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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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I found this thread by googling Weight Watchers and Carnival Cruise. I started WW on June 7th and as of today have lost 4 pounds. Previous to joining I had already down 24 pounds from my highest. We are booked to cruise in December of this year. I have decided to try and take the menus and figure out the points for everything before the cruise so I can try and make good choices while on the cruise. Not to say I won't go over, but at least I will know where I stand.


I heard on another thread, and I'm checking with my PVP, but I heard that it was possible to get a sheet of the nutritional information on the items on the menu. If so, I'd love to get them before hand so I could figure points. I think Carnival should get together with WW and figure the points values and have them available for WW cruisers who want to stay on program.


Looking forward to maybe being 25 pounds lighter by cruise time. (Since we are like 24 weeks from cruising)

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It's really hard losing weight on some meds. I was on Effexor for a while and gained 80 pounds on it. Once I came off it, I lost a lot. Gained some of it back, but I'm back on WW and watching it pretty good. Keep up the good work!


My PVP confirmed that I should be able to get a nutritional sheet from the maitre 'd. So if I make a notebook with all the choices I can add the points to the notebook. Lot of work, but worth it in the end.

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Well, I did lose weight this week , 3.2 pounds for a total of 34.4 pounds. With all the meds I am on I am going to take it a day at a time.



I know what you mean about the meds. Some of them are predisposed to keeping extra weight on your body and others contribute to easy weight gain. However you are doing super well losing almost 35 pounds. Yay! And there is nothing wrong with taking it a day at a time. After all this is the same strategy that keeps many millions of people away from their alcohol or drug nemesis. It must work for us too. And you were successful in losing 3.2 pounds in the past week.





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I found this thread by googling Weight Watchers and Carnival Cruise. I started WW on June 7th and as of today have lost 4 pounds. Previous to joining I had already down 24 pounds from my highest. We are booked to cruise in December of this year. I have decided to try and take the menus and figure out the points for everything before the cruise so I can try and make good choices while on the cruise. Not to say I won't go over, but at least I will know where I stand.


I heard on another thread, and I'm checking with my PVP, but I heard that it was possible to get a sheet of the nutritional information on the items on the menu. If so, I'd love to get them before hand so I could figure points. I think Carnival should get together with WW and figure the points values and have them available for WW cruisers who want to stay on program.


Looking forward to maybe being 25 pounds lighter by cruise time. (Since we are like 24 weeks from cruising)



Good for you. I hope that you are able to figure out the good choices and assign a points value to them ( and anything else that appeals to you) so that you are able to make great choices while cruising and even continue to lose weight. It will be a lot of work, but if you are lighter when you embark, it will be more motivation to stay that way! I am wishing you well.



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Down 3.6lbs this week! :)


I like the new points plus plan very much. I have let my workout slip a bit this week though, need to get on track with that. It's my birthday on Sunday, there is a party tomorrow and out to dinner with the family on Sunday. I'll have to be cautious but love the idea that I have the 49 extra points. This past week I only used a couple of them, I'll bet I spend most of them this weekend. I chose a Tex-Mex place by us so I can pick something very vegetably, and spicy and delicious!


Have a great week! Thanks for your support!



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Great work Diana! that is a good loss and when you like the plan, you are likely to follow it most of the time. I missed my WI this week becaus of an out-of-town appointment. I think I lost 3/4 of a pound. At least it wasn't a gain. This week may be a bummer. I started tracking and journaling, but got side-tracked and then last night we were out for dinner with a fixed menu and I ate everything on my plate. Then I had the dessert!. It was so good I almost licked the plate. Oh well, I have said previously that this is a life-time commitment, so I will continue to account for every bite and I will see the results I want again. Biked for 35 minutes this morning and helped DH rip out the flooring in the entrance so a few calories were burned. Haven't got back to Zumba in the past week or so. There are so many chores I want to finish while the weather is good. Good luck to all with weighins this next week.



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Yep I have until march 3 2013 to lose about 60-70. Have lost 18 so far on WW. Doing it for the cruise and for me. Plan on enjoying myself during the cruise and back n program when we get back. I won't deny myself and won't over do it either.


Good luck:)

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I know what you are saying, but one big problem I have is leaving food on my plate even if there's a huge portion. I am going to have to set some boundaries in advance and stick by them or else I could gain mega pounds very easily. I've been working on assigning WW points to the various foods served in the dining room. Making note of portion sizes as well. That will at least help me to set those boundaries. I've even done points counts on all the alcoholic drinks. At this point, Miami Vice, and Bahama Mama have the least amount of points and a Long Island Iced Tea, the most. That too will help me make rational choices so I can have a couple drinks each night. But as they say, "whatever works for you" :) In total I need to lose probably over 100 pounds, but hoping for 25 before December. Everyone is different. I just know how hard it is for me to get back with it if I've deviated for any length of time.

Edited by bunchesofun
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Getting back IS hard work because in part, we always think about the total we want to achieve. Try to think in smaller amounts. As in 5 pound segments. We can all achieve 5 pounds. For you that may mean leaving a small portion of your food on the plate, perhaps 1/4 of it. Or putting smaller, measured portions on the plate when serving, and eating it all because of your conditioning. You will find the way that works best for you and the reward will be better health.



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Well I am on WW Points Plus and I lost weight and...I don't want it back!


Booking a cruise is unlimited food 24/7 and I'm scared that I will over indulge! My problem is I don't do well with buffets. I see all that food and lose it and forget about all that good stuff I've learned about good healthy eating. I thought I would have to mental rehearse what I was going to eat would help and exercise a lot more! :confused:


Another thing that concerns me is the water gain when I return back home due to the high salt in foods. :eek:


What's your thoughts on buffets; of what to eat or stay away from on WW program?

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Fruit and veggies are free so I know I will be eating more fruit then. And drink water. I personally dislike buffets (hot foods) so I won't have a problem with that. I guess I would say buffet wise, just have one plate of food. Just don't go nuts. And pretend in your mind that you can't eat all day...might help:)


I am 19 lbs down and I have. 8 months till the cruise. Hoping for at least 50 more before then......good luck to you!

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I am going to skip the buffet and eat at least lunch and dinner in the MDR because I can monitor things better. Might do room service breakfast or lunch. All those things are portion controlled, and while some people complain about the portion sizes (having to be reminded they can order as many as they want) that will be helpful for me.


I can't think of what I could have on the buffet unless it's a deli sandwich. Burgers are high points, chinese food can be high with lots of sodium. Salad bar is okay as long as you can get fat free dressing, but I think they only have honey mustard fat free. You could bring dressing with you. I hadn't that of that before. The pizza would be okay for one or two slices as they are small anyway. Maybe the station where they do the different country's food?


Went to WW today and only lost .4 despite not coming out okay on points this week. Hopefully it will be more next week.


I've emailed the maitre'd of the Pride to ask about getting nutritional information. The department that handles special requests didn't know what I was talking about and was suggesting I eat Vegetarian or Bland diet. I responded to her that doing WW you don't have to eat "special" food, you just need to know the nutritional information on it so you can figure the points value. Hopefully I'll get a response from him. In my response I also suggested to them to figure the points values and have them available from the maitre'd and on a webpage on the Carnival site for WWers to copy. I also suggested that to John Heald. We shall see...

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Hey guys...I haven't posted in a while. I'm still stuck in a rut. :( Haven't lost anymore but haven't gained any either so I'm happy with that. I haven't been being as strick as I was in the beginning and I know that's my problem but I've lost some motivation. I should be super motivated because I have a cruise in less than 2 months!!! But I have bought some things that are a size or 2 smaller than usual. :D

Hoping to find that motivation again soon.

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Motivation IS the problem, isn't it? Right now I'm motivated. Attending meetings, weighing and measuring all my food. Tracking points. But I know myself, and at some point I'll start slacking off and they I'll be fighting it.


Keep thinking of that cruise! You only have a limited amount of time, don't waste it. Time is one thing we can't get back.

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Motivation is the key. Right now I'm good but I know how fleeting it can be, and how hard it can be to become motivated again once we start to loose momentum. Focus on your success and try and run with that! Good for you for maintaining your loss, and congratulations on the smaller size.



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Well, Weight Watchers day today and I lost another 1.8 pounds. Better than I thought it would be. Posted my weight on eTools and it recalculated my allowed points down by 1 point. Thats a little over 6 pounds in 4 weeks. Hopefully I can continue to lose at least a pound a week. That would mean 25 by cruise day. That would be great!

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Well, Weight Watchers day today and I lost another 1.8 pounds. Better than I thought it would be. Posted my weight on eTools and it recalculated my allowed points down by 1 point. Thats a little over 6 pounds in 4 weeks. Hopefully I can continue to lose at least a pound a week. That would mean 25 by cruise day. That would be great!



That's great, keep it going!


I weigh in tomorrow, I have had a tough week. I'll keep my fingers crossed.



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Hello friends! So sorry I haven't posted in some time, been crazy busy with end of school year (just finished last Wednesday) and now prepping for our big trip!


happy to report I officially made lifetime on 6/7/12. (I reached goal early April, but have continued to slowly lose and am now just shy of 10 pounds below my goal)


It is an amazing feeling of accomplishment which has led to a self confidence I don't think I have ever felt before.


My next hurdle is this trip!


Through this journey, I have always told myself "Life happens", and now I get to put that to the test! And altho nothing is "off limits", I am pretty certain that my choices will be dramatically different than they were in the past: lighter choices; smaller portions; "special" desserts; FEWER cookies :o; more stairs; and an appreciation of family, friends old and new, and LIFE!!!


Will check in when I return!




starting: 8/6/11 208.4#

Goal: 4/3/12 155.0#

Lifetime: 6/7/12

Current: 7/6/12 145.2#

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Through this journey, I have always told myself "Life happens", and now I get to put that to the test! And altho nothing is "off limits", I am pretty certain that my choices will be dramatically different than they were in the past: lighter choices; smaller portions; "special" desserts; FEWER cookies :o; more stairs; and an appreciation of family, friends old and new, and LIFE!!!


Will check in when I return!






Congratulations, Annette. Your sense of pride in your huge accomplishment comes through loud and clear! I am so happy for you and know that you will fare well during the big trip. Have fun wherever you are headed. Be sure to post some pix when you return.

As for me, I have not been able to get to a WW meeting in 3 weeks and the next 2 are out as well. I have been watching and tracking and while I went overboard with wine a couple of times, have been able to keep the gain to a little less than 1 pound. Considering the number of celebrations and parties that I have attended, I am not too displeased with that. I had decided that for the summer, I would set my sights on maintaining rather than losing so it has been good in that aspect. At least now I can see that while not quite as difficult as a constant loss, this maintenance still requires constant diligence but is certainly achievable.

Welcome to any new comers to this journey. Please be encouraged and motivated by Annette's wonderful stats.


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That's fantastic Annette!


I read your post and thought..."Wow, people do this!" I really want it this time too.


I didn't loose this week but I didn't gain either so I'll take it. Last week was tough, DH's birthday so lots of eating out etc. This weekend should be a bit better but it's a tricky time of year. My parents are up from Florida and next week we have a vacation planned. I am going to try my best to stay on plan! We have a garden and the cucumbers and green beans are going strong right now. So I try and eat lots of veggies at each meal.


Have a great week!



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Congratulations, Annette. Your sense of pride in your huge accomplishment comes through loud and clear! I am so happy for you and know that you will fare well during the big trip. Have fun wherever you are headed. Be sure to post some pix when you return.


As for me, I have not been able to get to a WW meeting in 3 weeks and the next 2 are out as well. I have been watching and tracking and while I went overboard with wine a couple of times, have been able to keep the gain to a little less than 1 pound. Considering the number of celebrations and parties that I have attended, I am not too displeased with that. I had decided that for the summer, I would set my sights on maintaining rather than losing so it has been good in that aspect. At least now I can see that while not quite as difficult as a constant loss, this maintenance still requires constant diligence but is certainly achievable.


Welcome to any new comers to this journey. Please be encouraged and motivated by Annette's wonderful stats.




Thank you Nikki! You are a perfect example of what I was trying to convey... "Life Happens" Celebrations will go on whether we are experiencing a new journey or not! The challenge becomes this: How do I chenge my actions to meet my goals? It sounds like you are working that out! And Kudos to you!!! :p


Something I am reminded of daily is that this journey is FOR LIFE!!! With these many celebrations, I have found that my true friends will help me along the way, and those who prefer to jeer me (yes, some drunks have told me I'm no fun anymore) are probably jealous :rolleyes:


Nikki, continue to be strong and make your good choices. You may not have the meetings, but you definitely have the drive to get where you want to be! Maintenance is hard work! If you can manage it through the summer, you are doing GREAT in my book (fwtw) :D


Have a wonderful day! I'll be packing... did I mention I leave tomorrow!!! :p


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