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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Howdy folks...long time no talk Rick here. Heidi I am praying for a "January thaw" since Kay and I have to fly to Rockford on Jan. 23 for a week. Unfortunately, my Father has cancer and as an only child it is necessary for me to go up there and help him "get his affairs in order". I have not been up Norh during the winter in 17 years so to say I am terrified of driving in snow and ice is a vast understatement. He is now incapcitated so guess who will be all the driving while there on various and asundry errands!

On to happier news.....hope all of you have a wonderful and refreshing cruise in February!!!

It turns out that with several mandatory meetings and other events that month that it would have been almost impossible for us to go on this cruise with you. Ya just never know, do ya?

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Good Morning!


It's -16 degrees here right now and the wind chill is -44. :eek::eek: At least it isn't snowing anymore. We probably have a bout a foot and a half on the ground. The good news is, the cold isn't supposed to last long. It will be a little warmer tomorrow (but still around zero) but then it really starts to warm up and we should be around 30 later in the week. Eric was supposed to start school today for a certification course he is taking and that was cancelled. Staci works a crazy schedule and never knows until a day or so before where she is going to work or what will be her day off. She found out yesterday that due to the cold, they would make today her day off. I'm sure the Olive Garden will be open today and I work tonight but I would bet that they will be calling at least some people to tell them not to come because it won't be busy. As much as I would like another day off, I really hope they don't call me because they have called me off for my last 2 shifts and I need the money now. I haven't worked since New Years Eve.


And then, to make matters worse, my computer still isn't working but Dave has had to spend so much time doing snow removal that he really hasn't had time to work on it and now Eric is having car trouble. Dave doesn't think he should be driving it but they can't take it at the dealership for repairs until Thursday. We might have to rent a car. Eric can't miss this class he's starting and the rest of us have to work. His class is in the city too so it's not like someone could drive him and pick him up. He could probably take public transportation, but that would be tricky because he doesn't know exactly which buses, trains he would need to take plus he'd still need a car to get to the train station. It's all just one big headache.




Maybe someone can give me an estimated number of magnets to print out?


Any confirmation of doing a white elephant or small gift exchange?


It's hard to estimate the number of cabins. All I can tell you is there are 8 cabins booked in the "Official" Cruise Critic group but then we have several who post here but aren't booked with the group but we still consider them part of our group and then there is Ryan's group (Cusp79). Many in his group will be joining us for our activities.


There has been some discussion about a White Elephant exchange but that was awhile back. Guess there is still time to plan one. We are in cabin 7350.




I mentioned the White Elephant Exchange a week or 2 ago but no one said anything back. That was a lot of fun when we did it on Cupid's II. I'd really like to do it again. Just bring a small, inexpensive gift to exchange. Most people brought something that represented the area that they were from. I brought a Chicago Christmas ornament. We can do the exchange at the meet and greet on the firs sea day. Only those who want to participate need to bring something. If you prefer not to participate that is fine. Does anyone who participated in it the last time remember exactly how we did it? I think most, if not all items were wrapped or in gift bags so you couldn't see what was in them. We put all the gifts together and then I think we drew names to see who would pick first. Then after that, the next people could either choose to take a gift from the pile, or they could choose to steal a gift from someone who had already picked a gift. I'm not sure I am remembering correctly though.


We've also talked about a cabin crawl and we can do that at our meet and greet on the last sea day. Anyone have any ideas on how we should run that. The last time, the couple that planned it had a few decks of cards and at every cabin they gave each person a card. At the end of the crawl, whoever had the best hand was the winner and received gift. Everyone who want to participate could bring a deck of cards. Does anyone know if Carnival still gives a free deck of cards away at customer service? If they do then everyone who plans on participating could just pick up a deck from there before the crawl. I am open to other suggestions or if anyone else wants to take over the planning of it, be my guest. Also, as long as we have several people willing to open up their cabin for the crawl, you don't absolutely have to open your cabin in order to participate. We just need to make sure we have several cabins. It wouldn't be much fun if there were only 1 or 2 cabins. It's best if we have several types of cabins so that people can see different ones. It would also be pretty boring if all we had were 5 or 6 identical balcony cabins. The whole point of it is to get to see the different types of cabins.


I guess that's it for now. This is a long post. LOL. Stay warm everyone and have a great day. :)

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Howdy folks...long time no talk Rick here. Heidi I am praying for a "January thaw" since Kay and I have to fly to Rockford on Jan. 23 for a week. Unfortunately, my Father has cancer and as an only child it is necessary for me to go up there and help him "get his affairs in order". I have not been up Norh during the winter in 17 years so to say I am terrified of driving in snow and ice is a vast understatement. He is now incapcitated so guess who will be all the driving while there on various and asundry errands!

On to happier news.....hope all of you have a wonderful and refreshing cruise in February!!!

It turns out that with several mandatory meetings and other events that month that it would have been almost impossible for us to go on this cruise with you. Ya just never know, do ya?


Rick, so sorry about your dad. I sure hope for your sake that the weather is better when you are up here.

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Not to be a party pooper but I doubt Greg & I will partake in the white elephant exchange ... but I'll ask him. as far as the magnets on the door (Gojirart) I don't remember people putting magnets on the door so I can't really help on that end.

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Good morning Cupids,


Heidi, we will be happy to open our room up for a cabin crawl.


As far as an White Elephant exchange, The basis rules are simple.

1. Set a price, usually about $10

2. Pick a subject, cruising, your locale, hobby, gag gift

3. Decide if it is per room or person.

4. Draw numbers to determine order

5. determine how many steals before a gift is dead. Too many will make the game go on and on.

6. have fun.


We will do what the majority of the group decides.


Rick, sorry to hear about your Father. Bettie wasn't an only child but is now since her sister passed away last year. We have gone through some of what you are doing.


Magnets, they work on the walls and door.



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I know that many people have posted in the past whether or not they would open up their cabin for a cabin crawl but I didn't keep track so now I am starting a list. Please let me know if you plan to open up your cabin. You can post your cabin number if you want but what I'd really like to know is what type of cabin you have so I can see if we have enough of a variety of cabins. Like I said before, it would be much fun if all we had were a bunch of identical balcony cabins. I know some people do not want to post their cabin numbers on a public forum so I really don't need that. We can make a list of the cabin numbers when we meet before taking off on the crawl.


Please also let me know if you plan to participate in the White Elephant exchange. That isn't a big deal but I will call it off if not enough people want to do it. We'll just have a meet and greet without the gift exchange.

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I know that many people have posted in the past whether or not they would open up their cabin for a cabin crawl but I didn't keep track so now I am starting a list. Please let me know if you plan to open up your cabin. You can post your cabin number if you want but what I'd really like to know is what type of cabin you have so I can see if we have enough of a variety of cabins. Like I said before, it would be much fun if all we had were a bunch of identical balcony cabins. I know some people do not want to post their cabin numbers on a public forum so I really don't need that. We can make a list of the cabin numbers when we meet before taking off on the crawl.


Please also let me know if you plan to participate in the White Elephant exchange. That isn't a big deal but I will call it off if not enough people want to do it. We'll just have a meet and greet without the gift exchange.

Hi Heiidi,

Bettie and I would like to participate in the Cabin Crawl and to open up our cabin for people to see. You can find the room number on Ryans list. Also, we will like to participate in the White Elephant Gift Exchange if it takes place. It can be fun especially if someone tries to smuggle handcuffs like they did on the Spirit Cruise, then they had to go to the naughty room. Names withheld to protect the innocent. LOL

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I decided to prepay gratuities last week. One less detail to show on sign and sail.

When I did our check in a few minutes ago, it does not show anywhere that I saw.

We believe in tipping extra for service and would rather do extra cash for that.

I did the FTTF in the spring it shows.

I also ordered bud light(hubby) and water for our cabin.

This does not appear on statement either.

Both amounts of money show that it has been taken out of our accounts at the bank

No conformation of any kind either

Anything that has to do with cruise, airline or hotels, I always print out copies to bring with us.

Is this the norm?

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Heidi, you can put us down for the cabin crawl; I'm happy to open our cabin to the group, and I think you will too so people can see our larger balcony with the divide open between our two cabins.


I'm voting for the white elephant gift exchange, it was fun when we did it on the Spirit.


All of you having weather issues, stay safe!


ktravel, you may need to call your travel agent, or if you booked directly with Carnival you would call them directly, to ask about the things that aren't showing up on your cruise docs. I have ordered FTTF plus a shore excursion and they both show up on my docs.


I tried on clothes yesterday, and I think I have what I'm taking pretty well figured out. I hung them together in the closet, so I'm one step closer to being ready!

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Good Afternoon1


We are out of the negative temps! :D It's a whole 5 degrees here! :rolleyes: One thing is for sure, later in the week when it gets up into the 30's, it's going to feel like spring. LOL


I'm still using Staci's computer and I don't have a car today either. I was going to take a cab to work tonight but I called my neighbor and he is going to drive me. Dave has been snow blowing their driveway a lot this winter so I don't feel bad asking them. Even if I had to take a cab it wouldn't cost much. I only live 3 miles from the OG. We were going to rent a car but that was going to cost a couple of hundred dollars. cabbing it would be cheaper.


Have a good evening

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We're having a Heat Wave in Texas. all the way up to 46. Get out the shorts and tanning lotion. LOL


Heidi, sorry to hear about your car dilemmas. Hope Dave can get Eric's car in the shop soon.


My son in law lost his job a week before Christmas. The company he worked for just closed their doors. It was an IT company and their biggest client dropped them. He has had a couple nibbles and may have had an interview today. I'll find out more tomorrow.


Ktravel, we also print out all the documents. I print extra one set for our carryons and one set in each suitcase. The only thing that has shown up on the docs are the excursions and FTTF. My extra do show. I may order a box of the St Jude cookies.


Hope everyone stays warm.



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Heidi - please put us down for the cabin crawl, we will open our cabin, its a cove balcony.


Please also put us down for the gift exchange, I think last time we limited it to 3 steals.


Does anybody else have early dining? I know many of the Cupids go with late dining instead. I assume whoever at CruCon is handling our bookings will try to keep us together again? I hope we end up at a big table, Chris likes talking to people. We ended up at a two-top for our Alaska cruise and he didn't like that at all. It was hard to make conversation about how your excursion went or what you did that day when you already spent the entire day with that person. :p

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Okay, so if you had 5 days for an anniversary vacation and wanted to go somewhere warm, at the end of January, where would you go? Specific suggestions are appreciated, I have a friend who wants to surprise his wife with a tropical vacation.



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Hello Cupids!!

For those of you that live in the south and the midwest..please keep your freezing cold weather away from us in the northeast!! Today we were hit with a deep freeze where we hit record numbers right here in New York City!!

For those of us who know Sue and Rich..I heard from them tonight and Sue told me that she was really busy and has not booked this cruise yet but has not ruled it out. She said that they will make a decision in a couple of weeks. We will keep our fingers crossed!!:D I let her know that we have all five Daves accounted for...

I will say I cannot stop watching cruise commercials just to try to keep warm and think about this cruise!! I guess we will soon be there!!


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Okay, so if you had 5 days for an anniversary vacation and wanted to go somewhere warm, at the end of January, where would you go? Specific suggestions are appreciated, I have a friend who wants to surprise his wife with a tropical vacation.




We went to Couples Negril in Jamaica for our 30th anniversary a few years ago. It was really nice. All activities are included, so we did a snorkeling trip and a sunset cruise. The food was delicious, and it's an all inclusive, good drinks delivered to us on the beach or the pool. We spent 5 days there, which was enough for us. There are other Couples resorts in Jamaica and other locations. Very fun!


We also really loved Hawaii. We spent 5 days on Oahu, stayed on Waikiki beach at the Hilton Hawaiian. Loved Pearl Harbor, the Polynesian Cultural Center, the Dole pineapple plantation, North Shore, snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. Lots to see and do. We haven't been to Maui yet, but hear very good things about it if you want less tourism and more relaxation.


David, I'm glad to hear Sue & Rich may still book the cruise. I know they always book very last minute. Thanks for that info!


Michelle, we have late dining, otherwise we'd love to have you & Chris at our table!

Edited by momofzeke
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We sailed on a Carnival cruise in 2011 with a couple who said they were part of a "Cupid" group on a previous cruise. He was a really nice guy who was a retired firefighter from Nebraska, Dave, I think was his name. He said there were a whole bunch of Daves in the Cupid group, but he said he was by far the best looking one of the bunch. :) Wife was Alise or maybe Alice or Alex(?). Is this the same Cupid group? Is Dave booked on this cruise? They were a lot of fun and we had a gay old time last time we cruised with them.


We're thinking of booking, but want to be sure "fun Dave" is going to be sailing on this cruise. Anybody know? Dave, are you out there lurking?

Inquiring minds want to know.......we're itching to book!


Just to let you guys know, I am married to one of the "5 Daves". My hubby is rancher Dave, and although "Just Another Dave" (Das Boat, married to Alise" is a Cool Cat and all, MY Dave is actually the "fun Dave"!! :p Well, that is, unless you are working cows with him and he makes you go in with a mean cow who chases you and tries to kill you, causing you to slam your shoulder into a gate while desperately trying to escape certain death. Other than that, he's really FUN! :rolleyes:

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Good afternoon Cupids,


The deep freeze is finally gone. It's a little warmer here and we are getting some rain. By the weekend we will be in the 60s. Can't wait.


Michelle, Bettie and I also have late seating. You are more than welcome at our table.


Hope everyone has a great "Hump Day".



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Just to let you guys know, I am married to one of the "5 Daves". My hubby is rancher Dave, and although "Just Another Dave" (Das Boat, married to Alise" is a Cool Cat and all, MY Dave is actually the "fun Dave"!! :p Well, that is, unless you are working cows with him and he makes you go in with a mean cow who chases you and tries to kill you, causing you to slam your shoulder into a gate while desperately trying to escape certain death. Other than that, he's really FUN! :rolleyes:


As far as a "Fun Dave"...we are all fun in one way or another...except I am marathon Dave because I have been doing marathons almost every year!! Plus my wife Adrianne says I am alot of fun to be with!!:)


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If any of you have a late flight out of FLL after the cruise, Sue and I have booked the Hop On / Hop Off Miami City Tour with FLL airport drop off. We both have mid or late afternoon flights and didn't want to sit around at the airport all day. It's a Carnival excursion so you can book it on their site. The reviews are so so. Some people said there was a lot of waiting around but Sue and I both agreed that either way we'd be waiting around and we'd rather be waiting around but actually get to see something than waiting around at the airport. We were going to have to get transportation from the port to the airport anyway and this way our luggage is taken care of and everything. I would have liked to book the Everglades tour but we can't because it's only for people with flights after 4:00 and our flight is at 3:15. We were going to do the Everglades one last time but on the last day of the cruise I hurt my back and Dave thought that the air boat ride would have been difficult for me.

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Bettie and I took the South Beach tour in 2005 and had a good time. We may do it again. We have a 3:30 flight from MIA. I've thought about getting a one day pass to the Admirals Club, too. It would cost about the same. There is still plenty of time to decide.

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Bettie and I took the South Beach tour in 2005 and had a good time. We may do it again. We have a 3:30 flight from MIA. I've thought about getting a one day pass to the Admirals Club, too. It would cost about the same. There is still plenty of time to decide.


I looked at that one too but we are flying out of FLL and it is only for people who's flights are 4:00 or later. I know we would most likely still get there on time but I don't want to chance it. The hop on hop off bus is the only one we can do with a 3:15 flight.

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Another question, sorry!


Are we doing our regular get together dinner the night before the cruise? And, if so, where?


We're trying to decide between renting a car or just using taxis, so we're trying to figure out where all we're going to go. Including what on earth to do with our Friday in Miami. We're finding that if you don't like shopping, Miami's not a place to hang out! :D


Michelle, Where are you and Chris staying before the cruise? I thought I had read you booked the SpringHill Suites - Which one? The SpringHill Suites Miami Airport East/Medical Center or Spring Hill Suites Miami Airport South? Frank and I have the Airport South one booked.

We will be arriving Thursday evening and will probably take a shuttle to the hotel from FLL. And just use taxi's while in Miami. On Friday we are looking at taking one of these tours -



I like the The Original Miami Tour + Everglades Adventure -


But haven't made any reservations yet.

This tour arrives back to Bayside at 5:45PM.


Some of the group will be meeting at


Friday evening for dinner and/or drinks. This restaurant is also in Bayside. Ryan will need a count of who is interested soon.


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If any of you have a late flight out of FLL after the cruise, Sue and I have booked the Hop On / Hop Off Miami City Tour with FLL airport drop off. We both have mid or late afternoon flights and didn't want to sit around at the airport all day. It's a Carnival excursion so you can book it on their site. The reviews are so so. Some people said there was a lot of waiting around but Sue and I both agreed that either way we'd be waiting around and we'd rather be waiting around but actually get to see something than waiting around at the airport. We were going to have to get transportation from the port to the airport anyway and this way our luggage is taken care of and everything. I would have liked to book the Everglades tour but we can't because it's only for people with flights after 4:00 and our flight is at 3:15. We were going to do the Everglades one last time but on the last day of the cruise I hurt my back and Dave thought that the air boat ride would have been difficult for me.


Frank and I will be flying out of FLL too. I think our flight is at 4 PM. I was looking at the excursions that included transportation to the airport. We might just book this one too.

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Frank and I will be flying out of FLL too. I think our flight is at 4 PM. I was looking at the excursions that included transportation to the airport. We might just book this one too.


That would be fun.


There's a disturbing story in our newspaper this morning. An elderly man from a nearby town has been missing since Wednesday morning. He was a neighbor of ours when I was growing up. I hadn't seen them since I was a teenager but about a year ago they came in to the Olive Garden when I was working. I knew when they came in that the woman looked familiar but I couldn't place her. Luckily we were on a wait so she had o give their name and they have an unusual last name so as soon as she said it I knew who she was. I sure hope they find him.


Have a great day.

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