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Any fall cruisers looking to lose


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I leave in 20 weeks for my disney/cruise vacation and am still holding the same 50 pds I swore I would get rid of for my first cruise in 2005.


Looking for some buddies to chat with as we lose.



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Hi Kim, I'll join you on your 20 wk. wt loss journey. I am also sailing in Oct.; 19 weeks to be exact.


I started back to Weight Watchers last week after gaining back my lifetime loss plus some. I lost 4.6 lbs last week and and am hoping to reach my goal wt of 125 lbs, or as close to as possible, by our 10/22 cruise. I have been faithfully using my treadmill each day and am trying to get in as much physical activity as possible in addition to eating right.


I am disappointed in myself for gaining back all of my weight as it was so hard to lose the first time around and I was doing such a good job of maintaining until our Legend 10/31 cruise last Oct. I just ate anything and everything and didn't get back-on-track afterwards. Thanksgiving then Christmas and New Years rolled around and like most folks, I indulged in lots of food. The winter months didn't help either as I usually live in my sweats at home and wear scrubs at work so the elastic waist bands made it so easy to indulge.


The important thing is that I see the error of my ways and am starting back at square-one. I will check back in periodically to see how you are doing as well.


Take Care, Cari :)

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Welcome Cari and congrats on your weight loss last week!!!!!


I was on Legend just after you last year we where on Nov 4th I think it was.


I had a good day food wise and hit the TM for 42 mins, weird time amount I know but doing a learn to run program.


How do you like the new weight watchers plan?



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Hi Kim,

I would love to join you. I leave on October 15th for my cruise. I need to lose 25 pounds. I joined Spark people, that always helps me stay on track. I gained weight when I was unemployed and I'm ready to get this weight off so I can fit into my cruise clothes. I used to run 3miles daily and walk my dog 2miles. I'm up to 1 1/2 miles daily so I'm on my way! I've never done weight watchers, I track my calories which I think is the same concept. I look forward to us sharing in our accomplishments come cruise time! Take care

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Hey there! I am cruising later in the fall, right after Thanksgiving, but would love to join you guys. I lost 10 lbs last year in preparation for the trip and have now gained 5 of them back. I want to lose about 20-25lbs before my trip and I need motivation!!

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Hey all. I'd like to join too. I lost 38 lbs this year and all was well until I went into a maintenance phase and a vacation at the same time. That didn't go so well as I've gained 10 lbs in a little over 3 weeks. So, I'm trying to get back to where I was plus lose another 15 lbs. Sunday I started the 17 day diet and am down 3 lbs. The diet is actually 4 cycles of 17 days each where you add back foods during the phases. So far it seems easy to follow and hopefully teaches me how to eat the right foods. I learned quickly that carbs are not my friend! We are set to sail December 3rd. Good luck everyone.....

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Wow, welcome to everyone!


Dansmom: WTG on getting your milage back up, I want to be a jogger, I have walked lots and lots of half marathons, 2 marathons and a goofy marathon but want to start incorporating jogging before my next race in August


Wendygrace: Congrats on your 10 pds. How did you lose your 10 pds before your last cruise? So not fair is it, work so hard to take it off and so easy to come back on.


Zanylynn: 38 PDS WTG, that is awesome, I have heard of the 17 day diet but haven't seen any particulars on it. When you say carbs aren't your friend is this a low carb diet?



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Hi Kim,

have you ever tried downloading a podcast? There are programs like "couch to 5k" to help you slowly start a running program. The best thing is its free.


Zanylynn: I saw a thread about the 17 diet. People are losing alot of weight! you'll have to fill us in on the details. Happy and heathy Tuesday!

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I lost the weight by using the Wii Fit. I'm pretty sedentary so any activity really boosted my metabolism. Unfortunately, I plateaued and I lost motivation.


Our November cruise is our first cruise ever and is out 10 year anniversary of marriage so I really, really want to lose it...without the work, of course.


I'll have to look at the podcast. Dh and I did the Shamrock Shuffle, an 8k, this spring and I loved it. And I love to walk/run once I get started. I just can't seem to get started. I really want to run the Chicago Marathon for Make-a-Wish but there's no way I can be ready for the one this fall so I'll have to do it next year...if I can ever get off my duff, that is.

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Good morning all!!!!


How did everyone do last night???? I did pretty good until the heat got the better of me and I had a fudgesickle:o but it was so good. I have started P90X this morning.


Hope everyone has a great day

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Hi everybody, I leave Oct. 10 for Rome and get on the ship on Oct. 15 for a Med. cruise. I don't weigh - I don't own a scale. I can tell by how my clothes fit, how my stomach pooches out, how big my muffin top is. I lost weight this spring, then gained it all back due to a bad foot, plus extra weight for good measure. I need to get into my cruise clothes and buy a new bathing suit. Ugh. I do exercise every day- 30 min., exercycle. But it's not enough and I need to walk. I'm a sweet-aholic. I live in Chicago and have to endure mainly lousy weather. Star

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Hello to Everyone! but especially to Kim, we met on the Legend a few years ago so I read through the thread to say hello! How have you and Mike been? and the kids? Hope all is well, glad to see you are still cruising. Our next one is going to be the Legend in Feb '12.


I've been thinking about getting P90X, I know you only just started it but can I ask you a few questions? Are you following the diet and how much time does it take a day? On the cruise that we met on someone asked me if I was pregnant and that crushed me. I came home and started running. I did not lose much weight but I did lose most of my stomach which is always my problem area. I kept the weight off until this last year. I've gained some and am back to looking pregnant. I started running again a few weeks ago, I'm up to 1.5 mi with a 3.? mi (5k goal). I've done some strength training over the winter with push ups and that really helped my golf game.



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Good morning all!!!!


How did everyone do last night???? I did pretty good until the heat got the better of me and I had a fudgesickle:o but it was so good. I have started P90X this morning.


Hope everyone has a great day



Had a good couple of days. I am loving the new Weight Watchers Points Plus program. It gives me way more freedom to use my points. I enjoy a glass of wine on occasion or an orange sherbert cone in the afternoon and this plan gives me enough points to be able to "live" with the plan and not feel deprived.


My fiance took me to the movies on Monday to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I knew I would want the buttered popcorn so I packed a snack bag with some pretzel sticks, raw almonds and about 5 or 6 gummy bears to round it out. I ordered a Diet Coke from the snack bar and felt so good for thinking ahead and not waiting until I got there to make my snack choices.


My officail WW weigh-in is not until Friday but according to my scale, I am down almost 2 lbs this week. Not as much as I had hoped for but I still have 2 more days. I have stuck to the plan and got my excercise in so whatever the scale says, I will try to be happy with.


Have a great Hump-day everyone! Cari:)


BTW, Kim, I know you're not on WW, but they do make a great line of ice-cream treats. They are sold right at the store either with the ice-cream or near the frozen WW dinners. They also have the individual portioned cups of ice-cream. I buy these because portion control is one of my problems. The green mint-chip is my favorite.

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I also wanted to ask if anyone has tried the new Shake-Weights ? A few of the girls at my WW meeting were raving about how much they loved theirs and how it helped to eliminate the underarm jiggley fat. They said they got much faster results then the traditional hand weights and it was more fun to use. They bought theirs off the internet but I found them at my local Walmart in the excercise-hand weight section. They make a version for women and a heavier version for men. The woman's version came in white, black and lime green and sold for $17. I am going to try to pick it up this week as I would love to be able to wear my sleevless shirts and dresses and have halfway decent looking arms. Here is a link for anyone who has not heard of them.




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Good morning my fellow losers and cruisers!!!


Star welcome!!!!! I so want to go to Europe we where going to go in 2012 for our 25th but have decided to wait another year.


Kelly: HI!!!!!! How have you been? We are all great and yup still cruising now we leave the kids at home they are adults and don't want to pay their own way so we get to go more often ;)

P90X is about a hour per workout, yoga is 90 mins and CardioX is only about 45 mins but most are a hour. No I am not doing the diet I find it way to restrictive. COngrats on the running!!! We are back on Legend as well in April 2012. By far my favorite ship, port and itn.


Cari: That is awesome, glad to hear you are enjoying WW, can't wait to hear about your weight in tomorrow!!! Thanks for the tip about the ice cream will check it out.


AFM: Doing pretty good with food, still not totally clean but better then I was eatting. I have kept up my workouts even in this heat so feeling good about that.

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Good morning. Still having trouble with motivation here. Doesn't help that it was excruciating hot the last couple days and today it is severe thunderstorms. Hoping a break comes in the rain and I can get out and walk. On the plus side, took the kids to the water park yesterday and I actually got out in the water with the kids instead of sitting on my duff the entire time. its a start!


Friend of mine did the P90X for awhile and was doing great until she did something awful to her shoulder. So be careful! She gained everything back while she underwent shoulder surgery and rehab.

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Hi Everyone,


I'd like to join your group if that's ok. I'm Danielle. I'm cruising on the Disney Magic on October 15th. I've have lifelong issues with weight and as of my last Dr visit I was borderline diabetic. I started the South Beach Diet on Monday. I've had success with it before and I know its the best choice for me because I'm a carb addict. I of course have long term goals since I do need to lose a large number of pounds, but in the short term between now and my cruise, I'm hoping to shed enough weight so that I'm more comfortable on my flight down to Florida, and walking around in Universal the day before. I have some back problems, so walking and standing for long periods really aren't good for me.


I'm very happy to say four days in my carb cravings are going away and I'm starting to get a nice boost in my energy today. Hopefully when I get home tonight I can get some treadmill time in.


Also, for anyone trying to beat the heat like I am right now, my nighttime treat is sugar free popsicles, creamsicles and fudgesicles. They come in a combo pack so I don't get bored.



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Hi Everyone,


I'd like to join your group if that's ok. I'm Danielle. I'm cruising on the Disney Magic on October 15th. I've have lifelong issues with weight and as of my last Dr visit I was borderline diabetic. I started the South Beach Diet on Monday. I've had success with it before and I know its the best choice for me because I'm a carb addict. I of course have long term goals since I do need to lose a large number of pounds, but in the short term between now and my cruise, I'm hoping to shed enough weight so that I'm more comfortable on my flight down to Florida, and walking around in Universal the day before. I have some back problems, so walking and standing for long periods really aren't good for me.


I'm very happy to say four days in my carb cravings are going away and I'm starting to get a nice boost in my energy today. Hopefully when I get home tonight I can get some treadmill time in.


Also, for anyone trying to beat the heat like I am right now, my nighttime treat is sugar free popsicles, creamsicles and fudgesicles. They come in a combo pack so I don't get bored.





Hi Danielle, thanks for the tip on the sugar free ice cream pops. I will look for them tomorrow when I do my grocery shopping. We have been doing a lot of yard work and putting in a garden and an ice-cream pop that wont cost me a lot of Weight Watcher's points will be a real treat in the heat.


One of my favorite afternoon snacks is the Dannon Greek Yogurts topped with 3 TBL of fat free Cool Whip, only 3 WW pts. I especially love the strawberry with the fruit on the bottom and the vanilla. With the Cool Whip, they almost taste like a mousse. It feels like a real dessert -vs- the usual piece of fruit that I normally have.


Off topic, but we too are planning a Universal vacation prior to a 2012 cruise next year. I do love a bargain so after doing lots of research on hotels near Universal, I found the Enclave Resort. All of the rooms are suites and have a kitchenette. This will be great for making a quick healthy breakfast before going to the park and also for keeping milk and pop cold in the fridge. They even have some units with bedrooms for the kids, set up with cute little bunk beds. Here is the link if you want to take a peek. Their rates are very good and they give a pretty good AAA and military discount too. http://www.enclavesuites.com/ Not sure if you already had a hotel picked out but thought it was worth mentioning. :)



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Off topic, but we too are planning a Universal vacation prior to a 2012 cruise next year. I do love a bargain so after doing lots of research on hotels near Universal, I found the Enclave Resort. All of the rooms are suites and have a kitchenette. This will be great for making a quick healthy breakfast before going to the park and also for keeping milk and pop cold in the fridge. They even have some units with bedrooms for the kids, set up with cute little bunk beds. Here is the link if you want to take a peek. Their rates are very good and they give a pretty good AAA and military discount too. http://www.enclavesuites.com/ Not sure if you already had a hotel picked out but thought it was worth mentioning. :)




Thanks for the tip Cari! I'll keep them in mind if I visit again. I do already have my room booked though. Its kind of a weird setup. I'm staying at the Hyatt across the street from Universal for only one night and by myself. I'm flying down Thursday night before our cruise and spending Friday at the Wizarding World, I'm a big HP geek. The rest of my family is driving to Florida and we're meeting up at one of the Disney hotels to spend the night before our cruise. If you know of any discounts on the park tickets though, please let me know. Considering I don't want to visit the whole park, just one section, I'm trying to find a good deal.

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Hi everyone,

sorry I haven't posted in a few days, work has been hectic! I got up to two miles on my run so I'll stay at that all next week then try for 2.5.


Wendygrace- the waterpark sounds like a great time! you get some excercise and time with the kiddos.. perfect! I have a Wii also, I actually haven't used it for so long, I forgot about it. There are some great workouts that are fun. I will drag mine out again. Whats your fave?


Cari- Im going to the store to get the greek yogurt and cool whip, it sound delicious! I'll have to see how many calories, but if its only three WW points I'm sure its not bad.

I track all my calories and excercise on Spark people.com. when I'm done for the day it will tell me how many calories I have in deficit. I strive for burning 1,000 more calories than I've eaten and in a weeks time thats 2 pounds. It helps keep me on track. Hope everyone has a great day. Karen

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Kim, we became grandparents last Aug. Our oldest DD & the grandbaby, a little boy, live with us so the house is crazy. Our younger DD got married and lives in FL so we have somewhere warm to visit when we aren't cruising. Glad to hear you are all doing good. To bad we aren't going to be on the same cruise, we had such a fun roll call that time.


I'm still undecided about the P90X. I think I might wait until the weather gets cold in the fall, until then I need to buckle down and keep up the outdoor exercise running/walking/golfing. I hope you'll post how you like P90X and your results in the months to come.


Star, I don't like to weigh either, it causes me more stress. Right now my pants are very tight so I know I need to start logging calories so I can gain control back. I hear you on the lousy weather. I'm in NE WI, we had two nice days this week and now we are back to cold & rainy. The rain we need but seriously I want some warm weather, I'm threatening to move to FL and put up with the humidity. Hopefully we'll get some nicer weather and can get out and exercise.

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I loved the Wii Fit Run. It allowed me to run up and down the stairs and pay some attention to the kids and their schoolwork. We homeschool so it was nice for them to be able to be doing their work and I was burning off calories. LOL


I am a big HP fan too! I keep trying to convince the family we should go but we are going to Key West instead before our cruise. Well, they are both on our bucket list so at least one will be taken care of. LOL


Today the family woke up and went for a mile walk. And then our neighborhood is having a garage sale so instead of driving the car around, we walked and that another 2 or so miles. Yippee! Now to keep it up!


Whats on your agenda this weekend? We have gardening and cleaning to do and if all goes well, we'll continue our morning walk.

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Hey Kim, how did you do today on your plan? The weekends always seem to be the hardest for me. I intentionally selected a Friday Weight Watcher meeting just to give me the accountability I need to get through Sat and Sundays. I had my weigh in today, I lost an even 2 lbs. I was really hoping for more but I know I stayed on plan and got in my physical activity and treadmill time so I'm happy.


WendyGrace, I love garage sales too. I also walked to 2 sales today. At the first one I found a really cute summer purse for $1, I swear it looked brand new. At the second one, I found 3 really cute summer tops. One was .50 cents and the other two were a buck each. I can't see spending lots of $$ when I hope to be in a lower size by the end of summer. I took a big bottle of water with me and had a pretty good time. Nothing better than a little shopping with the walk.


DansMom, You go girl !! 2.5 is pretty impressive. I do 2 miles on my treadmill but feel like I really have to push that last half mile. BTW, here is the nutrition count on the Dannon Greek Yogurt. The strawberry with the fruit on the bottom is 120 cal, 0 fat, 12g protein and 19 carbs. 0 fiber. The blueberry with the fruit on the bottom is 130 cal, 0 fat, 12 protein and 19 carb. 0 fiber. I am out of the vanilla flavor but I imagine it to be pretty close. I love the fact that it is high in protein as that really does help to keep me full. I have tried about every brand of greek yogurt on the market and the Dannon one seems to be my favorite. I love the fact that they are all fat-free too. By the taste, you would never know.


Have a great Friday evening and keep up the good work everyone. Cari

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Happy Weekend everyone! Rainy weekend here, so I'm thinking I'll pull out my Wii Fit or Leslie Sansone DVDs. Haven't used the Wii Fit in a while. Its cool to do something different.


Tomorrow is a busy, trying day, so getting some activity in today is going to be important. We're having company and then I'm going out with friends to a concert. At the concert itself I know I won't have a problem. I can pack myself a snack and buy a bottled water, but I think we're going out after. I need my friend that I'm going with to be my cheerleader and not order anything carb lol.


Cari - Question about the yogurt, what size is the yogurt? And do you mix the cool whip in, or just top the yogurt with it?

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