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TA wants your thoughts


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There is only one reason we book with our TA and it is her wonderful caring customer service :) Anything else is just icing on the cake.:)


And this, IMHO, is what good TAs are all about. My clients come to me year and after year and refer their friends. I always go the extra mile for them and they know it.


I have never used discounts to get business. There are some folks that book solely on price and these are not my customer base.

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Honestly what I look for in a TA is contact. Are phone calls returned in a timely manner? If the price drops do they catch it? What about airfare and making sure I get a good deal? I am not as interested in "goodies" I would rather the TA keep the commission (former TA) but if you fail to follow through on promises then I am shopping.


You can charge me a service charge if my ticiket is not expensive but if I am going on a $5000.00 cruise and getting a hotel prior and booking a grand in airfare then I should be able to get E-tickets without service charges. Just make the customer service worth my while over doing it myself. Do it with a smile and follow-up.

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We have a great PVP who returns phone calls, checks on deals for us when we call and even called us with an idea for a cruise (Destiny) which she knew we wanted to do and she had a great rate on. In other words we already get GREAT customer service soooo . . . a TA would have to offer us something we can not get from her which usually leads to the perks already mentioned. For us, the best thing that could be offered is on-board credits so that DW and I can decide how to use them. :D

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Wow, you must think we make a whole lot more in commission than what is reality!


And this, IMHO, is what good TAs are all about. My clients come to me year and after year and refer their friends. I always go the extra mile for them and they know it.


I have never used discounts to get business. There are some folks that book solely on price and these are not my customer base.


My sentiment exactly! People don't seem to realize that a TA's commission is on the base cruise rate only. Just because you pay $1000 per person for a cruise does not mean we are earning a commission on the whole amount. I can just imagine a TA giving away i-pod mini's to everyone as someone suggested. That TA would be out of business in less than a year.


Count me in as one of the TA's who does not need to discount to have business grow. If someone calls me up out of the blue and says that they want a price on a cruise and are checking around calling other agencies, I point blank tell them to call the others back. That is not the type of client that any good TA should want. Why should I put in the effort for a "shopper" who will book with the TA that offers a price $5.00 less than anyone else.


My clients know that I work to find them the best possible price available and I am there with them and for them every step of the way. They know that I will use any possible coupon for the FULL AMOUNT even if it means $5.00 less in commission. We must be doing something right as we receive so many referrals and our business gets stronger and stronger every year.

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My sentiment exactly! People don't seem to realize that a TA's commission is on the base cruise rate only. Just because you pay $1000 per person for a cruise does not mean we are earning a commission on the whole amount. I can just imagine a TA giving away i-pod mini's to everyone as someone suggested. That TA would be out of business in less than a year.


Count me in as one of the TA's who does not need to discount to have business grow. If someone calls me up out of the blue and says that they want a price on a cruise and are checking around calling other agencies, I point blank tell them to call the others back. That is not the type of client that any good TA should want. Why should I put in the effort for a "shopper" who will book with the TA that offers a price $5.00 less than anyone else.


My clients know that I work to find them the best possible price available and I am there with them and for them every step of the way. They know that I will use any possible coupon for the FULL AMOUNT even if it means $5.00 less in commission. We must be doing something right as we receive so many referrals and our business gets stronger and stronger every year.



ALthough I gave my opinions/suggestions earlier as I thought the OP was looking for ideas and I realize that people book with a particular TA for many different reasons.....count me in as really believing in the above. I have a new TA who is wonderful. I used her for my last 2 cruises and did not even care that I might have been able to a get a slightly better "deal" anywhere else. I did see the offers on some websites for travel ins or shore excursions. I never even bothered to check on the last one because she was great with service. She listened and I felt really made contributions that were relevent to me while I was deciding which ship etc. She also had a wonderful package that she emailed me with a lot of info about the ports of call including shore excursions (several companies, some that she got a comm if I booked and some that she did not).


For these reasons I will use her for all my future cruises. She was wonderful!

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Our TA always does something for us, On-board credit, free photo coupon, some type of gift in the cabin when we arrive there, etc. But, we also remember her, postcard(s) from the ship, from Ports-of-Call, Christmas, or just stop by her office for a chat and some coffee. She and her family planning a cruise in December, will find out from her co-workers the ship and date, and will do something for her. Yes, it's her job to make/keep us happy, but who would you go the extra step for? someone that only talks with you when planning a vacation, or someone who drops a postcard saying "Thank You", or remembers her birthday/anniversary. Just my thoughts.



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I'm not big into the gimmicks... treat me right, answer my calls in a timely manner, give me a fair price, don't forget about me after you have my money, follow up with me every so often... The biggest "perk" you could ever give me would be a Thank You card. You can discount and give free things away all you want, but unless I KNOW you value me as a customer and appreciate my business, you won't be any different than anyone else. Some of the things you mentioned might be good for getting people in the door, but that isn't going to keep you in business. And do you really want a bunch of customers that are only concerned about price and what you are going to "give" them? Sorry, I know in my business those customers can keep on walking... they are the ones that generally cause the most problems. I would rather have a customer that is looking for a long term business relationship with a company that is going to provide exceptional customer service and fair pricing... they are the ones that keep your business going. Just my .02

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I'd want on-board credit...or a NICE percentage off the next booked cruise (which would force me to book another one :D )...with a decent amount of time allowed before that offer expires.

Wine in my stateroom doesn't thrill me and free insurance is nice, but I'd rather book that on my own as I see that some of the TA's that offer free insurance, are giving shabby policies.

Free airfare for longer (more than 10 day) cruises from the airport closest to your home....that would be VERY nice.

ALSO..a TA that will work with me when there is a price drop always gets my business. :D :D

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Hi all! As you are probably all aware the cruiselines are making some new policies regarding rate discounting. My question is OTHER THAN discounts, what item(s) could an agent offer that would entice you to book with them? Here are a few I thought of, please add your thoughts.

$100+ Per Person (not cabin) onboard credit.

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There goes every bit of commission, and then some.


I think the general populace does not understand how TA's are paid!


I think you are right!! FTLOG! Be realistic! These people have a living to make too... so I guess everyone would be happy just to strip away all commission, then we all can just book direct and put the TA's out of business? :rolleyes: How about just saying that you will book with a TA if they buy you a new car since we all seem to be living in la-la land... If your TA gives away all their commission, do you honestly think they are going to be a great TA? Let's see, I just lost all my money on you, and you have a problem... how quick am I going to be to return your calls? I for one would like the people I work with to make a commission, not strip it all away... all that does is result in crappy customer service and eventually the downfall of the TA's... This society is way too wrapped up in money, and give me the cheapest, and gimme gimme gimme... and then everyone wonders why customer service SUCKS these days :rolleyes:

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For our cruise in September, my travel agent is giving us:


A dinner credit for 2 at the Extra Fee Restaurant (Pinnacle Grill)

A Photo Voucher

A DVD of the cruise

A bottle of wine (which we’ll probably trade for something else since we don’t drink)


I don't know what else they could give us beside additional ship credit. Perhaps a generous spa credit? :D

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[quote name='midgetpdp']Just don't FTLOG send a fruit basket!! If that's not an "empty" gift, I don't know what is! We can get fruit free on the ship any time we want! :)[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with you there! It always boggled my mind to hear of people getting a fruit basket on a cruise ship... that would be like sending them a pizza :D
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']I think you are right!! FTLOG! Be realistic! :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

I know it sounds unrealistic, and it may be for some TA's but I've seen one of the larger on line TA's offer just that....For shorter cruises it was $100 ship credit and up to $200 ship credit for longer cruises...although this was per cabin, not per passenger.
I've also seen free insurance/free air/free hotel stays post or prior, advertised by an online TA (one that I used that was very, very good and I would used again.)
It may not be common...but it's not unrealistic.
Deals can be found.
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[quote name='halos']I know it sounds unrealistic, and it may be for some TA's but I've seen one of the larger on line TA's offer just that....For shorter cruises it was $100 ship credit and up to $200 ship credit for longer cruises...although this was per cabin, not per passenger.
I've also seen free insurance/free air/free hotel stays post or prior, advertised by an online TA (one that I used that was very, very good and I would used again.)
It may not be common...but it's not unrealistic.
Deals can be found.[/QUOTE]

I have seen, and had, $100 shipboard credit per cabin... but per person seems a bit unrealistic to me... sorry. Also, I am SOOOOO freaking tired of people going out and finding the cheapest deal they can, and seeing how many perks they can run up and then jumping on these boards and whining about nobody calling them back, or their TA lied to them, or their TA did yadda yadda... but then it's all Carnival's fault somehow :rolleyes: You get what you pay for!!!!!!! If people choose to cheap their way through lives and not care about ANYTHING else but the bottom line, they aren't going to be very happy people... Sorry to say but great service sometimes comes at a slightly higher price, which I am willing to pay.
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[quote name='carrieberry']Teri-
Another way to go instead of onboard credits, drink coupons and so on, is to give your clients something fun to take with on their cruise (like an [COLOR=DarkRed]iPod mini[/COLOR] or a camera, etc) or, something they could use in preparation before their trip (gift certificate for a mani/pedi, a few tanning sessions, etc) (of course, only after they're all paid up!) Just an idea :)[/QUOTE]

And today I got an email from a TA that promised that for booking the Mexican Riviera!

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[quote name='GoinCruisin']I have seen, and had, $100 shipboard credit per cabin... but per person seems a bit unrealistic to me... sorry. Also, I am SOOOOO freaking tired of people going out and finding the cheapest deal they can, and seeing how many perks they can run up and then jumping on these boards and whining about nobody calling them back, or their TA lied to them, or their TA did yadda yadda... but then it's all Carnival's fault somehow :rolleyes: You get what you pay for!!!!!!! If people choose to cheap their way through lives and not care about ANYTHING else but the bottom line, they aren't going to be very happy people... Sorry to say but great service sometimes comes at a slightly higher price, which I am willing to pay.[/QUOTE]

I will agree with that because it is so true...but I did manage to get a good deal (altough this was prior to the new pricing) with an on line TA...did a lot of the work myself and had her as back up/support. I have the time to do a lot of my vacation planning myself which is good because I don't trust my planning to anyone but me...so I DO expect a good price and I usually have nothing to complain about...besides....I'd have to complain to myself if there was an issue :D Since I [B]despise[/B] whiners, I wouldn't subject myself to me whining!! ;)
In cases where I can't do my own legwork, I am willing to pay for good service...but I'd rather do my own and I expect to pay less because I am doing my own work and doing it well enough to find the deals.
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Halos, I know you would never whine! LOL!!! But how many times have you seen it... people come on here and their TA told them one thing but they got something else, or TA didn't make the booking in time, or TA didn't tell them they were booking a quad, or a handicapped room, yadda yadda yadda...There are many things you can research to death, but without a good and trustworthy TA, you could be poop out of luck :D I know there are great deals out there... my concern is with the people that will book with whoever gives them the most... I personally like to find a good TA and stick with them... sometimes they are able to offer extra, sometimes not... but they know me, they consistently give me good service and I trust them. My business would suffer if I had to constantly research a new TA everytime we had a trip... but again, this is just my opinion... I'm just tired of the people that cheap their way through life and then expect everyone else to listen to them whine when things don't go their way...
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I am not sure what people think a TA makes but some of these requests are over the top! This was a few years ago but I can break it down.

Let's say your 7 day cruiseis 700.00 pp. After port charges and tax that is closer to 620 per person. So the TA, *if* they make 10%, gets 62.00 per person. That's 124.00 per cabin. *IF* the TA gave a 100.00 per person credit that is more than they are making! Airfare? Well those comissions are capped at $25.00 and it costs just about 25 bucks to generate a ticket. With that 124 bucks the TA has to get training, keep the lights on etc. I think it is ridiculous to expect someone not to get paid so you can get bucks off. Sorry that is rather harsh but that kind of thinking is what is responsible for the Airlines shabby treatment of TA's and an overal feeling that it is some sort of dream job filled with free travel.

I never made more than 12 bucks an hour and did less traveling as a TA then I do now.
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']Halos, I know you would never whine! LOL!!! But how many times have you seen it... people come on here and their TA told them one thing but they got something else, or TA didn't make the booking in time, or TA didn't tell them they were booking a quad, or a handicapped room, yadda yadda yadda...There are many things you can research to death, but without a good and trustworthy TA, you could be poop out of luck :D I know there are great deals out there... my concern is with the people that will book with whoever gives them the most... I personally like to find a good TA and stick with them... sometimes they are able to offer extra, sometimes not... but they know me, they consistently give me good service and I trust them. My business would suffer if I had to constantly research a new TA everytime we had a trip... but again, this is just my opinion... I'm just tired of the people that cheap their way through life and then expect everyone else to listen to them whine when things don't go their way...[/QUOTE]

I, sadly have no loyalty in me.
I am loyal to the person who gives me the best for my money.
I do this when shopping for anything...cars/groceries/clothing....you name it.
If you give me a great price one time and then someone else beats it the next...see ya.
I haven't had any issues with customer service as yet. If it became an issue, I might have to rethink my way of doing things, but until then I will keep doing what I do.
No one I have ever dealt with as a TA yet, stood out as [I]exceptional[/I] enough to stick with through thick and thin. They have all been good...but that's about it.
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[font=Comic Sans MS][color=green]In the Internet age, a customer can book airfare, hotel reservations and cruises online. A travel agent must offer something to a client over and above what that client could do for themselves. That something has to be customer service. Booking travel with a TA has to be more convenient than booking online otherwise why bother with the TA. Friendly service, quick responses, reasonable prices (no add-on agency fees) would entice many to continue to use TA's. However, many people (myself included) have soured on TA's due to the lack of customer service. If a TA won't return a phone call promptly (within a day) or match a cruiseline's price drop (before final payment) for example, why give them your business? If I have to monitor prices myself and then watch a price drop expire before the TA responds to my call, what service have I received? Don't offer me gifts or gimmicks. Offer me quick, courteous service and watch out for my interests and you will have a grateful, repeat customer.[/color][/font]
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