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Freestyle Fans Try a Funship: Imagination Review 1/2 - 1/6/2012


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When we’d explored all we could at the Hemingway House, we made our way back to Duval and slowly walked back toward Mallory Square. We popped into a few shops and took a little break at Kermit’s for some chocolate covered key lime pie on a stick. I was surprised, I thought it would be frozen but it actually wasn’t. It was good! Key lime pie being his favourite dessert, the DH just loved it. He said the pie was better than the one he had in the MDR the previous night. Normally, he only gets key lime pie once a year when I make it for his birthday so this was total heaven for him! We bought some key lime juice at Kermit’s to take home with us, so his next birthday pie will bring back some memories.




The Strand by adomokos, on Flickr




Kermit's by adomokos, on Flickr




Sloppy Joe's by adomokos, on Flickr




Smallest Bar by adomokos, on Flickr


Back at the Conch Train depot in Mallory Square, the line for the trolley back to the ship was winding ¾ of the way around the building but we were pleasantly surprised to find that it moved quickly. They had multiple trolleys running back to the ship so when one filled up, they just pulled up the next one.


When we got to the Navy Yard we could feel the cold and the wind again. We had to wait at the security check point for guards to check everyone’s ID and S&S cards before being dropped off at the ship, with our fingers crossed that no one had forgotten anything because it was so COLD. Luckily, we were all good.


Once we got settled back onboard, we headed to the MDR for lunch. This was about 1:30, the all-aboard time. We still had half an hour before the MDR was scheduled to close. We were happy to get a table for two this time. It didn’t seem busy at all but there was only one waiter on in the area and the service was incredibly slow. It took a while for her to come and take our orders and for someone to fill our water glasses. Once the starters came out, the pace picked up a bit. DH and I both had the garden and field greens to start. For the main, DH had a burger and I had the Chinese pepper steak. All of these were very good. For dessert, DH enjoyed a sundae while all I wanted was a good cup of coffee. Unfortunately, that was not to be had in the MDR. I couldn’t drink it. It was terrible. I thought maybe it was because the MDR was closing soon so it wasn’t fresh, but the one I had at breakfast the next morning wasn’t much better. It just tasted watery and...gross. I ended up getting a cafe mocha from the Cafe on the Way (coffee bar on the Promenade) later. I never thought I’d end up paying extra for a coffee on a cruise but it was well worth the extra charge! I think I may be a convert.


While we were sitting in the MDR, the ship left Key West. We didn’t notice it at the time but heard from others later that the ship actually had some trouble leaving the pier due to the high winds. What we did notice from the MDR was that the ship was beginning to roll very noticeably. I’d look out the window and the ship would appear to be rising and then slowly falling again. We couldn’t feel anything (yet...) but it didn’t look good.

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YUM! We love Kermit's - it's our favorite stop in Key West - we found a new favorite place this time - it's kind of a goofy spot, but we loved the turtle museum - no charge to visit, it's just a ramshakle shack, but the guy that works there (Rick) is quite a character and we spent about an hour in there listening to him play the guitar and sing.


Haven't done Hemingway house - might have to try that - the kids have read a little of his stuff now with school, so maybe they'd enjoy it too ...


keep it coming! It's snowing here, and I'm cruising vicariously through you - and reliving my own as well! :D

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So, this night was supposed to be Elegant Night. Let me tell you about our pre-cruise vision for this night so that you can fully appreciate how it actually turned out. We started a tradition with our first cruise of having our portrait taken on the atrium stairs on formal night (or Dress Up or Not night, as NCL calls it) and buying one of those portfolios that includes a ship photo to put into one side. Our plan for Elegant night was to get all dressed up, have a nice lobster dinner and a glass of wine, go have portraits done, do the whole Promenade thing (this doesn't really exist on NCL), and enjoy a good show. I had my hair straightener packed, my dress had been picked out for months, I'd gone back and forth with DH about his wardrobe and finally got him convinced that he'd survive one night in dress pants and a dress shirt, we were ready to go.


Alas, it was not meant to be.


After lunch, we went back to our stateroom to relax before getting ready for Elegant Night. I found that I actually liked spending time in our stateroom more on this cruise than our previous ones because of that natural light and great window seat. We spent some time just lounging around and reading, and trying not to fall asleep with all that rolling!


Around 4, I started really feeling the motion and we could see the water looking pretty rough through the port hole windows. That wind was really wreaking havoc on us. I decided that it was probably a good time to take some Gravol (Canadian Dramamine) before it got even worse. I had to lie down for a while and wait for it to pass. DH, on the other hand, was feeling no pain and didn’t take anything. He thought himself invincible because he grew up spending weekends out on the water all day, fishing with his grandfather and never got sea sick. He never had problems with motion on our previous cruises (I was ill in Hawaii). You can see where this is going, right?


Yeah :rolleyes: By 5, things were really moving. I wasn't feeling queasy, thanks to the meds, but I was still feeling really lightheaded and drowsy. Our plan was to get to the MDR when it opened and it was around this time that we began to realize that definitely wasn't going to happen, if we made it at all.


Watching phone-in trivia on our staterom TV while we were laid up:




Trivia by adomokos, on Flickr


That's CD Skip on the right. This was a pretty funny show and it was also fun to see their reactions to some of the ship's motion.


By 6 or so, I was mostly feeling better and starting to get hungry. That hour between 5 and 6 was the worst of it for me. DH, however, was starting to look a little green around the gills. He took some Gravol too and we hoped that once it kicked in, all would be well.


It wasn't. Around 7, we gave up on the idea of leaving our stateroom that night. The production show that was scheduled for that night, Living in America, had been cancelled due to safety concerns with all the motion. They added extra comedy shows to the original schedule but we just stayed in. Poor DH was completely knocked out. We ordered room service and watched TV. Well, I watched TV. The DH was barely conscious and has no memory of anything we saw. I was impressed with room service; they said it would be 25 minutes and it was right on time. I had forgotten that we put the "Snoozin'" sign up since we wouldn't been needing turn down service, so they called to check if it was ok to knock. I had grilled cheese with potato chips, good old fashioned comfort food. The DH ordered a turkey sandwich and chips but was still not ready to eat it. In the end, the poor guy never really did recover. He was out by 9. I ate both of our dinners and called it a night.


And that is how we passed our Elegant Night in a most un-elegant fashion :p



Classy Dinner by adomokos, on Flickr


Coming up tomorrow: a brighter day in Cozumel

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Thanks for your review. BTW, your username rocks! :D


Thanks! It was inspired by my time in grad school. My research was on asteroids, which pretty much look like giant potatoes in space :p


YUM! We love Kermit's - it's our favorite stop in Key West - we found a new favorite place this time - it's kind of a goofy spot, but we loved the turtle museum - no charge to visit, it's just a ramshakle shack, but the guy that works there (Rick) is quite a character and we spent about an hour in there listening to him play the guitar and sing.


Haven't done Hemingway house - might have to try that - the kids have read a little of his stuff now with school, so maybe they'd enjoy it too ...


keep it coming! It's snowing here, and I'm cruising vicariously through you - and reliving my own as well! :D


I hear ya, we had a snow storm yesterday and this has given me a really nice escape too! I'll have to add the turtle museum to my list of places to check out on a return trip to Key West. We so wished we could have had more time there, I know we will be back again.

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This was a happy morning because the one morning on this cruise that we could sleep in :D We woke up to sunnier skies and calmer looking waters.



Hope by adomokos, on Flickr


We could still feel a bit of motion but were not bothered by it anymore, thank goodness! We decided to give the MDR a shot for breakfast. We were seated at a table for six but were the first couple there. Shortly thereafter, another couple arrived and then a third. DH and I aren’t the most social of people in the morning (especially me before I've had my coffee!:eek:) so we weren’t overly pleased about this but we knew it could happen, so we just went with the flow. Once again, it turned out that our tablemates were all fellow Canadians. It was actually kind of fun comparing our stories of how we survived the previous evening. One of the couples had been on over a dozen cruises, so they’ve been through worse and had some interesting stories to tell. The others were first timers who weren’t too sold on doing it again since they were both ill the previous night. We did our best to convince them that it gets better!


For breakfast, I had a cheese omelette with hash browns and bacon. DH had the waffles with strawberry sauce. Everything was good, though I think DH was hoping for something a bit more elaborate than what he got (i.e. actual strawberries instead of the sauce and some whipped cream). Service was the fastest we’d ever get in the MDR this morning, they seemed to want to get us in and out as soon as they could. This was good, but still not the warmest or friendliest of service.


Afterward, we went for a walk to see if it was as warm as it looked outside and to see if we could get a seat somewhere to lounge until we got to Coz. It was warmer than the previous day, but still windy. No luck finding empty seats together so we gave up and headed up to an observation deck for a bit. We could have moved some chairs around if we had really wanted to, there were empty singles here and there but that was too much work :p We could see Cozumel in the distance.




Cruisin' by adomokos, on Flickr




Getting Closer by adomokos, on Flickr



Eventually, we made our way to the buffet for a snack. We wanted to keep our meal light at the buffet since we knew we wanted to eat on shore. I just had a salad and this really good dessert – a brownie type thing with mousse and a pear on top. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was good. I really have to give props to Carnival for their desserts. On NCL, they always look good but rarely taste as good as they look. On Carnival, they were consistently good.


When we went back out on deck, we realized that we were docking. Our original plan for Cozumel had been to go to the Money Bar Beach Club, where I could do some snorkelling. Given the weather we’d been giving, I had been going back and forth about this all morning. The water was still choppy looking and I’d read that currents can make snorkelling and diving in Cozumel somewhat challenging. I can swim but I’m not necessarily a strong swimmer and I’ve never snorkelled before, so I was not feeling confident. We decided to scrap that plan and go to Mr. Sancho’s instead. I was still second guessing that decision when, while we were docking, Skip announced that all of the water-based excursions were being cancelled due to the conditions. I didn’t feel like as much of a sissy after that!

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The ship was docked at Punta Langosta. We got a cab and went to Mr. Sancho’s, with plans to do our shopping on the way back. The taxi was $16 each way. When we got there, they had a table set up where someone explained the all-inclusive vs. a la carte options. If you go with the AI, it’s $50 pp, you get your own area of the beach with your own loungers to use for the day. The AI side has its own area for eating, its own bar, and its own restrooms. It’s all you can eat, all you can drink, and you get to use their water sports equipment. They give you wristbands and do a good job of keeping an eye out for people without wristbands on the AI side. This was the option we went with and we were very happy with it. Oh, they also have a pool and a play area in the water for the kiddos.


The a la carte side:



Untitled by adomokos, on Flickr



The all-inclusive side:



Lounging by adomokos, on Flickr



Both of these areas were busier when we first got there but these pics were taken later in the afternoon, when many people had already gone back to their ships.


We got there after noon (local time) and considering that there were already five other ships in port, it wasn’t as busy as I’d thought it would be. The a la carte side was busier than the AI, so it was nice that we had a calmer area to be in. The weather cleared up beautifully during our time on the beach. The sun was out, it was hot, just awesome! It was really relaxing. We enjoyed not having to get up for anything, the service was great. Totally spoiled us. We had the chips with salsa and guacamole, the beef nachos, Caribbean fries, and chicken fajitas (don’t worry, not all at once!). Everything was good, though I was kind of disappointed with the guacamole. It was just mashed up avocado and maybe a tiny bit of garlic in it. I was expecting it to be much more flavourful - we were in Mexico, after all! The salsa, on the other hand, was fantastic. I haven’t had salsa like that since I visited Puerta Vallarta ten years ago. The drinks were good, too, the bartenders were generous!




Can We Stay Here? by adomokos, on Flickr




Relaxation by adomokos, on Flickr



Mr. Sancho’s closes at 5:30 (local time). We stayed almost until closing time and saw the beginnings of a lovely sunset. We missed the rest since we were in a taxi riding back to the pier. Our cab driver on the way back didn’t say much but she was worthy of being on the Amazing Race! I don’t know how she pulled off some of her manoeuvres but she got us back to Punta Langosta in record time.




Sunset by adomokos, on Flickr

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At the port complex, we did some shopping. We really liked Los Cinqo Soles. DH and I like to travel a lot and have a tradition of buying a Christmas tree ornament on our trips. They had some very beautiful hand painted ones at Los Cinqo Soles. We also picked up some vanilla based on all of the raves here. I haven’t used it yet but it smells amazing! We checked email at the Starbucks and learned that they got half a metre (almost two feet, for you non-metric types ;)) of snow in less than 24 hours back home. We were feeling pretty good about ourselves right about then :D



We headed back to the ship, got some nice night shots from the pier, then settled in for the night. We were full from Mr. Sancho’s so we missed dinner in the dining room. Sometime around 9:30, which was the all aboard time, they were calling for a few passengers to contact Guest Services. We figured there were going to be pier runners tonight! We didn’t end up watching for them, though, since the wind was back and it was way too cold and windy up on deck. Not too much was going on onboard this night and we were too tired to attend anything anyway, so we called it a night.




Ship in the Night by adomokos, on Flickr




Cozumel Lights by adomokos, on Flickr



Coming up tomorrow: we go Behind the Fun on a Fun Day at Sea

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I am really enjoying your review. My Feb. cruise goes to Key West & Coz so I can't wait to do some of the things you did.


Thanks! Hope you have a great time and get much less windy weather than we did :)



I'm sorry everyone, I don't think I'll be able to get our sea day adventures posted tonight. Life is kind of getting in the way. I'll be back tomorrow, though, to tell you all about it!

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My mom and I have the Imagination booked for September so I also enjoy reading posts from those that have sailed our particular ship :)


Your review is a good one without having to go into pages and pages of details.

Can't wait to read the rest! :D

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Thanks for sticking with me, everyone :) I'll be back later on today to continue.


Enjoying the review.


Next cruise on Carnival ask for a capuccino or espresso in the MDR. They are available at no charge.


And thanks for this, as well! The dumb thing is that I knew about this, I had it in my pre-cruise notes, but once we were onboard? Totally forgot :p I'll have to try to remember for next time, those cafe mochas add up!

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We go on the Imagination in 31 days ~ YAY! (First cruise)


I am so glad I came across this review, there really isn't much about the Imagination on these boards...


I'm planning on doing my review similar to this, it's easy to follow and doesn't bore people out of their minds trying to read one trip on one page..... we are only going to Nassau so mine will be a little different. I plan to take lots and lots of pictures too, so everyone be prepared :)


Glad your vacation was a blast, I'm hoping we get some warm weather, and hope we don't see any of the white stuff before going :eek:


Also hoping for calm seas and smooth sailing!

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We go on the Imagination in 31 days ~ YAY! (First cruise)


I am so glad I came across this review, there really isn't much about the Imagination on these boards...


I'm planning on doing my review similar to this, it's easy to follow and doesn't bore people out of their minds trying to read one trip on one page..... we are only going to Nassau so mine will be a little different. I plan to take lots and lots of pictures too, so everyone be prepared :)


Glad your vacation was a blast, I'm hoping we get some warm weather, and hope we don't see any of the white stuff before going :eek:


Also hoping for calm seas and smooth sailing!


I hope you have smooth sailing, too! Enjoy :)

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Ok, on we go!




Ah, sea days. Great for doing relaxing things like sleeping in...but not for us! We had the Behind the Fun tour booked for today and were required to meet in the library at 8:45. We weren’t sure if we had time for the MDR (and honestly, we just weren’t in the mood to socialize this morning) so we hit the buffet for breakfast . We were pleasantly surprised that we had no trouble finding anywhere to sit. Must have been everyone else sleeping in! Breakfast was just ok. This is the only area where the food quality could have improved. The scrambled eggs were runny and not totally warm; I don’t think they were cooked all the way through. I was amused to finally encounter the famous Bacon Police. No problem getting as much as I wanted (which wasn’t much) but I couldn’t finish it, it was way too greasy.


Down in the library, they had some pastries, water, juice, and coffee set up for us to enjoy before the tour started. We met Claudine, the corporate trainer. It turns out Claudine is from Toronto so we had a nice chat about the weather back home. Canadians were just all over the ship this week! Claudine was our guide for the morning. She handed out our badges and confiscated cell phones/cameras. There was a security officer present as well and once we all got wanded, we were on our way.


We started in the galley, where we met Chef de Cuisine, Russell. He explained the galley set up and how things operate during the dinner service. It was really interesting. The amount of organization and coordination that goes into feeding 2000 people each night is amazing. We also met the pastry chef. I don’t remember his name but he is from Jamaica. He was making those caramel/sugar shapes that go on top of the cakes. He does them so quickly and so precisely, just freehand, it was very cool to watch. While watching him work, we got to sample some strawberry cheesecake. Yum!


From the galley, we went down to deck 3 and I don’t quite remember the order of things from here but we made our way from one end of the ship to the other as we toured. We visited the laundry area, the pantry and walk-ins where they store veggies, meats, and the booze. We saw the area where all of the garbage is sorted and processed, and the loading area where all of our luggage comes on/off the ship. Essentially, we worked our way down the famous I-95 corridor. To this point, we'd found the crew to be generally nice though not particulary warm or friendly - especially in the MDR. All of the crew that we met below decks, however, were awesome. So friendly, and they were all very happy and proud to show off their work areas. They were a lot of fun to interact with.


We took a cookie and juice break in the staff dining room, where we were surprised to see place settings at all of the tables. Apparently, the staff gets to eat off the menu and gets served in their own dining room. It’s part of the training for new crew members who are learning to be waiters. We spent some time in Claudine’s office learning more about shipboard life and what kind of professional and personal development is available to all crew and staff. This was quite interesting.


For those of you who wonder if your post-cruise survey feedback goes anywhere, you may like this: outside of the Crew Training office, they have a bulletin board where they post guest comments that mention crew members by name. If you’ve submitted any praise for specific crew members, your comments will have made it up on the board and the crew will have seen it. (No word on what happens to the negative comments!)

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And now we come to what was, for us, the absolute best part of this tour, the engine control room. Chief Engineer Santi Maimone and his Second Officer on Watch, Emanuel, were just the funniest pair. Those two should have their own comedy show. Chief Santi is the old salt and Emanuel is the young hot shot (he’s only 32!) and they really like to play this up. They told us about the ship’s diesel generators that power the main propellers, how the ship’s speed is controlled, all that good stuff. We didn’t get to see the actual engine room (no one really does unless you work in it), only the live feed from it on their closed circuit cameras. They talked a fair bit about redundancy in their equipment and what systems are in place when things go wrong or if systems fail.


We reluctantly had to say goodbye to Emanuel and Chief Santi to make our way backstage in the Dynasty Lounge. There, we met Rachel, one of the dancers. She told us about what it takes to put on a show and we got to see the ladies’ dressing room. We also got to see where the ladies keep all their costumes, that was pretty neat. Some of them were quite elaborate!


Right by the dressing room, there are stairs leading up to the crew lounge. You know that area on the bow where the ship’s bell is? That’s the deck where the crew hangs out. There’s a pool there, though it is not always useable. The lounge is right there too. And just another flight of stairs above that is the place we’ve all been waiting to see – the bridge!


It goes without saying, but the view from the bridge is incredible. It had to be the most peaceful place on the ship, very quiet, no decorations, lots of light, and that amazing view. We didn’t want to leave! We were shown the different instrument panels, the First Officer explained how the ship is steered, all that good stuff. Captain Donato came up eventually and we had some Q & A time with him. One of the ship’s photographers came up to take a group photo, and that marked the end of the tour.


While we were up on the bridge, the Captain pointed out Cuba off our starboard side. After the tour, we grabbed our cameras and found a good spot outside to take some pictures. I think Captain Donato said we were about 20 miles from Cuba.




Cuba II by adomokos, on Flickr

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I almost forgot to mention that when we went back to our stateroom after the tour, we found some treats from Chef Russell and souvenir hats waiting for us. We also got to keep the lanyards that our badges were on, though we had to return the badges. The photo with the captain was delivered that night.



Behind the Fun by adomokos, on Flickr


It was about lunch time at this point. The DH wanted to go to the MDR but I really wasn’t feeling it. We compromised and agreed to go see the menus first before deciding. There are menus posted at the entrance to the buffet so we had a look at that and as soon as I saw Southern Fried Chicken, we were staying :D It was All-American day at the buffet so they had the fried chicken, mashed potatoes, etc. I know it probably seems silly but we don't really have fried chicken much at home so this was actually kind of a treat. Everything was good. Some gravy would have made it perfect but if they had any, I couldn’t find it. The DH stuck to pizza, he said it was pretty good. He’d had it on embarkation day as well. After a very enjoyable bowl of soft serve, we were on our way again.


I’d gotten a Coke with my lunch but hadn’t finished it yet so we found a spot by the windows on the Promenade for a while. It was really windy out on deck so we preferred being inside. It was very warm and comfy in those window seats! And very relaxing - I could barely stay awake. Our previous two cruises had been port intensive so this is the most time we’ve ever spent actually cruising and I discovered something: the motion of the ocean makes we want to sleep. All. The. Time. I couldn’t escape the grogginess all day. I’m not sure how I’ll get around this when we go to Alaska in the summer, but I’m going to have to find a way to stay awake!




Untitled by adomokos, on Flickr


A bit of a funny story: while we were in the galley, Chef Russell told us that we’d be seeing the big walk-in below decks where the ice block was being stored for the ice carving demo later that day. He joked that if we could figure out what the finished carving was supposed to be, we could keep it. On our way across Lido after lunch, we caught a glimpse of the ice carving and Chef Russell was right – we had no idea what it was supposed to be! From people’s pictures in their reviews, they’ve always been obvious but this one...no idea. :p


Once I finished my drink, we headed over to the Fun Shops to check out the designer watch sales and see what else there was to see. They were also doing the $19.99 watch special on this day. I’ve read on here about what that’s like but you can’t fully appreciate the scene until you experience it yourself. Total craziness. I don’t get why people go nuts over these things, other than the price, but really they just make fools of themselves. And Carnival clearly loves it. It was entertaining to watch, from a safe distance!


We still had some time to kill before the Love and Marriage show started at 2:45 so we headed back to the Promenade and got some treats from the Cafe. I had been showing the DH pictures of the "fat" cakes at the Carnival cafes before the cruise and since he loves carrot cake (almost as much as he loves key lime pie!), I promised him I’d treat him to a slice. I told him he could even use my S & S card. So he got his slice of cake and I got another cafe mocha. We reclaimed our window seat and enjoyed our treats. DH actually couldn’t finish the cake, it was a little too fat, even for him! They gave us a covered dish, though, so we could take it back our cabin. So, FYI, you can ask for things to go at the Cafe.


We headed to the Dynasty Lounge for the Love and Marriage show, which Skip had been hyping in the announcements since the previous night so we were expecting a crowd. There was a dance lesson going on onstage, led by one of the Carnival dancers. They were practising a routine that looked like a lot of fun. I kind of wish I’d gone and participated in it. Earlier, on the Promenade, there was comedy movie trivia going on. We could hear it while we were having our cake and coffee and we kind of played along on our own, just to see how we would do. I wish we’d participated in that too, we’d have rocked it! We didn’t pay too close attention to the daytime activities in the Fun Times because the tour took up all morning so we weren’t sure what we’d feel like. Now I wish we’d done more!


There was a full house for the Love and Marriage show, which was a lot of fun. I felt bad for the newlywed couple, Skip was really tough on the husband. I’m curious what the real answers were to “you haven’t seen ugly until you’ve seen my wife’s __________” because Skip didn’t read them. He just pretended they all wrote “toes.” Do they always do this? Such a copout ;)


After the show, it was time to get ready for dinner and figure out how we were going to spend our last night onboard. We felt like we lost a night since we were out of commission after Key West so we were determined to make up for lost time. And we sure did! Once we were ready for dinner, we hit the ship running.

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Thanks, Almost Packed :)


While I work on the last part for today, the DH wanted me to be sure to tell you all that he loved the free lemonade at the buffet. On NCL, iced tea is the only option. Up here in the Great White North (ok, Great Rainy North at the moment), our iced tea is sweetened so the stuff on the ships does not appeal to us at all. I found the lemonade a bit too sweet, actually, but the DH just loved it.

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