksgiving and Christmas and then will be leaving again. There is a new couple that started coming last week. He is so attentive to her its almost ridiculous. We do this one move where you put your "noodle" under on of your feet and pump it up and down with the music. He puts the noodle under her foot for petes sake! I told one of the gals they must be newlyweds for him to act like that. After class we were talking to him and he said they had gotten married in May, but knew each other 48 years ago. He was in college and she was in high school and they had dated. Evidently they were both not married now, her husband died of cancer, he didn't say anything about a wife, but they found each other again and got married. She kind of acts stupid and lets him do absolutely everything for her. But then again he seems to want to do it, so I guess all is good for them. ha ha


Dark and gloomy day today, nicer when the sun shines

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Sharon, this is the first time I had ever heard you talk about a man being at any of your exercise classes. If she is acting stupid, maybe she has some form of dementia?


So I do not remember what this dinner is you are going to tonight? Is is from your investor who has a dinner for you throughout the year?


It is also good that you can go out in mid week and break up the week some. For me I wish I could do that as things have been totally nuts at my place. I had a melt down a few days ago. So when I came into work yesterday they had put a police line tape all around my desk area. How could I not laugh with some prank like that?


We had the sun out for a brief time this morning. Than like you said, just gloomy the rest of the day.


We went to the club last night for dinner. You enjoy and have a good evening out for dinner tonight.




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