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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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This weightloss is a learning game. I cannot seem to identify the number of points of the extra 49 where the difference is a maintain and a gain. This has been a rough week mealwise, because we have had 2 different celebrations for retirement and engagements. I know that when I get into the extra points, there will not very likely be any kind of a loss. What I can't figure is what number of extras lead to the gain. Perhaps I will be a little more clear after my weighin this week.

Size 4- Flipping wonderful!!!!!

Seago- I found the fruit article very interesting as well.



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so yesterday was my second WW meeting and my first weigh in besides getting my starting weight the first week and I am down 4.4 lbs!!! woohoo that made my day, heres to another great week I hope :)

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If I find that I'm not losing anything, or very little, I go back to focusing on protein, veggies, and lower calorie fruits. Ie - 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast (4 points), you could chop a tomato, green pepper, or onion in there. Lunch a can of albacore tuna in water, drained (4 points) with a whole sliced tomato, a cucumber, a few radishes. Afternoon snack, cantaloupe. Dinner - chicken baked in chick broth or fish poached with fresh lemon slices in water, steamed spinach and salad with balsamic vinegar (all the veggies you want in the salad), cup of brown rice (5 points). After dinner snack popcorn or kettle korn. Try that for 2 days and it will give you a little kick start. It works for me every time....

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so yesterday was my second WW meeting and my first weigh in besides getting my starting weight the first week and I am down 4.4 lbs!!! woohoo that made my day, heres to another great week I hope :)



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If I find that I'm not losing anything, or very little, I go back to focusing on protein, veggies, and lower calorie fruits. Ie - 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast (4 points), you could chop a tomato, green pepper, or onion in there. Lunch a can of albacore tuna in water, drained (4 points) with a whole sliced tomato, a cucumber, a few radishes. Afternoon snack, cantaloupe. Dinner - chicken baked in chick broth or fish poached with fresh lemon slices in water, steamed spinach and salad with balsamic vinegar (all the veggies you want in the salad), cup of brown rice (5 points). After dinner snack popcorn or kettle korn. Try that for 2 days and it will give you a little kick start. It works for me every time....


Good luck!

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WI today and meeting

lost 2.6

I did not meet my activity goal this week because of an injury. MY back is very sore and I may not jog at all, and my walking has been cut way down. My goal for this week is to get in 9 miles to finish my 250 miles to Bermuda. I will be very careful to stay op because I can not workout to compensate. I have been encouraged to stretch and you stretching yoga. I went and bought a DVD. There are a few classes at the gym I could try as well.


SW 152.7

CW 139.6

GW 129.0


Weightloss goal for this week is .6 lbs

walk 9 miles

Yoga 30 minutes a day cause that is all I am allowed to do:(

My clothes still do not fit well yet for the cruise. I still have a week though and a Visa so all will be okay. I know I have worked very hard, and I am proud of that.


At WI they took my book before the meeting. I was not sure why, but I thought maybe it was because I had missed the meeting last week when I got the 10 lbs and the 5%. I was wrong, it was because I had hit the top of the weight range and not considered over weight....I am inside the healthy weight range. How cool was that to hear! I am far from done, but that was a really good feeling!:)


30 miles walked this week

9miles goal this week

241/250 miles walked

Edited by Nalagh
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How cool was that nalagh? Congrats to you. Both your current weight and your goal sound very impressive and certainly doable. You will feel so wonderful during your cruise. Have a great time. You certainly deserve it. Hope your back is good for cruising.



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Congrats to this week's losers!!! You guys are doing great!


My WI was on Sunday. Down .6#, and now 3.2# under WW goal. I have to WI 4 more times till LIFETIME!!!!!


I have a personal goal of losing 3.4# more to get me under 150# AND a total weight loss of 60#. If I can get there and maintain it, I will be happy and more importantly, HEALTHY!


Keep on TRACKIN' :p



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WI this morning, and I lost .75 pounds. While not exactly great, I felt happy with any loss due to the celebrations and wine I had this past week. I also wore a size medium top that I bought 2 years ago without trying on. Of course it was too tight, but this morning, it fit perfectly! How good that felt. And I received lots of compliments on it as well. Also

wore my size 10 jeans and they felt just a tiny bit big.

Congrats to all the losers here. Annette, you are doing an amazing job! I told my leader this morning that this is the first time I have attended WW without just wanting to reach a specific weight goal. this time I have my head around the fact that this IS a liftime goal and I intend to become a Lifetime member. I have also decided that I will continue to weigh evry week and if my weight goes over 2 pounds, that I will start back at my 26 daily points until that 2 pounds is gone. It will be much easier that trying to lose 20 like I am attempting to do now. This is the strategy that I adopted 13 years ago when I decided it was time to quit smoking, and that was extremely successful. The head is so important to these decisions.



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Today's weigh -in was a disappointment. Up two lbs. It still makes a total of down 10lbs in 10 weeks. I was off program all week and ate like I never heard of weight watchers. Not to mention the pharmacy for my facility is celebrating nurse's week by feeding us. Yesterday, doughnuts. Today, pretzels. Tomorrow???


This week I'm working the program like it's my very first. Also going to use the recipe in last week's booklet for "personal frittatas ".


Two more weeks to lose, and then I get to cruise!

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I made that personal frittata recipe and they were very good. BUT I changed it up a bit. I used half the potatoes and made 4 large ones in large muffin tin (instead of 8 small ones in regular muffin tin). Just didn't think half an egg would satisfy me. The larger ones were only 4pts each instead of 3 pts for the smaller ones.

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Not a stellar week for weight loss (up 2 lbs), but a wonderful week. Started with a birthday dinner at an italian restaurant last Friday (yes, I had the pasta and the wine and dessert, and it was all good!), then PMS so waffles for dinner one night, then my last day at my job today so they took me out for amazing Malaysian food for lunch yesterday and I had the leftovers for dinner (I'm still full!).


Cruise is next week, so I'm at where I'm at and I'll do so much walking in Europe that hopefully I won't gain while I'm away.


Keep at it everyone!!!

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I made that personal frittata recipe and they were very good. BUT I changed it up a bit. I used half the potatoes and made 4 large ones in large muffin tin (instead of 8 small ones in regular muffin tin). Just didn't think half an egg would satisfy me. The larger ones were only 4pts each instead of 3 pts for the smaller ones.


That sounds like a good idea. I am trying to think of veggies my hubby would eat. He won't eat onions and bell peppers. He will eat broccoli, though.


I may have to play with it.

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Had my first weigh in last night. Down 5.6 lbs in a week and 3 days. So off to a good start, despite being bad a few times. I weigh myself every morning and seems the days I use the majority of my points on dairy and protein I do much better than the days I use them for carbs. Also need to make myself get up early and exercise every morning, I only did 3 times. I need to get moving only 170 some days until I cruise. I need to lose like 95 lbs by then!! (ok i'll take 25 lbs by then) I've been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs since January dieting on my own. But there's just something about knowing I am going to get weighed in at WW that makes me stick with it. I have never been skinny in my life and have been on WW and every other diet numerous times my entire life (36 yrs). Would like to be in shape by the time I turn 40 and also I don't have any health problems now and want to keep it that way. My dad has out of control type 2 diabetes and I had gestational diabetes when I was preggers so I have an excellent chance of developing it in the future if I don't get this weight off. Thanks for the motivation!

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Hi all,


Melanie from Victoria, BC here. Someone in my cruise roll call told me that there was a WW group on here so I just had to come check it out.


I have been on WW for three years (this time round) and am down 90 lbs so far, with another 30-odd to get to the top end of the goal range. I've gone from a size 24 to a size 12 and feel fantastic!! I have been struggling for the past year with basically a flat line on my weight loss graph. Suffice it to say though, lthe ast time I was in such a struggle I quit WW, as I was sick of spending money and not losing any weight. When I came back this time, my 10% goal went up five pounds!! I'm sticking around this time regardless.


There are a lot of reasons for my plateau, laziness and not journalling are top of the list. Considering how much I've travelled this year though (mostly for work), I am doing extremely well to be essentially maintaining. I have my travel rituals which keep me sane and the number on the scale from creeping up. For example, on our last cruise (we've only been on two so far), while I didn't go crazy, I didn't overly limit myself in the food department. I enjoyed dessert every night (the flambés on the QMII are amazing!) but also worked out for a good hour most days and/or "walked the deck" for a good while. I then got back on program as soon as we got home. It's really important for me to program myself while away, that it's "back to work" in all aspects once the travel is over!


Our next cruise is coming up in December and while it is not my sole puprose for losing more weight, it is a great incentive for me to give my head a shake and work that much harder, particularly in the exercise department. It also gives me a target to work towards... NEW BATHING SUIT!! I am also looking forward to having an improved cruise photo to add to my collection. The first cruise photo we had taken was one of my major incentives to lose weight!! The second one is good and the third one will be great!!!


The bottom line though, my weight loss is for my health and well-being and nothing else. I want to look good too, yes, for sure. However, knowing how much better I feel now is what has kept me from gaining the weight back. A plateau may not great but gaining the weight back is not an option!!!!!



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Hi all,


Melanie from Victoria, BC here. Someone in my cruise roll call told me that there was a WW group on here so I just had to come check it out.


I have been on WW for three years (this time round) and am down 90 lbs so far, with another 30-odd to get to the top end of the goal range. I've gone from a size 24 to a size 12 and feel fantastic!! I have been struggling for the past year with basically a flat line on my weight loss graph. Suffice it to say though, lthe ast time I was in such a struggle I quit WW, as I was sick of spending money and not losing any weight. When I came back this time, my 10% goal went up five pounds!! I'm sticking around this time regardless.


There are a lot of reasons for my plateau, laziness and not journalling are top of the list. Considering how much I've travelled this year though (mostly for work), I am doing extremely well to be essentially maintaining. I have my travel rituals which keep me sane and the number on the scale from creeping up. For example, on our last cruise (we've only been on two so far), while I didn't go crazy, I didn't overly limit myself in the food department. I enjoyed dessert every night (the flambés on the QMII are amazing!) but also worked out for a good hour most days and/or "walked the deck" for a good while. I then got back on program as soon as we got home. It's really important for me to program myself while away, that it's "back to work" in all aspects once the travel is over!


Our next cruise is coming up in December and while it is not my sole puprose for losing more weight, it is a great incentive for me to give my head a shake and work that much harder, particularly in the exercise department. It also gives me a target to work towards... NEW BATHING SUIT!! I am also looking forward to having an improved cruise photo to add to my collection. The first cruise photo we had taken was one of my major incentives to lose weight!! The second one is good and the third one will be great!!!


The bottom line though, my weight loss is for my health and well-being and nothing else. I want to look good too, yes, for sure. However, knowing how much better I feel now is what has kept me from gaining the weight back. A plateau may not great but gaining the weight back is not an option!!!!!





Good morning and welcome, Melanie. We are all trying to lose for different reasons here. Most seem to be wanting it for health reasons and we are like you. Those who have been very sucessful continue to encourage and motivate the rest of us, so you are in the right place.

I agree about the tracking. If I have a good week it is because I took care to track everything and make the rest of my daily choices from the points I still had available. Those weeks that I lost only a little ( or even gained) were the ones in which I was not so careful. It is a long process, but so was the weight gain. This time I am of the mindset that this is a lifelong deal, so it is a little easier to accept the setbacks. Good luck in your journey.



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I have been TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE this week. Haven't been keeping tack of points and haven't been planning meals. I need to get back on track and quick!! I haven't weighed in a few days so don't know where I"m sitting just yet. Crossing my fingers for at least maintaining.:rolleyes: :(:eek:

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I have been TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE this week. Haven't been keeping tack of points and haven't been planning meals. I need to get back on track and quick!! I haven't weighed in a few days so don't know where I"m sitting just yet. Crossing my fingers for at least maintaining.:rolleyes: :(:eek:


Friendly virtual "gibbs" smack headed your way! :p


Uncross your fingers, and get "tracking"... you KNOW it works!


you know you WANT to ;)


your friend,


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Friendly virtual "gibbs" smack headed your way! :p


Uncross your fingers, and get "tracking"... you KNOW it works!


you know you WANT to ;)


your friend,




I'm doing better today but I have a wedding party to go to tonight and I have NO weekly points left so I hope I can keep it in check. :o Unfortunately I'll be going straight from work and it will be dinner time. Hope I can find a salad on the menu. :p

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I'm doing better today but I have a wedding party to go to tonight and I have NO weekly points left so I hope I can keep it in check. :o Unfortunately I'll be going straight from work and it will be dinner time. Hope I can find a salad on the menu. :p



Have you got time for a walk or better yet, will there be dancing tonight? Dance your tush off, literally!! And remember, tomorrow is another day!



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Sara, Even if you fell off the tracking wagon, you got back on today instead of giving up. Good girl!! If you do not lose this week, you know why and can do much better in the next period of time. It is not the end of the world and you at least know what to do to make the necessary correction. We are all pulling for you!!!!!



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