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Second Half of Review of NCL Star--4/18/04


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This is the second half of the review of our cruise on the NCL Star from 4/18/04 until 4/25/04. We pick up the story at:


Day 5 (4/21/04): Had room service deliver breakfast today, because we thought we wouldn’t have time enough to have breakfast at Versailles because we had to be at the onboard meeting place (Stardust Theatre) for our shore excursion to Volcano National Park by 7:15 am. Breakfast was fine and was delivered promptly at 6:30 am as ordered. We got to the meeting place plenty early; however, they made us wait until 7:45 before we got off the ship. Not sure what the holdup was, or if it was just â€lots of people†causing the slowness. Anyway, first stop on the bus trip from Kona was the Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Farm. Macadamia nuts are one of my great loves! 3W went into the store and did our shopping. It would have been unsafe to have me do the shopping—I might have bought the place out. I just went to the wonderful Ice Cream parlor they have and treated myself to a very large macadamia nut ice cream dish. The mnstars also had this tour; it was fun to have good companions with whom to share this adventure. 3W made some great purchases—had some of the super-wonderful macadamia nut chocolate chip cookies just the other night. Is there any better combination than macadamia nuts and anything chocolate?


The bus took us on up the volcano. Watching the landscape turn from sugar cane fields, to lush rain forest, to barren lava covered desert was fascinating. The craters and the barren lava rock fields at the volcano summit were scenes we had never seen before. On the way down we did the Thurston Lava Tube. You don’t need flashlights anymore, as the Tube is now lit up pretty well. However, it was very, very wet inside and very muddy walking. Lots of puddles of undetermined depth! Not a good spot for me with my unsteady walking capabilities. It was a terrific experience, even if I did complain the whole way. I knew what I was getting into and should not have said a word. 3W and the mnstars were very understanding, though. The Volcano National Park excursion should not be missed. It is truly a highlight of the Hawaii experience.


Mnstars and I went back to the ship around 1:30. 3W decided to catch the Hilo Hattie shuttle and do a little shopping. It never came she said, so a couple of folks who were standing in line with her grabbed another shuttle which dropped them off about a block away. 3W was not really impressed with Hilo Hattie’s.

Dinner at Versailles—LOBSTER night. 3W had the famed shellfish, but I opted for the beef Wellington. She said the lobster was excellent, and the beef Wellington was as good as any I have ever had. Again, the salad course was outstanding. The service in Versailles was a little slower than it had been, but the place was packed, too. In fact, we had to wait for a few minutes to get seated. I can’t prove it, but I think we were given some preferential treatment by the Maitre ‘d. The hostess, after taking our name and cabin number asked us to sit on the chairs at the bottom of the stairwell into the dining room. Everyone else was waiting in the vestibule in front of the dining room entrance. The Maitre ‘d came over after a very short time, and led us to a table. The place was really bustling. We came at the height of the dinner rush—around 6:30. I was wondering if this was a result of word being “passed†from the Cruise Critic meeting. Other than this situation, there were no “perks†provided due to our CC meeting that I know about. No towel animals, no special fruit dishes, etc., though I know Rob Brand, the Food and Beverage Director, took our names and stateroom numbers when we were at the CC get together. Interesting to speculate.


3W and I went to watch the main show in the Stardust – so-so. Since it was early, we decided to go to the Spinnaker Lounge to see the Matanga Polynesian Cast show. It was very good and very entertaining. After that show was over, Cruise Director Kiernon Buffery MC’d a Not-So-Newlywed Game. He got three couples from the audience – newlyweds, a couple married just over 25 years and a couple married 50 years! – And asked them the typically loaded questions, i.e. where was the most interesting place you “made outâ€. It was absolutely hysterical!!! I’m glad we weren’t up there!

Day 6: Had breakfast in Versailles again – coincidentally meeting mnstars – so we had breakfast with them. Then off to our separate days in Lahania. We had a tour scheduled for Iao Valley and the Maui Ocean Center.

We first went to Iao Valley to see the Iao Needle. Unfortunately, it was covered with clouds. The valley itself, however, was very green and lush. Then on to the Maui Ocean Center for a self-guided tour. Got some nice shots of brightly colored fish. They had a really neat tunnel you could walk through and have fish, rays, etc., swim all around you. While waiting time to go back to the bus, we shared some white chocolate macadamia nut ice cream. Yum!

We went back to Lahania where I went back to the ship and 3W went shopping. She got to see the 200-year old Banyan tree in the town square of Lahania. It was really warm that day, but she walked up and down Front Street for a couple of hours. She got fitted for a toe ring and wore it back to the ship!

We decided to eat at Aqua that night – which was very nice and quiet since the majority of the passengers were at a luau. 3W had salmon picante on spaghetti and I had a beef dish as usual. We both had chocolate mocha cake for dessert. We didn’t seem to miss any of the super desserts no matter where we ate!! Service in Aqua was just fine. As a restaurant, it doesn’t have the “ambiance†of Versailles, and it seems to have a slower pace, but it is an excellent change of pace and a very respectable choice. I suspect the food comes from the same kitchen as Versailles, as there was no difference in quality or quantity. We were so impressed we elected to go back again next night!

We decided to go to Spinnaker to see the comedy of Kermit. I hate to say this about an entertainer, but he was really BAD, as in not good. There was a group of people in the front laughing, but I think that was because they had had several drinks, and were right close to him and were being polite. Nobody around us was laughing!

We made an early night of it – in bed by 9 pm!! All that fresh air and walking got us both turning in at a “reasonable†hour. For that reason, we don’t have any thing to say on the late night “disco/cabaret†activities that surely went on. Sorry, but word on those features will have to come from the “night owls†among the Cruise Critics.

Day 6: Had breakfast in Versailles before heading to the Stardust Theatre to wait for our tour to leave for Haleakala Crater. Had a very nice tour guide, informative without being overbearing. Several of the other tour guide/bus drivers seemed to feel they had to be talking the entire time we were on the bus. Sometimes the information they had was truly interesting and informative, but often they just seemed to be talking to hear their “head roar.†Perhaps they felt their gratuity depended on how much they talked!

The views were spectacular as we headed up the mountain to an elevation of 10,000 feet. At about 7,000 feet at the ranger’s station, it started to rain. When we were driving to the mountain, we could see that it was in the clouds, which, of course, contained the rain. It was a fine mist and chilly. Good thing we had our sweatshirt jackets. They came in handy. We never got to actually see the crater since it was in a very heavy cloudbank. We did see some bicyclists preparing to ride down the mountain in their raingear. I think they are nuts! Especially in the rain. Didn’t hear about any casualties, so I guess the breaks and tires on those bikes were very good.

On the way down we stopped at a protea farm. 3W said she saw several different types of protea. One of these days I will have 3W explain what a “protea’ is! I didn’t venture in to the store.

When we returned to the ship we relaxed and read on the balcony. 3W also went to the disembarkation talk, which, she said, wasn’t particularly informative.

Had dinner with mnstars in Aqua where we shared our bottle of wine that 3W’s friend had sent to us as part of the “Bon Voyage†gift. It was very good, I thought; every one seemed to enjoy it. We all had the filet – no imagination. The wonderful Sauvignon Blanc we were drinking didn’t go “with’ the filet, but no one seemed to mind.

After dinner we all went to the final show of the Jean Ann Ryan Cast. They had the Cirque Asia performers included, which was very good, however, they did not have a large enough portion of the show to really show their superior talents. At the end of the show, Cruise Director Buffery introduced all the ship’s senior officers, including the Captain, and many of the culinary staff whom you never get to see. It was very nicely done, and made a rather spectacular end to the performance.

Day 7: Awoke in Nawiliwili, Kauai. Had breakfast in Versailles at 7 am thinking we had to be in the Stardust at 8 am for our tour. Unfortunately, 3W made, for her, a very unusual slipup. Seems she had one tour ticket for Haleakala, which we had done the day before, and one for Waimea Canyon, which we were doing this day. The two tickets had different start times, and the one she looked at had the much earlier 7 am starting time, which was the one on wrong ticket. Oops!! But got it taken care of – but we didn’t need to be there until 8:45. The only down side was that we had to endure a prolonged period of the tour cruise staff’s horrible jokes, again.

The tour guide we had was awful, he didn’t shut up the entire time we were on the bus (see comments above). Really got on our nerves.

Our first stop was at the Spouting Horn, which is a hole in the rocks where the ocean shoots up – really neat. Got some good pix, I thought.

A shopping stop was then made, and then on to the canyon up a winding and twisting road. We had a real thrill jockey for a driver – 3W said she was scared a few times when he was roaring up the mountain. He was driving too fast, I thought. Good thing there was no on coming traffic. 3W hiked up to the lookout – she said it was absolutely breathtaking. And off in the distance she saw the one and only waterfall she got to see. Just a little piddly one, she said! A major disappointment for her. As usual, I sat and watched people down at the base of the lookout. The clouds then started to roll in just as we were leaving. We were extremely lucky with our timing, because we wouldn’t have seen nearly as much when the clouds arrived.

We headed back to the ship. The driver made a stop at a small shopping area within walking distance to the ship. Roy went back to the ship, but 3W got off to stretch her legs and to be rid of that horrible driver. It was there she made her grand purchase of the trip: a 10mm Tahitian black pearl ring set in white gold. It is truly beautiful. 3W paid for most of the ring from her saved up shopping money, but since it was such a wonderful pearl, I told here the balance was to be her anniversary gift. She made a wonderful selection!!

A terrible thing happened that afternoon—we had to start packing because our cruise was coming to an end. Where to stuff everything we bought?!?!? Had last dinner with our boon companions, the mnstars in Versailles. This wonderful couple played a major role in the great time we had on this super vacation. Service was a bit slower that night. Don’t know why. Maybe just everyone slowing down trying to draw out those last hours. 3W and Susan had mahi mahi and Joel and I had the pork chop. I thought the pork chop was great; the 3W liked the fish. We “splurged†on dessert again. What a way to go!

I went to the movies and saw Lord of the Rings, which I had missed when it had played in the ship’s Cinema. I am a Tolkien fan, and I had missed this finale to the movie trilogy. I was VERY happy to be able to see the film, and managed to stay awake through the whole 3-hour performance. Didn’t get “home†until after 11 pm. 3W and the mnstars went to the Spinnaker to see the various musical acts they were presenting. They finally got to see Roger Carr in a cabaret-style performance. Too bad we missed him earlier in the week. He was very good, 3W said. She said they then watched “Who Wants to be a Bazillionaire†– a little corny but fun. Last, but not least, they saw the Star Seekers Talent Competition – very disappointing in that there were only 3 performers – none of whom were that great. The not-so-funny comedian won. 3W bid a fond farewell to Susan and Joel, and returned to the stateroom to finish packing and put our bags in the corridor to be picked up.

Day 8: Arrived in Honolulu around 6 am. I got a chance to take a pix of the sun coming up over Diamond Head as we came in to Honolulu. A great shot I thought. We were able to again see and wave good-bye to Susan and Joel as they got off the ship. They had a flight to catch! Spent some time watching the offloading of luggage from our balcony. Quite an operation! We sat back and waited our baggage tag color to be called so we could depart. Right at 8:45 am, our color (purple) was called and off we went. Surprisingly, we didn’t have any trouble locating our luggage (and all 3 pieces were together!) or getting a cab. Disembarkation was even easier than embarkation! Really worked out well.

On to the Hilton Hawaiian Village!!!!! When 3W confirmed our reservations she asked them for an early check-in because we were arriving by cruise ship. They said not a problem, if a room wasn’t ready, our luggage could be held for us. We were very surprised and pleased to find our that a room was ready for us – in the Rainbow Tower (#1213). We were literally in our room by 9:30 am. It went so smoothly! Our room was very nice and large – with a view to die for!!! A picture post card ocean view with Diamond Head in the background. In fact we were able to buy a picture post card that looked like the shot HAD been taken from our room. Naturally we took several pix of he view.

This brings us to the end of the cruise portion of our “vacation of a lifetime.†As noted above we spent 5 more than glorious days in Honolulu at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. 3W kept a terrific journal of this trip, and much of what you have read here has been “lifted†from that journal, both directly, and with editing. Therefore, I am making it very clear that 3W (wise, wonderful wife) was considerably more than just a contributor—she was in every sense a co-author. And, of course, she is my ever-present sweetheart/companion/mentor. Her planning/research, financial capability, enthusiasm, and positive attitude were what made this whole thing possible. It could not, and would not, have been done without all that she did!

Our heartfelt thanks to all the folks on the Cruise Critic boards that have given us information, tips, news, etc.,. These things, too, made possible our glorious venture. We must mention specifically the mnstars, Susan and Joel. They not only gave support on the message boards, but also proved to be outstanding companions in person!! Our love and a special mahalo to you, Susan and Joel. We hope to see you again soon.





(edited down. Message had been copied 5 times. No information was changed or deleted from the original review)


[This message was edited by Host Cecilia on 05-22-04 at 09:54 PM.]

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Thanks for editing again Cecilia. I didn't realize the review had copied multiple times. As you know, the same thing happened with the first part. Must be something I did in the copying process. Sorry!! Seems we lost the paragraph spacing. Oh, well, I guess we can live with that. Thanks again, Cecilia.



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Hi, sassycassie ~


We have been waiting breathlessly for the conclusion to your review. The wonderful recap that the two of you put together brought back fond memories of our week on The Star with the two of you, and it brought back fond tears to my eyes. We had planned a quiet 25th anniversary cruise, expecting to be all alone, and then were so-o-o-o very lucky to ALSO meet and make lifelong friends with the two of you ~ we hope.


To all the rest of you still plsnning your cruise in Hawaii, we hope you have as good a time as we had, and that you can spend some of the highlights of your trip with folks as wonderful as the sassycassies! We might just have to think about Alaska in '06 too!


More off line, soon, Roy and Ginnie.


Much love,

The Mnstars (Susan & Joel)

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Thank you Mnstar for delivering the pictures to Eby for me. He did receive them from the Maitre D at Ginza. We had a terrific surprise 10 days ago... he called us. Our girls were thrilled. He called again last night and provided his address. We are going to put together a treat package for him, including an international calling card. So, thanks again!

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