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Just back from Navigator 4/16 to 4/23


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Well the long wait is over and so is the cruise. The cruise was great because it was a cruise and we made sure we had fun but unlike past trips, we did have some problems, some by RC some by our TA.


These larger ships take a long time to empty, aspecially with 2 of them side by side, with that said, there were 1500 people standing in line until after 1 to get on, the time is not the problem as the advertised time is 2 PM but they do not handle a crowd that well and no one knows what others are doing. As we sat in line we noticed that they split our family of 5 into 2 different tables for dinner. Because ofd this, we had to waste time once on the ship to have this fixed, after waiting we were told that there was nothing they could do but they would try to fix it at 6:00. The claim was the TA booked a group of 54 and they felt they could seat the 54 anywhere they wanted, our problem is we did not know anyone of the 54 people. Granted sitting with others is a good thing and a chance to meet others but we at least wanted our family together. Never had a problem like this but found it funny that on this large ship most tables were for 6 or 8 instead of 10 or 12 as on other ships.


We got through this and ended up at a table for 6 that was set for 5 so it worked out OK but not great. But we put this behind us as we had a great week ahead of us. Unfortunately for us and RC, we had clouds and rain for the first 3 days of the cruise, we made the best of itbut the cruise staff worked like dogs to be sure everyone was having fun.


My wife and daughter signed up for facials and signed me up for a massage at the same time, I could have stayed they all day, what a great thing, I had never have one before and did that take all the stress away.


The kids program lacked good activities early in the week so the kids got bored and left and did not get to meet other kids early on. They kept going back but for many things, they were the only ones to show up of the numbers were so low the event got cancelled. This seemed strange to us because there were 900 kids on this cruise. The sports deck was full all day everyday and it was hard to participate in some things because of the lines.


Food on the shio as everyone knows is non stop. Johnny Rockets was great and by far the best service on the ship. The main dining room was good although we do not like goose, lamb and some seafood so some nights it was the chicken or steak but that was fine for us. We found the food to be fine and the service to be OK but not great as on past cruises, the reason we were given was that the ship is so big with so many to feed that the waiters spend more time standing in line in the kitchen where as on smaller ships the lines go quicker.


All in all we had a great cruise, we had balconies for the first time which were real nice. We did get a couple sunny days at the end of the cruise so we do have a bit of a tan, the cruise was one of the smoothest rides that I have been on.


Our feeling is that RC is trying to manage these larger ships the same as they do the smaller ships and they cannot, the customer is not pampered on these ships as much as on others. The dining room management needs to be improved as well.


We will look into a smaller ship for our next cruise, will not be looking towards the Freedom for sure. FYI, if you did not know already, Ken Rush will be taken the Freedom out as the first cruise director.

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Thanks for the review. I appreciate the heads up about the children's programs. I'm not going to be happy if they cancell some kids events. My DD's 7 and 5 are really excited to "play" on the ship.


Did you rock climb? How was the que for that?


Do you think it would be worth it for better food to make reservations at Chops or Portofino?

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I am currently on the Navigator and not so impressed with things. THe kids club for my 10 yo is less than impressive. she is already complaining and not wanting to go back. it is boring. looking at the counselors i can see why.


the food is far less than impressive at our table, it seems that nobody liked their first meal.


also, i was unaware that they are charging $3.95/person for Johnny Rockets now. last year on the voyager they did not.


Ben & Jerry's ice cream is served in the promenade but only for a high price

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The kids program for the younger kids my be better, my kids are 9, 13 and 16. One night for the 12-14 years olds the compass listed 7:00 come hang out, 8 hang out, 9 hang out. Lots of fun hear. My oldest son did the rock climbing but they were suppose to have a golf terniment but he and the councilor were the only ones to show up, this happened at another event also. I would think the younger kids would meet regardless.


One thing that I did not mention earlier was the ice show, it was great, there was a guest Russian girl there who was out of this world.


As far as eating other than the dining room, we did not, we knew that we would find something to eat or we could have the steak. For the week, I had prime rib 2 times (one with lobster on the side), turkey, steak, pork chops, veal parm and roast beef to cover the 7 meals. As you can see I like the basics and they were all good. The problem we had and matbe we should have said something was, if I ordered salad and soup, and everyone else ordered no extras or just salad, they would get their main course while I had my salad or soup so everyone was done by the time I got my meal, we were not eating together.


Anyway as stated earlier, we had a great time regardless of the little things.

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my point is that i am comparing to past cruises. what used to be free they are now charging for. however, the bottom line is that whatever one has fun and enjoys the time with family.

I was looking forward to eating Johnny Rockets as i did last year at this time and now find out that i have to pay $8 each time we want to eat there. there is plenty of other food you are right

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SP, I hear you, I knew about the charges for JR but thought that a coupon would cover the group but they wanted a coupon per each person in the family. Luckily we had 6 coupons and one trip the waitress gave us credit for 4 coupons even though we only had 2 left.


Enjoy the cruise, hopefully the weather is nice, we had clouds and rain for the 1st 3 days.

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I have to disagree. We were also on the Navigator for the week of 4/16/05 and thought the food and service were outstanding. Our waiter took care of our table of 12 including children ages 3,6,7,and 11 and even had time to show us a magic trick each night. The only problem we encountered in the dining room was that our assistant waiter was on his first cruise and had not been trained but the dining room staff including the head waiter and other assistants made up for the problem.


As for the kids program, the group of kids we were with enjoyed their time in Adventure Ocean. The 11 year old even mentioned that he was disappointed in the fact that he wasn't in the next age group. I think it depends on the child and what his/her interests are.


Yes, the weather could have been better but as Ken Rush said better that the rain was at the beginning of the week than at the end.


As for JRs, we also had coupons and used one for take out one night and the waiter gave us 3 burgers, 2 orders of fries and 1 order of onion rings. Not a bad deal for us. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about the charge at JRs either but with the number of teens that were on the ship during the week, I can understand wanting to reduce the amount time they might spend there.


I thought it was the best service overall that I had in the last 3 cruises we have taken. JMO. Jodie

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Hi Jodie, glad you had a great cruise, we did have a great time, we made sure of that. The waiter at the table next to ours seemed great, ours was just OK. Sounds like you had a waiter like we have had in the past. The food was fine, we all enjoyed it and did not have a problem there. My 13 year old and 16 year old went to scheduled events a number of times only to find no one else showed up which is weird for 900 kids on board bu as I said, still a great time. As for the weather, although not the best, it did not slow us down at all.



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I am going on the Mariner at the end of May. I was wondering how you get coupons? This will be the first cruise that we have had to pay to eat at Johnny Rockets other than for milk shakes.


Does the $3.95 include a milk shake or is there an extra charge if you order a milk shake? My 16 yr old son eats there instead of the dining room. I am disappointed there is a charge since I am sure it costs the cruise line as much to eat in the dining room as it does at JR.

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Hi Jodie, glad you had a great cruise, we did have a great time, we made sure of that. The waiter at the table next to ours seemed great, ours was just OK. Sounds like you had a waiter like we have had in the past. The food was fine, we all enjoyed it and did not have a problem there. My 13 year old and 16 year old went to scheduled events a number of times only to find no one else showed up which is weird for 900 kids on board bu as I said, still a great time. As for the weather, although not the best, it did not slow us down at all.




Hi Gary,


I have to agree with you, we were on the 4/16 NOS (I think we were the only family NOT from Massachusetts!) and our teens (17 and 15) were also very disappointed in the activities.


They said that no one showed for many things and, as for the ones they wound up staying at, it seemed everyone who was there already knew each other and were in little cliques.


Our waiter and assistant waiter also were not the best. Service was very slow in our section (we could keep track by checking other sections around us). Also, our waiter didn't get the idea that we like to eat healthy..on the first two nights we told him that and we always ordered the lighter selections, yet he kept recommending entrees every night that may as well have been "chicken-fried steak in cream sauce."


Having said that, we did enjoy ourselves as well, but I can't help feeling a little let down. It was our first time on RC and we had heard so many great things about it. I guess we'll have to try it again!!




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The coupons we are talking about were in the coupon book for return cruisers. Various coupons were included such as buy 1 get 1 free drinks, casino credit, match play, JRs, free wine tasting, discounts on bottles and glasses of wine, etc. If you are a past cruiser with RCCL, then you will receive the booklet. Enjoy your trip. Jodie:D

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I assume the reason the older kids don't find many oganized activities is because most older kids do their own thing. Why be on a schedule to play putt putt at 2 pm when you can go and play it whenever you want? What I mean by that is that the younger kids are brought to Adventure Ocean most likely by their parents and in many instances it gives the parents a break to relax and do things they can enjoy knowing their young ones are being looked after and entertained. I've seen the younger kids with their faces painted or with little crafts they have done in AO. 15 and 17 years ( IMO ) are pretty self sufficient and with all the activities there are to do on board should be able to find things to do without the aid of a "camp coodinator."


My youngest was 9 on our first cruise, and while we went to check what AO was all about, it was not something he choose to do. With ice skating, basketball, swimming, putt putt, movie theaters, arcades, pool tables, ping pong tables, golf simulators, ect there has never been a "bored" moment with any of my 3 kids.


I just think that the reason there isn't as many "organized" activities for the older ( 15-17 ) kids as their are for the young kids is because most older kids would prefer to do their own thing, and that AO is a geared more towards younger kids who should be under adult supervision at all times.


For the older kids, I would suggest reading the compass and highlighting the activities that look like they would like to join in on. The activity list is located on the page where you can tear it out and have the days list of activities in your pocket.

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15 and 17 years ( IMO ) are pretty self sufficient and with all the activities there are to do on board should be able to find things to do without the aid of a "camp coodinator."



Hi Lisa,


Our kids were (as you said) self-sufficient and they did have a good time. But they were disappointed by the organized activities because they both wanted to meet new people and make friends. They did do everything on their own or with us, but I guess they were expecting more social opportunities.



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I agree with Bob, the kids were not bored but if they had a meet and mingle type of thing the first night like they do on other ships, the kids would have had a chance to meet at the beginning. I also agree that the older kids can do things on there own but when a miniture golf tournement is scheduled and no one shows up to it, it is strange. Anyway, we are already talking about what to do next.

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I agree with Bob, the kids were not bored but if they had a meet and mingle type of thing the first night like they do on other ships, the kids would have had a chance to meet at the beginning. I also agree that the older kids can do things on there own but when a miniture golf tournement is scheduled and no one shows up to it, it is strange. Anyway, we are already talking about what to do next.


I understand now. Are you saying normally there is some sort of meet and mingle event for upper age teens, and this time it didn't happen? I did not realize they did that......but it is a great idea. It seems my older girls went to the "teen disco" the first evening. I never thought that maybe that could have been a 'teen meet and mingle.' If they don't have them, they should.

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The week of 4/16 is pretty much a standard school vacation week for grades K-12 in most New England schools thus the reason for so many families from Massachusetts. It's the same in Maine. It's a week we would never cruise as well as Presidents' Day week in February - same thing - airfare is nearly the highest of all year but know many families choose to sail during this time.

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  • 1 month later...

hi i was also on Navigator of the seas on 4-16-05 and i have to disagree with you i am 15 and i loved the activites they had (especially the dances) andif any of you went to Johnny rockets at all you probly most defintly saw me and my friend and our brothers we were in johny rockets all the time and we were always dancing with them they were by far the coolest crew members on the ship they even gave us johnny rockets plates and signed them for us as memories. and if you are nice to them like we were they did not charge us for anything at all. and if any of you saw the two kids walking around with sunglasses on the whole cruise even during night that would be us. bye

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