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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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It's 68 at 12:10. That's just not right.


Sounds about right to me here on the Gulf Coast........We're still in the low 80s during the day and they are now saying we will be thru the 15th. of the month. Bright sun, gentle sea breezes, swaying palms, low surf....must be Paradise! We will definitely have a white Christmas this year....of course it's sand but, hey......

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Hi everyone!


I'm about 50 pages, and 6 months, behind on my reading, but wanted to say "hello".


Its been kind of a crazy year. My parents ended up moving back to Arizona, a bit of a quick decision when Daddy ended up getting a teaching job in July and had to report the following week. :) So Dad stayed with me for a couple of weeks until the house they found closed, then Mom moved down in October after emptying out the house in Washington and renting it out. So that was a fun couple of months.


It was quiet otherwise, we went up to Vegas twice, once for the heck of it and to meet my parents, once to meet up with Chris' friends from Detroit. Both were good trips, no major wins or losses in money.


After getting home from Vegas in November, Chris found out he had almost 2 weeks of vacation that he needed to either use or lose, so he decided a cruise was a good idea. :D We're leaving Friday for LA, will hang out on Saturday, maybe wander around the Queen Mary or the Aquarium, and then leave on the Splendor on Sunday. Two days in Cabo, one in Puerto Vallarta and two sea days. A good week. :cool:


We had Thanksgiving here at my new (ish) place, Chris and my parents came over, ate lots of food. The plan for Christmas was to spend it at my parent's new place, with my sister and brother-in-law driving down from Modesto, however we might end up in Detroit instead. Chris' Mom broke her hip, so we might go up there. She's fine, it was more of a crack than a break, they put 2 pins in to hold it together. And she's feeling good enough to complain that she's really tired of rehab and wants to go home, so she must be okay. :rolleyes:


Happy Holidays!!!

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Well I did have my surgery 2 weeks ago.... been a tough recovery and eating is still pretty impossible.... been on oatmeal and potatoes.... I did manage baked haddock for my parents anniversary last week but let me tell ya this is a great diet.... down 12 lbs in 2 weeks but I don't recommend it.... they say 2 to 6 months before I am eating normally..... will keep you posted...

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Renee, sorry I don't recall you discussing upcoming surgery. Hope it turned out ok! I start the first of two surgeries this coming Friday (the next one is Dec. 21). Did you hear the news? Our fearless leader decided to NOT include me in her cruise plans for next month. She muttered something about Dave possibly being upset if I tagged along. Can you imagine that?????

Well as I have reported before Kay is now working part-time but this is going to come to an end very soon. Not only does her whole body HURT but her legs keep swelling and the doctor has told her, in a nice way of course, she's too @&^%# old to be be working!! In Florida, once you are 18 you no longer get any breaks at work other than for a meal. That means she stands for up to 4 hours at a time which would be murder for someone half her age!

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Good Morning. :)


Did you hear the news? Our fearless leader decided to NOT include me in her cruise plans for next month. She muttered something about Dave possibly being upset if I tagged along. Can you imagine that?????


Ah, what the heck, we just won't tell Dave. LOL


Well I did have my surgery 2 weeks ago.... been a tough recovery and eating is still pretty impossible.... been on oatmeal and potatoes.... I did manage baked haddock for my parents anniversary last week but let me tell ya this is a great diet.... down 12 lbs in 2 weeks but I don't recommend it.... they say 2 to 6 months before I am eating normally..... will keep you posted...


Renee - glad your surgery is over. I'm sure it hasn't been pleasant but at least it's done. don't worry, you'll gain all the weight back on the cruise. ;)


I have most of today off (with the exception of a 1 hour meeting) so I'm going Christmas shopping. I'm really kind of stuck, I don't know what to get anyone. Staci is easy though. I know what she wants and I know Eric wants a Samsung media player but it comes in about 3 sizes and he hasn't decided what size he wants. They are about the size of a smart phone but then one is a little bigger than that and he's not sure he wants to carry one that big around. I guess this thing is pretty equivalent to the Ipod touch which he had before but lost in Vietnam one night when he had too much to drink. :rolleyes:


Have a great day. :)

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Good morning1


It's not such a good morning for me. I felt fine when I first got up this morning but when I went to stand up after reading the newspaper my back hurt so bad I could barely stand. I don't even know what happened. Usually I feel a twinge or something as it happens but this time I just went from feeling fine when I sat down to being in pain when I stood up. I just took a pain killer so hopefully I will feel better soon but I'll probably just stay home today even though I was supposed to work both jobs. Sometimes though the pain goes away as quickly as it comes on so I still might work tonight at the OG. Right now I just want to go back and lay down though.


Have a good day.

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Wow I had my surgery two hours ago and I feel fine! Absolutely no pain although I am pretty sure I am going to get my quota of exercise putting on and taking off the thigh high compression hose on my left leg for the next 6 weeks. In two weeks they will do the right leg (which is the bad one) so I've got about 10-12 weeks of these hose. The biggest problem is going to be a two week period where there is no lifting.That is not going to be easy with backpack packing! Other than that the surgeon cleared me to go to a dinner dance tomorrow night as long as I don't dance, so life goes on.......

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o.k. it is now the next morning. The surgeon gave me hydocodene for "pain" but I haven't needed it at all. My leg is sooooo tightly wrapped in dressings that it feels like it is in a vise but otherwise that it the only "discomfort". Sure hope the other leg responds this well when they do it the 21st.

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Good Morning!


o.k. it is now the next morning. The surgeon gave me hydocodene for "pain" but I haven't needed it at all. My leg is sooooo tightly wrapped in dressings that it feels like it is in a vise but otherwise that it the only "discomfort". Sure hope the other leg responds this well when they do it the 21st.


I wish you could send those pain killers my way. I'm running low and my back is worse today. If it's not better by Monday I'll have to see a doctor. I might have to have Dave take me grocery shopping today. At least today I am not scheduled to work. I'm undecided if you should go ahead and start trying now to give away my shift for tomorrow night or if I should just wait and see.


Thursday I go pick Staci up and bring her home for winter break. She willl have a car at school next semester so this should be my last time driving her back and forth until May when she graduates and we'll have to move her home. There might be a couple of other "visits" in between but at least we won't have to drive her back and forth whenever she wants to come home. Often she gets rides from friends anyway but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes it's hard for her to get rides at the end of a semester like this because it's finals week and everyone heads home after their last final so that means everyone is leaving at different times and on different days. There are buses and trains that she could take but for winter break she brings too much crap home to do that.


Have a good weekend! :)

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Hello Cupid's!!!


Heidi, hope your back gets better. It is no fun with a back that hurts.


Rick, Glad your surgery went well. Good luck with the no lifting for the next 2 weeks. You don't realize how much you do until you can't do it.


Renee, I bet you tired of liquids and soft foods by now.


Michelle, good to hear from you. Sounds like you and Chris have been busy.


Dave, Looks like winter is here. Stay warm.


Sue, How is Zeke doing this week? Hope all is well.


We have been very busy at work and looks like another busy week next week. I am trying to get all my Christmas shopping done. I am usually almost done by now, but not this year. I am about 1/2 done though.

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Good morning!


My back is improving. Good thing too because I have to bake cookies today for a cookie exchange on Wednesday. Luckily I don't need to make very many. There are only 6 of us in the exchange. Work wasn't too bad last night. I had to close but a young high school girl stayed a little later than usual and did all the work that I couldn't do like roll up the floor mats and re stock the wines.


I have 2 holiday parties to go to on Wednesday. The 1st one is a lunch at my friend's house and that is the one with the cookie exchange and then I am going to another party at night that is the travel agency. then on thursday I go pick Staci up.


Have a good week.

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Heidi glad your back is improving. I get shots in my back this afternoon at 1:00. If they work this time you'll probably see the fireworks in Chicago!! (They only did one side last time and it wasn't enough..today they do BOTH sides!!!!!) The surgeon says I can't lift anything for two weeks; he doesn't need to worry...the stylus for my Kindle is just about as heavy as my back will tolerate.

Renee, you are absolutely correct about lifting..everytime I turn around there is something that needs lifting. It's a good thing Kay quit working yesterday so she can lift for me. She just couldn't stop hurting...yesterday was only 4 hours and she is hurting today. I've tried to explain to her it has been 15 years since she last had a job but she was "bored". Fortunately our doctor stepped in and "suggested" that working was not the best idea for her heart condition.

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Hello, friends. I lost my Zeke last Thursday. He had a good day Tuesday but went downhill fast on Wednesday. By Thursday morning, he was very sick. Our vet friend came to our house & put him to sleep. It was peaceful, & I'm glad he could pass at home, but I am so sad. We buried him with his frisbee in one of his favorite places...the corral.


Friday we went to Bend & spent the weekend with the kids. It was hard to come home to no puppy greeting us in the driveway, running in circles like he always did. Everything reminds me of him. I miss him so much.


Having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit, but I'm trying. Hope everyone is having a good week.

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Sue so very sorry to hear of Zeke's passing. It seems it was just a few weeks ago that you found out he was sick.

Heidi, no you did not miss the fireworks...the shots have made my back "better" but they now are going to have an MRI and go from there. Fortunately, Kay had back trouble and we found a doctor down here that took her out of the wheelchair and back to dancing. In other words, if surgery is called for we will go to him in a New York minute due to total trust and belief in his ability to work wonders. Meanwhile my leg continues to steadily improve and it's kinda nice not having to be the "pack horse" in the house due to no lifting.....LOL!!

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Good Evening!


Sue - I know I already talked to you but I just wanted to say again how sorry I am about Zeke. I think of you every time I look at Snickers.


My back is about the same today but at least I don't work again until Friday night. I went to the mall today just for a short time and it was bothering me before long. I'm glad I have most of my Christmas shopping done. Dave's brother came by tonight to see if we wanted to go to his daughter's high school basketball game. Dave went but no way could i sit in bleachers right now.


I have to make more cookies tonight. Have a good night.

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And so the Season progresses.....later this afternoon, if it doesn't rain, Kay and I are serving 300 kids and their families ice cream sundaes at their trailer park. The school where we do our backpack thingy use to do "adopt a family" but their "poorest of the poor" population made it difficult to select just one family to take care of for the season. Then they discovered that one trailer park a few miles away had all these kids from their school so now Santa Claus comes to the parking lot between 4 and 5 after school, gives them books, popcorn, stuffed toys, and us with cups of ice cream and we put a dollop of chocolate or caramel on top and call them "North Pole Sundaes". Whole families of 10 or more are living in 10' x 15' old, old trailers. My media room is larger than that! This past Monday we dropped off 34 toys to the other school that we send backpacks to. Those kids all live in a migrant camp.

This past Saturday our ELK's Lodge hosted a childrens' Christmas Party for our miracle league baseball players. We had 17 kids there and everybody has told us it was a wonderful event. The kids are all handicapped in some way and are ages 7 to 23. It was my suggestion after no one could figure out who to invite. We couldn't go because of the leg surgery.

Right now the sun is out so later today hopefully is a GO!

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Sue, so sorry to hear about Zeke. I know how close you two were and thoughts are with you.

Heidi, hope your back gets better soon.

Rick, enjoy your time spoiling all the kiddos.

Kathy, yep, winter finally made it here. will get into the upper 50s today but 30s tonight.

Hope everyone has a good day.


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Well you guessed it...at noon it was cloudy and overcast and EVERY tv station was calling for thunderstorms this afternoon so the school cancelled the event until next Wednesday. Now at 3:53 just 7 minutes before the event was to start the sun is brightly shining!!!! On the other hand, God is soooooo good because when we went to pick up the ice cream cups and wondering about where we were going to put them we discovered that Publix "forgot" to order them! Somewhere I'll bet SHE is winking at us and saying "I took care of it".

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