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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Hi all,

Just stopping by and saying hi! HI!!

Have so much going on this week, my new job orientation Wednesday, checking out a new kennel for my dog on Thursday (Robert & I are going away for a weekend in Sept. and my usual girl won't be around) and we are going to look for a big screen tv. All good stuff......:D:D

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Evening all! wow, am I tired tonite. You can sure tell the full moon is tomorrow, our clinic was crazy today. Can't wait til tomorrow :eek: I still cannot believe the amount of people that wait until the last minute come in to our clinic then complain when they have to wait a few hours. Where were they all summer???

Rich-- that wine sounds great!!! wish I had some now, I'll have to look around and see what I have in the house. All the good stuff is in my camper. We love Family Guy too, Brian and Stewie are my favs. A friend of mine even named her dog Brian :D

Andrea--have a nice and relaxful trip! Someday we will make it to that part of the country.

I mentioned a cove balcony to Don, he really wants to book one. I'm thinking after the Matey's cruise is paid for I'll pay the deposit for a cove. It may by our only chance to experience one, they are pretty neat!

A big wave to Cathy P, Twyla, Nancy, Bobbie, Sheryl, Mimi, Marie and everyone else!

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Evening all! wow, am I tired tonite. You can sure tell the full moon is tomorrow, our clinic was crazy today. Can't wait til tomorrow :eek: I still cannot believe the amount of people that wait until the last minute come in to our clinic then complain when they have to wait a few hours. Where were they all summer???


Rich-- that wine sounds great!!! wish I had some now, I'll have to look around and see what I have in the house. All the good stuff is in my camper. We love Family Guy too, Brian and Stewie are my favs. A friend of mine even named her dog Brian :D


Andrea--have a nice and relaxful trip! Someday we will make it to that part of the country.


I mentioned a cove balcony to Don, he really wants to book one. I'm thinking after the Matey's cruise is paid for I'll pay the deposit for a cove. It may by our only chance to experience one, they are pretty neat!


A big wave to Cathy P, Twyla, Nancy, Bobbie, Sheryl, Mimi, Marie and everyone else!


Oh good! Cuz if there isn't a cove left if/when we book, we will just bunk with you guys!!:p:D


If anyone gets a link to the new magic video that John is talking about on his blog, will you please post them here. I can't find them! Thanks.

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never mind. I found it. It's a youtube video and it tells us that starting tomorrow there is a website www.carnivalmagic.com that you will be able to take a virual tour of the magic. John is very excited because there will be a "pub" onboard called the red frog. I should mention that the Mariner of the Seas has a pub too, and it is a really fun place to hang out!! I hope carnivals is just as fun.

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So ok now it`s my turn to drop in to say hi!


Spent all day or rather from noon until 5:00 at different hospitals having different test done today.

I`m completly wiped out tonight.


But at this point, I do know that I have no P.A.D. and I will have surgery on my left hand on Sept.7th.

That is two weeks from tomorrow.

The right hand will follow when the left is somewhat healed.


I`m happy that it is finally getting done and I look forward to being without numbness and pain in the days to come.;)


Good to see all my friends here. Waving to Rich, Janet, Marie, Andrea, Cathy p, Lori , Lil Nan, Sheryl, Poofy, the nice lady(sorry CRS so her name slips my mind) who offered to have us join her group for a cabin crawl, and anyone else that I have missed.


Gotta be up early for the Gym in the morn...gonna take Tucker and Izzy and head off to bed...


Night All...

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we are staying in Seaside, and doing outings from there, but we probably won't venture far


Just wondering if you thought you would be making it to Lincoln City...

I live about an hours drive from there...

Lunch at the beach I might be able to swing, depending on if the DH is around.

He hates the beach...Unless he wants to shop at the outlet mall.

Then he takes me to Mo's for the Clam chowder in the Cannonball. Yummm :p

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Good night my friends, see you in the morning, maybe,

Nick invited people over tomorrow, so I had better tidy up this place :p

I am so close to hitting my 5000 post I may have to say good night more than once :o

I might have already gotten it, if I wasn't dinged a while back and my posts removed.

Do you loose your count when that happens?

No matter I am almost there now

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Good mording all you SMDers!

Rich (Hook 'Em Horns), not only do I have a daughter in high school, she is a Junior this year! I am freaking out about it, too! College is just around the corner! Speaking of which, she did the NYLF on Medicine in Houston this summer. She had a blast and, of course, didn't want to come home. She got to go to A&M and The HEart Institute. At The Heart Institute, she got to watch an open heart surgery from the observation room! Is that not cool?? She also got to watch a knee replacement surgery live via satelite.

Marie, you are almost there, Sweetie! And that lunch sounds great! I love fresh seafood! :)

Andrea, I would love a vaction on the Oregon coast! As I just said, I love fresh seafood! :D

Lori and Janet, I think a Cove Balcony would be lovely!

Bobbie, I am glad you will be getting your hands done and not be in any more pain!

Hi Sheryl, Cathy P, Twyla, Poofy and anyone else I missed!

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Saying good morning to you all, and this is post 4999...

Saving 5000 for my Looney's

where I will be saying good morning in just a moment...

I know really who cares...

You do, I am sure :p Awe thank you :o

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Just dropping by to say hi to everyone! Hope all is well and thanks to everyone for the planning to make this a fun, fun cruise. I don't snorkel but would go on the trip just to socialize. I have been to Hell and that was a fun day in a jeep. The margarita's at Jimmy Buffet's were pretty good too!

Hope everyone has a good night. Off to get the knee iced and elevated.:eek:

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Good morning SMDers. Sorry I was MIA yesterday, but my computer at home is not working right, so I took it over to West to see if he could get it working. He called late last night and said that it is now working, so I will pick it up later today.

Nancy - A&M! That open heart that she did see, was that on a cow? lol Oh no, she need to go to UT at Galveston.

Hi Betty, hope the knee gets better.

Bobbie - I know that you'll be glad when all of its done. I have to go to the Dr this afternoon about my shoulder. Feels like I may have pulled something.

Janet - A pub. now that might be fun!

Sheryl - Hows the new job going? I know that you'll like it.

Hi Marie and Andrea - hope ya at least get to have lunch together.

OK, got to get back to work. Talk later

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Happy Wednsday to all! Only 2 more days till the weekend, and payday for me ;)

I had a reeeaaallly slow day yesterday, so it made my work day almost painful! LOL! But, the new book I have been waiting on was released yesterday, so that helped. I couldn't start reading it till I got home, but I went on my lunch to purchase it. Then it sat in my desk, taunting me till 5!

Have a great day!

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Hey there, Rich! Erika still is a Lonhorn at heart! She just went to visit those places for the Leadership Forum on Medicine. No, the open hear surgery was actually at the Texas Heart Institute. She did see a cow with no heart at all at A&M, though. It kinda freaked her out. The cow was hooked to a machine to pump the blood thru her body. Erika said it was eerie. She does want to attend UT at Galveston. My MIL is actually looking at houses on the net down there. She is finding some really good deals. But Asa has to get a job in TX 1st!

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Hi, I am here I just got home from the hospital. EMS took me on Monday with what was thought to be a heart attack or stroke or both. It ended up with irregualar heart beat and irregular blood pressure that would go from normal to high and then go down to 80/44 in a heartbeat so to speake. So here I am so glad to be home.

Chat tomorrow.

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Wow, Cathy you scared us. I sure hope that your doing much better. OK, new deal for everyone. Lets get all this sickness, pains and ills out of the way now (Cathy p, Betty, Bobbie, Marie, Rich and anyone else).

I went to my Dr. today and got my meds refilled and a referral for an injection tomorrow in my back. Then I was telling him about my shoulder and he said that it is tendonitis. Guess what he gave me for it. Of course, 3 injections in the shoulder. I'm starting to feel like a pin cushion:(.

Nancy - I'll keep my fingers crossed for her. West's son is now an upper-classman at UT and he will be the first to let you know it. West is so proud of him as well he should be. Mark is in the RTF (Radio, Television and Film) program and really likes it.

Mimi - are ya'll packed yet. Moving is coming up real soon now.

Time for a glass of wine (ya hear that Lori). Talk to ya tomorrow.

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Rich, speaking of wine, have you even had a Chocolate/Red wine.

We have it where I work, and I was thinking of taking it on our cruise to Alaska.

I don't like wine, but I like Chocolate,

my boss loves wine, and said I would like it (knowing I am not a wine bibber)

Just wondered if you had ever had something like that.

I thought because it was different, it would be fun to have at the table for dinner one night.

It is a red, so should go well with beef right :confused:

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Wow, Cathy, you scared us ( yourself too I'm sure!) Glad you are home and feeling better.

I've had chocolate wine--really good! And I'm not much of a wine drinker unless it's really sweet. I thought the one I had was grape/chocolate, not sure, I'll have to ask my DIL who got it for me.

Gotta get going to work, so a big WAVE to everyone, have a good day!

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For you lurkers that are still looking at this cruise and interested in finding out more about pricing, please e-mail me, rwzike at yahoo.com

Come join us for the "Spirit of the "Magic"al Dream" cruise.


This official CC group cruise is from Feb 26th through Mar 4, 2012 with the following itinerary.


Sunday, Feb 26 GALVESTON, TX 4:00pm


Monday, Feb 27 FUN DAY AT SEA


Tuesday, Feb 28 COZUMEL, MEXICO 8:00am 4:00pm


Wednesday, Feb 29 GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS 9:00am 4:00pm


Thursday, Mar 01 MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA 9:00am 6:00pm


Friday, Mar 02 FUN DAY AT SEA


Saturday, Mar 03 FUN DAY AT SEA


Sunday, Mar 04 GALVESTON, TX 8:00am



A reduced deposit of $25 per person is available for double occupancy guarantee cabins in the categories above until August 20, 2011 or while inventory lasts. The second deposit of $225 per person for those who book at the reduced deposit is due Augsut 29, 2011. The full deposit of $250 per person is due for triple, quad, suite and cabin assignments at the time of booking. The final payment for the group is due November 13, 2011.


Guests may also book at the Early Saver rate advertised on Carnival's website with the full per person, non refundable deposit but will not receive the group amenity.


There is a $50 cancellation penalty per cabin.




$100 OBC per cabin

Cruise Critic Pins (one per person)

Discount on all other Cruise Critic Logowear


With a $25 reduced deposit, that gives up plenty of time to pay this one off. Come on, you know you want to go on this cruise with us. Call Johna and book today, then come back onto the board and let us know who you are and that you will be joining us.:D

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Cathy, feel better soon my friend... I wrote more to you on the Looney thread and email...


Rich, all packed up twiddling my thumbs ready to go. We sold our clunker of a truck yesterday. I am very proud of myself that it sold in under 28 hours on Craigslist. Considering thousands of cars are posted daily in Chicago alone (literally, I manually counted lol) I am proud that our ad stood out.


Either that or we should have charged much more. :eek:


Good Morning SMDers!


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Chocolate/Red wine. I did see it in the store the other day, but I'm not too sure that I want to drink it. Something about mixing the two. Oh well, maybe I will try it. We will see.

Lori, have a good day at work. Hope the weather is getting back to normal for ya'll up north. Day before yesterday it was only 103 here. Thank goodnees summer is almost over and we can get back to the 80 - 90's.

Marie - maybe you should take a bottle on the Alaska trip with you. Although you should decide soon as its coming up before you know it. Packed yet?

Cathy p - Missing ya. Hope your doing better this morning.


Mimi - Congrat on selling the truck. Either you got real lucky or you did sell it for less then you should have. Either way, its sold. Good for ya'll.

So, today I go to get stuck again. Although this one will make my back feel alot better. The shoulder doesn't hurt near as much this morning and I did manage to sleep through the night:D.

Time for some breakfast. Talk later. Hope ya'll have a great day.

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