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"What the hell is the matter with this mother ? Doesn't she wear a belt or have a wooden spoon in the house ? :)" And where the hell is the father ? Upstairs with the maid? why doesn't he open a mouth?" These are very common outbursts she will have during these shows.




I love her!!!!! :D

Wooden spoon?? Brings back memories!!!! LOL You must be Italian...

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None of the people whose children misbehave post on Cruise Critic. Everyone here parents children with halos. :D




To the OP, my guess is that the children who horseplay are probably unruly all the time and the parents are looking to relax too, so they would prob be off at the bar or sipping from their rum runners etc.


I believe in the "Village" and do not hesitate in disciplining other ppls children if they don't see fit to do so.


Bottom line: I'd Kick them out, by speaking with the staff about the children in the hot tubs. Most places they not allowed, anyway?

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Stick in the muds,


Relax and have a cocktail (or two)!



Parent of an awesome fun loving sweet little girl who would never intentionally annoy anyone... if you are annoyed by her just because you are a stick in the mud, then go to a Coules, or Sandals, or Hedonism resort!!!

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I love her!!!!! :D

Wooden spoon?? Brings back memories!!!! LOL You must be Italian...









Sometimes in the supermarket I can actually hear her voice









And she has not mellowed with age :)

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Well said! As a parent of two kids (14 and 11) it kills me to read so many people on here bashing kids on cruises! I allow my kids to go into the hot tub but they know how to act in it and if they were acting up, they would be made to get out of it. As you said, they are on vacation too! I can say on the last cruise I went on, I saw A LOT of adults acting alot worse then any of the kids on board were. As stated.... there's an adult only area for a reason!





My son is nearly 13 and he will be allowed to use the hot tubs. Why would I not allow him? It is his vacation too. Since he isn't old enough to drink alcohol, he'll be better behaved than some adults.


Our cruise has the adult only area so people should feel free to go there if they don't want kids around.

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Kids don't work....they don't need a vacation. I don't know many 12-13 year old boys that would sit still in a hot tub.


Kids DO need vacations! I think family time and vacations are nessisary for familes. My kids ages 13 and 16 both do chores and jobs around the house. THey have a father that is dying and they help take care of him. Everyone need to get away and relax. Some of the things they have seen in their lifetime is much more stressful than some adults.

We have a hot tub at home, and our kids love to use it.

I do agree small children don't need to be jumping in and out and tripping over people.

THe hot tubs are for everyone. IF you don't like it, go to the adults only pools or the serendy deck pools.

Carnival put them there for everyone to use.

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Kids DO need vacations! I think family time and vacations are nessisary for familes. My kids ages 13 and 16 both do chores and jobs around the house. THey have a father that is dying and they help take care of him. Everyone need to get away and relax. Some of the things they have seen in their lifetime is much more stressful than some adults.

We have a hot tub at home, and our kids love to use it.

I do agree small children don't need to be jumping in and out and tripping over people.

THe hot tubs are for everyone. IF you don't like it, go to the adults only pools or the serendy deck pools.

Carnival put them there for everyone to use.



Once again, in many posts on this thread the majority of people DO NOT have a problem with children in the lido hot tubs PROVIDED they can behave themselves accordingly. Splashing people in the face, running and jumping cannonball style and other reckless behavior such as horseplaying with each other in or around the hot tub is NOT behaving accordingly. Yes, there will be some people on board who simply do not like children, however the majority of us just want the kids to behave and that falls solely on the parents. If your child is running around the ship being a nuisance to others, as a parent you need to address your child's behavior and correct it. That's every parents SOLE job!

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None of the people whose children misbehave post on Cruise Critic. Everyone here parents children with halos. :D


My two are grown now and they were both very well behaved...but it wasn't because they had halos.....it was because they had blistered rear ends if they weren't!!! ;)

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I don't know how old your children are, but that is sad.....


Are you kidding? Unlimited video games (phone, TV, computer)...ANYTHING they want to eat, no enforced bedtime, no parental supervision, friends sleeping over as a bonus...:D...that's every kid's idea of heaven!

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There is nothing wrong with the kids in the hot tubs. I don't understand why some try to make it a mature adult activity.


We let our kids use them because they can and we let them. If they bother you for no other reason than being kids, oh well..


It never was a big deal till someone here created it..

Was checkin your signature, I hope I'm not on a cruise with you and your kids if you just let them "run free".....Dennis

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Kids don't work....they don't need a vacation.


I disagree...and even if they didn't need a vacation, family time is good for children and their parents. The problem is the parents who don't see the vacation as family time.

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i am going to call a few of the cruise lines and try to get my mom a position as a "resident child behavioral specialist " on some ship.


She has excellent qualifications :


Mother of 4, grandmother of 14 , great grandmother of 2 (1 on the way)


nevermind fancy degrees , and authoring best selling self help parenting books. She's a 5'1" italian grandma from brooklyn who never has taken crap from anyone , certainly not her kids.


When she said "knock it off" that wasn't a suggestion that was a papal bull.


She literally wants to claw at the tv when she sees these jerry springer, doctor phil type shows where parents are all weepy because their 12 yr old won't listen . "what the hell is the matter with this mother ? Doesn't she wear a belt or have a wooden spoon in the house ? :)" and where the hell is the father ? Upstairs with the maid? Why doesn't he open a mouth?" these are very common outbursts she will have during these shows.


You could go on a lot of cruise with the money you'd save not buying these child rearing books and just open your mouth and put your foot down.


Some kids just are in need of a good old fashioned whack across the behind plain and simple . And if you trhink that is abuse and barbaric , then you deserve the walking on these kids will give you when they get older and all the grief it will come with.


:dlike like like:d

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Are you kidding? Unlimited video games (phone, TV, computer)...ANYTHING they want to eat, no enforced bedtime, no parental supervision, friends sleeping over as a bonus...:D...that's every kid's idea of heaven!




It sure was this kids idea of heaven way back when :)

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Are you kidding? Unlimited video games (phone, TV, computer)...ANYTHING they want to eat, no enforced bedtime, no parental supervision, friends sleeping over as a bonus...:D...that's every kid's idea of heaven!

Especially a teenager's!!! ;) I asked my twin girls- who are 12 1/2- which they'd prefer and the chose the scenario you mention over the cruise...too bad for them,they're going on the cruie.;) Just asked my almost 15 year old son and he also chose the scenario instead of cruise. None of them had to think very long either...I thought maybe my DS would think about it for awhile because he so loves all the food on a cruise.:rolleyes:

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I think if a children are well-behaved and accompanied by their parents, it should be fine if they sit in the hot tub with them. Of course, when other people want to join, it's always polite to scoot in and make room.


Now, I believe some others have mentioned this, but hot tubs can be very dangerous for young children. A hot tub could "cook" a baby's insides (don't picture this literally!). Parents should be very careful about toddlers and small children in hot tubs, and even older children should limit their time in the hot tub.

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To the OP, my guess is that the children who horseplay are probably unruly all the time and the parents are looking to relax too, so they would prob be off at the bar or sipping from their rum runners etc.


I believe in the "Village" and do not hesitate in disciplining other ppls children if they don't see fit to do so.


Bottom line: I'd Kick them out, by speaking with the staff about the children in the hot tubs. Most places they not allowed, anyway?


Trust me, I'm with you on this one BUT the "the village" theory does not work on carnival. I sat and watched as a child was in the hot tub splashing and kicking and hitting, a woman, also in the hot tub kept telling the girl to please stop, the woman got out and had security come over and talk to the girl, the second security left, the girl started it again but this time cussed out the woman, telling her she could do what ever she f$$$ing wanted..still splashing, hitting and cussing, finally the woman grabbed the girls hand and once again told her to please stop....the mama had been watching the whole time without saying a word but the second her daughter was touched, she got security and had the woman charged with assault, the woman was detained and then put off the ship in Jamaica...no she should not have touched the child but the child was allowed to touch others? And mama did or said nothing? I stay out of the spas because of the kids anyway but this incident sealed it for me.

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rights vs priviledges?


good grief! it's neither!


you pay a fare. this fare gets you this list of things, with restrictions. this fare allows you to share the ship with others, including baggage.


and until fares are set up as two classes; cruise, and cruise jr., all have paid to access all areas of the ship unless otherwise noted. there is usually at least one adult only hot tub, or even an adult or serenity area.


meanwhile, the hot tubs are hardly hot, so those people worried about exposure time, please stop. The tubs on board don't even come near to 104 degrees.


and as long as childrens fares are accepted and processed, enjoy watching them have fun running, splashing, and even laughing. after all, if we had a choice, we would probably join them.

Maybe you didn't see this.

Children must be accompanied in the hot tub by an adult. Diving or jumping in the hot tub and horseplay is prohibited. Kids and thier parents who break those rules are what is being complained about in this thread. And children do not have the same rights in regards to hot tubs as adults do as I can go in any hot tub on the ship without supervision and my kids cannot.


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This thread reminds me of our last cruise. The sea days were too chilly to swim in the pool, so we allowed (with close supervision) our kids to get into a hot tub that was already occupied by several other kids. One little boy was not being closely supervised and was quite obnoxious. His behavior was so bad that my kids only stayed in for 5 minutes before they were ready to get out because the misbehaving kid was getting on their nerves.


I think that most people are observant enough to realize that usually it is only a small percentage of kids that are behaving badly on cruises. I would bet that for every kid that doesn't know how to behave there are at least two or three that do....you just tend not to notice them as much.


As a footnote....I'm always amazed at how many childless people are experts on child rearing!;)

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Trust me, I'm with you on this one BUT the "the village" theory does not work on carnival. I sat and watched as a child was in the hot tub splashing and kicking and hitting, a woman, also in the hot tub kept telling the girl to please stop, the woman got out and had security come over and talk to the girl, the second security left, the girl started it again but this time cussed out the woman, telling her she could do what ever she f$$$ing wanted..still splashing, hitting and cussing, finally the woman grabbed the girls hand and once again told her to please stop....the mama had been watching the whole time without saying a word but the second her daughter was touched, she got security and had the woman charged with assault, the woman was detained and then put off the ship in Jamaica...no she should not have touched the child but the child was allowed to touch others? And mama did or said nothing? I stay out of the spas because of the kids anyway but this incident sealed it for me.


No friggin way. So the only other option is to go totally ape $#!^ on the girl, her mom, and/or security? Well, if that's what it takes, I'll keep that in mind.


Edited to include:


So I'll just start yelling, "WHO'S THIS GIRL'S MOTHER?? HELLO? ARE YOU HER MOTHER? HELLOO???? SOMEONE HELP!" And embarrass the crap out of her.

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I have no problem with kids that are behaving, using the hot tubs for what they were designed. However, If there is an adult wanting, or waiting to use the hot tub, then, in my opinion, the kid should yield to the adult......kinda like on a bus....respect the adults. That's how I was raised, and how I raised my (non-angelic) kids......to respect adults, and they DID. I was on the CCL Dream a couple years ago, and there were kids...most preteens, running amok, and roughhousing in the elevators. While on an elevator, a kid in front of me, and, who was bigger than I inadvertently forcefully stomped on my foot while jostling with a few others, I gently. grabbed his arms, squeezed and whispered in his ear that if I ever saw him roughhousing around adults again, he may find himself over the side.

For most of my cruises, on all lines, I have found the majority of kids are behaved.....but all it takes is a few, and mob mentality takes over.

For that reason, I usually try to cruise while school is in session....but that doesn't always work either since some parents take their kids out of school since it's more expensive to cruise during vacation time. :mad:

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I have no problem with kids that are behaving, using the hot tubs for what they were designed. However, If there is an adult wanting, or waiting to use the hot tub, then, in my opinion, the kid should yield to the adult......kinda like on a bus....respect the adults.


I'd expect my son to give up his spot to an elderly person otherwise the young adults are out of luck. They can walk themselves to the adult only area.

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