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Smoking Ban and Early saver, A Twist.


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OMG! And no offense to you but you just brought back that mental image in Salt Lake airport:D I couldn't get over how silly that smoking section looked........It looked like a bunch of caged animals behind glass/or plexiglass or whatever it was:eek: How embarrassing IMO......even if I smoked I wouldn't have done it there....

No offesnse taken and I could really care less if I look like a caged animal. By the time we land I REALLY need a cigarette and am just happy they have a place that I can have one. And if your did smoke...you WOULD do it there.

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Actually that's not true. According to what John is posting on facebook and then is being posted on another thread here.......all ships seem to have thier own different sections.......really bizarre if you ask me. why not make all classes the same areas:confused: Some casino bars you can smoke and some you can't:confused: on the same class? Really bad planning if you ask me.....


I agree. And I also learned that Carnival does not care what John Heald says. I am now of the opinion that Carnival's customer service is one big poorly planned operation (my PVP excluded). John says one thing, Carnival agrees sometimes, others they say John who? JMHO


It is not that I cannot find a place to smoke, it is the principal of the matter for me. Call me anal if you want, but I spend my hard earned money too, I want CCL to get a clear message that smokers are customers too.


I agree that it is the principal. I am not a smoker, my friend is. She wants to cancel because of the new policy effective Jun 15, but is not allowed. She should be allowed. They changed the policy with no warning. John Heald offered that you could get a refund. They should honor it for everyone, not a few.

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No offesnse taken and I could really care less if I look like a caged animal. By the time we land I REALLY need a cigarette and am just happy they have a place that I can have one. And if your did smoke...you WOULD do it there.


My dh does and he said no way in hell:D

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I may have misunderstood it but from what I read, some of the changes go into effect immediatly.


Smoking in staterooms go into effect Dec. 1st but the piano bar, casino bar, and limited smoking in the casino are immediate.


Someone correct me if I am wrong. If I am correct, why would someone not be able to cancel without penalty if the contract was changed in any way from what it was when you booked?


The new rules are not a deal breaker for me but it could be for someone who enjoys smoking cigars in the cigar bars, or someone who smokes who frequent the piano bar.


This is the issue exactly. Smokers are now more restricted than ever. The policy changed eff: 6-15-11, then you should be able to cancel for any cruise after that date. Carnival will try to disguise the fact that the rules changed. They list all of the places you can smoke. They do not tell you where you can no longer smoke. Try smoke screen. JMHO

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I agree with Molly and several others on here. I pay my money same as the rest of the non-smokers so i would like some consideration as well.

That is my home away from home and i do allow smoking in my home and since that is my home for a week i should be able to smoke there too.

I hardly ever eat out but the hotel i go to has certain floors for smokers and if a non-smoker goes there knowing that shame on him/her if she/he doesn't like it, tuff. The ships can do the same thing, have certain decks for smokers instead of cutting us off at the knees.

I do not like going outside to smoke if the weather is bad, and yes, it sometimes does get bad. Been there and done that.

I am conciderate about my smoking and will continue to be so, but gee whiz.....

As far as the kids, and grandkids, go if they are old enough to smoke that is their choice if they do or not, not my decision.

I am handicaped but still like to cruise. I also like my cigarette with my morning coffee and i do not want to have to get dressed to go someplace to have my wake up coffee and cigarette.


Yes, i am canceling all future cruises With Carnival.

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I agree. And I also learned that Carnival does not care what John Heald says. I am now of the opinion that Carnival's customer service is one big poorly planned operation (my PVP excluded). John says one thing, Carnival agrees sometimes, others they say John who? JMHO


I agree that it is the principal. I am not a smoker, my friend is. She wants to cancel because of the new policy effective Jun 15, but is not allowed. She should be allowed. They changed the policy with no warning. John Heald offered that you could get a refund. They should honor it for everyone, not a few.


According to my PVP - I could NOT cancel my trip next week or the one in September. But she WILL cancel the one for March.


She did let me know that I probably could ... discuss ... this at a higher level to get rid of September too. But, the Miracle has been our home-away-from-home and we would like to sail her just one last time at least. I just pray for good weather so I can be on the balcony (or another outside shady area).


While I could spend even more time dealing with the amount of confusion, I just don't care anymore. It's exhausting and keeping with with all the nuances is worse than real work! :eek: :D


That's also why I buy "Cancel for Any Reason Insurance". Hey, you never know.


The March Cruise is the first time in my life I've ever cancelled a cruise. Sad. But, I've got a really great replacement lined up for it.


Now, if I could just get DH sorted out before we leave this week, life would be good or I'm gonna have a miserable birthday. :eek:

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I agree with Molly and several others on here. I pay my money same as the rest of the non-smokers so i would like some consideration as well.

That is my home away from home and i do allow smoking in my home and since that is my home for a week i should be able to smoke there too.

I hardly ever eat out but the hotel i go to has certain floors for smokers and if a non-smoker goes there knowing that shame on him/her if she/he doesn't like it, tuff. The ships can do the same thing, have certain decks for smokers instead of cutting us off at the knees.

I do not like going outside to smoke if the weather is bad, and yes, it sometimes does get bad. Been there and done that.

I am conciderate about my smoking and will continue to be so, but gee whiz.....

As far as the kids, and grandkids, go if they are old enough to smoke that is their choice if they do or not, not my decision.

I am handicaped but still like to cruise. I also like my cigarette with my morning coffee and i do not want to have to get dressed to go someplace to have my wake up coffee and cigarette.


Yes, i am canceling all future cruises With Carnival.


So Carnival is even going to be more smoke free!!!! :)

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So Carnival is even going to be more smoke free!!!! :)


This is EXACTLY this idiodic responses that are causing individuals who, up until now have been very respectful, to kiss Carnival goodbye.


My PVP (and her supervisor) are following these threads and are absolutely ASTOUNDED by the behaviour on Cruise Critic.


Even if someone just explains their choice (which you do not need to agree with at all or even read) the responses alone make you not want to cruise with a group of individuals who will behave like that.


If people are that callous and cold and disrespectful - ESPECIALLY to any who are disabled, then those people really have issues bigger than someone smoking.


Your statement was mean and rude.

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I'm just tired of everyone deciding what is right for me.


And therein lies the entire issue... those of us who do not smoke, do not want to breath in the smoke that comes off a cigar, cigarette, or pipe. But it is nearly impossible to "contain" smoke. If a device could be made that would suck up all the smoke off a cigar, cigarette, or pipe, I'd be more than happy to share any space with any smoker.

Please try to remember when you began smoking, the very first few times... you may have coughed, gagged, or even threw up... that happens to some of us non-smokers every single time we get a whiff of smoke.

It's the SMOKE, not the people that we don't like. :)

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And therein lies the entire issue... those of us who do not smoke, do not want to breath in the smoke that comes off a cigar, cigarette, or pipe. But it is nearly impossible to "contain" smoke. If a device could be made that would suck up all the smoke off a cigar, cigarette, or pipe, I'd be more than happy to share any space with any smoker.



Please try to remember when you began smoking, the very first few times... you may have coughed, gagged, or even threw up... that happens to some of us non-smokers every single time we get a whiff of smoke.


It's the SMOKE, not the people that we don't like. :)


That's why allowing us to step into our cabin for a quick puff so we don't disturb balcony neighbors was a good solution. With the execption of the time a drink was thrown on me, if my balcony neighbors ever asked if I could refrain - they were outside, their kids, grandkids (heck, if I heard a kid, I wouldn't dream of even lighting up) - I always just did. It just wasn't a big deal to me. And, like I stated, would pop in for a quick puff or two and then pop back outside. No harm.


Even Carnival was quick to point out that only 5% smoked in their cabins. So, ban it unless in a balcony cabin - this way it can air out without causing a disturbance to our neighbors. Everyone wins. People can smoke outside and, if it's disturbing to a neighbor, pop inside for a quick break. Then, open the door and it will dissapate. Plus, give us those cool ionizer thingies I had in the hotel in Houston. That was AWESOME!!! Never could tell that I smoked in the room a few times. I'd even pay for it's use/deposit on it/whatever.


The Cigar Bar thing, for me, is personal since I cannot deal with the chrome/shiny things in the jazz clubs. So, that is a huge loss for me. But, that is no one else's issue but mine. And, since there isn't much the doctors can do to help me with it, then the only thing I can do is avoid the room. And, therein lies a problem. If I smoke outside, I offend people which I do not want to do. And, I have no place to smoke inside. So, can you see the problem from my point of view? Please?


I will desperately miss Carnival. But, it's my choice (well, DH's and my choice). We want the limited time we have together to be happy and that is how it shall be. If I have to track down ships, hotels, whatever, then I'll do it.


He waited 32 years to find someone to marry after his first marriage - we deserve a small amount of happiness. For us, it's a nice cigar (or cigarello) and each other and a beautiful sunset on the ocean.

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Guess you missed my point..he said Carnival did it to charge more money for balconies..Princess included balconies, so what was their reason.


Oops....sorry I missed that.


He is wrong. Carnival did not do this to charge more for balconies.


Carnival understands that they have more passengers who are smokers.


For example....there were immediately more than 10 threads about this change on the Carnival boards yesterday....when I checked Princess (fairly late in the day)..there was one.


It appears that Princess (like Celebrity) simply did not have as large a passenger base that smokes. Carnival does.


As a matter of fact, balcony prices will probably go down.....the OVs will go up.....because the vast majority are not smokers and may not want to take the change of spending money on a balcony they can not use.

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For those canceling their cruise on principle, I was wondering if you patronize the businesses that do not allow smoking and wonder what is the difference?:confused:


I do still patronize businesses that do not allow smoking, but on a very rare occassion. Before the smoking bans in IL & IA(we live on the border) my family generally went out for dinner once a week. Now we go out to dinner about once every other month. I can only think of one time I've been to a local bar in the past couple years, and I will not stay at a non-smoking hotel. I'm going to give it a lot of thought over the weekend as to whether we cancel this year's cruise, but if we don't it will be our last with Carnival. If all other cruise lines ban smoking in the cabins there are other vacation alternatives.

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This is EXACTLY this idiodic responses that are causing individuals who, up until now have been very respectful, to kiss Carnival goodbye.


My PVP (and her supervisor) are following these threads and are absolutely ASTOUNDED by the behaviour on Cruise Critic.


Even if someone just explains their choice (which you do not need to agree with at all or even read) the responses alone make you not want to cruise with a group of individuals who will behave like that.


If people are that callous and cold and disrespectful - ESPECIALLY to any who are disabled, then those people really have issues bigger than someone smoking.


Your statement was mean and rude.

LOL, go over to Princess and see what they are saying about the smoking ban...They are ALL happy to see this happen and I think most people on Carnival blew this totally out of porportion ..They are only changing a couple of areas for goodness sakes......:)...Dennis

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While I could spend even more time dealing with the amount of confusion, I just don't care anymore. It's exhausting and keeping with with all the nuances is worse than real work! :eek: :D


Now, if I could just get DH sorted out before we leave this week, life would be good or I'm gonna have a miserable birthday. :eek:


I basically told my PVP the same thing. He has tried everything, with no luck. I have talked to supervisor after supervisor. Some nice, some not. Some informed, some not. It is just not worth it anymore. Hope you have e great b-day.

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LOL, go over to Princess and see what they are saying about the smoking ban...They are ALL happy to see this happen and I think most people on Carnival blew this totally out of porportion ..They are only changing a couple of areas for goodness sakes......:)...Dennis


They are not only changing a couple of areas, they are banning over half the ship by putting a ban on the cabins.

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LOL, go over to Princess and see what they are saying about the smoking ban...They are ALL happy to see this happen and I think most people on Carnival blew this totally out of porportion ..They are only changing a couple of areas for goodness sakes......:)...Dennis


Princess, while lovely, really wasn't my line of choice so I rarely go to their boards.


And, actually, the change is significant enough (loss of Cigar Bar specifically and loss of cabin smoking in December). I'm not going to go through my particular issues (you can find them easily enough through the search function).


I do feel that this board has reached an all-time low though. That's really sad.

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LOL, go over to Princess and see what they are saying about the smoking ban...They are ALL happy to see this happen and I think most people on Carnival blew this totally out of porportion ..They are only changing a couple of areas for goodness sakes......:)...Dennis


I agree!

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That's why allowing us to step into our cabin for a quick puff so we don't disturb balcony neighbors was a good solution. ....



The Cigar Bar thing, for me, is personal since I cannot deal with the chrome/shiny things in the jazz clubs. So, that is a huge loss for me. But, that is no one else's issue but mine. And, since there isn't much the doctors can do to help me with it, then the only thing I can do is avoid the room. And, therein lies a problem. If I smoke outside, I offend people which I do not want to do. And, I have no place to smoke inside. So, can you see the problem from my point of view? Please?


I will desperately miss Carnival. But, it's my choice (well, DH's and my choice). We want the limited time we have together to be happy and that is how it shall be. If I have to track down ships, hotels, whatever, then I'll do it.


He waited 32 years to find someone to marry after his first marriage - we deserve a small amount of happiness. For us, it's a nice cigar (or cigarello) and each other and a beautiful sunset on the ocean.




The problem with smoking in the cabin (again not the smoker...the smoke) does not stay in the cabin....especially on the Fantasy class ships. It travels into the hallway and (unless the A/C is on full blast) into other people's cabins.


Secondly, they have gone to a 3 member cabin team and added significantly more cabins. And unfortunately, these cabin stewards and their assistants just do not have the time to clean a cabin that has been smoked in properly.


Thirdly, it is a matter of money....plain and simple. There are new cruise ship emissions regulations coming out January 2012 that will signficantly increase the cost of the fuel that Carnival uses. (50 - 70 MILLION dollars)


And because of this, Carnival is looking where ever they can to cut fuel usage. That is why the Magic has the cabin light insert where your Sail and Sign card has to be in the insert for the lights in the cabin to be on.


Unfortunately, the Ozone Machines that Carnival uses to clean these cabins SUCK the electricity....which means burning more fuel to provide that electricity. (not counting the cost of the sprays and the additional man power) So it really is a cost issue.....


Most people are not aware of just how expensive these new emission standards are going to be to cruise lines......and how this one change (smoking in the cabins) will help with this new expense.


I am not a smoker, but I am hoping that once these new standards are in place and the smoke settles that Carnival will do two things....


1. Allow E-Cigs ...maybe not in the dining room or main theater...but certainly every where else. That is what they were designed for....



2. As ships go into drydock....build a proper Cigar Bar. The ones they have on the Destiny class - Conquest class are to big and the space is under utilitized. Carnival needs to build an initmate smoking room with the dark walls, leather chairs, proper ventilation that is sealed and designated only for this purpose. Cigars and pipes and cruising have gone hand in hand since the first ship was built.



And when they do the two things listed above....I hope that you and your husband will come back to Carnival. We would love to sail with you.

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That's another point...it isn't a ban. Other than the piano bar and the cabins, there is no change.:confused:


I agree about NCL, I don't know how long it will be, but it is inevitable.


Not true. The casinos changed, and I do cruise, in part, for the gambling. :(

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I think I will be watching the rates on my 2 booked cruises extra close between now and June 30th.


Since others can cancel with no penalty and a few seem to be doing it, MAYBE I can get some OBC out of this!!!:D;)


bet CCL doesn't care one bit if you cancel an ES rate...because they will just raise the prices when they rebook it...and they will rebook it don't kid yourself...even in this "economy"

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Princess, while lovely, really wasn't my line of choice so I rarely go to their boards.


And, actually, the change is significant enough (loss of Cigar Bar specifically and loss of cabin smoking in December). I'm not going to go through my particular issues (you can find them easily enough through the search function).


I do feel that this board has reached an all-time low though. That's really sad.

The number of Cruise Critic people on each cruise has to be miniscule...I doubt that 2 or 3 percent on each cruise....So It's their ships and they make the rules and we just have to go by their rules...Dennis

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I never knew people could smoke in their cabins. I guess that is proof enough I am not a smoker.


Honestly, I could never tell if my cabin had been smoked in and I usually can since I am allergic to smoke.


To me I am happy about this since I do not have to worry about being placed in a cabin that previously had a smoker and it still lingers.

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According to my PVP - I could NOT cancel my trip next week or the one in September. But she WILL cancel the one for March.


She did let me know that I probably could ... discuss ... this at a higher level to get rid of September too. But, the Miracle has been our home-away-from-home and we would like to sail her just one last time at least. I just pray for good weather so I can be on the balcony (or another outside shady area).


While I could spend even more time dealing with the amount of confusion, I just don't care anymore. It's exhausting and keeping with with all the nuances is worse than real work! :eek: :D


That's also why I buy "Cancel for Any Reason Insurance". Hey, you never know.


The March Cruise is the first time in my life I've ever cancelled a cruise. Sad. But, I've got a really great replacement lined up for it.


Now, if I could just get DH sorted out before we leave this week, life would be good or I'm gonna have a miserable birthday. :eek:

I completely understand your frustration. But at least in September you will still be able to smoke in your cabin. Smoking won't be prohibited in cabins until Dec 1. I hope you find a great replacement cruise for that March one.


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