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Oasis of the Seas - Photo Review


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Dinner was served. Tonight was turkey and dressing. I thought it was funny because we were all sharing the different meats (here is my white meat, here is my dark meat) and I remember thinking "wave that white trash flag proudly, Jen" I don't think you are supposed to do that in proper company. Oh who am I kidding, there was no proper company, just us reg'lar folk.










Contributing to the white trash image, my daughter fashioned animals out of her french fries. I'm so proud.


We had the comedy show tonight at 10:30 so we went back to the room to get the kiddos situated and to kill some time. We watched a little of Pirates of the Caribbean from the deck.





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As 10 rolled around we were getting sleepy, very sleepy. I was vacillating between going and going to bed. Finally I thought, don't be a loser, it's your last night, go. Boy am I glad I did. Not because it was so wonderful but because I would have completely forgotten about my photo disc! We went to pick it up and they told us that there was a problem and they hoped to have them ready by 11:30. Okay.

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We went to the Comedy Show and saw a couple people we knew. The comedians were good. Not as great as I had heard but I'm sure it is subjective and depends on the energy of the crowd.


Left to pick up the disc, Still not ready. Come tomorrow A M at 6:30 to get it. Yeah, some of us will not be up at 6:30. He warned it would be terribly busy so prepare. Well that kind of sucks.


Time for bed. Tomorrow we say goodbye to this amazing ship.


Next morning we were up around 8. Mike went to pick up the photos and I guess it wasn't a big deal. We went to say good bye to Jen and Mike whom we hadn't seen in 3 days ! What the heck?

Had breakfast in the dining room with them. Apparently if you are going to do this, don't do it right before it closes. If you do, alllll those people who are eating with you, leave immediately after eating forming a bottle neck to get off of the ship. Our friends left earlier and my parents left later and both of them said they just walked right off. The lady that worked on the ship indicated that it was because of the breakfast being let out. It took about 20 min or so to get off the ship and then we fllllllllewwwww through customs and baggage. Impossibly quick. Caught a cab to the airport ($12.50) and sat and waited for our 1:00 flight. IMO you could easily make an 11:00 flight from FLL. Probably even earlier. Super quick exit (breakfast aside) and only minutes from the airport.

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Lastly, I want to give you my overall opinions (collective groan). I was trying to figure out why this was such a weird trip for me (us). It obviously can't be blamed on the ship. It was magnificent. In reflection, I think it was several things.

1) the fact that it had to be so scheduled. I know, you don't HAVE to schedule but if you want to see the shows (and you do) you are either figuring out how to move A to B because C needs to happen or you are scheduling. The former destroys too many brain cells.

Answer to 1)??? Well, maybe book several shows in a day, eliminating every night being scheduled? If you are a cruiser who goes to dinner and a show every night anyway on a cruise, this won't be a problem for you. We are not. We most often don't go to the shows and as often as not, we don't eat in the dining room. We like to have the evenings to hit the different venues, esp the pub and laugh and talk with friends. This didn't happen at all on this cruise.

Dinner was weird for us too because we really would have benefited from making reservations for dinner but that, in my opinion negates the anytime dining. I do think this is because of the size of our party and don't really blame RCL for this. Still just weird for me.


2) I think for us/me the size of the ship worked against me. If you are on a smaller ship you can just jump up and walk 50 steps and hit Johnny Rockets, or roll over on your lounge chair and watch the Belly Flop Competition or run back to your room without it counting toward qualifying for marathon training.

If you go to Johnny Rockets or to get pizza or to Belly Flop or to Rock wall, you have to get dressed, pack up and walk. It takes time.

One day I was at the sports bar (mid 5) with my husband and said I had to run to the room (12 aft) and then I was going to (futility ) go and try to find my friend at the pool. He handed me a used battery and asked me to go get him a new one. Dream on sucka....

The answer to 2)....first of all, get a more centrally located room. I don't think my parents or friends felt the size like we did. There are obvious downfalls to this (private balcony on end) but it would have helped.

second, option cruise a smaller ship.


3) My dad said it best when he said the energy of the ship was spread to so many different places it felt like something was missing. Actually he said it so much better but I know what he meant. It was a little like vacationing in New York City or Vegas. You had to work more to see and enjoy the ocean, unless of course you were on your ocean view balcony and then it really wasn't a lot of work unless you were very confused and staring at the divider or into the room. If that is the case, you need more help than I can offer here. Call someone.

I feel like I hardly saw the ocean this trip which is just crazy. The pool decks, to me, felt like they would in Vegas, chairs as far as the eye can see. There were chairs to be found though so that is a plus. Part of my problem could be that normally we are sitting in the overflow drinking a beer with people we are traveling with or others we have just met and that didn't happen this time. Which brings me to my next point.

4) You know when you are on a ship and you see the same people over and over and become friends with them. I hardly saw the people I knew without prior planning. It was hard just to go and find someone. Certainly I saw faces from CC occasionally but it is just not intimate.


I think I was so busy getting from point A to point B and not wanting to miss anything that I missed a lot. I would say, set your priorities and stick with them, even if something different comes along. What do you want to get out of this vacation? What is a cruise for you. For me it is pool and pub. By that definition, this cruise confuses me. It went soooooo fast. Like are you kidding me fast. It was day 3 before we blinked. I am not blaming anyone but myself, it is all about the choices I made but I don't think I saw the implications of those choices at the time. Maybe I can help you see them before hand so you can have the cruise of your dreams.


Many people get off the Oasis or the Allure and book it again immediately. Find out what those people are doing because it obviously is something right. I loved, loved, loved this ship and feel so honored to have gotten to cruise on her. That being said and meant, it is too big for me. The Freedom class is my favorite size, so unless a big group decided to go on the Oasis, I probably won't chose her again. Only because of her size. I will miss the amazing spaces and concepts. Really fantastic. It seems individually my parents (who have 15 cruises under there belt) and my friends (5 cruises) felt the same way.


Please hear me when I say this was the most, without any runner ups, amazing ship I could even imagine. Simply blow your mind, awe inspiring, beautifully conceptualized, amazing.

Go and visit her. You will be glad you did.


I do have a couple stories about Jamaica I want to tell you next so hang in there.

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Thanks for that solid advice. ( no groans here!)

We leave in about 20 days and you know, I have been worrying about this myself...will it be so big we won't have that oceany/pool experience that we Snow Staters really need to justify the pricey trek south every fall/winter? Will I feel like there is sooo much to do and planned that I can't relax?

Well, you have confirmed with your advice a few things I had already planned. I did piggy back a couple of nighttime shows, so we could have a couple of nights " off" to just hang. We already decided to forgo parades( hate them on the other ships- can't imagine why I'd enjoy them on a bigger one!) and any and all characters ( no kids, no need). Your advice has encouraged me to stick with the plan, so I can enjoy our cruise without feeling like I'm missing something else!

Simply can't wait though! Thanks for sharing your stories!

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First...thank you for the wonderful review of the Oasis. We were on her the week before you and loved re-living our trip through the beautiful pictures you posted. Your humorous account of your trip made this a very enjoyable read.


In fact we did MTD and had the same waiter that did the puzzles for your kids. We didn't have kids, so didn't get puzzles, but he did give us some terrific recommendations for our meals and our port visits. For us it wasn't necessary for them to request comments on the survey, they would get them anyway, but I did read that they get a bonus if mentioned...can't confirm this.


We were first time cruisers so our opinions were from a different view point than yours. We thought there were lots of places to view the ocean: deck 14 wings, pool deck, top deck, aft at flow riders and deck 5. I can only hope that someday we can experience what it is like on the other ships.


Pre-cruise I read many reviews which helped in making decisions on what we would like to see on ours...and we were not disappointed. To you and everyone else who takes the time to post reviews and pictures...Thank you. I read so many and then took what I needed from them to have a great first time cruise.

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3) You had to work more to see and enjoy the ocean, unless of course you were on your ocean view balcony and then it really wasn't a lot of work unless you were very confused and staring at the divider or into the room. If that is the case, you need more help than I can offer here. Call someone.


I'm sitting here at my desk, on lunch of course ;), catching up on your review. and what happens I burst into laughter - got some pretty strange looks, oh well.


Loved your review and your writing style - a lot of times when reading reviews I will skim through the verbiage and just check out the photos, didn't do that with your review. :)


Looking forward to your thoughts on Jamaica - we stop there in March while we're on the Freedom of the Seas. Really looking forward to it! We've been on the Indy and loved her, so I'm sure we'll love the Freedom.


We've also been on the fence regarding Oasis and Allure - the size scares us. As a Canadian I look forward to the sun, the ocean, the pools and the beach in March - it keeps me sane in the cold months ahead. We're waiting on our first snow fall, but I'd be happy not to see snow at all!

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Love your advice. Thanks for that.


We sail next weekend and I keep saying we will probably love it or hate it. Major worry is that I am afraid about not seeing the water........ we have an inside cabin!


I've really enjoyed your review and the pictures were great.

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Looking forward to your thoughts on Jamaica - we stop there in March while we're on the Freedom of the Seas. Really looking forward to it! We've been on the Indy and loved her, so I'm sure we'll love the Freedom.


We've also been on the fence regarding Oasis and Allure - the size scares us. As a Canadian I look forward to the sun, the ocean, the pools and the beach in March - it keeps me sane in the cold months ahead. We're waiting on our first snow fall, but I'd be happy not to see snow at all!


Thanks everyone. It is worth doing the Oasis simply because you won't believe how amazing she is. Just be forewarned and plan accordingly. My dad said it was like vacationing at Park Meadows (a shopping mall). Thought that was funny.


We have had our first snow, and our second snow.....already. Joy to the World.


Happyiam is right, metairiegal, there are tons of places to sit and stare out at the ocean. Lots and lots of places.....that's not really what I meant....I meant enjoy the ocean without trying. Don't know how to explain it. Obviously there are railings and windows and it is surrounded by water.....it's just I felt so disconnected from it some how. Maybe because we were so high.....I can't explain.


Happyiam, interesting about the bonus (I know you aren't sure). Makes sense because it seemed supper important. Funny thing, when we were having lunch on Friday one of our waiters came by and was chatting.....all of a sudden the other waiter that we had had came by. I felt like the most popular person and the planet...both competing for my laughs (votes)


That waiter you are referring too The one in the pic with the puzzles. His wife works in the dining room downstairs and they have a baby and a 9 (?) yr old they had to leave back home. Really really hard for him. So sad. People having to sacrifice so much to give their families a good life.

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Lastly, I want to give you my overall opinions (collective groan). I was trying to figure out why this was such a weird trip for me (us). It obviously can't be blamed on the ship. It was magnificent. In reflection, I think it was several things.

1) the fact that it had to be so scheduled. I know, you don't HAVE to schedule but if you want to see the shows (and you do) you are either figuring out how to move A to B because C needs to happen or you are scheduling. The former destroys too many brain cells.

Answer to 1)??? Well, maybe book several shows in a day, eliminating every night being scheduled? If you are a cruiser who goes to dinner and a show every night anyway on a cruise, this won't be a problem for you. We are not. We most often don't go to the shows and as often as not, we don't eat in the dining room. We like to have the evenings to hit the different venues, esp the pub and laugh and talk with friends. This didn't happen at all on this cruise.

Dinner was weird for us too because we really would have benefited from making reservations for dinner but that, in my opinion negates the anytime dining. I do think this is because of the size of our party and don't really blame RCL for this. Still just weird for me.


2) I think for us/me the size of the ship worked against me. If you are on a smaller ship you can just jump up and walk 50 steps and hit Johnny Rockets, or roll over on your lounge chair and watch the Belly Flop Competition or run back to your room without it counting toward qualifying for marathon training.

If you go to Johnny Rockets or to get pizza or to Belly Flop or to Rock wall, you have to get dressed, pack up and walk. It takes time.

One day I was at the sports bar (mid 5) with my husband and said I had to run to the room (12 aft) and then I was going to (futility ) go and try to find my friend at the pool. He handed me a used battery and asked me to go get him a new one. Dream on sucka....

The answer to 2)....first of all, get a more centrally located room. I don't think my parents or friends felt the size like we did. There are obvious downfalls to this (private balcony on end) but it would have helped.

second, option cruise a smaller ship.


3) My dad said it best when he said the energy of the ship was spread to so many different places it felt like something was missing. Actually he said it so much better but I know what he meant. It was a little like vacationing in New York City or Vegas. You had to work more to see and enjoy the ocean, unless of course you were on your ocean view balcony and then it really wasn't a lot of work unless you were very confused and staring at the divider or into the room. If that is the case, you need more help than I can offer here. Call someone.

I feel like I hardly saw the ocean this trip which is just crazy. The pool decks, to me, felt like they would in Vegas, chairs as far as the eye can see. There were chairs to be found though so that is a plus. Part of my problem could be that normally we are sitting in the overflow drinking a beer with people we are traveling with or others we have just met and that didn't happen this time. Which brings me to my next point.

4) You know when you are on a ship and you see the same people over and over and become friends with them. I hardly saw the people I knew without prior planning. It was hard just to go and find someone. Certainly I saw faces from CC occasionally but it is just not intimate.


I think I was so busy getting from point A to point B and not wanting to miss anything that I missed a lot. I would say, set your priorities and stick with them, even if something different comes along. What do you want to get out of this vacation? What is a cruise for you. For me it is pool and pub. By that definition, this cruise confuses me. It went soooooo fast. Like are you kidding me fast. It was day 3 before we blinked. I am not blaming anyone but myself, it is all about the choices I made but I don't think I saw the implications of those choices at the time. Maybe I can help you see them before hand so you can have the cruise of your dreams.


Many people get off the Oasis or the Allure and book it again immediately. Find out what those people are doing because it obviously is something right. I loved, loved, loved this ship and feel so honored to have gotten to cruise on her. That being said and meant, it is too big for me. The Freedom class is my favorite size, so unless a big group decided to go on the Oasis, I probably won't chose her again. Only because of her size. I will miss the amazing spaces and concepts. Really fantastic. It seems individually my parents (who have 15 cruises under there belt) and my friends (5 cruises) felt the same way.


Please hear me when I say this was the most, without any runner ups, amazing ship I could even imagine. Simply blow your mind, awe inspiring, beautifully conceptualized, amazing.

Go and visit her. You will be glad you did.


Very well said Jenn! My sentiments exactly. This cruise had a completely different feel to it. Our 15 yr old prefers the smaller ships also, he said that he would meet teens to hang out with and then never see them again due to the size and numerous activities. We had an oceanview balcony but were unable to use it for long due to the smokers next door. Which was a disappointment.

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Dinner was served. Tonight was turkey and dressing. I thought it was funny because we were all sharing the different meats (here is my white meat, here is my dark meat) and I remember thinking "wave that white trash flag proudly, Jen" I don't think you are supposed to do that in proper company. Oh who am I kidding, there was no proper company, just us reg'lar folk.










Contributing to the white trash image, my daughter fashioned animals out of her french fries. I'm so proud.


We had the comedy show tonight at 10:30 so we went back to the room to get the kiddos situated and to kill some time. We watched a little of Pirates of the Caribbean from the deck.






Oh my, um, you're not supposed to share bites? Oh my Lordy! Guess lots of people were totally floored at MY family then!!! We shared bites and even soup cups. (Ok, even I was a little embarrassed at this but could. Not. Help. Myself!) Guess I better go find my flag to wave before our next cruise!!! LOL!

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Oh my, um, you're not supposed to share bites? Oh my Lordy! Guess lots of people were totally floored at MY family then!!! We shared bites and even soup cups. (Ok, even I was a little embarrassed at this but could. Not. Help. Myself!) Guess I better go find my flag to wave before our next cruise!!! LOL!


Oh no, we weren't sharing bites.....we were sticking entire slabs of meat on a fork and passing them across the table. We are professional white trash!

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Hey Jenn and jenn and mike and mike! Ive been reading this for 2 hours! girl you can talk, remember our rollcall last year reaching like 2000 posts or something crazy lol love all the pictures and the way you describe everything, I dont normally read reviews because people just go on and on about food, but youve covered just about everything and made me laugh. The ship is really amazing!!! I love hanging out at the pool and love hot tubs and the ones on this ship look amazing, but its too big and I get what you are saying about meeting new people and being social, and a smaller ship can be more fun. Your excursion in jamaica looks really cool, off the beaten path. Im really looking foward to going to jamaica so I appreciate all the pictures you took in port. The shows especially the diving look great, everything onboard has the wow factor. Im back on CC now that I have a cruise to look foward to with Kel and Antoine from the victory! we are going on ncl pearl ( we were going on liberty of the seas 5nts but changed our mind, now im wondering if we should have stuck with LOS ) anyway im really looking foward to it and ive really enjoyed reading about your vacation :D You take the best pictures but im really dying to see you in the rccl commercial LOL :p

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What...that's it. A simple thank you. No wisecrack, no joke, no comeback, no humour of any kind.....I may have to rethink it :D


You're welcome!!



Well Jerry, Let me explain my thought process to you. I didn't know what to say cuz of course I totally deserved it being as I am so great. I was think about all the poor fools who have to compete with my superior reviewing skills and all the women who will be feeling bad about themselves because I am so gorgeous. And I thought....good, the world needs more people who try and be like me. And then I thought that really, I was in some ways, doing my part to better the planet by giving people such a high goal to aspire to emulate. Then I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and again told myself how awesome I was, then when I came back to respond to you, I was, frankly, exhausted so I just went with Thank you.


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Hey Jenn and jenn and mike and mike! Ive been reading this for 2 hours! girl you can talk, remember our rollcall last year reaching like 2000 posts or something crazy lol love all the pictures and the way you describe everything, I dont normally read reviews because people just go on and on about food, but youve covered just about everything and made me laugh. The ship is really amazing!!! I love hanging out at the pool and love hot tubs and the ones on this ship look amazing, but its too big and I get what you are saying about meeting new people and being social, and a smaller ship can be more fun. Your excursion in jamaica looks really cool, off the beaten path. Im really looking foward to going to jamaica so I appreciate all the pictures you took in port. The shows especially the diving look great, everything onboard has the wow factor. Im back on CC now that I have a cruise to look foward to with Kel and Antoine from the victory! we are going on ncl pearl ( we were going on liberty of the seas 5nts but changed our mind, now im wondering if we should have stuck with LOS ) anyway im really looking foward to it and ive really enjoyed reading about your vacation :D You take the best pictures but im really dying to see you in the rccl commercial LOL :p


Hey Nikki! How's things? Good to hear from you. I have been on the NCL Pearl and actually it is one of my favorite ships. I have a review from it in my signature below if you are interested. Stick with it. I was really pleasantly surprised and loved Norwegian.

I am thinking you might be seeing more of me in that commercial than is good for anyone. Might blow my hard body image. :rolleyes: Have a great time and tell Antone and Kel hi!

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Thanks for taking your time to write this AMAZING review. It was really enjoyable to read and I'll admit I laughed a few times. It looks like your family had a great time. I can't wait to go on the Oasis or Allure. I think a lot of people feel the way you do about the size of the ship. I know I'm going to love it but I'll probably feel the same as you when it comes to everything being so far apart.

I haven't been to Jamaica but I've seen the river tubing before and its THE excursion I want to do. You mentioned there was one deep area. Were there any fast moving sections or sections with any small rapids?

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Thanks for taking your time to write this AMAZING review. It was really enjoyable to read and I'll admit I laughed a few times. It looks like your family had a great time. I can't wait to go on the Oasis or Allure. I think a lot of people feel the way you do about the size of the ship. I know I'm going to love it but I'll probably feel the same as you when it comes to everything being so far apart.

I haven't been to Jamaica but I've seen the river tubing before and its THE excursion I want to do. You mentioned there was one deep area. Were there any fast moving sections or sections with any small rapids?


Thanks for the kind words.


Rafting in Jamaica. I am wondering if I have a movie to share. I'll go check, wait here.


I do BUT it is really old so don't judge me. http://gallery.me.com/flipfloppincastaways#100684

The waterproof camera stunk..... seriously not my best work BUT if you fast forward past Dunns River Falls about 2/3 through the video you can see what the trip was like.


I don't know that we would have known that the water was deep there if Mike's dad hadn't picked that spot to fall in. The water moves swiftly but it's not a thrill ride. It's not like rafting in a river. More relaxing but still moves. I'm sure the time of year and the level of the water would impact this also. It does for rafting in Colorado.


Okay my two things to tell you about Jamaica.


1. My mom and dad took at tour through the ship. It was a Mo Bay city tour or something like that. They HATED it. Now for my mom to HATE anything is shocking. She is one of those people who finds a "best thing of my life....like pie, or movie, or book" everyday. She radiates sunshine. She HATED it. Don't say I didn't tell you so. She said that it was all poverty and they abandoned them for some amount of time in a fenced in shopping area and left and then came back later. I don't know what all she didn't like or what all they did but for my mom to say she HATED something, well it must have been bad.


2. Thshhhh, I have to tell the story of your adventure in Jamaica. Obviously since I wasn't there I will get it wrong so feel free to jump in. It's just such an OMG story. And because I can't humiliate myself anymore

I'll tell it to the tune of the Brady Bunch. Sing along if you know it.


It's a story, of a lovely lady

jumping on a water tramp with a boy

Then his knee flew up and hit her in the eye

not a real good dating ploy.


All at once the blood was gushing down her face.

The Jamaicans were all frantic to save her sight

the blood dripped into the water attracting a shark

It gave them a fright.


To the rescue was a friend that was swimming near

He had had a few, but don't tell him you know

He was running thru the water from the shark

lots of punches, he did throw.


Fin-a-lly ev-ery-one made it onto land

The shark took off without getting a meal

To the hospital she was quickly taken

It was a scary ordeal


Her stretcher was covered in another's blood

Here came the doctor, needle in his hand

She looked at him with terror in her eyes

And then ran from the man.


Back to the ship they safely did arrive

Stitches by the ship doctor soon were full-filled

And for a Royal Caribbean souvenir

They got a very large bill.



thshhhh, Did I get it right????

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Oh my, um, you're not supposed to share bites? Oh my Lordy! Guess lots of people were totally floored at MY family then!!! We shared bites and even soup cups. (Ok, even I was a little embarrassed at this but could. Not. Help. Myself!) Guess I better go find my flag to wave before our next cruise!!! LOL!


Ohhhh, I get it, the "white trash flag" hardy har har...I'm a little slow.

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Hey Nikki! How's things? Good to hear from you. I have been on the NCL Pearl and actually it is one of my favorite ships. I have a review from it in my signature below if you are interested. Stick with it. I was really pleasantly surprised and loved Norwegian.

I am thinking you might be seeing more of me in that commercial than is good for anyone. Might blow my hard body image. :rolleyes: Have a great time and tell Antone and Kel hi!



Jenn its good to hear from you too, I just read your ncl pearl review and im really excited about going, im a little disapointed in the pool deck but think its nicer than the carnival victory, and since i dont have any mega ships to compare it to, it will do just fine for us. especially looking foward to freestyle because assigned dining is not really for us, im always late lol

I wish you had pictures of the thermal spa area and the white hot party cos im looking foward to that. As always your review was informative and entertaining.


oh the commercial lol Im still smileing when I think of it, that would be tooo funny!!! talking of seeing more than is good for anyone - im cruising with my mum and her friend , who came with us to turkey a few months ago, she accidently wore a bikini that came off on 3 seperate occasions! the top came off at the water park and river tubeing, and at pambukale her bottoms fell down lol that was the funniest ( if not most embarrassing) thing I have ever seen!!! im a little nervous about cruiseing with her, but I guess a cruise isnt a cruise if there isnt an nearly naked european onboard lol ( thinking back to the crazy french woman on our victory cruise) LMAO :p:D


I have wanted to go on liberty of the seas since I first discovered cruiseing (2008) and ncl epic is also top of my list, im sure once I try them i'll love the big ships and will want to try Oasis, I honestly dont think that the rccl website gives it justice, but you certainly do in this review and im in total awe looking at your pictures.


now that the sailboat in the virgin islands is cancelled, what ship are you gonna go on next? I know the other Jenn wants to do the new carnival breeze in europe, is that something you are also considering?

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Thanks for the kind words.


Rafting in Jamaica. I am wondering if I have a movie to share. I'll go check, wait here.


I do BUT it is really old so don't judge me. http://gallery.me.com/flipfloppincastaways#100684

The waterproof camera stunk..... seriously not my best work BUT if you fast forward past Dunns River Falls about 2/3 through the video you can see what the trip was like.


I don't know that we would have known that the water was deep there if Mike's dad hadn't picked that spot to fall in. The water moves swiftly but it's not a thrill ride. It's not like rafting in a river. More relaxing but still moves. I'm sure the time of year and the level of the water would impact this also. It does for rafting in Colorado.


Okay my two things to tell you about Jamaica.


1. My mom and dad took at tour through the ship. It was a Mo Bay city tour or something like that. They HATED it. Now for my mom to HATE anything is shocking. She is one of those people who finds a "best thing of my life....like pie, or movie, or book" everyday. She radiates sunshine. She HATED it. Don't say I didn't tell you so. She said that it was all poverty and they abandoned them for some amount of time in a fenced in shopping area and left and then came back later. I don't know what all she didn't like or what all they did but for my mom to say she HATED something, well it must have been bad.


2. Thshhhh, I have to tell the story of your adventure in Jamaica. Obviously since I wasn't there I will get it wrong so feel free to jump in. It's just such an OMG story. And because I can't humiliate myself anymore

I'll tell it to the tune of the Brady Bunch. Sing along if you know it.


It's a story, of a lovely lady

jumping on a water tramp with a boy

Then his knee flew up and hit her in the eye

not a real good dating ploy.


All at once the blood was gushing down her face.

The Jamaicans were all frantic to save her sight

the blood dripped into the water attracting a shark

It gave them a fright.


To the rescue was a friend that was swimming near

He had had a few, but don't tell him you know

He was running thru the water from the shark

lots of punches, he did throw.


Fin-a-lly ev-ery-one made it onto land

The shark took off without getting a meal

To the hospital she was quickly taken

It was a scary ordeal


Her stretcher was covered in another's blood

Here came the doctor, needle in his hand

She looked at him with terror in her eyes

And then ran from the man.


Back to the ship they safely did arrive

Stitches by the ship doctor soon were full-filled

And for a Royal Caribbean souvenir

They got a very large bill.



thshhhh, Did I get it right????



hahaha love your poem!!! I have myself been told on numerous occasions that im good with my mouth ( I have the gift of the gab and can spit lyrics - what did you think I was saying? )

Im thinking of doing my own trip report next time, however Im really crap at taking pictures, but someone sudgested leaving a disposable camera somewhere maybe near the pool with a message attached to it saying ' feel free to take a picture and leave here for someone else' i thought it would be a nice surprise to see what pictures others had taken and passed on, assumeing nobody steals it and I can take it back and get it developed lol

Jenn you are so funny and im glad to have met you and everybody on the last cruise, seeing this review brings back great memories ( ok not memories of oasis since i havent sailed it but memories of you lot) :)

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