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What the heck? Note: Electronic cigarettes are only allowed in smoking areas????


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I think Carnival did this because there are a few, very vocal and rabid nonsmokers (I am a nonsmoker btw) who will fall over in fits and claim an asthma attack and perhaps on the spot lung cancer if they see a wisp of vapor coming from anyones mouth.

I love that these same people live in cities with smog, and drive cars, eat charred food, eat processed food, all which have been connected to some kind of cancer.

It's a stupid rule but I think it's to appease the rabid.

Cheers, Carole

Since you left out many others, I will help you out, Organic foods, vegetables, the SUN, trains,planes, hybrid cars, wind turbines,solar panels. All of these have been linked to a form of cancer, cell phones, radios, ect.... The truth is , it's a fact that cigs cause cancer first hand and second hand. Nice try though. cheers;)

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Electronic cigarettes....i just don't get it......if you don't want to smoke..fine...if you do want to smoke, fine. If you fart, but I didn't hear it or smell it, aren't you still a farter?

If you are smoking an e-cig, aren't you still "smoking"? Maybe others can't smell it, but you are still smoking, right? Aren't there smokeless contraptions to keep the smell of smoke concealed? Why not use that instead of an e-cig?With an e-cig, you are inhaling a liquid that, to my understanding, hasn't been tested for any long-term health effects, so if being healthier is the reason for the e-cig, isn't in really an unknown adventure?

I really have no idea what the e-cigs do....I have created my opinion based on a lack of knowledge and I don't know the whole story...that being said...I think I am bothered by the e-cig users more than a smoker, or a non-smoker just for the fact that they won't just make up their mind to be one or the other.





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Electronic cigarettes....i just don't get it......if you don't want to smoke..fine...if you do want to smoke, fine. If you fart, but I didn't hear it or smell it, aren't you still a farter?

If you are smoking an e-cig, aren't you still "smoking"? Maybe others can't smell it, but you are still smoking, right? Aren't there smokeless contraptions to keep the smell of smoke concealed? Why not use that instead of an e-cig?With an e-cig, you are inhaling a liquid that, to my understanding, hasn't been tested for any long-term health effects, so if being healthier is the reason for the e-cig, isn't in really an unknown adventure?

I really have no idea what the e-cigs do....I have created my opinion based on a lack of knowledge and I don't know the whole story...that being said...I think I am bothered by the e-cig users more than a smoker, or a non-smoker just for the fact that they won't just make up their mind to be one or the other.







Wow...that is odd...I personally don't care if people bite their nails, pull their hair out, or whatever...habits that don't affect or bother me. If they want to pay money to suck vapor and nicotine...go for it. I don't have to smell it and they won't set the ship on fire


I don't care if they make up their minds or not....I just don't want the smell of them around me, on my clothes, in my hair, make my eyes water...smoke stinks...especially indoors....I don't frequent indoor smoking places (few of them anyhow) and it does bother me on a cruise


I think the ecigs would be a good compromise...at least they don't smell


and they won't set stuff on fire

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For those that are using the e-cig, can you tell me which one you use and where you got it from? I have seen so many websites now that sell them, but don't know which ones are ligitamate. My husband and & I both want to quit and use them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


My husband has bought a couple of starter kits, and the one he prefers is the Ego from Vapor Kings (.com) The starter kit was about $70.00 but it came with 2 complete e-cigs, the charger kit, and some cartridges. He loves it - he can actuall smell & taste now. He was a tobacco smoker for 20+ years and now he only uses the vapor. (still nicotine, but no tar) I don't know if it will help you quit the nicotine, but I think it is better than cigarettes. Plus, it doesn't stink - that makes me and him both happy. :)

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Unfair and nasty attack on non smokers...


FYI : I never claim that being around smoke will give me cancer, I rarely have to be around smokers at all....


Real cigs stink....ugh....and yes I also do worry about fires. Sometimes when I see a drinking, smoking person stumbling around on a ship that is what I think about...."Oh I hope they don't smoke in bed, eeek"


and IF you read this thread you would realize most non smokers don't care about ecigs...we can't smell them...they don't stink....they don't make our eyes water....so we don't care. I have not seen many non smokers carp about e-cigs. You assume too much


I don't understand how (enabling) spouses can stand to kiss those ashtray mouths....sad to see how they have to kowtow to the smoker in the family

I read every word of the thread, in fact I rarely comment on threads I don't read entirely.

IF YOU HAD READ MY POST :-) I said a FEW rabid, vocal nonsmokers, and I went on to say I am a nonsmoker too, and pointed out a few things (almost everything gives you cancer now) that those said FEW nonsmokers do that can increase their chances of cancer. I don't really care if people smoke e cigs or not, but the rule of not smoking them in non smoking areas is rather stupid since they have no smell, it's simply vapor.

Now I will assume you didn't read my post but simply jumped on something that you lightly scanned, but that really is ok, as we are used to that from you.

And I don't really know why spouses kissing would concern you at all, and why you would assume someone is kowtowing to someone else.

Maybe you just saw a little too much of truth in my post to be so ummmm, rabid about it;)

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Actually the Blu is a not very good model....I know several people who got the Blu and aren't happy with it.


I prefer the Joye 510-T or Joye eGo-T model (e-cigarette forum users rate the 510 and eGo really high). I use a Vermont made e-liquid in mine....just be sure you don't get the Chinese e-liquid....it's pretty nasty!


I now vape the Tornado T - TANK from Totally Wicked . . . fill it once a day . . . battery lasts all day. Started on Blu (just too small and don't last). Moved to the maxi-mini (better but batteries don't last). E-fluid is from Johnson Creek, Wisconsin, many different flavors, Saving a bundle over cigs, and NO CARCINOGENS.


Vaped my e-cig constantly on the SPLENDOR at the poker table (non-smoking) and never got any "heat" over it EVER.


But, I knew this would happen as the DO-GOODERS just can't fathom someone enjoying themselves if it doesn't include them and there's a wisp of vapor involved. Many have absolutely NO IDEA what they are talking about. I'm surprised they can even be around a pressure cooker with the steam constantly coming out.:eek: Or their daughter or wife spraying their hair with hairspray. Or the fog machines at rock concerts.:rolleyes: I'll try this once more:


E-cigs are a vaporizing unit that puts NICOTINE into a vapor (no fire) instead of all the carcinogens (some say 2000) that are in cigarette smoke. The nicotine is absorbed by the lungs and a harmless vapor is exhaled, if at all. The pure nicotine has the same health effect as caffeine. I've had non-smokers say they like the scent of the vapor. Enjoying Spiced Apple Cider now. Chocolate Truffle this evening. :)


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Since you left out many others, I will help you out, Organic foods, vegetables, the SUN, trains,planes, hybrid cars, wind turbines,solar panels. All of these have been linked to a form of cancer, cell phones, radios, ect.... The truth is , it's a fact that cigs cause cancer first hand and second hand. Nice try though. cheers;)

Almost everything you do exposes you to some form of cancer. Char your steaks? Colon cancer. Breath in almost any big city? Lung cancer. Live in old house? Possible lead or asbestos exposure.

I will not argue with you about the first and second hand smoke as I agree 100%. But I also find it a little weird that people complain about a smoker when they are doing it outside in a smoking area.

It's like people want to control others bad habits, when we all have something we do that is not good for us.

E Cigs, from what I understand, are simply water vapor. My comment is there are a FEW people that would complain simply seeing a vapor come from someones mouth.

Cheers right back atcha :p

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I now vape the Tornado T - TANK from Totally Wicked . . . fill it once a day . . . battery lasts all day. Started on Blu (just too small and don't last). Moved to the maxi-mini (better but batteries don't last). E-fluid is from Johnson Creek, Wisconsin, many different flavors, Saving a bundle over cigs, and NO CARCINOGENS.


Vaped my e-cig constantly on the SPLENDOR at the poker table (non-smoking) and never got any "heat" over it EVER.


But, I knew this would happen as the DO-GOODERS just can't fathom someone enjoying themselves if it doesn't include them and there's a wisp of vapor involved. Many have absolutely NO IDEA what they are talking about. I'm surprised they can even be around a pressure cooker with the steam constantly coming out.:eek: Or their daughter or wife spraying their hair with hairspray. Or the fog machines at rock concerts.:rolleyes: I'll try this once more:


E-cigs are a vaporizing unit that puts NICOTINE into a vapor (no fire) instead of all the carcinogens (some say 2000) that are in cigarette smoke. The nicotine is absorbed by the lungs and a harmless vapor is exhaled, if at all. The pure nicotine has the same health effect as caffeine. I've had non-smokers say they like the scent of the vapor. Enjoying Spiced Apple Cider now. Chocolate Truffle this evening. :)


I really wish CC would create a "like" button This would qualify as a like for me. WTG on quitting and going over to the vapor side :D
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I read every word of the thread, in fact I rarely comment on threads I don't read entirely.

IF YOU HAD READ MY POST :-) I said a FEW rabid, vocal nonsmokers, and I went on to say I am a nonsmoker too, and pointed out a few things (almost everything gives you cancer now) that those said FEW nonsmokers do that can increase their chances of cancer. I don't really care if people smoke e cigs or not, but the rule of not smoking them in non smoking areas is rather stupid since they have no smell, it's simply vapor.

Now I will assume you didn't read my post but simply jumped on something that you lightly scanned, but that really is ok, as we are used to that from you.

And I don't really know why spouses kissing would concern you at all, and why you would assume someone is kowtowing to someone else.

Maybe you just saw a little too much of truth in my post to be so ummmm, rabid about it;)


"as we are used to that from you">> nice attack


no non smokers here were against the ecigs until this one popped up AFTER YOUR POST ...> UP UNTIL THEN ALL WERE OK WITH THEM


In fact on the other threads I have seen most non smokers happy about the idea of e-cigs or at least open to them


Much more likely....that Carnival just has not bothered to check out the facts about them...but easier to "blame" the non smokers who just don't want the smell of smoke around them (or the fire hazard)


I don't see why non smokers would even think about this or care. I think the management in Miami (what John Heald calls the Beards) just have not thought this through. They may not even really realize what these e-cigs are. Most non smokers don't know about them...I learned about them on here and also saw them at the mall.


John Heald was pretty positive about these e-cigs....you are simply assuming that "rabid non smokers" did something...with no proof or cause



I personally do not care bout others (bad) habits as long as they do not affect me....I do not care if you pull your hair out, eat glue, gamble, lick ashtrays, bite your nails, eat tons of bacon, whatever...I just don't like the SMELL of smoke ....and I do worry about fires on a cruiseship.


Up until the "new rule" most smokers here claimed they "only smoke outdoors, on the balcony" but after the rule was announced we have people crying about not being able to smoke IN the cabin.....so much for the old "only outside" nonsense.


Yeah...I do wonder how non smokers can stand to be around smokers all the time,especially in a cabin. I sure would not like the smell. The long term affects are pretty scary too. I don't worry about the long term affects on ME cause I am not usually around smokers. Never indoors at any rate...except when on cruise ships. I for one am delighted bout the piano bar ...yay. I would rather see people vaporize in there than smoke.

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My husband has bought a couple of starter kits, and the one he prefers is the Ego from Vapor Kings (.com) The starter kit was about $70.00 but it came with 2 complete e-cigs, the charger kit, and some cartridges. He loves it - he can actuall smell & taste now. He was a tobacco smoker for 20+ years and now he only uses the vapor. (still nicotine, but no tar) I don't know if it will help you quit the nicotine, but I think it is better than cigarettes. Plus, it doesn't stink - that makes me and him both happy. :)


E-cig fluids come in many NICOTINE STENGTHS. Many "vapors" use this to get competely off nicotine by gradually reducing the strength of the nicotine until they are down to buying e-fluids with ZERO NICOTINE in them, thus quitting the nicotine addictive part of their habit.


Many still vape because they like the many flavors they've enjoyed. Just no nicotine in them. :) The DO-GOODERS say, you've just replaced one addiction with another and they're absolutely right, but the replacement is a harmless addiction. Everybody benefits except the tobacco companies and those governments (state and federal) that collect huge tax levies for tobacco. :D

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Unfair and nasty attack on non smokers...

FYI : I never claim that being around smoke will give me cancer, I rarely have to be around smokers at all....

Real cigs stink....ugh....and yes I also do worry about fires. Sometimes when I see a drinking, smoking person stumbling around on a ship that is what I think about...."Oh I hope they don't smoke in bed, eeek"

and IF you read this thread you would realize most non smokers don't care about ecigs...we can't smell them...they don't stink....they don't make our eyes water....so we don't care. I have not seen many non smokers carp about e-cigs. You assume too much

I don't understand how (enabling) spouses can stand to kiss those ashtray mouths....sad to see how they have to kowtow to the smoker in the family

I have to respectfully disagree with your statement regarding her statement as an attack on us non-smokers. There are some very, VERY VOCAL nonsmokers who do not want someone else to even look at a cigaretter or e-cig because it might infringe on them. They weren't happy with smoking allowed in cabins....now they're upset because smokers will be spending more time on balconies smoking. Over on the Princess board, the non-smokers are upset because smokers will be congregating in the outdoor smoking areas of the ship where they like to walk. Good grief! Some of them need to grow up and change where they walk if they don't like the smoke.


I know e-cigs don't smell or stink - so why are nonsmokers so freakin' upset with them? Is it a control issue because they don't approve of smoking? I just don't get it.

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For those that are using the e-cig, can you tell me which one you use and where you got it from? I have seen so many websites now that sell them, but don't know which ones are ligitamate. My husband and & I both want to quit and use them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




This is the brand that I use. I have been very pleased. They have refill liquid in 30 flavors and 5 levels of nicotine including 0 nicotine. The trick is to be using a well charged battery and they will put out a huge cloud of vapor. I recommend staying away from the cartridges that use a separate atomizer. This company has what they call a cartomizer which is the cartridge and atomizer in one tip. They are cheaper and easier to refill and less trouble to maintain than the atomizers. If you smoke a pack a day you can probably save over $1000 a year.

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Almost everything you do exposes you to some form of cancer. Char your steaks? Colon cancer. Breath in almost any big city? Lung cancer. Live in old house? Possible lead or asbestos exposure.

I will not argue with you about the first and second hand smoke as I agree 100%. But I also find it a little weird that people complain about a smoker when they are doing it outside in a smoking area.

It's like people want to control others bad habits, when we all have something we do that is not good for us.

E Cigs, from what I understand, are simply water vapor. My comment is there are a FEW people that would complain simply seeing a vapor come from someones mouth.

Cheers right back atcha :p


I caught the word 'few' the first time :D, and it is that 'few' that want to make everybodies business theirs.

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"as we are used to that from you">> nice attack


no non smokers here were against the ecigs until this one popped up AFTER YOUR POST ...> UP UNTIL THEN ALL WERE OK WITH THEM


In fact on the other threads I have seen most non smokers happy about the idea of e-cigs or at least open to them


Much more likely....that Carnival just has not bothered to check out the facts about them...but easier to "blame" the non smokers who just don't want the smell of smoke around them (or the fire hazard)


I don't see why non smokers would even think about this or care. I think the management in Miami (what John Heald calls the Beards) just have not thought this through. They may not even really realize what these e-cigs are. Most non smokers don't know about them...I learned about them on here and also saw them at the mall.


John Heald was pretty positive about these e-cigs....you are simply assuming that "rabid non smokers" did something...with no proof or cause



I personally do not care bout others (bad) habits as long as they do not affect me....I do not care if you pull your hair out, eat glue, gamble, lick ashtrays, bite your nails, eat tons of bacon, whatever...I just don't like the SMELL of smoke ....and I do worry about fires on a cruiseship.


Up until the "new rule" most smokers here claimed they "only smoke outdoors, on the balcony" but after the rule was announced we have people crying about not being able to smoke IN the cabin.....so much for the old "only outside" nonsense.


Yeah...I do wonder how non smokers can stand to be around smokers all the time,especially in a cabin. I sure would not like the smell. The long term affects are pretty scary too. I don't worry about the long term affects on ME cause I am not usually around smokers. Never indoors at any rate...except when on cruise ships. I for one am delighted bout the piano bar ...yay. I would rather see people vaporize in there than smoke.

But you keep misquoting me, I said a FEW rabid nonsmokers, my God there are out there, in fact jump on every smoking thread. I am 100% for the not smoking in the cabins, the rooms are small and they would irritate others, including kids in surrounding cabins. However that is not what this thread is about. It's about e cigs and why Carnival would make them banned except to smoking areas.

You do not get me and I do not get you. But that's fine, lots of personalities in this world. However do not twist my words and don't attack my opinions. We all have our own, and mine are no less valid than yours. Now I'm done responding to you. BTW the huge bold print is rude.

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I really wish CC would create a "like" button This would qualify as a like for me. WTG on quitting and going over to the vapor side :D


Thank you kyrisong. A very nice thing to say.:)


The misinformation on this subject astounds me. And, as usual, its from the people that don't want to look at any new product, procedure, or point of view with any degree of objectivity.


With the new anti-smoking rules about cabins, I will continue to "vape" in my cabin if I want to, although I'm seldom there. No smoke, no need for an ashtray, and no odor, whatsoever.


However, its only a question of time before the government gets their nose in this (they've tried to already unsuccessfully) and it'll probably be TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE. To the smoker it represents about an 80% savings over smoking "analogs" (what we call regular cigarettes).


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Does the smoke now bother e-cig smokers? so much so that they don't want to be associated with the smoking section:confused:


It doesn't me, as my friends sill smoke. Just not a well thought out idea. Gotta go now, off to the bar for my AA meeting.

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i CAN ONLY HOPE THEY DO NOT ENFORCE OR STICK WITH THIS AS i TOO HAVE COMPLETELY QUIT SMOKING ANALOGS VIA THE "E CIG" OOOPs sorry for the all caps, I think they need to market it differently and call it say an "inhaler" I think people have gotten on their high horse about smoking and want to lump these things in with them and that is a tragedy and completely unfair as the only thing in common is nicotine, no smoke, no fire, no smell etc. the steam that comes out is no worse then the steam from a hot cup of coffee both would have trace amounts of either caffeine or nicotine.

This is the one thing about the new policies that would make me switch lines or find another vacation route, as much as I hate to say it.

I have been smoke free completely for 4 months now.



Not quite accurate. You are correct in that the vapor does not contain many of the toxins that are contained within normal cigarette smoke. However, An e-cig is a nicotine delivery device (though it is not regulated by the FDA as one at this time, the FDA lost the court case). The method by which is does that is


"Liquid solution consists of flavoring and/or nicotine dissolved in one or several hygroscopic components, which turns the water in the solution into the smoke-like vapour when heated. The most commonly used hygroscopic components are propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin or polyethylene glycol 400, usually referred to as PG, VG and PEG 400 respectively. All three are common food additives and used in a variety of pharmaceutical formulations."


The vapor is not just water vapor, the vapor also carries the nicotine, and may also include other compounds depending upon which hygroscopic components the e-cig is using.


While an amount of the nicotine is absorbed in the lungs that transfer mechanism is not 100% efficient and some will remain in the vapor.

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For those that are using the e-cig, can you tell me which one you use and where you got it from? I have seen so many websites now that sell them, but don't know which ones are ligitamate. My husband and & I both want to quit and use them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Totally Wicked is probably the best most legitimate provider out there, although there are many now. TW has a great question and answer forum where you can get great information and advice. U-tube will have tons of videos all talking about different brands and methods.


Don't waste time with the small e-cigs that "look" like a cigarette unless you smoke very little.


Go straight to the TORNADO - T. Load your own liquids and forget about the expensive pre-loaded cartridges. You'll save a ton of money over "analogs" and you'll feel much better. If you want to quit just keep dropping the nicotine content each time you reorder fluid, therefore working your way to ZERO NICOTINE if you choose.


I've openly "vaped" in airports and even STEALTH VAPED on planes. I wouldn't suggest restaurants as it just isn't worth the aggravation (although last night I stealth vaped at Chili's):rolleyes:


Don't have the website, but a search with E-CIG will get you there. Get vaping and enjoy . . . one of the best things that has ever happened to this former 2-pack-a-day smoker. :)

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I've never been around an e-cigarette, so I have no opinion as to whether they should be an issue or not.


However, maybe the reason for Celebrity's policy is one of enforcement.


In looking at a few of the e-cigarette websites, it appears they are made to look like regular cigarettes. So from a distance is it easy to tell whether someone is smoking a cigarette or vaping (is that the right term?) an e-cig?


Maybe its easy to tell, I don't know. But if its not easy to tell, from a distance, maybe Carnival doesn't want to have to commit the personnel to go around policing what may appear to be a violation of the smoking policy but is really an e-cigarette.


Also, since at this point many people (myself included) are not familiar with e-cigarettes, I would imagine there will be complaints from people seeing what they think are people smoking in non-smoking areas, and maybe Carnival doesn't want to deal with that as well.


Or smokers seeing people using e-cigs in non-smoking areas will get confused and think its ok to light up generating more complaints from non-smoking passengers.


Just guessing here based on the images in the ads.

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Could be not enough research on them yet........probably just playing it safe.......


Then they dropped the ball. This is not something oh so new, it has been discussed for some time, and there is a TON of information out there should they want to research it.

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Thank you kyrisong. A very nice thing to say.:)


The misinformation on this subject astounds me. And, as usual, its from the people that don't want to look at any new product, procedure, or point of view with any degree of objectivity.


With the new anti-smoking rules about cabins, I will continue to "vape" in my cabin if I want to, although I'm seldom there. No smoke, no need for an ashtray, and no odor, whatsoever.


However, its only a question of time before the government gets their nose in this (they've tried to already unsuccessfully) and it'll probably be TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE. To the smoker it represents about an 80% savings over smoking "analogs" (what we call regular cigarettes).


Oh my goodness, can you imagine if even 20 % of the smokers go over to the e cigs? Taxed to death!!!!

I think it's an amazing thing to be able to help people quit smoking. I am a nurse and I am all about not smoking. But I'm also an American and am all about freedom of choice.

I will always take an oportunity to congratulate someone for quiting. I used to smoke and it was HARD to stop. Vapor on my good man........... Cheers

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