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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Someone sent this to me and thought I would share!

Only a Pound


Do you know me? If you don't you should.

I'm a pound of fat, and I'm the happiest

pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.

Want to know why? It's because no one wants

to lose me!!! I'm only one pound, just a pound.


Everyone wants to lose 3 pounds, 5 pounds,

or 15 pounds, but never only one. So I just

stick around and happily keep you fat. then,

I add to myself ever so slyly so that you never

seem to notice it, that is, until I've grown to

10, 20, 30, or even more pounds in weight.


Yes, it's fun living just a pound of fat, left to

do as I please. So, when ou weigh in, keep

right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound,"

(as if that were such a terrible thing).


For, you see, if you do this you'll encourage

other members to keep me around because

they'll think I'm not worth losing.


And I love lying around you -- your arms,

your legs, your chin, your hips and ever part

of you.




After all, I'm only one pound of fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Author Unknown.

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Someone sent this to me and thought I would share!

Only a Pound


Do you know me? If you don't you should.

I'm a pound of fat, and I'm the happiest

pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.

Want to know why? It's because no one wants

to lose me!!! I'm only one pound, just a pound.


Everyone wants to lose 3 pounds, 5 pounds,

or 15 pounds, but never only one. So I just

stick around and happily keep you fat. then,

I add to myself ever so slyly so that you never

seem to notice it, that is, until I've grown to

10, 20, 30, or even more pounds in weight.


Yes, it's fun living just a pound of fat, left to

do as I please. So, when ou weigh in, keep

right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound,"

(as if that were such a terrible thing).


For, you see, if you do this you'll encourage

other members to keep me around because

they'll think I'm not worth losing.


And I love lying around you -- your arms,

your legs, your chin, your hips and ever part

of you.




After all, I'm only one pound of fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Author Unknown.


I am going to print this one and put it on the fridge. :p

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Loved the poem. I will also put it on my frig and refer to it often. Had an official WI this morning. I lost another pound. ( how appropriate!!) Seems like the meetings will go on for at least 6 more weeks, so I will work very hard at losing and trying to reach my goal. Even if I don't reach goal this time, every bit that comes off is an acheivement and I will be happy that it isn't a gain. Continue with your sucesses and don't beat yourself up over anything. We are all pulling for you.



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Hi everyone,

I hope you don't mind me popping in here too. I started WW last July and lost 19 lbs by December for our holiday cruise. I was only 6 lbs from goal weight. Of course I put on 6 in the two weeks we were away and then never really got back to it. I'd forget to track, etc. Then I was afraid to weigh myself (of course). I finally got back to my point counting almost 2 weeks ago and stepped on the scale last Friday. It was exactly what it's been since mid January so 10.2 lbs from goal. Next cruise is in 4 weeks -- eek!! WI on Friday and I'm fighting the urge to step on the scale before then.


I love seeing everyone's progress here and that poem was wonderful. So true that when that one pound comes on we ignore it and when it comes off we're mad that it's not more, but in the end, a pound is a pound is a pound and every one counts! Thanks for sharing.

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Someone sent this to me and thought I would share!

Only a Pound


Do you know me? If you don't you should.

I'm a pound of fat, and I'm the happiest

pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.

Want to know why? It's because no one wants

to lose me!!! I'm only one pound, just a pound.


Everyone wants to lose 3 pounds, 5 pounds,

or 15 pounds, but never only one. So I just

stick around and happily keep you fat. then,

I add to myself ever so slyly so that you never

seem to notice it, that is, until I've grown to

10, 20, 30, or even more pounds in weight.


Yes, it's fun living just a pound of fat, left to

do as I please. So, when ou weigh in, keep

right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound,"

(as if that were such a terrible thing).


For, you see, if you do this you'll encourage

other members to keep me around because

they'll think I'm not worth losing.


And I love lying around you -- your arms,

your legs, your chin, your hips and ever part

of you.




After all, I'm only one pound of fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Author Unknown.




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Totally loved the poem! :D I managed to peek at the scale this morning and was pleased that I hadn't gained. Tomorrow is official WI day so hopefully I will see a maintain or better. I usually do my exercise while LO is napping but during that time I have to go register my 5 yr old in kindergarten for this coming September. So no planned AP today.


Welcome to all the Newbies here.


Congrats Nikki,ljslight and Nalagh for your WL!:D:D:)

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My weekly weigh-in was today. After two weeks of holding steady, I'm down two more lbs. I finally earned my 10lb ribbon! I'm quite pleased with my progress. I'm hoping for 10 more before my cruise.


I have to confess to being somewhat sad today. We put together a group of 20 to do weight watchers at work. At week 7, we are down by half. I don't see another 10 week session in the making because ww won't do an at work series unless 20 people sign up and pay in advance. There is something to be said about the camaraderie of struggling through this with a group. I haven't decided if I'm going to find a local meeting. I will keep weighing in here though. Mutual support and understanding means so much!

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I am addicted to these bags of frozen fruit! They have them at Walmart, super cheap, if you are willing to take that step. I eat the pieces frozen. Zero points. The mango is to die for. Defrost and add SF FF cool whip: zero-1.


All good!

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Very happy to share that my WI yesterday was a success! A mere .6#, but enough to reach goal!!! Total lost: 53.6# I am so pleased with myself, and grateful for the support my family and friends have given my through this journey I have been on.


Of course, it doesn't end here... it's only just the beginning of a new phase!


Congrats to the other losers, and welcome to the newcomers! Stay strong and focused... If I can do it... ANYONE can!




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Very happy to share that my WI yesterday was a success! A mere .6#, but enough to reach goal!!! Total lost: 53.6# I am so pleased with myself, and grateful for the support my family and friends have given my through this journey I have been on.


Of course, it doesn't end here... it's only just the beginning of a new phase!


Congrats to the other losers, and welcome to the newcomers! Stay strong and focused... If I can do it... ANYONE can!





Congratulations on reaching your goal!! What would you consider your top ten tips?

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Very happy to share that my WI yesterday was a success! A mere .6#, but enough to reach goal!!! Total lost: 53.6# I am so pleased with myself, and grateful for the support my family and friends have given my through this journey I have been on.


Of course, it doesn't end here... it's only just the beginning of a new phase!


Congrats to the other losers, and welcome to the newcomers! Stay strong and focused... If I can do it... ANYONE can!





WOHOO!!! We are all so proud of you! That is a marvellous achievement! I will continue my journey and am determined to reach my goal as well.

Yesterday I must admit I gave into some snacking, but I only ate one pre-packaged bag of baked cheetos. Was simply tired of eating fruit and veggies. I may do it agin this week until the box is gone, but as each is only 2 points that is no more damage than WW bars. And it may help me get back to the zero points snacks as well. We do need to have treats once in a while. And if it takes an extra week to reach goal, that is not a bad thing either.



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Very happy to share that my WI yesterday was a success! A mere .6#, but enough to reach goal!!! Total lost: 53.6# I am so pleased with myself, and grateful for the support my family and friends have given my through this journey I have been on.


Of course, it doesn't end here... it's only just the beginning of a new phase!


Congrats to the other losers, and welcome to the newcomers! Stay strong and focused... If I can do it... ANYONE can!





Congrats on making your goal!! I am very happy for you!!

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Congrats to everyone who lost this week! :)


I've been off the plan because I've been tailgating for a Jimmy Buffett concert and it's just impossible to not eat junk!! :p



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Have been lurking on this thread for some time and have decided to join in. Hope that's OK.

Joined WW at last week of September and set a goal of 10 lbs off before we cruised in November of last year. Made that goal plus 1. Went on cruise (9 night out of Galveston) and gained back 2 lbs while on the cruise. ( I had really expected more, since I ate what I wanted when I wanted it. After all, I'm on vacation!) Anyway, back to plan, still attending meetings weekly and have reached my next goal of 25 lbs off. We're leaving on 11 night cruise again in November (HAL partial Panama Canal transit) and hope to take off another 25 lbs by then. All of you can help keep me motivated to keep with plan. TIA

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Congratulations to each of you on your successes this week! Well done!!


I too lost--2.6 lbs. Yay! Of course the first real week back to the plan is generally higher than a usual week so I won't hold out for the same next week, but I'm ecstatic!


Have a great weekend everyone and cheat not, lest you be cheated. (wow, how ominous does that sound??:eek:)

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Hi Everyone! My name s Kim and I've been on WW online since 1/9/2012 and so far I've lost 30.4 lbs. My weigh-in days are Monday mornings.


I just happened upon this thread tonight and I love all the success stories.


My immediate goals are to be down 50 lbs by June 15th when my twins graduate from high school and to be down 100 lbs by the time we cruise in December 16th. So far, I'm on track, but I have to kick up the exercise.

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Welcome to cruisingnana and Kim. Super losses for both of you and best of luck on your continued success. I am always looking for motivation for my losses especially when I feel like bad snacking. What many here, including the 2 of you, have achieved is fantastic motivation. Last week at WW, I bought the new PowerFoods cookbook. There are some super recipes in there.



Edited by gubby
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I have not had a very good past 2 days. I am off track, but vow to get back op today. I have not met my walking goal or my gym goal. I have 3 days left before WI, so I have 3 days to get caught up.


I tried to boost my speed on the TM and I could not do it. So, I did what I always do when I get frustrated...eat the stuff that made me gain in the first place.


Well, today is a new day and a brand new set of points to use well. I will reach my 15 mile goal for today no matter what speed or incline. I think I need to forget about the speed for the time being and just go the distance. That is really what it is about anyway...going the distance.

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I am new to using my IpadII but think I would like to post an encouragement. I joined WW in Sept of2011 and had lost 20 lbs by our first cruise this year(out of a total of 4cruises this year!) We do not usually do more than 1or2 each year. I decided to be careful at breakfast, a little less careful at lunch then eat what I wanted at dinner. I also decided to use the stairs and walk as much as I could at ports while still enjoying the vacation. I am happy to report that after two cruises back to back I only gained .8 lbs. One other thing that helped was that I ate until Iwas full then stopped and I ate very slowly so I enjoyed every bite. Weighing in every week and attending meetings helps as well as walking with different friends. I have since lost enough more to be under goal which I wanted to do as we have two more cruises and I do not want to loose ground( pounds ok!). Look at the point system as a game. Know that you can eat anything you want if you save points for it and you are mostly eating healthy foods. Be realistic with yourself and stay away from the shame game. You can do it.

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Nalagh try not to be too hard on yourself! We all slip up from time to time. The past is already past and can't be changed so it really doesn't matter anymore. What's important is what you do today and going forward. You can do it and so can I. I'm going to get my tennis shoes on and get on the treadmill!

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Just off the treadmill where I walked for 45 minutes. Next week, I am going to start setting the incline a little higher each day in order to make the most of my time. I found a good TV program to watch while walking. It is The Revolution on ABC at 2pm Mon-Fri. Very interesting topics and great tips. Just what I need to keep my walk from becoming boring. I am going to take a break from the treadmill tomorrow but will do my housecleaning to get some exercise.



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Hi. I joined WW in February 2012. So far, down 23.8 pounds. Really want to get the 25 pound charm, but have had a slow week. Hopefully upcoming week will be better. We're going on a 15 night cruise in October. Really hoping to be down a total of 50 pounds by then (or more). Ultimately I think I want to lose 75 pounds to be way down in my healthy range, but 30 more would put me in the high end of the range. It's my first time, and I like the plan. The food is tasty. Now I'm heading down to the treamill (rainy, yucky day here). Good luck to all of you! It's nice to know other cruising people are doing this, too.

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Thank you so much for the encouragement! It was a long day, but I got in 20 miles. I mixed it up a bit and did not go to the gym. I did it here in my home with walking dvds. I am still op for today, and I am back on target with just 5 more miles for the week that ends Tuesday morning. I plan on doing what I can to make up some ground for the extra 40 points over I had.


I am considering a jogging 5k (first one ever) for next Saturday. I know that I am not ready to jog the 5k all the way, but I can give it my best shot. I am sure that I can walk it fast:p.


Thanks again, you guys are fantastic!!

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