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Can I comment on kids/toddlers/babies on cruises?

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[quote name='ckrobyn'][font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=indigo]I have been following this thread for the past few days.....sometimes I add my 2 cents, and sometimes I just read a few of your posts and shake my head....kind of like what I'm doing right now.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]I think you have finally crossed a line here Corona. [color=red][b]Why would you find it necessary to suggest that those of us with children are, as you put it, "staunchly defending ourselves"[/b][/color] ? You have been around CC long enough to know that this "kids on cruises" debate is a never ending story. Until I found CC, I had NO idea that taking my child on a vacation would cause such an uprising of emotion :confused: [/color][color=darkorchid][b]You say you have "many, many friends" of this I have no doubt, but what I DO doubt is that they share any of your so called "opinions" about parenting. [/b][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]I will always remember the days before I was a mother.....I was full of great advice about parenting....but you know what? Until I WAS a parent, I had no idea what it was all about. [/color][color=darkred][b]You can say whatever you want about what you "know" because your "friends" have children, but until you are a parent yourself....you really have no clue.[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslategray][b]I'm really tired of this whole debate, I'm tired of the endless threads about whether or not kids should cruise, whether or not they should be allowed to behave like kids, whether or not their parents are "good" parents or "bad" parents and the list goes on and on.[/b][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]At the end of the day, when all of these threads are full of dust.....my daughter will be enjoying a cruise with her parents, this year, next year, and every year thereafter............[/color][/size][/font]

[color=red][b]1. Because most of the other people let it go by, while some of you didn't, which means that you are taking it personal.[/b][/color]

[b][color=darkorchid]2. Trust me, they do know how I feel about it, and some of them agree with me, but they don't have much of an option right now. Also, I don't care if they share my opinion or not, just as I don't care if you, or the other 2 here do or not.[/color][/b]

[b][color=darkred]3. Yes, I do. Just because one doesn't have kids, doesn't make them blind too, LOL. Also, as I said, I was in the TOY industry for 10 years. Do you think I witnessed ANY kids, mom's dad's, siblings, interactions, etc? I DID, plenty. And THAT is also where I formed MY OPINIONS. GET it, MY OPINIONS. [/color][/b]

[b][color=darkred]You are trying to debate how I FEEL/think. You'll never change my mind, despite all of your bashing me. It's like you telling me that you don't like mushrooms, and I spend 2 days trying to tell you that you are wrong about them.....how tasty they really are....and you will NOT change your mind because of anything I say. Period.[/color][/b]

[b][color=darkslategray]4. Then stop reading and posting to it. Funny that the only one you three decided to debate was me. There are others in this thread that simmilar opinions to mine.[/color][/b]

[color=blue]FOR THE RECORD, as I said earlier, take your kids. BUT, there will always be people who think you should leave the kids at home, you will never change that, so you'd better get use to it.[/color]
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Boy this thread is getting a little out of control. Everyone has their opinion but to say that if a husband and wife work then they really shouldn't have children I think was a little out of line. There are always good and bad things to both parents working , the same goes for one parent who stays home. It's how you deal with the situation is what's important. For example my sister stays home with her two children and my husband and I both work. Her children have problems with being away from their mother. She's having problems with just dropping the kids off at a sitter just to do some errands or a Dr's appointment. Her oldest is ready for pre school but it's going to be a battle. She's stressed out and her daughters stressed out. My children grew up with daycare. My oldest is very independent. Loves to go to Grandma's or even sleeps over a friends house. But it breaks my heart not to spend all my time with them. But I see two outgoing kids that are social and independent. So it's a trade off. My hats off to stay at home mom's , it's tough work. But just because my husband doesn't make enough for me to stay home, doesn't mean we aren't good parents. Our children are the living proof of it.
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[quote name='lrovnan']Boy this thread is getting a little out of control. [b]Everyone has their opinion but to say that if a husband and wife work then really shouldn't have children I think was a little out of line. [/b]There are always good and bad things to both parents working , the same goes for one parent who stays home. It's how you deal with the situation is what's important. For example my sister stays home with her two children and me and my husband both work. Her children have problems with being away from their mother. She's having problems with just dropping the kids off at a sitter just to do some errands or a Dr's appointment. Her oldest is ready for pre school but it's going to be a battle. She's stressed out and her daughters stressed out. My children grew up with daycare. My oldest is very independent. Loves to go to Grandma's or even sleeps over a friends house. But it breaks my heart not to spend all my time with them. But I see two outgoing kids that are social and independent. So it's a trade off. My hats off to stay at home mom's , it's tough work. But just because my husband doesn't make enough for me to stay home, doesn't mean we aren't good parents. Our children are the living proof of it.[/QUOTE]

I never said that. What I said was [b]I wonder[/b] why have kids at all. BIG difference. Again, [b]my opinion[/b].
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I am the original poster and NOW I am offended. Why the heck was working mothers even brought into this debate at all???? Jeez. Taking a cruise; making money for the family. I don't see the correlation at all??? I don't care who said it or what anyone's "opinions" are on that topic...it is NOT called for on this thread at all. Any for those that wonder why have kids at all....if no working parents had children there would be a pretty low population in this country.

I am done reading my own thread I created. I am disgusted where it went.
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We are taking our 13 month old in two weeks on her first cruise(our 5th) and have no worries about it. She is very well behaved, and we have a GS so that we can go back to the cabin if she is in a "mood". I agree with most of the replys that most of the issues are caused by lack of parenting.
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[quote name='ckrobyn']Good thing your mother didn't feel that way :([/QUOTE]

In case you missed it Robyn, my mother ran off an left my dad when I was 6 months old. So apparently, she did feel that way. Jeez.....does anyone pay attention to what is posted?????
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[quote name='1corona4u']In case you missed it Robyn, my mother ran off an left my dad when I was 6 months old. So apparently, she did feel that way. Jeez.....does anyone pay attention to what is posted?????[/QUOTE]

I do. :) Now------where's my Corona.......it's happy hour somewhere--right??
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[b]I just came off the ROS and a lot of the kids were terrible. They made smart remarks in the elevator, ran the halls at night. Made fun of the music in the main lobby, picked up food with their hands. There were 400 signed up for the kids program and this doesn't include all the teenagers that were hanging in the Casino and sneaking in between slot machines and playing them. I saw little kids sitting at the bar with mom and dad. I complained to Guest Relations but they ignored the problem, the kids still ran wild in the halls and took over the pool and tried to take over the adult section but were turned away. [/b]

[b]Don't get me wrong, I have children of my own but they know how to behave in public. I blame the parents for letting them run wild. [/b]
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I also would strongly prefer not to have to deal with children on cruises. Having said that, I realize that I book cruises knowing that children will be there. [b]But be forewarned[/b]: If your lack of common courtesy and lousy parenting skills manifest themselves in your children's rude, bratty behavior while I'm around, you're going to hear about it in no uncertain terms. :D
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[quote name='1corona4u']In case you missed it Robyn, my mother ran off an left my dad when I was 6 months old. So apparently, she did feel that way. Jeez.....does anyone pay attention to what is posted?????[/QUOTE]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=indigo]Corona;[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]I am sorry for what you had to endure, I cannot imagine a mother abandoning a child.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]I have said all I have to say. There is no more.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]My only hope is that they pull this thread.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#4b0082]I'm outta here.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=indigo][/color][/size][/font]
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Would you let a child run around in a bar?
Would you take a child to a smoke-filled room?
Would you bath your child in dirty water?
Would you take your child to an adult's cocktail party or dinner party?

If you would, then thumb your nose at everyone else and do whatever you want on the cruise. Afterall, you paid for it.

But if you think these venues are not good for a child, or other people may be uncomfortable with a child present, then use your judgement and use the cruise facilities that will give you a great family vacation.

I know I could never do everything available on a cruise. There is too much. I tailor my experience to what I enjoy. It is a different experience when I take my children along from when I cruise alone with DH.

Parents who drag their children along to the bars, discos, adult entertainment are doing their children and fellow cruisers a disservice. Cruisers who have children along are obligated to supervise them or make arrangements for their care. It becomes tiresome when parents rely on fellow passengers to do their job. However, parents who take their parenting responsibilities seriously will always have a great time on a cruise as will their fellow passengers.
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[quote name='glr068'][b]I just came off the ROS and a lot of the kids were terrible. They made smart remarks in the elevator, ran the halls at night. Made fun of the music in the main lobby, picked up food with their hands. There were 400 signed up for the kids program and this doesn't include all the teenagers that were hanging in the Casino and sneaking in between slot machines and playing them. I saw little kids sitting at the bar with mom and dad. I complained to Guest Relations but they ignored the problem, the kids still ran wild in the halls and took over the pool and tried to take over the adult section but were turned away. [/b]

[b]Don't get me wrong, I have children of my own but they know how to behave in public. I blame the parents for letting them run wild. [/b][/QUOTE]

These animals must have 2 working parents.:rolleyes:

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[quote name='Melissa at Mohair Meadows']Would you let a child run around in a bar?
Would you take a child to a smoke-filled room?
Would you bath your child in dirty water?
Would you take your child to an adult's cocktail party or dinner party?

If you would, then thumb your nose at everyone else and do whatever you want on the cruise. Afterall, you paid for it.

But if you think these venues are not good for a child, or other people may be uncomfortable with a child present, then use your judgement and use the cruise facilities that will give you a great family vacation.

I know I could never do everything available on a cruise. There is too much. I tailor my experience to what I enjoy. It is a different experience when I take my children along from when I cruise alone with DH.

Parents who drag their children along to the bars, discos, adult entertainment are doing their children and fellow cruisers a disservice. Cruisers who have children along are obligated to supervise them or make arrangements for their care. It becomes tiresome when parents rely on fellow passengers to do their job. However, parents who take their parenting responsibilities seriously will always have a great time on a cruise as will their fellow passengers.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree with you. Well said.

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Make no mistake - the cruise lines want you to bring your kids along. They are well aware that if they make it known that they have an enormous amount of activities for the kids, great kids clubs, lots of staff to attend to them, it opens up a whole new class of customers to them - many who have never sailed because of "unwritten rules" that cruising is not for children. The cruise lines are marketing themselves as a Family Vacation - something for everyone. They want growth and by catering to families telling you to bring the kids, they will get it.

[QUOTE]He will be well attended to by the staff as a lot of them have their own young children at home that they may not have seen for over six months. They have to use substitute kids.[/QUOTE]

I'll disagree with that. We all know the reason the kids are "well attended to" by the staff - no need to concoct justification.
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Take your child. Most people will overlook all but the most terrible behavior on anyone's part (adult or child). I've met many people on cruises that left their kids at home for a break from them and then spent the entire time missing them.

From what I've found, the problem is not the kids, it is adults that don't realize that the same behaviors that are not appropriate at home are not appropriate on a cruise ship (this goes for kids and adults alike).

On my last cruise I encountered both bad parents and good parents. I ate lunch with parents that brought their 4 year old and 5 year old to the main dining room, which didn't have anything on the menu the kids liked. Instead of whining, the parents and the kids tried to find something else that worked (the dining room went and found PBandJ which made the kids happy). The kids were fun to eat with because the parents made sure the kids behaved (as much as a 4 and 5 year old can) and the kids were so excited about the cruise, the excitement rubbed off.

On the other hand, I went to get into the adults only pool one morning and found a mother with her diapered baby swimming in the adults only pool. I also saw a different mother who sat in the (full) adults only pool area with her crying child.

Overall, I did however see less kids running up and down the halls, pushing all the buttons in the elevator, etc. than I have on other cruises. In fact, I saw many more rude adults on my cruise than I did kids. (The lady who stood smoking under the no-smoking sign comes to mind).


3 cruises completed, booked my fourth today.
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We are travelling with our children on the Navigator in July. They are 16 and 12 and are great travellers we have travelled alot with them and they know how to behave. They are older so they know they are lucky to be going with us and know what we expect from them. I know it can be more of a challanage with younger kids been there done that. I still think its up to the parents to watch the kids just like they were anywhere in a public place with them. They should respect others. There will always be people who let the kids do what they want but at least you can smile and think hey we have done a good job with these kids haven't we.....
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We got off the Voyager last week and took our three kids with us. We have three girls, the oldest is 16, 12 and 4. We cruised Carnival last spring break and did not take the youngest. This cruise was wonderful, but not as relaxing this year. We ate every dinner in the formal dining room (one day at sea had breakfast, lunch and dinner in the formal dr)! The thing we found helpful, was to take a small toy (polly pocket, crayons, book...) to give our daughter every dinner. We usually ordered her food right away, then when our food arrived we gaver her the toy. It worked for us!
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I have no problems with kids in general being on a cruise, as long as they are properly supervised and well behaved. Therein lies the problem, too many "parents" don't parent. They feel they are on vacation, so their parenting takes a vacation as well.

I do feel that there should be a "children's area" in the dining room where families with children under 13 are seated. I also feel that passengers sailing without chldren should never be seated at a table with anyone under age 13 unless they request otherwise.

I also feel that parents need to take responsibility for their children. Parents and children both need to respect that there are areas that are off limits for kids...the solarium pool, the health club, etc. Just because your child is "well behavied" doesn't mean that they are welcome there. It's an adult area, biological age, not mental age. (And I'll be the first to admit that there are some children who are better behaved then some adults, but that's a diferent conversation.) Children should not be allowed to run in the halls, push elevator buttons, etc.

As far as crying children, yes they do cry sometimes, and a brief "cry" doesn't bother me, as long as the parents are actively attempting to resolve the child's discomfort or removing him. But families with children who are often fussy/inconsolable/etc. maybe might be better off waiting until the child is a little older to cruise, for both their parents nerves and the comfort of other passengers.

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i have read that this is a no no- no diapers in the pool, but have also read that people do it. do the cruise ship staff go to the offending parents(cause it is the parents) and tell them to take the child out? or do we just have to sit and steam to ourselves? has anyone ever said anything to the person regarding this, and if so can you tell us your experience with this? thanks
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